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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 09 2015 : 06:23:13 AM
G - Oh yes! I remember specifically asking what you thought! ha ha ha Actually, I could have guessed -- and the voice of experience is always appreciated. So many issues that only come to us at this age, aren't there? He has offered me a car -- several times, even, but I have one and I like it just fine. One more little piece of independence, I suppose. He generally gets me a convertible to drive in the summer time, and then we take it to the auction or sell it when the season's over. I think so much of what he has done for the ex for so long is absolutely ridiculous! I could understand when the girls were little or even at home, but they are grown up women now (in spite of their helicoptering mother), and she shouldn't expect anything more than what he has done for her. She has her own place and a long-time man friend who seems to have plenty of scratch. She didn't want the Dude when she had him, but she is a real "user," and it has been a struggle for her to see him not be there to jump at her beck and call anymore. He has come a long way, for sure, but I am still a little bit suspicious of her -- one more reason I want to have everything down on paper before we get too much further along.
Bunny -- Yes, the Social Security is one of the big issues we are going to be clarifying with the financial planner. My ex made a truckload of money for years, so his benefit is pretty high. And the credit cards SHOULD all be taken care of -- I insisted on it because he spends money like it grows on trees -- whether he has it or not. Always has - always will. One more reason he's my ex! ha Good luck with your truck. Nothing more scary to a crooked mechanic than a woman who actually knows what she's talking about. The honest ones seem to appreciate it.
Mar -- There was an old lady who lived near my high school husband when they lived down in Kentucky -- her name was Mrs. Black. She used to always bring them baked goodies when he was a little kid. One time she brought them a loaf of fresh bread. She said "Oh! I love kneading the bread dough -- it gets my fingernails so clean!" And that was the last time they actually ate any of Mrs. Black's gifts.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 09 2015 : 2:55:09 PM
Well, apparently I am making the PB cookies wrong then. My nails get dirty, not clean! GAG. That is a gross story. Who would say that without realizing how gross it sounds?
Now and again I have problems with electronic items or magnetized items. Yesterday, my heating pad stopped working. It was five months old. I KNOW I saved the receipt...But, it was easier to go another. Brought it home. IT didn't work. So we went back to the store to exchange it. The next one didn't work either. Today, we returned that heating pad. Went to a different store so that I could buy a completely different brand heating pad. This one works. So far.
dh thinks it has something to do with the 16" metal rod in my back. He says it is titanium. I recall that it is stainless. Since I was THERE, I'm betting I'm right... I demagnitize credit cards, hotel card keys, anything along that line. I've been doing really well lately with phones, etc. We'll see how long this super magnetic pull lasts.
I orderd a grommet hung thermal lined curtain for our french door in our sunroom. It arrived today. Tightly folded into a plastic bag. I suppose I will be spending some time getting those creases out!
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 09 2015 : 3:29:36 PM
Yes that is really enough to make you gag. . I can't stand to see them on TV kneading or mixing things with their hands with their rings on. That just grosses me out. I have OCD About getting my hands in food, period. Anything sticky makes me freak out.
Mar, what happens when you go through the airport screening?
If you hang that curtain outside in the breeze, a lot of the creases might fall out. Either that or tumble it in your dryer with a damp bath towel. I say that not knowing what the fabric is. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Oct 09 2015 : 5:28:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
When I knead my bread my fingernails do not get any cleaner. I think when I am done I have to clean under them as well to get the sticky bread dough out. I wonder what kind of bread she made.
C does not wear a watch and neither does our friend T. They both ruin them in a matter of weeks. C does not seem to go through phones as quickly as watches. Both C and T have some sort of energy field that muck with electronics. They are both healers so maybe their ability to move energy has something to do with it. Maybe for you too Mar.
I will post the pictures of the shakere and birdhouse gourds tomorrow after I take them. It rained all day today and by the time we finished it was dark. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny so it will be good picture taking lighting.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 11:29:08 AM
I have heard of having a magnetic personality! I always notice the rings, too - don't they even think about it? Ick.
Spending my Saturday doing laundry and knitting. As usual. I think His Dudeness is cleaning out the dear widow's garage. He is trying to get it all done while she is away. She stopped in the shop yesterday to have her taillight fixed. We got into kind of a "thing" about funeral services and final wishes. I made it quite clear that I would NOT go against Dude's final wishes, as he had been very very clear about them. She started her sentence with " Oh you HAVE to..." And I shut her down. I am not having it anymore. I do not HAVE to do anything, thank you. As she was leaving, she stood at the shop door and said to Dude that she had told her son that she was "under his umbrella" now. I was ready to go for her throat. After she had gone, he said "She is much mistaken if she thinks I am going to take care of her. I am cleaning up the old car parts so I can get them sold for Brother, that's all. I am just trying to keep her quiet until the estate is settled and then she can let her sons take care of everything." She has a very rude awakening coming, I think. Her Royal Imperiousness is not going to be able to order things to her liking. The bills from the estate are almost all paid. Then there will be this little bit of income from the sale of the classic and antique vehicles. Then it will be up to her sons to "do" for her. I don't care to see her at all, if it can be helped.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 12:34:24 PM
Marilyn I think I am having a bad influence on you. :(.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 1:01:42 PM
Maybe a very good influence - ha. Honestly, I have been taught all my life to keep my mouth shut and just nod my head. Nothing I ever said made a blind bit of difference to anyone. But I am finding these days that I am "sharing my opinions" rather more freely than I used to and have come (rather late) to the realization that my thoughts and opinions are quite as valuable and valid as anyone else's. That means, of course, that I have to listen to theirs as well, but I do NOT have to pretend to agree. Some people seem to feel that they can just say something out loud and it is made of solid gold just because it came out of their cake hole. I am getting much more vocal when I think what I am hearing is doo-doo. People are sometimes a little surprised, and I don't want to become a person who everyone avoids, but I am not going to just pretend to agree when I don't. Perhaps spending e-time with the wonderful Godesses is helping - perhaps listening to the wild tales told by my customers is making me bolder - whatever it is, I think I have a lot more respect for myself when I say what I think.
And I think I really enjoy the Over 50 Farmgirls
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 1:55:38 PM
You go girl. Cake hole. I'm stealing that one. Sounds like a southern thing. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 2:18:00 PM
I wanted to share with you and the other 599 lurkers that I just bought the best purse I have ever owned. Having Just spent three weeks traveling with a very expensive bag that was designed for travel, a jillion pockets, supposedly to hold everything, but I spent most of the time looking down a black hole trying to figure out which #%^%# Pocket did I put that in......could have sworn I put in THIS pocket on THIS side.... Oh, wait, I must have turned the purse around, both sides the same....why doesn't somebody make a purse with different colored sides and different pockets so you can remember which bloody pocket you put what in.....(long rant here as the phone is ringing in there somewhere.......)
Well, somebody did finally make the perfect bag. Here it is. Total of 12 different pockets and plenty of room left over. Wide soft comfortable straps that won't dig into your shoulder no natter how much crap you want to lug around. THANK YOU BUNNY
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 01 2015 8:18:00 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 5:11:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
I guess my grandfather told my grandmother that he wanted to be cremated. She thought that was yicky so she didn't. She told me when she was in her eighties she had regretted not having followed his wishes. He died when she was in her early thirties. Let the widow think she is getting the better of her deceased husband's wishes and then deal with the guilt afterwards. That is if she even has a conscience.
I applaud all of you who speak your minds. I find most of what I think I should disagree with does not make one jot of difference so why waste my energy. I would like more gumption.
Lovely day here in the greens. Temperatures in the sixties and a bright blue fall sky.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 10 2015 : 5:39:25 PM
Here are the pictures of the birdhouse gourds that I was supposed to take outside today and forgot the task until the sun had set.
 DsR's contribution

This is the front of the flower one This is the back of the same one

The next ones are the shakere a black eyed susan

Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Oct 10 2015 5:40:58 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2015 : 05:58:27 AM
Holly - just wow!!! Those are terrific.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2015 : 07:35:34 AM
They are! I love them. You've got some real artists there. You didn't show the pig's patootie. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2015 : 10:38:58 AM
G, thank you so much for showing off the bag! I'm glad you are happy with it. It took forever to make, but I'm tempted to do a few more later on.
Holly, love the gourds!! Looks like you all had fun decorating them. It almost looks like something has already moved in to the sunflower and moon one. I'm sure it is just part of the gourd. But it looks like a mouse sleeping from the picture. The beaded ones are very cool.
Marilyn, you just share away. I know we love all your stories and rants. I think sometimes people hold on to family out of fear as well as feeling entitled. The dude's X and SIL may be doing both. They both need to find another support system for sure. I hope when the dude gets the loose ends tied up, he can cut the cord for good.
So many goddess sisters are MIA lately. Hope everyone is just busy and still lurking at least. Just a but of a sound off every once in a while to let us know you are still ok!
I haven't been actively looking for a job lately. Pretty happy with the one I have now, except for the hours. So I get an email Friday from someone at the unemployment office I have worked with in the past. She said there was a full time office assistant position and would I be interested in applying. Not one to turn down an opportunity, I sent her my resume and she said I should contact the owner Monday morning. It is with a large and apparently reputable plumbing company in town. It is full time and pays a little more than I'm making now. I figure if it is meant to be, I will get hired. We will see.
The shop called about my truck. They can't find anything wrong. So we decided to leave it there over the weekend to see if the batteries are dead on Monday. Maybe I just need new batteries. Diesel trucks take two batteries. If one starts to go it sucks energy from the other one. I'm hoping that is the case, a reasonably less expensive fix. Fingers crossed.
Well, today is bookkeeping day. I have decided to rearrange all the accounts for the concert association I am treasurer for. It will probably take me all day and I'm going to do a bit of research before I actually mess everything up. The man who did it before me was an accountant for many years but has a few accounts that all do the same thing and some stuff I can't even find. He was so forgetful and not very computer literate. Aside from starting new, this is hopefully going to make everything easier for the board to follow.
Anyway....later all. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2015 : 1:54:55 PM
i am annoyed that we can no longer delete a post. I wrote something and then changed my mind.
Hope everyone is having a lovely day. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 11 2015 1:59:14 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2015 : 4:09:03 PM
Good evening everyone,
I spent most of the day at a craft fair. If there were 40 vendors 32 of them had knitted or crocheted items. There were two jewelry people and a couple of food treat sellers and me. I sold the pig gourd and the flower gourd, six pints of jerusalem artichoke pickles, one deck of flower and leaf matching cards, 10 grain bag bags and a couple of jars of applesauce. i sold more than some of the vendors. It was nice visiting the other vendors.
It does look like something is in those two gourds. Maybe I did not clean out the paper like part that holds the seeds in place. Kind of funny to look at them and see something hiding there.
Good luck on the job, Bunny. I think if you are happy with the sewing job you should stay there. The boss likes you well enough.
I would like to be able to delete as well. Sometimes I would like to post pictures but do not want them a s a permanent record. So, I do not post as many pictures of the children as I used too. I guess I could edit the post and leave a blank and leave people wondering.
It was a lovely day here. Temperatures were in the sixties all day. The leaves are bright and giving us a last blast of color before they all fall and we are left with gray and monochromatic.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2015 : 7:49:32 PM
I'm here just terribly busy with everything I need done before Tuesday. What is left to do:
Buy nail polish remover - they do not want you wearing polish in the surgery Get the floor lamp fixed - it will be a better light than the one I have now beside my bed Iron my new sheets - a bit of a chore but I am worth it Clean off my bedside table Finish the garden - today I pulled plants and harvested Make more stew - I have 5 pints in the freezer and want to have 5 more on hand Pack for the hospital
Today was an absolutely perfect day. It was bright, clear and just the right temperature. It felt like biting into a fresh Honeycrisp apple or putting on a well-fitting cotton summer dress. I harvested early because this might be the last nice day we have this fall and I want to get it done before I have surgery. All I have left are a few tomato plants. I left most of the harvest on the table in the back yard for anyone to take. I have a large mixing bowl full of tomatillos and tons of green cherry tomatoes and a nice bunch of kale. I guess I will be doing some cooking and baking during my recovery.
I am so happy that this will all be over soon. My laptop is working well. I might communicate on Tuesday night if I feel up to it.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2015 : 9:16:18 PM
Marie--sending you peace and healing thoughts. You'll do fine. Sounds like you had an almost perfect day and that bodes well for the future. The stew will be good comfort food while you're recovering. Holly--LOVE the Sylvester and Tweety Bird gourds. Actually they were all good. Craft fairs are fun, both to visit and to sell. I haven't made anything to sell for quite a while--may have to work on that. I can't believe your fall is almost over. Our leaves haven't even turned yet. And we haven't had a frost yet. Unusual for this time of year. I know some people who can't wear watches. When I was a teen, watches would stop when I wore them. Guess I learned to balance my energy cause I can wear them now. I have been told I have healing ability but I'm hesitant to use it. I met a person who uses it for ill, so I want to be very careful. Bunny--that is a great purse. If I ever travel abroad I'll have to order one (that's a big IF). I've seen a great deal of this country but the only time I've traveled beyond its borders was to the Bahamas. You'll know whether the full-time job is for you when you interview. G--you're having a bad influence on all of us, and that's GOOD. Goddesses are known for speaking their minds, right? How else will people know we're a Goddess. I was gone part of the weekend. A local group was camping in the woods at a state park and they had an "owl prowl" Friday night (I finally found out what a screech owl sounds like) and we were surrounded by barred owls, which I think have the most interesting hoot of all. I got to see a flying squirrel (didn't even know we had them around here) and they are about the size of a chipmunk but more gray. And they're nocturnal. I saw some bats as the sun was setting over the Illinois River and it just felt good to get away from civilization. I have also been reading about plant-based diets and I'm trying to learn all I can about it cause I think part of the reason I was sick for so long was due to a deficient diet. I've lost five pounds since I went plant-based and plants are easier to digest. I don't feel lethargic after eating a vegan meal but I do feel satisfied. And making the switch is easier than I thought it would be. Good night, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 2:48:10 PM
I sure hope that everyone realizes my comment about "bad influence" was made in jest. On a serious level, I think Gypsy is one very classy, all-Texan outspoken woman who inspires all of us. What I'm trying to say is, she has a GOOD influence and I was just using her own words to make her see. Bummer. I get depressed when people misread me. Even Goddesses get the blues. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 4:10:35 PM
I agree with both assessments of Gypsy. She gits my dander up and makes me put on my big girl panties and git 'er done.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 4:37:50 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am not G but I took no offense to your comments and agree with them.
Good luck tomorrow Marie. I hope the surgery goes smoothly and you are able to be on line tomorrow night to let us know you are well.
I cut up some slab wood today and the children loaded it into the wagon and we filled the last row in the barn. It is white pine. It will burn hot and fast. It will be good to help start the wood stove this winter. I had about half of the pile into the barn when the pile in the barn fell over. A pain in the butt but it has happened before. So, I stepped over it to get in position for ddK to hand me the fallen pieces and stepped into the five gallon waterer for the chickens. Cold wet foot for the rest of the piling. Then I was too lazy to change my sock so a wet sock until bedtime. haha
Here is our sunset

Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 4:43:38 PM
Good evening again,
Cindy you do the best activities. I would love to go on an owl walk. and see any of the creatures you saw that night. DdK is talking about eating vegan or close to it. She really likes honey. She has started to be a vegetarian. She is working on eating a balanced diet so she is learning what she has to in order to do that.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 5:51:08 PM
Holly, you are a very talented photographer. I enjoy your landscapes. And the gourds were so fun. I love the flower matching cards!
Cindy,a screech owl is very aptly named, don't you agree? A flying squirrel would be fun to see. Glad you had a great time.
Marie, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I'm so proud of you for taking such good care of yourself. Do hope we hear from you tomorrow.
G, you know I love everything I've learned from you. Great bag. Different colored pockets would be helpful. Nice job, Bunny.
I hope the job opening works out for the best, Bunny.
Marilyn, finding the courage to speak your mind is a great thing no matter how long it took for you to be comfortable doing it. I have been surprised when my opinion has mattered, too. But, I am getting more comfortable just assuming that of course, my opinion is welcome! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 6:18:34 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 4:03:42 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2015 : 8:28:30 PM
Thank you for the prescription Dr. Gypsy. I will take it as often as I can.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |