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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 9:01:01 PM
Bunny I did payroll on Quickbooks for years. It is not hard. Because the computer figures everything for you. I. Did it back in the day when you had to look everything g up on the chart and do all the math yourself. Now you just fill in the blanks. It won't take you a week to get it down. You can probably download a 30 day free trial
The jacket is beautiful. That is your true calling. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 03 2013 9:02:34 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 9:01:43 PM
Holly, the secret to good refried beans is sofrito. (In my opinion) It is sold in jars or frozen and is a vegetable soup base. I have a great EASY recipe for beans if you can find the sofrito. Goya brand puts out a jar version. I remember when we lived in upstate NY that those types of "staples" were hard to find - in comparison to the west coast. Let me know if you are interested.
Ginny, you are probably lucky you didn't lose your slippers in the mud! Hope they were machine washable.
Gypsy, I do believe B may be in for a surprise if you generally grab a gun when your dogs bark! That poor guy might be shopping for a tonic for his nerves part way through his visit! (You know I'm kidding) Hope you find a big ol' carcass o' raccoon tomorrow. Or I guess, it would be fine if some other predator just drug it away... Glad kitty is better.
We watched the final movie of the Twilight series tonight. Can you believe it? A couple in their fifties watching a teeny-bopper movie. We had seen the others and just wanted to know how the series wrapped up. Now we are just hanging out with laptops atop our laps. I have QVC on mute and they are showing purses for more than $200. That is so foreign to me. Is it just the next generation's thing? My daughter's friends have very expensive purses like that. And several of them at that! Maybe I just missed the entire trend and I am mistaken that expensive purses is something new. I know my daughter has spent more on a purse than I ever have. Less than $100, but still pricey in my opinion. So, what was the big splurge for our generation? I can't think of it off the top of my head. You know what I mean ... what did our moms roll their eyes at the extravagance we thought was a necessity?
A couple days ago someone mentioned how we used to be so ashamed that we colored our hair. Now, the rainbow of colors are anything but taken from nature. Remember how fake fingernails were supposed to look real? Now it is almost like they are supposed to look fake. Even breast enhancements are not always aimed at looking "natural." Sort of like unnatural is the new "in" look.
I really hit a tangent tonight! Oh well, food for thought, I guess.
Hope you are having a lovely evening, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 9:13:46 PM
Sorry, mar, no New Yorker can cook beans like a southerner particularly here in the land of tex-mex. I think we invented beans, didn't we? But you probably are right about poor B the first time I grab the heavy artillery. I haven't told him that part yet.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 03 2013 9:40:36 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 02:05:48 AM
Gypsy, Oh boy! How you must have loved that purse! And wow, a 24 inch waist is teeny tiny! And it must have looked even tinier with the volume of those skirts you flounced around in. "Grease" comes to mind. Sigh. What a lot of fun.
And, I am not a native New Yorker ... I'm a Californian ... which doesn't give me any more "street cred" for beans, though. But, it is a good recipe. And I have warned everyone before that I am not much of a cook. Still, trying one of my recipes is safe!
So, we are coming up on St. Patrick's day. Does anyone have big plan's? With the last name, Regan, you would think it would be a big deal in our house, but it never has been. Just some fun pinching trash talk. No corned beef, etc. Even as a kid, there was no special significance for my dh's family. I guess the Irish part of him wasn't given strong representation.
Well, it looks like Nancy should be enjoying some great weather. I will live vicariously through her discription for the next few days. We are supposed to return to some chilliness soon.
Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 02:10:15 AM
Bunny, I forgot to tell you how much I like your jacket. I can see a young gal wearing that day in/ day out. It has a great "feel" to it. You really did a nice job. Wish I had your talent for upcycling. It's magic. The jacket is a great transitional weight for Spring. Bet it flies out of your etsy store! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 04:56:45 AM
Bunny I love the jacket. The lace along the lapels really looks pretty.
Some rain is due on Wed but I am betting we won't get much. Seems it always rains around this area but we get much less than Jacksonville. It has been cold the last couple of days and I have had to cover some of the trees and bushes so they stay alive. The end of the week is predicted to be warmer.
I love beans and make my own refried when we have tacos or burritos. I also make my own hummus out of chick peas. I have a recipe that is really good. Today I am going to make some oatmeal cookies. I won't be eating any but DH just loves them. I freeze some so he can have them whenever he gets a hunger for them. The house always smells so good when they are baking.
I found out about my wheat/corn problems only by elimination. I am now working very hard at getting dairy out of my diet. It is really quite difficult. I think the reason I have stomach problems with dairy is that it is not raw. Since we cannot buy raw dairy products any longer in the stores it is almost impossible to find raw dairy products.
I have lots of errands to do today so I will be going now to make breakfast, bake my cookies and get to the store.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 07:20:14 AM
Ok, Marianne, out with the recipes. You too, nancy. Not that I cook much any more but I really love to collect recipes. Mar, have you figured out since big sis Darlys isn't here much any more, I've picked you to match wits with You know I'm only kidding with you I hope. By the way my all time favorite food is what is often referred to as California Cuisine. It seems lighter and fresher somehow and they seem to use avacados a lot.
Nancy I have the same issues with dairy. I'm substituting coconut milk now and I think that is helping
Guess what. My helper and his wife showed up to help me today so we are going to get some long overdue chores done. Have a great day all you sweet sisters
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 08:10:41 AM
I have lived in California almost all of my life. Mexican food is a staple around here. I would be very unhappy without it. Stuck on a deserted island as long as I had avocados and chocolate, I would be fine. So far I'm fine with everything I eat. I do need to stop the carbs if I want to lose weight. I was able to a few years back and lost 20 lbs. it is just so hard being in school and working. It is so much easier to just make a sandwich....with avocado of course.
Gypsy, glad your helpers showed up. Hopefully they will be hard workers and get lots of stuff done.
Thank you all for the positive words about the jacket. I hope I can work on it again next weekend. I finished all my homework for one class and only have one more chapter for another. Then it is just getting ready for finals. I have 4 in one day. Then it is probably 5 days of work for spring break and then it all starts up again. Next quarter is going to be a doozy. Thankfully the accounting job is one of my classes. I get to double dip getting credits and money.
Later all. Time for school.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 12:48:20 PM
hi gals! its been a while since i was here and so many happenings! i love the jacket with the lace (bunny)and holly i love all of your postings and my boss is bothering me. ignored me for most of the day and when i get on here he is in my face...sigh. will talk to you all later janiee farmgirl #390 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 6:19:07 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have never heard of sofrito. I will have to look in the store. Kethry doctors it up very spicy. I do not like mine very spicey at all. The boys like tortilla shells with cheese melted in between and cut into quarters. They are experimenting with different sauces to dip.
Years ago when my sister's children were little she called and asked how Bonnie and Karen were. B speaks in simple sentences and word couplets. i told her I was teaching B a new poem. She was so excited because her some could recite some poems and what was B learning. I said, Beans, beans the magical fruit the more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel so have some beans with every meal. Now, B does not say all of the words, nor all of them clearly but she does have the important ones loud and clear.
Another thing we taught B to say when asked what do you want to be when you grow up? Tall and blonde. B is 5feet tall and brown hair with gorgeous blue eyes. She laughs when she says it.
I went to an introductory couple of hours for a workshop about the Harville Hendrix whom I believe wrote Getting the Love you want. We had to write an ad like we would put it in the paper saying who we were and what we needed in a relationship. Not who we wanted. Sometimes thinking about our own needs and being able to ask for them to be acknowledged is hard.
Yes, Mar you do have a gorgeous doppelganger here in the east.
Several years ago now I heard a wild thing out eating one of my meat chickens. I ran out in my nightgown with a wooden spoon and a metal mixing bowl yelling and banging. I still have the bowl with dents in it. We do not own a gun. Cheri's dad was a homocide detective for the city of Cleveland and kept loaded revolvers in the living room and kitchen. She won't have one in the house. After I ran out in the middle of the night in my nightie I wondered what would have happened to me if the wild thing had answered my call.
I do not remember what was popular in fashion because my mother made all of my clothes. I do remember in seventh grade she bought me a pair of jeans with an embroidered flower on the back pocket. I wore them she washed them and they shrunk. I also remember her leaving the pins in the crotch from when she matched the seams to sew them together and sitting on the bus trying to get it out without pulling down my pants.
Peasant blouses? Fair Isle sweaters? Nehru collars on jackets? platform shoes? Wracking my brain, fashion was not my thing and still isn't my children will testify to that. Although I do have a couple of nice outfits that they approve of.
Janiee glad you blew in if only for a moment.
I went to the periodentist today. Imagine that the spell checker does not recognize it as a word. I do not like to go have my gums ripped. Oh, you do such a nice job cleaning your teeth the hygienist says as I taste the blood pooling in my mouth. Just trying to keep my teeth in my mouth for another fifty years.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2013 : 7:36:27 PM
Mar, you asked about St Paddys day. I don't think we do anything but wear something green and drink green beer.
And, regarding the movie Grease. They were re-creating an earlier era, and some of them are already dead, so---that makes those of us who actually lived during the 50's Older Than Dirt.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2013 : 08:28:02 AM
Hello everyone. It has gotten to be a long winter. I am still searching for answers to my health issues while I'm having a great time with family and friends. We finally took a big leap and changed churches so are now enjoying good christian growth and fellowship with new and not so new friends. I plan on having my basement 98% finished by this time next week. Yes, it as been a 3 year work in progress. Any projects I do from now on will be pretty easy, but I DID IT!!!!!!!!! Oh and I do love my basement. Went to buy a fireplace and now can only find high end ones. I waited to long for them to go on sale. I will wait until fall to purchase one, but will get a small fridge and a large screen TV in the near future. I think my basement is really me. Get ready for pictures SOON!
Gypsy, I am glad you are finally happy. Enjoy your life to its fullest. Bunny, I love your "in progress" jacket. Everytime I go to gently used clothing places I think "Now what can I do to make this cool". I don't buy much for myself but my 14 year old granddaughter gets some of my creations. You are an inspiration to me. I would just love to spend time in your work room with you. Holly, keep thoses stories of the kids coming. I realy enjoy them. How is your token system working? I used the same system when I taught special needs students. It really worked, but I had to stay on top of the rules constantly. Seemed to lay down the pramaters and the kids rarely crossed the line. The trick is to slowly remove the tokens as time elapses. We finally got snow. all winter the weather guessers have said snow is coming snow is comin the sky is falling snow is coming, but we would get a flurry or two and nothing more. I sometimes felt that North Iowa was covered with a large bubble that kept weather away. Now it is almost spring and we are burried. Oh well it is March and spring is just around the corner. Now that the deep freeze temps are only a memory I can live with this white stuff. Temps in the 20's are so much better than temps below zero. Ok chickie poos - it is time for me to get more coffee and find hubby something to eat. since we retired we eat one meal mid morning instead of breakfast and then lunch.Take care and I will post again soon. (I do enjoy reading your posts as well.) Taa taa Find some quiet time for just You today!!!!!!!!! |
Edited by - Thelma on Mar 05 2013 08:32:28 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2013 : 11:40:02 AM
Thelma, I just knew you were there!! Really great to hear from you. You always sound so cheerful and optimistic no matter what. I for one am really looking forward to the pictures of your "girl cave" it sounds like hubby may have to start making appointments to see you once you get settled in down there! And, girlfriend, I am holding you to that promise to post again soon!
I didn't ever mean to give the impression I wasn't happy--I do consider myself to be a pretty happy gal most of the time. But, I know what you mean--I am definitely happier to have found true love. Ain't it grand! Two more days and I will get to see that man every day for seven weeks! If there is a red flag out there that either of us can't live with, this will be the acid test. Mar, I will try to not be killin varmits while he is around, but my cooking sure might send him over the edge! Or, I should say, my NOT cooking. We'll see. This has been such a good year for me. For years I've had a hard time finding help out here on the homeplace, and now this lovely couple shows up and he can do everything, all the yard work, and looks like all the repairs and remodeling I will need. If I can just keep writing the checks! So to get the major headache of this place under control, get my health issues resolved, and to find the dream guy, all together truly does make me a happy camper. Even this miserable wind blowing day after day is not dampening my spirits, when it usually makes me close to suicidal.
You are quick, Ginny. You popped right in there while I was writing my post to Thelma. Say, that nap is a good idea, I think I will steal it. Seriously Ginny, I am glad you are taking care of yourself while you are taking care of DH. Good for you. 
As our Thelma would say, taa taa, chickie poos. I will forever think of Thelma when I hear those words. And of Holly when I hear, sweet dreams.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 05 2013 11:44:42 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2013 : 11:56:40 AM
.jpg) I was just checking to see if I could upload a pic on my iPad. This spider was as big as my hand and made her web across an unused basement door at my daughter's house. Beautiful, right? My sil knocked it down & stomped it flat! I tried to explain how useful spiders are, but my objections fell on deaf ears.
We just found out about sofrito sauce. Lays potato chips came out with a new flavor called sofrito. They also have "chicken & waffle" as a new flavor. Go figure.
We're supposed to get a couple of inches of snow tonight. I don't think so. Maybe rain. Jenny sure has been praying for snow. I think God may think she's in the mid west!!
The jacket is so cute. Wish I could wear frillys like that but I'm too old for that. Last year I got the cutest sun dress. I wore it with a pastel t shirt and I loved it. One day, while leaving WalMart, I passed a couple of young girls. We smiled & nodded at one another, & one said "i have the same dress!", but as they passed me, she said to the other girl, "remind me to throw it out when I get home". I've decided jeans & sweaters from now on. Maybe a Berka!
Well, later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2013 : 1:46:49 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I have Tai Chi tonight and the boys are out setting taps for maple sugaring with Cheri. Well, Ross just came in wet to the knees telling me he had to take a shower because he was soooo cold. I had to feel his feet because they felt like popsicles.
I decided long ago that what I wear makes me happy and I do not need to listen to others about it. I would be wearing fashion jeans to work in the garden or barn if my children had anything to say about it. Kathy if you like the dress then wear it. I mostly wear jeans and a tshirt or sweat shirt. If I have any nice sweatshirts my children swipe them. Actually for a while I was buying the ugliest shoes I could find so my daughter would not wear them.
Today is sunshine and temperatures in the twenties and low thirties.
I have been collecting pallets to make raised beds for the garden. I saw in a Heifer International catalog that a woman in Africa was growing some of her veggies in hanging grain bags with holes cut out of the side. it said she has stone, fertilizer, soil and sand in the bag. I would like to try that this year. I have two ladders horizontally in the garden above my head so I could hang them there while the beans grow up the string wrapped around the uprights. something to think about any way.
The chip system is working pretty well. It sure does cut down on the fighting and whining. It is very important to be consistent and I sometimes I only live in a black and white world. I did it with both sets of older children for a while so I hope this set of boys learns quickly what is civilized behavior.
I try to let my spiders grow. We do not have them as big as the one in the picture nor are they as brightly colored but they do catch the flies.
I am glad Gypsy's help is working out. It is always a relief to find some one or in your case two people who have integrity to help out around the house.
I am thinking a Berka might be what I have to get for C for the summer he has such fair skin typical of a red head. I was pondering how to make long sleeve light weight outfits for him. They tell me they were not allowed outside in Texas.
We are having baked potato bar tonight for supper. I have fried the bacon, onions and sausage so far. I will get out the broccoli and sour cream. I started some sour cream making behind the wood stove today but i think it will not be done by supper. I believe I have a container in the fridge, I hope it is still good.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2013 : 2:05:04 PM
hello again! lets try this again :) it is a beautiful warm day again here in Texas and yest i am at work. will be going by my mom's afterwards and fix her something to eat for supper. i am now going 3 times a day and she seems to be responding well. my little sister gets to me though, she will ask mom some crazy question and when mom doesn't answer it correctly, she calls me and asks what is wrong with mom - she didn't understand anything about what i was saying! bleh bleh bleh. she (sister) also has decided that the 3 days that she came down and stayed with mom while i was on a business trip that she caught some horrible disease - c. difficule (?)and that mom was the cause of it. i know that my sister is really sick but it seems like she is just trying to come up with excuses not to come and see mom. and that makes me very sad for her. i can hardly wait until the farmer's markets start again. last year i did peaches and this year i am going to do strawberries and maybe dilly beans for canning. i have never eaten dilly beans but they sound so interesting to me that i just have to try them! I was hoping to put up some venison (canned) but with me going to mom 3 times a day that cuts into that timing so i have to come up with another plan on how to do it. i have pretty much decided that when i do get around to retiring from this job that i am going to move out of Texas. I have lived here all my life and i would love to do some traveling and living somewhere else. right now i am looking at oklahoma because that is where my sister lives but she is getting on my nerves so much lately that i have had more than a couple of drinks. something i have not done in almost 25 years. we will just have to see. Holly, i would love to try some homemade sour cream! it sounds wonderful and my husband and i use to do tai chi - i need to find those tapes and start on that again. it really does help with the joints. i am so sorry about those ugly younge women! some people just don't have manners any more. You wear whatever you feel pretty in! i wear a lot of blue jeans and tops because i work in a warehouse and i have to do all the "work" around mom's house and my house. i sometimes dream of dresses and being a "girl" again but until it is practical this is where i am. i do make one small concession - i pencil in my eyebrows because without it, it looks like i don't have any - i am a olive color dark hair female and i need eyebrows-hahahaha i also love the pictures of the girl cave! makes me wish i had time to make one in my house. but the furbabies would probably make it a mess in a short period of time so not today. well, now i have written a book! i have read all of the posts that i missed and am praying for all of you gals! I love each and every one of you! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2013 : 4:53:42 PM
Hi everyone!
Janie, nice to hear from you. Good news that you have a routine that is working with your mom. Little sister sounds like she won't be much help to you in the long run. But, what can you do? Make sure you let us all know what you preserve this year! When will your farmer's market open? Ours start about May.
Kathy, that is one heck of a spider! I don't think I have ever seen one more than a couple inches long. And that was big enough! Too bad that Jenny didn't get her fill of snow this year. Nice that you are giving her a break from the green beans!
Gypsy, You aren't gonna scare me away with any comments on my cooking! Or anything else. I can take some ribbing, good grief, don't worry a minute about anything like that. The first time I made Portugese beans for my husband after we married, I went right out and bought a two pound bag of pinto beans. That about cured him of ever wanting beans again. Soon after that, we visited my parents and after telling them about the beans and also my first try at baking powder biscuits (forever since referred to as "Rabbit Turd Biscuits" at our house), my dad leaned over and whispered something to his new son-in-law. Found out on the way home that my father had recommended our getting a dog to my husband. Hmm. We now have three dogs, a coincidence? I have perfected a few dishes that get rave reviews and I have never killed or even seriously injured anyone with my cooking, so, good enough. BTW, I expected the baking powder biscuits to magically rise in the oven like yeast bread ...NOW, I know better. Being married to someone who knows so much about food and food ingredients doesn't especially inspire me to prove myself. Being somewhat indifferent to food in general doesn't inspire me to prove my abilities in the kitchen, either.
Holly, I think homemade sour cream sound pretty good, too. I remember when we first moved to Wisconsin, we were so amazed at how much better all the dairy products tasted. The sour cream seemed like a different product from what we bought in CA or NY. Oh, have you considered getting those shirts with SPF ratings for the pigmently challenged youngsters? They are readily available at sporting/camping stores. They can be expensive, but they dry quickly and I rely on mine fairly heavily and can get by with only one for the summertime.
Just took a short break to go outside with Dh to feed horses, walk dogs, gather mail. It just started to lightly snow huge snowflakes. We all headed in and Mollie made it up four steps and then fell back down three of them before I stopped her. I was so happy I was behind her. She just fell sideways all the way until I stopped her fall. She seems ok, but it made me so sad. Today, Dh started painting the kitchen. It is about halfway done. I got to be his helper. (Whee.) Why can't men plan ahead and have things ready when they need them? They always seem to need an assistant. I remember getting annoyed at him during one project and said, "What would you do if I wasn't here?" Of course, he had to answer that he would stop what he was doing and get the item he was in terrible need of himself. I said, "Pretend I'm not here." After one painting adventure, (Painting does not bring out the best in us as a couple or individuals.) my daughter will never forget dh and I working together to hang pictures. It had been a long weekend of home improvement and I couldn't decide if I liked a piece of art on that wall or THAT wall. And I kept having dh hold them while I looked from different angles. His patience expired at the same moment mine did and he snapped, "Where do you want me to put this son of beep?" You all know I shouldn't have told him to bend over, at least not in front of my barely teenage daughter who almost wet herself laughing as she ran from the room before she drew fire from one or both of us. But, I did. Anyway, "we" are painting again tomorrow. Keep me in your thoughts. Yes, there are chinks in Mr. Wonderful's armor! Lucky for him, I remain perfect. ;-)
Thelma it is so nice to hear from you. Add my name to the list of fg's who are anxiously awaiting photos. It sounds very comfortable. And, Ginny, good for you for taking a nap. You are working so hard being a caregiver. It is exhausting and you stay so good-natured.
Hope you are all having a lovely evening, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2013 : 7:13:51 PM
You are all absolutely marvelous! Amazing - Awesome - Incredible - and I can't forget to mention Fabulous! Later Ladies!
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Mar 06 2013 : 10:51:18 AM
Gypsy -- just make sure you have nourishment around to keep his strength up! A bowl of fruit, cheese and crackers, water & wine. Sounds like the B is going to need it to keep up with you.
Oh, Janiee, not Oklahoma. Been there, done that. Red dirt and dusty winds and tornadoes and bugs and scorching heat ... unless things have changed dramatically ... it's just not climate friendly. There must be other, more appealing places that call your name. Surf the net, honey, surf the net!
Speaking of climate friendly ... Jan, how are you holding up? The weather you are getting (again) is not for wimps! Keep thinking of that RV and Florida. At the least it will warm your heart.
Marianne, you are so entertaining! Glad your DH is your big squeeze. Sounds like he deserves you!
Kathy - that picture is so perfect. The spider doesn't look real. I'm not a spider fan even though I know they take care of the little pesky bugs and flies. They just aren't "loveable."
Thelma ... it is always so good to hear what is going on with you. Miss you when you're not around.
Have decided to just have Lowe's install the new kichen backspash. They are on top of it and someone is coming out to measure today. Like I said, I could do it - but those glass tile sections are a bit heavy ... and I'd rather not. And the grouting would be tedious and time consuming ... so I'm pushing it off on someone with younger blood and bigger muscles. There are still so many things I want to tweak to get ready for market.
I have my "well baby checkup" tomorrow. It's been a year since the the hysterectomy, etc. and I must say, so far, so good.
Yesterday I got my hair cut - it's short and curly now. Maybe just a bit too short, but it's a good cut and will grow out nicely.
Baked Potato Bar sounds so good, Holly. I'm putting that on the menu-ideas board. Last night we had tacos with a yummy avocado, tomato, onion & lemon blend topping over the fillings. It wasn't a guacamole - it was better ... a creation of DS. I was heaping it on by the shovelfuls. Tonight it's beef stroganoff with veggie side.
Did I mention that our weather has cooled into the 60s. We had a good heavy rain and wind last night. By this morning it was gone --- much like Camelot! We are supposed to get more ... but the skies are blue and bright at the moment. Off to get a few groceries now ...
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 06 2013 : 1:08:28 PM
Good afternoon,
I think Mar as well as kitchen challenged you are time challenged. It think walking out your driveway and back does not constitute a short jaunt.
It is so hard to see a favored pet get old. Our Beecher is getting up there in age like Molly and he could not straighten his legs the other day. I was sad. He is the oldest fattest Brittany we have had and I feared it would be soon. However he has been going along as well as always since. I hope Molly just goes to sleep and doesn't wake up.
Do you ride? Mar or do you keep the horses for your daughter?
It is overcast and in the high twenties. The sun was out this morning while I was doing chores and it was so nice. I took the bale of hay out back and stood in the sun and it was like a weight melted off my shoulders. I read the gloating in that California weather proclamation. Soon we will have bright red buds and bursting green leaves. I have forgotten to tell you that at the end of last week I heard a chick a dee sing its mating call so I know that spring will come soon. 
I decided a while ago that there are skills I have but that if the job is tedious and I can afford at the time to pay some one else to do the job. I do so with out a wick of guilt. I suggest dear Darlys that you have made a good choice in allowing to help the Lowe's people to do the job.
Now Gypsy my son who lives in Illinois used to have sex toy parties to earn extra income and he may have a few extra laying around in storage that I could encourage him to pass on to you to add more spice and adventure to your new love. Maybe now that Mar's husband is home full time and not tired from traveling you might also be interested. I could ask him.....
We are having pork chops for dinner tonight. I have taken them out of the freezer that is all. I guess I should think how to fix them soon. should I just put them in a cake pan with mushroom soup all over or should I make a stuffing to put on top or look in the cook book for something new.
I am with Darlys on the thought of moving to Oklahoma. I know Kathryn lives there and so does my niece and her family, but why? Some one tell me a beauty tip about the state.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 06 2013 1:11:12 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 06 2013 : 6:33:37 PM
Good evening friends
There is absolutely nothing about Oklahoma that I like. I don't know why anybody would volunteer to live there. Of course a lot of people say that about Texas as well. If I did not have family here I would probably live in Italy or Florida or la Jolla California But I might be living in Canada in the summertime. I've never been there so don't know yet but the pictures are pretty
Tonight I cooked for my kids as my daughter worked late. I made a pork loin, baked sweet potatoes flavored with a little orange marmalade. And Martha Stewart's version of sautéed cabbage. It was all tasty. Also a salad
Thanks for the offer of the sex toys holly. Wow, what a friend you are, always thinking how to make my life better!! You and Mar have me laughing til I can't breathe. Don't send anything like that to mar, though, no telling what she would do with them that poor guy has already got his hands full with that one. Kathy that was a beautiful photo. I'm not a fan of spiders but that actually was a pretty one.
Janiee you and Bunny need to get together and form a support group for dealing with moms. Glad you got a chance to post. You always do the most interesting things with your canning. I do not possess that skill.
Tomorrow night I will be at the airport and the next night in San Antonio, so y'all try to carry on without me.
Oh, Darlys, you mean I gotta feed him, too??
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 06 2013 6:40:48 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 07 2013 : 08:19:55 AM
Gypsy, we will miss you. You need an iPad so you can keep up in style. Hope you have a wonderful time.
Darlys, glad you found someone to do your backsplash.
Ash (my oldest)has been hot on the trail for a new truck so probably wouldn't have been available anyway. One good thing about him, he won't volunteer to do something he doesn't feel he can do really well.
Kathy, big spider! Great picture. I usually save them. We have a spider here at my moms I just don't like the looks of. It looks like it has two large claws in front. I encourage them to live outside. Mom makes me kill them.
Not much else going on. Getting ready for finals and working. Still don't know what I'm doing at work most of the time, but I'm learning little by little although mostly by trial and error. Really not the best way to learn during stressful tax season.
Later all. Hope you get to see the sun today.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 07 2013 : 10:11:10 AM
Gypsy, I agree... Holly is indeed a true friend with her offer of bedroom toys! And today's THE day! Drive safely to the airport. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. I will miss hearing from you, too, like Bunny said. Please post when you can find the time, I'll be thinking of you. In my opinion, food is optional, unless his energy is flagging. And I had to laugh out loud about the "hands full" comment. You have me figured out for sure.
And as far as Oklahoma goes...I'm with you gals. I don't care for it either. We lived in Kansas for two years. I didn't care for it at all. The weather was the biggest drawback, but there were other things that "didn't work" for us.
Bunny, don't worry about learning on the job during the busy time. That's really their shortsightedness for not hiring you before the tax season rush. You seem to be a person who the more they have to do, the more they get done. That doesn't sound right. What I mean is, being super busy makes you schedule and plan carefully so you are always ahead of the game and end up getting even more done.
Speaking of done. The kitchen is done. Thank goodness. We were supposed to have a friend over for lunch today, but he is ill. So, I almost put my sewing machine away for no good reason! I did finish my last project, an apron, this morning. I probably should put it away. It is a big distraction from other things I should be doing. I miss having a dedicated area for sewing. Although, I guess I have sort of dedicated the dining table to sewing ... but, you know what I mean. I want to be here in the middle of everything while I sew and I no longer have a machine that will fit into my sewing cabinet, so I got rid of it. I still miss that cabinet. It had nice storage and opened out nicely. And it wasn't the dining table.
Well, I hope you are all having a lovely day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Mar 07 2013 : 11:50:53 AM
Ok, Ok, GF's. I have to admit that when I was first considering moving here (Oklahoma) my first thought was "what the heck is in Oklahoma?" There still isn't much here, but it has grown on me and, seriously, what place doesn't have at least one drawback. I have lived on the East coast, in fact, I was born there...too cold and hurricanes. I spent most of my life on the west coast, too expensive and earthquakes. I've lived in Nevada (Reno and Las Vegas)too hot and earthquakes and a lot of panhandling. I spent a summer in Colorado, in Washington state, Texas...anyway, you get my point. Just as there are no perfect people, there are no perfect places. Being near family is important, though; just choose a place close enough, so you can get to them, and visa versa, in a fairly short amount of time, but far enough away that there isn't a constant barrage of family members traipsing through; taking away all your privacy and peace and quiet.
Holly, how is your daughter's friend's skin issues?
Gypsy girl, I saw where you think I should post picture of myself; well, that 's complicated. i could post a picture of when I was in my 20's, but the camera and i are not friends. Quite frankly, because I look like a beach whale with hair, so whenever there is a camera around i usually make a bee-line for the nearest door. So more recent pictures of me are scarce to non-existent. I'll see what I can do for the
Well, that's all I have time for right now my friends. I hope all is well with everyone.
Love and Hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
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