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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 07 2013 : 3:00:16 PM
Yesterday, Jenny and I made bolognese. That's just a fancy way to say "making one pound of ground beef go a long way". You cook up the meat with diced onions, minced garlic, shredded carrots & potatoes until the meat is all browned. Then you add a ton of mashed tomatoes and let it simmer until thickened and real nummy!! We froze up 6-two cup baggies of the stuff and had more than enough for garlic penne with parm. After it was all done and put away, I noticed two gallon bags full of tomatoes sitting on the bottom of the freezer! Doh (as she strikes forehead with palm)--I should have used them instead of opening a couple of quarts from last year's garden. Oh well. Next time-if I remember them then.
I was sewing all day and finished the purple apron that I started last spring after a fat quarter exchange left me with several different purples. I added some pieces of an old doily on the pockets. Jenny wants to know when I'll ever wear this apron. My regular kitchen aprons are rather old and very plain. I'll see if I can post a pic of it in a minute. Let me post this first, then I'll get back to you.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Mar 07 2013 : 3:05:48 PM
Here it is.......
.jpg) Don't know why it looks so pink, nor why it posted sideways!
Later sisters. Stay dry!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Mar 07 2013 : 5:00:10 PM
Kathy! Totally cute! You and Bunny .... ahhh the talent .... Actually, there is so much talent amongst so many of you that it almost seems like a creative & talent explosion!
Bunny - the backsplash thingy worked out just fine. Would have loved to hand your son a check - but all's well as it shakes out. It's gonna cost me but (I'm with Holly on this one) I'm just glad I don't have to do this job myself. (I can do just about all home improvement tasks EXCEPT for plumbing and electrical. And DH knows what to do about those.)
We are now getting a spritz of sprinkles ... It was an overcast but pleasant day today. Okay, just a smidgen of "gloat," Holly. But not meant to be mean at all. You have other wonderful nature treats to brag about. Go for it!
I went for my post-op checkup and all is well. Then they decided that it was time for my mammogram. So down the hall I went. Squish. "Hold your breath." (for 45 minutes) "We'll get back to you."
Stopped at Whole Foods for some chicken and asparagus - and discovered that peaches are just beginning to come in. DH will be so happy. He loves peaches.
Tomorrow we are off to Oakhurst again. I've been pulling together another car load of stuff.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 08 2013 : 05:06:57 AM
I have a cold which I caught from DH. He thinks he got it from little boy next door who comes over to see what DH is doing out in our back yard. So I have THE awful cough and my diaphram is sore from all the coughing. Darlys, I am thinking of you as I am coughing and telling myself," I will not cough".
Thelma, I hope you will post some pictures of your basement. It sounds so special and wonderful.
I am still getting some birthday cards and I really thank all of you for adding to my special day.
I am going to go and rest now and enjoy a cup of herbal tea. I spent almost the whole day yesterday sitting in the recliner resting and watching old movies along with Smithsonian channel. DH waited on me as his cold is on its last days. I did get some reading in, too.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Mar 08 2013 : 07:51:40 AM
Kathy, that apron is very cute; very pink, but very cute.
A couple of you have suggested that there is nothing you like about Oklahoma...**heavy sigh** And here I was, deluding myself that you all liked me... Tee Hee...
Windy (lol) and overcast today. It was 72 yesterday and sunny. I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Maybe I'll get something done around my house...or maybe...I'll sleep.
Have a great day GF's!
Love and Hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 08 2013 : 08:33:58 AM
Kathy, great job on the apron. I have problems with my camera changing the color of things too. Jenny is right. You should make yourself some new aprons.
Darlys, so glad you got your work done. Maybe someday you can meet Ash. Oak hurst is a ways away from him even when he is in Sonora. He is setting himself up to hopefully buy a house there the end of this year. The mortgage broker told him to wait until September because he would have two years at his job. He already has excellent credit and most of the down payment. He learned from my mistakes.
Work was good yesterday. I got a high 5 from the boss. I'm seeing a glimmer of understanding as far as the whole network. There are so many moving parts and the only way it seems I learn them is to do it wrong so someone finally takes the time to teach me the right way. I'm there all day today.
Thankfully I have little homework this week. I'm hoping to get done tomorrow morning so I can have almost two whole days to sew.
Later all! I see the sun! Whoo Hooo!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 08 2013 : 1:46:59 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I miss a day and the board heats up.
Kathryn My dd's friend is doing better with aloe to put on her skin. I am surprised that she had not tried it before. Kethry said she is not bleeding at night or itching as much. I am sure she will come visit soon the weekend is on its way. She said the last time she was here that she was not a guest just a weekend family member.
kathy your bolonese sounds like the suppers I call slop. The children love it. Although yours sound like a little more effort than I put in because I use leftovers.
The apron is great. I bet you could wear it to the store with that summer dress the teen girls made fun of. It is fun.
Darlys I am sure you do not have a mean bone in your body. Sarcasm is hard to transmit across the airways. Actually I am not really sure what I typed when I referred to your balmy weather but I do remember hoping you would have a smile.
We are having fish chowder for supper tonight. I thrilled all of the children by making the fish broth from fish heads. I had never done it before. Kethry had a great time spooning the heads out and calling her vrothers over to look at them. They screamed appropriately and she laughed. She took a picture to sent to her friend from Viet Nam because her mom cooks with them when Kethry goes over.
Our friend who is living with dementia whom we coordinate the care for is on her way out the door. Hospice has said three weeks to three months. She has declined considerably even in the last week. Three days ago she could walk and now she does not remember. It is an odd disease. She is unable to converse on a regular basis but when she is hallucinating she has clear conversations with whomever she is talking too. She has not been able to say more than ok or yes for several weeks now but recently her caregiver was sitting in her room quietly crying and she looked over chuckling quietly to her self and said we can laugh through this or we can cry through this and I prefer laughing. I have been calling people I know who were important to her in her lfe and telling them she is on her way. What can we do now they ask. I said sit by her and tell her stories of how she was important and everything you know she did. So, people who have not seen her in a while are saying they will come. I hope they are not too late.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Mar 08 2013 : 5:59:34 PM
Holly - I truly did laugh at your weather remark. But then I was afraid I'd been too "gloaty." California weather has been pretty mild compared to the rest of the nation recently. I think you have about the biggest heart of anyone in the world. And, beyond that, you are one of the most compassionate, gentlewomen I have ever known. You are wise and you are wonderful.
I'm glad, btw, that Kethry's friend is being helped a bit by aloe. My daughter (who has eczema), swears by it. There is a cream ( that combines aloe and vitamin e. I buy it by the box (12 jars to a box) to put on Larry's back. He has a significant scar from when a vaporizor fell on him when he was a baby. His mother was actually shocked ("WHAT happened to your back!?!) when she saw him after I had been massaging this product onto his back daily for about 4 years. (Still do and it's been over 12 years now.) We realized how much it helps. The large, angry red scar is a whitish blend into his skin tone now. And it's much more supple. He does miss the massage tho if he has to go even just a week without it. The tissue begins to tighten. DD tried it and really liked it a lot. She's using it pretty regularly now, too.
Sorry, Kathryn. It's not you at all. Of course we like you. You are fun and funny. It's just O-k-l-a-h-o-m-a ... True every state has it's downside and upside. And, I just recalled that there was a great musical out of Oklahoma. However, I left Oklahoma and actually went back to Minnesota! Gotta say ... California is more Darlys-friendly than either of those two.
Bunny - haven't got the backsplash work done yet. I go to Lowes Tuesday to pay the piper and set up the installation date. They promised approximately a week - maybe less from when I pay ... I'll be happy if it's done this month. So glad you are getting more comfortable at the office. Hang in there. What's that old saying - If you think you can you can. If you think you can't ..... Well, after nearly a couple of years I think that we all know that if anyone can ... it's our Honey Bunny. Have fun this weekend!
Nancy, I am so sorry you caught my cold. It wasn't intentional, I promise. The only good thing about that awful bug is that it does manifest itself outwardly - so everyone KNOWS you are not well. You can pine for the energy you once had and everyone will say "you poor dear." You take good care of yourself by not doing a darn thing. Leon will wait on you hand and foot willing you back to glowing health. I just hope you are feeling better as you travel Thursday.
Have a bunch of stuff packed for Oakhurst. Am just waiting now for DH to call saying he's on his way home. Then I will fill the refigerator bag with milk, meat, cheese, fruit & veggies. And off we'll go. I better finish up a few loose ends now ... just had to say to all .... Have a phenomenal and peaceful weekend.
What was that bit on The Waltons? Everyone would be saying sort of a round-robin goodnight. "Good night, John Boy." Good night, Gypsy, Good Night, Nancy, Good Night, Marianne, Good Night, Holly, Good Night, Bunny, Good Night, Kathryn, Good Night, Jan, Good Night Kathy, Good Night, Thelma, Good Night, Ginny, Good Night, Everyone, Good Night, Moon .....
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 08 2013 : 7:17:13 PM
You ladies would not upper Michigan, either!!! We still have 3 feet of snow on the ground, and more for Saturday and Sunday. It was -4 degrees last night!!!!! It will be awhile before we will see grass here, or have thawed out ground. Bob is going to retire in December instead of waiting until next March. If we can find a motorhome this summer,we are outta here!!!! I don't think I can take another winter here. I turn 62 in April, so can collect social security, that will help some with our income. I need to start spring cleaning here next week, it is getting pretty cluttered and crowded with all my crafts stuff scattered in every room, where ever there is an empty space, it is now filled!!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 09 2013 : 04:58:06 AM
Kathy, the apron is just beautiful. I love the colors and the lace on the pockets is so pretty.
Kathryn, you know you are one of us and we all love you. We are the best of the best and are always here for you.
I use the aloe plant I have growing for all kinds of skin problems and it works every time. I am glad to hear that it is helping Kethry's friend. Darlys, I know your DH really loves those back rubs. What a sweet and special way to show love.
Holly, I agree with Darlys that you are the most giving, caring, loving person. You are a wonderful friend and give so much love. You are really a special gift to us all.
Well, aside from my coughing, I am feeling not too bad.
Have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies,
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 09 2013 : 2:25:57 PM
Nancy, I hope you have kicked your cold today! I hate having a cough that makes you sore. They tend to linger, so I suppose hoping you have kicked it is being unreasonably hopeful.
Holly, I hope you feel at peace with how your friend's last days are going. Good for her for choosing to laugh! That is such a great anecdote. I will hang on to that one forever.
Darlys, how do you keep up with the coming and going to Oakhurst? I know you are in countdown mode with the facelift being done on the house in Cupertino, etc. But, my goodness, just think how much more time you will have without the long trips. I remember that Walton's ending ...
Jan, we got a taste of temps in the 50s today. I know it is a false spring and we have more cold in our future, but I hope you get a taste of it soon.
Kathy, your dinner sounded wonderful. I need a better sounding name for my cleaning out the fridge dinner, too, Holly. Our leftovers used to always go into fritattas. We just don't have that many leftovers anymore!
I hope Gypsy comes up for air soon and checks in with us! And I wonder what Bunny created this weekend.
Check in with you gals later! Mar
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 09 2013 : 3:51:27 PM
ad a very lovely day here on the side of the hill. the sky was a gorgeous almost spring blue with no clouds. The sap was running. We were out in our sweatshirts. This kind of day makes one believe that spring is on its way.
Cheri collected sap this afternoon. Maybe she will have enough tomorrow to start boiling.
This morning Unitarian Universalists came to our friends house and sang to her. She was active in that church and loved being a part of it. When she began to fail she cut off contact. She had a lovely time this morning, Dementia is odd. She can barely talk actually has only been saying ok and yes except to her hallucinations and today she was singing with the hymns. they sang Abide with Me and she rolled over and said That was the most awful song I have heard and laughed. They laughed too. Where do these comments come from? I am at Peace with her going on. She took care of us for years and we now take care of her. Words were her life and now she does not command them. Her partner died 15 years ago and she has been very lonely ever since. I will miss her but it is time.
On the other hand we are reeling from the death of the daughter of the woman who does Kethry's hair. We do not know how she died. She was Kethry's age. She was planning on going to college and had a basically happy personality. We do not know the details. We are not at peace with this death at all. Send good energy to Kethry and to Rayven's family. I do not know how they will go on.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2013 : 11:39:35 AM
Janet - Stay warm!!!! Think of all those fun days soon in your RV going south! It's not much longer.
Kathy, I wouldn't throw out your sun dress, I'd wear it with pride! She didn't deserve the dress if she's willing to throw it out because she saw a more beautiful, intelligent, woman wearing the same dress. It's her loss.
Also, LOVE the apron!! It's so pretty and I love the pockets!
Gypsy I hope you are having a great time! Enjoy the river walk if and when you decide to leave the hotel room! I loved San Antonio river walk when I was there 40 years ago!
Nancy, GET WELL! I'm sorry to hear you are sick. Without little ones around all the time I find I rarely get sick anymore (knock on wood). That and getting my flu shot. But I was always sick when DD was growing up and bringing it all home from school.
I like OK Kathryn. Of course I've only been there once and again over 40 years ago, but it reminded me of just North Texas! I have a dear friend who lives there & would love to visit her. But no matter, we still love you!
Holly, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's condition. You have mentioned her many times so I'm sure it will be very hard on you as well. Take very good care of yourself through this.
AND fish heads??? You are brave aren't you! I love to fish, ate to eate it. I do like clam chowder and most seafood though. I've never made fish chowder, you can tell I'm not a true Mainer. Most folks here can do it in thier sleep!
Would love to see Thelma's basement too! You've worked hard and long on it. Good for you for getting it done!
I was walking around my house today making a mental list of all the things I need to finish. I love remodeling and redecorating, being a interor designer is the only thing I have ever thought I'd like to do. But when I signed up for classes a long time ago, I had to take many buses to get there and it just seemed like to much work for an 18 year old so I didn't stay in. Anyway, I am good at some things but I have a hard time finishing and David hates it and we fight when he "helps" me. So I see the quarter round still needs to be finished in the diningroom; the granite in front of the front door needs to be actaully grouted (is that a word) in, when I replaced the sub floor in my bathroom I still haven't finished tiling it, that sort of thing. I guess I should get someone to come and do it or help me. I'm tired of looking at it unfinished.
Went Thursday back to David's Dr. and he is in a sling and on his recliner for another five weeks. THen we go back and they decide what physical therapy he will have. The Dr. said in 3 months he will feel much better but it will take 6 months to completely heal. Oh what joy! (yes, that is saracasim I just can't spell it).
Need to get to the dump and a few other chores and will have to read the rest of this later.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2013 : 11:51:36 AM
Holly - It should say hate to eat it (fish). Did I tell you about my Aunt who lived with us. Long story but when she was failing we talked about her death and I said I couldn't afford to send her body back to Seattle where she lived her entire life, except nine years with us & her childhood) and she said to me "Don't worry, just cremate me and throw me out back with the cats"! Now that was a shock to hear but boy did we laugh about it!
Just came back on to suggest this for dinner. I made up bisquick, put a small amount in each well of a muffin tin that was greased, then put all the left over veggies and chicken I had in the wells, then put the rest of the bisquick over it all and baked it. Yes they look like muffins but it really wasn't bad at all and easy to do.
Now, for the dump.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2013 : 2:52:38 PM
That is a pretty creative bisquick dinner. I bet young kids would love it, too!
Holly, I don't know how you can make sense out of the loss of a young life. My heart goes out to Kethry, too. It is a tough lesson to learn as a teenager when a contemporary dies. We had a very high incidence of suicide in my high school. For some reason, my highschool of 300 had lost many classmates, not all suicide, but all tragic. It was a trying time for a small community. I remember six funerals during that time. It always felt wrong. Thinking of you as you all work through this time.
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2013 : 5:20:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
Another lovely day here in the Green Mountains. A bit cooler than yesterday. The sun shone all day. The snow melted and made lovely mud. C and G spent most of the day in the trench for the overflow of our water tank and run off for the road. They went through four changes of clothes today. There is still more than a foot of snow on the ground and they are taking their boots and pants off to play in the mud. They thought they would have a grand time throwing mud onto the siding of the house and watching it stick there. That part did not bother me but some of the mud hit the window and I did not want the window to have an OOps Mama I'm sorry moment so I had to put a stop to it.
My sister is in San Antonio this weekend with her husband and daughter attending the graduation of her sil from Air Force basic training. Maybe she and Gypsy passed each other without knowing. She did not go to the Alamo. I asked her if her daughter and SIL had their own room for the evening. She said no just for the afternoon. He did not get an overnight pass just day passes. He will go on to a three or four month training and then go back to Missouri to be in the Reserves.
I am not able to make mental lists and get anything done I have a steno notebook I keep to make lists. I have the master list and move items onto the daily lists so I can remember. Ginny do you know about Workers on Organic Farms. WWOOF-USA. A host can put a profile on the web site and then people who are interested in learning about gardening or farming can answer your requests. They come for a day or week or whatever you need. A neighbor has been having people come for a couple of days at a time to help weed her gardens. We are thinking of putting up a profile to get some help. If you want to look for the site and are unable to find it with the info I have given let me know and I will put on an address. When the man Fixed my computer I lost my favorite places.
Jan how are you going to downsize all of your yarn to fit in a motorhome? My brother is looking to buy one and has been looking on EBay. Each time he saves more money his tastes get more expensive he says.
There is a group trying to collect money Ravenne's funeral on line. It is at for the Ravenne Browman memorial fund. Kethry said, Ravenne's mom said to them both If either of you girl's became pregnant in high school I would be disappointed but we would live with it and figure out what to do. We are not sure why Ravenne felt she had no other option. I do not know if she left a note or not.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2013 : 7:14:36 PM
Well, it rained yesterday and today, now it is snowing so hard, the big heavy flakes. We are in a winter storm watch through 5 P.M. tomorrow. Supposed to get close to a foot again. We still have almost 3 feet on the ground now!!!! I am so looking forward to grilling outdoors!!!! Might have to shovel an area to put the grill!! LOL!!! We are hoping to get a motorhome that has a bed above the driving area to store all my yarn and stuff. We will be crowded, but we now live in a very small home with no closet space and are crowded here too. Just need to downsize more again.We have been looking on Craig's list, but it is too cold yet here, most of the RVs are stored for the winter yet. Hopefully we will find one in late spring or early summer. Holly, so sorry for all the grief you and family are going through right now.Hopefully things will start looking up soon. Ginny, you are a hard worker. How is the patient doing? Hope he is not too demanding on you. Darlys, moving day is getting closer for you. Good that you take a little at a time up there with you each time. Nancy, hope your cold is getting better. No fun being sick. Kathy, how is the greenhouse doing? Do you have it set up yet? Wish I had one here. I was hoping to build one this year, but don't think I will get around to it. Looks like we will have snow until June!!! LOL!!! Kathryn,I have never been to Oklahome, don't know if I would want to live there, too many tornadoes.But would like to see some of the landmarks there, if there are any. Bunny, hope you were able to enjoy a sewing weekend. I wanted to do that this week, but my son called me today and asked if I would work for him all week, he wants to get some stuff taken care of. I should know better than to plan my week out. Stay warm, well, dry and safe. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Mar 11 2013 : 07:00:26 AM
Just a quick hello. A stiff and sleepy start to the week, but I got a good start on downsizing all my "stuff." I have decided to limit my "project" to just 3 types and get rid of all the rest. I have also decided to get rid of all the books that I haven't read in a couple of years; this was very difficult as the ones I decided to get rid of were all the ones I've had and enjoyed since I was about 10 years old. It was hard letting go of them, but they went to some young girls who can cherish them as much as I did, but it is a little bit sad; like losing life-long friends. But now I have room to get the others up off the floor; these are the ones I spend the most time with, anyway. I've been looking around making mental notes of all the things I want to do to my house, inside and out, and wondering if I'll get to do any of it this year. I hope so.
Well, I have work to do while I'm here at the office, so I'd better skedaddle. Have a great day, GF's! Love you all!
Love and Hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 11 2013 : 08:46:36 AM
Good Morning everyone. Hated getting up this morning! Springing forward is no fun!
Holly, I'm so sad at your news about Kethry's friend. I just didn't know what to say. Even sadder that she took her own life. My heart goes out to Kethry and Ravenne's family.
Interesting about your neighbor's dealing with her situation right now. It sounds as if she was cognoscente all the time she would be helping others deal with her illness more than the other way around. She sounds like an amazing woman. I hope she goes peacefully.
Ginny, sounds like you have your hands full with projects around the house. Just make a list and start at the top. Bummer about the man. My mom went through shoulder surgery and dealt with the same thing. I had to drive her everywhere for 6 weeks and she didn't do anything around the house. It gets tiresome but necessary to get everything healed up.
Nancy, sorry you are sick. Sounds like you have a great husband to take such good care of you. Hope you get better soon.
Darlys, I bet you will be so glad when you are finally moved to Oakhurst for good. So much to do!
Well, I was able to sew this weekend. This is what I finished and put on my etsy site. Unfortunatly it is a small size. I would wear it if it was a little larger.

And here is the back.
Back to the old grind. Work and school all week. Two more weeks of school and then a break. But I'll probably be working the whole time. Then school starts again on April 1. I'll only have weekends and two afternoons to get homework done. This quarter is going to be interesting. I'm taking of the hardest classes online from another college. I hope I can do the work. No teacher time . Work is getting better. Last Friday I actually felt like I had it figured out. Now I just need to speed up the process. Unfortunately the computer is really slow. I can only go as fast as the computer. Thankfully the rest of the office has been hounding the boss about that. Maybe someday he will switch the internet so it runs faster.
Well, I'm off to get ready. Later everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 11 2013 : 12:58:58 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
The boys are in front of the public television station so I have a little quiet now.
I have learned to like fish over the years. I did not really like it growing up. Fish sticks were ok but not the real flesh. Now as an adult I talk myself into liking some things. I DO NOT LIKE fish bones. I find them gag food or gag sufferances because of the main meal. Cheri did find a fish bone in her soup and said Look this one is for Jane. That is my sister. She does not eat fish because she can not abide bones.
Kathy I was wondering if you were still going to your hen house meeting and what you did at them.
Bunny I think the jacket is stunning. Would you like me to look at yard sales this summer for items you could make over?
Today is overcast but the temperatures are close to 40 degrees. The snow banks are melting away from the edge of the dirt road.
I think we are having quiche for supper. I have enough eggs and while a little labor intensive it is easy to make. I have bread rising by the woodstove.
I am not sure what I am going to say to Ravenne's mom when I see her. She is the secretary at the health center. I think we will both cry and that might be hard for her at work.
Yes, our neighbor friend is and amazing woman. I hope her passing is easier than the dementia.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 11 2013 : 6:25:51 PM
Holly, I stocked up on some skirts and dresses to work on thru the summer. I don't have any jackets. If you are so inclined and find any decent jackets like what I did, hopefully in a larger size, it might work. I can handle holes and spots as I just cover them up with something pretty. I just have to keep the price I pay for the jackets really cheap because it takes me a good 8 hours to do the work and still keep the cost somewhat affordable. I'm charging $95.00 for this jacket. I used antique lace and batiks. The jacket was part of a $5.00 bag day at the Salvation Army store.
I think as far as Ravenne's mom goes, there is nothing wrong with just crying. She is going to feel very isolated because people will not know what to say or do. Just go cry with her.
My late afternoon class was cancelled. I'm having a terrible fibro day so came home and went to bed. I'm getting worried because since I have moved to Oregon, it has gotten much worse. I don't know if it is because of the area, the stress of living with my mom or just a natural evolution of the fibro. I'm thinking of going to the doctor just to start documenting it in case I need to deal with disability some day. Any physical effort sets it off and last week of continuous work and school made for a painful week. Funny thing is I can sew for 4 or 5 hours without much problem as long as I'm not on my feet the whole time.
I got my research paper back today...I got an A- I was pretty surprised because it was suppose to be 21 pages and I only did 16. I guess he felt my quality was more important than quantity.
Time for dinner. Until tomorrow.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 12 2013 : 12:25:58 AM
Congratulations on yourprogress in downsizing, Kathryn. I hope you loosen up a bit as the week goes on. Was it all the downsizing work that has left you so stiff?
Bunny, love the final product. This is a winner. One of a kind is always the coolest! I hope it sells quickly for you. My pain is always easiest to ignore when I am doing something that I enjoy. It does catch up to me a bit later, though. I hope the fibro subsides for you. Stress never helps anything!
Holly, a mud fest sounds like it would keep the boys occupied for quite some time. A broken window would keep you occupied for a while, too. Your laundry pile sounds depressing. I am so sorry to learn that Ravenne took her own life. Was she expecting? So sad when someone feels their problems are insurmountable. And when you are young everything seems larger than it really is. There is no right answer to how to react with her mom. You will do fine because you follow your instincts which serve you well. Such sadness.
Did all the running around today, technically, yesterday since it is past midnight, now. I think I mentioned that dd and boyfriend treated dh to a blu ray player for his birthday...the return was messed up, so they decided to cancel the order and get a refund. Dd said that if we found one, would we mind picking it up and they would pay for it... So, today at Costco, Dh found a Sony for $89 that he was thrilled with. We got home and when dh went to set it up, he found that the box had been opened previously. The HDMI cable was missing. The paperwork was missing. And, in fact, the blu ray was missing. An older CD player had been substituted in place of the blu ray player. It was quite maddening. Dh made the trip back into town and made the exchange. It seems that maybe the blu ray player just isn't a good idea for us.
Hope you are all having a lovely day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Mar 12 2013 : 08:07:04 AM
Bunny, that jacket is amazing! You are so artistic. I have an old denim jacket in large, that I've been trying to retro fit for my age. It fits loosely, and has a couple of worn spots, but I still love it. It is so comfortable. Kind of like an old soft blankie. It holds many memories for me too. Someday I'll figure out what it wants to look like.
I've had a greenhouse in my back yard for several years. At first, it was to just save my flowers over the winter. Then I discovered I could grow salad greens & baby spinach & other greens all winter long! I keep a rotating stock of greens going so we can have fresh salads & stuff all winter. It's getting harder to find space out there right now because I've started my regular garden plants out there too. Now I have broccoli & cauliflower several inches tall. I'll be planting them up into larger pots next week then space will get much harder to come by. I started tomatoes, peppers & herbs and they take over the tops of the shelves closest to the outside wall where the sun shines through the roof and walls most of the day. In order to work on them, I have to move so many plants around--it's like a flower maze. Pretty, but I have to watch where I put my feet or I might knock something over.
It is sad when children feel there is no other choice but to take their own lives. It leaves such an emptiness in the lives of those they leave behind. All you can do is offer a shoulder and hugs. Lots of hugs.
I did join a hen house chapter last year, but we never really got off the ground. The leader is probably overwhelmed right now. Last time I spoke to her, she was preparing to be a tax preparer. So, she's busy, busy, busy right now. Perhaps after tax time we'll get together again.
Well, it's raining here and the chickens are out there squawking for their morning munchies of leftover cereal. Gotta run sisters. Later.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 12 2013 : 12:04:26 PM
It is a sad day here at Rough Start Farm. We had to let Mollie go "over the rainbow bridge" as many people say. She was fine this morning at (good lord) 4 am - her usual rise and shine time, even with the time change ... She went to the door, I let her and our other lab out. They came galloping back in, up the stairs and down the hall to their dishes where Mollie "demanded" breakfast. (She was an impatient lab and let you know by "boofing" because "woofing" would be rude. They all ate breakfast and Mollie had her beloved "cheese pill" - a buffered aspirin wrapped in Kraft American cheese to make the medicine go down. Mary Poppins had it all wrong by a Labrador's standards. Everyone settled back onto their beds and I stretched out on the sofa in hopes of not waking dh anymore than he had already been disturbed. About twenty minutes later, Mollie started giving little whines, short and soft. I got up to invite her to come closer to snuggle. When she tried to stand her back in was wobbly. I called dh. Mollie laid back down before he got to really see what I was concerned about. After that, each time Mollie tried to get up, less of her body was responding. We felt the decision was made for us when by eight o'clock she was having trouble lifting her head.
We had a lovely day in the sunshine yesterday. She was in great Mollie spirit until the very end when I saw fear sneak into her eyes. I tried to convey reassurance to her and she was calmed by our being with her. I miss her terribly. Tonight, I have to tell dd that the labrador that got her through four and a half years in a body brace is gone. So that is weighing heavily on me right now.
I'll see what everyone has been up to today later on! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 12 2013 : 12:26:11 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I am jealous of Kathy for having a green house. Maybe if I get my self organized I can get mine up this summer.
At 5:45 this morning I heard a hen squawking in the garden. I remembered that there is a patch of grass around the hole to the septic tank cover and five or six of them were out scratching yesterday in the sunshine. Anyway they must have roosted on the strawberry tower and something startled them. The dogs were barking and I ran down to let them out. Joey who is a hound mix ran to the bottom of the stairs in the garage turned around and came back up. Beecher who is a brittany spaniel ran out the door turned around and came back in. I figured whomever it was had left with the chicken so I went back to bed. 20 minutes later I hear a chicken squawking so I run down the stairs to let out the barking dogs who would not go out. this time I turned on the light to the garden and saw two chickens laying in the snow. I thought they were dead. So, I put my snowpants on over my nightie and my winter coat and boots. I trudged out to see. It is raining the ground is a bit icy. The first chicken is alive. I walk her into the barn. the second chicken is alive. I walk her into the barn. The third chicken I caught with little problem because she was roosting on the fence near the burdock. So, I thought I would catch the fourth chicken with the other hand and save myself a trip. No way was that chicken going to stand still long enough for me to scoop her up. In and out again. then I chased that cute little hen around the garden to catch her and take her in. I will need herd the hens inside from now on before dark. I wonder which of the wild things is up so early in the year.
Years ago I made the downstairs bathroom boy proof. Waterproof walls and waterproof baseboard with silicone joint compound. One piece waterproof flooring. I am so glad I did. C is fascinated and thrilled to be able to play in the deep sink with a lot of water in it. Today he and G thought filling their new mud boots with water to see if they leaked and putting them in a cardboard box half full of water would be a great science experiment.
They raised enough money on that website to fund Ravenne's funeral.. I do not know what demon had hold of her. Her family is upbeat by nature and seem tightly knit. Hopefully, she left a note so her family is not wondering what they did wrong and did not see clear to fix before...... We have not seen an obit so I do not know when the memorial will be. Kethry is in the anger stage of grieving.
It is raining. Temperature is hovering around forty degrees. We are going to have meatloaf filled with cheddar cheese for supper.
Bummer about the blu ray player. again....
I will look for big jackets in good condition for not much money. I will ask my friend to look too. she is a queen when it comes to getting deals.
Has Gypsy surfaced yet?
Is Nancy feeling better?
Jan I think you must be just that much further north than I am. And you must have some sort of lake effect.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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