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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 08:50:48 AM
Good Morning Farm Girls! First, I want to give you all an update on my GD. She was released from the hospital Monday afternoon, but she is not completely out of the woods yet. You see, part of the disease is the possibility of damage to the hearts, arteries and venous system. They did a heart echo in the hospital and she showed scarring in her arteries consistent with the disease. She had another echo yesterday and an appointment with the cardiologist on Tuesday, so we shall see how bad it is. She is still tires rather quickly, but is making slow improvements.
Janet, I used to make my own soap, years ago, but lost most of my equipment in the several moves I've made. I am gathering ingredients to start making my own shampoo/conditioner and the like, so maybe I'll start making soap again. I never sold it though; of course I never sold anything I made, I always gave it away. Oh wait, that's not entirely true, I did do a few craft shows one year, as I recall now, but soap was not part of my "for sale" items.
I think I forgot to thank all you ladies for my lovely birthday cards; I don't think I've ever received that many in my entire life. And the valentine's card from Miss Holly, thank you. I used to be really good about sending cards for holidays and birthdays, but now I really suck at. I have sent cards for the February birthdays, however, but they are all late; :/ sorry.
Bunny, my mother grew quite lazy herself, in the last several years. She now has to be lifted with a lift from her chairs and bed, as she decided that she was not going to do her exercising and physical therapy. She started fighting me on that before she went into the nursing home, but I made her do some movement; they don't. If she says she doesn't want to then they won't make her. The result of that is that she has gained a lot of weight and she now cannot move herself.
Oh, another bit of good news; my son, my sick GD's daddy, was slated to be deployed to Afghanistan come June, but as of Tuesday, it has been cancelled. Yay!
The beginning of the week we had a blizzard here, but the brunt of it was west of me. We only got a couple (2-3) inches where I lived. It had been raining all day and at about 7:30ish it changed to snow for a few hours then changed back to rain. The wind caused a drift up against the driver side of my car, so I wasn't able to come to the office. It was melted down quite a bit by about 10, though, so we opened the office at 11:00. It was completely gone by the end of Tuesday. It's still a bit nippy, but the sun it out and it's supposed to be near 50 as the high, so we're good.
Well, that's all for now; I think I should do some actual work now. lol Have a great day, my friends.
Love and Hugs,
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 09:20:14 AM
 Alright, I guess this is the best I can do. I am sorry it is sideways ... but, this is dd, Katie, and I at the Market. It was a dreary day, but our spirits were high. Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 09:30:46 AM
Oh, Jan I am so sorry you had to cancel AGAIN. Lavendar and rosemary sounds like a wonderful combination to me! I think I'm gonna steal that idea from you.
Kathryn, you truly had good news. I know you and your kids are so happy to have the little one home. Everyone feels better at home. I pray the tests show that not too much damage has been done to her poor little body. And AMEN, ds stays home from Afghanistan. When could it have meant more to the family? Your gd needs her daddy, too. So happy for your news.
Bunny, I know it is hard to "walk away from money on the table" but, don't overdo and get yourself in a bind physically with working really late hours. I know it is tough to admit you need to leave, especially when you are trying to prove yourself at a new job. You are in my thoughts. Thank you for the kind words about my family. I do feel quite lucky with the special people I have, unfortunately, that is the extent of "family" at this point. My sister, aunt and uncle, cousins, etc. don't really talk to me anymore. It seems everyone has a similar wound these days. But, I do admire Jan and her sister's relationship. What fun that seems.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 12:11:11 PM
Marianne, good to have you back - and that is a great picture of you and dd. You certainly do resemble each other. She can look forward to being even more beautiful as she journeys through the years.
Nancy - Happy Birthday to You ... Happy Paperdolls to You .... Happy Birthday, dear Nancy, Happy Sock Monkeys tooooo yoooou. Hope your day is exceptional!
Gypsy, m'darlin' -- Love conquers all. You WILL find a way around this health care thing. I know! Stay healthy! Oh, and I forgot to respond to a question you had way back when ... I am happy with my eyelid surgery - but - if it had actually been "cosmetic" instead of corrective, I would have had the lids lifted more. The excess skin/fat is gone now though, so It's all good - much better than before. I never have had any under-eye bags to speak of - so they couldn't sell me on an expensive cosmetic procedure. But! I've been getting coupons for free botox from the clinic! Doubt I'll take advantage of that - but if I change my mind, I'll let you know. What I'd really like is a coupon for free filler for the lines around my mouth. That won't happen. I got a quote ... uh uh. DH loves me the way I am ... and, know what? That works for me.
We were in Oakhurst last weekend. We got up Saturday morning and there was a cat on our bedroom balcony. She must have been chased up a nearby tree and jumped (or rather flew) to wind up on our balcony. There was no way she could get off. Poor thing. She could have been there for a couple of weeks had we not gone up then. We coaxed her into the house and then Larry carried her to the front porch. I mashed up a bit of chicken for her and put out some water. She ate the chicken, actually snubbed the water and left. (couldn't have been on the balcony, too long!) Found out later that she belonged to a house just down the road. When I described her to my next door neighbor, she immediately knew where she came from.
I have been cleaning the chandelier crystals in the stairway and hall (that's a job!) and getting to a bit of "deep" cleaning. I am going to put a new backsplash over the kitchen counters ... I called a place called Handyman Can - left message. The guy called and said he would call me back (last) Monday to come look at the job. So far - no callback. I could do it myself. I'm pretty good at that sort of thing. But I'd rather not. It would take me a long time and my body would pay the price. I did paint one small wall in preparation for having the interior of the house painted. It's a soft, light, almost sage, green. It may be a keeper. I've scheduled that job for the end of April and I'm deciding on carpeting for the stairs and upstairs now. (Downstairs is hardwood.) We plan to put this place on the market in May. Much to do before then.
There seems to be no end of things to do when you are preparing to sell. We had a leak under the kitchen sink 2 nights ago. It took 2 nights (after work) but DH actually fixed it! Yay!
We had our taxes done early this month and have the state refund already. We don't do our own. Bunny, my heart goes out to you when it comes to tax forms. BUT - if you know what you are doing... I don't even understand some of what they are requesting on the forms. And, best, our CPA takes full responsibility for accuracy (with what I supply her).
And, btw, Bunny, I just know you are going to be so happy when you sell your fashions at the show ... and I do like Marianne's idea of the crocheted flowers around the hem of a skirt! I bet that would garner "orders!"
Kathryn, so glad that your son's Afghanistan deployment is off. And so glad your grandbaby is going to be nurtured and cared for at home. Much better.
Phyllis, I'm glad you are on the mend. We have bottled water (delivered) in Oakhurst - not because the water is tainted but because it tastes horrible. It is city water and everyone complains. Well water homes seem to have wonderful water - but that would be an extremely expensive undertaking to put a well in on our property.
Ginny, I hope you are coping and moving forward with your life plans. Did anything get resolved over Valentine's Day weekend?
Jan, Ginny, Holly, Kathy - Everyone with snow banks .... I hope you get some balmy, spring-like weather soon. March 21 (spring) is only 3 weeks off. I, hereby, with all due authority which is or is not vested in me, do proclaim that winter white chills, icy-blue blues, and all further whipping wind shivers ... BE GONE by -or before- the onset of Spring!
I know there are many here who I have not responded to ... know though, that I read every word ... can almost lather the heavenly sweet/spicey aromatic soap...especially like the glycerin.
Time to put laundry in the dryer and more in the washer, and to start squirting the Murphy's Oil and swirling the dust cloths.
It's a sunny 65 out right now - but Bunny's weather is headed our way - supposedly, the weather guessers say, to dampen our weekend and into next week.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 12:31:18 PM
Kathryn, glad your GD is home. Hospitals are probably not much fun for little ones. So glad her daddy gets to stay home a little longer. My mom loves therapy. She gets attention that way. She is trying to get her doctor to do another surgery on her arm. Any way she can get attention, she goes for it. Sad but true. Her last doctor wouldn't do anymore surgeries, so somehow she ended up with the sports injury doctor. He scheduled an MRI and is giving her all the attention she wants.
Darlys sounds like you have your work cut out for you. I love those fixit guys that never show up. If you get desperate, my son lives in Danville across the bay and isn't working right now. He can fix almost anything. You would love him....everyone does. Let me know and I will email you his phone number. I promise if he has the time, you won't regret it. He has built complete kitchens and does electrical. He hates plumbing though. Let me know. I do like Marianne's flower idea for my skirts. I think I'll have to sew a few on.
Marianne, I love your picture! I know I have to be realistic with my hours. I have a feeling they will take advantage of me if I don't take care. But working 8 hours a day is reasonable. Don't know if I would do much more than that. I will have enough homework to use as an excuse anyway. I just want to get my truck fixed!
Anyway, off to work. I don't have to be there until 2pm so had a nice lazy day so far.
Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 2:13:50 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 7:49:45 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 5:50:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
A balmy day here in the Green Mountains. I think it must have been in the thirties because the roads were getting mushy. Darlys you did wish a quick spring to us. Have you ever experienced mud season. It is an amazing time of year when the snow is melting but the underneath of the ground is still frozen. The top two inches of the road today was thawed. I took C and G on a walk hoping to wear them out so they would go to bed early. I believe that they have never played in mud the way they were going at the road ruts and puddles. We spent some time at the end of a culvert throwing snowballs into the river to see if they float. They did and so did the little pieces until they dissolved. We could have spent a lot longer there but I was afraid they would slip into the river and fill their boots. We were about 3/4 of a mile hill. G did not want to walk up the hill he said he was too tired. He did walk up the hill. I made C the leader so he made sure to stay ahead of me. They are asleep now. Easier than last night but not easy enough. I will have to tire them out some more.
Hershey is bouncing now. It is more of a boing. Sort of a straight up leap. Fun to watch.
Mar I am glad you figured out how to post pictures. You are the reason your family is successful. I am glad you have a good relationship with Kate.
I am not sure I could do grain free. I would if I had to but it would be so hard. I love my carbs.
I forgot I have bread rising by the wood stove. I had better go put it in the oven.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 9:33:33 PM
Wow, gone two days and have two pages to read!
Happy Birthday Nancy. If I can find my birthday list you March girls may get cards but at the moment I don't know where I put it. So all Feb. ladies are out of luck from this house. Hope you had a great birthday and had your dreams come true!(I know, your's is in Feb.)
Welcome back Phyllis and I am sorry to hear you were so sick. We are blessed & spoiled with our well water. It is an aquafer 250' deep in granite from 20,000 year old glacier water. When we had our mobile home park we had to have the water tested every month for the state and every 6 months for the feds so we know what's in it. The gov. considered us a water supplier so we even had to have a hook up put in our basement so that on a moments notice we could put clorine in if we had to. I can't imagine having bad water.
It's great to hear Kathryn's son will get to stay home with his "baby" and that she is at home now. I will still keep you all in my prayers. Like others said, she needs her Daddy now too!
Bunny, did I mention this already I feel like it's deja vu. I do our taxes and have for 30 years and they were corporate taxes when we had the trailer park. Now we do long form because of my small businesses. Once you learn it will be second nature. And most people probably do the short form don't they? I would think those are easy. I'm waiting for the feds to get it together and get the forms I need still printed to get ours done. I'm getting very tired of it as I like to do them early so if we have to pay in we have plenty of time to save the money.
I would love to see Hersey bounce. Don't think I've ever seen a cow bounce, Holly.
Glad you have a great time with your daughter Marianne! Wish mine was speaking to me as we use to do those types of "dates" all the time. I really miss that. I love your picture too. Kate has your smile for sure and I think your eyes too. Beautiful girl!
Obviously we are back home and I'm taking this week off work to get in a routine with David. He's not too bad as a patient, actually. He likes to learn to do things for himself. For me the hard part is planning healthy meals and keeping him on his diabetic diet. I don't normally do the day to day cooking, just the holidays, although I know how to cook and cook well. I tend to get really tired around 4pm and lose all energy until supper time. So all these years I have given it up to him out of lazyness. But I've planned this time around so I can look at my list and say, yup, I can make this for supper, etc... Then maybe I can take the day to day cooking away from him permenantly so he stays on his diet.
Weather here - at least we didn't get all the snow today everyone else got! It was sleeting heavily all day and then around dark turned to snow. They say it will do this for the next five days, yuck! I think all of us northern girls are sick of this weather, at least it sounds like it on here!
Once again I've stayed up way to late so good night ladies.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2013 : 05:01:39 AM
Marianne, what a lovely picture of you and your DD. You both look so good. What pretty ladies you are. I love your hair. Really classy looking. You are such a dear person and I so enjoy your posts.
Thank you all for the cards and birthday wishes. I had a super day. DH and I went to lunch at our favorite restaurant. They give out a lucky charm on birthdays so I got mine along with a little piece of cake with a candle in it and a happy birthday song. I had lots of phone calls from family and friends. Great day. My body may be a year older but inside I am still just a youngster.
Bunny I know you will do well at the show. You have such an eye for just the right colors and designs. The crocheted flowers idea sounds so good. I think you can do anything you set your mind to do. You have so many abilities.
Kathryn I am happy to hear that your GD is home and will be cared for with lots of love. I am glad, too, to hear that her daddy will not be going to Afghanistan. What a relief that is. It is important now that you GD has her daddy there with her.]
I am so far behind in my reading of posts. This has been a busy month for me with so many family birthdays. There are 4 in the last 3 days. I hope to keep up better now with the posting. I still have 4 pages to read to catch up with you gals.
Ginny how are things going? I hope everything will be fine for you. We are there for you no matter what and I pray for you. You are a special lady to me.
Janet I have never made soap but I think it would be nice to do. I do pass that aisle at Michael's when I am there and I get so tempted. Of course, I get tempted to do lots of the things I see there and I have to disipline myself. I always think I can do it but finding the time is another thing.
Darlys, you doll. The paper dolls are so fantastic. I shared the pages in the book with DH and he really likes them. He thinks it is great that I like cutouts. Well, he thinks I am great no matter what I like. I know just what you are going through with the preparations to sell. Cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. You will sell your house in a jiffy I am sure. Just think only a little while longer until you are permanantly up in Oakhurst. Yea!
Phyllis, I am glad you are getting better. I am sorry to hear about your water problems. I invested in a water system for our drinking water a few years ago and I am glad. Drinking this water has been very beneficial for me. It was an expensive machine. I hope things work out for you.
Gypsy, you darling. I am sorry to hear that the healthcare thing is happening to you. I am sure you will be able to work things out. I am excited for you and your upcoming time together with B. How fun it is to be newly in love. I remember how fun it was to get to know my DH. Holly, I thank you so much for the wonderful, delicious maple syrup. It was a wonderful surprise and today we are having pancakes for breakfast. You are so special and always there for all of us girls.
Well, I am now going to go back a couple of pages and catch up with all the news. All you ladies with lots of snow be sure to stay warm and safe.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2013 : 1:56:20 PM
I'm thinking I might be ready to trade this beastly wind for snow and even ice!! That's how much I hate the wind out here. I have been trying to clean. And with everything so dry there is absolutely no point because by end of day it is dusty again.
Speaking of the handyman who doesn't show-- I called an ad in the paper and the guy sounded like he really needed the work and agreed to meet me at 10:00 this morning. A 2 hour drive for me but okay - I need the help. So he did show up and followed me out to the house then told me he couldn't stay and work because his son has a ball game. And he doesn't do weekends because that's family time. So he is supposed to show up Monday morning at 8:00. Who wants to bet whether he shows or not?. What he wants is to work when I'm not here. Last time I did that they claimed they were out here working to the tune of $800 but I could see hardly any work had been done. So this is why I just do it myself or let it go undone. This is the year to sell this place I am so done with this $&@#%
Holly I hope you will continue to be one of the lucky ones who doesn't need to give up grains. But believe me when I say if your tummy was doing what mine was doing, it would be a fair trade off. I ate rice yesterday with no ill effects and then gluten free bread and little discomfort so it may be that just wheat and corn are the culprits for me. I'm losing weight in the two places I don't want to lose so I'm ready to level off. Which two places? My face and my arse. Neither is attractive when wrinkled.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2013 : 3:02:56 PM
Nancy, It sure sounds like you had all the makings of the perfect birthday. Lots of calls, a meal at your favorite restaurant with your favorite guy, complete with singing and candle blowing. Yay!
I told my dd that I posted the photo of us. She knows I am technology-challenged, so she texted back, "you're a genius." I took a picture of the posting sideways and sent it with the text, "Maybe more of an idiot savant." Thanks for not busting my chops about the neck-kinking photo, in fact everyone has been so gracious with your comments. It is always a bit surprising to see a photo of myself with so much gray. Or should I say, so little black. Even the TSA agent checking my photo ID and boarding pass at the Spokane Int'l Airport asked me, "Who's the brunette?" I told him it was someone I knew a long time ago. Looking at family photos recently during my organizing frenzy, I came across a photo of my mom at about my age. Her hair was still almost all black. But, a photo of HER mom, my maternal gm, at what I would guess was a bit younger than 51, showed a woman with almost all white hair. So, I guess I found the genetic link to my gray hair. My dd has no gray yet, so it looks like she will keep her pigment longer than I did. I started finding noticable gray at 16. Back then, people said it made me look "interesting." That changes after a few extra decades!! ;-)
Gypsy, I think a great place for you and B would be Seattle or north. The border to Canada goes straight to Vancouver, a major city. Very cool place. So you could both access major medical centers within a few hours of one another. Also, WA does a special DL that allows you to cross the border without your passport. For a fee...not too bad. Also, you can submit to background checks to allow you to bypass the usual border patrol if you commute across the border often. Many people live in one country and work in the other around that area, so they had to address the traffic at the border for commuters. The wait at the border can be pretty lengthy without some of these options.
Ginny, I always make our big meal at lunch. It is sort of nice. I get all the work and the clean up out of the way. Dh really likes it, too. We switched years ago when my energy first started to really deteriorate in the afternoon. We usually do salad for dinner. I know, boring.
I saw a group of five deer today. It was our first day in the high forties and I thought I might see some wildlife. It is so nice to watch them. I am with Holly as far as my dismay about spring...the thaw of the top few inches makes such a darn mess of everything. There is no place for the melt to go because the ground can't absorb it, so it just stands. Yuck. The roads are such a mess. Yesterday we had rain at 32 degrees. Great driving weather! (sarcasm) Well, time to go out and get the mail, walk the pups, whistle for the ponies...
Have a lovely evening. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2013 : 05:37:31 AM
Marianne, I like eating my main meal in the early afternoon. I am a morning person so by the usual dinnertime I am not that energetic. DH likes to eat main meal early, too, so it works out well for us.
Gypsy, I found that I can not eat any wheat or corn products without gaining weight. When I stopped eating wheat/corn foods I lost weight. I do find however, that many people look at me a bit strange when I tell them I do not eat wheat. They ask me what I do about sandwiches. I tell them I get a fork and eat what is inside. It is fun to see how some people react when I eat only the top part of the pizza. I no longer eat soy either except for miso soup.
I won't bet on that fellow showing up on Monday. I have had trouble with workers many times. I really hate it when they are late and keep me waiting. How disrespectful that is. I hope he does come and will work while you are there.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2013 : 07:16:05 AM
Nancy, I think that is exactly the way it is going to be with me, the wheat/soy/corn thing. I hope so, because I really like rice, and there are some good gluten free products out there now and getting better all the time. These grains are enriched with some vitamins and minerals that we need.
My DD said the reason so many people are having problems with wheat and corn is because they are now so genetically modified that our human bodies no longer can process them. I don't know if that's true or not but if the consipiracy theory is correct, my guess is the big M company will be a big part of it.
I have discovered coconut milk and coconut creamer, as well as organic coconut oils to cook with and use on my skin and hair, so I hope there's not going to be a big surprise about something wrong with that now. It is very hard to navigate the maze of what is safe any more.
I would love to make my own soap. Maybe this year. I am mostly using Dr. Brommer and Meyers for everything. There is another thread that has so many good ideas for making your own. I think next to the food we put into our bodies, the products we use on it are next in importance. then we get to the air we breathe and the water we drink.
We get notices every so often in the city about how much radiation is in our water. Higher than the accepted normal, but what are we going to do? They say it is in the ground. When you think about the stuff in our water, and the pesticides on our food, is it any wonder that cancer is rampant. The conspiracy theory makes more sense all the time. Look at the hospitals and clinics waiting rooms, full of sick people, for that matter, just look at the people all around you, how few look healthy and vibrant. Then when you start reading labels, and the ingredients are high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils of some sort, then a list of stuff you can't pronounce,then watch tv just one night and look at all the Otc products they sell you to combat the effects of what you just ate, it does make you wonder if we are dancing while Rome is burning to the ground.
Off soapbox, on with the day. Today I am going to rearrange furniture in the big house and try to make some slipcovers for my gypsy caravan as I slowly cover up the boring beige. If there is any more time, I need to paint some of the outdoor furniture. One day I will get back to making aprons and hats and cool stuff, but that will be after the B goes back to Canada and I will be trying to fill my days.
Marianne, I told him last night about your comments regarding Seattle and he said he really likes the southern US better than the northern, that he really likes warm weather, and so do I. (the age thing, you know) He said he likes Arizona and he expects to like Texas, so I am thinking he wants to like it here enough to let me be with my family. He's that kind of a guy. He said there are ways to work things out, people do it all the time and so can we. And so we will. Only 5 more days now, and then its 24/7 through the last week in April. Whatever else it will be, certainly it will be an adventure for us both.
In the meantime, I am really wanting to visit Seattle, it is close to the top of my bucket list. This year will be Canada and very likely Scotland so everything else is moving down a notch.
Have a wonderful day, everybody, stay safe and warm and dry and healthy all you beautiful farm sisters.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2013 : 08:35:47 AM
Gypsy, B sounds like a very caring gentleman. To put the importance of being near family so high on the list is a great attribute. I agree that maybe this isn't the time of our lives when we should be moving away from family to a more extreme weather pattern... this one may really be worth your while! He certainly makes a lot of sense in my opinion. So, is Thursday the day B arrives? Plane, train or automobile? Have you made any trips to say...Victoria's Secret or even Macys? Something pretty always feels nice. And do you know if he is wild about your fragrance? I think I am a big aroma person! I love perfume. But, I am SO picky. Right now, origins Ginger Essence is dh's all time favorite. My favorite compliment is "you smell good."
BTW, did I miss when you shared what area of Canada B is from?
Nancy, I bet you get some looks when you only eat the top of the pizza! So good that you found the secret to eating for your body. My secret is "fiber is my friend." I take meds that cause me to need lots of fiber...including Metamucil every morning. Yuck. No flour for me. Or rice. But, it is worth it once you find out how much better you feel.
No big plans for today. It feels kind of nice to have the schedule open, you know? We have rain coming. More mud. Blech.
Hope you all have a lovely day, Marianne
Talie must have had a game last night. Missed Holly's good night. Maybe Kethry had a dance ...
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2013 : 1:50:32 PM
Gypsy, He doesn't stand a chance! He'll be putty in your hands. Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2013 : 5:35:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad you had a wonderful birthday, Nancy.
Gypsy I gave up chocolate for twenty years. When I was almost thirty the doctor said that caffeine may cause lumps in breasts so I gave it up. One lump was enough. It was hard especially at holidays or when it was cold and there was hot chocolate. I have never been a coffee drinker and I can find caffeine free tea. Then the studies were followed for longer and the powers that be said caffeine was not a culprit so now I can have it. Gluten free is more popular now so there are alternatives that are tasty. I hope you can find some.
Marianne you look so much like many of the French Canadian women around here, you could be related to them. Your hair and facial features are similar. Come to think about it there is a stunning woman in Barre (said Barry) whose relatives are from Spain that you could be her daughter. The granite industry was a big draw for immigrants from Italy, Spain and Canada for many years. Many master carvers emigrated from those countries to come here to work.
I think a salad for supper sounds wonderful. I am hoping some of the seeds I planted last fall will come up this spring so I will have a head start on my garden and some delicious lettuce.
I am not sure that intolerant is the same as allergic. So, I am not sure how much of the source of Gypsy's boo boo belly will be solved by an allergy test.
There was one Vermonter at the Alamo. His name was Miles Andros I know this because the Attorney General's office gives and award each year to one of it's staff for being a problem solver who sticks with a problem tenaciously. Cheri received the award early in her years working there.
I think my best line when I was inviting someone to spend the night was that I could fix her bacon for breakfast. She agreed. We had a great night. That certainly was before so many children.
I finished the grocery shopping today. I divided the list in two so Kethry could shop the finite list that does not need judgement. she was happy to go off with her friend and G and get her piece of the shopping done without me giving unsolicited advice.
Blockbuster video is going out of business here so they are selling off all of their dvd's. some for as little as a dollar and as much as 5. K found some movies and was tickled to have them.
I made mozzarella cheese today. I am overwhelmed with milk and need to use it up. I made cheese sticks and the boys like them so it is a good snack for them.
A cold twenty degrees out today. Overcast and snow flurries. the sledding track is fast. We go further each day. soon we will be zooming through the sugar bush trying not to crash and not break out necks.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 05:15:44 AM
Gypsy I have never seen much of AZ even though I lived right next door in CA most of my life. I did get to the Grand Canyon once while traveling across country as a teenager. I would love to see the Alamo and enjoy Sedona. I hear it is very beautiful there. My nephew is going there to do some painting in April. He is an artist and has an art school in San Francisco.
The only advice I can give you for B is to always let him know you appreciate his helping you no matter if it isn't perfect. I think men really like being appreciated for what help they can give even if it is just to listen to our woes. My DH loves it when I let him know how hard he works and how much I love it when he does things around the house. I told him that if I sometimes tell him my woes that does not mean he has to fix things. Just say, "Yes dear", and that will be a big help. I love lots of hugs, too. Thank goodness he is a good hugger.
I know you will have a wonderful time and believe me B sounds like a great fellow.
Marianne. You are such a sweet lady always giving such good advice and encouragement. Love you.
Holly I have never made cheese. How great that you can make cheese snacks for the boys. Did G enjoy shopping with Kethry? Chocolate is one thing I don't really have too much of a yen for. I do like my hot chocolate on those cold days and I am glad that you can finally enjoy your chocolate. Bread is my thing and I cannot have it. Oh well, such is life. I can have rice and I am glad for the rice cakes that I can put my peanut butter on.
Hope you are all enjoying this first weekend in March.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 09:37:56 AM
Gypsy, you are up early. I have been lurking about. Work is going good. But a little stressful. Everyone is very patient and helpful. However, the training is terrible. I'm basically learning how to do stuff the right way after doing it the wrong way because I haven't been shown the proper way. In addition to that, I have to time myself because the customer is charged by how long it takes to do the job. They told me they will adjust the charges because I'm in training. But I don't like this environment at all. I'm worried I will have to stay here long enough to get the experience I need. But this is not a place I want to work at permanently. I look at accounting jobs in the paper and the requirements are things I cannot get. Many of the ads are adamant about the software experience or industry. No trainees. I spent an hour meditating in prayer yesterday asking for guidance. I'm a little stressed to say the least.
So that is why I haven't posted lately. Thankful to have the job. I truly am. I'm hoping after tax season I can learn other areas of the office like payroll and bookkeeping. After all it is an internship. I just know my boss wants me for the front desk job and I don't want it. Working 6 days a week, 10 to 12 hour days is not what I'm looking for.
So some good news. I sold one of my baby quilts online. I also had 3 fabric orders. Plus, I did all my homework yesterday so I get to play today in my sewing room.
Gypsy, I'm so glad your new love is going well. You deserve it. I learned that everyone has a different action that others do to show love. There are 4 basic ones. One is time. This person will feel loved when you spend time with them. The next is touch followed by gifts and last is talking. There might be another that is doing nice things for them. But it is one of those things. When you figure it out, and make an effort to do it. They will feel loved by you. Unfortunately I feel love by gifts. I was conditioned this way I think by my grandmother. She was the only unconditional love I had. Every time I went to her house for a visit, there was always the best gift waiting. Nothing expensive, just some little thing that told me she thought of me. Unfortunately my two husbands never gave me gifts, even for traditional holidays. So I never really felt loved by them.
Ok so I have pretty much written a book here. I'm off to play with my sewing machine.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 10:06:20 AM
Bunny I am up early. I don't seem to sleep much. Maybe there's a vitamin for that. The B's thing is definitely words. So interesting the comments you made. It helped me put some things in perspective Bunny I think you will find a dream job doing accounting for some good people in an industry you like. Try applying for everything to do with fabric, sewing, etc and be willing to relocate. I know the whole process seems daunting but I am convinced this is all going to pay off for you. There are many small business owners who will need what you have to offer as well. Your tax experience will look really good on your résumé It is all going to work out exactly right.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 1:11:26 PM
Bunny, The thing that has gotten me through some crumby jobs - one being for a CPA, head flunky - proofreading tax forms and filing, copying, yuck - was everything is so temporary. If you are religious, I guess I'm talking, "This, too, shall pass." But, if you flip it and consider that you are using them as a means to your desired end, sometimes you feel less of the low man on the totem pole. Getting your education is all about being able to have choices. You have the choice to quit this job. You have the good sense not to. You are doing great. Keep it up. One day at a time. Then go make that sewing machine hum. Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 3:29:20 PM
Back again, can't seem to get an entire post done at once today! Holly, I am so impressed by your making cheese. That just fascinates me. I bet it is a big hit with the young boys, especially if you can pull the strings like the sticks in the store. So, I have a doppelganger in your part of the world? My mother was Portugese, although her grandmother was mulatto, and my dad was Italian. So, the europeans that were drawn to Vermont probably would have looked alot like my ancestors! By the way, your bacon promise is sheer genius, who could resist that? And am I misinformed? My understanding was that caffeine made breasts more tender prior to your period, especially for fibrous breasts. I had not known that it was ever linked to lumps, benign or not. Just asking for my daughter's sake. I don't worry about that monthly tenderness anymore and Hallelujah to have it gone.
Tomorrow I am making a frittata. Leftover ham, onions, red potatoes and cheddar. I have started using an eggbeaters-type product since dh's cholesterol was close enough to being high to make him want to cut back. I find the liquid egg substitute pretty convenient for us since we really don't use that many eggs. It works well in baked goods and the frittata seems absolutely unchanged.
Hope you all have a lovely evening, Marianne
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 5:14:54 PM
Howdy Ho Ladies!
Holly, I would love to know how to make cheese but I guess I first need a cow or goat, lol. Cheese sticks sound so good!!! I had kidney stones years ago and the Dr. told me it was from to much dairy products and I thought, well what do you expect, I'm a Swede and from MN. Everything is white and/or dairy. You would think I was a cheese head from Wisconsin I eat so much cheese.
Unlike most of you, I haven't been taking care of my body like I know I should. It's called stress and when I am stressed I eat. BUT, now that I am the one doing the daily cooking while David is laid up, I am keeping him on his diabetic diet which helps me too! He doesn't do that for himself and you would think shooting insulin into your body daily, you would be very adapt at this in life by now, but he isn't. So maybe there will be a positive to nursing him again and I will get to keep being the cook. Although I must admit we had chicken enchiladas tonight with black beans on the side. Like Holly, I love carbs.
The weather here as been as dismal as what Marianne's sounds like. Since last Wed. it has been cloudy with either rain/freezing rain/sleet/snow everyday. And talk about mud season! The path to the chicken coop is nothing but mud! When trying to get to Fred's coop (our rooster) I sink in what seems like a foot but really is about 3 inches in mud. Tonight I had gone out and fed the girls and got them back into the coop before it was dark. But with Fred, you wait until he goes in on his own. So later I had to go out to shut Fred's door to his coop and half way there as I was sloshing around I realized I had my slippers on! I hate mud season more than any other time of the year. The only good thing about it is knowing spring is coming.
Time to get my order into the co-op. Have a great week ladies!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 5:31:42 PM
Good evening everyone,
There are people around here who do bookkeeping for the smaller businesses. I know my chiropractor is horrible about billing insurance and dealing with copays and now she has someone who comes in a couple of times a month to help her deal with those aspects of her business. She also has a knitted Christmas stocking business that they help her keep track of the payments and taxes. Bunny there are probably businesses out there that could use your expertise. You know about small business from having owned one.
When I eat refined sugar like in a donut or my Talie's favorite honey bun my upper neck gets tight and I feel pressure inside the back of my head. Sometimes store bought milk will do that to me too. I do get the nasty gas when I eat oregano which is a real bummer because I used to like using that in tomato sauces.
I have fibrous breast and it was not until I was older and getting ready to stop bleeding that my breasts swelled and ached. Most of my years I never had a problem with my period or my breasts. It was just inconvenient. So, I do not know the answer to your question about caffeine and water retention. I do not do a lot of caffeine. Just that lovely chocolate you sent and the candy the children bought me for my birthday. My chiro did say that if a person had water retention she should get some ginger root and scrape some into a cup of hot water to make a tea. I do not know how much, sorry.
Do not leave the frittata and go brush the horses. lol
Someone mentioned making refried beans. I guess I could look up a recipe but fill me in so I do not need too.
Cheri and Kethry went to see the Alvin Ailey dance company at the Dartmouth Center for the Performing Arts. They took two friends. They had a wonderful time. The theater was small and packed . they were about 30 paces from the performers. They could see the muscles ripple on the men and women.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 6:14:36 PM
I had problems with fibroid tissue back when I was around 40 and the dr said it was caffeine. That was when I was living on a full pot of coffee a day at work. No wonder. They can be painful but mostly scary because of fear of malignancy. They are not as far as i know ever malignant but any lump is scary. I haven't had any problems since menopause Ginny I'm glad you checked in. I know what you mean about the stress. All that mud you gals are dealing with would make me crazy. Ginny I got a big laugh about the slippers but I'm guessing it wasn't so funny at the time. Bunny you know Holly has a very good point about all the small businesses that need help. Most of them probably use Quickbooks and that is easy. I can see it now: SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS BY BUNNY. Let Bunny take care of your accounting headaches so you have time to run your business. But hurry. Space is limited. Call today!!
Holly your little Texas boys would like refried beans. It's a staple here particularly in the Hispanic households. Origionally it was yesterday's left over pinto beans mashed up in a skillet with some lard and heated up. Now you can buy it in a can at the grocery store.
Just when I was writing this the dogs and I heard something outside. They barked and I went for the gun. Turned on the outside light and there was a big fat raccoon eating the cat food. I shot him point blank but he still ran to the edge of the yard. Hope I find him dead there tomorrow. Putting food out for that cat has drawn every critter within miles, I guess. I've seen 4 cats out there so far. Guess I'll have to take the cat to the pound. she finally let me pick her up and she's got some big scabs on her belly but seems ok now. Gypsy TX USA .
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 03 2013 6:34:11 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2013 : 8:50:32 PM
I would love to do my own bookkeeping business. I still have a bit to learn. I need to learn more about payroll for starters. I also need to learn Quickbooks a little better too. This office does use Quickbooks because their customers do. So I'm hoping they will get me up to speed on that after tax season. I know the boss wants me to learn payroll. So if I can just chill and hang in there, I'm sure it will get better. At least for learning stuff I need to know. I would much rather work from home for myself anyway. More time to sew! Speaking of sewing.... here is what I worked on today in my sewing room among other things.
I found this jacket at the second hand store and just knew I could remake it. I'm adding the lace and I found some pretty lace to put around the sleeves. I'm thinking about doing a skirting around the back with some pretty batiks I just got. They are all browns, tans and greens. I'll show you when I get done. Nothing is sewn down yet. I wish I could make a living doing this all day! It takes me so long to decide what to do. Then I'm a big chicken to cut into anything. I did sell a baby quilt and some fabric on my Etsy sites. I finished my scrappy tattered skirt. I figured out however it would fit a size 6. I'm going to have to pay attention to measurements better next time. The jacket is a small too. I find many of the clothes I see selling on Etsy are small sizes. I really need to lose weight! Too many cool things out there.
Anyway, I'm off to watch some Netflix and then to bed.
Later Everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
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