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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 07 2015 : 5:37:48 PM
Oh, bunny, sorry I lost track of time. I hope your serger gets well soon.
G, I'm so glad to hear of the nice time you are having. Yes, listen to bunny, pass on that haggis stuff.
I think you did great with your picked beans! I'm short-cutting by freezing everything. No processing to speak of. Plus, it takes quite a bit more effort to pick beans and pickle them! Congratulations to you.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 07 2015 : 5:41:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
Another scorcher here in the hill country. Temperatures were in the 90's, no breeze to speak of. Sky a beautiful hazy blue. The weather guessers say rain the next three days. The last time they guessed rain for us it did not appear. I hope they are better at it this time. We could sure use the rain.
I painted the bottom timber on the green house today with some tar stuff. It is to prevent the timbers that have the dirt touch them from rotting.
A neighbor who went to Scotland last month with the drama group from her school said that Haggis tasted pretty good and the hype about it was over rated.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 07 2015 : 6:19:46 PM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:00:23 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 06:02:49 AM
Looks like everyone has been so busy and productive!
Holly -- the greenhouse is really wonderful! I used to take care of my baby brother's finances. He is a very smart guy, but just has no head for taking care of his finances. He had just moved back to the States after working in Japan for about five years, and handed everything over to me to budget and pay his bills. I was happy to do it, because I was the one he would always come to when he was broke! ha ha He seems to do better now -- he's back in Japan, but this time is working on another college degree and seems to do okay arranging work and getting his bills paid on time. Maybe someday when I "retire," I could take up that kind of life/bookkeeping service. ?????
Back at work after a lovely long weekend at some friends' beach house down in Ocean Pines, MD. We were out on their pontoon boat quite a bit, ate way too much, got to know these folks better, and met some more nice people. It was lots of fun, but it's always best to get back home.
Bunny -- sorry you are so wiped out. I can't even imagine what it must be like. My friend's mom was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 30+ years ago, and nobody had ever heard of it. She went from being an active hiker, biker, camper, etc., to spending lots of days in a wheelchair because she was simply in too much pain to stand up. She seems to be doing better these days -- it's a weird illness and nobody really seems to understand why it does what it does. Glad you have a diagnosis, so you can make arrangements for your ups and downs.
And so ... back to work. I had about three customers who had payments due/overdue over the weekend. I made courtesy reminder calls and still no response -- so I can't feel badly that their cars wouldn't start. I expect lots of calls/visits today. Lesson learned, folks -- lesson learned.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 09:48:35 AM
Most of the time I feel like His Dudeness is pretty evolved ---- most of the time, that is. On Sunday, we were out boating with our MD friends and they wanted to show us this big beach-front club. The place is huge. Capacity is 4700 people - there are 18 bars on the premises - lots of innertube seating out in the bay, plus tables and dance floors. Being Labor Day weekend, the place was really packed, and most of the clientele was very young (they card at the door and give everyone a wrist band.) Anyway, the six of us more mature folks are walking around looking at the games and watching the crowd, sipping a little tropical drink. The three Neanderthals -- oops, I mean guys -- were standing a little ways away from us and ogling this girl in a tiny little bikini. She had her back to us, so they were enjoying her backside tremendously and making idiotic comments to one another. I find that kind of behavior in men old enough to be a girl's grandfather to be stupid and foolish. It just always seems a little bit ridiculous to me, and makes them (the old guys) look pitiful and stupid. I mean, I was watching the crowd and thinking that some of the girls were really beautiful! Some of them had very pretty hair, or great figures, or both, and cute suits...just a little worried about what was going to happen after the alcohol built up and the sun went down, but thinking that the kids all looked like they were having a great time. But our three old guys were acting stupid, I thought, and I guess we weren't supposed to realize what they were talking about or something.
Anyway, His Dudeness came over and asked me if I would like another drink, and I smiled acidly at him and said "Oh yes, please. I am just standing here enjoying the parade of man-meat and it's making me thirsty." His eyes got big and round (that "deer in the headlights" look) and when he brought me my drink, it came with an "I'm sorry" kiss and he stopped acting like a foolish old goat! ha ha ha.
I hope that we both always can appreciate a beautiful physique, or a beautiful face, or whatever --- but this business of staring and making 20-something comments is just a little bit sickening in a supposedly grown man or woman.
The phone has been nice and quiet this morning, so I got the bank statements balanced for August and have dealt with some other paperwork that was kind of time-critical. I am enjoying a little sock knitting during my lunch time. I would really like to get this sock done and fired at my target before I get taken out of the game. I can't remember if I registered for the game with my home address or office address, so I am cringing from both postmen!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
130 Posts
130 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 10:58:25 AM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 14 2015 8:53:23 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 12:58:09 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:20:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 1:37:04 PM
Marilyn--I don't know what makes old geezers (LOL) gawk at pretty young things either. But then, I've never been able to understand why women wear itsy bitsy bikinis. Even when I was young and toned and thin, I wouldn't wear a bikini. Especially if I was drinking as well. G--I would like the neeps and tatties but I still think I'd pass on the haggis. I was looking at some pictures of islands that are still "pristine" and there was a picture of the Isle of Skye--it looked like something out of a King Arthur legend. You are very fortunate to be able to visit such a legendary land. I keep envisioning green hills shrouded in mist. And there's a deep, dark loch....suddenly an unidentifiable sound is heard and then I see what looks like a dinosaur's head emerge from the lake...yes, I have a vivid imagination. Steph--I'm glad you have something to look forward to after losing family members...even though it is a bit stressful. I know you'll be relieved after you close on it and then you can get to work making your dream come true. I'm now scheduled to have my stress test tomorrow morning and the echocardiogram in the afternoon. which is a relief since I won't have to wait as long. Plus I have friends on the cardio unit, so I'll be in good hands. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 2:31:26 PM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:00:43 PM |
Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
130 Posts
130 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 2:45:00 PM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:00:58 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 3:41:16 PM
Iris Goddesses,
I know something of the "Gentle Johnstones". They lived on the border of Scotland and England and were called reavers. They were one of the clans that raided along the border and whose alliance to the monarch was weak. As a group, the Border Reivers were considered the best light cavalry in all of Europe. They were also very badly behaved in camp and were known to switch sides in the middle of a battle. One did not call the Johnstones gentle to their faces because they were anything but that. This explains a lot, doesn't it Gypsy?
As for the haggis, try everything once and the fun things twice.
I allow Lowell to look and not touch. I myself an a look, don't touch kind of woman. I don't mind if he says something to me about another woman's assets. It's when he is critical within earshot that upsets me. He has this bad habit of commenting about a person's body size. I try to shush him but he just keeps it up until I have to yell at him. I just giggle when I see it happening because it is so entertaining. I once was walking behind this guy whose head would turn and his eyes would follow every attractive woman passing. I made small bets with myself guessing which women coming the other way he would look at. I won!
I am feeling really tired because of the allergy symptoms I have. My ears are plugged up and my eyes feel heavy. Lowell's band, Ten Thirty Bones, has a Facebook page and has rented a banquet hall on Halloween night (amazing) to hold a concert/party. The hall is right next to the Black Forest Inn and very close to where we live.
The hall has the most gorgeously painted walls. The owner says that most people coming to events there get their food and booze from the restaurant which people can access without leaving the venue. It only costs $75. We will be charging $5 at the door. I am certain we can pay the rent with receipts.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 4:36:24 PM
Steph--you know Jed Clampett came from the Missouri Ozarks? Lots of people have never forgiven him for moving to CA. Good luck with Billy-Bob. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 5:54:32 PM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 14 2015 8:54:57 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 08 2015 : 7:01:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
Our first son's uncle is John Johnson. He lives in North Carolina someplace.
We are amused by the Clampett parody. and out of Missouri of all places. Not pumping the septic tank is odd to me. Does the poo decompose on its own and pass out the leach field by intent? I wonder if this is a patented option just available in Missouri. Some real estate people and others just do not appreciate smart women. I guess if you had been from around there you would be related to the sellers and they would make good on the problems if any arose to keep peace in the family. But, being from the outside just changes the deal.
I do not know why old men or young ones need to pass judgement on young women's bodies or dress. So, they feel superior? or virile? Good for you for getting the Dude to think and change his behavior even if it was just this once. His learning curve is not flat.
Yesterday was the hottest Labor Day on record for the state of Vermont. Today was hot as well but there was cloud cover so while the humidity was high there was a breeze and the sun was not so blazing.
G I am glad you and the B are having a good time. At least moments of joy with times of sheer exhaustion.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 09 2015 : 12:22:43 AM
The Johnstones are first identified by name (1124-1153) as northern knights from England. In the Scottish border country - the notorious Debatable Lands - the great families built up a ferocious reputation for providing warlike men accustomed to raiding into England and occasionally fighting one another. The borders were the product of a brutal frontier, there were centuries of border warfare with England after the Scottish War of Independence had discouraged crop farming. Instead, the borderers became restless and mobile, raiding the English and neighboring Scots to replenish the cattle and horses that constituted their principal form of property.
The first known Johnstone was Gilbert, son of John ....who received land in southern Annandale from William Bruce the Norman Lord of Allendale between 1195 and 1214. Gilbert was knighted, fought in the battle of Solway in 1378 and the battle of Otterbourne in 1388. Johnstones rose to power by assisting the king in crushing the Douglas rebellion in 1455. The principal stronghold of the Johnstones was Lochwood Castle. The first known reference to the stone castle of Lochwood by name was in November 1476 in a Latin document n which John Johnstone conveyed the lands of Wamphray to his son John. In 1542 Queen Mary of Guise designated the lands of the Laird of Johnstone a free barony. Lochwood is considered the seat of the Johnstone clan. In 1633 at the coronation of King Charles I in Scotland, James Johnstone, son of sir James Johnstone of Dunskellie, was created a first Lord of Parliament with the designation of Lord Johnstone of Lochwood. In 1643 he became Earl of Hartfell, Lord Johnstone of Lochwood, Moffatdale and Evandale. William Johnstone, the second Earl of Annandale gained favor of King William I and became an Extraordinary Lord of Session, Lord of the Treasury, lord of the Privy Counsel, Knight of the Thisle, Joint Secretary of State for Scotland, Keeper of the Great Seal, and Privy Counselor. In 1701, the King made him Marquis of Allendale in recognition of his service.
I think that says a lot, doesn't it, Marie?
These are excerpts from the history of the clan written by a descendant here named Jeffery Johnstone, called The origins of the clan Johnstone and their place in history . Johnstones are referenced in every book I've found on Scotland history and the name is known throughout as well as any other clans. But this book provides more personal history about the family. It was a very large clan. This book says Today all Johnstones are considered to be members of a single clan.
Hope that wasn't too boring. All the Scots were great warriors, even several who fought at the Alamo were Scots. Oddly, B seems proud of that fact. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 09 2015 12:43:13 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2015 : 01:23:52 AM
I read a book I think called things men wish women knew, and it addresses the thing about them looking at other women. They presumably can not help it even when they are in love with their wives. It also explains why they stop courting as soon as the honeymoon is over. Too bad I didn't read these books sooner.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2015 : 12:55:38 PM
Holly -- I was reading your "septic" post in a huge hurry (a bad habit of mine!!!) and thought you were joking that the poo passed into the leach field by internet. Now I am giggling to myself. Time to go home, I think!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2015 : 2:18:29 PM
I'll sign up for the Holly septic system!
You have to read Holly's posting carefully, she can surprise you!
G, your trip sounds fabulous. Castles daily! What fun. Are they dank and drafting or dark and enchanted?
Marilyn, I think G is right about the gotta look thing. Dh is pretty evolved and I appreciate that no end. We are having cool nights and warm days. That is just about the best weather there is, right?
Steph, when we bought property (about 30 acres) in Kansas, we wanted it surveyed... "No need for that the tree line is your property line!" I carefully explained that we were (also) from California and we measure land in square feet there! But, I have never had anyone balk at the idea of a timely inspection. Those clauses in your purchase offer aren't just suggestions! Keep on 'em! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2015 : 6:34:56 PM
well, I endured some abuse this morning. First was the stress test. First I had to lie very still on a table while some contraption took images of my heart. then the actual stress test: I couldn't do the treadmill so I was lying down and they injected, through an IV, some medicine that sped up my heart as though I was exercising. It felt REALLY strange. It only lasted a few minutes. Then they had me drink a Coco-Cola (for real) cause the caffeine helps get the stuff out of your system in a hurry. And you want to get it out of your system cause it does feel VERY weird. Then they took more images of my heart. then came the echocardiogram. I could see the screen and I don't know what the images mean, but I have a bad feeling about it. I could hear (greatly amplified) my heart beating and it just didn't sound right. It sounded like someone was sloshing through a swamp. I won't know the results till tomorrow or Friday. I see my doctor tomorrow so I hope she has the results by then. On the plus side, I started reading Chrissie Hynde's autobiography: Reckless, My Life as a Pretender. she's my favorite rock star of all time. She spent the first few years of her life on a Hillcrest Street and I spent the first five years of my life on a Hillcrest Avenue. And she's from the Midwest and was horse crazy as a kid, like I was. I've never done all the wild and crazy things she's done, but I did meet Ray Davies once. I've only seen the Pretenders in concert twice, but they were good concerts. I like the story of how she kicked the windows out of a police car when the band was on tour in Ohio. And I love her voice and her lyrics. Very soulful, poetic, and tough. Have a good evening, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 09 2015 : 7:29:37 PM
I must admit most of my knowledge of the Johnstone's comes from Lance Johnstone of Wisconsin. He also was very proud of his family heritage. He lived roughly and thoroughly. He trained as an actor which didn't sit well with his dad. His dad used to take him to bars in Wisconsin and put beer in his bottle to keep him quiet. When I knew him, he would drink, drive and pass-out behind the wheel. He had to spend time in the workhouse and lost his license for a time. Just when it seemed as if he was getting his life back together, he killed himself. All the note said was "I f**ked up." The rest I got from an article on the internet. I didn't mean to offend.
I found the history fascinating. Quite the stuff of adventure. I was thinking that now I know where Gypsy gets her spunky attitude. I will certainly try to stay on her good side. I'm sorry if you took offense at my comments, Gypsy.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Sep 09 2015 7:32:26 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2015 : 7:30:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by churunga
I must admit most of my knowledge of the Johnstone's comes from Lance Johnstone of Wisconsin. He also was very proud of his family heritage. He lived roughly and thoroughly. He trained as an actor which didn't sit well with his dad. His dad used to take him to bars in Wisconsin and put beer in his bottle to keep him quiet. When I knew him, he would drink, drive and pass-out behind the wheel. He had to spend time in the workhouse and lost his license for a time. Just when it seemed as if he was getting his life back together, he killed himself. All the note said was "I f**ked up." The rest I got from an article on the internet.
I found the history fascinating. Quite the stuff of adventure. I was thinking that now I know where Gypsy gets her spunky attitude. I will certainly try to stay on her good side. I'm sorry if you took offense at my comments, Gypsy.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2015 : 07:17:01 AM
Just mailed my Sox of Death to their intended recipient. She's in Canada, so it was a little bit spendy, but there are lots of combatants in this contest who are in Europe or even New Zealand and Australia, so a little extra postage (and extra time) is not too bad. They are guaranteed to arrive on her doorstep by the 15th, so as long as I don't receive the sox from my sniper before that, I will still be alive and have one in the win column.
I know this game seems sort of silly to most people, but I really enjoy it, and we have raised a lot of money for Doctors Without Borders. So bear with me as I await my death by pointy sticks.

Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2015 : 10:16:05 AM
Pouring -- simply POURING rain here, but that's okay as far as I am concerned. It should extend our garden by a little bit and green up some of the brownish areas. It started to rain overnight and both of us woke up and enjoyed the sound of the rain on our steel roof. I know it makes a mess of the traffic and it's harder to get in and out of a car without getting soaked --- all those little inconveniences --- but it sure does feel good after the high heat and awful humidity we've been having.
It is pretty quiet here today, so I may just knit (at a leisurely pace!) for a while. I am still working on a silver/grey/black scarf for myself. It is a very easy and repetitive pattern, so it's good for office knitting. Much better than sox! ha ha The lights keep flickering, but I'm not sure if the power is trying to go out, or if my mechanic is futzing with the lift out in the garage. That sometimes makes us brown out a little. Dude has gone up to the bid sale this afternoon and the mechanic will be leaving soon. Ought to be a nice quiet afternoon. Wonder what G is doing? I would love to see Scotland someday.
Have a great one, Goddesses.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Sep 10 2015 : 3:48:06 PM
Pretty socks. We got our rain yesterday. Got the results of my tests back. The dr. said it was "normal" BUT...since I've been so sick with asthma and bronchitis, my heart has been working harder and not as efficiently. And she said I have a leaky heart valve but "don't worry" about it. yeah, right, don't worry. At least it's not heart failure, which is what the ER dr. was worried about. I'm still coughing but I am breathing a lot better and don't get out of breath after walking a short distance. I can't remember ever being so sick for so long. So the news is good but it sure had me worried for a while. I'm supposed to go back to work Monday but have to first be approved by Occupational Health and the earliest appointment I could get was Monday afternoon. I feel like I've been through a hurricane. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 10 2015 : 6:25:55 PM
Good evening everyone,
I had a lovely witty post already last night and the internet burped and did not post it.
I am glad your socks are in the mail. I have been hoping you would not be killed before they were done and off. When I have time I would like to do that kind of contest.
I have mitral valve prolapse. The doctor can hear it but it has not been seen on a sonogram. The doctor says it happens in tall people. The valve does not close all the way and some blood continues to go through even when it is not supposed too. Maybe that is what you have.
We did in the turkeys today. There were fourteen of them plus the neighbors two and several roosters. It took from 9 until 3. Some came out better from the plucker than others. Some of the toms must have weighed more than 30 pounds. The plucker had a hard time with those. We will start them later next year so they do not get as big. We waited to do them in until the weather was cooler. I wanted to do them a couple of weeks ago but if it is done in too hot weather they do not cool down as quickly and the flies walk all over them and it is a nastier job than it is in cooler weather. We gave the awfuls and the feet to the pigs.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |