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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 03 2015 :  8:57:38 PM  Show Profile
G, so glad you made it. I hope after some downtime you can enjoy the rest of the trip.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  05:55:23 AM  Show Profile
Just dumped my whole previous post.

Basically, I was saying that from now on, G's trip will be nothing but wonderful!

Also that generic Prozac saved my life. Had a wonderful therapist. I think everyone has to make their own way through issues and NOT be afraid to tell a practitioner "NO" when need be. Also don't be afraid to admit that you need help, and remember that your next door neighbor is NOT you and your friends and family are NOT you. Do what you need to do to get the help you need. Having a wonderful advocate is a blessing.

I got my first Sock Sniper sock done last night and have cast on the second one. Hopefully I will get some time to knit today. We are driving down to Ocean City, MD, this evening to spend the weekend with friends -- If Speed Racer doesn't scare me to death in the car, I might get some knitting done then. Our little burg has a car show this evening. The Rotary Club is helping with registration, etc. Dude will go uptown early and I will stay here and keep the shop open until 5:00. We also have a Corvette to take up for the show. It's going to be a long day.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  08:44:04 AM  Show Profile
Oh ladies -- I am having a little bit of a challenging morning so far. People are becoming very angry with me for things that THEY have caused, and I am just trying to do my job here. The easy thing would be to give them whatever they want, but my JOB is to collect the money owed, and I don't work for them, I work for the Dude. I really do not enjoy people being mad at me, but doggone it!!!

The one little monster has just been out of jail for a few weeks, and he thinks he's all that and a pickle, besides. But his account is way past due and the money is owed now. The other guy is just not very bright and has never paid attention to his due dates and owes soooooo much that I can NOT give him any more leeway. Sigh. I didn't need this today. His Dudeness is out at his SIL's place, trying to sort through the eight gazillion car parts that Brother left behind (you really can't take them with you), and I don't know when he will be back. Doesn't seem to be answering his phone, either, which I fully understand.

This is one of those days, I guess. I have to remind myself that I work for the Dude, not for these people. And that they owe the money. And that they signed contracts saying they would pay the money. And that these are NOT my friends, so it shouldn't matter to me if they are not thrilled at what I say. But the little girl inside who craves acceptance really doesn't like today! ha ha

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  09:34:34 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:01:34 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  09:54:07 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:05:35 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  09:55:45 AM  Show Profile
I think that should be Currant Preserves. Anyway they were good.
Now for pics. Hopefully
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  10:02:09 AM  Show Profile
G, you sound so much happier! Glad you are resting up and enjoying yourself. Can't wait for pictures!

Marilyn, nothing you can do to change these people. Just breath and do your best. Firm but fair. Wine after work!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  10:02:56 AM  Show Profile
Or margaritas, Long Island ice tea???


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  10:19:28 AM  Show Profile
I have always wanted to try clotted cream! A Scottish photographer friend of mine (he lives in Kyoto now) posted a picture on his facebook page today -- Edinburgh castle from Princes Street Gardens -- I thought of G right away! It was beautiful.

Steph -- thank you for the good words and the great perspective. The Dude came back and I spoke to him about the issues I had stirred up this morning. It was good to hear that he approves of what I'm doing. I try to teach some of my less responsible clients some better habits, but it's tough to get through sometimes. When I have really young women who are struggling, I generally speak to them like they are my children. I don't want to talk down to anyone, but some of these folks have never had any financial upbringing at all, and just don't know -- really do not know -- how to manage their money.

When my daughter was little and her bedroom mess would get out of control, I would sometimes say "Okay, I am setting the timer for 1 hour. Anything left on the floor of your room after the timer goes off gets donated to the local GoodWill." I hated thinking that I would have to stick to it, but I would have had to. That's kind of the way I look at some of these folks. Hopefully if I keep the line drawn very clearly, they will build a better fiscal habit. We'll find a chicken with lips today, too! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  10:25:45 AM  Show Profile
Bunny -- Long car trip followed by wine and sleep!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  5:22:07 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Marilyn my now 21 year old needs you. He is out on his own, he works part time because where he works has a few full time positions and they are full. He was offered a job somewhere else but did not take it because he did not want to sit all day long even though they would give him $2 more and hour. A couple of weeks ago he hit someone and started to leave the scene of the accident but was stopped by several people. He has no insurance. We are trying to keep out mother hands out of this. Of he wants to be a young man then he needs to take on the responsibilities of being a young man. He needs you to who is not related to get him to make better choices. I would bet that his entertainment budget has not gone by the bye like his insurance has.
You are good to take the time to try to teach these young people responsibility.

G glad to hear from you. Is the B's accent getting thicker with a return to the homeland? Clotted cream is not that hard to make. I have a recipe some place.

I put up one sheet of roofing today. I needed to cut one of the remaining pieces but did not have the blade for the circular saw. I made a trip to town but when I returned the wrench that takes the blade off the saw was missing. I love my children. I took the saw to a machinist in town who has many tools. He did not have the right wrench. Why can companies not make a standard size bolt is beyond me. I borrowed a circular saw from the neighbor and cut the piece of roofing lickety split. Tomorrow I will finish. You must be tired of the blow by blow of the roof. I am.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  5:22:40 PM  Show Profile
I like the sock pattern and the colors.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  8:32:55 PM  Show Profile
Holly - I never tire of the blow-by-blow account. I learn so much from it.

Marilyn - Lovely sock. I should make myself some soon. Remember to tell these people that now that they are adults they have much more responsibility. Their problems are not your problems so you will not own them. I used to say this while I was a first party collector: the first time is a mistake, the second time is forgetfulness, that third time is an excuse, there is no fourth time - the car will be repossessed. I get really frustrated with people who do not know how to budget and confuse needs with wants. Some people's kids!!!

Gypsy - I will not schedule the surgery until after the CT scan on the 14th. I have been letting people know that it is coming up.

The air is hot and muggy here. I get so frustrated with the adolescent players in the D&D game. One of them doesn't give up in an argument or a haggling session even when it is obvious he cannot get the price he wants. The other wastes time arguing about the rules and contradicts the guy who runs the game. He has trouble taking no for an answer also. If Nyahels (pronounced Niles) wasn't such a good game master, I would be even more angry. The kids were crazy today - so out of control. One kid, E, has this chirpy voice and blurts out stuff all the time. When he does raise his hand, he also says "Mrs. Pendleton! Mrs. Pendleton!" Then he talks about something that is so off topic one wonders how he got there. He is definitely bi-polar. I know the symptoms. Lowell is largely unable to get the dogs to go out for walks with him. He also reprimands them inappropriately. Morgan peed on the floor today so now he wants me to come home from school and take them out for a walk. I will not because that will become part of their schedule and neither of us can commit to it.

Having a lovely stress free day. NOT!!!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Sep 05 2015 :  08:25:40 AM  Show Profile
Good morning sisters. Spent the night in the boonies with the Doxies. I actually slept pretty well. Might have been that mega dose of melatonin drops I had. I'm out there for the next 8 nights. Thankfully I have lots of hand work to do to keep me busy.

Holly, kids are so helpful aren't they? My oldest son had a thing about his dad's tools. They usually ended up in the backyard in a mud puddle. Now he takes very good care of his tools and does not loan them out to anyone. He worked for SnapOn and has a new appreciation for good tools.

Was so tired yesterday trying to sew. Fibro seems to be flaring up for some reason. It is frustrating because I'm sitting in my basement, looking at all my clothing supplies and have so many ideas but no energy to pull it off. Hopefully today will be better.

G, hope you have a wonderful day meeting the family! Thinking of you!

Marilyn, I remember being poor. It was hard because not having enough money wears you down and you spend what you have on things to try and make you happy. Having said that, our car payment and mortgage were always paid first. Your people need to learn priorities for sure.

Marie, you are so right about the routine with the dogs. It only takes once and they remember!

Jan, are you out there? Hopefully your electrical problem is being solved!

Steph, how is the moving going? Has the farm closed escrow yet?

It rained last night where I was. It was falling from the sky but not hitting the ground for a while. The drive to the boonies is a nice one. I can see for miles and the clouds were dark with rain falling in the distance. My truck needed a good washing anyway. It has cooled off finally and yesterday was the first day in so long I did not have any hot flashes.

Well, time to get to work! Later goddesses!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 05 2015 :  10:01:45 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:14:31 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 05 2015 :  10:03:55 AM  Show Profile
I am loving the people here, and listening to them talk. B has hardly any accent compared to the locals. Some are hard to understand.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Sep 05 2015 :  5:34:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

G I am prepared to wait for the pictures. I am glad to read your adventures. Sorry about your credit card info being stolen. It is good the bank caught the thievery and save you thousands.

Marie one foot in front of the other is all we can do sometimes. Glad you are well enough to go to school.

Bunny the energy will return.

So, far so good.

from the back

fall dandelion going to seed. The head is only about the size of my thumb nail. It is covered in dew. I held the camera steady enough to catch a clear shot. Took 20 pictures to get three good ones.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Sep 05 2015 :  9:11:10 PM  Show Profile
G--sounds like you are having a good time, except for someone hacking into your account. I had a hard time understanding a Scottish character's speaking in "Wuthering Heights", my favorite book, until I sounded out what the character was saying. I still problems with Robert Burns' poetry so I look at footnotes to understand what he was writing about. But I do like the Scottish dialect. I have ever since watching "Star Trek" as a kid (I had a crush on Scotty). I would like to tour a castle some day, as long as I didn't see any ghosts. And how neat that you have relatives who were talented horsemen. And a real tea sounds so proper.
Holly--the greenhouse is coming along wonderfully. What direction does the front of it face? Here, people like to have windows, cold frames, etc. that face south, as that's where most of our sunlight come from in winter. Speaking of which, it's getting dark much earlier and the sun is coming up later.
Marilyn--some people just don't know how to set priorities. I have a co-worker whose car was re-possessed and she would come to and from work in a cab--even though the bus ran past her house. She had never ridden a bus and thought they were dirty. Well, maybe those in some inner cities are, but the buses here are clean and cheap. And most of the cabs are dirty. And then she would complain about never having any money. I know what it feels like to not have money, but at least my house is paid off, and I'm in a program to pay back my credit card debt, which is now one third of what it was five years ago. I like to buy something new now and then cause it makes me feel better and everyone deserves to have a little money set aside for entertainment and "frivolous" things. I could have filed for bankruptcy but I believe in paying off my debts so I didn't. Besides, I know people who have and two years later, they're having money problems again.
Bunny--isn't it frustrating to want to do something but a physical problem gets in the way? I hope you feel better soon. I bet those doxies love you for taking care of them. And adolescents are....well, adolescents.
Marie--my test is also scheduled for the 14th. If it shows what the ER dr. thinks it is, I may never be able to go back to my job, unless they can find a desk job for me. My cough has subsided a lot but I still have this feeling of constant pressure in my chest.
My SIL flew to Philly this weekend to accompany her brother, who is appearing on some reality show. I don't know what the show is, but I can see her brother being on one. Everyone have a good holiday,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 06 2015 :  3:49:05 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

The temperature has dropped 10 degrees since 2 PM. We are now at a toasty 80 degrees.

The green house faces south mostly and a little west. I wanted it more to the south but the person who put the posts in for the foundation screwed it up and I just wanted to build it. So, I made a short side open so it will get more sunshine to make up for the awkward angle.

Cindy sorry to hear you are hurting and it may be long term.. It is so nice to have your house paid off. We own more than the bank does and should be paid off in the next few years as well.

I have noticed that getting up in the dark or at twilight is not encouraging for me to get up. I have to get the cow in earlier because she has a cataract and she beds down when she can not see. I like to leave her out as long as possible so she can graze and I do not have to feed hay then.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 06 2015 :  4:22:12 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:17:03 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 06 2015 :  11:15:02 PM  Show Profile
Holly, your greenhouse is awesome. I am not tired of hearing about it at all. I have been posting from my kindle lately....

Bunny, glad to be home from all you house sitting?

G, after that tough start, the trip sounds like it is turning into a wonderful time. Looking forward to some photos.

Marilyn, what as lovely, evenly knit sock that is. Anyone would be thrilled to receive it. I hope you like the ones you receive

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Sep 07 2015 :  1:10:23 PM  Show Profile
Well, Marie and Cindy, the 14th will be a busy day for all us farmgirls sending good thoughts for you both.

Yesterday, while I was out fussing with the horses, I saw one of the ravens darting around being chased by a light colored bird. I came in the house and dh and I got a good look at the bird that was doing the chasing when it perched on a fence post in my garden. A hawk. Trying to move in on the raven family. dh got his pellet rifle and put a pellet in the fence post beneath the hawk. It took off. But, so had the ravens. All night and all morning, it has been SO quiet. Then mid morning I saw one of the parents up at the top of a tree next to our garage, calling. About an hour later, he got an answer. And then later still, I heard one of the babies. Their cry is a bit of a quack/call. Identifiable. So far, we have only seen three of the five... Mom and Dad for sure, one youngster... At least they aren't all gone...

I am saucing for the last time this year. YAY! I mentioned to dh that I thought it was such a small batch that it wasn't worth the trouble. But, he overruled my laziness and pled for one more pot of sauce. It is bubbling away. Wine, garlic, basil, onion, parsley and oregano is alongside the olive oil waiting for their turn to enter the pot. Usually making about three or four dinners at once seems like a good use of time. This seems like a very small batch of sauce for me. Usually I have been getting close to two gallons each incredibly long day of cooking I have put in. Worth the effort.

My lavender has dried and is ready to be stripped from the stems. Love doing that. It smells like heaven! And means fall is almost here.

I hope everyone is enjoying their extra weekend day,
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Sep 07 2015 :  1:37:39 PM  Show Profile
Gee, Mar, two gallons in a day? I canned three pint jars of pickled beans this year, total. But I have a small garden. And I still have a red spot on my arm where the steam burned me. I am glad the parent ravens are OK. The youngsters may have flown off by now.
G-- hope you are enjoying that small village. You are brave to try the haggis.
I am hoping I won't have to wait till the 14th. for my test. My paycheck was short about fifty dollars cause someone accidentally took out a deduction for scrubs that I didn't buy. I should receive a make-up check tomorrow. I bought some CO Q-10 which is supposed to be good for heart health. I've also read that taking hawthorn berry tincture helps. I hope my SIL gets back to St. Louis on time. she has to work tomorrow. I'd like to know what show her brother is going to be on.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 07 2015 :  3:38:55 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:19:18 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Sep 07 2015 :  4:10:57 PM  Show Profile
G, good luck on the haggis. I would pass myself. I think half the world thinks we are all Cowboys anyway. I too have Scottish and English roots. Along with Danish and German ancestors too. Im so glad you are enjoying your time there. Mixing a Texan and Scottish accent should be interesting to hear.

Mar, I wish I was done. I have until next Monday before I'm done.

I have no energy or ambition this weekend. I just went with it and figured I'll be better later. My serger is being fixed and most of what I want to do takes my serger. I think I need a backup.

Cindy, sorry you are having major health issues. I hope it all works out for the best for you.

Well, it's almost time to head out to the boonies again.

Later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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