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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Sep 10 2015 :  9:17:11 PM  Show Profile
Yes, the dr. said it was the mitral valve, but I'm not tall, just average, or maybe a little less than average. I talked to my brother and he said my SIL has it, too. And that it's fairly common. when she had heart surgery last year, it was the aortic valve they had to replace. So as long as it's not my aortic valve, I guess I'm OK.
When you mentioned harvesting the turkeys, and the neighbors two--I had to laugh. I can just hear you saying, "The secret's in the sauce." Thank you for a good chuckle.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  06:18:06 AM  Show Profile
Turkeys! You are a worker-bee, Holly! (And Cindy -- she does that with a leaky valve, so maybe you shouldn't actually worry too much -- look who's talking -- lazy me!!!) I just finally got back out for my 1.5-mile walk this morning. It has been just plain old too too humid to go out and then be sweaty before my work day even begins. My regular lady was not working at the coffee shop, so I had to wait for a minute and got to talking to a guy who has a new restaurant uptown -- we were talking about bookkeeping and he ended up buying my morning java. I guess now I will have to go check out the restaurant! ha ha

We had downpours of rain yesterday and last night -- sat out on the porch and just enjoyed the sound of it. The ground was pretty parched and you could almost hear it sighing with pleasure. Well, I could, anyway.

In other news -- my daughter is now officially the meanest mom in the whole world. Gee! I thought that was ME!!! She has an 18-year-old who is really straining at the bit and has always been very headstrong. As much as I dread him leaving home, it will be a good thing for all of them, I think.

So off to work I go...have a great day.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

130 Posts

130 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  09:26:50 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 10:59:36 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  10:34:01 AM  Show Profile
At issue this morning at my daughter's place was the 18-year-old (a high school senior) wanting Mommy to drive him to school later in the day so he could finish the homework assignment he was "too tired" to finish last night. She 'splained to him that being "too tired" was simply not an option for someone that young -- you have to be at least 35 to be "too tired." Also, not finishing the homework assignment when it was due was not her choice, it had been HIS choice, so the consequences were his to deal with. She reminded him, as well, that when he goes into the Marine Corps after graduation (he has already signed his papers), she rather doubted that his drill instructor would drive him to the parade ground late if he had forgotten to do his work, so he should, well...DEAL with it.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

130 Posts

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Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  11:54:31 AM  Show Profile


Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 11 2015 1:03:35 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  11:57:47 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 3:26:35 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  12:15:47 PM  Show Profile
Wow. I find it amazing that other people know so much about complete strangers and find it appropriate to comment and give instruction.

G -- That castle looks just like a page from Monty Python! I love it! Try not to worry too much and enjoy your trip. We will all still be here when you return.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  2:23:02 PM  Show Profile
Sorry, someone came in and I had to go.

Hopefully I will have some decent pics to post when I get back home.

Sorry I am not reading all the posts and responding to them, don't mean to be rude--the next few days will be less hectic. I'm hoping to sleep in tomorrow and have a quiet day,
Maybe take some pics of this sleepy little village where we are staying.

There seems to be a big difference in the news at home and the news here. The world situation is very, very scary. Of course we are straight up from England. There is no border. This is a lovely country with such nice people. The food is delicious, the milk, cream, butter all unbelievably good. Everything tastes better. The fat sheep in the fields are so pretty against the lush green grass. Everyone is polite and kind and helpful. B's sister has been going everywhere with us being our "guide". She is a barrel of fun, I wish I had just half her delightful personality.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 11 2015 2:24:22 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  3:00:26 PM  Show Profile
Scotland looks magical. It is turning into the trip you hoped for G. I am so delighted. It sounds as if you have a friend/sister for life in your SIL. Don't worry, you are on vacation. And like Marilyn said, it will all be there for you to worry about later...

marilyn your socks are beautiful! I hope your socks (that you will receive) will be arriving on a slow boat! More knitting time. Our grass is green again. It seemed to happen in 48 hours. Everything is pretty again! And not crunchy. Yay.

My garden has slowed down and today was my last trip to the food bank for the summer. There was a lively crowd waiting in line while dh and I were there! Usually, our community's needy are some of the older Ukraine immigrants and people with some long term or short term disability. But, today, there were some partyers there. The gal that was manning the reception desk asked me if we had a Keurig coffeemaker. I said, no. And kind of raised my eyebrows... She said, "I know I can't afford one either, but there are a lot of people taking the K cups." Well, ok. Coffee is important. They are always kind and share some of the old produce for our horses...the crummy apples, bagged salads, ... Today there was A LOT of very dried out corn on the cob. And it wasn't gonna make it over the weekend, so we have a nice treat for Sunny and Tahoe. Next year, I think I will plant more squash and maybe more cucumbers. You can't pay me to plant more tomatoes! It would be nice to have an old refrigerator just for storing the garden's extras so I could make big donations rather than multiple small ones...

Holly, I had to laugh, "Some came out of the plucker better than others." That is suitable for embroidering on a pillow. Actually, I have decided to embroider dd a pillow for Christmas. The saying will be, "Get Your Sh*^ Together, You'll Feel Better." I said that to her a bit ago and she said, "Well, that pretty much sums it up." Can't let a gem like that go without capturing it for posterity.

Dd and I will shop for career clothes tomorrow while her bf and my dh see a movie. It will be fun to be together for a quick visit. There is a convenient shopping mall halfway between our homes.

Cindy, I am glad you have a diagnosis that you can live with. I do hope you can breathe easier very soon and that your appointment to go back to work goes smoothly.
I hope you all have lovely weekends.
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  5:35:50 PM  Show Profile
Greetings to all my Goddesses of the Iris!! It's been a while and looks that you have all had some interesting happenings in your lives.

Marie.....I see you are preparing for surgery........must be a little scary but you are so good at pushing through the challenging experiences in your life.....your courage encourages others to tackle the tough times head on! I love the pic of your three charming supporters. You can't go wrong with a great team like that on your side!! :)And of course you have all of us!! Good thoughts coming your way.

Cindy...sorry to see you were so sick..Glad the tests gave you some answers. I too have a leaky valve, doc said not to worry. I've had three radio-active stress tests. I'm still walkin' and talkin' so I'm not too worried about them. I do remember they felt cool on the initial injection but after that I was fine. I certainly hope you don't have to give up your job due to your illness. I'll send positive thoughts to the universe for a good out come.

G.....having a great time....hey? I know envy is a sin but Oh how I am sinning over your Scottish experiences. How wonderful that B's sis is so fun! And great to have a local to show you around. I too have Scottish in my ancestral line.

Mar.....dnA and dh and you are blessed to have been brought together by fate. How wonderful that you guys got to go to her riding lesson. Nice you get to go shopping with dd. I had two boys so I envy those who have daughters and best buds rolled into one! :)

Marilyn.....I am constantly amazed at how you handle all the diverse personalities you have to interact with. Some of them just need a firm hand and you deliver....that's a good thing. I waved when you passed though DFW airport!! Glad you got to visit nephew and family were stationed there for 3 years and they had moose in the backyard often. :)

Holly.....your greenhouse is looking good! I too chuckled at your 'plucker' line. Remembering when I was a kid and Grandpa would slaughter a few dozen chickens each year and lop off the heads and then dunk them into a huge cauldron (yes like in the movies) with boiling water and then with the legs tied together..hang them on the back wall of the feed shed and we would all start plucking. What an awful smell but it had to be done by hand.. But how rewarding when they were all finished and put up in the freezer for that next dinner of Grandma's delicious fried chicken. :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  5:42:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Maybe your grandson and my ds could bunk together. Although I think finishing a homework assignment late is on the mild side. My now 18 yo flunked all of his classes except for two in the last two years and those he passed with a D. He is now back to homeschooling because he can take some remedial community college classes and be considered a student enough to play sports. He had a dismally nasty time at high school mostly his doing and some of their response to his rebellion. So, he has decided that he wants to play professional basketball or baseball and the only way to get seen is by going to college. Do I think he has a chance? I used to but my hopes are way down for it unless his attitude becomes one of a purposeful mover instead of a stone in a wave. He is far less angry than he was even three months ago burt he still has his share of pity me moments. He can be witty and bright and we hope to see that more consistently in the near future. He has acknowledged that he must ace these classes if he has a hope of taking more and transferring to a 4 year college. He needs 15 credits at community college to transfer. My sister tells people at the store when she hears children tell their mothers that they are the meanest mother in the world that she has it on good authority that she is the meanest mother. Now, I have been known to tell the children that I lay in bed at night and think of mean things to do to them.

G I know a song about Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Isle of Sky. I bet it is beautiful.

Mar did dd move further away from you in the last move? Are you going to want more daffodil bulbs? anyone want any. They are small but I think when they are not crowded they will be stronger and the blossoms will be abundant.

I am remembering parts of the post that was lost night before last. I put in my two sense on surveying. We have not had our property surveyed. the deed and the taxed amount of acreage differs by 60 acres, I think. Our boundary lines are old barb wire fence that trees have grown around and stone walls that are falling down. The people below us had their 40 acres done and now there are orange ribbons in the woods and maybe some spikes at the corners. Maybe when we win Powerball we will have the money to have it all surveyed.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  8:09:48 PM  Show Profile
G--love that picture of the castle. Now I have plaid envy. I had a plaid kilt-skirt in second grade and would sing "Loch Lomond" when I wore it. I bet the food does taste better--probably it's all fresh instead of being shipped from China. How lucky you are to visit the Isle of Skye. There is some Scottish in my background--my grandmother's name was Nellie Campbell. I remember looking in the encyclopedia when I was a kid and there were pictures of all these different tartans that different clans wore. Sort of like a coat of arms. Hard for Americans to comprehend a history that dates back so far. We think the Liberty Bell is old but I wonder how old some of those castle are. Enjoy yourself--you deserve it.
Mel--good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you--you mentioned everyone but yourself in your post.
I'm doing much better, supposed to go back to work Monday. I'm cooking beans right now to make black bean burgers. I'll make enough to freeze some. Took Jaxon for a short walk tonight, his first walk in about two weeks. It's in the sixties tonight, feels wonderful. And I can hear the crickets chirping outside. I love that sound.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Sep 11 2015 :  10:03:24 PM  Show Profile
Lowell had has two nightmares about me being incapacitated. In one he was living with these hip punks and he was all in a tizzy because he had to pack to go somewhere and no one was doing it for him as he is used to. Then someone started talking about amplifiers and he forgot all about the trip he had to take.

In the other he was lost in a different dimension trying desperately to get out. He was screaming my name in his dream to help him and he thought he had actually yelled in his sleep.


Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Sep 12 2015 :  05:02:32 AM  Show Profile
Methinks perhaps Lowell is a bit concerned! I love the bit about being trapped in another dimension.

Holly - I am constantly impressed by the absolute love and acceptance you obviously provide to all your kiddos. They are very lucky.

I am home today - YAY! After all the travel and long holiday weekends, it feels good to just be here. Hopefully the mailman won't bring me any sox of death today. The I can relax for tomorrow - ha. We are going out on the boat tomorrow (if the weather cooperates) with some friends and will be stopping in a little town with a wonderful yarn shop...I am drooling already.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2015 :  08:04:47 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone. One more night away and then I get my bed again.
I got some sewing in yesterday finally. I got my serger back but I'm not happy with the "service" it got. They replaced the broken part and I paid extra to have it serviced. It squeaks something terrible which means it needs to be greased inside. So now I have to take the whole thing apart. It isn't easy either. I have a few screws leftover from the last time. I didn't use the right stiff last time and so it didn't last. Plus, everything g went back together great except for a little door in the front.

G, I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself. Double glad you are enjoying his family. I too have Scottish blood. On my mothers side. McMath is the family name. Not sure if I spelled it right. Being Mormon, she is big on learning all about her ancestry.

Cindy, my sister is going through the same health issues. She has a monitor on for a while to register vitals when she has an episode.

Holly, I'm sorry to hear DS isn't doing well in school. He has no idea how important a high school diploma is. He needs to understand that playing professional basketball means big bucks. If he doesn't have a good education, he will not do a good job with his finances and end up broke. He can't play forever.
Just tell him he needs and education so he can deal with all the money he is going to make.

Mar, I have seen those coffee machines and figured they were way too expensive for coffee making. I make my morning mocha with milk, instant coffee and herseys powder with a little sugar. I call it "trailer trash Starbucks".

Marilyn, do you knit another pair of socks? Are they for the same person? I wish I could knit socks, but I get confused at what row I'm on. Even with the little markers, I just make a mess of it. I'm easily distracted.

Mel, nice to hear from you!

I work today. Thankfully it is a short day and I hope to get a nap in before heading out to the boonies again. The owner is having a tree cut down and the guy is making a major mess. I think you get what you pay for and I can see she went the cheapest route.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 12 2015 :  5:56:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I wonder how they put those big blocks of stone on top of each other to make the castle walls and turrets. No cranes then, no motor powered saws to cut the stone. How many years could it have taken to build even the main part of the castle? They did not work during harvest or planting.

Mel good to hear from you.

DsT seems to be better and I have hope that he is getting himself together to make better choices than he has been. There are so few spots on these professional teams that you have to be the best of the best to even be considered. I hope he sees his alternative paths on his quest for stardom. YOu are right he must get an education and he must be able to handle money. He believes he already knows how to handle money. He just needs to make some. lol I breathe through his tirades and hope he gets it together soon. I know he has a good heart.

We celebrated Rosh Hashana tonight. I think it is really Monday night. As part of our ritual we do some reading. i would like to share a writing by Oriah Mountaindreamer.

What if it truly doesn't matter what you do but how you do whatever you do? How would this change what you choose to do with your like?

What if you could be more present and open-hearted with each person you encounter working as a cashier in the corner store, a parking lot attendant or filing clerk than you could if you were striving to do something you think is more important? HOw would this change how you want to spend your precious time on this earth?

What if your contribution to the world and the fulfillment of your own happiness is not dependent upon reading the right book or attending the right seminar, but upon really seeing and deeply appreciating yourself and the world as they are right now? How would this affect your search for spiritual development?

What if there is no need to change , no need to try and transform yourself into someone who is more compassionate, more present, more loving or wise? How would this affect all the places in your life where you are endlessly trying to be better?

What if the task is simply to unfold, to become who you already are in your essential nature - gentle, compassionate and capable of living fully and passionately present? How would this effect how you feel when you wake in the morning?

What if who you essentially are right now is all that you are ever going to be? How would this effect how you feel about your future?

What if the essence of who you are and always have been is enough? How would this effect how you see and feel about your past?

What if the question is not why am I so infrequently the person I really want to be, but why do I so infrequently want to be the person I really am? How would this change what you think you have to learn?

What if becoming who and what we truly are happens not through striving and trying but by recognizing and receiving the people and places and practices that offer us the warmth of encouragement we need to unfold? How would this shape the choices you have to make about how to spend today?

What if you knew that the impulse to move in a way that creates beauty in the world will arise from deep within and guide you every time you simply pay attention and wait? Ho would this shape your stillness, your movement, your willingness to follow this impulse, to just let go and dance?

the end of this thinking note.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2015 :  9:15:36 PM  Show Profile
Holly, what wonderful thoughts. I have some personal insights.

I remember how careful I was with my money in college. I got through 5 years with grants and scholarships and only one loan for $2500 which I used for my last 10 credits in Japan. My parents could have given me a substantial amount of money and if they did, I would not have qualified for all the aid I got. So that is how I learned to save money on expenses.

I now see that my ambitions did not match my potential. Had I not tried to reach so high in my career aspirations, I may have had a more fruitful work experience. Now I do not have that ambition and am happy doing work for which I am unpaid. I may someday become the best dish washer in Minneapolis or not.

I do see myself as a tolerant, humble, generous and compassionate person. Some have marveled at it. I realize that I have always been this way even in the darkest of times. Now, I am not afraid to be that person.

Now I awaken with a sense of purpose and a desire to do what is right and true and to be present and attentive.

I can see now that everything that has happened in my life was necessary to form who I am today. I would be a totally different person if I hadn't experienced my own past and I would not want to be that person.

I see that fear has kept me from being who I truly am. I always thought that I had to be a certain way to be liked. Now, who likes or does not like me matters not. That I am liked is what matters.

I had developed a mistrust of people, well men, before I met Lowell. I had no women friends. I did have gay male friends. None of them were what I needed and I didn't even know what that was. I would bare my heart and my soul to them only to have both hurt. When I let go and stepped away to observe my interactions, I was able to make better choices. I was lonely for quite some time as I waited for the right choices to appear. I am glad I did.

I knew I was coming out of the fog of mental illness when I saw beauty again. I remember that day. I new see beauty everywhere. In the future, when I lose the ability to see beauty, I now know what to do.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Sep 13 2015 :  06:52:27 AM  Show Profile
Oh Marie -- What you said about seeing beauty again hit a very familiar chord with me. I have struggled through depression several times in my life, and when I see that tiny candle burning, I know I am almost through to the other side.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2015 :  09:12:14 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I remember that day and what I saw. I was coming into downtown Minneapolis from the North Side on a #5 bus one morning heading east. A parking ramp in that area just west of downtown had a colored tile design on it. I had been by it many times and had looked at it with no particular interest. That morning the light seemed to strike the tile in such a way as to make me take notice. I have been that way since then and have not seen it even though I have searched. Perhaps another structure has obscured it or the bus route has changed or maybe it was only there that day for me to see.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2015 :  1:48:04 PM  Show Profile
I hope you all have glimpses of beauty today. I passed on your passage, Holly. Thank you for sharing. And thank you, Marie for your contribution. It seems we are all on one side or another of a struggle...

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 13 2015 :  4:22:10 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I think a lot too. Not all at once on one subject but off and on on many subjects. I am glad you have found your self and are happy with whom you have found. Some people don't even look.

The part of the saying I like is the part that says , what if who you are right now is who you are supposed to be. Gives me pause to think some more.

I do not always live in my head. Most of the time I live in the physical world.

So, here is another part of the ritual. I do not know who created it.

Rules for Being Human

1. You will Receive a Body
You may like it or hate it,but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.

2. You will Learn Lessons
You are enrolled in a full time informal school called Life. Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons - you may like the lesson or think them irrelevant and stupid.

3. There are No Mistakes, only Lessons
There is a process of trial and error, experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works".

4. A Lesson is Repeated Until it is Learned
A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.

5. Learning Lessons Does Not End
There is not part of Life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

6. "There' is NO Better than "Here'.
When your 'there' has become a 'here', you will simply obtain another 'there' that will again look better than 'here'.

7. Others Are Merely Mirrors of You.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

8. What You Make of Your Life is Up to You
You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9. Your Answers LIe Inside You
The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need do is look, listen and trust.

10. You 'will Forget All This.

11. You Can Remember It Whenever You Want.

At our Rosh Hashana we have friends over. One of them is a person who is 28 yo. She is transitioning from her to him. Although she/ he is not sure she wants to do all of the surgeries and she has not done much research about the process or the community. She wants to be recognized as male but does not present as male. So, we shall see how his journey goes. I hope she/he finds a path to happiness and peace. So, I thought these poems would give him something to think about.

I lazed around today. I am putting up plywood inside the entry way to the house. Too many angry males in my house who think punching holes in walls is a good outlet for anger so 5/8 inch plywood should keep the walls intact. So, I was tired from trying to put that up yesterday. It is raining today so it was a good day to rest and read.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2015 :  5:45:52 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Holly for such beautiful words to remember. And Marie, I'm glad that beauty is such an integral part of your life. I've been in a very dark place before and it wasn't fun. I think sunsets are one of the most beautiful places in Nature. One sunset i particularly remember was one day in December, when the ground was brown and there was white snow in places, and the sun was shining on it in such a way as to turn everything gold. A flock of geese flew low overhead and their undersides were gold. I wish i could have taken a picture, but it only lasted a minute or two and I was driving my car. It reminded me of Robert Frost's poem: Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold.
I pulled up my potted tomatoes today as they were all dead. I couldn't keep up with watering them when it was so hot. My in-ground tomato plants are still producing. I'm still getting some eggplants and beans....but i haven't picked any beans lately. I'm so tired of them. I have a couple pepper plants and they have fruit but I'm waiting for them to turn orange. Waiting and waiting and waiting...
I wonder sometimes if I'll ever find a man I can trust. But even if i don't, that's OK. I trust myself and I know a lot of people who can't do that. They're forever doubting themselves and it's sad. Boxer was the one who taught me to trust myself. when he looked at me like I was the most wonderful person in the world, I knew i couldn't let him down. Funny how a dog can make you more human. Lots of people can't even do that. I now avoid those types of people. Sometimes I think my ideal man would be a Native American who's become urbanized but still retains his cultural values. Not too many guys like that around here. In fact, I've never met a one like that. I know a man of Cherokee descent but he's a boozer and tells dirty jokes to people in bars. I need to quit cause now I'm starting to feel melancholy. Everyone have a good evening,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2015 :  5:51:46 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I love both of your postings. It is too bad our society can't just accept someone as they want to be. Male or female or something in between. There is a wonderful fashion designer I follow on face book that has some interesting gender benders as friends. I have to force myself to not pay attention to the outside appearance and just wonder about them as a human being. I hope your friend can find his/her way.

It is a wonder how something so simple as sleeping in my own bed can make my day. Feeling thankful!

I bought a vintage singer serger today. It is all metal and works great! $25.00 is all I paid. The local sewing machine store had the same one for $199.00. Same model too. It works better than my very expensive plastic one. But both will serve their purpose. One for sweater material and the other for t-shirt and light cotton. Can't wait to get started on new projects!

The weather has cooled down here nicely. Down from 90+ to the low 80's. Come on Fall!!

Later everyone. Holly have a wonderful Rosh Hashana!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Farmgirl in Training

17 Posts

Torrance California
17 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2015 :  10:09:12 PM  Show Profile
Hello ladies, I haven't posted in awhile. I joined this wonderful sisterhood not too long ago and then went on vacation, a camping trip to beautiful Yosemite. I've been trying to catch up by reading lots of posts and am reminded why I'm so glad I joined MJF Sisterhood. You are all so supporting, encouraging and uplifting to one another. There is no judgement or condemnation. I have to tell you, I really need this. I work full time at a CPA firm and the work environment is such that there isn't alot of that encouragment. Right now it's not too busy so I'm always trying to sneak in a few minutes of MJF while the boss isn't looking but come Dec. & Jan. the busyness will start as we prepare for the next tax season which won't end until April 15th.

Holly, I really liked your rules for being human. I want to print it out and stick it on my fridge. Your personal insights are incredible.

Cindy, I can relate to the end of your tomatoes. As my summer garden starts to shrivel and die, I'm starting to think about my winter garden and what I will be planting. Here in Southern CA, we have a year round growing season. As far as the men are concerned, I think you are on the right path of trusting yourself.

Bunny, I bought a used Sears Kenmore sewing machine almost 40 years ago and still have it. It was old when I bought it. It too is all metal and I just love it. I haven't used it in awhile and had to take it to a repair shop to have it worked on but I wouldn't replace it for the world. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Now I hope I can find the time to use it for something wonderful.

Marie and Marilyn, thank you for the words of wisdom.

It's getting late for me now so I must close and say good night sisters.

Joanie #6596 Trying to live a quiet, simple life in the big city.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Sep 14 2015 :  06:29:57 AM  Show Profile
Nice to see you back Joanie.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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