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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 25 2013 : 9:00:55 PM
I must sound ungrateful with my mom. But you have to know, she lays in bed until about 11 am, plays computer games most of the day or goes back to bed. She has got to be the laziest person I know. I would have gladly put gas in her car if she had told me before 8:30 pm tonight. She just drives me nuts.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 25 2013 : 9:02:51 PM
Bunny she is too freaked out to come inside and I have to leave tomorrow. If I leave food out the wild critters will eat it so I don't know what to do. I haven't seen her today
I don't think your mom is going to change either. But soon you won't have to be affected by her behavior at least. Good luck with the job and the homework. You will ace it all.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 26 2013 : 05:20:32 AM
Been busy, made 108 bars of soap, most are still curing. Crocheted some spring hats to put on my Etsy shop, I have the pictures on my computer, now to get them on Etsy. Hopefull today or tonight I will be able to do that. My index finger is so sore from arthritis, it is inflamed and red on the first knuckle. Kept me awake in pain most of the night. I cannot take Aleve, or anything with ibprofin in it. If I would just quit knitting and crocheting for awhile, maybe it could take a rest!! LOL!!! My hands have to be moving all the time. It has been around 30 here, not much sun, but hopefull the snow will start going down a little at a time. The ground is still solid, so we do not want a big thaw and floods. Back to the teens and twetnties by the end of the week. And of course, snow!!! Have a great day all!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
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Posted - Feb 26 2013 : 05:45:43 AM
Janet, can you use a topical cream? I use Myoflex. I can at least sleep at night if I use that on my hands and other joints. It doesn't have a smell. (I kid DH that I get a waxey buildup. I can knit and crochet with it though. I feel for you. You are so prolific with your crafts.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 26 2013 : 08:48:39 AM
Holly, I really like your chip method. I would think it would roll over someday into good money management too. I bet you could write a good book on positive ways to help kids behave and adjust to new lives.
Today is my first day at work. I typed up my notes last night so I could hopefully follow them better than all the scribbles from training day. I have been told the office manager is very helpful and easy to work with. She was thrown into deep water when she started so has been where I am and understands. This is the guy that tried to hire me last year to replace an employee he wasn't happy with. She is still there and I have a feeling if I do a good job, I may get hired for good. I feel bad for her, but she is retirement age and maybe time to move on. I think it is all the new software that is getting to her. She is pretty slow. I hate to see anyone lose their job but this would be a really good experience for me. I will learn so much.
Anyway, hope everyone stays warm today. Spring will be here before you know it!
Gypsy, praying for your little kittie. It is breaking my heart that she is in trouble.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
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Posted - Feb 26 2013 : 09:01:04 AM
I'm here too. I'm at the surgical building waiting while D has his surgery. I hope he gets out early because I am not looking for the 4 hour drive home if it's after dark. I can certainly drive at night still but I am so tired from not getting much sleep in the hotel. I hate sleeping in hotels I've decided.
I was shocked to see the snow piles down here in Portland. Some where the plows put the snow are as high as a 2 story house I think. And they are calling for more snow tomorrow here so I want to be home before that arrives. Today is nice and sunny and in the high 30's I think.
This place is nice though, has a nice water fountain next to me that is the wall and water running down between glass but you can hear it. Very soothing. And the wall I look out of right now is filled with dried wheat I think. They have a large TV screen that has every patients last name and first initial on it and it tells you at what point they are in so you can leave or go eat, etc... Nice cafe here, I got breakfast just before they stopped serving it and switched to lunch at 10 am.
Bunny, hang in there. Do well on your paper and the new job. You have all of us behind you. Maybe we need to come and kick some Mom butt for you? Just saying. Computer is making to many mistakes so I'll talk when I get home!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 26 2013 : 8:19:53 PM
Ginny I hope everything is ok and you got home safe and sound. We sure are having some bad weather this year up there in your world. Bunny I left food and water for the cat and hope I left enough for her and the wild critters too. It's all I could do. She wouldn't come to me Janet girl you aRe wearing your hands out. You might also try Arnica Gel from the health food store. My brother suffers from arthritis in his hands and I think it helped him some
Dear darling Darlys, guess what I got from you today!! A beautiful valentine card that had been stuck inside some junk mail my daughter finally decided to throw out. Been there all this time. I guess you thought I was pretty rude not to thank you for it but I just got it today. She apologized but it was not her fault. It had been stuck inside a grocery store flyer all this time and fell out when she picked it up It is a beautiful card and I thank you so much. Good night everybody.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Feb 26 2013 : 8:37:37 PM
I'm here. I've been very sick. It seems that our water system has been compromised and now is contaminated with e-coli. We just got the notice yesterday, so today we called the county to see what was being done. They are saying that it's been like that for a couple of months, and the only reason that they caught it was because they changed from a state system to a county system for testing.
So now we are on a boil water order until further notice. We started drinking sterilized water yesterday. Today, I think I might live. All this time I thought I had a bad case of the flu.
I will take the time to read this whole thread, so that I can get caught up on what everybody has been up to.
It's good to be back.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 26 2013 : 8:44:08 PM
It's good to have you back, phyliss. I had been wondering what had happened to you. That is terrible about the water. I have heard of that happening before. I have well water and should get it tested annually but I don't do it. Maybe now I will
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 02:43:16 AM
A quick hello from me. Got back from Seattle. Had as good a time as we all knew I would! I was spoiled and treated like royalty there. And made to know how much I was missed when I got home. What a great feeling.
So nice to have everyone posting! Phyllis, I am so glad you are feeling better. What a scare to be sick with something like e.coli. No wonder you felt awful.
Gypsy, fingers crossed for kitty. What more can you do?
Bunny, best of luck at your job (not that you need it...) So good to hear that you and ds are on the right path to that cozy home!
Ginnie, hate those long drives home... you are a good woman for doing all that you are doing! I hope you feel great throughout this recovery period for not-so-dh.
Janet, I feel for you with hand pain. It can be very bad. But, the "use it or lose it" rule really applies here, so using your hands so much probably keeps them going more than anything else you can do. I do hope you find some relief with some of these gels/lotions that gals have mentioned. Thinking of you.
I know I have left someone out ... oh, Holly! You are a genius with the chip system. Good way to teach delayed gratification. I received my snail mail and really appreciated it. Your photos are so good.
Missed you all. Glad to catch up with you. I'll tell you of my adventures in Seattle next post! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 06:10:06 AM
Oh Darlys, I am not sure if I thanked you for the beautiful card you sent either!!! Thank you!!!! I have in sitting right here for all to see. You are so talented!!! Phyllis, Sorry to hear about your illness and water. Hope they get that all fixed soon. Keep boiling and stay well. It is snowing cats and dogs here again, it is becoming a tradition every Wednesday!!!! My sister and I cannot get together on our Wednesdays for breakfast, so we will go tomorrow, if weather permits!!!!! I do hope we will have a spring this year. My hubby just may retire in December instead of next March so we can leave here before winter sets in again!!!! We will see if we can find a motorhome first, we need something to live in as we travel, motels are just too expensive to live in them every night!!! Have a great day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 06:18:31 AM
Welcome back, Marianne, glad you had a great time, but like you said, we knew you would. Ginny, hope things are going well for you and you got home safe. Hope you do not have to be too much of a nurse. I know how men can be. They do like to be waited on hand and foot. Hope you are not getting too much snow there. I feel like I am living in an igloo lately!! LOL!!! Grpsy, hope kitty will be okay. They do know how to survive pretty much on their own, if the animals leave her alone, that is. Hope when you get back that she is all better and more trusting toward you. Holly, how is the mamma and baby doing? Do the boys help you milk? I can just see that!!!! Glad they are feeling more like family now and getting used to rules and such. You are a good mom for all of them.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 09:07:32 AM
Marianne, nice to have you back. It got a little too quiet here for a moment. I'm sure you will liven everybody up again.
Phyllis, really glad you are back and feeling better. Terrible about your well. I always felt my well water was sacred. Untouched by man. Of course I knew that wasn't totally true but I lived in the mountains by Yosemite so thankfully man didn't have much of a chance to screw it up for me. The worst I had to deal with was a sulfur smell. I feel for you.
Janet, I'm so not ever moving to Michigan! I would get really tired of being snowed in and probably poor from not being able to get to work. This is going on just too long! Hope spring starts showing a little love your way soon.
My first day at work was good. A little frustrating as this office isn't as well set up as the main one and they do things a little differently. Trying to filter between the two is hard. But by the end of the day I was holding my own and really didn't want to go home. But I had a research paper to do a rewrite on and sign up for next quarters classes for online classes. They told me if I do well, there will certainly be a place for me full time when school is out. I still have so much to learn and doing tax returns is one of those things. I HATE doing tax returns. I have form anxiety and tax returns stress me to no end. I'll have to invest in some anti stress meds for when that happens. Probably not until next years tax season though.
Today is an all day at school day. But shouldn't be too bad. Oh, and my sewing creations are going to be in a charity fashion show in Portland Oregon. Nothing big. But it will be perfect exposure to the right crowd. I might even sell a few. I told the coordinator I would donate a percentage of the sale to the charity. That might help.
Well, I need to get going. So nice to see some farmgirls back on the scene.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 10:46:04 AM
You see, Bunny, how everything is lining up for you-- told ya.......
Yes, Mar, welcome home-it's not the same here without you. Glad you had a good time.
Janet I'm with Bunny--so not ever going to live there. I'd be a basket case by now
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 3:21:26 PM
Marianne, glad you had a good trip. I hope we'll get to read some of the highlights.
Janet, sorry to hear about your hands. Arnica gel really does help. I use it once in awhile when my hip bothers me.
Bunny, good to know your first day on the job went well. I hope you do well at the show in Portland.
It's good to be back.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 5:15:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am sorry to hear about the e coli in the water system. I guess it is a municipal water system. We have a spring with a cement box around it. We have had the water tested in the past and it has not passed the lab test. The answer would be to pour bottles of bleach into the spring and not drink it until the bleach has passed out. We continue to drink the water untreated and have not gotten sick. A neighbor, Mrs B is 100 years old now and she says we have the best water in town. Lucky for us there are no human habitations above us. There was an Inn near Rutland in our fair state that did get e coli in its well and they ended up going out of business because they could not figure out the source of the contamination to eliminate it. The Cortina was a lovely place to stay or have a meeting.
Gypsy I think the answer to your health care issue is to move north to Ginny's so when you are sick you can us the US healthcare and when the B is sick he can cross the border to Canada. I am not sure how far Mar is from that side of the border but her weather may be milder. It sure does rock the boat of romance to have to worry about healthcare.
Bunny I am glad the first day was survivable. I hope the rest of the days get better. I do not know how to be an accountant and not do taxes. I hope you are more income secure now.
Janet and Ginny we do not have as much snow as you do. We did get about six more inches today but it was the wet big flakes so it will compact quickly. Temperatures were in the twenties. I would go crazy if I were unable to use my hands the way I like too. I am glad that you are able to work past the pain.
Hershey continues to grow. He is nursing off the teat that had mastitis about 3 years ago and that is good because he will clean it out. There is no sickness in it now but I worry about the scar tissue. She has not had a problem the last two years but I still worry. He is filling out and bounces. He can run fast and is going to bounce any day now. it is so fun to see them bounce.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 5:16:41 PM
I would like to say Happy Birthday a day early to Nancy. I hope when I reach your exhalted age and be as kind, pretty, and bright as you are.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 5:18:05 PM
Just checking in so you know I didn't die or anything.
Oldest daughter came from Baltimore to help Jenny rearrange the front room furniture. With the sun coming through the front room window more - spring coming, Jenny hates it when the sun hits the TV - and they still treat me like an invalid. I only swept, dusted & pointed. Sweet things, daughters. Middle daughter got all upset at me for loading his dishwasher in case I hurt my shoulder lifting a heavy pot or something!!
Warmer weather. No fire in the stove tonight. Could have hung clothes out on the clothes line if I'd washed anything today. We did get a bunch of pots of old dirt dumped into the chicken palace today so the girls could go through it all to get out anything nasty still alive. Had a terrible time with cutworms last year.
Everybody keep warm and safe.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2013 : 9:08:14 PM
Holly, it isn't a municipal system, it's a spring. We are on a community well. They think it was from too much rain and the runoff carried something into the reservoir.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 06:28:31 AM
Happy Birthday Nancy!!!!! I sent a card, but you will get it late, due to the snow here and being stuck in the house. Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!! Will post more later, my sister and I are going out for breakfast today, since we could not go yesterday. I just hope the roads are not too bad, I do not like driving in the snow anymore. Have a wonderful day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 06:56:23 AM
Happy, happy birthday, dear Nancy!! What wonderful plans are in store for you today? I hope the weather is cooperating and it is nothing but sunshine your way. Enjoy all the special treatment that will be showered upon you. You deserve every minute of it!
love, marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 07:21:08 AM
Kathy, so glad to hear you are still doing what you can - or what your family will allow you to! So nice to have such devoted daughters at this time, isn't it? Good for you. sounds like you are gearing up for another round of gardening. Lucky you.
Janet, your soap achievement makes me itch to get a big supply done, too. What did you scent yours with? I usually choose lavendar and I think clary sage. I need to check my notes from last time. A big batch lasts so long that I forget in between! So glad you got to reschedule your plans with your sis. Wish I had that kind of relationship with my sister.
Bunny, you know you can do taxes! You will feel so much better once you get a couple of them under your belt and then you will sail through like you always do! So glad that the first day went well enough that you at least want to go back. That's always a plus. The idea of it working into a full time position is exciting. Congratulations to you. It must bring you much satisfaction. The fashion show is mucho exciting. (Love it when I through in some foreign flair, don'tcha?) I wanted to mention to you that all over Pike Place there were people selling hair ornaments that were simply the crocheted flower that you used to adorn the birthday postcard glued (and not neatly glued, I might add) onto a bobby pin. They had a price tag of $6 each. I was thinking how much I would like a big circle skirt with those flowers tacked all over the bottom like a border print. They should wash well ... It seems so springy and joyous to me. You know, now that you have all this time with only going to school and working how many jobs?
Gypsy, I didn't even think about you and dB (short for dear B) having two healthcare systems to have to deal with. Such headaches. Details , details.
Holly, you are right that nursing will help Coco with the mastitis. I have heard nothing will finish clearing it up like just using it.
I am trying to post a photo of dd and I at the Market in Seattle. Don't hold your breath. This is not one of my strengths! I was treated like royalty at their apartment. All my favorite foods and I couldn't lift a finger to help. My daughter's boyfriend picked me up at the airport since she worked Sat. I couldn't touch my luggage or a door from there on in. Even enjoyed the heated seats in his car on the way to their place. I could get used to those! On Sunday, Dd and I had a great time sipping lattes as we strolled through the street vendors and admired all their wares. Of course, the Market proper had the most gorgeous produce ever (and I'm a farmer's daughter) and the fish throwing is something you just have to watch no matter how many times you have seen it! We found a few treasures for our guys. Our treasure was having so much time together! We went back to their place for dinner and watched junk tv that we had abstained from for two weeks so that we could enjoy it together. They had an air mattress that we made up and set up in the living room and camped out on until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer! On Monday, we enjoyed coffee and talking then got dressed to toodle around town a bit. We found dd a pair of spring flats for work for rock bottom prices after a coupon! So fun. Then just wandered a bit, had lunch and then had to grab my suitcase and head to the airport. The weekend went fast. I enjoyed every minute of it. And was so happy to be home where dh had made everything so welcoming and showed me in many ways how much he missed me. It just doesn't get much better.
Thank you for all the welcome home greetings! They made me smile and feel so good! I missed checking in with you all while I was gone.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 07:56:41 AM
We decided not to go out today, it is now very windy and the roads are terrible!!! There are many accidents being reported on the scanner, so we are stuck in the house again. I really do hope the weather changes by Wednesday!!!! If March comes in like a lion, it is supposed to go out like a lamb. Tme will tell, heh?
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 07:58:41 AM
Oh, Yes, Marrianne, I made lavender soap, and lavender and oatmeal, and lavender and rosemary. Plus glycerin soap in Christmas in the air(cinnamon), English Mulberry, and sweet pea Jasmine, which smells so good.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2013 : 08:33:02 AM
Marianne, you are certainly blessed with your family. What a wonderful visit! Sounds like your daughter is pretty special. To bad you live so far away from each other. I have a great relationship with my two sons and miss them terribly. I'm glad you are able to see her once in a while. ....and then to come home to Mr. Wonderful. You must be pretty special to be loved like that...but then we already know that.
Happy Birthday Nancy. Hope you had a wonderful day.
It's all gloomy and rainy today. I'm hoping there is no snow for the drive to work. It won't snow here but could very well snow at work. I have two Internet orders to put together, just some fabric I sold. Thankfully I have the morning to get it done. I have no idea how long I will be at work. If I can last I could probably stay until 7 or 8 pm. With tax season, they work pretty late. I just see it as money towards my transmission.
Later all, stay warm and safe.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
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