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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 07:55:09 AM
Just wanted to jump on real quick to give you a little update. My GD is pretty much the same; they haven't started treatment yet. They keep testing her for other things...repeatedly with the results being the same. There is no fool proof way of knowing, but delaying treatment can be disastrous. I told my son that he was just going to have to weigh the "consequences" of both; not treating with her possibly becoming part of the 1% that die or treating and have to keep a watch on her heart the rest of her life. I told him he would have to choose which result he can live with and which he couldn't. I told him that what it is, is what it is and no amount of wishing was going to change that. I also said that he may have to push the dr to do the treatment; not to let them continue to test for the same things over and over hoping that the results will change.
Holly, as to K's friend's skin issue...aloe is good and you can even take it internally, no more than a couple ounces a day, however. Now a warning, aloe straight form the plant does not taste very good, but you can buy it in liquid form, but make sure it's organic. One other thing, if you can get it is silicea. It's actually made from sand and it used, quite frequently, for skin and nail problems. That's my 2 cents worth of advice.
More later. Have a great day my friends.
Love and hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 08:32:15 AM
Kathryn I had forgotten about silica. About 20 years ago I was in a health food store and a woman came in for evening primrose oil and silica. She was 84 and had the skin of a 20 or 30 year old. She said that's how she did it. Another time I had a seatmate on a plane who was older than I was but had much younger skin and she swore by coconut oil, which also can be taken externally and internally if it is organic food grade My skin is paper thin and crepey thanks to all that anesthesia. Last year. Omega 3 helps a lot too I take omega oils and evening primrose oil. Kathryn if I added coconut internally would that be too much?
Holly we are not doctors but maybe some of this will help. My doctor did in fact prescribe omega 3 for my skin and in about 2 months I saw significant change.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 22 2013 08:41:29 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 08:52:08 AM
Well this is not my week for animals. This story does not have a happy ending. A year or so ago a pretty tabby cat showed up nearly starved so of course I fed her. So she stayed. She was very sweet and gentle and had been spayed. When I go away I put her in the garage with several pans of litter, food and water. She gets lonely but she stays safe. She is always happy to get outside. Last night she didn't come in bit I have a wicker chair on the porch where she likes to sleep right by the kitchen door. This morning she didn't come running like she always does and on the floor next to her chair there is patches of her fur and literally a greasy area. All that could have happened is a coyote surprised her while she slept because I never heard a sound. It has been hours now so I know she is gone.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 2:43:27 PM
It's official. I hate coyotes. Nuff said. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 3:28:51 PM
Gypsy Girl, you are right about the coconut oil too. I rub a tiny bit on my hand then rub it into the ends of my hair; very nice.
My GD has had a heart echo and it showed that there was damage; how much and where is unknown at this point, but the doctors, who haven't been able to agree until this point, have finally started the treatment. At least as of 3:00 this afternoon.
I know I am going crazy about this, but I'm supposed to be the strong one, but I'm not that strong, really. Shhhhh. It's a secret. I can use all the moral support I can get.
Love and Hugs,
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 3:32:17 PM
Good evening everyone,
I only have a little time because I need to leave to pick up Talie from his last basketball game. I would have liked to have gone but it did not work out with having the ones at home.
Anyway, I figure the doctor's have not solved M skin problems so folk remedies may be the key. I will tell Kethry about the silica and have already told her about the aloe. It is interesting now that I think of it Kethry got a rash when we used it on her when she had diaper rash as an infant, the aloe that is.
We lose cats to coyotes,foxes, fisher cats or some wild thing every year. It is sad for me but they are sad when I make them stay inside.
OUr Rici pronounced Ricky but his hands do not work well so we shortened it. Our Rici went to see the Occupational therapist for a while. He had to squeeze clothes pins for his hands and drop marbles into a soda bottle. Maybe the clothes pins would help, Kathy. Legos are a good activity as well and not so boring. Good for Jenny.
Ross likes the boys for the most part. He likes to play on his own terms. He sometimes feels left out because they are so tight but they are learning to include him as well. He is learning to play with little kid toys, G is a good teacher. Both C and G ahve good imaginations so Ross likes that too. He does not like to share but, what 5 yo does all the time.
My great aunt lived in a nursing home towards the end of her life. When she was 80 she had a hot romance with a 78 yo. My mother said the letters she found from Ira were almost too hot to handle. they were going to get married and then his controlling children moved him to a different place. He was dead in two weeks and they got what they wanted. But, Aunt Mil and Ira were broken hearted. We thought hot love was wonderful.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 3:34:46 PM
Yeah, they must have run out of rabbits. I hope while they are at it they will work on the raccoon population. Those rascals kept at it until they got back in the attic I heard them in there last week but nothing last night. Also they had torn up the screen door to get in the greenhouse and now there is no evidence of them in there either. So I hope the coyotes have eaten those nasty things. We are in a drought here so the wildlife has pretty slim pickins. I've never lost a pet to a coyote before tho.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 9:49:44 PM
Kathy, its wonderful Jenny thought of Lego’s for you! Someone said clothes pins, which reminds me of the party game clothes pins in the bottle we played as kids. Also, no one expects you to be on here a lot when you just had hand surgery dear! Just get it back to working well.
I’m glad Lola was at your daughter’s Gypsy, but am sorry to hear about the cat. I have a cute cat story but for a later day.
Herding butterflies is hilarious Holly!
Congratulations Bunny! I hope this internship gives you confidence and possibly a longer employment! If you are doing taxes, find out when all the darn forms are going to be ready. I did our taxes the second week of Jan. and was told online I had to wait until Feb. 1 for a couple of forms I need. Went back in early Feb. and they said I’d have to wait until the first part of March. My God, how do they expect you to pay taxes on time if they don’t even have forms ready! I like to know what I have to pay so I have plenty of time to save for it! Or, if I get lucky maybe get a refund! But having to wait while Congress and the IRS figure out what they are taxing what and what forms you need at this late date is insane!
Marylyn – I hope you made it through your ice storm. Back in 1998 we had a horrible ice storm and were without power for 10 days. We owned a mobile home park then and the water to it came from our well. Boy did we have pissed off tenants! We bought a generator but it broke two days later as the company was trying too hard to get them made and to the NE. I remember hearing all the trees crack from the ice and it made us feel like we were in a war zone and always had to look up when outside. It was horrible! The stores were either closed or let you in two by two and had people who worked there go with you in the store to get what you needed. We had to take showers at the jail. Well, at the Sheriff’s “apartment”, not with inmates of course. Our town finally got a huge generator and gave the east side power at night and the west side power in the daytime.
I may not be on for a week or so. On Monday I take David to Portland to have his rotor cuff surgery. They are putting five pins in his shoulder and a ball of something that looks like a ball of yarn. He will be home 2-3 months. Lucky me, I get to be nurse maid again! Gypsy, does B have any younger brothers????
Swedish meatballs for supper – I’m on my way to your house Darlys! My favorite!!
This is another book so I will close and get to bed. OMG, it’s almost 1am at my house! Can you tell I’m a night owl?
I hate coyotes too, along with owls who eat my chickens.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 23 2013 : 12:58:49 PM
Hello, I am about to head to the airport for a short hop to Seattle. Catch up with you all on Tuesday! I will miss you. So stay safe! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2013 : 5:18:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
I remember that ice storm in 1998. It coated everything. We did not lose power for a long time. the trees snapped. It was far worse north of us. I do remember we had four snow buntings at our feeder for a week. They are far northern birds. All white. Very pretty. an inch of ice is a sizable amount. I hope you have a warm spell to soften it up so you can get the ice chipper to work.
Gypsy it is so nice to here that you are happy. Romance is wonderful. I am glad that someone sees you as special besides us.
We started a program today for the little boys. Each of them has a fanny pack and earn chips for being good. They give up some for not doing right and can buy privileges with the chips they earn. G and C bought right into it. It is a good way for them to measure how well they have done. Ross bought into it but was fined for something and threw his chip bag and then hid it. C was interrupting a conversation and I said one chip for interrupting and his mouth closed right up with no arguing. I hope we can maintain the level of recognition they need to calm down and learn the rules. Ross really likes them here. He has not told them to go back to Texas. He and G were talking in the car yesterday about G's life in Texas. I am glad they can talk. I think it must be awful as a child to be uprooted so many times without any choice even if it is good for you. Imagine leaving what little you know and coming to a different climate and a strange house with different rules and expected to adjust well. We do our best. Yes, Ross does get special time each evening and morning. we try to assure him of his place and thank him for his patience.
We had puff pastry with feta cheese, spinach, carmelized onions, hunter's cheddar and some mozzarella all rolled like a jelly roll adn baked in the oven.
The teens are all out tonight visiting friends.
Bunny I do have my pictures backed up on those little finger drives. I will remember your offer for the tutorial.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 23 2013 : 5:37:32 PM
Well guess what-- the cat showed back up today-- limping badly and won't let me near her to see her underbelly but at least she is alive. Whatever liquid in the porch that her wads of fur were stuck to must have been her urine. It was a pretty big area and when I tried to sweep up the chunks of hair it was stuck to the concrete. I think I would have peed too if something grabbed me in my sleep. Anyway she is alive.
Holly thank you for your comment about me and the B. we remain committed He has made a call to the immigration dept to see how to get the process started. The glitch will be we are both seniors and on our respective government health care which we lose if we leave the country so I'm not sure how it will work out. Holly I sure would have liked supper at your house, that puff pastry sounded Devine! I think your parenting methods are excellent by the way. I guess Marianne is livin it up in Seattle by now.
Ginny you sure are night owl. Sometimes I am and sometimes I get tired early. If you want to leave your man now would be a good time to do it. The B does have one brother but I don't think you would want him from what I have heard. I hope you are not having to go out in snow and ice. We are having spring here.
What has happened to Janet? She was posting faithfully and now no word for a while. Hope she isn't sick
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 23 2013 5:41:00 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2013 : 5:52:46 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:54:53 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2013 : 9:01:29 PM
Gypsy, I'm so glad kitty is back. Maybe some rest and good food will heal her back up again. Hopefully she won't get an infection. I lost a feral kitty that way. It was just his leg, but he never came back after I saw him limping so badly. Too ad you couldn't sneak some antibiotics into her food just in case.
You handled mom just right. Just be careful with Mr. B. There are some real smooth dealers out there. Big red flag is no family for you to meet and lots of very good reasons why you can't meet them. Please be careful. Even background checks do no good because they change their names. Regardless, I hope this is the one for you and you have a wonderful time.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2013 : 1:49:31 PM
I thought I'd share this picture I took today. This is a crocheted coverlet my great-grandmother handmade when she was married back in 1895 in Foreston, Minnesota. I'm sure it's for a full size bed, possibly a bed with posters when you see the corners are sort of "cut out". Anyway, I realized my comforter was one color on the back side and flipped it over and spread it out as I had never seen it before layed out. I did know my great-grandmother. She lived with us for a while & she taught me how to play the piano. Anyway, I just thought I'd I share it with you all, I think it's really neat to have it.

Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2013 : 2:10:09 PM
Ginny that is truly beautiful , aside from being a real treasure to have.
My phone makes a little swishing sound when I get an email so I can check who it is. I just got another email from my brother telling me one of our classmates has died. The second one within two weeks. I wonder who the third will be. Here I am starting a whole new life and people my age are starting to die off.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
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Posted - Feb 24 2013 : 2:42:01 PM
Ginny, that bedspread is gorgeous! You are a lucky lady to have it!
Gypsy, my condolences. I know what you can this be happening to our classmates? We are all way too young.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2013 : 3:01:00 PM
Ginny, that bedspread is beautiful!!! I am sure you will treasure it forever!!! An heirloom, for sure. Gypsy, sorry about your classmates. There have been so many young people here dying, in their 20s and 30s. Alot of my classmates have been gone for awhile, and I am only 61!!!!! How sad. I know I have not been on here much lately, I worked Friday and Saturday again for my son, that was 3 weekends in a row, but it has been busier when I work!! I have been making soap, I think I have close to 60 bars made now, both regular and glycerin. The glycerin is alot easier to make, and smells so good. I am also doing alot of knitting, selling things on my Etsy site, so trying to get more things done to put on there. I need to make money so we can get our motorhome and get out of this cold weather!!!! By the time I read everything on here, I am too tired to write. I will try to be better. We finally got into the 30s today. We need this to melt some of the snow before we get any more. the banks are over 5 feet. We cannot see around the corners of the streets. The city cannot remove the snow, they have been too busy with all the main streets. They no sooner get it cleared away when we get more!!!! Is it spring yet? I am tired!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 24 2013 : 3:11:11 PM
Janet good to hear from you. Just a note to let us know you are ok no need to read all my stuff you know I'm just full of idle chatter
I would love to know how to make soap. It does always smell so good. My daughter keeps saying she will teach me but she never has time. I like the essential oils like lavender. .
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 24 2013 : 4:56:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
I really like the bedspread. I admire anyone who would have had the patience to create it. I do not have that kind of patience. I need to have something that shows progress quickly. It is a beautiful piece of art.
I read the papers and see people my age dying almost every week. I think it is a good day when only people in their eighties and nineties have died. I figure they have at least had a chance to have a life. Never the less it is sad when friends die. It brings our mortality that much closer.
I think it is a hoot that your mom is giving you a virginity lecture. Like you could get pregnant. lol Maybe you should send her a card thanking her for caring about your well being and say, mom just say I hope you will be happy next time. Geez that was an odd run on sentence. But, then again she is your mother and you should be polite and courteous.
I am glad that Judith blew in. I can remember what people say and then if they disappear for a while or even a few days I can not remember their names to ask about them or even to look in the directory to find them. Like Judith I think who is that other woman who lives in Iowa. I know the first one is Thelma. It takes me a while to remember Brenda's name and then I hope she is well.
Sorry about the cat being hurt. I am glad she is still alive. It must have scared the living piss right out of her to have been attacked in her sleep. I guess she was quicker than the predator if she is still breathing.
Today we had steak and fried potatoes with broccoli for supper. Remember Ferdinand? It was him. He was delicious.
Yesterday in the morning it was a warm 20 degrees. A couple of hours later it was a very cold 20 degrees. I do not know what changed to feel so different. Today was feeling warm in the twenties.
We do not have as much snow as Jan. The snow banks are about three feet high. We did acquire about 6 inches of new snow last night and it is wonderful sledding snow. Wet and slick when pressed.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 25 2013 : 1:08:41 PM
Where is everybody again?
Today the wind is blowing so hard it has blown everything off the porch. And it is very cold. We are in a drought so there is also dust everywhere and high danger of wild fires.
So much I should be doing but when the wind blows like this I get so depressed I just decide to take a nap instead
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 25 2013 : 5:03:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
Over cast and seasonably warm all day. Temperatures were near thirty. The icicles were dripping on the edge of the roof. Some of them went crashing to the ground. I am glad no one was standing underneath.
I did a lot of dishes today and laundry. Not much else.
The boys are doing well on the chip system. C said this morning he had to be good so he could keep his chips to watch the afternoon shows. I guess he has made the connection. G sets himself up to lose and lose. he is fined maybe two chips and then mouths off so he is asked for three and then four over time. He lives on the edge so far. Ross has figured it out so he does not lose a lot at a time. It is my job as the administrator to make sure each boy is successful. G needs to feel successful the most. His self esteem is so low right now he needs to hold those chips to feel his is a good boy. Each day is a little better.
Can B sing? Has he sung Loch Lomond to you yet. You know, by yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes where the sun shines brightly on Loch Lomond where me and my true love will never meet again. I think maybe I messed up the pattern of the words.
I am sorry your mother is so rigid. Cheri's mother was like that. Cheri says now that her mother has not said a hurtful thing to her in 18 months. remember she died.
People are talking about tapping trees this weekend for maple sugaring. Temperatures are supposed to rise to above freezing by then.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 25 2013 : 6:27:46 PM
Well, holly, looks like we've got our own private chat going here til some of the sisters return. Funny I describe it cold here in the 40's or so with wind chill and you describe 30s as a warming trend All a matter of perspective isn't it. My mom is like Cheri's mom--she isn't going to change in this lifetime. It's funny that she is such a nice person but gets so nasty over religion. Oh well, wars have been started over less
B does sing, but he hasn't sung to me yet; however he does write poetry to me when he is in a rare mood. He actually was a musician in his misspent youth. I'll have to ask him about that song. He also is a writer and likes to write rather than spend hours on the phone, which is another way we match because I'm not much of a phone person. I noticed today I have saved 250 emails in his file. He keeps his Canada phone so I guess that would be pretty expensive.
The dreadful wind is still howling. I thought it was going to peel the roof right off at one point. It will most likely stop during the night. Tonight I am thankful I don't have animals to feed. We haven't had enough rain to get our beautiful wildflowers so it is shaping up to be a pretty bleak spring
Good night everybody. Stay safe and warm
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 25 2013 : 8:56:18 PM
I'm here. Just nothing new to say. Just a bit of complaining. Tomorrow is my first real day at work. My mom of course left me with her car needing gas. She owes me some money and could have put gas in it seeing as how I was at school all day. But waited until just a few minutes ago to tell me the car was low. I of course have $10.00 to my name until payday so now I also get to deposit her check so I'll have gas money. I'm so glad she left that for me to do my first day at work. I'll be leaving a little earlier than planned. I did get my school schedule pretty well figured out. I just need work to tell me what schedule they wasn't me to work.
My son went to talk to mortgage broker today to find out what he needed to do for a home loan. He was told everything looked good except he needed to work one more season at his job. So next winter he will be ready to start looking in ernest for a house to buy.
Not much else going on. Weather is ok. We got rain today temps were maybe in the 40's. not too bad.
Gypsy, how is kitty doing? I always feel so bad for feral cats knowing somebody dumped them or mom. Kitties should have a warm place to live with lots of love and food.
Anyway, enough for tonight. I have to rewrite my research paper with my corrections. So glad that is almost done.
Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
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