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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 05 2015 :  3:43:21 PM  Show Profile
Happy Fifth, everyone. I am so happy to have the fireworks and frightened animals behind me.

We are still having a heat wave. Breaking all sorts of records. It has been 32 days since we have had rain and that is just crazy. our highs for this time of year should be 80 rather than 100.

Tomorrow, I take mom to have her hair done, as usual. Meanwhile, dh will clean her "nest." She likes to call her place The Nest.

Bunny, I found your new shop and it also featured you on the opening page. That is terrific. I think it is a very trendy site and it appeals to me. I hope you have a lot of exposure and make some great sales there. The Blues Festival must have been a hot one, did your neighbor go?

Here in Vancouver, our community fireworks show managed to set the field on fire. My favorite quote from last night's news was from a citizen there to enjoy the fireworks - "The fireworks were really beautiful. But, as the flames got higher, they kind of drew your eyes away from the fireworks." (And towards an 'exit' sign?) I think they reported 22 fires last night...

Wednesday will be dh and my 30th anniversary. We had a super romantic wedding at the courthouse in Reno. We carefully chose which line to stand in. The choices were marriages or divorces. They were about equal in length. It was very hot that day. Over one hundred degrees. As we left the courthouse parking lot, dh drove off a curb and knocked the muffler off MY car. We had only been married a few minutes. It was still MY car. So, it sounded like a Mack truck going down the road or pulling into, say, Caesar's Tahoe Resort and Casino where we decided to spend the night. We were so out of place that at check in the front desk person told us twice how much the room was per night. (I think it $99.) Apparently, we looked like we should have stayed at Harrah's? We went home the next day and twenty five years later took a honey moon.

Stay cool, dry, out of tornadoes...
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 06 2015 :  08:40:44 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I'm afraid with our 100plus temps, the hot tub sounds more like your cup of tea for now. Now when winter is here, hot tubing sounds wonderful!

Mar, I was out in the sticks for the forth and luckily heard no fireworks. I'm hoping my kitties were ok and probably headed for the basement.
My friend did go to the festival I think Friday night. She was hoping it would be a little cooler.

I got home today to a hot house. My mom said the heat pump went out so no air conditioner. Of course she is a defeatist and said there was no way she could afford to fix it. So I guess my money for new tires is going for the air conditioner instead. She can afford to go to Utah but can't fix anything at home that breaks. Oh well, I would feather have her gone anyway.

I sold one of my scarves today, so that was a nice surprise. My son said I need to make purses. One size fits all. So I worked on two of them this weekend. I really like them! I'll have pictures when I'm done.
Oh, and the book I read was called "the sound and the furry". Told by the guys dog. Wonderful and easy read. Mar, makes me think of what yellow dog might sound like is she could talk.

Anyway, time for work. Later all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 06 2015 :  1:01:46 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, Yellow dog is very sage!

I think the purses are a great idea. Why didn't one of us female sorts think of that? Congrats on the sale.

Yea, your friend would have been disappointed in the "cooler" part of the festival. It was blasted hot here. Still, five maybe ten degrees cooler than you were this weekend...

I survived my penance at the beauty shop. Mom is delighted as always with her 'do. A "quick" trip to Dollar Tree rounded out my high jinks for the morning! Oh and we stopped to cash in mom's winnings from her scratchers (Lottery). And fed the lottery machine the bills right back in. Quote from Mom, "You know, a cocktail and a scratcher makes for a nice evening." OK, then.

It must be summer. I have tomatoes, zucchini and crooknecks on the counter, cucumbers in the crisper and zucchini bread under the glass dome. Only thing missing...fruit flies!

I got a really cute stepping stone at a sale this weekend. It is a concrete cast praying mantis. Dh is going to hang in on the well house for me.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 06 2015 :  4:35:47 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Yesterday and today were in the eighties but lucky for us it cools down at night. So, soaking in the hot tub is very nice because the air is cool and the water warm,

I am glad you sold a scarf. Maybe you should start advertising for early winter holiday gifts. Are you sure the heat pump is broken or maybe did Mother not bother to check it out. We could hope that it was the latter. I am sorry it is so hot for you.

Another beauty parlor visit. you are so patient. I am glad Mom is happy with her weekly do. As tedious as she is it would be a lot worse if she were a whiner. I am so jealous that your garden is delivering and mine is still growing.

The little boys all went to day camp today. DsC went to Earthwalk. it is an all day outdoor camp. they did a lot of hiking and lit a fire and played games. He has a wonderful time. DsR and DsG went to Lotus Lake Camp. they play sports and have swimming lessons. DsR shot a bow and arrow. He was so excited. DsG played soccer and hit his head on the goal which he took in stride. I hope they pass out soon.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  06:17:45 AM  Show Profile
Back at my desk for a little while this morning after a nice long weekend. We had rain most of Saturday, so I felt bad for people who had planned big outdoor picnic-type stuff. We went out to Dude's youngest brother's birthday party, but only stayed through dinner and for a little bit afterward. His youngest sister was up from Virginia for a visit, but the "host" SIL doesn't like to share her, so she hadn't told us. We invited her to come out on the boat with us on Sunday and she jumped at the chance. Host SIL is a little too chatty and one needs a break after a few days. Anyway, we had my 13-year-old grandson with us and Sister and we had an absolutely wonderful day -- she is a real treat! So glad I am getting to know Dude's family and that he is reconnecting with them, as well.

We are leaving here at 11 to go have his colonoscopy. Bleackkk!!! He did his prep last night and has done just fine, but we are both anxious to have this over with.

Here's my two Dudes.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  08:00:10 AM  Show Profile
Busy packing up the motorhome. We are leaving tomorrow for 5 weeks, don't know if I will have good internet service to keep in touch. I will try though. Stay safe, well, and behave yourselves!!!!!
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  10:03:05 AM  Show Profile
Looks like you had gorgeous weather for your boating day, Marilyn. Both your dudes look happy, healthy and like guys! (It rhymes with 'wise'.)

The Originals are out shopping. Originals = The two people who live in this house and have had this surname longer than I have been using it...AKA dh and MIL. I have the poor little misnamed corn chip dog, Fritto. Fritto has been remanded to the kennel due to some marking tendencies that have cropped up AGAIN. We were doing so well. It had been more than six months and then last week she nailed our house three times. Yikes. She does love her kennel and I will be outside in the gazebo in a bit with both her and gracie before it gets too hot.

Have a great day,
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  4:11:52 PM  Show Profile
Hello everybody,

Checking in to see if all is well.

We are having unusually cool weather here and I see a dreadful heat wave is going on up in the northwest where some of you are. A reverse situation for sure.
We normally are in triple digits by now.

Marilyn , looks like you guys had a great time on the boat. We had one when the kids were teenagers, it kept them busy and out of trouble. We used to take them and a boatload of their friends out on the lake lots of summer weekends. Good times.
I know it's no consolation to your dude, but my dude is having his colonoscopy next Wednesday. He thought it was today but then found out today was just the meeting with the gastroenterologist and to get the list of instructions. He has to start dietary stuff a week in advance, then two days before go on clear liquid diet, then the night before drink half the nasty stuff, then next morning drink the other half, then nothing for four hours and if there is anything in his stomach at all they will not do the procedure. I've never heard of a protocol this strict. Poor guy has no idea how awful this is going to be and I'm not telling him.
I'm posting now before this gets lost like the last two
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  4:27:41 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:13:35 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  4:32:14 PM  Show Profile
I've discovered Grace and Frankie on Netflix and enjoyed it so much I watched the whole series straight through over two nights. Think I might watch them again. I want that beach house! Not a Martin Sheen fan but loved Lily Tomlinson and Jane Fonda. Man, her facelift turned out great. She has never looked better. She is actually 77 but plays a 70 yr old who finds herself suddenly single so I relate.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  4:37:55 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:14:28 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  5:58:47 PM  Show Profile
GG, lol it is Tomlin. I watched the show and it hit a little too close to home for me. My first husband deciding to become a woman and all. I went through many of the same things they did in the first few episodes. Of course the rest is fantasy.
Hope the colonoscopy goes well. The prep can be brutal for some. But when it's done.. it's over! Bring him home, put him to bed and he will be his usual self by night time.
Marilyn, hope all went well with the Dude too! The lake looks wonderful.

Jan! So nice to hear from you. Off and running again! Stay safe yourself. Throw us a note every once in a while.

Mar, Bummer about Fritto. I'm dealing with residual kitty puddles from when Twinkle my old kitty would pee in the basement. I tried vinegar and baking soda, and nature's miracle. Nothing seems to work for long.

Well, it is really hot here 100 plus and the air conditioner is kaput. Dead. So, my mom called around today and found out there is a county program that will rebate 2250.00 of the cost of a new one. She said she should be able to finance the rest. Fingers Crossed. I'm hanging out in the basement (with the cat pee smell) and hoping for the best.

My two sons and Xhusband gave me a wonderful birthday present. They pitched in and bought me airline tickets and a hotel for the Marines Ball in November in North Carolina. My boss wants me to make a dress for the event. I'm trying to think of artsy but classy..... and losing some weight. No ice cream, cheese, bread or pasta! Oh what will I do! I have been off of cheese for some time now and ice cream I only slipped one day. Bread and pasta are next. That will be a little harder since those are my staples. I hate to cook.

Stay cool everyone!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 07 2015 :  7:47:02 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, actually the boyfriend being around every. Single. Day. Eating everything in sight--that's pretty real, too.

I'm hiding out here in the country house as long as I can get away with it. Guess who was whining tonight that he was so busy with chores like going to the bank, grocery shopping, and cooking his own food he didn't have time to get to the driving range. Hehehe.

Aww, that's a wonderful gift your guys gave you, Bunny. That will be so much fun.

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 07 2015 7:50:50 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 08 2015 :  06:22:39 AM  Show Profile
I can't tell you how glad I am that I found this group of wonderful wonder women! So much expertise and so much wisdom, but all tempered with a little "where on earth did the time go and why am I not smarter by now" realism.

Bunny -- I am so glad you get to go to the ball! Maybe you could leave the fabric out overnight and your fairy godmother will come and sew up a gown for you -- although it sounds like YOU are the fairy godmother. I think we all make our own magic, actually.

Dude's colonoscopy went very well. He handled the prep very well (didn't sound nearly as strict as the one you're talking about, G!) without complaint. (I always [bleep] and moan all the way through mine) After the procedure when I was sitting with him in recovery, the nurse came out and showed us the pictures -- said the test results were very good -- he said he was glad he had studied so hard. I thought she was going to fall over laughing. I knew he was feeling okay then. We left there and went to lunch first thing -- he had gone 24 hours without actual food. He never did take a nap. He was so relieved to have it done! This morning he saw the dermatologist. He burned a few places and took a biopsy or two, but said he didn't see anything to be concerned about -- no melanoma. Now we are ramping up to the prostate biopsy on the 21st. Geez.

It's actually kind of nice to be back in the office today.

Every time we walk outside, there are more cucumbers and/or zucchini to pick -- I have been dehydrating what we don't eat fresh. They are turning out great! We will enjoy the chips this winter. I have a huge bag of cucumbers on my desk to take to Rotary with me today -- maybe I can strong-arm some people into taking them. ha ha Soon it will be tomato time, and we are really looking forward to that. A garden is a wonderful thing if it doesn't kill you.

So...sounds like we are all racing through summer at top speed. It will be fall before we know it. I have the body for it.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 08 2015 :  10:45:02 AM  Show Profile
Wow! I have to share this. Just came back from our regular Wednesday noon Rotary meeting. Our little Club (about 28 members) has undertaken to build an inclusive playground. Our president, who is a physician, came up with the idea for "her" project as president. We put together a committee and spoke to the Borough, who gave us some space right next to the present playground at our city park. A few weeks ago, a couple of Rotarians met with the Borough Manager at the park to look it over and have a little photo op for the hometown paper. An elderly lady (94 years old) saw the picture and read the article and sent us $50,000. Can you believe it? We had been guesstimating the project at $40,000 to $60,000 when it's all done, and this wonderful lady just gave us almost the whole thing. Evidently she had some people in her family who were disabled in one way or another and the project spoke to her. So our "Little Club that Could" out here in the furthest reaches of Rotary District 7450 is going to be able to build an inclusive playground to be used for years and years into the future by kids who would not normally be able to play on the regular equipment. There was not a dry eye in the room today when the Club Secretary showed us the check. I am so proud to be a Rotarian today and so grateful for open hearts like this wonderful lady.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 08 2015 :  12:06:05 PM  Show Profile
What a cool cool thing to happen, Marilyn. Congratulations to you and your club. Now that you have that project paid for....

We have cooled down a few degrees and it feels magnificent. I like an evening chill. And when it only cools down to the low seventies overnight...that just doesn't give you that fresh start for the next day.

Today is our big day. Thirty years. dh got me a gorgeous card. He griped yesterday that he can't even get me flowers because I have so many in the yard! He's never had it easy that way because I have always preferred a plant for the yard rather than cut flowers. I got him a new water bottle. Woo hoo. Big spenders the two of us. I think you all understand after thirty years together we have what we need. We get what we want when we see it...

dd can't believe we are letting mom fix us dinner tonight. She "has us over" every Wednesday for Taco Tuesday. (Don't ask.) I don't care for tacos, so I pack up and bring my own dinner and get to thank her for dinner anyway... She does do the dishes which are put in the dishwasher upon return. Mom doesn't see very well and Fritto gets to prerinse everything...

Happy Hump Day everyone,
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 08 2015 :  1:34:21 PM  Show Profile
Happy Anniversary, Mar and dh! Thirty years is nothing to sneeze at.

Taco Tuesday sounds like one of those things we do to keep the peace -- bless you.

My daughter came by a bit ago. They are leaving their church after 15 years -- she is really upset about it, but it has been coming. She, especially, has been very very involved with the children's programs and has been part of the worship team for years. There have just been some ugly incidents taking place and there is a group of about 3 people trying to set the direction for everyone, and it is not the direction my daughter's family wishes to go. It has been tearing her up for months, but I think it probably is the best thing. She sat here across the desk from me and had a little cry. Ah well....Time for me to go home.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 08 2015 :  5:01:44 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Congratulations, Marilyn. I think you should get written up in the Rotarian magazine so all of the other groups around the country can be jealous. The Dude looks really good for being 72. (I think) I am glad all of your families get along for the most part.
Clean as a whistle was the The Dude. I told DdK that and she told me it was disgusting. She only has 41 more years to go until her first one. lol

G - happy painting. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I bet the B appreciates you when you return to the city.

Safe traveling, Jan.

Mar congratulations on the big 30. I am glad the chocolate man still makes you happy.

Bunny that is a great present the men in your life thought up.

I was talking to the farmer who brings us hay. We were commiserating about having wet fields. I told him that near Vancouver, Washington they had not had rain in 32 days. We both agreed that we would deal with wet fields. We have 278 bales in. We are hoping to put in a little over 300. Coco, our cow, is nearing delivery time. her udder is enormous. I am looking forward to the fresh milk.

Yesterday, I went out to the hot tub to move the filter hoses. I reached down to pull the string with the rock on it the holds the end of one of the hoses away from the other. I pulled the plug on the hot tub. the water started rushing out. I quick took off my shorts. Then my underpants and then my shirt and slipped in. I dove down to put the plug back on the drain. I asked, DsL to go get me a towel. He has some communication issues and if he gets interrupted there is no follow through. We usually only go in the hot tub naked in the night. While we did shower with the children when they were little it has been more than a decade that any of them have seen me naked. DsL did not come back with the towel I ended up just putting on the t shirt hoping no one would intercept me on the way to a towel. I was lucky. Someone said, just like Petticoat Junction. lol

The littles are enjoying camp. I am enjoying having them at camp.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 08 2015 :  5:39:18 PM  Show Profile
For your enjoyment.

demanding starling and wearied parent.

love that mud on a hot day.

milkweed flowers

day lily flowers, yummy as a salad topper

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 09 2015 :  05:50:51 AM  Show Profile
Oooh -- the milkweed is lovely! And who doesn't like a day lily? I didn't know they were edible. We have them by the BUNCHES around here. Holly, I had a nice chuckle about the hot tub story -- probably wasn't quite as funny when it was happening. It kind of does sound like Petticoat Junction, though.

This may not bode well for my Thursday, but I put my pants on backwards this morning. Luckily, I noticed it before anyone else did. I was looking in the mirror while getting dressed and I thought -- Wow! These pants just are NOT flattering at all. Hey! I thought these pants had cargo pockets! Oh yeah, maybe I have them on backwards. Sigh. I left work yesterday with a $50 variance to find in my check register -- looked for an hour or more and just couldn't find it. The account balanced in the computer system, so I know it's an error somewhere in the paper register. I finally decided to leave it and come back and look at it with fresh eyes today. There will be jubilation when I find it -- and I will find it.

Had my Morning Mile a little earlier than usual today and I think it's a good thing. So humid out there! We had rain overnight, and are to have storms and rain this afternoon -- just a little respite here this morning, but we'll take it. We didn't even look at the garden yesterday when we got home. I did find out that our local Neighborhood Services food pantry will take fresh produce!!! I was glad to hear that -- so many food banks don't take fresh stuff. So there's an available home for all this abundance of cucumberage we are experiencing. I have dried some, but I don't care for the chips as much as the zucchini chips.

So enough avoidance -- time to hit that bank account. Have a great Thursday, Ladies!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 09 2015 :  06:56:23 AM  Show Profile
Ah Marilyn. Pants on backwards....I'm more of a shirt on backwards kind of girl. Plus, I usually don't catch it right away. So fun.
I was thinking the other day when you mentioned all the goodies coming out of your garden that it would be wonderful if there was a way to put it all to good use. Sounds like you found the way.

Holly, your pictures are beautiful as usual. I didn't know about the eatable lilies. I use to grow nasturtiums and put those in our salads. My boys thought I was crazy.

It's still hot here. Going to be 100degrees. It's 85 in the house. Funny how 85degrees outside can be a nice day. In the house....not so much. I opened all the windows hoping to cool it off but it didn't help. It is still in the 80's in here. I have no idea when the guy will come to give my mom an estimate for a new one. But it is suppose to go down into the high 80's starting tomorrow. (Outside.)

My boss is out of town until next week. I get to hold the fort down today and Monday. Lots of sewing to do so I won't be bored.

Time for work...later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 09 2015 :  07:09:43 AM  Show Profile
Bunny and Mar -- I keep reading and seeing on TV about how warm it has been out there -- nothing like I remember living out there! Too warm.

I found the $50 variance! I just sat down with the computer print-out and ran it line-by-line with the register and found a deposit that had not been written into the paper register. Yay! I guess it's okay to keep the old system as a back-up, but I am so careful about the computer system that it is usually correct.

Now it's all downhill.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 09 2015 :  5:11:42 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I was amused when I had to strip to put the plug back in the hole. I was not amused when I pulled the plug in the first place.

I am glad it was a missing deposit and not a wrongly written check.

I smashed the tip of my index finger today with the hammer when I was trying to secure one of the rafters on the green house. it still hurts like a son of a gun. C says I will lose the nail. It is the first time in this project that I have hurt myself.

lucky shot of a female purple finch

Coco and her new daughter. This baby's name will begin with an I.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 09 2015 :  5:32:46 PM  Show Profile
Are you going to name her Ingrid?

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 09 2015 :  9:21:51 PM  Show Profile
Cute baby. The first name that popped into my head when I read "Coco" is...Imogene. I don't know if I would have dived into the water to stop the plug cause I hate putting my head underwater. Obviously, I never learned to swim. The pictures are wonderful--we have milkweed flowers at the prairie as well as other beautiful and rare flowers. I don't know how to post pictures from my smartphone or else I would. My phone is smarter than I am.
Marilyn--it's my fault you put your pants on backwards this morning. I came home from work last night and put my yoga pants on backwards. So blame me. My wackiness is contagious.
My washing machine decided to stop last night after I'd put a load of clothes in. It started off OK and then five minutes later I heard a weird "click,click" sound. It won't agitate. It won't do anything. Just makes a clicking sound. Someone is coming to look at it tomorrow. I pulled the clothes out of it (it's a top loader) and wrung them out and rinsed them in the bathtub and then wrung them out again. Luckily my dryer still works.
I ate too much over the holiday and now I need to hit the gym again. I've been meaning to go but something always comes up. I'll walk on the treadmill for about 40 minutes several times a week and then I should feel better.
It didn't rain today. We actually saw the sun. I can't believe the hot temps. in the NW and beyond. A woman who works at our hospital has been missing since Monday night. I know who she is, I've talked with her a few times. I hope she just decided to run away. I hate to think of something bad happening to her. Makes me glad I have nosy neighbors.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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