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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 01 2015 :  07:24:08 AM  Show Profile
Dang. PSA's a little high. Doc said it's not a certainty that there's cancer, but a biopsy would tell that for sure. He said lots of guys "this age" don't even want to know, but Dude said he certainly did. Doc also said that if there IS cancer, treatments today can give us 15 years. Sigh. I wanted forever. So...biopsy is scheduled for the 21st, so then we'll see what happens. We're okay, though.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 01 2015 :  08:12:09 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, let's hope for the best on the biopsy! Sending good thoughts your way.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 01 2015 :  10:32:48 AM  Show Profile
You know, there are some days when I really do NOT enjoy having people yell at me. Go figure.

And thanks, Bunny. I think we'll be fine. There are so many worse things going on in the world and worse illnesses that could be threatening, so the chance (remember it's just a chance, Marilyn) of prostate cancer is not as bad as it could be. His brother has Parkinson Disease and I think that has scared the Dude more than anything -- the thought that he could end up being so debilitated. So we'll just keep on keeping on.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 01 2015 :  4:48:16 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I thought the prep for the colonoscopy was anti climactic. The nastiness lasted a short time. The anticipation lasted and worry lasted many hours. But, I guess the Dude has gone through this before so he knows how the medicine works in his body. I guess it will give him a reason to stay close to home for a day and get his honey do list done. I am sorry his PSA is problematic. I am glad there is some sort of test for it so he would not deteriorate for an unknown reason.

I have a friend who would have taken the whole bag of cukes as well. She would have used them or found another home for the ones she could not use. Now for the zukes we are waiting anxiously for ours to arrive. Everyone in our family really likes zucchini fries. I have read that we can make fritters out of ox eye daisy flowers and mill weed flowers.

It is pouring hard here. There were flood advisories starting in the afternoon until 9 tonight. we live on a hill so it is not an issue for us.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 01 2015 :  5:04:16 PM  Show Profile
Holly -- We live on a hill, too. That has been a blessing this spring and early this summer! So many rainy downpours. I agree about the colonoscopy prep. The first two I had to do back in my 30s were drinking the gallon of yucky stuff. I finally said I just couldn't and wouldn't do it and they switched me to a much more manageable and less volume prep. As for the test itself -- I have always said I might as well be in Cleveland during the test -- I never have the slightest recollection and feel so good and relieved (not to mention a few pounds lighter! ha ha) once it's over. Not that I'm in a rush to have another one, but you are absolutely right about the dread.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Jul 01 2015 :  8:26:20 PM  Show Profile
Hope the Dude's test results come back normal. It can sure frazzle a person's nerves not knowing. And glad you live on a hill. So do I, so no worry of flooding....however--there is a corner of my living room where I discovered water leaking under the paint. The paint is latex and the water gets under it and forms blisters. I peeled and scraped the paint away and there are two cracks in the wall by the window. My brother from Texas will be here tomorrow (they're coming up for the Fourth) so he'll look at it and tell me what to do next. He used to help build houses and actually made up the blueprint for the house they used to have. This house was built in 1950 and there used to be blasting underground from a nearby quarry. I could feel the blasts sometimes but they haven't blasted here in the past few years. But the house has settled and I guess this is the result. I hope it's not a too expensive repair. My brother might know of someone in this area who could fix it for a reasonable fee.
Oh, by the way, Marilyn, you might be pleased to know that the trend in healthcare is only paying doctors based on their patients' results, and not on all the tests they order. it's the wave of the future and the emphasis is on preventive care. It may take another ten years but eventually all the hospitals and doctors' offices will be doing it. It's actually a very old idea, based in traditional Chinese medicine, where the healer didn't get paid unless the patient got better. Of course, the patient also assumes more care for his/her health but that's how it should be. We're responsible for paying our bills on time, for being at work every day--but a lot of people want to sit back and let someone else "take care" of their health. It's going to change big time.
Has anyone else seen the reddish moon? It's red here from the wildfires--the jet stream carries the smoke high in the atmosphere and it makes the moon glow red. The wildfires are far away but we can see the results in the Midwest.
I had to buy a machete today to help clear the weeds and brush in my backyard. Weeds are out of control and everything is growing like crazy, sometimes up to six inches in one day. There is a mess around my big ol' oak tree and I made a small dent in it today. The worse things are the vines. And I discovered Asian bush honeysuckle growing on the chain link fence that surrounds the dog pen. Bush honeysuckle is an invasive that crowds out and kills native plants. It's very difficult to eradicate. Usually you have to pull the vines and cut it down to the stumps and then paint the stumps with Round-Up. That's the only thing that will kill it. It's the kudzu of the Midwest.
What's everyone doing for the Fourth?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 01 2015 :  8:46:29 PM  Show Profile
Seriously I plan on never having a colonoscopy again. It was a terrible experience. The stuff they made me drink made me sick. I drank enough to make the proper things happen. I also ate very little for two days leading up because I wanted to make sure everything would be cleaned out. I got sick after I woke up and sick sitting on the steps to my porch while I also peed my pants. I'll pass on the next one thank you!

My new online store opened up today. So many bugs! A friend of mine from California tried to look at my items and got the response that she couldn't because she wasn't from this country. Well California has been a little strange lately. But still part of the US last time I looked! Plus I added a few more things and got so many issues trying to add pictures. Then everything crashed..(I can do that you know) and I had to close everything out and start over so many times! I'm sure they will eventually figure it all out. I know for sure they are probably sick of getting messages from me. But at least they know I'm active on the site.

My mom bought me some very sweet tiny Citrine earrings. I want some earrings I didn't have to take out. Most have a long post in the back that sticks me when I sleep. These are nice. I was very surprised. We went to a nice place for dinner tonight too. Citrine is suppose to attract positive energy and cleanse negative energy away. Now I just need stones to attract money!

It has been so hot here. Over 100 degrees every day. Not loving it. I would welcome some rain. I would rather live in rain than heat. I go out to the boonies to my blind Doxies again this weekend for 5 nights. It is hot there too. She has a little in the window air conditioner that struggles to keep things cool. But it is better than being outside. I just don't sleep very well at night.

Later all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 02 2015 :  06:25:00 AM  Show Profile
Cindy -- I like the idea of fewer tests. I think often that they just do tests because they can, rather than because they should. Years ago I was in the process of changing doctors -- had to have a serious GI doc. I asked him on our first meeting what his philosophy was regarding invasive tests (i.e. colonoscopy). He didn't even hesitate, which I thought was great, because it meant that he had actually given it some thought. He said that he only did a test if the outcome of that test would change the way he treated the patient. So I decided I could live with that. He was the best doctor ever and I was sad to move away and leave him.

Bunny -- I hear you about the colonosopy. When I started having them, I was very ill with some kind of intestinal issue, so I was already nauseated and skinny and had diarrhea all the time. First they made me have an upper GI series, which meant rolling my poor bony little body back and forth on a hard wooden table while they took pictures. The doctor actually shouted at me when I hesitated to swallow the fizzy "Pop-Rocks" for the procedure. That was the last time I saw HIM. They did decide that I did not have an ulcer, which was good to know. But the first time I tried that yucky gallon of goo for the colonoscopy I was so nauseated that I gagged my way through the last part. My best friend is an RN and she was with me to keep me company while I did the prep. She finally called the doctor and chewed on him for a while -- told him that I was NOT going to finish that whole gallon because I weighed about 87 pounds at the most and was already completely clear. That was a blessing.

So it's not easy work being healthy. Also sort of challenging to be more chronologically enhanced -- but maybe it will help me be grateful for each day and to not let a bad mood or a tiny hurt fester into something worse. Today might be all we have, so let's make the best of it.

Easy to say.

I had my walk -- I have my coffee -- I got about four hours of sleep in 45-minute increments last night -- but today is a new day.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 02 2015 :  06:27:02 AM  Show Profile
Cindy -- I saw that gorgeous moon on our drive home last night. It was just setting over some beautiful Amish cornfields -- what a sight!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 02 2015 :  11:52:58 AM  Show Profile

I think I may like this lacy version of the sweater better. I left the buttons off and will probably get some pretty ribbon to run through the neckline -- or maybe just crochet a cord.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 02 2015 :  5:30:56 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a lovely cool breezy day here on the side of the hill. I replaced the gate post that I broke off with the tractor bucket last week. It took a little while but it is done and in a better place now. I need to figure out a way to keep the chickens out of the garden.

I rigged up the pump and hose to bring water from the stream to the wood fired hot tub. It took all day to fill it. I am really glad I did not need to use a bucket. The children and I brought up chunks of wood from on of the fields to fire the woodstove to heat the water. Maybe tomorrow we can work on getting the water warm.

The little sweater is very pretty. The mom will appreciate the work that went into it. I am glad you have your health back in order. Being so sick to only weigh 85 pounds is awful.

Bunny, I hope they get the bugs out of the web site. I would be more than frustrated and bad words would be the main part of any conversation I would be having with myself while trying to figure it out. I am glad your mom got you a present you like.

I hope that you are relaxing some on your vacation, Cindy. Although if you do enough of the physical work and fall into bed exhausted and sleep through the night I think that is a bonus. I always hope to sleep through the night.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 02 2015 :  9:48:58 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:11:39 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2015 :  9:54:33 PM  Show Profile
Goddesses of the Iris,

I have been busy with summer school, garden, crafting, dogs, cat, Lowell.

I am in charge of the Reading Naturally program Patricia (the teacher) uses to help the kids learn to read with fluency. The school district no longer uses it because too many teachers used it as their entire reading curriculum. Most of the kids like to watch their progress on their bar graphs. I will be making line graphs for each kid to take home to show their parents the progress they have made.

The garden needs to be cleared of unwanted plants. I have quite a few rouge tomato plants growing. That is probably because I throw the spoiled cherry tomatoes back into the garden. The dill is taller than me. It is amazing.

Mitzi loves to be outside. I sometimes leave her out in the backyard when I go back in. She could stay out there all day. I like to eat breakfast outside every time I can. It is such a restful place to be. Morgan stays out for a while then wants to go back in. Lowell rarely sits out with me. He is usually inside playing one of his electric guitars. I'd love to set up power outside and have the band play out there sometime. It could be done using and orange extension cord for the main power then several sets of power strips. They would play until the police were called. Lowell is coming to my Dungeons & Dragons game tomorrow to check out Devon, one of the players, who is a musician of some skill at the age of 16. Lowell really wants a person who can play a variety of instruments. Devon's mom is pretty protective so we will have to reassure her that we won't be corrupting him. Joanne, the female singer, may want to quit. Lowell doesn't want me to call her. I have some jeans of hers I need to fix. I believe I will finish them and go over to her place and maybe have a little chat. She doesn't seem very satisfied with her role in the group.

The weather here has been absolutely lovely. Not too hot and not too cool. The school's AC went out on Monday and all the kids were so hot and sluggish. It wasn't fixed until Wednesday and then all the kids were too cold. They sat in the circle huddled into their t-shirts.

I haven't gotten a colonoscopy and I would have to be paid a great deal of money or have a gun to my head before I would consent to it. I have taken this test in which I just poke my poop and take it to the lab. So much more convenient and easy.

Bunny - I sure hope the new website works. I went on it and tried without success to find your store. The site doesn't see very organized especially for finding a particular shop. It is good that you still have the Etsy shop in case the new one tanks. Okay, I just went there again and found it. My bad.

Marilyn - The little sweaters are just beautiful. Everything looks so precious in miniature. They also do not take so much time to make.

I accidentally left my laptop on the train last Friday. I feel so stupid; however, I am not stressing about it. I figure -- I got it for free so I'm not out any money, I had nothing really important on it and it needed a new operating system so I've saved myself some hassles. Really the only bad thing is I cannot use the desktop as much as I wish because Lowell is always playing chess with robots on it. I may just save up some money and get a small laptop or tablet computer.

That's pretty much it for me.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  06:10:05 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- I was picturing your fencepost "going to a better place." Sounds like Hallelujah time! ha ha ha

Bunny -- I went to the new website yesterday or the day before and your little box was featured on the first page, so I clicked it and it took me right to your store. It all looked good -- hopefully they will get it all de-bugged again. It's all wonderful when it works........

Had my walk and brought my coffee back. I need to get some titles ready to send some junk to the salvage yard. The guys will be happy to have the old wrecks out of the side lot so they can get around better back there. A couple of springs ago we had a momma cat and a litter of kittens in one of the old cars. We had a neighbor here who "rescued" strays. All she did was put out food for them and make it a mess for everyone else -- no spay or neuter -- they were always sick and/or pregnant. The kittens were as wild as March hares, and none of our local rescues had room for them. We found all four kittens dead, one by one...some were hit on the road out front and some seemed to have been ill. The girl who was so "kind hearted" about the cats finally got arrested for some drug charges and went bonkers resisting arrest, so she lost the apartment and there's a nice couple with a new baby in there now. The landlord had to tear out the insides of the apartment before he could rent it out again -- fleas everywhere and so much cat pee pee!!! Soooooo what I'm saying is getting rid of the wrecks is good! ha ha ha

I expect it to be pretty quiet here today -- lots of people closed for early Fourth and they will expect us to be as well. Hopefully the guys will be able to get a lot done. I have yarn to knit one more of those little baby sweaters. This one is white with pink and grey -- I may get that started today. Looking forward to wonderful crab cakes for dinner. We discovered a pizza place locally that makes really fabulous huge lump crab cakes -- so weird to find that in a pizza place! Anyway, must be someone's grandmother's recipe, because they are that good. We have been doing them for our Friday dinners since we discovered the place. Makes my mouth water just thinking of them. For a Washington girl raised on Dungeness and King crab, I have sure become fond of this Maryland crab.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  08:36:27 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn even tho I'm ha I g trouble posting I am enjoying your stories. Holly you are working too hard and need to get some rest. All your pictures are delightful.

Everybody else hello and glad you are doing well.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  10:19:47 AM  Show Profile
G - I have been worrying about you -- glad you were able to click in.

I would like to go home now, please. ha ha ha I get "short-timer" attitude the day before a holiday. I was just uptown for my after-lunch mile, and they are getting ready for First Friday. It will be a big one, since it's Fourth of July. There are food trucks setting up -- I could already smell the barbeque. (This is after having my little protein shake for lunch Boo hoo! At least it was chocolate flavor) The Borough guys were up there dropping barricades off. They always close several blocks of Market Street for First Friday. This is such a great little town. There will be musical acts and booths set up all along the sidewalks -- so much for pedestrians and for people with kids to enjoy. The Arts Alliance always opens a new gallery show for the First Friday of each month. Last month was student artists. The shops all stay open until 8 and most of them will serve refreshments and have local artists or performers inside. In October we have a Hallowe'en Parade -- the high school classes each have a float for Homecoming and there are marching bands and all kinds of fun stuff. Then in December, they close several of the residential streets in town as well and line them with luminaria -- then they hire Amish farmers to give buggy rides and wagon rides. That one is always HUGE -- the Christmas tree lighting tops it off when Santa arrives on the big ladder truck from the fire barn. Can you tell I love my little adopted hometown? I feel so lucky and blessed to have landed here.

I have a big tray of zucchinis and cucumbers on the corner of my desk for the taking. Our mechanic is notorious for his dislike of any kind of vegetable (other than maybe corn). He wanted McD's french fries for lunch (just 2 large orders of fries, fresh from the fryer -- no sandwich or anything -- just the fries), so Dude had me hide the bag with the fries in it and he stuffed the other McD's bag with zukes and left it on the corner of the desk for him to find when he came in for his lunch. He opened the bag and dropped it like it was full of spiders! We all had a good laugh, but it's really sad that he just won't eat good food. His dear old Puerto Rican mother makes a red rice dish with little sausages that I could eat by the tub! (and I would be as big as one!!!) He always brings me some when she makes it. Our other guy is also Puerto Rican, but he loves salads and veggies. I guess it's what you are raised on.

Is it time to go home yet? Sigh. Maybe I will cast on that other sweater.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  12:38:49 PM  Show Profile
Hi all.

Marilyn, I can't believe you have put together those sweaters so quickly. You are a great knitter. I know where to go when i get stuck! Are you going to meander through the First Friday events tonight? We hit the Farmers Market often and there is always an event in the park that we went to the Recycled Arts Fest. This weekend is a big rodeo weekend. I am not a fan of rodeos, so we won't be going. Dh doesn't miss them, so I'm not denying him a great time. We have a classic car cruise coming up in a few weeks that we attended last year. It was the first of its type that I have attended. Cars are both cruising and parked. Tough for anyone with ADD! So much to look at. And then the County Fairs start. Summer is busy, but good.

I just got in from gardening and having dnA over. She comes in the morning now that we are in the midst of a never ending heatwave. Today we took the horses for a walk --- like we have the last few days --- down our street. (I'll try to post a photo) We met no cars and the horses were mellow. They got to graze a bit here and there. dnA got to walk the mare by herself for the second time and was very proud of that. I tell dnA to walk Tahoe down the middle of the road. The horse is less likely to decide to graze if you keep her away from the grass on the sides of the road. I walked along side dnA, who wants to walk really close to you. And I kept getting forced off the road and Tahoe kept getting to the grass. So, the walk took a bit longer than expected and we barely got home in time for dnA to get picked up by her tutor.

I am off to check out Bunny's new shop!
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  12:40:21 PM  Show Profile
Well that was a nice surprise! My daughter came by with my 13-year-old grandson and their little rescue dog, Peanut. They also brought me an iced latte! Made a nice break in my afternoon.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  12:41:27 PM  Show Profile
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  12:43:05 PM  Show Profile
OOOOWWWHHHH. I am enjoying an iced coffee. It is my daily delight.
And that is dh and dnA with Tahoe and Sunny


Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jul 03 2015 12:43:52 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  1:53:32 PM  Show Profile
I'm hiding in the basement today. It is getting upwards to 100 degrees out. I can wear a sweater down here. I love that. I'm making a custom dress for someone. I sent her a picture of what I have so far. So having lunch and taking a computer break.

Marilyn, nice to have someone think about you like that. Enjoy your iced Latte!

Mar, The picture looks very inviting. Nice that you can give your little neighbor girl happy memories like this. Enjoy your iced coffee too!!

Spending the next three nights with the Doxies. It is so hot! The air conditioner helps but it is still hotter than I feel comfortable. I'm reading a fun little book about a private detective and his dog. The story is being told by the dog. He gets distracted a lot by food and smells. I can't remember the whole title. I'll try to remember and let you know. It is a nice easy read.

Well, back to work!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  5:17:05 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A very lovely day here on the hill. I woke up and left to go grocery shopping by 6:30 AM. DdK had used my debit card to put gas in the car so instead of being child free for the trip I had her with me. She is helpful sometimes when we are grocery shopping. She likes to spend my money. We were home by 10.

I started the fire in the hot tub after lunch. It is not hot yet but it is warm. I stirred it with the canoe paddle and brought the cold water up from the bottom. Tomorrow I will get it hot enough for a good long soak. C is so happy it will be ready soon.

I made pepperoni and cheese rolls for the littles to take to camp next week. I use pizza dough, roll little balls out flat and then roll them back up with the filling and bake. the littles like them and it will fill them up and they are not messy.

There is a program around here that people can catch the feral cats and take them to the VCAN people and they will snip them and put a tattoo on the belly by the scar , give them their shots and then release them back where they came from. I have had feral cats in my barn that people have begged us to take. We have two barn cats now but they are not feral. they just do not like a lot of noise and commotion.

Marie do you know the books , Tales of the City and More Tales of the City and there are several others. Armistead Maupin wrote them. they were originally stories in a weekly newspaper. this really has nothing to do with any thing you have written except that I think you could write a book on the adventures of all the interesting characters in all of the permutations of Lowell's bands.

G glad to hear from you and know you are well.

I used to like to walk the horses. I am more than jealous. I am not sorry they have gone to live with other people but there are pieces I miss. Like walking them and talking to them and seeing them run in the snow. Glad you enjoy dnA's company. she seems like a very nice young person.

Bunny I am glad you have some place to escape the heat.

Marilyn you could always give out zucchini as an on time reward for making the payments on the cars. Have you shredded some and put it in the freezer to make bread in the winter? We have a book for zucchini and carrot recipes I could send it down. lol

Where is Betty? Jan should be traveling soon. and Cheryl?

Sweet dreams everyone

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 03 2015 :  10:14:50 PM  Show Profile
I went to our town's fireworks display a while ago and I have to say, it's the best one I've seen for this town. It lasted a long time and there were constant bursts--large and small--of color. We usually have a barge on the river where they launch the fireworks but they couldn't do that this year because of the flooding. So they chose a spot where a lumber company used to be, near the river. I think they should make it a permanent spot for fireworks. I had a really good vantage point and it seemed like everyone could see them better since they were closer. And lots of people turned out to see them. I like to think that most of the people in this town--apart from the drug dealers--are proud of our town and want to see it flourish.
I made some blueberry muffins tonight for a party tomorrow night at a friend's house who lives on a lake. More fireworks but that's fine. We'll have barbecue tomorrow at my parents' house for lunch and my brother is going to caulk around the window that is giving me so many problems. He said I could caulk the cracks in the wall after the plaster has completely dried. We're not done with all the rain so it may be a while. He cleaned out my gutter over the window. I hate getting up on that ladder. Just don't trust it. I mowed the front yard this evening and then stopped to clean the underside of the mower. After I put the mower back flat on the concrete, I noticed that there was gasoline around the primer button. The mower wouldn't start so I guess tilting it on its side somehow floods the engine. I decided to wait and got my machete, and wielding it like a Samuri, I proceeded to lay waste to the weeds growing up by the chain link fence. I got most of that Asian honeysuckle pulled away but there's still a lot of work to do. Then I started the lawn mower and it ran about a minute and died. I guess it needs more time to dry out. I'll try to get some mowing done tomorrow morning if it works.
Mar--the picture of you two walking the horses looks so serene. I love horses but I don't care for riding them. I like to groom them and watch them in the pasture and I like to breathe in their nostrils. I've heard that's how you tell a horse that you want to be friends.
Marilyn--your town sounds a bit like mine. We have a lot of history here and in August, they're supposed to unveil a statue of jazz great Miles Davis, who was born here. But he didn't grow up here, his family moved to East St. Louis when he was about two years old. But hey, we'll claim him if it draws visitors. We don't have seafood here but we have river fish. My favorite is buffalo fish. I have no idea what the actual fish looks like but it sure does taste good fried. And of course, catfish. I feel sorry for your mechanic who only wants to eat french fries. Maybe you can fix some zucchini fries for him. Put them in a McD's bag and tell him it's their latest creation.
Bunny--I just can't imagine your part of the country being that hot. I think of temperate rain forests and cool breezes. But it was 79 degrees in Alaska the other day and they have numerous wildfires. The weather is certainly changing. I visited your new website and love some of your creations on it. Especially the sugar skull dress.
Marie--I hope Devon works out for the group. And you can talk to Joanne and find out what she's unhappy about. I envy you eating breakfast outside. there's too many mosquitoes here for me to do that.
Holly--the hot tub sounds wonderful. Though hauling wood and heating it is lots of work. My Texas brother has a hot tub by the pool and it's landscaped so the water from the tub flows like a waterfall into the pool. I like your way better.
GG--glad you checked in. Hope you have a great Fourth.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 04 2015 :  5:29:58 PM  Show Profile
Good evening Goddess sisters,

Today was overcast all day long. It finally started raining at 7 PM. C came home with the little boys from the town celebration. They had a good time.

We were finishing up eating supper when the farmer who delivers our hay came with a kicker wagon mostly full. Some of the bales were wet. I laid them out in the barn instead of stacking them. I hope they dry and do not mold. I hope it does not start to decompose, create heat and burn the barn down. A lot of hopes for this load of hay. I think he is desperate to cut his fields. The weather guessers said we were going to have 7 days of sun. We had two.

Lawn mowers can be tempermental for an inanimate tool. I am glad you are getting some of your to do list done on your vacation. I am also glad that your brother is helpful and kind.

I planted an elderberry bush and a rosa rugosa that were gifts to C for her graduation. Big dsR came and he dug the holes. I just put the plants in the ground and filled in the hole.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2015 :  3:40:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

I hope the nice weather is all over your areas and you are out relaxing and gathering moments of joy.

I have had a lazy day. I read in the afternoon and had a nap.

The littles are going to day camp tomorrow morning and are very excited. We packed their clothes and tonight will do the food.

We had a soak in the hot tub last night. Be jealous. it was wonderful.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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