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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 09 2015 : 9:38:18 PM
Great news! I just checked the newspaper website and she has been located and is safe. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Jul 10 2015 : 06:19:15 AM
Cindy -- That is good news about the lady from the hospital. I can't imagine how scary that would be for her family. My niece ran away once when she was about 14 and we were all just sick until she was found. (Of course, then we all wanted to crack her on the noggin for scaring us) I got my pants on frontwards today, thank you very much. Glad I know who to blame for yesterday!
Holly -- I love the sweet cow mamma picture. Imogene would be a great name, but Iris is the first one that popped into my head.
Made a small inroad last night. We go out on our boat just about every Sunday that the weather is good. I enjoy it, of course, and we have such a great time. We go out for a little cruise to a restaurant somewhere, have brunch or lunch, then go on back out and throw the anchor and spend a few hours just relaxing. My problem has been that eating out gets to be so difficult to eat something more healthy and NOT overindulge. Dude loves good food, but he has been enjoying eating more healthy. So we were talking last night about where we wanted to go on Sunday, and I just casually said that I COULD pack a little light lunch in the cooler (there are two of them onboard) and stop whenever and wherever we wanted -- maybe go a little bit further down the bay, since we wouldn't be stopping at a restaurant. He looked like it was a brand-new thought and I was brilliant for thinking it. (Oh yes, I invented the brown bag!) So I am relieved to think that I will be able to keep a little better lid on my eating -- even on Sunday! (Self-control -- I know, I know.) Besides, there are only two or three restaurants that are on our regular cruising area and I get tired of trying to decide which one to visit. Talk about a first-world problem!
Today being Friday means I should have lots of people coming in to make their payments. I brought a bag of cucumbers in for the customers -- they seem to prefer the cukes to the zukes. I put some beans in the dehydrator last night and it is so humid out that they were not dry this morning! Wow. The earlier batches were nice and crispy just overnight.
So have the greatest of great Fridays, Ladies. I am going to enjoy this sunshine morning.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 10 2015 : 08:38:31 AM
Goddesses of the Iris,
Because it is Friday, I am not at the school right now. I am in charge of the Reading Naturally program in which I time their reading rate in words per minute. As they progress, they get more difficult vocabulary. Vonisha still does not want to work with me. I'm not taking this personally. I'm just frustrated and I told Patricia that I cannot waste my time with her. I am tempted to not help her with anything in the classroom but I believe that would be really petty. Not the Buddhist thing to do.
This is Vonisha. She is such a pretty girl.
Holly, all the names suggested are good names. Let us know when the decision is made. Were there strong words said when the thumb got into the way of the hammer? I'll bet there were.
Marilyn, when I am at a restaurant and the portion is too large, I immediately ask for a box and put half of the meal into the box immediately. Aren't you smart coming up with the idea of a bag lunch! I wonder who first thought of it. LOL
I have until tomorrow at 5 PM to prepare a game using the Call of Cthuhlu rules. This game system is inspired by the writings of H P Lovecraft. The adolescents in the group have never heard of the game and haven't read any Lovecraft. In this adventure, everyone is a scientist so they require no special knowledge of the mythos. One of the physical attributes in this game is SANITY and yes, a character can and will go insane under the right circumstances. I am looking forward to guiding the players through this story. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jul 11 2015 9:11:49 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 10 2015 : 08:54:14 AM
Holly, Izzy was the first nameI though of. As in Isobel (spelling).
It is still hot but it was a little cooler last night. I was finally able to get the house down to 79 inside. Mom says the repair guy says 5 to 6 weeks to get it repaired because of so many others ahead of us. My mom won't call anyone else because she knows them all and they are all dishonest. Sigh. So we are looking at putting in some cheapy in the window ones to get us by. She put a call in to a handyman guy she uses to help out. But at least today is suppose to be in the high 80's. We will manage.
Time to head across the river. Taking care of Peanut and Dr. Peinch. (That's the cat).
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 10 2015 : 1:30:10 PM
Holly, Sorry about your thumb and your silly dive adventure!! Love your photos. Why was the first I word that popped in my head "idiot?" It's not even a name! Too much time with dh this morning...he's on my last nerve. Iris, Imogene and Izzy are so cute. I don't recommend Idiot with The Littles absorbing everything!
Bunny, the cooling has begun here! I know it will be very appreciated by you with no a/c.
Marilyn, You are a genius today with the brown bag idea. Although, did you leave the house with your pants on backwards yesterday? Because that will affect your genius rating. The other day dh was walking around with his gym shorts on inside out. The flapping pockets looked absurd.
marie, your games are so different from any I have ever spent time playing.
I got the laundry done. Thankfully, I didn't have to finish it in the bathtub. I hope your machine gets fixed PRONTO! Also got a pair of work pants hemmed for dd. Watered a lot, which is an unusual activity here. Picked goodies from the garden. The tomatoes are starting to produce more than our demand. That feels so good. The cucumbers are producing a lot, but I certainly don't have bagfuls to give away. Our Food Bank lets me bring in as little or as much as I can spare. I started getting rid of my excess there last year.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 10 2015 : 5:55:04 PM
I bought a small in the window airconditioner for my bedroom. If it works out, my mom will buy one for her window and we will be able to hang on until the new one is installed. It is thankfully cooler today anyway. Of course, I have my airconditioner on and my mother won't close her bedroom window. So all the cool air heads outside. I can't get it through her head that the open window isn't helping matters. "but there is a nice breeze". Hot breeze of course. Sigh. Old people!!
Marie, I hope you can find a way to reach your young charge. Maybe find time to sit and talk to her alone to see if you can connect with her somehow. Maybe if she feels you care about her and take the time to talk to her.. she might open up.
My boss as wonderful as she is, is very unorganized. There are boxes of alterations that need to be done. Things that I can't always do. She is always in a rush and behind. This weekend she is out of town. I get a call from the lady working the store today that a lady came in that was suppose to have a dress hemmed today for a wedding tomorrow. Of course it wasn't done. She had told my boss she needed it in a week when she gave it too her. My boss says she Knew it was suppose to be done but didn't know it was for a wedding so didn't do it. She figured she could just be late. Sigh. So I had to run down to the store and hem it. Thankfully I knew how to run the special sewing machine that did that kind of hem. She really treats me great but the organization issues are murder.
Anyway, off to take care of my furry charges. Until next time!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 10 2015 : 7:37:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
Well, I think we are going to name the baby Ida after a good friend who died several years ago. We think she would be amused. I had thought of Ingenue or Imogene but some of my children who are challenged in spelling could not hear the I sound vetoed those names. I do like Iris and Idiot. I had thought of Isla as well. C looked up Imogene Coca because she has not heard of her a comedic actress. I was milking Coco tonight. She must have eight gallons in her bag. The old girl can hardly walk. Anyway, I was trying to ease her discomfort and Ida came over and was trying to find the nipple to nurse. I helped her and she must have nursed for thirty minutes well maybe longer. I left so I am not sure how much longer she filled her belly. Coco is a good mother.
I would be willing to send Vonisha a post card or two if that might help her reading.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 10 2015 : 9:10:24 PM
Bunny - I have tried to be open with her and have tried to talk to her about her life. She is so depressed that she has nothing good to say or she just sits there in defiant silence. She lives with her mentally ill mother and grandmother in a supportive residence. Her father is in jail. I guess I can understand why she doesn't trust adults.
Holly - That would be really nice. She reads at lower than a first grade level. Can some of your photographs be on the front side? That would be so lovely. Send them to me and I will give them to her. I may be able to entice her to write back. Thank you Holly.
Marianne - My games are fantasy role-playing games in which a player assumes the identity of a fictional person and makes decisions based on their skills, aptitudes and personality. It is a great deal of fun. I was worried because I couldn't find the map. The game scenario is from a periodical published in the 1990's. The internet saved the day. All I have to do now is to get it organized and read through the plot.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jul 10 2015 9:14:04 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2015 : 12:20:52 PM
Holly,you are so gifted in seeing a problem and finding a very suitable answer. I think your postcards would be a treasure to Vonisha.
Bunny, I hope you are enjoying today. Isn't it heaven to have this coolness? I can't stand having to sew on demand. It tenses me up something fierce. It sounds like you saved the day. Did you have to do a rolled hem on a lightweight material? Least favorite hem there is! Congrats on your new a/c. At least you will be able to sleep well. Of course, now you have probably insured that the heat will not return to the region! Do you ever feel that way?
Coco must appreciate the milking. I can't imagine how huge her udder must be. Ida should grow quickly. Will Ida be around for a while?
I think I will ask dnA if she would like to walk Gracie with me today. The horses are pretty much "done" for the morning and I don't feel like having an afternoon helper...but, I know dnA is counting on being needed.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2015 : 2:46:50 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:17:11 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2015 : 6:23:19 PM
Good evening everyone,
I will set up several postcards for the little girl and mail them off.
I had to go into town tonight and pick up dsT who was picked up for underage drinking. Not a lot but enough to register on the meter. He has 15 days to call Diversion and set up an appointment.
I laid low today. Booboo belly. Didn't go far from the toilet. Hoping for better tomorrow.
Ida is drinking and sleeping. It is her job right now. We will keep her until she is about 15 months old. When she is about 6 months old she will sleep in a different stall and I will take the morning milk and she will have all of the milk all day long.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2015 : 9:16:48 PM
Thank you Gypsy. I took her picture down.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 12 2015 : 6:18:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
My proximity to the toilet continues.
Now that we are several days out from Coco's birthing the colostrum must have passed and we can start drinking her milk. Finally. Ida is gaining weight and starting to bounce. She is fun to watch.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 12 2015 : 7:15:35 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:18:18 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2015 : 4:50:23 PM
Good evening everyone,
The booboo belly has passed. I am relieved that I had a light case of it. I told C that I do not get sick that often and it just throws me for a loop when I do. I am not a very good sick person.
Back to the routine. Well, the littles are at day camp this week. DsR was not impressed with the thunder routine. He was outright upset. We had a series of thunder that lasted about 30 minutes. No rain, no visible lightning. Not really even dark clouds. Maybe ten years ago now a softball team was playing a game and the thunder started. The coaches called the players in from the field. A teenage girl was walking in from the outfield and was hit by lightning. So, now many of the fields have lightning detectors and if there is any within a 25 mile radius the activity is called until there isn't any for 15 minutes. It does put a cramp in some of the activities.
I was talking to DdK. She gets a lot of her research on utube. She asked, can doctors tell if a woman has miscarried? Yes, I replied. We talked some more and then I said, like 60 percent of all conceptions end in miscarriage. Most women do not even know they were pregnant. Sometimes if women have unprotected sex and then their period is a week or two late they probably were pregnant and miscarried......... Oh, no. Mom . really? That has happened to me. (use an amazed embarrassed teenage voice when reading the last part) . I said, that is the curse and blessing of heterosexual sex, honey. Be careful. ....... Now she has something to think about. DdK has had sex education from me and the doctor but she still feels the invincible teenage urge to press the limits. Mama is breathing...
Temperatures were in the 80's today. We are not complaining just explaining. lol
I am glad you and dd had a good time shopping and girl visit. Good memories.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2015 : 10:25:53 PM
Holly, I'm glad you are feeling better. And yes, breath. You can only teach them and guide them.
GG, sounds like you had a nice day with DD. two hours apart isn't too bad.
Not much going on here. Just work and sewing. We now have two little in the window air conditioners. I hate the noise but thankful for the cool air. I turn mine to the fan at night so it just brings in cool air from outside.
Time for bed. Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2015 : 06:44:10 AM
Good morning, Ladies. We had such a wonderful weekend -- canoeing down the Brandywine with friends for a museum fund-raiser, then out on our boat with other friend on Sunday. I had my wonderful Monday off and got all the laundry and ironing done. Now I am in the worst mood EVER today and will not make a big long post here until my attitude improves! ha ha ha Hope everyone's doing well today -- glad Holly is feeling better and G's hubby, too. Stomach bugs are just yucky.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2015 : 5:58:00 PM
I got new tires...I got new tires... Easy to please I am. I'm also wiped out as far as cash. But I'm ok with that. I have pet sitting jobs lined up. And of course will get a paycheck the end of the month. So it is temporary.
I also applied (for the 7th time) at the college. I worked there for a year as a student worker and the last librarian just left for another job across the river in Washington. So the only person left is the library director. The requirement says a minimum of two years but there aren't many people around with that experience. I worked with the guy that is leaving and asked him to put in a good word for me. We will see.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2015 : 06:54:20 AM
Oh Bunny! I will keep the good juju flowing your way for the library job. That sounds terrific. Glad you got new tires, too. Peace of mind.
Having a much better day today. Yesterday I was just "off" all day, I guess. We had the most wonderful thunderstorm at about 3:00 this morning and it seems to have washed all the stale air away. We are lucky, though, and did not get any of the really bad effects of such a storm. Seeing all the floods and tornadoes is just too awful. We live in a nice little pocket of less horrible weather, I think.
I finally got the change of beneficiary forms all squared away for my IRA. Now my daughter is an heiress -- ha ha ha ha.
My little brother is at Temple University, Tokyo and found out that he got a nice fat scholarship for Fall quarter -- it will pay about half of his tuition. He's pretty happy about that. Hopefully only about a year to go over there and then he has applied to a PhD program at the University of Washington. Seattle is his home, so it would be nice to get back over the water. He has always enjoyed living in Japan, but he really seems to have liked Kyoto better than Tokyo. Temple has been wonderful, though. He is the archtype of the perennial student! Hopefully after this degree program he will be able to teach at a University and live out his life happily in academia.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2015 : 11:35:31 AM
Have any of you Goddesses done the "pocket letters" that are making the rounds these days? I saw there were a couple of swaps listed on the boards -- I am not ready to get into a swap just yet, because I don't have a stockpile of paper goodies (not a scrapbooker), but I am thinking that my parents would probably love to get a pocket letter or two. I sent them a little photo album a while back -- a ready-made deal from JoAnn fabrics -- filled with photographs, all from the same year. The album had very pretty papers already in it, with some stickers and washi tape, etc. There were little pockets and folded pages -- all kinds of little hidey-holes for the photos to be in. Anyway, I had done it because my mother's memory is so bad and thought it might help jog her to remember some nice events. Well, my dad called me and was soooooo thrilled with the whole project! Evidently they both really enjoyed looking through the book and "discovering" the hidden pictures, etc. So I am thinking that a pocket letter might be something fun for them, too.
My mother's favorite flower is the lily-of-the-valley, so I will include some papers with them, if I can find them. My dad does lots of crossword puzzles, so I will probably put a little puzzle in one of the pockets, folded up. Maybe a playing card, since he plays solitaire a LOT -- and some pretty guitar picks for him. Probably include some Bible verses, since they are regular church-goers. Oh I am actually getting kind of excited about the project now! Maybe write some little bits about memories of fun things and silly stuff that happened when I was growing up.
Okay, I can see how this could become addictive. I just need to make sure I find a home for all the "treasures" I will have to accumulate in order to make the letter.
Thoughts? Advice?
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2015 : 5:57:36 PM
Marilyn, I have not done the pocket letters but it sounds like a great thing to do for your parents, or anybody, for that matter. Well, we got B's first colonoscopy done today and it seemed to be no big deal. We went to a large center where that's all they do and the nurse said they did a hundred a day so they had it down to a science and it was no big deal. They were so professional and so nice and from the time they took him in for the procedure until they were wheeling him back in was about 15 minutes. He had absolutely no problems after we got home, either. . I will definitely go there for mine from now on. They found that he has diverticulosis which was no surprise and they removed one small polyp which has to be biopsied but they don't expect any problem. So that's done. He agreed that the prep was the worst part. Was so happy to get his tea and scone when we got home.
It seems pretty quiet on here. Holly, I did not know about the pregnancy/miscarriage info that you shared. Had no idea. I believe my dd was a twin but back then the doctors didn't tell us anything. They knocked us out with meds and we woke up with a baby. And put the baby on a formula saying it was better for the baby. Well, I was too young to be having babies so no wonder I was told what to do.
Supper time here. Again. I've got veggies that are getting past their prime in the fridge so might as well go get it over with. Hope everybody is doing well. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2015 : 6:38:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
Aaaahhhhh canoeing, Marilyn. I used to teach canoeing. Such a quiet peaceful drift on a quiet river. I did white water in college, now that was a rush. Glad you had a good time. A little jealous here. We have a couple of plastic kayaks now for the children to play with in the pond. You are so lucky to have time on the water every weekend. No wonder you had a re entry issue on Monday.
I am glad you finally have tires on your truck. Our truck is sorely overdue for some new ones. The back tires leak so sometimes the first stop we make is at the air pump.
I can't imagine working someplace and doing a 100 colonoscopies a day. Here on the local radio station WDEV they play a song some Saturdays, the first few lines are " Let's hear it for the colorectal surgeon. misunderstood and much maligned. slaving away in the heart of darkness, working where the sun don't shine. ......" it goes on from there. Maybe the B or Lowell could add it to their repertoires so they could amuse the retired doctors and people who have to go through the procedure. While the B was not clean as a whistle after all these years he is pretty good.
My accomplishment for today was making evaporated milk. Coco is producing more than we need so I tried a new experiment. It took all day to cook down the milk because I did not want to burn it. Now I have a gallon and a quart of evaporated milk so when she is dried off next year we can reconstitute her milk instead of buying it from the store. I am interested to see how long my attention span is for cooking it down over the course of time. It is the stirring to keep it from burning or scumming over that is tedious. A friend had given me a battery powered stirrer for my birthday and I thought that would be great but I can not get it to work. So much for that idea.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2015 : 7:27:32 PM
Good Evening Iris Goddesses,
Summer school will be done in a week. Patricia and I are already planning what to do for the next year. We will have all the same kids as last school year as 2nd graders. The kids who came to summer school have made great progress. Patricia is appalled that some of the kids from our school didn't learn what they were supposed to. The 1st grade team has some very new teachers and they had trouble managing their problem students. Patricia doesn't put up with any of that stuff in her classroom and they learn to respect her and follow her direction. I am looking forward to the next school year.
I have done a pocket letter. I have a picture of both sides.

I made it like a kit for making folded paper stars with samples in the top row, instructions for the samples in the 2nd row and paper squares in the bottom row.

I wrapped it in a piece of fabric and tied it with a ribbon. Definitely look at the pictures on the thread and look at the tutorials. I had so much fun making it. My next one will be better. Join us for the next one, Marilyn. Be a risk-taker.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2015 : 7:36:26 PM
Holly--you have much more patience than I do. I tend to get antsy ans restless easy and don't like to be still for long periods of time. I have to move. But it's good you'll have that evaporated milk for when you need it. G--glad things went well with the B. There is a joke about the doctor doing a colonoscopy and he asks the nurse to bring him something. She comes back with a Bud Light. He says, "No, I said bring me a butt light!" Hospital humor. Marilyn--time on the water is always nice. It's flooding here again so no one can go out on the river.It's weird to see the barges so close to the edge of the road when you're driving--you feel like you could reach out and touch them. It's hot here. My garden is producing beans, tomatoes, and blackberries. and weeds. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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130 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2015 : 8:26:26 PM
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Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:24:28 PM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |