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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 25 2015 : 1:45:25 PM
Hi Iris Girlies!
Holly, I 'd stick with your contractor's two foot recommendation. How great that your friend got the cotter pin all fixed and the wheels heading the right direction. I bet you made him feel like a hero. And he was.
Marilyn, your pink sweater is so precious. I need to challenge myself to knit something like that! soon. The run over accident story was pretty grim...those things happen. dh's mom has given up driving. Thank goodness. It is scary that she was driving for so long. But, no accidents. Caused a few...
G, keep us posted. Hope you are taking care of yourself.
I got notice that my class reunion (35!) will be held in August. I don't wish to go because of family. I would like to see my friends. It was a small class, ninety students and I was Class Secretary, but it isn't worth the stress of where I will be... Hard to explain, but I think some of you understand what I am trying to say. Got an email from a classmate who was more interested in me than I was in him. He said he has thought of me over the years, remembers that last evening we spent together fondly and will always consider me a great friend... I have NO memory of the last time I saw him. Feel bad. PLUS, he retired at 38 from Goldman Sachs and has a home in San Francisco and London... hmmm... maybe I should have paid more attention to him!
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jun 25 2015 : 7:09:59 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:09:44 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 26 2015 : 04:11:37 AM
Good morning everyone,
I wrote last night but our internet access was intermittent so it seems it did not post.
I wore my sister out yesterday moving the 2 X 4's for the rafters. She set them up to the edge of the attic and I pulled them onto the decking. She is a trooper.
I have read that ADHD does come with depression you are right not the other way around.
Mar, you have mentioned the reunion a couple of times. Maybe you could stay in a hotel in a different town and just come in for the party and then leave. If it gets back to your sister oh well for her, it is not like she is going to visit you any time soon. Then you could visit with the people you want and leave the others alone.
I hope the Dude came back happy from the car auction. I think of you when I am in the garden looking at my lettuce bed wondering how succession planting would bring a more consistent harvest. We are still going strong on the first planting. The radishes are not forming very quickly. I planted the carrot shaped radishes for fun and they are still growing I guess. The carrots tops are getting big. We are hoping for enough to put some into the freezer. One year we did fifty quart bags and that was great. I have not managed it any other year.
I am drying rose petals for a wet pot pourri. The recipe says to use an inch of salt and 3 inches of rose petals and repeat the layers until the 2 gallon crock is full . Cover tightly for some unremembered period of time take then take it out and stir add some other herbs and pack in small jars with lids. When you want a room to smell like summer take the lid off. When it is done put the lid on. The mixture if done right will last several years. My sister said I should use the peony petals as well so we did. I do not yet have the first three inches of petals so I need to get cutting. The recipe mentions rosa rugosa but others are preferable. I only have rugosa it does smell strongly already so I wonder what using the other roses would be like.
I hope you all have moments of joy today.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Jun 26 2015 : 06:11:46 AM
That potpourri sounds wonderful! I have read recipes like that in magazines before (possibly Victoria) and it just sounds so yummy. I don't have roses -- please let us know how well it works. I love the smell of roses. Does anyone remember that old hand lotion --- it was called Rose Milk or something like that? Rose Water and Glycerin? I would sneak a sniff whenever I got to go to the store, but my mother always wore Jergen's. I still buy it to keep next to the kitchen sink for after dishes because it reminds me of her.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 26 2015 : 07:40:18 AM

We had our first beans of the season last night. I sauteed them in a little bacon fat (yikes!!!) with onion and garlic, then squeezed some orange juice on at the last and put the bacon bits on top. Oh my goodness, they were heavenly! We may be eating them every evening for a while, but they are just so yummy. Dude and I were discussing the whole issue of eating "in season," and wondering if maybe our bodies are supposed to gorge on whatever's available at the time...all these fresh veggies in the summer when it's hot and sticky out, then the starchier stuff like squash and pumpkins when the weather is starting to cool a little and we need to gear up for winter, and then maybe just meat in the winter when we need the extra fat. Not sure how far that train of thought can go, but we are certainly enjoying the bounty of the garden.
And yes, he DID get the minivan that he was hoping to find for our customer. He was exhausted and had a headache from all the noise of the auction, but we sat on the deck and listened to the rain on the metal roof for a while last evening and that helped. Well, that and wine.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 26 2015 : 2:00:33 PM
Yay. Supreme court. Health care that is affordable and having your marriage acknowledged in every state of the Union sounds like things Americans should be able to enjoy! |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 26 2015 : 6:07:09 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yes, The Supreme Court came out on the right side of the two issues for me. I had thought of all those that the health care decision would affect and worried for them. I know many who would not have been able to afford health care without The Affordable Care act. The Marriage piece was important for so many people. I am glad that is over. Thanks Mar for cheering.
The beans sound delicious. I think there is something to eating in season. Remember the native people of the far north eat very few vegetables in the winter and survive very well.

ox eye daisy after the rain.


last night's sunset
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Jun 26 2015 : 6:21:20 PM
Free at when I got off work, my vacation officially began. Don't have to go back till July 6. Don't have anything special planned--I wanted to go camping/hiking but everywhere I want to go is flooded and the trails are a soppy mess. I took some pictures of the prairie this evening and if I can ever figure out how to post them, I will. My beans and tomatoes are growing like crazy and my blackberries are almost ripe. I feel better than I have in a while since I wrote a letter to a friend(?) and told him just how I felt about a situation that's been eating away at me for years. I haven't been able to talk about it with anyone because I've been "protecting" other people by keeping their secrets, but it was destroying me. So I told him, nope, I'm not going to "protect" him anymore. Haven't heard back from him but i don't really care. I said what needed to be said. I've been feeling the freedom of being true to myself and it's a good feeling. Marilyn--those green beans look yummy! I went to the store last night and bought lots of fresh produce and ingredients to make some recipes in the Vegetarian Times. I had a pita pocket tonight with roasted cauliflower with curry powder, tossed with garbanzo beans, parsley, mint, onion, and a light dressing. It was pretty tasty. I want to try to eat vegetarian as often as I can this summer--our food co-op is scheduled to open in mid July so I'm really looking forward to it. I think it is important to eat seasonally, and locally, and organically. and affordably. Holly--I don't envy you packing all those rose petals into a two gallon crock. My fingers would fall off before I was finished. Where do you get your energy? It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow (I think I remember what the sun looks like) so maybe I'll get out and get some pictures of the river. It's not a terrible flood but definitely a flood. We're used to it here. More an inconvenience than anything. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 27 2015 : 5:33:06 PM
Hi lovely ladies :)
I am exhausted tonight. I am mildly techie and set up an xbox 360 and Kinect sensor I won at a Goodwill online auction recently. Took me awhile to get everything set up mostly because I am still a bit physically challenged so had an excellent workout before I was ever able to try out any of the games I got with the system. WhenI was rehabbing @ the nursing home they had me playing some sports games to help me build some muscles and continue furthering my balance issues. I had a blast and really wanted a system, but gosh, they're expensive for someone on a tight budget. So I took a chance on bidding on a system @ and won. They system works beautifully! I am so thankful! It cost me only a fraction of what the cost is to buy a new one. SCORE! :)
Marilyn, your baby sweater is darling! You're a talented lady! I'm sure your friend is going to love the wonderful gift you're giving her. Your green beans look so yummy! I like picking them and eating them raw right out of the garden.
G, I sure hope B is fine and the colonoscopy is perfectly normal. I agree with Marilyn. No point in guessing what may or may not be wrong although we all do it. Hopefully, all will be well and it's nothing more than a fart caught crosswise. Hope that made you smile at least ;)
Mel, It's so nice to see you back! Sounds like you've been super busy. Nothing harder than moving, but yep, it does force us to purge.
Holly, your pictures are so beautiful! I can't wait to see your building when it's complete. I am so jealous of your talent! Also your potpourri sounds dreamy. I love delicious scents.
Cindy, Enjoy your holiday! I do hope you're able to get out and do some hiking if it dries up a bit and the skeeters don't carry you off. They've become our state bird they're so big and plentiful here in Wisconsin. I'm glad you were able to free yourself of stress over another's secrets. You have to look after yourself and do what you believe to be right. Good for you on knowing when you need to clean your plate of other's issues.
My memory doesn't last plus a page so for anyone I missed I apologize and hope you're all well :)
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 27 2015 : 5:52:55 PM
Good evening Iris Goddess sisiters,
We have a mud room. The roof on the mud room is a single slant and on the end of it are supposed to be vents. "Not Me" climbed on the roof and took the vents out of the front piece. Now we have a family of starlings growing under the roof.

We had a graduation party for C and DdK today. C graduated with her masters of science in Leadership from Norwich University and C graduated from the Universal Institute for Integrative Health which is a massage therapy school that teaches energy work .

It did not rain all day today. We were so lucky.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2015 : 08:49:45 AM
Good morning everyone. Sounds like everyone is busy enjoying summer! It is hot here. Like 110 hot. It isn't suppose to cool down for over a week. Thankfully I have the basement. My sister is here. I have been laying low and out of the way as much as possible.
Getting lots of sewing done. Finally got things on the new online store due to open July 1. I looked at the other stores and there are only two others that look like decent compeditors to me. Just spend two nights out of town pet sitting my blind doxies. I came home this morning and the house smells terrible! It is the cat boxes. But not the actual cat boxes. I think it is the storage thingy in my mom's room. She uses it to put the cat poop in and then empties it when it is full. I told her the house smells bad and of course she said not to her. She never goes anywhere so doesn't notice it. She is going to Utah in August. I can't wait! I'll be able to clean!
Marilyn, I have never been a fan of green beans. Mostly because the ones my mom fed us came out of a can. Ick. Yours sound a bit better.
Holly, you're poor sister will think twice about her next visit. You better not work her too hard. Lol. Nice to have good help though. I have a feeling you have quite a few "not me's" around. Goes with the territory of having energetic kids.
Cheryl, what a bargain on your new toy! Have fun. I have thought about getting one myself. But the cost stopped me.
Cindy, enjoy your time off! Don't use up all that energy too fast. Take some time to relax and enjoy yourself.
Mar, are you getting this terrible heat your way? My boss is going to the blues festival in Portland this weekend and is worried about the heat.
GG, hope B is doing better. Sending good thoughts your way! Sorry about the row with your mom. The driving thing is touchy at best. Too bad she doesn't live where there is Uber. She could just call for a ride whenever she needed to travel. Hope it works out somehow. I had a friend who's grandmother traveled around town on a three wheeled bike. She would go to his school and visit through the fence. Always embarrassed him. She was a bit eccentric. Well, off to the basement. Later all!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 28 2015 : 5:22:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
A rainy slow day here in the Greens. I took a long nap this morning and did nothing on my list of three things to do today. Oh, well.......
I did look up how to make tinctures online and think I have a way to do them without alcohol. Vodka or Rum are the best long term preservatives but for people who are sensitive to alcohol these are not good choices. So, I found the recipe for glycerin tinctures and think that will work. Now to find the time to put them together.
Cheryl, your post went in after mine but before it in order. I did not know where Bunny's comments came from until I scrolled backwards. Surprise! I envy you your technical skills. I have not made much of an effort to learn to hook up the electronics because the children are so good at it. Sometimes like today when the littles wanted to watch a movie and the wires were not on right the skill would have been helpful. I hope you have great enjoyment from your systems. I did not know about goodwill online so I will check it out.
I was hoping Bunny that you would have some pet sitting time away from the house while your sister was visiting. and you did. But, then you do not have sewing time.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2015 : 9:21:34 PM
Holly, I. come home each day so I did get some sewing done. My sister left me alone while I was sewing as well. She is like a tornado and you never know how bad it is going to be. You just brace yourself until it's over.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2015 : 12:14:01 PM
Bunny, is she bi-polar?
Holly, your pictures are lovely. The sunset is so pretty! You are an artist with that camera.
B's tests did not show anything wrong. He seems to be better.
We are having some boring hot summer days so not much to write about, just thought I would check in so you know I'm still among the living. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2015 : 12:59:05 PM
HI Girls!!
First, where is Marilyn? No Monday Morning with Marilyn????
Holly, I so adore your photos. I am glad you are posting them regularly. The sunset is so spectacular. And what sweet little birdies. Our "babies" - the three ravens are starting to get a bit more coordinated. They still crash land on the fence, but they aren't nearly so hilarious as they were at first. Their mom and dad have calmed down a bit, too. Not as much squawking when we are out and about at the same time the babies are at the water or feeder.
Congratulations to C and K. What great accomplishments and made sweeter when you can celebrate together. What will K do with her education? I know she is virtually indispensible to you.
Bunny, I thought of you at the Recycled Arts Festival. There were a lot of teeshirt skirts, but nothing very original like your work. The teeshirt skirts were $78 and all serged with ribbing waists...not a lot of work. Don't lower your prices, dear one. And continue to keep your head low with sister. I hate cat smell.
G, I am thrilled that all tests look pretty normal. The minute you get those results you do immediately start to feel better. Hugs and strength to you both.
I harvested my first big tomato. And two cucumbers this morning. I am surprised that the cherry tomatoes haven't turned yet. They are usually the ones to ripen first.
Yes, I have been getting daily emails from my highschool friend who recently got back in touch with me. I shared this with my "best" friend from back then and she said I am the only who has heard from him in years. He had disassociated himself a bit? Oh well. It is nice to know he is well.
Cheryl, I hope you enjoy your new toy. We have one that you can bowl on, and it is very fun.
Cindy, I hope you can enjoy your coop and the bounty of veggies soon! Have a wonderful restful two weeks.
marilyn, your beans are gorgeous. Bacon makes everything better! Even if it is just the fat.
We lived thru the two weddings on our street Saturday. It was a lot of traffic for a one lane dead end road and having cars parked on the road... It was pretty warm, too. I was happy that it was warm enough to feel good about having the windows closed and the a/c on and missing all the noise. Now, Fourth of July...
mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2015 : 4:50:34 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am not sure what ddK wants to do with her education. She wanted to move to Boston and set up a massage therapy office there but Massachusetts has some pretty stiff requirements for licensing. Her school was great with everything she needed to learn but the people in Massachusetts who set up the system there must have wanted to separate their practices from the old ones that required that sex be part of the session so they made the licensing hard. DdK's teacher is working on a transcript for her. I think she should set up an office here but she is set on moving. However, she has not made any sort of firm plans. She seems to be attracted to men she meets online or in person who have a felony conviction from their early adulthood. They seem to not be honest about who they are. It takes her a while to figure out that they are giving her a line of bull. Her current infatuation says that he is in law school in Brooklyn and playing football at the school. Two or three weeks ago he told her he received a call from a pro football recruiter. She was very excited. I have not heard anything about him in the last week or so. The name she gave me is a real person who goes to school in North Carolina. So, I am not pushing her to move out although I would like her to make an effort to get a job. She does make my life easier on a lot of levels. She is dead set against furthering her schooling right now. I hope that she gets past that mind set and learns some more.
I am glad that the B's tests came back within normal limits. Now you need to wrack your brain and he does as well to figure out why he lost weight. Sometimes having a test result makes life easier. I am glad you popped in to say, hello.
Today it rained off and on. I did regular chores but nothing inventive or exciting. C said usually we have 2 inches of rain in June and the report said we have had 9 inches instead. I hope we have summer soon otherwise there will be many more cases of depression this fall and winter.
I was listening to a show on NPR today and they were talking about the biomes in our gut controlling our brain functions. That if our guts are out of whack then a person could have more depression and other illnesses. I wonder how the people who have had that stomach reduction surgery will do with less biomes. The man also said there are so many different kinds of biomes that you need to take the right probiotics to fix the issue. Just another train of thought to ponder.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Jun 29 2015 : 11:27:26 PM
Speaking of biomes in our stomach lining, I have read that we have the same neurons in our guts and our hearts as in our brains. That's why we get a "gut feeling" when something isn't right. Our stomach "knows" before our brains do at times. I have found that drinking bone broth helps with the probiotics issue. Plus it's such comfort food. I'm glad B is feeling better but the question of what was wrong remains unanswered. Hopefully it was just a bug and won't come back. Congrats. to C and K for graduating. I have been told before that I probably have the "gift" for energy healing but it's expensive and time-consuming to take the required classes in Healing Touch. And where is Marilyn? Surely there has to be something happening in her life and we love to hear about it. Mar-you must have been special to your old friend. Maybe he wants to take you on trip to London... Bunny--glad you have time to sew. I have all this time and have just been taking it easy so far. My next door neighbor passed away on Friday night. He lived on the west side of me. My neighbor on the east side told me about it. she's 86. Last year a woman who had lived on our street for over fifty years passed away and another woman had to go to a nursing home. Both homes sold quickly. Which is good since we don't have any empty houses on our street, but we still have the lousy neighbors across the street. It's still rainy and humid here and the rivers are still above flood stage. It's been our rainiest month EVER according to the weather charts. Hard to believe they're having wildfires and droughts out west. I've been running the A/C a lot cause of the humidity. And every time I go outside I get bitten by a mosquito. With all the standing water we have, they're breeding like crazy. I've been doing some "art therapy" to release the stress I've been holding inside. The skies in my pictures look very stormy. Should come as no surprise. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Jun 30 2015 : 06:08:47 AM
Just had a very long post and hit the wrong key -- grrrr -- so it's gone.
Monday is my day off and it's getting so busy with the garden that I didn't get a chance to get online yesterday to check in. Nice to be missed!
Holly -- I am really enjoying your photographs. You have a gift.
G -- SOOOOOOO happy that your hubby's results came back clean!!! Now hopefully his tummy will stop bothering him so much. We still have the urologist and the colonoscopy to get through -- also the dermatologist. Obviously it's the prep for the scope that Dude is dreading most right now. I am really hopeful that they do NOT want to do a prostate biopsy. He would not enjoy that, I'm sure. I guess that's one vote in favor of being girls -- no prostate exams for us!!!
Bunny -- I like your description of the "tornado" sister. Paints a pretty good picture. Hope she won't stay too long. (sound like she already has!) ha ha ha
Today starts my end-of-month work. I'd rather have work to do than sit here and try to make work though.
That's it for now.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 30 2015 : 08:23:09 AM
Marilyn, I will keep my fingers crossed that the dude does not have a prostate biopsy. It was decidedly uncomfortable for my dh. And in the last decade, many minds have changed about how much treatment should be made towards prostate issues...
That information about biomes is fascinating. I think your point about stomach bypass patients it's something to think about! I have read that those surgeries are often failures in the long run. There has to be a change in the mind set, not just the body. My sister is an RN, morbidly obese and did a great deal of research on the procedure because it was available to her at the hospital at which she worked. She declined the opportunity. Frankly, I think she made the right decision. In her lifetime, she has lost over 150 pounds twice, but regained it and more. She knows what she has to do, but the reward isn't great enoughfor her.
Today, I will stay home with the dogs while dh takes mom grocery shopping. I call it," fondling the meat" when she hits the refrigerated section. She pets the roasts and pats the chops. I want to douse her in antibacterial soap when we leave. Dh has more I just did my hour and a half at the beauty shop yesterday topped off with a stop at the dollar store.
Dear little Fritto potties--both types-- in two bedrooms of our house yesterdaywhile dh was out cleaning mom's place. Just when we started tip trust the dog. Back to the kennel.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2015 : 08:32:33 AM
GG, so glad B is feeling better. Hate those scares. Yes, I believe my sister is bi-polar. So is my mom and I was for many years. I was more about saying yes to everything and being busy with too many organizations. My mom is more on the down side and stays in bed all day. When she is up, she shops. My sister is more violent. Not physically but verbally. Has been as long as I can remember. But she left Sunday and won't be back for a long time I hope.
Holly, I must join in on how wonderful your photos are. You have a gift. DDK being attracted to the wrong kind of guy is scary. What is in Boston that makes her want to go there? Marilyn, nice to have you back. We do miss your stories. Working in the garden is where you should be on your day off! We can wait.
Mar, I bet I have seen the t-shirt skirt seller at Saturday market. She does a nice job though. In my new online store, I am not selling cheap. I figure with the amount of work it takes from purchasing the clothing to sewing, photography and all the computer work, I'm losing money on Etsy. I'm hoping this new site has a different buyer with an understanding of the work that goes into creating art.
I sewed a jean skirt that I think is pretty cool. I'm putting it on the new site.
.jpg?v 61621046) I cut off a pair of jeans opened up the pant legs and sewed scraps of leftover denim from other projects in a collage to the bottom. I appliquéd over some holes on the back. I really enjoyed making it. Time for work! Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2015 : 10:44:09 AM
Bunny -- As is the norm (for me) I have lost the address to your new site...I think you had posted it earlier in the thread. What size is that delightful denim skirt?????
Also -- My baby brother (okay -- he is 51 now, but still the baby) always HATED green beans. My mother was not an energetic cook and always just plopped a can of whatever kind of sad vegetables were the right color into a pan and boiled them until they were a sloppy soggy mess and had pretty much no nutritional value left. She made me sit at the table and eat all the peas on my plate -- I would be gagging and gagging at those nasty grey orbs and I would have to sit there until I choked them down. Ewwww.
So one day a few years ago, BBrother was at my house and I was serving green beans with dinner. I had this recipe (wish I still did) where you saute them with bacon, vinegar, sugar, some sliced water chestnuts -- I think you thickened a sauce with some cornstarch at the end -- anyway, that was our favorite way to eat them for a while. So here's his dinner plate with these green beans and he looked at me sort of sideways like "What are you trying to do to me?" Of course he tried them, being a guest...and then scarfed down most of the bowlful...and requested them the next night. Now he cooks fresh vegetables for himself (he's actually a pretty good -- if messy -- cook now) and green beans are some of his favorites. My mother didn't give a flying hoot and holler about cooking, and just got by on my dad's favorites. He wanted meatloaf and hamburgers, beans and cornbread, fried potatoes. I never tasted broccoli until after I was married, and the only fresh vegetables I remember having at home were carrots, potatoes, onions and the occasional raw turnip as a treat. They bought a big chest freezer one time on payments -- must have been the middle '50s -- and it came filled with all these frozen vegetables. Oh, they were awful! Those little flat square boxes of lima beans and peas & carrots. Someone gave her a box of curry powder about that time, and she put it in EVERYTHING. I still can't stand curry. People always say "Oh, you just haven't had it done right" but I can't tame my gag reflex enough to give it a try.
My daughter has the same response to a fried hamburger patty! ha ha ha That was one of her dad's favorites, so we had them a lot when she was little. And canned peaches. I had got hold of a couple of boxes of peaches one year and canned them. Her dad got laid off from Boeing that fall and we ate fried hamburger patties and canned peaches every night for dinner, because I was working on the loading dock of a department store and that's all her dad knew how to cook. Ha ha ha We were glad that I had put up so much food, but she still goes green at the mention of them. Some time I will tell you about the 34 quarts of carrots that we discovered that none of us liked.......
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2015 : 12:30:31 PM
Marilyn, I think the waist is 33" and hips are 42". I will be making more for sure.
My mom still eats mostly canned stuff too. Anything fresh is cooked to mush too. The worst is canned mushrooms.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2015 : 06:45:09 AM
Oh boy. "We" are in a bad mood around here this morning! Dude has his urologist appointment at 9. We stopped by the mechanic's to pick up a car and bring it back here to run through a drive cycle, so that slowed us down a little. Then there was something he just had to do here at the shop before he left for the doctor's office. Also -- he is absolutely NOT in favor of digital rectal exams -- ha ha ha ha I don't know many people who are. So hopefully we will get some good news and they won't want to do anything more invasive and that's one check-up down. Probably the scariest one, at least for me. I'm fairly certain the dermatologist will find more skin cancers, but they have dealt with those before. The colonoscopy should be okay, once he's past the prep. Geez. I don't want affordable care -- I want to NOT HAVE TO GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! ha ha ha ha
One of my monthly customers was here just before 9. Maw, Paw and Baby Huey all three come down out of the hills to make their payment. I don't let Baby Huey come in the office anymore except just to run in and use the restroom -- ever since I had to call the police and threaten to have them drag him out of here by force. These poor pitiful people are just not quite ready for prime time. All three of them are on some kind of disability, so they get money the first of the month and come in like clockwork to make the car payment. Trouble is that they are really hard on cars, so they have traded in one after another before getting the first ones paid for, so now their loan is humongous! First thing out of Paw's mouth was some "funny" comment asking where Dude was. He called him some name -- thought he was being funny. I said "We do not speak disrespectfully about Mr. S here." Years ago I would never have called anyone out on that kind of thing, but bless my 60-year-old bones, I am just not having it anymore. He sells these people cars on time payments because they can't get loans anywhere else, and then he babies them along and puts up with their late payments and their pitiful stories time and time again -- I can't make my payment this month because -- fill in the blank. He never EVER treats any of his customers disrespectfully and some of them just feel that they can say whatever they want and it's okay. Well it's not okay with M. ha ha ha ha Of course, lessons in manners fall on pretty deaf ears with most of my clientele, but some of them hear it.
In nicer news, I think all my garden has to do all day while I'm at work is grow! I knew we were going to have too many cucumbers -- brought a bag of them in this morning to give away and Maw took all of them. As soon as I got home last night, I started prepping the zukes to go into the dehydrator. Got them started and walked out into the garden and came back with another big bunch of green beans. Got them all prepped and trimmed and into the dehydrator and a big batch of refrigerator pickle started. Thank goodness there was wine! ha ha This morning I had another nice load of zucchini chips and a bag of dried beans for soup. Actually the beans make a pretty tasty snack, as well. The fridge is still full of beans for us to eat fresh for dinner. Such a busy time. Gardening is a trap! The tomatoes haven't even started to ripen yet, but there's lots of fruit. The peas didn't do all that well, so I think next year we will do just the sugar snaps and no field peas. The best performer of the whole garden is the basil. I am not a huge fan of herbs, but we have been eating fresh basil in everything but ice cream.
Trying to get ready for the Fourth. We won't go out on the boat, because the marina will be jam-packed with people who don't go out that often, so they aren't very good about managing their boats. It just gets too crowded and too hard to get in and out. I texted my 13-year-old grandson this morning and asked him if he would like to go out with us on Sunday, though. He was pretty excited. His big brother is away working at the Boy Scout camp all summer, so he's a little bit lonesome. He thinks His Dudeness is 12 feet tall and made of steel, so he loves any excuse to hang out with him. Little Trub is hoping to learn how to drive the boat -- we'll see. Hopefully Sunday will be good weather and he will be able to swim some. Kids are such fish.
So now it's just me here in the office and my mechanic out in the garage. I made a bunch of courtesy calls yesterday to remind late people that we will be closed Saturday for the holiday and that they have payments due. Hopefully this will produce some results, but more than likely they will all still be surprised when their cars won't start over the weekend because the payment reminder system shuts them off. I have one customer who has to wear an ankle bracelet because she's on probation/parole, so she can only leave the house for certain hours on certain days. She called yesterday and said her time was up for the day so she would have to come down today. Sigh. My life is so simple that it's scary. I honestly don't know how some of these folks get through their day.
Onward now, into the jaws of death! ha ha ha Have a great Wednesday, Goddesses.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
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