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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 21 2015 : 11:42:47 AM
The more experience we have the more we can share. I say Go For It. Just because you have done it doesn't mean it isn't worth recognition. Like the Wizard of Oz said, "They don't have a bigger heart than you do. They have something that you do not have -- a testimonial." Get those testimonials and add them to your tote bag. It is deserved.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Jun 21 2015 : 1:00:08 PM
Marie, The change thing is not going well for my twin, I had a surgical menopause from a hysterectomy in my 30s, I used to have the most god awful hot flashes, took Premarin and went off it after 7 years, I think it made me depressed. I and now 52, I have 1-2 hot flashes a day, usually at 4 am, when i have an hour left to sleep before work. I think the gaining weight etc is part of the deal. I did find after I turned 50 my filter came off in a big way and I say things I would have never said when I was younger. Life is too short to not speak your mind. I do try to be as polite as possible.... for the most part anyway.
Denise Ann |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 21 2015 : 5:57:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was rainy and then hot and muggy.
I still have hot flashes. I think both day and night. They are more appreciated in the winter than the summer. lol In the winter when I would wake up soaked in sweat I would go to the bathroom and put my hand and arm on the cold window pane to cool down. Someone said on this board to drink a lot of water before going to bed and that would help. Sometimes it does.
There was a book by Anne Louise Gettleman who wrote about weight gain and how to deal with it. Her book is shorter than Christiane Northrup's.
I puttered around to day while it was raining and then went to the green house to try and straighten the timber that goes across the front of the building. I had to screw the ends of the timber to the wall so it would not rise when I put the supporting timbers underneath to level the middle.
The visit with my sister and her husband is going well. The littles adore their uncle.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2015 : 08:14:32 AM
Hi Ladies,
To be nasty storms here today. Starting to rain now but so far is calm. I hope it stays that way.
Marie, thanks for that vote of confidence on trying for the Greatest Generation badge. Maybe I will give it a shot. I'm going to play Scrabble with my 85 y/o lady friend I met during recoup time at the nursing home tomorrow. I should take my camera and see if she'd mind if I had hubby take a picture of us to use for part of my badge info. I should hunt up some of my old pics of me at work with my patients. They've all passed now. The place I did my rehab at is the place I worked for 15 yrs as an LPN. While I was there the very last 2 patients I'd cared for passed on. Made me sad to realize they're all gone but I know life goes on.
The comments about going through the change make me feel guilty. I slid through with not too much trouble. Rare hot flashes but I must say the weight gain has been a kicker. I quit smoking and then it really nailed me. I did have heart palpitations which the dr. decided was hormonal and I still battle those. They can be a bit scary but overall it wasn't too bad. I'm 58 now so think I'm through the worst of it. I too had a hysterectomy in my 30's but they left my ovaries intact so I didn't need any extra hormones. In hindsight I wish they'd have taken them too as my mom died of ovarian cancer but since that was a first in our family history hopefully I won't have to worry much. I get regular checkups so not much else to do.
Have a great Monday everyone and if you're in the path of bad weather stay safe :)
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2015 : 5:43:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a lovely day here. Temperatures in the sixties with bright sunshine.
We ran errands in the morning and then loafed off during the afternoon. We had ginger chicken and rice for supper.
Cheryl I think you should go for all of the badges that make you happy. I have not done any but the way I understand it is you must do the beginner level badges in order to do the upper level badges and so some of the beginner stuff is a gimme. So, go for it.
One of the women I write to each Thursday died on June 4. I have known her for almost twenty years. She lived a full healthy life for 96 years and in the last six weeks was diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer. She went for a walk in her wheel chair with her children on the third of June and the next morning her vitals plummeted and she died within thirty minutes. She had no pain. She was ready. It is sad to lose friends. LIfe is a circle and as hard as it is to learn to accept death as part of life it just is. I am glad my elderly friends had long lives and full lives.
I took the hose for our air compressor to the auto shop to have new fitting put on the end. The man put on one fitting and I asked him if it was the right fitting to blow up tires and he said yes. I asked in three different ways ad he assured me it was. I get home and my BIL tells me I am missing a piece. Back to the store I will go on Wednesday to inquire about the rest of the fitting. A bit frustrating.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2015 : 6:29:36 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:04:17 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2015 : 8:59:35 PM
Whatever happens with B, remember that we are all here for you. Try to stay positive. Try to deal with whatever the situation is when it happens, not before. We are all in this life together.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2015 : 9:39:42 PM
G, I'll be thinking good thoughts for B's check up. Try not to worry too much. I don't know what else to say. . .
Go for that badge! And embroider them quickly so we can see your tote.
Holly, I'd be frustrated to have to go back for the nozzle on your air house.
Our weather has been lovely and we have broken the record held since 1951 for the most consecutive dry days in June. Nineteen. Since we have no rain forecasted for another seven days at least, it looks like we will blow the record out of the water. I got to harvest my first full size tomato for father's day dinner! It went well with our veggie burgers. Dd's boyfriend got a kick out of dh putting bacon on his veggie burger!
Dd started her job today. She was tired this evening.
The raven babies, all three of them, Are gaining coordination. They still knock over their water dish almost daily, but they are getting much better at walking along the top of the fence.
I got emails tonight about our 35th reunion for my class. It will be held in August and I won't make it but I did get contacted by two guys I hadn't heard from in years. I'll catch up with them tomorrow.
Night goddesses! Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 05:24:21 AM
G -- Thinking of you and your sweetheart today. I am sending all the very best wishes your way. Please let us know how you are both doing.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 09:00:08 AM
GG, hope everything is good for B. Maybe just a stomach bug. But sounds like a check up is in order for sure.
Mar, not so good about the dry weather! It is suppose to get to 109 this weekend. Thank God for the basement. Monday is my birthday and my mother insisted on taking me out to some special restaurant on Saturday for my birthday dinner. I'm not one for a big deal. She said she called the chef and ordered something special. Plus now they know it is my birthday and will probably sing. Ugg! I know she wants it to be special.
My youngest is flying to California on leave tomorrow. I'm so bummed I couldn't figure out how to go and see him. Too many moving parts. Where to stay, driving around. I just kills me to be stuck up here with everyone down in Calif that I care about.
Sales are slow and I got another request for an exchange. She said the dress looked too young for her. I really need to figure out how to attract a younger customer. They all seem to be 50 and older and Xlarge to 3x. Not who I wanted to market to. I really need to change my designs I think.
Time to get ready for work! Later....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 10:13:39 AM
Phone is quiet today, so I had time to finish up this little sweater. A former employee is having her first little girl after two boys, so I wanted it to be PINK! I think I accomplished that. ha ha
Now to cast on the booties.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 12:02:56 PM
Greetings to all my lovely Goddesses of the Iris!!
Well, it has been awhile! I have spent the last few days attempting to catch-up with everyone and their happenings.
It has been over a month since I was last here. I was in the process of searching for an apartment when I got sick for a week and then had to bust my butt to find something. Spent the next week. with my son Kirk's help. visiting apartment complexes...found a couple but not thrilled with the offerings. Finally....ten days left and his gal sent me a website that looked promising...we went to check it out! No first floor that I needed but an elevator! Senior housing in that it's 62+.....Not assisted living just oldies( ha,ha,ha)!! And a two bedroom with reasonable rent. So I did not have to settle for a one bedroom.....needless to say it was a good fit, then the wait was on.....five days until moving day and I had finally received an OK. Packing was a drag....i had to pair down! My son took about 15 boxes of books. Then He took another 15 boxes of books to Half-Price least I didn't have to trash 'em or take 'em to Goodwill. I did take a pick-up truck worth of STUFF to Goodwill! I lost so much storage space in the move....just had to purge. Moving day was long and warm......luckily no rain. Anyway I have been here 5 weeks and things are working out fine. I had to survive without internet and TV until last Wednesday. TWC had to have cash upfront to install so I had to wait on that. It was a pain in the arse and I just couldn't work on the iphone.....too dang small, hard to see. Well, that's all taken care of so back to some semblance of normal! :)
It's sooo good to be back! Welcome to the newbies and the (re-uped) newbie.....Tapestry (Carol) !
Holly....You have made great progress on the greenhouse, congrats. Congrats to dsK on his engagement. Nice that your littles get to spend time with their Uncle and Aunt. Congrats to C on her graduation....nice to see that your brother fulfilled his commitment to attend her graduation ceremony. Love all your great pics and your boys are growing.
Bunny.....Glad to hear you have had sales but a bummer with returns and exchanges! Things will even out somehow. Sounds like you like your job and the boss is a good gal and accommodating for your health issues. I know you were so very disappointed that you could not see your kiddo..sorry! I see your mother is the same miserable soul.....but you keep your eye on the will get there!! :)
Mar....Happy to know your daughter has found a good job...and she and her fella are doing well. Glad that you and dh are usually on the same page when it comes to MIL but sad to hear that she seems to be losing ground faster than you had anticipated. She is lucky to have you around. Sounds like the DNA is doing well......your horses are blessed to have her in their lives and so she is to have them.. Symbiosis...such a wonderful thing!! are always on the go.....nice you are helping out with summer school....too bad the pay is not so great! :) Looks like Lowell is same ol' same ol'.....glad the band is coming together for him. Good luck with your look like a good start.
Marilyn....I missed your stories while I was out of touch. Dude's ex sounds like a pip!! You handled her well....she is insignificant!! So nice that his kids and you get on well. Your daughter is as lucky to have you as a Mom as you are to have her as a daughter. I never had the privledge to have a daughter. But my son sure fills the bill as a kind, caring and thoughtful kiddo!
Jan.....good to hear from you. Glad that you are settling well into Florida. Love your fifth wheel! My nephew has one and they are in the Air Force and have towed it all over the 49 states (Alaska) too. Used it often as temp housing before getting settled on each move. They have four kids and they call it the 'TOY HAULER'. They just moved it to Pensacola a few weeks ago....he is stationed there now.
G.....missed you...It was nice to read that you are getting some sort of a handle on B's ADD. That certainly has had to help reducing the stress on your relationship. I read you had a bout with some bees.....yikes, too bad you had to get rid of them as you did but I don't think that would have been a good selling point in the long run! LOL Reminded me of a friend of my Mom's, when I was younger. They lived in an 150 year old farmhouses and the second floor was un used for many, many years and when Gladys moved in, she decided she would like to utilize the upstairs. There was a small bedroom that had this strange sound always in this room and dead bugs all over the floor......just creepy to me. Well they soon realized that the bugs were bees and the humming in the wall was a gigantic beehive. They took off a three foot by eight foot area of siding and it was solid with bees!!!!! Needless to say they had to dispose of them and clean-up that entire stop and replace the siding. From then on that room was always known as the Bee Room! :) Sounds like you are making a lot of progress on the farm....and at the same time getting the city house up to your expectations. Don't work yourselves into the ground though!
Cindy.....You seem to be getting along well......Glad you aren't having a problem with your mail again. I feel sorry for your boss.....just sounds like a miserable person. But you can get past that...kill 'em with kindness!!! Hope you can work something out to help your parents and get your Mom some away time from your Dad....just for her best interest. Hope your community project is coming alaong to your liking! :)
Well....I know I have forgotten someone......and I am so you all!! It's so good to be back in the arms of my goddesses!
Janie, Ginny....if your lurking...know that I am thinking of you too! :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 12:03:56 PM
Good Lord......I obviously did not read this page.....sorry to hear about B being sick, GG....hope all his results are guys are in my prayers!
Oh the lil' sweater.....just lovely!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Jun 23 2015 12:08:48 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 5:27:27 PM
God evening Goddess Iris sisters.
Mel I am so glad to hear from you. I am glad you are settled in your new place and it is affordable for you.
G I sure do hope that the B only has worms or something. I wonder if he needs more carbohydrates. I know I can lose weight not eating enough calories even if what I have eaten makes me full. So, maybe going gluten free is good for his brain but not for his weight.
WOW, a tomato already! My plants maybe 8 inches tall. No flowers yet. I need to replant some of the bean seeds. C thinks we have had too much rain and maybe some of the seeds rotted. It rained again today. poured hard most of the morning.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 7:14:14 PM
Looks like our bad weather has moved up there where some of you are. Sure hate to see all the tornado devastation on TV.
Here it is so hot and humid. We sort of missed spring this year. We have had 38 inches of rain in May and so far in June.
Holly, even though that sounds pretty yucky, I wish it would be something like that too. B left them a stool sample and has a colonoscopy scheduled for July 7. I'm always reminding him to wash his hands or wash the fruit before he eats it. Today is the fifth day of constant belly ache. They did not give him any prescription meds til they see what it is. They just recently did all the annual lab tests and everything was fine. If he did not have that family history, I wouldn't worry.
I have garden envy!
Marilyn, the pink sweater is so cute! It's pink, all right. That will be a well dressed little cutie.
Well, Mel, it's about time you checked in! I was about to come after you! Glad you are all settled in--moving is a b****, isn't it? How is your knee? |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 7:14:19 PM
Mel, nothing like just in the nick of time for your housing. Glad you found a place you like. I need to purge stuff too. No rush for me so I do it a little at a time.
My sister is coming to town again and staying here for a few nights. I hope I can lay low and not upset her. She goes off so easily. Not looking forward to it.
Time for dinner, later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 7:30:19 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:06:47 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 7:57:58 PM
|'s hard keeping up with everyone. After I mowed my yard on Saturday I was so tired that on sunday all I did was rest--didn't do a blessed thing. Then it was back to work Monday and I came home exhausted and too tired to even comprehend anything I read on my computer. Feel better today, actually went to the prairie this evening for the bi-weekly walk and learn. It was cooler today--still hot--just not AS hot as it had been. The river has crested and no major flooding, at least not what we call major flooding. GG--I hope B just has a stomach bug or virus and will feel better soon. It's hard not to worry, though. Sending positive energy your way. Holly--I don't have any 'maters yet but my plants are huge. We usually don't get them till late July or early August. My beans are doing well despite all the rain. The peas have stopped producing due to the heat. I didn't get very many. Mel--I'm glad you found a good apartment. And purging can be a good thing, a type of spiritual cleansing. I have a book called "Spiritual Housecleaning" and each room in the house corresponds to something in your life. But I still have too much junk. I drop off a small load at goodwill about once every two months to offset the new things I buy. Marilyn--that is such a cute little sweater. Even though I was a tomboy I still liked pink when I was a kid. Still do--I have a pair of pink hiking boots. If I'd ever had any kids, my daughter would rock pink. Bunny--what demographic are you trying to market to? There has to be a niche you can fill. I really like the jeans but I wear a thirty inseam in a size 14-16. And I'm larger on top. I like the steampunk clothes but I don't know if I could wear them--don't think I could pull it off. I like to dress young and I know there are other of us Goddesses out there who are young at heart. Mar--please post pictures of the raven babies! I love baby birds. Even though they come into the world as pink naked dinosaur-looking things. then they get their pinfeathers and still look like dinosaurs. and then they're fully fledged and beautiful. Marie--I like the Wizard of Oz quote. My favorite was the scarecrow cause he was smart and didn't know it. And I love when the wizard says,"I'm a very good man, just a very bad wizard". I hope everyone else is doing well. I have the whole week off next week so I think my mom is willing to let me drive her (and dad) to some of the shoe stores over in west St. Louis county so she can get some comfortable shoes. It's painful to see her walk. My dad keeps thinking that it's cold outside even though it's June. My brother in Texas is coming up next week so he and the twins can do some work around my parent's house. I don't have anything planned for my vacation, maybe go hiking with Jaxon if it's not too hot. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2015 : 9:14:16 PM
Cindy I have to think of you when I fix our new nightcap--it's organic coconut milk heated up with turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and pepper. And a little honey. Supposed to have amazing healing properties. Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement. B is still in pain and he says it's a different pain than he has ever had, and it still does not let up. We are supposed to have the test result tomorrow. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 23 2015 9:18:23 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2015 : 06:11:59 AM
G- I won't weigh in with a pseudo-medical opinion, but hoping that your sweetie "just" has one of the million OTHER things it could be -- something easily fixable! Don't you hate this part of being chronologically enhanced? Dude is having a bunch of routine screening procedures done, but it's still worrying me to pieces. Colonoscopy, consults with the urologist, dermatology...sigh. He insists he is fine, but I see every little "sign" and will just be glad when he's done with all the tests. I am glad they've got B's test scheduled soon -- nothing worse than hurry up and wait.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2015 : 07:28:21 AM
I was typing along earlier when Dude threw a fit and I had to get off the computer! ha ha The fit wasn't at me, but at one of the many many crows that fly around his head all day long. (Not to criticize actual crows, mind you, but crows in the sense of them bothering him all the time.) Seems like most of the "busy" that we do around here lately is favors of one kind or another for the innumerable needy people who just can't seem to take care of themselves. That includes the ex, by the way. Everyone wants us to buy parts (at cost, of course) for them or "just check at the auction and see what's there" for them (the auctions are all at least 2 hours away), and then never actually purchase a car. Or have their broken down car towed here so we can "take a look at it," which means they want us to pay the tow bill and add the charges to their account so they will pay it off over time -- meaning $20 dollars a month for ETERNITY!!!! I finally said this morning on the drive in to work that it would be nice to do some business that actually produces income for a change. I guess as long as he's willing to say "yes" to these people, it's his problem. I find myself saying "no" a lot more, though! I am also really screening his phone calls, so that people have to leave their messages with me. I think that makes them less likely to ask for favors, because most of them know I am a LOT harder nosed than the Dude.
G posted some issues about her mother's car. It is so scary when we see them begin to fail and so hard to take away another piece of independence, even if we know it has to be done. My brother (bless his heart) was talking to my dad a while back about what to do about Mother driving after Daddy is gone. My brother told Daddy that he would just take an important part off the engine so it wouldn't start and we know that Mother would never spend 2 pennies, so they will just have the car moved elsewhere. A few years ago, when I was still in the auto insurance business, we had an old couple insured and had seen the old man's driving deteriorating. He was having claim after claim -- all little things, but it was certainly a visible trend. We had talked to the local adult children about possibly having "the talk" with dad, but they were afraid to approach him and were in major denial, even after we talked to them about the increasing claim frequency. One day the old couple came in to make a payment. Afterward, the old man came screaming back into the office insisting that our staff person had not given him his change and was trying to steal from him -- on and on and on. She counted the cash receipts back to him and assured him that she had, indeed, given him the correct change -- old meanie had her in tears. About fifteen minutes later, Mrs. called back to say that he had found the money in his pocket -- she apologized for him all over the place and assured our clerk that everything was alright. After that, the old couple went home...he drove into the driveway and stopped the car...she got out to go inside...he didn't put the car in park...the car rolled backwards over that sweet old lady, killing her right there in her own driveway. A few days later the son called to ask us if there had been life insurance on his mother. They were having trouble finding enough money to bury his mother because the old man had been "investing" in some scams and had pretty much emptied out their bank accounts. Made me a little sick.
Not sure what the point of that story was -- just part of taking care of our parents, I guess, except sometimes they don't want us to. Pretty sure I won't be too happy when my daughter starts "doing" for me.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2015 : 10:35:10 AM
Marilyn, your point is well taken. Thanks for letting me vent. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 26 2015 1:02:15 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2015 : 11:04:49 AM
G -- Sometimes venting is all there is, my friend -- you go ahead. No judgement here from me. At some point, we all have to cut our losses and make our own lives the best we can.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2015 : 5:08:31 PM
Good evening Iris Goddesses,
G, hugs to you. You are in a no win situation with your mother.
We have a mud room and the outside top of the mudroom just below the roof has vents. Two of the vents they are round about 2 inches across. Two of the vents have fallen out of their holes. A starling family has set up housekeeping. the little boys climb onto the porch railing and onto the roof and hang over the edge to look in the hole at the baby birds. The edge fo the roof is about 10 feet off the porch. Those babies sure are loud and demanding of their parents. I also saw a just fledged female gold finch. It was so small and cute.
My sis ter and I moved the rafters for the gren house up to the site. I was hoping that I could use 2X6's but it seems I do not have enough and now am going to use 2 X 4's. I will set them at 12 inches on center and use a lot of them. Hopefully they will be strong enough to last all of the winters . I want to have an over hang on the front and back to protect the walls from the weather. My contractor says no more than three feet out. Two feet would be better. I want more. We do not want the roof to be weighted too much when the snow slides off the back edge. Mar, what do you think? with so little information.
I was going to use the wagon to move the 2 X 4's to the green house but when I pulled it from behind the house one of the front tires was sideways. I was not happy. So, we unloaded all of the cinder blocks that were on it and took them to the barn in the wagon bucket. Then a friend said he would like to look at it if that was ok. I told him go for it. We tipped the wagon up on its side and he said it is your tie rod not the axle. The tie rod was on with cotter pins. He straightened them and took off the tie rod. Then he put it under the hook on the tractor bucket and straightened it put it back on and the wagon is good to go. There are some very useful purposes for testosterone. . I am so glad he could fix it for me and he was glad to do it.
The sky was bright and clear all day. The temperatures were cool. we had a brisk breeze so there were on bugs to bite us. A lovely day. My sister was so happy it was not hot. Her husband said in Columbia it was in the 90's. They are glad to be here.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 25 2015 : 10:08:15 AM
Holly -- Sounds like you are having a good visit and got good weather, too! We have had some storms and are possibly to have another this afternoon, but that will cool things down and clear away some of the humidity. Still can't complain -- compared to so much of the country, we are very very lucky.
Boss is out at the auto auction today, so it's been very quiet here. The guys out in the shop have been catching up on things they have been wanting to throw out and clean up. Hopefully he will come back from the auction with the van our customer has been wanting.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |