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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 17 2015 : 8:31:48 PM
Marilyn, ya know there is this wonderful bookkeeping software called Quickbooks??? No math necessary. (I'm being a little sarcastic here). But it is a lifesaver for me.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 17 2015 : 8:59:21 PM
I do the accounting for my husband's income and expense on green lined accounting forms. Just love the smell of that paper. <snicker>
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 01:01:59 AM
Good morning everyone :)
Busy last couple of days. Oldest grandson's 6th birthday was Tues. and Wed. we took both pooches to the Vet for their checkups and vaccinations. Grandson had a nice b'day and got what he wanted so he was a happy little guy. Our little Yorkie we adopted last July has some dental issues. She's had some poor care over her short life and missing several front teeth either from abuse or poor nutrition so that will get fixed this next month. Working on a pink basket weave baby blanket for yet another new mommy-to-be.
Hubby can't wait to retire and I'll be happy when he does although that is a few yrs off yet. Maybe then we'll get to do some things together. Seems we're usually too busy doing the mundane things that can't get done when he's at work to have much fun. I agree their brains work differently than ours but I'm kinda happy about the way my hubby's brain works. Today is our 11th wedding anniversary and I got a nice bouquet of red roses and white daisies when he got home from work last night along with a pretty card telling me how special my "graceful" presence is in his life. I had to laugh as there is not much of anything graceful about me. LOL I got us something I think we'll both be happy about but much more practical. A new mattress LOL. How's that for romantic...HA! Our old one is hard as a board and it's hit it's limit in my books about the day after we bought it. He insisted on a very firm mattress at the time and somehow or another I let him talk me into it knowing full well I'd suffer. These days he aches as much as I do so the new one is much softer and I didn't ask for advice about it. I just bought it and it is being delivered next week. We'll see how it goes over LOL. I was going to tell him what the gift was but he said NO he wants to be surprised. I'm pretty sure it will be. LOL
Marilyn, thank you for the nice welcome and it's nice to meet you too! Sounds like you had a recent birthday also and I hope it was a wonderful one :)
Hello to anyone else I don't know. It's nice to meet all of you.
Jan, it's nice to see you again too. I hope Mi. won't be too soggy when you get back there. We've had a lot of rain up this way and your area even more. How are you handling Florida's humidity after living in MI for so long? It has to be a big change in heat and humidity I would think?
Bunny, I sure hope you're able to get your site issues resolved. That is such a pain, especially if you have to pay a monthly fee to use it. It would also be disheartening when your buyers return things a lot. Maybe put measurement notes in BIG BOLD typeface so they can't miss it.
Holly, I'm sure when your son gets home with his fiance you'll have some wonderful family time. I hope she is a nice gal and blends in with the family and not someone who will make you grit your teeth and bite your tongue LOL.
Marie, How's Minneapolis treating you these days? Have you guys had all of the rain we've had here in Eastern Wi? The skeeters have landing gear and just became our new state bird. Stinkin' things.
Cindy, How awful about the nutcase who messed with your mail. I hope when that happened before the postal inspector let her know that tampering with someone's mail can be a Federal offense? When I was first out on my own my sis and I shared an apartment. We had a nosey landlord who was showing an apartment in our building and said he'd put the apt. key in our mailbox. Likely story, ha! Anyway, my sis got home from work and found our mail on our kitchen table and he'd written a note on it saying he thought it looked like important mail so he'd hand delivered it into our apt. She was furious and called an attorney. The old goof didn't have permission to enter our apt. and messing with our mail got him a warning from the attorney in a hurry. I was at work at the time but when she told me I was amazed at the man's gaul. Seems some people just can't help themselves to do things they shouldn't. Hope the rest of your day went better.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 06:35:29 AM
Cheryl, We got to Florida in November, and it was beautiful, in the 80s and low humidity. December was not too bad, but January and February was cold and rainy. We had to laugh, because 60 degrees, we were freezing!!!! That is our highs this time of year in Michigan. It is hot, mid 90s and humid, but I can breath a lot better here, even when it is humid. The air is a lot lighter here. We are getting used to it, but do have the ac on most of the time during the day. We will be bringing long sleeved shirts and long pants with us, I know we will be freezing. LOL!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!! I always liked the practical gifts too. They last a lot longer also. Bunny, That is the bad part about selling clothes. Everybody's bodies are different. Too bad you do not have all stretchy items!! LOL!!! We have a mobile doggy groomer that comes right to our lot here every 8 weeks. He is so good with Olivia. He was just here on Tuesday, so she is now all ready for our vacations. He does such a great job on here, and she likes him. He is a young, handsome guy with a Greek accent. Tall, dark, and handsome. Don't know if he is married. Bunny. Virginia is a beautiful state. I am sure you would love it there. That would be something to think about, probably would be able to find consignment shops to sell your clothes in. Since being indoors more in the ac, I finally picked up my crochet hook and knitting needles again. Finally found a post office, so when we get back from vacation, I can start selling things on Etsy again. Have a great day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 06:41:42 AM
Bunny -- When I was a youngster, I had a little body and a little chest and a little everything -- I could go to a store or look in a catalog and if I saw something I liked, I could just buy it or order it and it would be fine. I had the same kind of body for years, and I knew what would look good and what wouldn't. Then about the time I turned 40, I developed this huge bust! It was like overnight almost and instead of a 34B or C I was all of a sudden a 36G. It was crazy!!! I would go shopping and see something that would have looked great on me for the past 20 years and try it on and then just stand in the changing room and cry. It was awful! My body had changed so much and my body image did NOT catch up with it. It was dreadful. I had been sewing most of my own clothes since I was a pre-teen -- using the same size 10 patterns for years -- all of a sudden there was not a pattern to be had that would fit. Oh it was an awfully depressing time of my life. Even though I knew it was a normal hormonal life-passage kind of thing, it still was just an awful ordeal for me.
Now, after 20 years of dealing with having "big ones," as the Brits put it, my internal body image seems to have caught up maybe a little with what my body is actually like. Happily, I no longer really give much of a hoot-n-holler what other people think about what I'm wearing, so that helps too. Not sure I really have a point here. It must be awfully frustrating for you to have to take returns. I have looked through your online shop and it seems to me that you have things marked pretty clearly. People are odd about their bodies, for sure. We had a girl in high school who tended to be a little on the chunkier side -- more of just a big-allover kind of girl. Well, every summer when she would have the lady start making her school clothes for the next year, she would tell her to make everything about 3 sizes smaller than she actually was. Then her mother would go behind her and tell the lady the actual size. Everyone was happy that way -- she could say she was wearing a size "teensy" and her clothes still fit.
Holly -- Erma Bombeck wrote a lot about how crazy things were when her husband retired. She said he brought so much "expertise" to running the household that had been clicking along quite nicely without his help for years and years. At one point, he even insisted that everyone walk down the hallway straddle-stepping with their feet wide apart --- that way they wouldn't wear out the carpet down the middle of the hall!!! He alphabetized her spice rack. I can absolutely understand why your friend liked her weekends-only arrangement.
My daughter is driving Thing One (he will be 18 on Sunday) down to the Scout camp to start his summer job. This is his first job and his first time away from home for an extended time without Mom. I think it will be great for both of them!!! Thing Two (he just turned 13) has been saying that he's looking forward to being the one-and-only boy at home this summer, but I think he is really really going to miss his brother! Oh well, time's passing, for sure. And time's a wastin' here at the shop! Dude has gone to the auction, the guys are out in the garage working on a car, and I am sitting here with the fan running doing this. I need to write a little note to my Daddy so I can overnight him a Father's Day package. We are having a continuous misting rain today, so the garden will be happy. I found another renegade petunia blooming at the corner of the salad garden last night -- no idea how it got there. They must be made of tougher stuff than I thought.
Have a fabulous day, Ladies!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 09:30:11 AM
Happy Anniversary, Cheryl!!!
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 11:16:21 AM
Oh Bunny -- I just now read back up the page and saw your post about Quickbooks! All the time I have been a bookkeeper, and for all the people, I have never once used Quickbooks -- isn't that odd? It must be THE most popular and accessible software out there, but for some reason I have never come across it. Used Quicken for a while for my ex, but never Quickbooks. I have often thought that if I ever get the chance to go free-lance, I will buy a copy of it and do the tutorials so I can work with it, because so many small businesses use it.
What we have here is a very industry-specific software package that does all of our inventory, finance, etc. It is very broad and we don't use several of the modules (like for service and parts), but it is really wonderful and with great support. My biggest problem is generally making the old-timey "One Write" checkbook that the Dude still uses match up with the computer entries.
Marie -- I can almost picture you as Bob Cratchit bent over those green-lined pages with your eyeshade and sleeve garters.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 3:02:36 PM
It's raining here, has been for the past week. Right now it's a soft, gentle rain. It will probably lead to flooding cause more rain is in the forecast. Supposed to be dry on saturday so I hope I can get my yard mowed. People's yards here are starting to look like jungles. I found some bagworms on a small shrub in my yard and I need to call the county extension office to find the best way to get rid of them. Hideous looking things. The mail scare is over--I just tend to get paranoid if I don't get my mail. It's like when someone steals your identity--you're forever worried it will happen again. There are just so many crazy people and hackers out there that it's scary. and now this kid in South Carolina has killed nine people--only twenty-one years old and he's thrown his life away because of hatred. It's unbelievable. And our congress is unbelievable. I won't even go there. All these wanna-be presidents and all they really want is to raise lots of money for their campaigns. Money that comes from corporations. These wanna-bes claim they represent "the people"--oh, I forgot--"corporations are people". There is a book, "When Corporations Rule the World"--but I've digressed. Calm down, Cindy, things are OK in your little corner of the world. I hope things are OK in your corners of the world. The rain really does feel peaceful. I wish everyone would take the time to just listen to the rain falling on the roof from time to time--I think the world would be a more peaceful place if everyone did that. Or maybe I'm hopelessly out of touch. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 5:17:07 PM
Iris Goddesses,
I dread the day when Lowell no longer leaves the house to work. I know he will not know what to do with his time. He knows it too. I have stopped giving him suggestions because he just shoots them down. I plan to keep myself active and busy until I stop moving. I will be glad to get a car that I can drive. He has a cargo van right now that he uses for his courier position which is just too big for me to drive. Heck, I have to use a climbing rope and pitons just to get into it.
We have had quite a bit of rain here. It is good to have much of Minnesota out of drought conditions. The garden is happy too. Mosquitos aren't too bad yet but they will be. I will be making some natural bug repellent soon.
Cindy, try spraying soapy water on those bagworms. I agree that some of the presidential candidates are a joke.
Marilyn - QuickBooks is so good. I set up an accounting system using it and found it very efficient. You'll love it. I have used Great Plains (cumbersome), Peachtree (no like), Quicken (like it except for all the investment applications) and Platypus (specifically for internet services). The payroll software I have used are ADP (old school), COMS (not very good), WorkBrain (love it) and PeopleSoft (has everything including a kitchen sink and coffee maker). They all work pretty much the same. The only big difference among them is how accessible the information is and how easy they are to use (user interface). I still say that nothing beats the green-lined accounting paper.
My body went through a change also in my 40's. I went from a 36B, which was fine with me, to a 42C. I was talking to a couple teachers today about their body changes now they are hitting menopause. One said that it hurts to have intercourse and she doesn't seem to want it either. We all have gained weight. I told them that neither my mother or sister had or will go through it so I had to ask other ladies about it. I told them that they will get through it and become a slightly different person. I can feel it already.
Jan, your dog groomer sounds dreamy. Do we have another pool boy here. I am glad you are knitting and crocheting again.
First week of summer school is over. The class has three behavior problems and two special educational needs learners. Patricia does not put up with the behavior problems' stuff and they seem to be doing better than in the regular school year. I have every Friday off thank goodness so I will sleep in, work in the garden for an hour, take a shower, try to catch up on my email, go to the pharmacy for some DRUGS and go punch goblins with my bare fists. The last one is Dungeons & Dragons, for those who don't know. It should be good.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 06:06:28 AM
Bunny, look at this! Would love to see the inside of it.
.jpg?v 46721914) |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 19 2015 06:07:39 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 06:24:19 AM
G -- What is that tiny house made from? It looks like a converted train car or an old stagecoach! It is wonderful. And a nice loft for Bunny's sewing area.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 09:01:51 AM
That is a company in Texas called "Texas Tiny Houses". His designs are amazing. That I believe is actually his new "chapel". He is a little strange but his tiny houses are to die for. Upwards of $100k though. He finds old buildings and takes them down carefully removing all the nails and such. The unsung the reclaimed lumber for these new houses. He has quite an ego and attitude.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 11:29:53 AM
Here is my sweetie this morning getting ready to go play golf with a group of guys. I've got the day to mysel. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 19 2015 9:12:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 11:37:51 AM
Lunch. Snapper on wild rice with coleslaw and poached pears.
. .jpg?v 26867670) |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 12:04:52 PM
G -- Nice to see a picture of your handsome man! I personally think the garage looks pretty doggone good -- ha ha ha. Now -- Did you make this fabulous looking lunch yourself or have a stylist come in and do it for you? It looks just about too pretty to eat (but I hope you did anyway). Supremely health, too. I love snapper, and wild rice is one of my favorites.
Dude had a leftover wrap from Wednesday's lunch at Rotary and the boys in the garage wanted greasy fried chicken from the local grocery store -- I opted for a couple of different veggie salads from the deli. Firecracker Slaw and Crisp Veggie Salad. If I had been on my own, I would have scarfed them right out of the plastic containers they came in, but I did manage to scoop them into a bowl before I devoured them -- so what I am saying here is NO PICTURES! ha ha ha
Not sure what dinner will be tonight. Last night I asked if there was something I should thaw and the Dude said "Oh, I think I am going to surprise you on Friday." So now he's got my curiosity up! I suspect we will be going out somewhere or meeting some friends for dinner.
What was the sauce on your rice and snapper?
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 1:41:25 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:02:23 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 1:43:25 PM
That number was supposed to be a smiley face?? . Well this really is goodbye for a couple of days. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 5:13:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
DsK and his fiancee ended up visiting for about 2 hours on their trip here. This is not really unusual for his trips here. Now I recognize the pattern and it does not upset me. He has a hard time judging time and planning. So that is that.He did spend time with the littles and they were happy. They are getting married next year here in Vermont. She has one sibling and he has then so it was easier for them to do it here. She is a nice woman. She seems to love him and care about him in a compassionate way that he needs. She does not enable his need to be on the computer in a virtual world. He works 40 + hours a week now. It is the most he has worked in years. He likes it . They seem to like him. They make accommodations for his learning differences and that is wonderful. He has been passing the tests for the trainings he has needed to take for the job. He was pleased and surprised. I informed him that when he did the work for his schooling he always passed the tests. When he was arrogant and stopped doing the work he failed. He had not recognized that piece of the puzzle. I also told him that he had been born fetal alcohol exposed and that he was really lucky to be as good as he is. He had not realized that either. I told him because he mentioned they had talked about procreating and he needed to take that into consideration since we do not know how being alcohol exposed affects sperm,
He and his fiancee did visit his birthmother and she was her self centered demanding self. The fiancee was not impressed and did not come away liking her at all. I told her that as annoying as birthmother is she gave DsK his love of music and his compassion for people. She was glad to know that. They are on their way back to Wisconsin now. I hope they have a good trip.
C graduated from Norwich University with her Master's of Science in Leadership today. She has been in a residency all week. Last night was the ceremony for receiving their hoods. Today was the graduation. She was so excited. We hooted and cheered very loud after her name was called to walk across the stage to get her diploma. She was so happy we were all there. I am happy for her and glad it is all over.
My sister and her husband arrived last night. They will stay for a little more than a week. They are helpful while they are here and pleasant as well.
OUr older brother came to C's graduation. He said in December he would come when I asked him because none of C's family of origin would not come and he said yes. Then we did not hear from him again until we saw him. He behaves as if he is an only child at 64. It was nice he came. C was so happy to see him. I was glad to see him. He knows everything so I am leary around him to voice and opinion on something because if he knows better even if it is not accurate what he knows he does not listen to anyone else. It is who he is. None of the rest of us are going to change him. the others of us get along alright. He misses out. He is very smart. My sister says he is only dysfunctional socially with us not the rest of the world. lol
I am glad everyone else is chugging along. C has gone to walk in the relay for life walk tonight. She has a group of friends who all do it together.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 19 2015 : 10:11:23 PM
Holly, I'm glad you have made peace with your son's visiting habits. I'm sure it cost you a lot of hurt feelings to get to where you are. so happy to hear his intended meets his needs in your eyes. I love hearing about your ddK. I'm a fan of her straight shooting ways and I admire how hard she works even if it is her preference to be inside when she does it.
I spent two days at dd and boyfriend's new apartment in downtown Portland. They live very near the Portland building with the Portlandia stair. We got to walk along the river and I enjoyed myself very much. Dd starts her job on Monday.we did a test commute to see when she would need to leave for work.
Today dh and I ran errands.when we got home we found mom upset because if something had happened and both dh and I had fired, she didn't know the phone number to the bank. That was a difficult issue to deal with because we were tired and hungry and Fridays are supposed to be "our' days. and something always upsets mom on those days... which means a lot of hand holding and neither of us felt like doing that today.
What are the fathers day plans?
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2015 : 02:02:31 AM
Hi ladies :)
Chuggin' along this morning. Got my expert blogging badge from Mary Jane plus my beginner and intermediate badges for crochet. It had been ages since I'd applied for any so it felt nice to get something done and be rewarded for it. Was lovely here yesterday but to have showers today later in the afternoon/evening. Have any of you ever done any charity work as in making dresses for Dress A Girl? They send you a pattern and you sew a young girls dress that will be shipped all over the world wherever it's needed. They've served 81 countries so far. I think once I have some time to spend in my craft room cleaning up I"d like to give it a go and try it. Sounds like fun.
Have a wonderful Father's Day weekend! Safe travels if you're about.
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2015 : 5:24:21 PM
Good evening everyone,
We went to yard sales this morning, C, my sister and I. My sister found a couple of napkins that had about a third of a yard of lace on each one. She paid .25 each. She said in Missouri she would have had to pay $2 each. She was happy. I found books for the littles and a new salt shaker. The salt shaker does not seem like a big deal but the littles have lost or broken three in the last month. This one is stainless steel and big enough that if it is played with and dropped it can be found. lol
the only charity work I have done as in making something was making lap afghans for a nursing home. I liked doing those because it was mindless and it was a good waiting project. As in waiting at the dentist or at a soccer game.
Mar I am glad dd and her bf are well. Paranoia sets in when people start to lose their minds.
It is a lovely day here in the Greens. A nice breeze and bright sun all day long. Uncle R took the littles to the beaver pond and for a long walk I think they are all asleep already. yeah!
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2015 : 5:31:25 PM
Hi everyone. Just checking in. Nothing new in my world. Just sewing as usual. I got ten items in my new store. It wasn't fun as they have so many bugs in the software. I did email them and they said others are having the same problem so they are working on it. I got the bookwork done for the concert association (in Quickbooks ;). Trying not to listen to my mother and her new plans...again. They change so often.
Other than that, just working and sewing. Trying to make money!
Have a safe Father's Day weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2015 : 7:01:27 PM
We finally had a DAY WITHOUT RAIN here so I mowed the yard and weed-whacked and now it doesn't look so much like a jungle. Everyone else was out mowing their yards (I can still hear a mower as I type this). I heard the locusts for the first time this summer just a while ago. The river is way up, I drove down the River Road yesterday and it is way higher than normal. I saw on the news where people in the St. Louis area have been having flooding in their basements as well as in low-lying areas. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and Monday so I expect there'll be some serious flooding. Just as long as it's not a repeat of the Flood of '93. Holly--I'm glad dsK's fiancee is a compassionate woman. And she seems to understand him. Even though I've never been married, I think having compassion for your partner is ultimately what keeps a relationship together. I'm glad C has her degree and that your brother came to the ceremony. Too bad that C's family couldn't acknowledge her achievement. Mar--I would imagine that elderly people become frightened easily. My mom wanted to go see "Jurassic World" with her sister and my dad didn't want to go. She asked him if he'd mind staying with his brother while she went and he refused to do that. She can't leave him by himself for more than about a half hour. I also noticed tonight that she could barely lift the cast iron skillet when it was filled with a rice-a-roni dish. I'm ready to insist that she allow someone to come several times a week and help with cooking, cleaning, and to give my mom some time of her own. I think I'll talk to my cousin and see if we can persuade her to accept some help. Bunny--glad you are earning some money from your creativity. It must feel sew good :) Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Visit my blog at |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Jun 21 2015 : 01:48:08 AM
Good morning ladies :)
I hope all of your dads, husbands, sons who are daddys have a wonderful day. Sounds like more rain for a lot of us but hopefully won't spoil everyone's day. Hubby is off work and even though his sons are in Canada and mine will be spending time with their dad we'll try to do a bit of celebrating just the 2 of us. Still crocheting on the baby blanket and applied for another merit badge in Outpost For the Trees. Trying to whittle down some of the categories so I can print off the badges and put them on a tote once I have them embroidered. Some of the badges I would feel silly applying for. I worked with Elderly my whole working life. Played games with them while I was in captivity healing the broken ankle and still go play weekly with one of them in her home. Fighting with myself over whether or not to apply for that badge The Greatest Generation as it was my whole working life and then some. What do you gals think?
Have a wonderful day with family!
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |