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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Jun 14 2015 :  10:29:37 AM  Show Profile
G, cooking for my guy is very difficult. He's a meat and potatoes sort of eater. I like to try new things, but he is adamant with his "NO." I will venture out on my own, thank you. Things are going well otherwise. I have met his kids and grandkids and we seem to get along well.

Betty in Pasco
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 14 2015 :  11:42:50 AM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

I am taking a break from cleaning. We are expecting one of our sons and his I guess fiancee . they live in Milwaukee and are supposed to get married next July out here. They are choosing out here because her family is smaller and more portable than ours. If they had it in Wisconsin only I would be able to go. He lloooooovvveessss her like he has loved no one else. But then he has said that about several of his exes. He is the one who lived in St Louis for a while and then whatever state is right next door that begins with I. Sorry I am not good at the midwest geography. So, they are coming in for C's graduation for her master's degree and to look at the proposed wedding site and all of the details that go with it. I asked him why he did not elope. He said it was important to both of them to have family at his wedding. That is nice. He is a good man. He has come a long way emotionally and responsibly since he moved in at 8. It has taken a long time for him to grow up and take any responsibility for his actions. He seems to be doing well right now. This woman so far seems to be good for him. We wonder how long it will take for her to recognize his deficits and accept them. They will stay from Wednesday to Saturday.

My sister and her husband are due at the end of the week as well. They are expected to arrive on Thursday and stay for 9 days. They are nice and helpful. But, my sister keeps a clean house. Her children are grown but she did while they were growing up as well. I do not keep that kind of clean house. I do not know how women can keep a clean house, have time for the children, work in the yard and have any time for themselves. So, the housework does not get done. DdK is supposed to help with the housework. it was a deal we made. I would not make her work outside if she did the inside work. She is down stairs with big dsR cleaning away. They are having a good time together.

I planted the pole beans this morning. When I ran out of pole I put them at the base of the corn.

I remember you Cheryl. I am sorry your bones broke. It s***** that we take so long to heal when we age. but, it is far better than the alternative. Hug the grandchildren tight and have good times. The blankets and hat are very nice.

Bunny, Virginia is only ten hours from here. It is warm and has mild winters. I am glad your son is finding enjoyment in his life.

We do not have nasty centipedes in the house up north here.

Maybe I will be able to get on later. Thanks for the respite.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 14 2015 :  12:01:40 PM  Show Profile

They are about five or six inches long.

Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 14 2015 12:03:52 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 14 2015 :  4:46:39 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad I live in the cold climate. The centipede looks like it might be good fishing bait but I can live with out meeting one in person. lol

The house is quiet tonight. C and the littles are all at the MOuntaineers game. It is a league of college players. The young men on the Mountaineers are from all over the country. It is not too expensive to go and the fans have a good time.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 14 2015 :  9:45:29 PM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Holly, your greenhouse is AMAZING! Congratulations on your son's upcoming wedding. I hope they have many wonderful years together.

Bunny, Did your mom ever get moved so you're on your own? Are you still sewing a lot? I remember you are one talented lady who made some fantastic clothing.

G, Do you still go out dancing? How is your sweetie doing? Good for your mom on being able to still be in her own home at 93. I hope this will be my one and only fracture. It was the stupidest accident I've ever had. Clumsy is my middle name.

Thanks all for the well wishes and I'm going to be just fine. Healing is just a good excuse for crafting ;)

Have a great week ahead!

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 15 2015 :  4:20:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Rained or looked like it was going to all day long. Folding laundry was my big accomplishment today.

DsK and his fiancee (no accent marks on the typing board) stopped by for a short visit on his way to a hotel and then site seeing. He stayed at his birthmother's last night and was supposed to stay for two more nights there but could not deal with her self centered ness so they packed up and are going to a hotel in a tourist destination tonight and then coming here tomorrow.

Slow day,

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  06:40:17 AM  Show Profile
Nice to meet you, Cheryl -- I joined while you were on hiatus. I bet that sweet little smiling baby brightened your day. Being laid up is no fun, for sure. Glad you are back.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  08:13:57 AM  Show Profile
Cheryl, no my mom is still here. She has decided to stay., and yes, I still sew like crazy.

Did lots this weekend. My ADD kicked in pretty bad and I got a bit overwhelmed and ended up going between four projects until I wore myself out. They are not done of course.
Tonight I'm sitting on a pile of jeans while I seam rip open the side seams so I can embellish them.

The new selling siite was a mess. So many bugs. I had to keep emailing them with all the glitches. I finally told them to email me when they had it fixed. I'm bummed. I had taken Monday off of work to dedicate the day to computer work on the new store.
But today is back to the real job.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  1:43:22 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:58:07 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  2:00:29 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, why are men's brains different from women's. Do tell. Give me the title to that book too.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 16 2015 4:59:35 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  4:37:40 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Another overcast and rainy day. The sky cleared for a couple of hours around supper time. Maybe thunder and lightning and 50 mph winds tonight. Tomorrow the weather guessers are saying sunny in the 70's.

Not much happened today. DsK did not arrive. He called he and his squeeze were staying at the hotel another day and night so she could recover from all the driving she has done. He does not have a permit yet. He tells me he will take the plunge in July.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  5:28:42 PM  Show Profile
I am still alive and well. It has been in the 90s here. We are gradually getting used to it. We have been getting spurts of rain almost daily, but it is so hot, it dries up right away. I expanded my flower garden a bit, but still not as big as I want it. We keep buying bags of soil, but then I end up using a lot of it for transplanting my herbs that keep growing bigger. The soil here in Florida is all white sand, no good dirt at all for planting anything but cacti.
Cheryl, good to here from you. Sorry about your fall though. Glad it is healing well.
Happy belated birthday Marilyn. Glad you had a good weekend at home with family. A special time for sure.
Bunny, hope you get the website issues all worked out and sell more on there. I never heard of that one.
Marie, Hope you are enjoying your short break from school. How is the garden growing?
Holly, I love the green house!!!! And those pictures a wonderful.
GG, It seems that the bugs here, so far, are so small, some are hard to even see, but they sure can bite, some of them!!! Hope you are not getting flooded out. Texas sure has had it's fair share of rain this year. Stay safe!!!
Mar, how are the horses? Do you ride them much? Did DD end up getting that job she applied for? Is she further from you now that she moved again?
Betty, sounds like you have a good arrangement going there. That is a good way to get to know each other again before you commit to anything too fast. I am sure things will work out for the best.
We are leaving here July 8th for Michigan. We made reservations at an RV park there for the 15th, so we have a week to get there. We will be taking our time, then spending a week there, then we will have 3 weeks to work our way back here. Plan on doing some site seeing on the way.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  5:48:47 PM  Show Profile
GG, I always have ADD. I just work hard to stay on track. But I when I get too many projects going or just don't feel good, it can get out of hand. As far as hyper focusing, your doctor really needs to educate herself. ADD people can indeed hyper focus.
One book I read quite a while ago was "driven to distraction." I cried so much reading that book, realizing so much of it was me. I have worked really hard at keeping it together. But depression, the moo !!! Whatever, sometimes I just can't keep it together and I lose it. This weekend was one of those times. I can also either feed it or fight it. I ended up feeding it by allowing myself four projects to jump between. Today I am a little bit better. Awareness is half the battle.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  5:50:33 PM  Show Profile
Ok, I can't even figure what happened with the moo!! Autocorrect maxed me out there. I don't even remember what it was suppose to say!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  6:13:17 PM  Show Profile
Maybe you meant to say moon or mood Bunny. I still want to know about the differences between men's and women's brains. Lowell fully admits that men are visually oriented and have to take action such as bringing the wooly mammoth back to the camp. He mourns for the days when men had such a clear and useful purpose.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  6:30:18 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:59:12 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 16 2015 :  7:30:28 PM  Show Profile
Men's and women's brains are indeed different, but you can learn to "re-wire" your brain to think more like the opposite sex. Part of changing your brain involves first changing your actions. After your actions become habits, your brain will change to reinforce the new behaviors.
I'm a little scatter-brained tonight. I didn't get my mail today and visions of what happened two years ago are coming back to haunt me. Two years ago, this crazy B. called the post office and pretended she lived at my address and she put my mail on hold. Out of spite.
It's raining and there's rain in the forecast for the next five days. I can't mow my yard cause it never dries out. My garden is doing well and the frogs love it (I can hear then croaking right now).
My brother bought my parents a new flat screen TV after their twenty-year-old dinosaur quit. It's BIG. Now they can fall asleep watching TV in style, lol.
I test drove a Prius yesterday and qualified to get a free Visa gift card. I loved the way the car handled. Such a smooth ride, and quiet. If I could afford one I'd get one.
Sorry, I can't seem to focus. Guess I've been "driven to distraction" and Distraction is not the city where I want to be.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  05:36:09 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, why would we want to? I say let the men rewire their brains to be more like us!!

I keep hearing good things about the Prius. I'm goi g to buy myself a new car when we are not driving out to the country so much. Which won't be for a couple of years at least. We sure have enjoyed the pick up. So handy. I'm going to use it today to get potting soil. Jan I really appreciate that you check in to let us know how you are doing. Yes I remember those darn no-seeums that bite like crazy but so tiny you no see um. But you feel um. BTW holly, we don't have those nasty black flies here, but we have nats which don't bite but worry you to death. The rains have brought a lot of pesky things out.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  08:06:09 AM  Show Profile
G -- my ex bought a Prius about 5 years ago and it has given him not one single minute of trouble ever! It was and continues to be the ideal car for him. He drives in town a lot and into the city quite a bit. It parks in almost no space and runs forever on very little gasoline. I was still there when he bought it and I drove it some -- found it to be very comfortable and remarkably peppy. No -- this is not a paid ad from Toyota, but it really has been a great car for him.

He, on the other hand....ha ha ha ha ha.

I have just finished a morning of math, which is my least favorite discipline of them all. (Why on earth would you work all these years as a bookeeper, you ask! --- and you would have a very good question) I finally nulled out the two sides of my equation, though, so I am feeling quite pleased with myself and have a great sense of accomplishment.

We have Rotary at noon today. Then I am going to run pick up the Dude's eldest brother and his wife. He has Parkinson disease and his wife came by the other day and asked specifically if Dude could spend some time with Brother. We are going to take them both out on the boat and up the Susquehanna for some dinner, just to see how his mobility issues work on the boat. If he's steady enough, Dude can take him out on his own, but for tonight we'll all four go. This means we are closing early -- woo hoo! Yesterday was very hot and humid and we are really glad we watched the weather and picked today for our outing -- should be a pleasant mid-80s and lower humidity. Dude's family had a summer place on the river when they were growing up, so we're hoping that Brother will enjoy the trip to see the old places from the water. I hope he is not failing too much. Still not sure what was in his wife's head when she came by and made such a specific request. Dude is concerned that he has had some more bad medical news or something. I am hoping that maybe she just thought he could use some "brother" time. Whichever, I really enjoy both of them and we will have a good time. Brother has a very dry sense of humor and a wicked sparkle in his eye. His wife is a very earth-mother type and gardens every inch of their shady place. She is quite a spitfire, as well. Brother had never married until he was in his 60s -- always took care of the parents and worked alongside Father here at the auto dealership. After they passed, he took up square dancing and met this nice lady who had been widowed for a few years. They married and had several active years before his illness began to slow them down. She just takes up the slack for the things he can no longer do and is very much his advocate with all the doctors, etc.

Bunny -- it sounds to me like you have a good approach to dealing with your "too much brain" issues. That's the way I look at it. Probably a big part of why you are so creative and so productive, but sometimes it sucks to be brilliant! ha ha ha I sometimes just wish I could shut my brain off and sleep, for goodness' sake.

So -- off I go to my Rotary meeting. I have to take lunch with me, because the food at that place makes me sick about 4 times out of 5. Just don't eat there anymore. Have a great afternoon, Ladies!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  08:45:56 AM  Show Profile
Janet, He just left my place for his home on the lake. Sad to see him leave, but a feeling of freedom overcame me. I've lived the last 20+ years by myself and find it difficult to have a well-intended person follow me around (since he has nothing to do at my place) like a lost puppy. I shop best by myself and get things done more quickly without interruption. He is interested in marriage, but I'm still taking it slowly. It's not that I don't want to be married, just that there are certain things that need to be cleared up and settled before anything happens. He has good intentions and I believe they are honest ones. At my age I should jump at the chance to have a steady, level marriage; but not having had that in the past (and he has) I'm wary. Just will keep plodding along.

Betty in Pasco

Edited by - Betty J. on Jun 17 2015 08:46:24 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  10:41:56 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 8:00:42 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  11:27:37 AM  Show Profile
Betty -- I second what G is saying. I really enjoyed being by myself after I left my husband, and I wasn't looking for another full-time person when I met Dude. We dated for a year-and-a-half before I moved into his house, and even though I love him dearly, it has been an adjustment. Even though he was at my place all the time, it was still "my place" and I could do a few things on my own. He is such a sweetheart and really enjoys doing the grocery shopping, which I appreciate. Once in a while I just WANT to go do some personal shopping and I have had to spell it out to him that I really just want to do it myself! He has been a good sport.

The other issue is cooking a full-on meal every single night. I would come home and eat some cereal, or have an apple or make a smoothie if it was only me, but he wants a meal. He does the shopping and is more than happy to cook (he loves to cook outside and we do that year-'round), but sometimes I would just like to grab some pizza or Chinese.

I know complaining about this stuff seems pretty penny-ante, but it's the small stuff that builds up over time and causes resentment if you don't deal with it. I think we are working our way through the adjustments, but you are very VERY wise to be taking your time and thinking it through. In my case, Dude was alone for much much longer than I was and he has never once complained to me about me moving in or feeling like I'm in his face too much, so I try to keep that in mind, too -- I guess we are just happier being together than we were being alone.

At my age and his, I figure we don't really know how much time we have (who does?) and I try to just be happy and grateful for every day.

Plodding along sounds like a very reasonable plan!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  12:03:50 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn & G, you make some very interesting points. I kind of like the idea of maybe him doing the grocery shopping without me!. He is a very PICKY eater. If he had to do the shopping it might (and I say might) make a point. These meat and potatoes guys are just killing themselves off with the wrong foods. No salads, no pizza, no Chinese--think I will find that tonight, nothing different than what the first wife made (married nearly 50 years before she passed). I don't know how she stood it, but was only 16 when she married him. So you can guess that we are up in age, he's 75 and I'm 73. I've been married 3 times and he has been the loyal, steady employee and husband. I find that very attractive in a man. Well, he has arrived at his lake home and I'm here in the desert with the heat. We will have to see what comes next.

Thanks farmgirls for all your insight.

Betty in Pasco
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  5:30:14 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have a friend who had a boyfriend for 20 years and he would sleep over on the weekends. She would have his bag packed and by the door every Sunday evening. They saw each other during the week for dinner or activities but only spent all the time together on the weekend. They finally married and I believe are shacked up full time now that He has retired and she is close. The weekend thing is what she could handle. It worked for them.

I think some people not just men but the experience I have is with my father who needed someone to take care of. He remarried 13 months after my mother died. But, he married someone who did not know how to cook. I only remember my father cooking when my mother was sick. But, his widow says he cooked all the time. Otherwise they went out to eat. She adored him and still grieves for him.

I read a book once about when your spouse retires. It was written for women who had stayed home all the working years. It said what ever you do on the first day of the retirement the husband will expect to happen every day of the retirement. So, if you cook him lunch then he will expect it. So, it recommended setting the boundaries right off.

today was a lovely day here in the Greens. Temperatures in the 80's a light breeze and no humidity. We spent as much time outside as we could.

Marilyn don't you have some sort of spread sheet on your computer to do the math? You have more patience than I do to keep the books. I hope your trip on the boat has good memories.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 17 2015 :  8:30:25 PM  Show Profile
You guys aren't making the best argument for remarrying ya know.
I had to learn to be happy by myself. Now I long for it. I have no privacy at all with my mom. She is home all the time and listens to everything (yes... everything) I do.
When I married my second husband, I was really lonely and had poor self esteem. I figured this was the best I could do. He didn't want any of my things in the house. The TV was always what he wanted to watch and he would get upset if I had plans that didn't include him on the weekends. Like working the job he insisted I We ate what he wanted to eat. When we moved into our log house he was forced to combine our things because my money built the house. It lasted about 3 months before he started to complain and we ended up divorcing. It was a relief to have him gone. I now long for being alone. I just don't know if I could live with another person other than maybe my kids again.

I had another customer purchase a top that didn't fit. I now need to go through each and every listing and state that they need to check their measurements before purchasing. I'm getting a bit tired of this. At least she took responsibility and apologized for not checking her measurements. Regardless, something that has been in my store for a long time, is coming back. sigh. It was a really nice top but it is all silk and not quite big enough for the ladies that end up at my site. I rarely get small to medium ladies. They are all plus size up to 3X. I don't mind but things don't always look as good on their bodies as they do on my manikins. I have had to do quite a few exchanges lately.

Jan, so nice to hear from you! I hope you can enjoy Michigan now that you know you don't have to stay.

Not much else going on. Later everyone!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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