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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 19 2013 : 06:15:57 AM
Good morning from cool but dry central texas.
Holly that is a great pic of Hershey and Coco. I'd rather somebody go through my purse than mess with my computer. Yes, whirlwind romances can be a lot of fun--especially when you are staring 70 in the face to be in love like a couple of teenagers is worth whatever comes out of it. We are both having great fun.
Bunny thanks for the link to the tiny house--it made me decide to do this trailer in shabby chic because it will be a lot easier and I have all the stuff already to do it with without buying anything. I couldn't decide between shabby chic and bohemian, so I might just do a mix of both, after all its my trailer. The deck will be finished today and I had it put together with only screws and not set in the ground, it is very stable, but moveable, and will give me a wonderful little outdoor dining nook and room for a couple of chairs, I will start posting pics soon. Somewhere on this computer I have all the "before" pics from when I bought it.
Marianne you sure seem to get a lot of work done. And still have time and energy to flash hubby--way to go, girl--I am pretty sure chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac, isn't it? surely he brings you chocolate, oh, wait, he probably smells and tastes like chocolate--that's even better. Now I'm getting the picture.
DD and I watched the Downton Abbey from last week last night but we both almost fell asleep - 2 hours is a long time. I was pleased with the happy ending, though. So now we just have the last episode left and I'm sure they will leave us with a cliffhanger, assuming there is to be a season 4.
Have a great day, everybody!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2013 : 06:41:08 AM
Good morning, gfs!! It is a beautiful day with lots of sunshine in the Ozarks....temps a little cool....but there is sun!!! It rained yesterday...but that is okay!!!
Holly, what a beautiful calf...Hersey and can tell they are related!!! Hehehehe
Gypsy, so exciting....a new romance...ain't love grand? Did I get that right?
Retirement!!!! Awwww, I can't wait!!! DH retired years ago and I still have 4 years to go!!!!
Well, last trip to the chiropractor put everything back in place, but the head and neck pain continue! On top of that I got a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.....I am not real happy with that....mainly because I do nots suffer from depression. I am just saying. I hurt because my neck and ribs are messed up! Right? But, Ginny, thank you for sharing that there is no pain with, what? Guess I will do some more research and figure it out!
Gotta y'all!!!
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2013 : 06:48:40 AM
Marilyn, you might want to try some gentle yoga, then try to move on to hatha yoga. It sure helps with alignment. there is a lot of stretching in yoga, and it helps the muscles relax which sometimes will let the bones go back where they need to be. Just a thought. I am doing much better overall after restarting my yoga practice. Even my balance is getting better considering I'm really an unbalanced old hen.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 19 2013 : 09:21:09 AM
Holly, great picture of Coco and Hersey as usual. Bummer about Talie's reports. From now on....get a small USB thumb drive and put all his reports on that. Nothing stays on the computer that way. When you save something, you just save it to the usb drive instead of the hard drive. I have to do some of my homework that way because the teacher wants to see the actual program I used and my formulas or settings. They are very small but can hold lots of information. I have one with all my pictures, one for homework, and one for personal documents. I tie a different colored ribbon with a tag labeling it. I keep them tacked to a bulletin board behind my computer. That way I can always find them. I use to lose those little buggers all the time. It only takes one hard drive crash to learn the hard way. I can walk you through a lesson via email later if you need it.
Auntie M I cried when I was told I had Fibro. I'm ADD, mildly bipolar, chronic fatigue and suffered from major depression for 15 years until I was in my late 30's. I just didn't need anything else. I have learned to manage everything though. The fibro unfortunately has a mind of its own. Mine makes me feel like I'm getting a really bad flu bug. I ache all over. Sometimes i get a low grade fever. It comes and goes depending on how hard I work. Hang in there, just learn how to manage it and you should be ok. I know a few of us find Aleve can take off the edge. Nothing else works for me.
Gypsy, I'm glad you were inspired with the little shabby chic house. Just add some color with pretty fabrics and a throw or two, you'll do fine. I hope we do get to see some pictures. Do you use Pinterest? If not, you should. So much inspiration there. And you can see what inspires others too. It is very public as far as what you put on your "boards" but you can have 3 totally private boards that no one can see. If you sign up, look for me under "Bunny Henningsen" you can see my gypsy style board.
Today is my last day kittie sitting. Back to my old morning routine. I have been giving my crappy teacher the silent treatment. I just took my test yesterday and then left. I have a big test tomorrow. That is usually all we do so leaving afterwards will be no big deal. He knows I'm angry with him. He did give me a head nod the other day when we crossed paths. I did nod back with flames shooting out of my eyes. I know complaining will do no good. He has been there for 30 years. It is such a small school and the pay is lousy. Finding another teacher will be difficult. They don't have many resources.
Well, I better get going. Lots to do today.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2013 : 09:30:04 AM
Bunny I am on Pinterest as gypsyglenda I will look you up. I also have a gypsy board and just this morning saved a bunch more in my "likes" file. I save them there first and then save to different boards later. I haven't done the private board yet. The B showed me how to set up an online album too where you have to have the link to see it and its free as well. That's where he put all our Sedona pics.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2013 : 09:07:11 AM
I'm posting right on the board, so hopefully I can finish and it doesn't disappear on me. Keep your Farmgirl fingers crossed. Busy end of the month for January and pretty busy all of February; lots of sickness going around.
It rained last night...Yay! It has been snowing since very early this morning. It changed back to rain about 10 minutes ago and now has completely stopped...for now. More snow, rain, sleet, and freezing rain is expected throughout the day and into tomorrow.
One of my granddaughters, my son's little girl, is "caught" a rare disease called, Kawasaki disease/syndrome. It's pretty ugly and could cause heart problems. There's 1% mortality rate and 20% chance of heart problems. Even without that, though, it is pretty nasty. I feel so helpless; they're in CA and I'm in OK. My son is in the Air Force and slated to deploy to Afghanistan in July while their second baby is due in August. Nice, huh?
Pray for us, my friends, please.
Love and Hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 20 2013 : 4:44:06 PM
Kathryn, I am so sorry about the news of your gd's illness. Prayers for her and her mother who sure sounds like she will be a very busy young woman. Also, prayers for the safety of your son in his upcoming deployment. Sure hope we are all out of that place soon! It was lovely to hear from you. Glad to hear of the rain you are getting. Hope it can make a bit of difference after your dry year. Please post again soon!
Bunny,I still love those little houses, too. They look so cozy! The plan with your son sounds like an exciting opportunity for you both to live in a nice place with some support from each other. I so hope that works out for you. How's the cold shoulder treatment going with El Professorio? Think he cares? So many of them have lowered their expectations of themselves so much I feel they just shrug off any of their students discontent with their course. When is spring break?
I leave Saturday afternoon for Seattle!! I know you know, but I am bursting with excitement! Today, we spent the day, and I mean day, cleaning the flue of our woodburning stove. A brick within the stove had become lodged in a position that compromised the efficiency of the woodstove and made the creosote build up a bit. We noticed that we weren't getting a good draw last night, so when the roof dried, dh went up and cleaned the flue. Then we disassembled the bricks inside the stove and got them where they were supposed to be. The big time stealer was putting these small round plugs into this metal piece inside the stove that had to fit perfectly. Let's just say dh made them fit perfectly. So, our "Fire Picture Show" as the chihuahua calls it, is fixed!! And I couldn't be happier. Dh says his position in life is to keep my a^* warm.
I took Dh's official retirement photo today. He was holding the FedEx box that contained his laptop and cell phone on their way back to Chicago. That phone can ring the whole way home. Kinda like the little piggy crying "wee,wee,wee" all the way home. :-)
This morning I looked out our back windows that over look the pool and the canyon. I saw coyote tracks through the snow, across the pool, to the sliding glass door and then off to the side of the house. Hmmm. Sometimes, I would rather not know. That whole ignorance is bliss thing. I do appreciate that this coyote is at least behaving as it should. Such as hunting at night and not in the middle of the day after being chased off twice! So, a peaceful coexistence has been obtained.
Love to all you ladies. Hope you are having a lovely evening, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2013 : 5:27:10 PM
Good evening everyone,
Years ago I went to the chiropractor because my back hurt and I could not sleep. He told me I had a rib out of place. It took several weeks to get it back in and to stop the pain. He told me not to lift more than half my body weight anymore. So, now I will tell all of you no more lifting grain bags to feed the horses and cows. No more lifting your husbands. I want to make some rude suggestive comment about heterosexual pleasures here now but I am fresh out of good quips so use your imaginations.
Hershey's sire is an Angus. Kethry was the only one home when the AI man came. She looked in the catalog and picked this sire because he was a pretty chocolate brown. She picked well and the AI man did a great job because she was fertilized on the first try.
A lawyer at Cheri's office has a daughter who just celebrated her tenth year anniversary of surviving Kawasaki's disease. She has to return to the specialist in ten years for a followup. Kathryn there is hope.
Good job on the woodstove. I would have liked to have seen the pictures of the soot covered body parts. There is no way to do that much work around a woodstove and stay clean. I am glad it was warm enough to let the stove cool down enough to handle. We hire someone to do our chimney each year. Our stove is a Nashua. The company went out of business years ago but our stove is still working well. It used to have a fan on the back that blew air through the stove but the fan broke and I have not found one to replace it. So, we put a house fan on the side of it and it makes the warmth circulate nicely. I am glad Mar's dh did not fall off the roof on his first week of retirement.
Marianne, Kethry says thank you so much for her nail polish. It is a great color and one she does not yet have. She is tickled you sent her a gift and she does not even know you. She went with her friend to a doctor's appointment today because M has nasty eczema all over her body. the doctor's have her soaking in bleach and taking about 20 different medications and still M is up all night scratching and bleeding. Kethry said the doctor walked in and said I see you have eczema. M said like Yeah that is why I have seen you for weeks on end. Kethry said. Your a doctor? Are you trying to kill her? Dr says what do you mean? K said having her soak in bleach that is insane do you know anything. K said you know M was brought up to be polite and won't question the doctors. I said, you were brought up to be polite as well. Yeah, Mom but they aren't doing anything to help her someone has to say something. Actually when K was telling me the story there were many expletives in her telling. I said, did you use those words with the doctor. No, mom but I wanted too. She told the doctor lots of people have eczema and get better. You just don't know what you are doing. K was livid that M is still suffering. So, K is looking into how to fix her friend's health.
You know I think I live in the middle of nowhere at the end of a half mile dirt road but we do not have coyote's come this close to the house ever.
Marianne thank you for the nice birthday box. I will send you a snail mail note soon. The boys are all very excited.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2013 : 9:21:40 PM
Oh well, I had everything typed out and then poof! I believe it is from typing on my laptop keyboard and hitting the touchpad ever so gently. That's what I read anyway. Love Hersey and Coco, proud of Kethry, will pray for Kathryn's GD, enjoy your trip Marianne and Gypsy your time with B, THANK YOU Darlys for the card, I got it today. I'm stopping now so this gets posted and I get to bed.
Sweet dreams ladies!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2013 : 9:44:13 PM
Quick hello to everybody. Holly you probably know this but aloe Vera will help a lot of skin problems. Just the gel straight from the plant. Everybody should have a plant it will cure a bad burn better than anything.
Mar, have fun in Seattle. It's one of the places on my bucket list. The glass artist Dale Chihuly's studio is there. If you want to see some beautiful stuff just google him. And we should all be so lucky as to have a man live just to keep our arse warm. You rock!! Kathryn prayers and positive thoughts sent your way,GF. Haven't heard from Janet in a few days. Bunny I am now following you on Pinterest. I sent the B a pic of one of the interior shots of a gypsy caravan because we sort of have a running joke about me living in a trailer. He loved it. He said it looked very seductive and now he's even more anxious to show up. Of course mine doesn't look like those on Pinterest No news worth telling here so will say goodnite all.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 20 2013 : 10:14:41 PM
Gypsy, Chihuly's glass is something I have been able to see in person here in Spokane. It is breathtaking, I would love to see the garden, but probably not this trip. Gotta love that B finds a trailer seductive!
Holly so glad it arrived. Now you can enjoy your tea holder from Bunny! Glad Kethry liked the polish. I figured a teenaged gal living with that many brothers needed a special token. And a big pat on her back for helping her friend with eczema. Bleach??? Good grief. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 09:03:19 AM
I wouldn't use bleach but I would try real listerine on an area and see. I know it will cure dandruff and some skin rashes. I was just reading the other day about something that claimed to cure shingles but can't remember. If I can find it again ill send it. It Kathryn is peeking in she might know something that would help.
The wind is blowing so hard today it makes you suicidal. Mar, lucky you to see Chihuly's work up close and personal. He has some pieces at the botanical gardens in Dallas but I never get up that way.
This morning I got up and left bright and early yo drive to my house in Mason. Put my two fur babies Penny and Lola in the back of the jeep on their cushion and closed the rear gate. Arrived at the house, opened the gate, only one dog, Lola was gone. I had stopped once for gas and left the driver door open. And before I left I had gone back in the trailer and took the garbage out. One of those times she had escaped. So I texted my daughter and told her to look for her when she got home. Well she went right then and texted me that she found her(all 6 pounds of her) outside "well and truly freaked". My DD said "I asked her what happened and she told me "it was Penny's fault! That b&@!! Pushed me". So that's my dog story. These two little muffins are so bonded with each other I bet they both cry all night.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 21 2013 09:20:32 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 1:10:33 PM
Oh my gosh, Gypsy! My heart was in my throat reading about Lola. Bet you were really happy that dd went right home to check. She loves the little turd, too, huh? That would have been a horrible way to lose her - always wondering! Good doggie story. Excuse me, must go hug some canines ... Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Feb 21 2013 1:11:34 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 2:52:56 PM
I haven't been on my computor in almost 3 weeks. Am shutting down as a storm is heading our way. I promise to jump on soon, read everyone's posts again and post a little about life in iowa and myself. Stay safe, stay warm, and stay healthy. Be blessed. |
Edited by - Thelma on Feb 21 2013 2:54:30 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 3:38:56 PM
Good news! I just got a paid internship at a local accounting firm. Not sure how many hours yet. Seems it will be plenty until April 15th and then slow down after that. I get to go in tomorrow for a training day. I had to pretty much force that out of the boss. But it is really to the benefit of both of us. I'll be more useful next week that way. Excited and a bit scared. I perceive very high expectations from the owner and I hate failure.
Later all, working on my research paper.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 3:42:38 PM
Yay, Bunny. Way to go! This is just the beginning of good things for you, says the Gypsy
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 3:46:10 PM
Bunny, don't worry about your new boss' expectations. You have tremendously high expectations for yourself and you will surpass his expectations easily. I think it is wise to have the training day so that you can hit the floor running when you start next week. This will be great for your resume! Have you been able to get a feel for if there is a chance it could work into something more? Congratulations. I thought the days of paid internships were long gone, what a great break for you.
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 4:06:04 PM
Good evening everyone,Gypsy
Gypsy I told Kethry about the listerine and aloe vera. I used to ahve a plant but do not right now so I will have to ask my friend for a hunk of hers. I guess her friend's eczema is thin not thick like psoriasis.
I am glad your dog has been found. I would have joined you in your panic.
Marylyn how is the snow down your way? I hear it is deep. I hope you are hunkered down. Thelma and Patty are considered midwest as well as Brenda I hope they are all ok. Then I read ahead and Thelma has checked in.
Tuesday I took the boys for a walk out to the beaver pond. As long as I do not have an agenda and let them wander we have a good time. They ran onto the ice and up onto the top of the beaver lodge. They were disappointed that they could not find the door. Then they climbed up some fallen down trees and thought they were loggers. On the way back they slid on the ice. I fell through the ice up to my knees. I was not happy. Getting the boys to walk with purpose home was like herding butterflies. C and G ran over to a pine tree and found a mouse the dogs were worrying. I think the boys might have tried to sneak the mouse in a pocket to bring home but the mouse could not be found. I hope the mouse did not jump out of the pocket in the house. I am not worried we do have cats.
Congratulations Bunny you will do great. I would guess we will not hear a lot from you until April 15th. I hope they treat you fairly. Maybe a lead to a future job when the diploma is in hand.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 4:43:41 PM
Hoooray for Honey Bunny! So happy for you. I echo Marianne's thought on "expectations." You will do great. I guess this means the bookstore loses out.
Gypsy! What a heart-stopper! Glad DD got an explanation out of her as to how it happened.
Holly - I can vouch for Aloe Vera, too. I don't know about Listerine. My youngest DD had/has lifetime eczema and it is well under control unless she touches wool. Seems like an almost instant reaction making it flare up. Of course, she avoids wool at all costs. And, as for Aloe Vera .... you can buy it essentially pure, very reasonably, in drugstores. It borders on cheap.
Sorry you had the icy plunge -- but glad the boys are having such a great time. What's going on with Ross these days? Is he taking it all in stride - or is there a bit of a sulk?
Hershey is a crowd pleaser for sure. Love the way he is "attached" to mama Coco. That will go on for a while I'm sure.
Kathryn, prayers for your granddaughter, your daughter and son-in-law. I didn't know troops were still deploying TO Afghanistan. I have a grandson (Marine) deploying in June, too. Only he's got a really boring gig.
Today I messed with paperwork all morning. I am not fond of filing. Then noonish I started laundry. Midway I got out some paint sample jars I got from Lowe's on Sunday and experimented on a small wall. First one sample, too light. Second sample, too dark. Mixed them together and I think I got it "just right" --- sounds a little fairy-tale-like doesn't it?
Now I have to clean up the kitchen and think about dinner. Maybe Swedish Meatballs since those seem to be the ingredients I have on hand.
Am impressed by how you all in the path of the winter snow and storms are handling it. Stay safe and warm and know you are loved.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2013 : 6:14:58 PM
Miss me? I have been AWOL for the past bit, I guess. I just noticed I had over 200 emails. I don't really have have a good excuse. I was 6 pages behind on our forum.
Jenny & I have been playing with Leggos! She decided that playing with small doodads would be therapeutic for my hands. What a cutie she is. Dr suggested I work with clay or those stress balls. We have bins and bins of Leggos & Jenny came up with the idea herself.
One of our 2 granddaughters will be flying out to spend 6 weeks with us this summer. She is 8 and can fly by herself. She is so excited. Me too. She won't be ALL by herself. Her mother will hand her over to a stewardess just before her flight and there are no stop overs. The stewardess will hand her over to me as soon as they land. I would love to have them both, but other gd is only 2. I don't know if I could take 6 weeks with a 2 year old.
Well, I'll try not to be gone so long next time.....later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 05:20:02 AM
Kathryn, I am sad to hear about your GD. My prayers for her and her family. Also, prayers that your son will stay safe during his deployment. Yes, your DIL will be very busy in the coming months.
Holly that little Hershey is sooo cute. Coco can be very proud of her son. Looks like she has plenty of milk. I am so proud of Kethry. It is nice to see someone speak up to a doctor who is not doing his job well. She is right about soaking in bleach. Is he crazy? There are so many bad things about bleach and the human body. I pray that Kethry's friend will find relief and it seems Kethry might be the one to find that relief. Yes, I use my aloe vera plant all the time for any skin problems. It works beautifully and all natural. I have no experience with the Listerine but I think it might help. It is nice hearing how C and G are exploring and learning.
Marianne, I am excited for you and your trip to Seattle. Glad you got your stove all fixed up. I, too would have like to see you all with the soot faces and hands. My DH, like yours, always wants to do the job as perfectly as he can no matter how long it takes. I do appreciate that and tell him so he will feel good for all the work he does.
Bunny, just ignore those professors who think they know so much. I used to think they got their kicks from putting down their students. I guess some do. The plan with your son sounds really good. I hope things work out for you. Congratulations on your internship. I know you will do a good job and that your boss will be very happy with you. Go girl!
Gypsy, the nerve of that Penny. Lucky that you found your little darling. Yes, she did have a right to feel so bad. Penny you naughty girl! It is so sweet to see when dogs have a bond with each other. I had two dogs once who were bonded and slept together until one died. That other dog was so sad for quite a while.
Marilyn I think of you so often especially when I look at the things you sent me through the swaps.
Darlys, all that paperwork makes me remember what I went through when I bought this house. To think that when I bought my first house there was only about 8 to 10 pages I had to fill out and sign. It took 3 hours, at least, to fill out and sign the papers for the house I live in now. Mercy, it seems they want you to sign away your whole life.
Kathy so good to hear from you. How exciting to have your GD come and visit with you. How great that she can fly by herself at this age. She will be a seasoned traveler by the time she is a teenager. I know you will have a great time with her.
I will be going back up to MA in the middle of March. I will be staying with MIL to help a little with her care. My DH needs to spend time with her while she is still here. He was so good to my mother in her last years and I want him to have no regrets with his mother. There is lots to do up there and since there is hired help that comes in during the day we can have time to do some fun things. There are so many historical places and of course the Dunkin Donut shops where we can get our coffee and espresso.
Hugs and squeezies to all you lovelies,
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2013 : 05:38:14 AM
Well, good morning, gfs!!! Here I sit in my cold kitchen drinking a delicious hot cup of coffee!!! We got about an inch of ice...which doesn't sound like much until you stop and think about an inch of ice on everything!!! Including the electric lines and every single branch and limb of the trees! My willow lost two more big branches and my Bradford pears lost branches...I am sick over my beautiful trees...but the good news is that I am safe and sound! The electric went out last night around 7 o'clock and it still isn't back wood cut for the fireplace and an electric furnace! It is getting a bit nippy!!! Found my handy little camp stove and camp coffee pot, so I did have hot coffe this morning!!! Thanks for asking, Holly....Patty is further north so she probably got lots of snow...I was on the edge!
Oh, Gypsy, what an awesome DH and I are very comfortable, no romance left....your note made me all giggley!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Bunny, I am sure you will excel in all you attempt...I am sure your boss wouldn't have put you in that position if he had not thought you could handle it.
"Herding the boys was like trying to herd butterflies" I almost choked on my coffee!!! How cute...wild and free...then you took a plunge in the icy water to your knees! Not funny...hope you got dry and warm quickly!!!
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |