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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 02 2015 :  06:57:40 AM  Show Profile
I agree Marilyn. Lowell and I have to get on this. First, I believe, he has to deal with his estranged brother. His daughter likes me and so does his dad. Roger is satisfied that I am not a "greedy gold digger with a side job hacking computers".

The Klingons have an enormous amount of history. I know several Klingons and was once one myself. I'll get the picture up to prove it. It all started with the language developed for one of the movies. A language professor here in Minneapolis further developed it and translated the Bible into Klingon. He said that Klingon does not have a word for "mercy" as in succor. The culture is based on the Japanese idea of Bushido which is largely connected to family honor. And their physiology is very interesting. They have . . . I better stop myself before I bore everyone.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 02 2015 07:02:57 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 02 2015 :  07:49:13 AM  Show Profile
Good morning,

I guess I should be folding laundry. The boys were having ego tussles with each other so I had to be the living room supervisor which annoys me to no end. So, I thought I would work on my postcard for the swap I am in. I am trying to figure out how to format the back of the post card. I am not doing very well with it at all. I will ask C . She knows a lot more than I do about those things.

For those of you intending not to marry you might want to consider finding a lesbian or gay lawyer. Our community learned to protect itself from predatory relatives by legal documents. The lawyers would know what paper work would secure you and your partner's futures. I am not sure whether GLAD (gay lesbian advocates and defender) or the Lamda Legal law project or even the Gay and lesbian project of the American Civil Liberties Union would have lists on their web sites that detail the documents couples who are not married need to protect each other.

Have a fine day.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 02 2015 :  08:52:20 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:49:33 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 02 2015 :  09:06:59 AM  Show Profile
I appreciate the information. I knew that I could draw half of my ex's SS if I did not remarry, but I didn't know that if he died I could draw all of it. I have a very good financial advisor here in town who I am working with on all this stuff. There was a time when I would have felt awful about discussing any of it, but that time has PASSED! That was one of the big issues between myself and the ex -- he was terrible with money -- spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave and then when his pockets were empty, he would find a way to get more to spend. I am a saver. I love putting money into my investment account and I finally came to the point where I could see that if I didn't take care of myself, nobody else would. My mother is still angry about that little epiphany of mine, but she is from a different time. Ex and I were married for well over 20, so I will have to look into that, as well. In so many ways it would be easier for us to be married, but we are being cautious and checking all of our options. Reality can be a real jerk on the choke collar, can't it?


Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 02 2015 :  1:49:03 PM  Show Profile
Good luck figuring all this should we or shouldn't we stuff out. It does not sound fun and I am happy to avoid it. It seems like it would be easier if everyone just had the same rights. What is that socialism? Should have paid more attention in class!

We are getting our share of the rain. But, our fair share, not like Texas. All the animals seem happy. The ravens are still entertaining us. We fed them some spaghetti noodles yesterday. They eat a surprising amount of food.

Mom is having some issues dealing with the thermostat. She wants to turn the a/c down, so she slides the thermostat down and can't understand why she is cold. She had the a/c and the space heaters going at the same time. No one wants to pay for that. We are kept very busy trying to keep her comfortable. Some of the easier things are starting to be too much of a challenge for her... Although, she did say she followed Marianne's directions on the use of the a/c. Vroom went the bus that she threw me under.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jun 02 2015 :  8:20:13 PM  Show Profile
I've got a pot of bone broth simmering on the stove. I used lamb neck bones that I got at the farmer's market. They say bone broth is very healthy and nutritious. This is the first time I've ever made it so we'll see.
Mar--elderly people get confused with thermostats. I went to my parents' house the other day and my dad had the furnace on--he had it set at 76 degrees. He keeps saying it's going to get cold even though it's June. I don't think he knows what season it is sometimes. He knows he has a birthday in June, but sometimes he forgets that this IS June. Or maybe he's on a southern hemisphere schedule.
GG--I hope your life slows down a bit so you don't feel overwhelmed. Don't forget to breathe. If your sky is clear, look at the moon. It helps put life in perspective.
Holly--good luck formatting your postcard. I don't know how to do any of that stuff.
Marie--would love to see you as a Klingon. I can accept that if you can accept that I had a pet tribble when I was a kid. (Courtesy of an old fake fur coat).

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 03 2015 :  04:19:14 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

I am beginning the morning routine except I have already fed the pigs.

I make beef stew in the winter. I saute some onions and then boil the beef bones all day. An hour or so before supper time I add the potatoes and carrots. The dogs like to chew on what is left of the bones. If I make beef and bean soup I put the beans in in the morning with the bones. I am not good at remembering to soak the beans overnight so I boil them all day instead. Some of the smaller beans only need a couple of hours of cooking.

There are clear plastic boxes we purchased at the electrical store to put over the thermostats in the house. It keeps the children from playing with the dial. They are in two pieces and the front unlocks and lifts off and on.

I think if you all look back to the pages where people were posting pictures there is a Klingon there. right?

We are expecting the clouds to clear and the temperatures to rise into the fifties today. That would be nice. The sun part.

The moon was quite pretty early this morning. Through the clouds it had a purplish hue.

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 03 2015 :  06:31:23 AM  Show Profile
Cindy -- glad you got the bones you wanted. I have never cooked much with lamb -- not sure why -- I guess it just wasn't in the family lexicon.

I am trying to get my energy back up after that yucky bout with the flu. Yesterday afternoon I decided I would walk uptown to the bank to make the deposit. Geez! You would have thought I was walking to Mars. I was so winded and tired when I got back. This morning I did my Morning Mile after we got to town -- took me a little longer than usual, but I got it done. Looks like it may be a while before I can add my 20 minutes on the elliptical back in. The flu is nothing to trifle with, for sure.

We are leaving Friday to fly out to Idaho for my birthday/family visit. My parents live in Twin Falls, as does my eldest brother. My middle brother will be passing through on his way from Western PA back home to Western WA (they live in Longview, Mar), so I will get to see my parents and 2/3 of my brothers. That doesn't happen nearly often enough. Dude has never been to Idaho, so he is looking forward to seeing a little bit of the west. I will always be a western girl at heart, but SE PA is home now.

Lots to do today. Trying to get the end-of-month stuff at least started before we leave for a few days. Rotary meeting at lunch time and I am kicking off a NEFR (non-event fund raiser) to raise money to send a girl to an Outward Bound camp. I decided that we all have too many events to attend and too many things to sell tickets for, make arrangements for, do background work for, so....we have 20 active members in our club and we need to raise $2000. I am giving everyone a pint jar that I decorated with outdoorsy-camping stuff. We kick off today and we have until September 16 to get $100 into each of our jars. I don't care how people choose to do it, just get 'er done and nobody has to get dressed up or stay in town after work to attend another auction/dinner/whatever. I guess we are all getting charity work burn-out and this seemed like the way to go. I hope they won't all think it's incredibly stupid, but it seemed to me like it would be a relief.

Our detail guy is bringing a car back this morning and my Jeep happens to be here today, so he is going to take her back (her name is Nellie Belle) and give her a nice post-winter-salt-on-the-highway cleanup. I always feel like my car runs better when it is clean. ha ha

Good morning to all my sweet iris goddesses. Hope your day goes well.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 03 2015 :  06:58:48 AM  Show Profile
No, that was a Minbari from a show called Babylon 5.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 03 2015 2:52:10 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 03 2015 :  1:39:47 PM  Show Profile
Our car always runs better when it is clean, Marilyn! It will feel so nice, won't it? I am so happy for you to be seeing family and getting to show off your dude. Have they met before? I think you will have some nice weather while on this side of the Rockies. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear girl. Which day is the actual special day? Enjoy. I am all for your NEFR. I have been known to pay to not attend things before! time is precious.

Holly, thanks for the mention of the thermostat boxes. We don't need them yet... It was just a bit of surprise that there is another deficit. They seem to be coming fast and furious. I have had some bad luck mixing beans. Some remain hard and others disintegrate. You do so much more cooking than I do and it all sounds rustic and nutritious.

We went out this morning to pick up an edger from someone on Craig's List. WE are happy with the buy and then got new spark plug and filter and blade to get it back to "new" condition. dh is very handy with all things with an engine, so I have no worries when we pick up something like this.

dnA is getting braces today so we will not see her. I am looking forward to seeing her rainbow braces. She is a very stoic young lady so I know there will be no complaints about the discomfort.

dd purchased a new used car. She is very happy because yesterday she got an offer from the largest PR firm in the US. dd feels like things are starting to "make sense" in her life. It has been five years since she graduated and this is the first job that will make use of her education. It is a good time for us right now! Her boyfriend's reaction was very good and that is so nice to see as a parent. His support has been unwavering.

I got my summer haircut. Which means it is even shorter than usual. I can pop a hat on and fix my hair easily after taking the hat off. MIL thought I looked like a cancer patient. (Just when you think you have to feel sorry for her because she is slowing down...she cuts you off at the knees.) She also recommends dangling earrings and bright lipstick so no one mistakes me for a man. That's when I had to "go." dh just keeps saying, "I had no idea this is how my mother was all these years." YEP!

Anyway, back to the good news. dd has a career vs. a job. One of her classmates just let her know she took a job as an administrative assistant. Nothing bad about that, but six years in college and the debt that goes with it makes you hope for more.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 03 2015 :  5:50:57 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

People would say Hello sir to me when I had hair down to my waist. Now with hair to my shoulders I still get the same hello, sir. This winter at a rest stop in Connecticut a man chased me down a hall way to tell me I was going to the wrong rest room. Then when I turned around he back pedaled. and apologized. So, do not let the MIL get you down. there are only two people who need to believe you are and dh and he seems to be smitten still. I am glad dd has had an offer in her field of interest. I hope they teach her well and appreciate her skills. So, now the thousand dollar questions are is the office near your current home and what are the chances she will be reassigned to a different office.? I am happy for her and you. I am glad that dd's bf is light years ahead of The Neighbor in his personal skills. I am glad your dd has found someone who can love unconditionally.

Marilyn, have a nice visit back home. I hope every one is kind to you and the Dude.

I clearly do not know my science fiction universes and societies. Forgive my ignorance......chuckling quietly.

I wonder if something has happened to G's mother that she has not checked in. I hope that G and the B are alright.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 03 2015 :  8:34:39 PM  Show Profile
Holly, you beat me to the question to Mar about her dd's job. I hope she doesn't have to move!
I apologize to to my kids on a regular basis for how I might be when I get "old".

I have a really good day at work. I lasted all day. (8hrs).. that's a biggie for me. Fibro has been doing pretty good lately. I did $1000.00 in sales in the retail part of the store so I get a $100 bonus in my paycheck next money. Yay! I am a really good seller when you get me going. But boy was I tired when I got home. Cooked some stew meat and put together stew for tomorrow. I put everything in the fridge and will put the crockpot on tomorrow morning before work.

No sales lately... :( I have been putting new things on almost every day though. Hopefully things will look up soon. I do have quite a few pet sitting jobs coming up.

Holly, You didn't give me a measurement for your table. I might have something else in mind if I can find the energy and time.

GG, thinking about you and hoping you are back soon.

Later all....


Farmgirl number 3738
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 04 2015 :  06:22:22 AM  Show Profile
My family has met His Dudeness once, about two summers ago. He took me out to see my dad shortly after his cancer diagnosis when they said he had "maybe" 10 months to live. Daddy is still clicking right along these two years later. I am so grateful that medical science has done so much for lung cancer in recent years. They live near a huge tumor center right in Twin Falls, which is also lucky. People will drive two hours from Boise to have their daily treatments, and my dad has to drive about 5 minutes. So we are all blessed.

Dude is actually a little concerned about this visit. He wants so much for me to have a good visit -- never knowing which one will be the last -- and he wants my dad to know that I have someone who is watching over me and taking care of me. A little old fashioned is a good thing! ha ha ha My dad likes everybody, so that's no worry. My mother doesn't like anybody, so no reason to get a headache over that one! She will be quiet and not say too much until after we leave and then she will slice us up like the lox platter at Wolfy's. When we went out the last time, as soon as we left she turned to my baby brother and said "Well, at least Marilyn always seems to find a man with money to take care of her." To my mother, anyone who is NOT her "has money."

Ms. Nasty Q. Customer will be coming in this morning to make her payment. She evidently stopped by yesterday at lunchtime (we have been closed every Wednesday from 11 to 1:30 for about 10 years) and then called and threw a fit because nobody was here to take her payment and she "has places to be and things to do." So she called at exactly 9:00 this morning to make sure that we would be open today because her car is beeping. (We have those payment reminder systems on most of our cars -- otherwise we would never get paid) I assured her that I would be here until approximately 4:30. Dude is out at the auto auction this morning and I really have no idea when he'll be back, but she will just have to deal with me. Ever since she told the Dude that I had been stealing her payments, I have not gone out of my way to help her. I probably have 60+ customers who have the payment reminder systems on their vehicles. I write a 9-digit code on their receipt when they make their payment and then they go out to their cars and input the number. It's really quite a simple process. But NQC simply cannot figure out how to do it, so she always insists that the Dude does it for her. I tried to help her with it one day when he was not here and she practically scratched my eyes out when I asked her for the keys so we could turn on the electrical system. Ever since we repoed her car a few months ago, she is terrified that we will take it away again. Anyway, my mechanic is here and he will put the code in for her. I try to remind myself that she is old and confused and scared. She is just so nasty-acting, though. I should remember her as I age so that I won't be that way to people. She has a huge chip on her shoulder, as well. She is always saying "I went to school, you know! I worked at the University!" So there's something going on in her psyche that makes her the way she is. The police had her locked up last year after they arrested her for harassing her mother and sister. When the 72-hour hold was up, she couldn't get anyone to come pick her up, so she started calling here and asking me to come get her and bring her home. I told her that we couldn't do that -- she would need a family member or friend to come get her. "Well aren't you my friend?" Um -- no -- not since you accused me of stealing money from you.

Oh well, enough of this palaver. I need to get the books squared away as much as possible. We will be closing at 1:00 tomorrow so we can make our way to the airport. I am trying to remember that I get to see my family in just a couple of days!!! Sunday the 7th is my 60th birthday. My dad told me years ago to say "On the 6th of June, I will be 59 years old." True.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 04 2015 :  08:13:30 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, sorry you have to deal with people like that! Glad you are looking forward to your trip. I'm sure it will be great.
I had a friend that bought a used car here in town. The car lot also did their own loans and had a device in the car that if you didn't make the payment, the car wouldn't start. They could control it remotely. Make your payment, they would unlock the ignition and you were good to go.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 04 2015 :  08:40:43 AM  Show Profile
That's what we have, Bunny. They get a little beep for the day or two before the payment is due to remind them. If they ignore it, the car won't shut off while it's running, but I have had more than one customer stop to go into a store and come out to find that the car won't start. They're always so upset, too, like we didn't have them sign and initial about 12 extra pages on their contract stating that they know the device is there. Most of the ones I have trouble with are the ones who know good and well what will happen -- they just are habitually late with everything. We deal with a very sub-prime book of business, but it's hard for them to get a car loan anywhere else, so we do what we can.

Ms Nasty Q was just here. I wrote her receipt and wrote the code on it. She took one look at it and said "This balance is not right!" She says this every single month. I told her that it was, indeed, the correct balance, just like it was last month and the month before that. She started to get all excited and paw through her purse for her old receipts, so I just turned back to my other work and let her fume. It's not like I make these numbers up out of my head. Anyway, she started in saying "I don't need to have that beeper on my car! I pay my payment every month." I said, "Yes you do -- thank you." She didn't like that answer at all. ha ha ha (Until we put the device on her car, she would NEVER make her payment and we finally had to go repo the car to get her attention.) Anyway, she went on and on and finally I said -- "Mr S**** put the device on the car and it will stay on the car until you pay off the loan." Bless his heart, my mechanic was here, and he went out to enter her code for her. She was fuming and fussing about me all the way outside -- got him so tickled that he was laughing at her. She just HAS to be nasty. I had another customer at my desk and she was just astonished at the behavior.

Glad that little visit is done for another month. Honestly, I really like most of my customers. They are nice people who have either just been dealing with the Boss and his father before him and want to keep buying here OR they are people who have some financial troubles and aren't able to get a loan anywhere else. They aren't out to get anyone or cheat or anything -- they're just people trying to get back and forth to work or get their kids to school -- just people who need cars and a little patience while they work their way through their financial troubles.

So ... operating account is all balanced and in the books; debit account ditto; computerized state registration account ditto. Should be smooth sailing for the rest of the day. I think I will call over and order a nice pizza for lunch for me and my wonderful mechanic. We deserve it!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 04 2015 :  11:03:02 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I think your dad is a very wise man. I will remember that you are 59 on the 6th!! Do have a safe trip. It is difficult knowing that it could be the last time you see someone you love so dearly. I know that it will mean the world to your dad to have the dude by your side. My dh made a trip with our daughter to sit at my father's bedside and hold his hand. He was very clear to dad that he should know that my dh was going to look after dad's loved ones. It really touched me that dh did that. I was having difficulty wrapping my head around losing my first parent. Of course, dad did raise a woman who could take care of herself... just like your father did. But, I think everyone wants their child to have a special loved one in their life. Holly mentioned that my daughter's boyfriend has learned unconditional love better than The Neighbor -- thanks for remembering all that, Holly. Marilyn, you would have to go back pages and pages to find out about The Neighbor. So long story short... my daughter's boyfriend's mother used to be our neighbor. We moved. Not entirely because of her...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 04 2015 :  12:38:59 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:50:41 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 04 2015 :  6:54:44 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Bunny it is an 8 foot table. It used to be a board room table but that company was giving it away for free so now we eat on it.

Slow day. Usual chores. A man down the road fixed my chainsaw so I can go cut cord wood and work on my greenhouse again. I am so happy.

I threw the boys out the door to play for the day. Four days of cold rain makes for cabin fever. I do not know how we survived the winter cooped up for weeks on end.

Marilyn have a good visit. I am glad you have your dad's outlook and not your mother's. Take pictures tell stories. Let your dad know all the good times you remember.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 05 2015 :  06:28:22 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- I wonder if that's why they call it "room and board?" ha ha. At least having your family meals 'round the boardroom table would put it to sooooo much better use than any meeting that corporate America ever held there. (But at least I'm not bitter -- ha!) One of the nice things about working in a small family business is NO MEETINGS. Glad you got your chainsaw fixed. It is amazing how much stuff they are good for, and it sounds like your farm needs one pretty often.

I think cabin fever hits quicker in the springtime. We kind of ramp up to it during the fall -- all the cool evenings and we're tired from all the harvest work, etc. It feels good to just go inside and nest and before we know it we've been inside for 6 weeks and didn't notice. In the springtime, we just can't wait to get outside and after a couple of weeks of nice weather and playing outdoors, having to stay in just seems like torture! Especially for the littles.

Mar -- Oddly, the other night we were unpacking a couple of boxes from the remodel and I found the book that my dad wrote several years ago. We had all been pestering him to write down the million and one stories he had always told us, so he finally did. He wrote about the characters he knew growing up on poor farms in Southern Indiana, he wrote about the characters he worked with in the big airplane factory in Seattle and driving a city bus before that. There was a whole section called "Things I Have Learned." At the end was a whole section of his poetry. I loved the book when he first wrote it, but I think it means even more now. I am so glad that I found it and was able to share several parts of it with the Dude.

Well ladies -- I have a little anxiety disorder -- "anticipation anxiety" is what the doc called it. Basically it just means that I get my panties in a knot whenever something is about ready to happen -- doesn't matter if it's a good thing or a bad thing -- just a "thing." What a pain my brain is. They say that it probably took root a thousand years ago as kids when we all looked forward to Christmas and birthdays and school events, or dreaded things like getting a shot or going to the dentist or whatever. Some of us of the type-A persuasion just never learned to put a lid on things and as we became mothers and homemakers (and trophy wives whose main purpose was "to entertain," we put so much pressure on ourselves to make the perfect "thing" happen that we start pumping adrenaline wayyyyy too early. It doesn't help and it doesn't feel good. And saying "don't worry about it" just infuriates us and makes it worse.

My point being that this evening I will get on an airplane and fly across this great nation of ours to visit my parents and brothers -- which means that today I am somewhat of a basket case of nearly tears and ragged edges. His Dudeness has a lot of great qualities, but understanding why not everyone is just like him and made of granite is NOT one of them! ha ha So I am trying to mostly keep my anxiety to myself and work my way through the day. Once we are underway, I will be fine -- always am -- but until then, please bear with me -- might be a billion posts today.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 05 2015 :  09:25:35 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I belive that anxiety comes from what they call our lizard brain. The part of our brain that protects us. The fight or flight.
I hate flying myself. The only suggestion I can give is ...breath. In through your nose and out your mouth. A few times. ( maybe a little klonopin too).
We are here for you.

Holly, thanks for the table info. I'll see what I can do. Glad the littles were able to get outside and run off some energy.

Sewing for the next three days...yay! Too many ideas and not enough energy as usual. I need to pace myself. Plus the basement depresses me a bit. If my sewing was upstairs, I would do more. But it is not possible.

Oh, and my mother let me know that my sister wants to move back in with her. Here, in Oregon. But not until I can find another place to live. But she wants to move back in August. My mom said she wouldn't kick me out but I really need to "figure out" what I'm going to do soon.
I feel like I'm finally getting things in order, but need at least another year to save up enough money. So now what?? I'm a bit stressed and freaked out. Trying to stay calm myself.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 05 2015 :  2:46:26 PM  Show Profile
Sending waves of calm to both Bunny and Marilyn...

I hate having the hurry up and waits, Marilyn. You are almost there. Once that cabin door shuts, you can relax cuz it will be too late to make changes. What is forgotten will be left behind and you won't miss it a bit. Holly's advice, as usual, is on point. Laugh as much as possible. Congratulate yourself on the "little bit of your mom" that you have inherited you manage much better than she did. We all have something like that...

Bunny, if August is the date, maybe you should just commit to it. It might be better for your business, money saving and well being. I hope you get some creations "out" this weekend.

About to head outside to see DNA. She stopped to show us her new braces. It was her second set. The first set was put on on Wednesday. Second set on Thursday. DNA basically chewed or fidgeted them off her teeth. She is doing well now...

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2015 :  4:36:27 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I forgot to say that I thought when Marilyn started talking about the gadget that did not allow the car to start if the bill had not been paid was a joke. I am fascinated that there really is a gadget that encourages people to pay their bills. It must make it easier on the business and not having to track down the slackers to send the repo man out.

Marilyn must be well on her way to mom and dad's . I hope the food is good and the company joyous.

I get nervous when we are going someplace but it is more that I worry I will have forgotten the tickets. I can always buy underwear at the destination. So, I have to check the tickets several times to assure myself.

I did not know that you were a trophy wife the first time around and you wonder why you have anxiety. I bet that role added to the build up of the learning curve.

DNA picked them right off. I know of one other person who did that. When my foster daughter had hers they used the old fashioned metal bands with heavy duty glue. She did not have a chance to pick them off. Good luck to DnA and her mother in cleaning them and dealing with them when they hurt. There are little brushes that look like Christmas trees I buy at Walmart to clean between my teeth and I used them in the wires of my braces. It might be easier than using a stringer for the dental floss.

Bunny ask around there might be someone who has a small apartment or MIL apartment they would let you rent cheap. Do you have Homeshare out there? That would be a good situation for you. It is sort of what you have with your mother now but there would be less frustration I think. You do not need the YOYO of emotions that your mother gives you.

I ran my chain saw today. I cut up most of one maple tree that had fallen down behind the house. I had an appointment otherwise I would have finished the whole tree. Maybe tomorrow. In the afternoon I worked on the greenhouse.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 05 2015 :  4:43:13 PM  Show Profile
I forgot to tell all of you that C called home from work yesterday laughing hysterically. She said it was too awful to not be true.

A couple was brought to a hospital in Syracuse, NY earlier in the week because they had grabbed the extra strength gorilla glue instead of the lube. it took the doctors three and a half hours to separate the couple. They walked out of the hospital to go home.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2015 :  6:15:47 PM  Show Profile
Holly--that story reminds me of a dr. we used to have who had worked at a large hospital in Chicago. He said a man came into the ER with a lightbulb stuck in a very unusual place. Claimed to have no idea how it got there...
I hope Marilyn is OK now. I have anxiety attacks sometimes unless I take klonapin. I never had them until that guy at work suggested he wanted to kill me....speaking of which, I'm pretty sure my boss hates me. Several people have told me that she's given me dirty (one person said,"hateful") looks behind my back. People have a tendency to project their own fears and darkness on me because I'm "different". Well, I HAVE been through hell more than once and I guess that does scare some people. Plus she's going through a divorce and I know she's hurting and angry. I just wish she wouldn't take it out on me.
I've been having breathing issues and I got a peak flow meter to measure my lung performance. Egads! It was so far below normal that no wonder I feel tired all the time. It's hard to feel energetic when you can't breathe. And my job is physically demanding. I got a nebulizer last night and used it today and afterwards, the meter was up by 75 points. I'm supposed to use it 3-4 times a day. I never had asthma till about five years ago when I had pneumonia. Since then, all kinds of respiratory problems. I did drink some of the bone broth today and I could just feel the healthy minerals being absorbed into my body. It's so much better than the broth you buy at the store.
Bunny--it seems like so much of life is trying to stay afloat and then preparing for the next big wave (which sometimes never comes). Life really is harder now than it used to be, despite all the programs that are supposed to help us. If the govt. really wanted to help us, they'd forbid American companies to export jobs. But the companies are paying the people in Congress, so fat chance of that.
I got my lawn mower repaired and the bill is a few dollars higher than what I paid for the mower (I bought it used and it was running good till I accidentally dropped it on its side). That darn mower had better last for the next five years, at least.
Have a good evening,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2015 :  7:59:11 PM  Show Profile
Sigh...sister is not going to live here. It's complicated but she is envolved in some kind of get rich quick scheme and thinks she will have enough money to pay cash for a house here by then. Sending good thoughts her way that it all works out and she doesn't get scammed. Sounds like a doozy of a Ponzi scheme though. It will mean I will get to live in this house alone. I could use a miracle. I'm so tired of all this. I wish my mom wouldn't keep making me feel unwelcome. She changes her story so often. One minute I need to "figure" things out and the next everything is fine.
If I move, I won't be able to save money for going back to California. Whether it is to buy a trailer to live in, or money in the bank to help with bills if I ever move in with my son I need to save quite a bit. I'll keep hanging on until she forces me out. Just hate the roller coaster.

Got a really cute dress done today. But wore myself out past it being ok. Headed to bed for a few hours. I'm feeling better now. Can't wait to get back to it tomorrow.
I had braces when I was young. I used a water pick along with my tooth brush for cleaning. It was wonderful!

Holly, funny but painful story.


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