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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 06 2015 : 07:47:14 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:51:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2015 : 08:44:15 AM
Fellow Iris Goddesses,
School is over!!!! I have an entire week off before summer school starts. I will be seeing some of the same kids over the summer. I'm not certain what the criteria is for their participation but it is probably a combination of academics and day care. Just wish I could get paid.
I dated a guy who drove an ambulance. He told me that one time a team got a call to a house in which the couple was stuck together. Apparently, when one uses the lube that makes things warm, sometimes blood stays where it is to cause one of those four or more hour events. He said the team had to use lots and lots of ice.
I play Dungeons and Dragons with a couple adolescents. One young man named Sergei had been adopted from Russia and has fit in quite well. He just cannot keep a secret and neither can his best friend Jack. Jack told me that Sergei was going to be late and Sergei didn't want to talk about it. I said okay, it is none of my business. Still Jack persisted it not telling the story. I finally said that I didn't care why he was late. Then Nyhales, the person who runs the game said he would be late because he had to clean the lizard and he sent a picture of the reptile so that our minds would be pulled out of the gutter. When we gathered before Nyhales got there, we had three adolescents at the table - Jack, Sergei and Emma. Apparently, Sergei had gotten into a fight with someone at school and kicked him so hard in the abdomen that he had an unfortunate incident in his pants. Sergei said that any other day, he would have been suspended and sent to juvenile detention. (It was the last day of school.) Jack commented that if Sergei hadn't hit him, he would have. So that was settled. Jack started swearing and I made a comment. He said, "Yeah, I swear. You should hear me at recess." LOL The things kids say. Jack, Sergei and Emma were playing with a stuffed creature that Jack had made and I noticed a tiny bit of sexual tension between Sergei and Emma. After they settled down they started texting each other and they were doing this throughout the game. Sometime during the game Emma mentioned something about a secret that Sergei had and she was asking him how many others knew. Everyone else was curious about the secret but I stayed quiet because I knew these three would spill it eventually. Emma made some kind of comment about that was why Sergei wasn't interested in her. My mind clicked. Sergei is gay. I looked at Sergei and said I was happy that he has realized this so early in his life and told him I thought he was brave. Jack said, "Does she know now." I said, "I am 54 years old. Not much gets past me." I believe that Sergei had just come out publicly today. I was so humbled to have witnessed it.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jun 06 2015 08:47:56 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2015 : 6:00:39 PM
Good evening everyone,
There are battery powered chain saws now. A woman in my Tai chi class has one. It runs long enough for her to do her branches. She does not need to deal with gas cans and mixing and she has to stop when the battery runs down so she does not use up all of her spoons. They are dangerous regardless of the power source. I wear chaps and a helmet when I run mine. I make sure someone is with me. I do all I can to make sure I do not slip or trip.
I hope that Sergei's coming out continues to be supportive Minneapolis has so many resources for LGBTQ youth. I hope that his family can accept him. Marie you are wonderful.
Cindy I hope that work does not blow up. Maybe the boss needs a little TLC. A bouquet of flowers from the yard or a little note that says she is appreciated. Take the initiative to defuse the situation before you get stung. Even if she is a nasty boss, which I do not know, there must be something you could say nice to her. good luck
I planted the corn I had started in the house and the littles made manure piles to plant the watermelons in. We have never been successful growing corn or watermelon but this could be a first.
C and I went yard saling this morning. The sales were not very exciting but we had adult time and a creemee. Conversation with out interruption. Such a luxury.
The irises are in bloom in the area. I wish I had taken my camera with me this morning so I could have shared the colors with all of you.
Sweet dreams Goddess sisters,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2015 : 7:48:14 PM
Here is one of my irises.

This is my garden so far.
.jpg?v 6486749)
And here is Mitzi.

His mom and dad are older than I am and I understand that he has their total support.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jun 06 2015 7:49:02 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2015 : 11:43:50 PM
I had a good day. I woke up early and stopped by my parents' house before going to pick up my lawn mower. I had taken it to a shop in an itsy-bitsy blink-and-you'll-miss-it town near where I went to grade school out in the country. It was the carburetor, as I suspected. They also changed the oil (per my request) and replaced the spark plug and air filter. On the way back, on a rural road, I saw a doe and her fawn. I hardly ever see the fawns so that was exciting. Then I came home and unloaded it and put it in the garage, and then I went to the farmer's market (first day of the season). There were lots of vendors, lots of people and quite a few BIG dogs. I petted an Irish wolfhound and a St. Bernard. I think the St. Bernard weighed at least 200 lbs. Jaxon gets too excited in crowds for me to take him so he stayed home. I bought a nice sized kohlrabi, a strawberry scone, some pecans and a couple plants for a fairy garden. Then I went home and since it was hot (and humid) I decided to take a nap. I can't do anything outside when it's like that, and I have to run the A/C inside. Or I'll melt. I watched the Belmont later that afternoon and American Pharaoh won, winning the Triple Crown for the first time since 1978 (and I remember it). He made the other horses eat his dust--not any easy feat at a mile and a half distance. I goofed around for the rest of the evening and then decided to make a "bakeover" (a Mary Jane creation). I had a deep old "chicken fryer" skillet that I got at an antique mall. I was eager to try it out. It has a handle and a lip on the opposite side so it's easy to flip over. I used phyllo dough for the crust cause I had some and wanted to use it up. It turned out fine--it stuck a little when I turned it over but it tasted delicious. I used a ground beef alternative (vegan), eggs, chipotle powder, some chopped pecans, shredded cheddar, and edamame. Now it's night, and it's cooled off so I'm awake. Marie--I'm glad the kids feel comfortable around you. Your garden is a little bigger than mine and I hope it grows well. Mitzi looks happy--maybe she's thinking of where she buried a bone. GG-- there is an article on chainsaws suitable for women in an old MJF magazine. I don't remember which one. I'll try to look for it. Please use caution around those bees. Bunny--I read where at least one third of Americans are fatigued ALL the time. I am most of the time. But I am breathing a little better so I hope that helps. Holly--my boss has hated me for a long time. Someone at work told me just recently,"It's not you, it's her. she shouldn't be a supervisor". I know I do my job well cause she never comes by to check on me cause she knows I'm reliable. I did call off yesterday cause my breathing was so poor. I'm more than willing to work but I'm not going to die for my job. My best friend's mother died of asthma. And since I'm somewhat isolated at work, if I had a really bad asthma attack, if I died no would know for probably an hour or two. Reassuring, isn't it? Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 07 2015 : 10:32:14 AM
Thanks Cindy and Holly, for the chain saw info.
Summer is officially here it is hot and no rain in sight. That is more typical.
Hope everyone is having a lovely day. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 07 2015 : 3:58:50 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely cool day with bright sunshine and a light breeze. Big dsR and dsE came for the day. DsE came to show me the medals he won at Special Olympics last week running. Big dsR just came by to help. We have most of the garden planted now. I have two more beds to deal with and then it will be in for this year. Well, I am thinking that I will put in a fall crop of spinach, beets and broccoli. It is sort of a misnomer for them to be called a fall crop except that is when they are harvested because I need to start the seeds in the next few weeks for them to be big enough before the frosts are too hard. It took all morning to haul over the hay and set up the beds and then fill them with manure. WE had to cover them with old chicken wire so the split pea brained chickens will not scratch up the seeds and eat the small plants.
In the afternoon I worked on my green house. It is good when big dsR comes because he is strong enough to help lift the timbers and is not afraid of heights. DdK is strong but is afraid of heights. I finished one side than fills in the slant for the roof. But then I was lifting my last 24 foot timber up onto the deck so it would be there when I needed it and it fell off the tractor bucket and broke into three pieces. So, now I need to figure out how to piece two together to hold the roof timbers in place on the front. An annoying set back but fixable none the less.
There is a turkey nesting in the field. We saw her yesterday sitting on her eggs so we are staying away from that area. Today we saw three other turkeys and a deer in that field. AND today while we were working in the garden a small pair of hawks circled several times and settled in a tree calling all the while. I do like to see the wild animals.
I guess your boss has Peter Principled herself into her position. I am glad she leaves you alone. I am sorry you have breathing issues that cause you so much distress, Cindy. I like to go to the farmer's market and see all of the different offerings. So many ideas so little time.
Marie, nice pictures. Does Mitzi and the new dog still get along alright? Sorry I can not remember her name or even if she is a her.
Glad to hear from you G.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 07 2015 : 11:08:26 PM
GG--the article on women-friendly chain saws is in the Aug.-Sept. 2011 issue of MJF. Holly--my boss was assistant manager till a few years ago when our old boss retired. He was good. She got his position and now she thinks she's s big fish in a little pond. But that pond is a LOT bigger than she can imagine and there are some really big fish. It's finally raining here, a good soaking rain, which we need. My garden will be happy. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 06:53:52 AM
Cindy thank you for looking this up. I think I have that issue some where.
Holly's comment about your boss and Peter Principle refers to the ridiculous practice in the workplace that, if you are good at your job, you get promoted. They keep promoting you until you are in a job that is too much for you, beyond your ability, then they don't promote you any more, but leave you there. It's also called rising to your level of incompetence. Sounds like what happened to your boss. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 3:10:28 PM
Holly, I wish I had taken a picture at Fort Vancouver last month. They had huge beams "hooked" together by cutting the ends of them almost like two puzzle pieces and then sliding them together. the cut, from the side, looked like the beginning of the square root sign... Best I can do to paint a word picture.
Women friendly chainsaws! That was an article I didn't see, but really worth publishing. Good for MJF.
We are at the end of an official heatwave. It has been in the low nineties for three days now. Should cool a bit tomorrow. today was the first day we had to put the a/c on because we just didn't cool down that much over night, only about 58 degrees, no breeze. So, I didn't get the house all aired out and chilly before I had to leave this morning. But, it feels good with the air conditioner.
This will be a quiet week for dh and I - I hope. Seems like anytime you say that you ought to duck! He has a physical on Friday at the VA. He says I don't HAVE to come... We are so codependent that I will go to fill out his paperwork. It will make him happy and less nervous, so why not! He does so much to try to make my life easier in any way he can. Except when it comes to sorting his dirty clothes. That is beyond him. Everything usually gets dumped into the bag that looks emptiest. Lights, Darks, Cold Water. Too many choices.
I have my first zucchini, two small crooknecks and loads of green tomatoes. No cucumbers yet. We had three days of good rain followed by this heat. So, we had a lot of growth this last week. mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 5:15:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
Many years ago when I worked in Philadelphia I went to a week long workshop on building log cabins in upstate New York. The man who taught it, David Goff, restored old forts and museum buildings using the original tools and joints. there are many types of corners for log buildings. I was originally going to use one that looked like a peaked roof but it required a jig to shape each piece and was too overwhelming for me when I started so I ended up doing the saddle notch. I wonder if I googled log cabin corners if your corner would come up. Some of them are so pretty when all put together.
It rained off and on all day today. Good for the seeds I planted yesterday. I took little dsR to the dentist for his 6 month cleaning and check up. They said we worked on his hygiene. Crowded teeth, I said yup and our next appointment is in July at the orthodontist. They said, good.
I bought the hardware to join two shorter timbers together to make up for the longer one that I broke. I will still need to make sure there is a support underneath it but all is not lost.
Mar a hot date to dh's doctor how could you resist? lol It is nice to have support in situations where nothing will be wrong but could be wrong. Quiet is good.
G you did a great job of explaining Peter Principle. thank you.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 7:15:18 PM
Mar, it was over 100 degrees here today. I would love some rain! You are in a good spot. Here it just gets hot and windy.
I finished my guest blog post for the lady in Australia. I don't think it will bring sales but it will at least help with getting the word out. Maybe word of mouth or people wishing they could have something I make. I'm thinking about writing an ebook to sell on my website. It will take quite a while to write. It will be a how to book with projects using fabric scraps leftover from sewing projects. I already have the title. "Ten projects using the tiniest fabric scraps" ...or something close to that. I need to shorten it a bit. It is the least of my work to be done. Each project will have to have pictures and step by step instructions.
I got really depressed this weekend. A situation occurred that made me realize how poor my family foundation really is. I don't have any safety nets to allow me to take on challenging opportunities. If things don't work out...I'm likely to end up without a home again. It made me sad. I know my kids are trying. Neither is in a place they are happy with either. I can only hope that if I keep doing what I'm will get me where I want to go. And I can somehow pull my family back together.
Anyway. Enough of that! Decent day at work. Lots of pet sitting jobs coming up and all the money is going into savings. No sales in my Etsy store for three weeks but my views are climbing. Hopefully I'll see some sales soon.
Nite all...
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 11:55:01 AM
So glad you posted your sale!! All is not lost!
dh just came and smelled my neck and said, "Saddest day of my life..." Took me a second to realize he meant I had forgotten his favorite perfume this morning. I am all sprayed now. We tried out the "new" edger this morning. It took dh a bit to realize where the blade actually cut...OK, he never got it right. I told him I thought it looked really nice. (And grass, like hair, will grow.) He'll get better. I think.
Midnight and Mayhem, our resident unkindness, are very vocal now. When we come out the garage door, they greet us. They fly very low over us and they love their new bird water bowl. I was a bit taken back when they apparently left me "token." At least that's what dh said it was. It was a leg. Of something. I know because I saw toes before I yelled, "Nuh uh!" Dh had to remove it. ugh. No more tokens, please. Which are the birds that bring shiny things? Why can't I have those birds? mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 5:43:02 PM
Mar, how nice of your unkindness to bring you presents. Yes, shiny would have been better received. My cat brought in a mouse this morning. Thankfully I hadn't left for work yet and was able to grab him and rescue the poor thing. I put it outside in some bushes. I do like to give them a second be eaten by something else preferably.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 6:50:14 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:53:12 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 8:00:59 PM
Lowell had called maintenance on Sunday to get the windows open. They came but couldn't open all the windows because his stuff is in front of the living room windows and my stuff is in front of the bedroom ones. I was out all morning so I couldn't get it moved. I had specifically told him not to call them and that I would do it because I knew what had to be done. I waited all day for them to come. Maybe tomorrow.
Also this morning, the refrigerator stopped cooling. It was running but did not exude cold air. Nick, the guy who cleans the interior and mows the lawn, got me a cube refrigerator and I saved as much as I could. Everything in the freezer had to be tossed except for Lowell's chocolate and a nice chicken breast which I cooked up for myself. Hopefully, they will get us a new refrigerator soon.
And if that wasn't enough, the power went out in the apartment for a couple hours.
So my day was taken up with moving stuff away from the windows and then moving it back and removing stuff from the refrigerator and relocating it or tossing it. A lot of effort for so few results. Story of my life.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jun 09 2015 8:02:18 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 8:56:30 PM
GG, so sorry about the bees. With all the press about saving them, you would think there was an organization that had volunteers for things like this.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 8:58:19 PM
I think this might be a clearer picture. You can see the combs filled with honey.
Marie, so sorry about your troubles.
.jpg?v 22045124) |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2015 : 07:30:48 AM
Wow -- sounds like everyone has been busy while I was gone. Sorry about the bees, G. My daughter had some last year and was able to get a beekeeper to come out and take the hive away. I guess it just depends on who is in the area. We have a lot of awareness of bees around here and she was able to find someone pretty easily. I know you hated to kill them, but you couldn't really live with them there.
The visit with the family in Idaho was great, if a little tough at the end. Telling my dear sweet Daddy goodbye has been extra hard since he was diagnosed with cancer, because I always wonder if it will be the last time. So far, we have been very lucky and he insists he is still feeling good. His cough is much worse, though, and his breath is not very strong. Then again, he is nearly 84 years old and as he says he is "older than dirt" so he expects to be a little weary. His attitude is wonderful, though, which helps his treatments work better. He is continuing with radiation and chemo for as long as they can keep him feeling good. My mother, on the other hand, is so disconnected from the everyday world that is is very difficult to deal with her. She doesn't read anything but her Bible -- won't open a new book or think a new thought -- won't move around, even to take a little walk to the mailbox or to the corner and back. Exercising has always been "unladylike" to her, and so now she just doesn't move, which of course makes her weaker and more feeble. We stopped in to say our final goodbyes on our way up to Boise the night before we left. Dude and my Daddy sat and chatted and talked about interesting things and all the stuff we had seen during our visit. My mother sat and mooned over an old photo album. She kept trying to enter into the conversation, but she just doesn't have anything to say. She kept telling me that they had about 60 people at church on Sunday -- told me about 60 times! Then she retold a story about one of the great-grands visiting them and got all confused about which generation was which -- forgot her oldest son's name. She has had a lot of memory loss for a few years now -- sometimes it is worse than others. They were telling me that the doctor wanted her to take Aricept (which is an Alzheimer drug), but that it was too expensive, so she is taking some OTC thing for her memory (but she couldn't remember the name of it -- how's that for irony?), but my dad said what it was called -- some patent medicine and she INSISTS that it is helping. I sure couldn't tell any difference. She knows that she can't remember things, but sometimes she gets very irritated when it happens. She is also completely convinced that the people who live upstairs are listening to every word she and Daddy say. I couldn't hear what was going on upstairs, so I don't suppose the people upstairs can hear them, either. Every night when they go to bed, Daddy reads her a chapter from the Bible, and she is sure that it is bothering the people upstairs. My dad's voice is so weak and thready -- I am surprised SHE can even hear him, much less the neighbors.
Anyway, we had a good visit with my brothers and sisters-in-law, and with my dad. We all went out to dinner for my birthday, and Mother had to make a huge production of showing up carrying a cane, which she never uses and lots of times forgets and leaves behind. Daddy carries one in case he gets a little weak, so she has to have one, too. She took a first spoonful of a lovely tomato basil bisque and then made ugly faces so everyone could see - "It's just a little strong!" I guess nothing compares to Campbell's condensed cream of tomato.
When we got ready to leave, my dad shook the Dude's hand and said "Welcome." It really touched the Dude's heart (and mine), and he got kind of choked up when he mentioned it to me on the plane coming home. He said "I think he meant welcome to the family," and I told him that was exactly what it meant. I cried half the way from their place up to Boise, but got most of it out of my system until after we got home last night.
So back at work today and lots to do. Hope everyone has a great sunny (but not too hot!) Wednesday.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2015 : 07:51:33 AM
I learned just now that as of this afternoon, we will have a new refrigerator in our apartment and the last of the windows will be opened. YAY!!!!!!!!
Marilyn, I am also touched to hear what your dad said to Dude. That would choke me up too. It is so sad when a loved one starts losing memories and even sadder when they know what is happening. All we can do is love them.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jun 10 2015 07:54:11 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2015 : 08:07:16 AM
Marilyn, sounds like your trip was bitter sweet. What a wonderful man your father is. Mothers...I got one of those too. Mine just sites in bed and plays with her tablet. survived the plane flight! You have a keeper there with the Dude. Good for you. I hope you get to see your dad again too.
GG, so many bees! Sorry how they had to go, but I'm glad you were able to take care of it. Are you going to keep the honey...I hope? Maybe even the honeycombs for candles?
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2015 : 5:05:07 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:54:16 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2015 : 5:50:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
Bunny I am glad for the sale. Our cats used to leave the head, ears and forward and the liver next to the bed. Sometimes in C's shoe she was to put on. Those cats are long gone by age and predation.
It is so nice the unkindness has adopted you. A leg! I bet is was shapely and had a fine odor. lol I am glad the chocolate man still finds you desirable.
I think if the caps on the combs were not breached the honey should still be good to use. It is sad no one would come to help you.
Marilyn. I do not know your mother's temperament when she was young but people with dementia get paranoid. they do tell the same stories over and over and like to hear the same stories over and over to reassure them selves that life is predictable and not so scary. I am glad your Dad was happy for you and let you know. You are lucky to have him and he you. I am glad you are back.
Marie, life just stumbles along and we get tugged with it.
I worked on the greenhouse today. I am moving the rest of the timbers up onto the floor of the attic. I think I will need to use 2' X 6" s for the rafters of the roof because I am running out of timbers.
It did not rain today. It may tonight.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2015 : 10:04:28 PM
Well. The windows are still closed and the new refrigerator did not materialize. I moved everything back to were it was and will move it out of the way AGAIN tomorrow. Curses!!!
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |