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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 27 2015 : 9:20:01 PM
Amen to that, Marie!
Betty in Pasco |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - May 28 2015 : 06:12:58 AM
Well ladies -- this has been one of my least favorite Memorial Day weekends. Saturday was fine, but overnight Saturday I went off the tracks somehow and woke up with that ugly dry sore back-of-the-sinuses feeling that tells you you're going to have a cold. I wish. Dude really wanted me to go out on the boat with his daughter and her boyfriend on Sunday, so I went. I kept telling him I didn't really feel very well, but old blood and guts just kept pushing along. We stopped for lunch and I had a Coke, because there was nothing else on the menu that looked like I could eat it without being sick. I kept telling him and telling him I was sick, but I guess he thought I should just tough it out. I texted my daughter from the restaurant and she drove down and picked me up. I just could not face getting back on the boat -- all I wanted to do was go home and climb into bed (and possibly die there! ha ha ha ha). I slept all afternoon and Dude came home a couple of hours later. Finally at about 5:30 or 6:00, Dude took me to the ER because I was half out of my head with a fever and every bone in my body hurt -- he didn't know what else to do. They took good care of me -- the ER was remarkably quiet for a holiday weekend. I had a chest x-ray and my very first Cat scan -- woo hoo! I was so dehydrated that the poor nurse had to stab me half a dozen times to get any blood to test. They gave me 2 litres of fluid and the nasal swab came back saying I had influenza. Trust me to be the last person of the season to get it! ha ha They said it had been literally weeks since they had seen a case -- who knows where I managed to get it. Had my flu shot in October, but they say the shot didn't work this year. No kidding!
So I have been in the bed conked out for the past few days. I am back at work today, what's left of me after they scraped me off the highway. Geez. What an ugly bug. I am supposed to not be contagious anymore. Since I got in for treatment so quickly, they were able to give me that TamiFlu stuff, and I think it's helping me recover more quickly. Dude is feeling pretty low -- which he ought to. I guess next time I tell him I am sick, maybe he will listen. But I doubt it. Glad I'm not sick often.
Happy Thursday
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on May 28 2015 10:40:07 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - May 28 2015 : 07:12:19 AM
Gee, Marilyn, hope you feel better soon. Men do not realize that women get sick too. If it were a man, they would be dying and not able to go anywhere. Men are such babies when they get sick. They think we are super humans and can do anything whether we are sick or not. Glad he took you to the ER and you got diagnosed and treatment right away. Next time, don't give in!!!! It had been in the 90s here, but we are getting used to it. It is so much better than the cold back home. I have been busier here since we got out 5th wheel, so have only been down to the pool about once a week. We are happy with all the room we have now. I need to set up a craft area to work in, but we will wait until we get back from our trip to Michigan. We will be leaving here on July 8th until mid August. Then when we get back we will sell our motorhome and get a car. Much easier to get around. We are not used to the traffic. Hope you all have a wonderful day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - May 28 2015 : 08:19:25 AM
Ain't it the truth? If they have a cold, it's the worst cold ANYBODY has ever had in the HISTORY of mankind and nobody has ever been sicker and nobody ever will be! ha ha ha
My brain is still a little fuzzy and my ears are still plugged up, but I haven't had a fever in over 24 hours, so it's all good. First thing on my desk this morning was a huge booger of a file with a once-in-a-great-while kind of issue. I stared at it for a bit like it was written in Greek! ha ha ha Then I called my handy-dandy IT boy (they're all about 14 I think) and let him walk me through the thought process of fixing it. That should be my worst hurdle for the day. Went out and cut myself some roses from the big hedge outside my office window and I am enjoying my second cup of coffee. It's going to be better all day.
His Dudeness is at the urologist this morning. I am hoping that they give him some conclusive and really really GOOD news so that I can stop worrying. I am a champ at worry -- aren't we all? He was as growly as a bear this morning, but if I had to have that particular exam, I would probably be growly too. But then, I have no prostate to probe. One of life's little blessings for women, isn't it? All my medical training is sometimes a good thing but sometimes it's a bad thing, too -- gives me too many things to worry about. He loves having me tell him what all the language means and tell him what the blood tests mean and all that, but when I see little red flags, I keep them to myself. And stew on them. And lose sleep. Why am I not smarter about that????
Anyway, glad the flu didn't kill me and that I will be well and perky enough to make the trip out to see my family in a week. Looking forward to spending some time with my Daddy and seeing 2/3 of my brothers. The baby brother lives in Tokyo and for some reason he didn't want to fly to Idaho for the weekend just to celebrate my birthday -- selfish guy. ha ha He is at Temple University, Tokyo, finishing up his undergrad stuff for a PhD in some kind of weird thing that will never help him get a job, unless he wants to be a professor, which I think would suit him just fine. He would stay in school forever if he could, and he just about has.
It's a gorgeous day here in SE PA and I am mending, so it's all good good good.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 28 2015 : 5:00:36 PM
Good evening everyone,
Marilyn I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. Probably came in on one of the people like typhoid Mary who was a carrier when he/she came to pay the bill. Glad it is past and his dudeness did not wait until you had to be admitted. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Overcast most of the day but did not rain as the weather guessers predicted. They said a new shower would come through every two hours. Now it is cool enough that we can sleep easily tonight.
I was thinking as I sometimes do hahaha that the only person you have to think about now Betty is yourself. It must be nice to not have to consider the children and how your decisions and choices affect them. Go for it and have a great time.
I am glad that Tahoe's birthday was a good time with good memories. DNA seems like a great light.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
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Posted - May 28 2015 : 6:08:06 PM
Au contraire, Holly. I do think of the children, both his and mine. I want this to be a smooth transition into his family as well as he into mine. It is very important to me that his children and I get along well, even though they are of an age that it shouldn't matter. His family is very important to him, especially since he spent most of his life as a foster child. So, since family (both) are important to us, we want to be there for both sides. I hope you can understand where I am coming from.
Betty in Pasco |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - May 29 2015 : 3:19:47 PM
There's ALWAYS family to consider! It is better to not have to be all under one roof while you get to know one another though! Seems like you get a better chance to actually make a go of it! And when the children get older most of them can see that in the end they just want their parents to be happy. I hope it goes smoothly for you, Betty.
Marilyn, it doesn't seem fair to get the flu this late in the season! It was a terrible strain this year. You may feel pretty wiped out for a while, so be good to yourself. Prostates are good things to not have to have checked. One for us! My dh had a terrible scare with cancer of the prostate when he was in his early forties. I am glad we missed it now that the conventional wisdom says that it is worse to try to treat it.
dna does bring a lightness to the end of our day when she visits. mar |
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
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Posted - May 29 2015 : 3:59:00 PM
Heavens no, Marianne. I'm 73 and he is 75. Kids are all grown, but want to give all of them consideration so that our lives and theirs will run smoothly. Maybe I'm a peacemaker, but I hate having people upset with me.
Betty in Pasco |
Edited by - Betty J. on May 29 2015 3:59:38 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2015 : 4:04:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Betty I do understand where you are coming from. I meant that you did not need to worry about what school system you should live in or whether the children from both sides would share a room or get along while living together or dealing with custody issues. I sure hope that all of the children are mature enough to be happy for their respective parents and not put either of you in the position of having to choose. I am glad that the children are important. After my mother died my father basically abandoned his to keep his wife happy. It was very distressing for all the children. His wife's son was used to being ignored and was surprised when my father embraced him.
The littles and I loaded three tractor buckets full of manure onto the wagon and took it to the tilled piece in the field . We made piles of manure and planted the squash starts in the hills. It tool a long time. We are all tired. We all think the plants look happy in the manure. the littles hope their pumpkins grow big so they can win the contest for the biggest pumpkin in the fall.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 29 2015 : 5:17:30 PM
Betty, Things can go great with his kids until one of you dies. Then everything changes. That's when things get messy. My dad married my stepmom. All us kids got along pretty well. Then my dad passed away. His wife got all his assets. But when she passed, she had left her older daughter (the one who the worst one with financial matters) and she just decided no one except her deserved any of the assets. I would have had to hire an attorney and sue her. Which would have ended me up with nothing because the attorney would have gotten most of it. The courts did nothing to force her to adhere to the will. So that's what I mean by dealing with stuff. It doesn't seem important now, but all this stuff gets really messy later on.
Saying all that, I wish you all the happiness in the world! Go for it.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 29 2015 : 5:37:31 PM
Oh, I have been lurking these last few days. Not much going on. Just working and sleeping and well you know. I didn't get much sleep last night at all. So I left work early end came home to a nice long nap.
I had a lady from the Netherlands interested in my quilted jacket. She just needed measurements so she could be sure it would fit. It would be a wonderful sale! I also sold a dress at the art center but the center didn't see my invoice amounts were the dollar amounts I wanted for my items. So they didn't add in their commission. So as they put it... oh well!! hahahah. sorry about that. One of our volunteers must have messed up. But they aren't going to make it right of course. Just the cost of doing business with a small town non-professional art gallery. So I'm out about $32.00. I will not be putting things in there again.
Marilyn, I"m so sorry you got so sick. Yuck! Glad the dude was smart enough to take you to the hospital. Take care and hope you feel better soon!
Later goddesses.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
1406 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2015 : 6:30:45 PM
We are definitely aware of the downsides, Bunny. And we are going to find out how to handle this before we tie the knot. If the atty says he/she can't help us, then I guess it is shack up time. Not the way we would prefer to go, of course.
Betty in Pasco |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2015 : 9:04:05 PM
Aw heck Betty! No one really cares anymore how a couple is connected. I personally believe that shaking up is the best at a more advanced age. It removes many financial complications especially if there is family. The only bad thing is all the paperwork you must go through to make certain that you are legally authorized to make medical and end of life decisions. Lowell and I have to get on with that.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2015 : 6:33:40 PM
Good evening everyone,
It is pouring rain right now and I am glad. Although we had rain a few days ago the heat has dried the earth. It is supposed to rain all night and most of tomorrow. I hope it soaks in and hydrates the plants and seeds.
I took DsG to his little league game this afternoon. His team won. He made a run. He got on base with a walk but the people who followed him hit the ball. He was so happy.
We had lasagna for supper. A little too hot for this time of year. We had them frozen in the freezer from last summer and they were easy to prepare. lol
I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2015 : 9:45:37 PM
I had a mostly good day. I drove to the farmer's market and got some ground lamb that I had pre-ordered. Good thing, cause they sold out. If the weather cooperates, I'm making lamb-herb burgers tomorrow on my new charcoal grill. I had a time putting the grill together (it was made in China and, as usual, the instructions weren't clear). I also got some lamb neck bones. They're frozen so I put them in the fridge to thaw. If they have enough marrow in them, I want to make some bone marrow broth, which I've heard is very good for you. If not, then Jaxon will enjoy them. Then I took my lawn mower to a place to get it repaired. I accidentally dropped it on its side when I was cleaning grass out of the bottom of it. I think some oil must have got in the carburetor when I dropped it. Then I visited two flea markets but I didn't find anything I need right now (maybe in the future if they still have it). I came home after stopping by to check on my parents and decided to take a nap. I slept for a bit and then was awakened by the doorbell and someone pounding on the door. I opened the door and there were two college-aged salesmen. The one who had pounded on my door started to say something about the home security system rip-off company that stole my money in the past. I told him to get lost and closed the door. He pounded again so I opened it and he said, "We're here to make it up to you". (He was acting exactly like the salesman who had sold me on the system in the first place. I've checked this company on the internet and I think the ones who knocked on my door today are working for a "new" company that is really the old one with a new name). I told him "No!" again and closed the door. He started banging again. I opened the door and said I was going to call the police (When the company came to my town several years ago, there were so many complaints from residents that they were banned from ever coming back). He said, "Go ahead and call them". I shut the door and he pounded on it AGAIN. And he didn't knock--he was pounding. So I called the police. This company trains college students to be very aggressive salesmen and to make a sale at any cost, no matter how much they have to lie. Since they now have a new name, somehow they slipped past the city's managers and got a permit to do what they did four years ago. The officer stopped by my house and was familiar with the complaints from the past. I gave him a description. I don't know if he found them, but I bet I'm not the only one who complained. The nerve of some people. This company has an "F" rating with the BBB. Then I made a kind of Greek salad/relish for the burgers I hope to grill tomorrow. I felt better after doing that. I hope ya'll had a great day, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 30 2015 : 10:28:48 PM
So, I just did some research. It was five years ago at this time that the rip-off security system conned me into signing a five year contract (I managed to get out of it after a few years but it was a real pain). This company signed a lot of people to five year contracts. Those contracts are now up. This new company--I checked them out--has an even worse rating than the first one. They have pushy salesmen, a ton of consumer complaints, and they charge even more than the first company did--in some case up to $80.00 a month. My brother in Texas has a million dollar house and pays $12.00 a month for security. As the old saying f goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". I felt like telling this guy, "Do I look like I was born yesterday?" I'm mad that the city fell for this scam again. shame on them! Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 31 2015 : 4:25:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
It is that time of year again, Cindy when college students are desperate to make money for tuition for the next year. People around here are sent to the midwest to sell dictionaries. People from the midwest are sent here to sell dictionaries. They come about every five years you are right. We have not had students selling security systems at all. We rarely have the Mormons doing their 2 year missionary journeys either. We live too far out. I am glad. Your supper sounds yummy.
It rained most of the day. Last night we had the first lightening storm of the season. It was not spectacular but the rain was steady for several hours.
I did most of the grocery shopping today. I was child free. That was good because I was not conned into buying items I did not want to buy. It was not good because I had to have a second cart and left the first cart by the check out usually ddK pushes the second cart. The man did push one out for me to the car. Bananas were .29 a pound. They were very ripe so we will eat them a lot in the next two days. lol
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 09:03:52 AM
Kinda a quiet weekend here. I guess GG is at the country house. Dealing with her bee hive maybe. Hope that goes well. Worried about her and B with that one. It sounds like a big job.
Marilyn, are you mended yet? Did you get to go out on the water for some good R&R?
Holly, my youngest did the door to door sales thing one time. He hated it. I can't remember what he was selling but he said...never again. Who needs dictionaries anymore anyway. We have the Internet. It tried to rain here yesterday. We did get some nice thunder and a bIt of a sprinkle.
I found a new website for selling my things. It is called Bonanza and is based in Seattle. The commission is a little higher than etsy but you don't pay unless something sells. A lady in Australia contacted me to do a guest post on her blog. She wants lots of pictures of my "studio" and process. I'll have some major editing of pictures to do.
No sales in quite a while. I have been making new things though. Finished another pair of jeans yesterday.
Well, off to get my things from the art center. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Sound off will ya!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 4:03:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
I was reading Good Housekeeping and the was an article in it about a woman who started a craft kit business. It is called Darby Smart. It said in the article that the person who submitted the accepted idea would get a portion oft the sales. So, maybe there is one of you with an idea to submit.
Bunny I know taht you wrack your brain to come up with something to send me for all of those shirts. We really like the table runner you sent us for the fall. We still have it on the table now. DsR did take if for a while to decorate his room but now it is back on the table.
I bought some plant roots as a fund raiser from a local high school girl and in it came a package of blue anemone corms. It says it is hardy in zones 7 - 10. I have no patience for digging up bulbs in the fall to overwinter them. Does anyone want them so I can get them out of here and not feel bad because they did not get planted? Please?
It rained most of the day. We did some school work and I took dsG to therapy.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 6:55:25 PM
Not much action on here lately. I, too, wonder about GG. I'm very tired right now. Had an extremely busy day at work and then came home and grilled my lambburgers tonight, as it took a while for the meat to thaw. I invited my neighbor and my parents over and they enjoyed the burgers. It took a long time for the grill to get hot. But I think the burgers got done, there was no pink in them. I also supplied chips and lemonade. It was cooler than usual for this time of year so there were no mosquitoes. I hope everyone is safe from floods. I read where BigAg is trying to revoke the country of origin label (COOL) on meats. How dare we want to know where our food comes from, how it was grown, etc. After all, we live in a country where we have life, liberty, and the pursuit of profits no matter what the cost. At least that's how it seems anymore. Thanks in large part to the Supreme Corp.--yes, you read that right. Where is John Wayne when we need him? Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 8:27:22 PM
Holly, does that mean you would like another table runner? I would love to make you one. I haven't had a chance to look for jeans in your size. If that is ok, let me know the length of the table runner you would like so I can see what patterns I have.
Spent the day on the computer adding items to my etsy store. All the things I got back from the art center needed to be added. Lots of work! It was very muggy today. My fibro was really bad for some reason. I'm so glad I took the day off of work. I would have been in pain all day.
Here are a pair of pants I finished the other day. I just added them to my etsy store. Too bad they are a size 12, I would wear them myself.

Still hoping to hear from GG and Marilyn. Jan are you out there or on your way to Michigan. I know we are missing a bunch of you!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 9:12:57 PM
Goddesses of the Iris,
Only 4 more days of school left. The kids had a field day today. I was impressed by the two boys who ran the fastest. Ludy was incredible and Ray is such a natural athlete. Mrs. Pendleton decided to eat on the grassy area just outside of the lunchroom at mealtime. Ours was the only class that did. Apparently, other teachers had misbehaving kids -- that's what the kids said. They seem to know everything. Summer school starts on the 11th.
I have no real plans for the summer. I will be volunteering at the Uptown Art Fair and possible at the State Fair but I'm not certain. I will be tending the garden and wrangling my dogs. I would love to take weaving classes at the Somali Museum. I shall see.
Cindy, Star Trek has an alien race called the Ferengi who are all about commerce. They have a list of their ideology called the Rules of Acquisition. I thought you might find them entertaining. They are at this link:
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 9:53:39 PM
Thank you, Marie, I remember the Ferengi from Star Trek:The Next Generation. Loathsome fellows, they were. I didn't know there was so much information about them. I wonder now how much info there is on Klingons. I saw a movie once, Daddy Daycare, with Eddie Murphy, and there was a little boy whom no one could understand. Then a Star Trek fan realized the kid was speaking Klingon. When I was a kid we listened to "Star Drek" on the Dr. Demento show. Oh, those were the days... Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Jun 02 2015 : 06:36:07 AM
I am pretty much back to 100% I think, thank you all for asking. What a yucky bug! We didn't get out on the boat this past weekend -- Dude couldn't stand looking at those piles of bark mulch, so he decided to stay home and spread them. It does look really nice with it all in place and no huge black mountains of bark. Yesterday afternoon we had an absolute cloudburst and one place where he had put bark got completely washed out down all the way onto the lawn. I love the way he reacts to things. We decided that it was a good thing and that now we know where the water wants to run -- so we're going to put a bed of river rocks in there and let the water run down there all it wants to -- you can't stop water. I also think the dry creek bed will be a nice thing to look at and pretty interesting. We found a good sized snake on Sunday -- it had evidently come out of the woodpile to cool off under the deck. We only have three types of venomous snakes in PA and it wasn't one of them. If it's living in the woodpile, it's probably just eating the mice that try to live in there, so that's fine with me. (Just don't ask me to go get the firewood!)
Saw two chipmunks playing together out back yesterday -- that was a relief. We were afraid they wouldn't come back after we destroyed their retaining wall village. We really enjoy watching their antics. The birds are enjoying the big rock with the birdbath depression, especially the catbirds and the robins. Dude gets such a chuckle out of watching the way they bathe. The catbirds will come down and light on the rock and look around and just crow like roosters -- they will face one way and then the other -- and then after they have announced their intentions in all directions, they will get in beak first and wiggle the water over themselves all the way to their tailfeathers. We have been planting ferns and other shady plants around the big rock and it is becoming one of my favorite parts of our new landscape.
Betty -- His Dudeness and I have had lots of the discussions that you and your sweetheart are having. It is a lot to think about and there's a lot to consider. Aren't we lucky that we have people in our lives who are willing to discuss things ahead of time and not just ignore the inevitable? We have decided for now NOT to marry, for financial reasons, but to take care of the future with our wills and health directives. It is all well and good to think that "my daughters would NEVER do that" or "my ex would never throw you out of the house," but if we weren't born yesterday, we know that is not always true! Too often, death makes strange people out of family members. I am like Bunny -- I am afraid I would just pack up and go rather than get into some kind of fight with "his" family. I think he is finally beginning to see some of the undercurrent that his ex keeps stirred up, and he doesn't like it. When I first moved in with him, I told him I just hope that if something happened to him, his family would let me stay in the house until I could find somewhere else to live. That was a completely new thought for him! That's what got the conversation started, because he wants me to keep the house and be able to stay there even if he is gone. I personally would rather he stuck around!!! ha ha ha He is trying his best to do so. :)
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
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