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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 14 2013 : 3:35:57 PM
Another Thank you Holly, for the wonderful card you made.I will put it in my album, after I keep it out for the rest of the month next to my MJF calender!!!! I did not send any cards this year, it has been too hard for me to get out to the post office.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 14 2013 : 4:18:58 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad you all enjoyed the cards. I did find the tree on our property this past December. Who would have thought a tree would grow a heart? I used the birthday list so if someone did not get a card and would like one I would need her address.
Yes, poor grammar makes me crazy. I know that is an inheritance from my mother. One of my son's who came as an older child said ax and I had to work hard at getting the younger children to not copy him. The new little boys use double negatives. I hope this changes as time passes. I know mine is not perfect.
yesterday in the afternoon Coco had her baby. It was a little bull calf and we have named him Hershey in honor of Marianne's husband retiring from the chocolate industry. I believe he never really worked for Hershey but it is the only chocolate we know that begins with an H. Cheri did not like Hieronymous. Hershey is black all over. We have found no white hairs. I am going to go have remedial lessons on posting pictures this weekend and then maybe I will be able to do it again.
I must go get Talie from basketball practice now.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 15 2013 : 05:44:41 AM
Good morning, gfs!!! It is a beautiful day in the Ozarks. It is supposed to get in the 40's today, nice but 60's yesterday felt better! Oh well, that's how it goes here. Big saying for Missouri is "if you don't like the weather, hang around, it will change" hehehe....
Sorry, for my absence of late, I try to keep up. I did want to jump in and give a great big thank you to Holly for the beautiful Valentine!!! What a georgeous tree...the heart shape matches a rock I found in the dry creek bed a few years ago....nature does have a heart!
Not much going on here...well, I have to get my chicken coop finished on my days off as my 'girls' will be coming home on the first of the month! I thinned out my strawberries yesterday and took the extra plants to my nephew and planted them for him. But other than that, it has been quiet. During the drought last summer we sold most of our cows and our beloved bull. The bull we kept is too small to breed, so yesterday, my cousin brought a loaner bull over...he's big, but of course, not nearly as nice as the bull we sold!!! Hehehe...
Well, I had my first experience with a chiropractor last month! I started getting sever headaches and neck pain. Both of which I haven't had in years. I started thinking I was going to have to go to the ER! Then I thought about the expense and tests and that I would get stuck with a bunch of pain pills!!! Yuck! Someone suggested a chiropractor and I went......he twisted me every which way and cracked every bone I have and, finally, instant relief!!!! I had a rib out of place in the back and my shoulder was out of socket!!! But I work on a now the headaches and neck pain are back!!! So back I go today, but at least I know relief lives in those magical hands!!! Hehehe...
Well, y'all stay well and welcome the spring with gusto!!!
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 15 2013 : 07:28:25 AM
Holly!! What an honor. Mike had a HUGE grin on his face over Hershey's name. Today is the big last day of work for him. He has been receiving a number of calls from all his chocolate buddies. And, btw, the company from which Mike is retiring supplies Hershey. Hershey is one of their largest North American customers. What do the younger boys think of the calf? All it Angus at all? That is supposed to be excellent beef. And, did Coco stay in where it was warm this time?
We had a nice, quiet Valentine's Day. I was with my Valentine and that was what counted.
Marylyn, I'm so glad that you got such relief from the chiropractor. The body wants to stay in alignment, so hopefully only a few visits and it'll "take!" And in the long run, I think you are right in feeling you would have saved money and gotten more of a cure. Headaches can be tricky, though, can't they.
Hope you are all having a lovely day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Feb 15 2013 : 09:04:06 AM
Marianne, well, I am back...different rib out of place...but the pain is gone!!! He did an energy check on my meridians, then told me I diagnosed myself good. He also recommended magnesium, he said most folks are difficient! Hmmmm.....he said I had fibromyalgia pain and that magnesium would help with that. He is also a homeopathic doctor. So we'll see...hehehe....thank you for your concern. I'm all better now!!! Just a slight residual headache but it is fading fast.
Love to all,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 15 2013 : 11:14:38 AM
Marylyn - so glad you are feeling relief.
Holly, congratulations on the new arrival! Loved the card. You are soooo gifted with a camera!
Marianne -- May your DH's retirement be bliss for both of you.
My Valentine took me out dinner last night. A lovely Italian restaurant not far from home. We had just been seated when the hostess returned with a dozen fabulous red roses. Turned the heads of other diners and I got some precious comments! The card was more beautiful than the flowers. Dinner was very good and we split profiteroles for dessert. We came home turned on the news and I fell asleep before the weather-guesser told us today would be another sunshiney day.
We are staying in Cupertino this weekend ... it's time to clean the garage! Little by little.
I hope everyone has a good weekend planned.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 15 2013 : 4:44:38 PM
Marylyn, it was good to hear from you!!!! Glad your'e getting relief from your pain and headaches. Hope it stays that way.,
Marianne, congrats to your hubby!!!!! I am sure it will be nice having him home all the time and alot of togetherness!!!!
Darlys, what a lovely surprise at the restaurant!!!!! What a wonderful hubby you have.
I worked today for my son, then we went out for steak dinner tonight instead of last night when it was so busy. It was so good,a treat for sure!!!! I work again tomorrow, my son is not going to an auction, it is out of town, and he is not feeling too well with a cold, so I will work for him and hopefully he can rest some over the weekend. It is cold here again, only 10 degrees right now, below zero nights again. I am really going to love spring when and if it arrives!! LOL!!!
Holly, how is the new arrival doing?
Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
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Posted - Feb 15 2013 : 5:15:53 PM
Holly - congrats on the new baby.......and a baby bull too. Don't bulls mature faster and get fatter faster? I too hope Coco stayed inside her nice warm barn this time.
Hubby took me out to a movie this evening. We saw "A Good Day To Die Hard" with Bruce Willis. He's as old as me, but what a sweet body that man has. And I do love a movie with great explosives!! My all time favorite movie is "Independence Day". What great blow up scenes!
Anyway, it's late and I'm getting tired. So, goodnight sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 15 2013 : 10:53:49 PM
Darlys thank you or the beautiful card. So nice to get mail. I really need to try harder. What a wonder guy you must have.
Gypsy, I hope you and your new guy have fun fitting in the gypsy caravan. You will have to post pictures after you get it all decorated.
Off to bed for me.
Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 16 2013 : 12:55:09 AM
Bunny did I miss your birthday?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 16 2013 : 12:57:53 AM
Thank you for all your well wishes and congratulations on Dh's retirement. It is a big celebration for us and we are on Cloud Nine! It is a nice extra to be able to share it with you all.
Marylyn, it sounds like you are making progress at least. I hope your headaches stay tolerable until they disappear altogether.
Kathy, date night sounds like it was a fun one! I kind of like Bruce Willis, too. Love that he just rocks the hairless look and did it from such a young age.
Darlys, your Valentine sure does know how to make a gal swoon. So pleased to hear of your special treatment. How wonderful you must feel to be treasured and celebrated in such a public way. Hats off to your Dh!
Jan, how nice that you can give your ds the day to get back on his feet. What a nice dinner you had together! Bet you'll be a bit tired come Monday ... a good tired , though.
Gypsy, Your adventure hero sounds like he is swoon worthy. Of course, you are the ravishing heroine ... no damsel in distress in this story ... so it is a fitting pairing indeed, lineage be darned. It is awesome you have the blessing of your important people. That always feels best and makes you more willing to take the risk. Your sign sounds perfect and your storage/sofa idea very smart. Love that you got your "paperwork" out of the way before your marriage across the borders. But, we always knew you were savvy. Of course, The Gypsy Caravan sign is perfect and must be shared as soon as you can post a photo. So very happy for you, hon.
Bunny, don't be so hard on yourself. Believe what we are telling you. You are doing great. You are accomplishing important things and you are taking care of business. Enjoy that your friends thought of you on Valentine's Day without guilt. We all admire your work ethic in regards to your school work and your talent in regards to your creations. Big pat on your back.
Thinking of you all. Hope you are having a lovely day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 16 2013 : 01:01:27 AM
Mar what are you doing up this late. I can not sleep. It is 3:00 am here
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
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Posted - Feb 16 2013 : 04:48:58 AM
Good morning.
I had a busy Valentine's Day. I hope you all had a great day yesterday.
Holly , congratulations on the new addition to the family. I am sure Hershey will be a beautiful bull when he grows up. I think the name you chose is really nice especially since he is so dark. Thank you for the card. You are truly a good photographer. I am anxious to see the pics of little Hershey.
Marilyn, I am so glad to hear that the chiropracter was able to help you. I always feel so weird when the one I go to is twisting and pulling me. But then I feel so well after that I just keep going back.
I think I am having some fibro problems of late. So far the pain is not too bad although I don't like it when it wakes me up at night. I will have to get out my fibro info book and re-read it. It has some good tips on things to do to relieve the pain. Now if I can only find it among my many, many books.
Marianne, happy to hear that your DH is now retired. He will enjoy the leisure and maybe not having to get up early and travel.
Kathy I have not seen too many Bruce Willis movies. As for the explosives and action the new James Bond movie sure has a lot of that in it. It got me to laughing at the beginning. I have never seen so much car action in a movie. I think you would like it a lot.
Gypsy, I need to send you a nice long email. I am just so happy for you. Your man sounds just perfect for you. I know you two are going to have a wonderful time together. I am sure he is going to love your place even if he has to stoop a little. You are such a darling.
Darlys, Oh, dear, I do pray that the cough is getting better. Now you just tell that cough to STOP or else. Elderberry juice is tasty and seems to help a lot with colds and flus. I take it during the winter and early spring. I was making juice by adding water but now I just take a couple of tablespoons right out of the bottle. Your Valentine's card is so precious. I just love it.
Bunny I want to give you lots of hugs for all that you do. It is not easy and I know you will make it. You have a lot of strengh and perserverience (spelling).
I am not a good speller as most of you know. I am spelling handicapped. It took me so many years to finally remember how to spell license. C before S.
I am giving up on quilt making for now. I am having problems matching the corners on my latest quilt and for now it is too frustrating to continue. So it is back to my dolls and other art work.
Back to my coffee and some breakfast.
Take care my lovelies,
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 16 2013 : 05:39:37 AM
Yep, Gypsy. Up in the middle of the night, too. Now, I have slept a bit. Fed horses in the dark. Let doggies out and fed them. Had coffee, etc. Now, the dogs have the right idea... time for a nap! Guess it is one of those days where ya sleep in spurts. Hope you dropped off into a nice slumber ... Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 16 2013 : 09:26:51 AM
Gypsy, it was a Valentines card. My birthday is the end if June.
I want you all to know how much I appreciate your uplifting comments. There are days I really need them. There is so much uncertainty in my life and I don't do well with that. I feel like I just keep moving forward because that's the only thing I know to do. Standing still gets me nowhere and most likely homeless. I am so thankful for the gift of creativity even if it is only measured by me. It keeps me sane. But I just really feel a big thank you to all of you is needed. You are all important to me if only by your words.
Ok, enough of the sappy stuff. It's a beautiful sunny day. I do have homework to do all day, but I'll be sitting next to a window to enjoy it at least. My mom wants to move in with her "friend" in Eureka, CA. They were thinking if I got a roommate, they could pay the mortgage as rent and all would be well. Sounds good in theory. I have never had good luck with roommates. It scares me terribly to have to do it again, but I might be forced into it. Up side is I would be able to save all my extra income. Down side is roommates suck big time! I have put it out to the universe and hope I get an answer I can live with.
Holly, congrats on the new baby. I bet the kids are excited. What a wonderful opportunity for them.
Marianne, take good care of hubby. Retirement can sometimes be a hard transition. Glad you are looking forward to it. I'm sure you will add plenty of spice to his days home.
Well, I have kitties to feed across town and homework to do.
Later everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 17 2013 : 1:51:33 PM
Where is everybody?
So now Marianne is going to be so busy playing with her guy she will not be posting much.
Nancy and Holly, , thanks so much for the valentine cards and bad on me for not sending any out.
I don't really have any news to share. Just checking in to see where everybody is. Spring is in the air here. It was cold yesterday but warmed up and the wind is blowing today. Soon those blasted weeds will start growing again and the outside work really begins. Who has started putting in their garden?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2013 : 2:20:52 PM
Marylyn, I have two ribs out right now, no headaches but I find they come out of my spine every now and again. But I love my Dr. as he is a DO and does my adjustments all the time for me. It sometimes takes a couple of trips to get them back in. I also go to a local masseuse who does various types. It's so relaxing!
I don't know about Holly, but we are having another blizzard today. I don't know when I have seen such high winds but boy the trees are sure bending. I hope I don't have one crash into my house! They are calling for 5 - 10 inches of snow with this one. We've lost our electricity twice today, I hope that's all!
Congratulations Holly! Did the boys enjoy seeing the calf being born? Assuming they did that is. I love the name too! Haven't heard of the seed company but will check them out. I usually get mine from Johnnys, Baker Heirloom, and our feedstore. I have also been saving from my own and re-growing and it's done well so far.
Gypsy, I was thinking last night how I should by a trailer live in it someplace. I came across Mary Jane redoing an airstream. Have you seen it? Here's the link: Since I can't figure out what to do or where to live it seemed like a good idea. BTW, have you caught up on Downton Abbey? Tonight is going to be another shocker I hear. And Congratulations on your marriage with B!! BTW, when you were in Maine, you should have called me. I live 1 1/2 hours from Bar Harbor and for us that is close so I would have come and met you!
Well, better get this posted. I've lost it once already and with the weather.........
Have a great weekend!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 17 2013 : 4:19:21 PM
I've been playin'! I've been playin'! Yep, Gypsy, I am loving having my favorite playmate around even though it hasn't even been his first day of retirement yet! Friday was dh's last day. Since then, his friends have been calling his "work" cell phone to see when it will be turned off. Dh started "playing" with them and hanging up midsentence so that they think the phone was turned off while they were talking. So far, the phone is STILL working. Good grief! I hope its service ends soon. His friends call any time they think of it! It is sort of funny.
We had sunshine today. It has been a bit warmer the last two days, although we got snow last night. A dusting. But, my tulips are poking up out of the dirt. This winter will end. I feel fortunate after hearing that Ginny is expecting 5 to 10 inches, which always finds Holly soon after!
Next Saturday, I will fly to Seattle to visit dd and her boyfriend through Monday. I can't wait. We are going to Pike's Market. I have been there before, but the last time was about seven years ago. Dh likes TAZO calm type tea so I hope to find something like it from Market Spice Teas. I just love the smell in that store! So, I have got to get packed so I can change my mind a few times before I leave. This should take me a while! But, it is part of the anticipation. If I am not excited about a trip, I pack last minute.
Hope you are all having a lovely evening. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2013 : 03:48:24 AM
Good morning girlfriends.
Sorry about the blizzard. Ginny and Holly . I would imagine by now you are ready to see the end of snow and ice. It started raining here last night which is normal for this time of year. Ginny I looked at the glamping link and it is really interesting. I would not have the skills to do all that renovation. All I am doing is cosmetic to give the trailer a little personality.
The problem with the trailers is there is little or no workspace for crafting or hobbies. And part of the reason to give up the big house is to have time and $$ to pursue those things.
Ginny I don't know what you plan to do but my advice is do not be generous about it. A man can always find work or another woman to take care of him but a woman and particularly an older woman has a hard time.
Holly I add my compliments to the others for your amazing photography skills I am saving all the cards and now I have them in a shoebox but want to put them all in a special journal. Nancy always finds the beautiful old fashioned cards that are treasures to keep.
Ginny I am now two shows behind on Downton Abbey. My dd was saying last night we will catch up one night this week. As long as they set John Bates free I can live with the rest of it,ha. Mar, you sound like me with the packing. I always take twice what I need but it's hard to decide ahead of time what you might want to wear. I have always wanted to go to Seattle to Pikes market. I hope you will tell us all about it when you get back.
Have a good day everybody.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 18 2013 04:06:38 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 18 2013 : 08:19:35 AM
Good Morning everyone. Ginny, I too have seen MaryJane's Airstream makeover. Some major money involved there. Airstreams are pricey even old ones. I wish I was more comfortable pulling a trailer. But my biggest issue is I have 4 cats. I don't think they all would be very good travelers with a tiny trailer. 3 of them are the same age. So I expect they will be around for a good while.
Marianne, your husband should answer the phone in Spanish or another language for fun! Find out how the French answer the phone and a few phrases... might be fun to hear their reactions.
Gypsy, I too have had issues with the crafty part living in a small trailer. I have been trying to figure out how to store my supplies and still have room to craft with my tiny house on wheels designs. I decided to have two large lofts, one for sleeping and the other for storage. There is a wonderful website showing off this lady's beautiful little house. She does have a dining table and a large loft she uses for a guest bed. Check this out for fun. She decorates a little cluttered for me but I think it was more for the blog than anything. I just love the style and placement of everything.
Well, I only have one class today thankfully. I plan on just going in to my jerk teachers class and taking the test and walking again. He really doesn't have anything to say that is important. It is a class on Human Relations for Success. I think he has failed at that big time. I have too many other things I need to get done anyway. Mainly getting someone else to help me with homework from his other class seeing as how he refuses to actually teach.
My Older son is actively looking to buy a house. I know it will be most likely a year before he decides but it is a good sign and he is making an effort to find something we both can be comfortable in. I'm hoping maybe I can put enough money away this year and help him with the down payment. We will see.
anyway, a bit gloomy today. the sun is trying but too many low clouds to let it through. that's ok, we have been spoiled lately. I feel for you ladies in the cold and stormy central and eastern states.
Later everyone, stay warm and safe!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2013 : 5:17:09 PM
Good evening everyone,
I went to see the guy who helps me learn how to use my computer on Saturday morning because my photo programs I use changed for some mystical reason. He decided the computer was running too slowly so he wanted to fix it for me. He took everything off the computer and only put back the things I was supposed to need. He and Cheri talked about it. It is always dangerous when someone else talks about what I need. Inevitably, I lost some of the pieces I did not want to lose. For example, this time I lost all of Talie's reports he wrote this year for homeschooling. I am not happy and neither is Talie and there is nothing we can do about it. So, that is why I have not been here.
We did not get the snowstorm. I was told we would but it never arrived. The tractor was having problems with the hydraulics so I told the guy to fix it quick so Talie would have it to plow the driveway. We did get some high winds. The temperatures have been around 0. The wind chill must have been severe last night because it was hard to keep the house warm.
Hershey and Coco are doing well. I let them out for a while day before yesterday but she bedded him down in the snow in the woods and then the temperature dropped so I worried and put them back in the stall. I did not let them out again. Coco is a little itchy to get outside. I am milking her now and getting more than three gallons each morning. I could get more if I were more patient. Parts of her bag are still hard like they are stuffed with milk that needs to be worked out. Hershey is only nursing out of one teat so far and will for a while yet.
I think about downsizing when there are not so many children around and then I look at my workroom and wonder what I would need to give up. ALOT. Lucky for me I have a while before I need to make that decision.
I am all for whirlwind romances. I have done it and only once regretted it. Not this time once before a long time ago. Relationships across the borders could be fun. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I understand the frustration of not getting the corners to meet on a pattern so it looks just right. Then I started rationalizing that not being perfect is what makes folk art and not fine art. I like folk art and I am sure Nancy that your quilt would be beautiful even with out exact corners.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 18 2013 : 5:29:40 PM

Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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410 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2013 : 11:29:07 PM
Awwww - too precious
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2013 : 05:55:10 AM
How cute is Hershey? The way the young ones stick so close to the mama at first is just adorable. Thanks for the photo, Holly. Poor Talie ... he won't have to redo the reports for overseeing school officials, will he? Each state has such different homeschooling laws. NY was the most stringent that I dealt with. They had to approve the curriculum and meet throughout the year to see that goals were met. They also wanted one of the parents to be a teacher, luckily dh was, once upon a time, credentialed in CA. Kansas just wanted you to name your school. Ours was Rough Start Academy after the name of the farm. CA you had to deal with a lot of animosity from the public schools. Didn't matter, it was all worth it. By the time we moved to WA, I encouraged dd to take her test for the GED and take courses at the community college. Funny, the dean of students was less than enthusiastic towards her efforts.
We woke to a bit of snow. I didn't throw hay for the horses because I wanted them to go back into the trees and stay dry. I really didn't want to let them into the stalls. It just isn't cold or wet enough to warrant mucking stalls. They get a mani/pedi today! So they will get their hay then. I think I mentioned that our farrier had been kicked. Dislocated jaw and concussion. Poor guy. He was supposed to be here on the 1st, but went to the wrong "Mike's" ... I guess the concussion is lingering!
I went through all our winter hats, mittens and gloves. I have one lone glove of a really nice pair. Man, I wish I could find the other. It is dh's size . But, I have a nice bagfull for Goodwill. Also some craft books and a peacoat. The man at the dropoff that we go to is so nice. He always remembers us and comes out to help bring the items in. Just a real nice guy. Dh brings him chocolate. That seems to make almost everyone smile.
Well, I hope you are all having a lovely day! Marianne |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |