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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 17 2015 :  8:45:33 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:53:10 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  06:41:10 AM  Show Profile
Cindy -- So glad you found out about that lot! Sounds like plenty of work, but won't it be a benefit to the whole community? That's such a great idea -- kudos to you for thinking of it. And as far as KK and her ilk, I think that people are already getting tired of hearing/seeing/puking about her. I know I am -- ha ha. No, I think that the worthwhile effort to help others will always win out in the end.

Holly -- I love the stuff that boys come up with. I had never EVER heard about calling the number on the dollar bill, though -- I will have to give it a try.

Isn't it amazing how much we have all learnt from our parents and grandparents? I mean, we all have shared things here that have shaped us as adults, and most of them were not lessons that our parents sat us down and told us -- mostly it has been the things that we observed, or the things that were just sort of background or white noise in our upbringing. I know as a very young mother, I was always so concerned about making sure that my daughter heard the right lessons from me and that I taught her all the Bible verses and not to use bad language, etc. In the end, most of the stuff she remembers from her childhood now is stuff that I honestly don't even remember! Things that she saw me do rather than things that I told her. Observations she made about people in our church rather than the memory verses from Sunday School. Sigh. I guess it has always been the same way. By the time we have about figured out how to be parents, we are grandparents, or great-grands. I suppose that's just how it is.

I don't usually work Saturdays, but here I sit. Dude and I were both supposed to be in some leadership training with the Rotary Club today and had planned to close the shop today, but on Tuesday I was notified that the session I was scheduled for had been cancelled because not enough people signed up. I would love to have just stayed home and got things done as I usually would (and the weather is absolutely fabulous!!!!), but I said I would come in here until about 12:30 in case the odd customer might come in to make a payment. I DO mean odd! ha ha ha I will tell you one crazy-person story. This customer is a constant scraping of fingernails on our little blackboard. She had paid her car almost off a while back, but then wanted us to do a bunch of repairs, so we refinanced the whole bit so she could pay off the repairs on time. Well, every little thing is a horrible emergency for her. She charged in the front door yesterday demanding that Dude come out and look at her tire because it felt funny. He happened to be sitting at his desk speaking to another customer and told her basically to "take an old cold tater and wait." She just kept on yammering and yammering and finally stomped out the door and around the side to yell at the mechanic for a while. He finally ran the big garage door down so he wouldn't have to listen to her. I wish I could paint you a visual of this lady. She is in her early 70s but dresses more like 35. She has about 7 teeth in her head, reeks of cigarette smoke and wears a weird kind of wig that's always turned about 45 degrees to one side or the other. I will give her this -- she rants and raves but does not generally swear. She has been slipping a lot the past couple of years and is paranoid. She is convinced that a) Someone has been tampering with her car, b) Her sister is trying to steal her identity and c) I have been stealing her payments when she brings them in and that's why her account got so far behind. So she's gone and we know that we'll be getting phone calls all afternoon. She called about half an hour later and insisted that I have Dude call her right away because "this is an emergency now." She had called the State Police and said they were coming out to look at her car because she had told them that someone was tampering with it, and she thought that Dude would tell them all the things that had inexplicably gone wrong with her car. Sigh. Some days it is really really difficult to be patient and polite and businesslike with some people. When the police picked this lady up for harassing her mother and sister at their home, they put her on a 3-day psych hold. For a while afterward, she seemed to be doing better -- I think she was taking her meds. But lately we have noticed that she's going off on these ranting tangents again. So today I expect her to call and scream at me for a bit and then slam the phone down. Then wait about half an hour and she will do it again. Lather, rinse, repeat. I am glad I have my crocheting to keep me busy today, but I think I'd rather have a nice margarita!

Happy Saturday, everyone!!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  07:56:24 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:53:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  09:33:23 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone!
Wow, lots of great posts. Very talkative bunch this time around.
I'm afraid my mother sounds so much like most of yours. She has always been a hypacondriact. Sad thing is, if she did ever have something serious, I might not take her seriously because of all her aches and pains now. She is also always afraid. She won't open the windows or heavens ..leave a door unlocked. When something upsets her she literally goes to bed and pulls the covers over her head and stays there all day. She sits in her bed all day anyway. She will probably live forever.

Another job at the college opened up. It is only part time and no benefits. I'm applying anyway. The college is doing really poorly. Emploding actually. No one likes the president and he isn't doing a very good job. A bunch of people got laid off and then more people just quit because of all the drama and bad management. The job is working with someone I have worked with before for my internship. I figure the whiole place will hit bottom pretty soon. They have to be finally desperate enough to need me. Thankfully the job I'm applying for is pretty straight forward. It is putting the yearly catalog together and entering the class information online. I won't be dealing with students or other employees as much.

I'll be able to keep my sewing job but will have to make sure I don't make so much money I lose my Medicaid. I will lose food stamps but that's ok. I'm just afraid I won't be able to afford Obamacare. It would be like two steps forward and five steps back.

Anyway, I'm off to the sewing room for the next two days. My inventory is really down and all my new items are going to be in the art show for a month. So I need to make some more new things!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  10:53:24 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I need some car advice from you. I'm going to try to send you a private email.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  11:17:18 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:54:28 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  11:24:17 AM  Show Profile
GG. thanks

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Apr 18 2015 1:54:51 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  1:21:00 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, no rush. You should erase your email address from your post. You can click on my name in the side bar and send a private note. This thread is a public forum. FYI Anybody can see this. Personal info is not safe on here.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 18 2015 :  4:52:58 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

G you miss posts because they are not there when you read that section the first or second or sometimes third time. I am amazed how much I miss and wonder when it appeared. Last night the purple iris was there when I read and posted and the pink iris was not. Not when I read or when I looked to see if my post came up. So, sometime in the night it magically appeared.

Cindy have you read a book about slow money by Woden Teachout and someone else. They wrote it a couple of years ago. It is the same idea that you have about supporting communities. Now, I have not read the book only heard about it on the radio. Woden and the other author live in the next town over. Her mom is a judge and her dad teaches at the law school. I have spoken to her dad when I was trying to recruit him several decades ago to be on the board of the ACLU VT. He declined. He thanked me for saying my phone number slowly onto his answering machine so he did not have to re listen to it to understand the number. A lot of trivia to fill the space. lol

I worked on my green house today. Older dsR came to help me lift the heavy timbers. I was glad to have him help me. I would not have gotten as much done with out him. I have finished the green house room. Now I am putting on the floor of the attic. I do not know how else to describe it. Then I will raise the front enough that I can put on a slanty roof. Then the glass will go on. I will post pictures when I remember to take my camera with me to the work site.

Most of the snow is gone. It rained a bit today. The clouds are very dark now maybe we will have more rain. We have not had a lightning storm yet this season. I saw two geese fly over this afternoon. The first of the season for me.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  10:31:40 AM  Show Profile
Work up at 3am to an order from Finland. Very cool!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  10:32:19 AM  Show Profile
Woke up...seriously autocorrect????


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  12:43:32 PM  Show Profile
Bunny - I read it as woke up anyway. Ha. So exciting. Where did they see your work? I hope they are ordering a very expensive item.

Such a lovely day here. I call days like this "bonus days," when the talking weather heads say we will have grey overcast and low 60s and we end up with sunny skies and high 60s. Dude got the cement back in around the plumbing downstairs. Puts us that much closer to having that huge project done. I got the third planting of peas in. The salad garden has all sprouted except for the onions. I will do a second planting next weekend. Planted some African Daisies and other stuff in a big planter out by the driveway and put three phlox in just behind the retaining wall - hopefully they will help keep the wall in place. We got out the stakes and laid out all the spots for the hills for the cukes and zukes and melons. Dude ran a chain through the trees out back at about the 10-foot level. He wants to hang the bird feeders out there this fall to keep the birds and their little presents off the deck. So now we can just put the hooks through the links in the chain instead of trying to find a place on a tree limb. He is pretty clever - thinks allllll the time. I got the hummingbird feeders cleaned and new syrup put in. Whew. Seemed like a nice relaxing day, but when you add in all the laundry, it sounds like I should be more tired! Ha. Tomorrow my lovely daughter is coming up and we will go up to Amish country for some shopping. I saw her for a few minutes at the boys' Scouting event the other night, but we really haven't had much time together lately. She seems to be feeling some better.

So Goddesses of the lovely Iris, I hope you all have a pleasant and restful Sunday evening.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  1:17:39 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, sounds like you have quite the garden going in. Glad your weather decided to play along with a nice Sunday.

I have a website via
I have had orders from Israel, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada and now, Finland. I finally have the shipping down so I don't get taken to the cleaners by the shipping costs.

I have a rant and then a positive shout out.
Every year I sent my two boys the large chocolate Easter bunny from See's candies. But this year my youngest as you know is in the Marines in North Carolina.
So I do my order and get tracking numbers. My Marines order says it has been delivered and UPS was told to hold for pickup. Well, no one from the base ever came to pick it up. My son is not allowed to get it himself. There is a "department" for that. So it gets sent back. So all I see on the tracking is it was delivered to somewhere in Long Beach and signed for by Bob. Well, I'm a bit ticked off at Bob! Who does he think he is accepting a shipment meant for LCPL Jesse Fletcher in a state on the other side of the continent. So I sent See's an email today letting them know what happened and how upset I was.
It turns out "Bob" in Long Beach is See's Candy. Since no one at the base picked it up and it sat for 5 days, they sent it back to the sender.
See's apologized and is sending him a box of nuts and chews and refunding my money. She is also sending it via USPS instead of UPS. I haven't had issues with the mail so far.
So cheers to See's for excellent customer service!


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  5:24:59 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, great customer service! Nice to hear about it.

Sounds like everyone has been fairly busy this weekend. Nice garden plans, Marilyn. I'm still hoping to get my tomatoes in the ground SOON.

We helped daughter move on Saturday. We did old people jobs, not lifting! Mom seemed to feel left out.wee seeded home by two o'clock and she and dh had a little"something". Not a disagreement, but she was being needy and he was tired. Sigh. It continued a bit this morning. Dh was annoyed that on a busy day, mom had to have so much attention. It is good that we have each other to pick up the slack when one of us hits the wall dealing with mom.

Hope everyone is ready for Monday!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  6:15:54 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:56:59 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  6:21:50 PM  Show Profile
Hi, mar. You weren't there, then you were. Glad you made it through the move without hurting yourself. I guess moving must be stressful even for mom. I can not imagine not ever getting a break from it.
Hope Dd and BF like their new place. Now Rest!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  9:01:21 PM  Show Profile
Goddesses of the Iris,

I had a busy weekend. I was supposed to meet Miss Pearl, the director of The Jungle Book at Whittier School, at a park yesterday. She told me to go to a particular park which isn't too far away from my house where there was supposed to be a protest in which she was doing a spoken word piece. I left the house with my sewing machine and tool box on a rolling cart and Mitzi on a leash. I bought some snacks on the way and when I got to the park, nothing was going on. A couple people said that the Electric Fetus, an independent record store, was having its garage sale and people were lined up around the block. They also said that the park farther down Franklin Avenue was the place for protests. The Electric Fetus wasn't too far away so I went there to check it out. There was no spoken word but plenty of bands in the basement. I moved in the direction of Portland Avenue where I bought a water bottle with a nozzle on it so that I could get Mitzi a drink. I could have gone two more blocks to Chicago Avenue or three blocks down Portland to get to Miss Pearl's house. I went to Miss Pearl's. No one was home so I went to the back yard, sat down and took Mitzi off the leash. We split the last of the cheese and I gave her more to drink. It was a nice day so I sat and read while Mitzi checked out the yard. At about 4 PM I called Lowell and told him where I was and how far I had walked. He told me to call when I was ready to come home. I really had to pee by now. I waited for Lowell for about a half hour when a car pulled in full of Miss Pearl's kids. The oldest introduced himself and said he didn't know where his mom was. Then another teacher who is helping with the play, Miss Bell, arrived and she called Miss Pearl. Seems as if she was in a park right across the street. I didn't know that place was a park. We started to talk and her daughter, Aniyah, who is in my first grade class, started playing with Mitzi. Miss Pearl let me in to go to the bathroom. Lowell came some time later and we all stood around talking. Miss Pearl tasked me with making the snake costume and gave me the fabric. All I need to create this master piece is about three yards of boning. It was a good day.

Bunny - Congratulations on the sale to Finland. I can see it now: "International Designer Bunny". Good job giving the company a heads up on the candy delivery. I do not like having deliveries made by UPS. We are often not home when they come. I try to put a memo on my orders to have my packages sent by US Mail. It saves so many hassles.

Marilyn - The Dude is a thinker. I wish I had one of those. It is so exhausting to be the only one in this house who takes the time to think about the proper order of a project or errand trip. You have found a keeper.

There is an opportunity for a job at a local restaurant just two blocks away.

He needs someone to wash dishes and do some prep work in the kitchen. I haven't applied yet because I really cannot start until my after school classes are finished in three weeks. It only pays about $8 and hour but that is just fine. The girlfriend of Elliot, the guitar player who lives in the basement works there and she will give me a good reference. I want to use the money for this job to start my business teaching needlework\fiber arts which will, hopefully, turn into the sewing supply shop. One step at a time.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  9:21:48 PM  Show Profile
Marie, sounds like you and Mitzi had an eventful afternoon. Glad you finally found Miss Pearl. The job sounds great. I hope you get it.
What do you need to start your teaching business?


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  10:09:12 PM  Show Profile
Holly--I'll check out the book you mentioned. Your greenhouse sounds formidable. Most of the greenhouses around here are just hoops covered with plastic. I think no one wants to invest in an expensive greenhouse cause of all the storms we have, with strong winds, tornadoes, etc.
Marilyn--I'm glad the weather people were wrong and your day turned out to be lovely. My first peas are JUST starting to emerge and I have spinach that's doing well but my lettuce seems to be slow in getting started. I wanted to plant some beets and basil in the front yard today but it rained most of the day. I did plant some ferns in the back yard. Hoping they do well.
Bunny--congrats. on the sale and I hope your son gets his shipment. I don't know much about the military but it just sounds so bureaucratic.
Marie--you had quite the adventure. I bet Mitzi enjoyed it--a long walk AND cheese. Good luck and hope you get the job.
Mar--sorry your MIL had to be so needy on a day her son was busy. I'm starting to think being needy is a part of being old. Just like with very young children. I was needy enough back in the 1980's and early 1990's when I was trying to get my medicines adjusted, so I hope I'm not needy when I get old.
GG--hope they get that floor down so you can have a tidy house again! I hate living in an unorganized environment. Drives me nuts.
It rained most of the day but I got the yard mowed yesterday. We had our local Earth Day celebration yesterday and I got a hand-carved walking stick. Have a happy Monday.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 19 2015 :  10:14:51 PM  Show Profile
To start the teaching business I need to make it known that I am available. I need to contact some shops to let them know I can teach classes there. I've already have a response from one shop and I haven't had the chance to send them a lesson plan. I need time to get around by bus. Probably should come up with a name and file some paperwork. I like the corporate name to be Dingo Designs. That will encompass all I want to do. The smaller spin-offs I dream of - the store, classes, sewing studio - can have different names under the corporate name. I'll have to find out for sure. Send me a private email with your thoughts. I could use all the help I can get.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 20 2015 :  06:01:34 AM  Show Profile
Clouds and rain - rain and clouds. Didn't sleep well - most of the night on the couch. Daughter has the crud, so she's' not coming shopping with me. I would love to go back to bed, but the painter is here, working downstairs. Sigh. Best laid plans, as they say. Ha ha. Oh well - cutting my coat to fit the cloth. I can make it a good day anyway.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 20 2015 :  09:00:57 AM  Show Profile
Marie that sounds like a fitting name. Marilyn, I love your positive attitude.

We woke up to a very cool breezy day. All the doors are open to let the cool clean air in. I'm very big on keeping the house open as much as possible. Comes from growing up in the country where our heat and air came from Mother Nature, not a machine. I still love it.

It feels like I have a free day. Nothing major on the to do list. I've managed to shake off the last of the negative energy that I felt from various sources, and feel radiantly happy today. I wish the same for all of you. Sending good thoughts to you all. Have a wonderful day.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 20 2015 :  12:18:08 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I'm so sorry you're Girl's Day Got side tracked. I hope you get to plan one again soon. I would be tripping all over my lower lip if I were you. I guess I have never heard the "cutting my coat to fit the cloth" phrase before. At first I thought - oh good.she's gonna spend the day sewing instead. I love having your "just get on with it" attitude in our group. We are such a great group of pals.

Marie, I don't very the dingo reference...

Bunny, you are kicking butt. I guess you better get moving on new merchandise.

Got my haircut today. Now, I'm gonna slap a base ball cap on my head and go play outside!!!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 20 2015 :  1:56:20 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:58:40 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 20 2015 :  2:11:52 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:59:08 PM
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