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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 20 2015 : 5:38:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yes, we do do the tooth fairy of sorts. Like Santa Claus there is so much talk about him not being real. So, we tell everyone that Santa Claus lives in your heart. I guess the tooth fairy does as well. The goodness of the fantasy lives with it each of us.
C pulled out dsR's teeth. He asked her too. She obliged and he did not yell or cry at all. He seems relieved that they are out.. I guess they were causing him more than a little discomfort.
That nice chain the dude put up can hold plants too. I read someplace maybe Heifer international about growing plants in hanging grain bags. Might be fun.
When I made that last post it was right under the pink iris. Now look at all of the posts between it and me.
Bunny I am glad you have the problem of not enough merchandise in your store. You are clever and will soon remedy the situation but geez it is nice to hear of all your sales. I am glad.
Marie maybe Lowell needs to go on the B's ADHD naturopathic remedies. He sounds more and more like he has it big time. It is nice you could enjoy the outside and sunshine. Lugging a sewing machine must have been a trial.
On Saturday, Big dsR came to help his mama work on her green house. I got my chainsaw running so that was a bonus. Big DsR is very strong so with him and the tractor we put the highest of the first floor timbers up. Then we tied the front to the back with cross pieces. DsT and his friend Z helped as well. it is good to have tall sons. Then we laid 2" X 6" across the top timbers to begin the floor for the attic. It is not the right terms but you can visualize it better with familiar terms. Now I need to figure out whether I will make the framing for the roof with the 6" X 6" timbers or whether I will use 2" X 6" boards. I have both. Several years ago I had some trees cut and milled into the timbers and boards. The thicknesses are a bit of overkill but I have them already so it is almost like using free wood. I paid for the milling so long ago that I need to use them before the wood recycles into the ground. I made the first level tall enough so I can stand in it without having to worry about bumping my head on the cross beams. Then I needed to tie the front to the back to stabilize the building. the attic will not be that tall, just enough so I can have a good slant on the roof to lose the snow. I want it not to collapse after all this work.
My brother has suggested using a hoop house for a greenhouse, I told him it would collapse in the winter. He said, take off the covering in the winter. Sort of defeats the purpose of having a green house in this climate.
I am hoping to extend the growing season enough that we could have vegetables late into the year or early into the next season. If I am not able to grow lavender in a protected enough spot in my new gardens I will try growing it in a big pot and bringing it in to the green house in the winter.
Sunday, we worked on the pig pen. Replacing worn out posts and fencing that the previous pigs had worn (bit and yanked) holes in. I really would like to hav a year with out pigs escaping even once. WE have some one who is going to deliver us some more tires to zip tie to the fence to make it too heavy for the pigs to lift. It is pretty wet down in the lower part of the pen right now. We have not let them out into the pen yet. Although in the last couple of days they have been more and more curious.
Keep posting the flower pictures. they make me glad I have pretties to look forward to up here.
We have colt's foot flowering now. It is like a dandelion. It grows on the side of the road and is the first flower to bloom around here.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 20 2015 : 6:50:43 PM
 New haircut
 Looking more like myself
 And now, I'm recognizable! Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Apr 20 2015 8:33:18 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Apr 20 2015 : 9:40:57 PM
I, too, love the iris photos. Nice haircut, Mar--it's good to put a face to a name. Holly, I don't know if I could do even half of what you do. I'd be pooped out in no time. Part of it is to do with that darn asthma, if I over exert myself I have trouble breathing. It's good you have strong sons who are willing to help you. I was reading in a magazine about therapy gardens--so now I'm thinking it would be neat to have a therapy garden in the vacant lot. It could incorporate tactile sensations by having such plants as lamb's ear (soft to touch), audio sensation by having tall grasses that swish in the wind, olfactory by of course fragrant flowers and herbs, and visual by brightly colored flowers that would also attract pollinators. And it wouldn't be a garden without getting kids to plant seeds and then dig to harvest the results. So I'm all full of ideas. I guess the next step is to attend a city meeting and propose my idea. there are no other therapy gardens around that I know of. They are planting a Civil War garden at Lincoln-Douglas square (where Lincoln and Douglas held their final and most definitive debate) by planting a few "Southern" veggies and "Northern" veggies that were important at the time of the Civil War. It would be great if this town could become known as the city of community gardens. Instead of being called the most haunted small town in America. that moniker kind of freaks me out. There are some WEIRD paranormal-type people around here, and I've met some of them personally and they give me the creeps. We actually have a historic museum of torture devices---yuck! It seems what we're best known for is a bar, Fast Eddie's Bon Air, which everyone I know in St. Louis has been to, but I've never been to even though it's about a mile from my house. Bars, bikers, gardens and ghosts--that pretty much sums it up. Strange mix, I know. What is YOUR town known for? I love hearing stories about other historic towns. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 21 2015 : 06:32:09 AM
Holly -- You are a REAL farmgirl, for sure! Glad you've got some help and that the weather is moderating for you. Yes, I would have to agree that a greenhouse with no roof would probably NOT solve your winter issues! ha
Marianne -- you are rocking the short "do." Don't you love it?
And GG -- please don't stop posting the iris pictures on my account -- I love them! So many gorgeous colors -- they are real stunners in the garden, I bet.
I ended up just sloshing my way up to my favorite yarn shop in Lancaster county yesterday -- drove the whole way behind a big tall piece of farm equipment so I had lots of time for contemplative thought. It was grey and rainy and cool all morning and then all of a sudden someone flipped a switch and it was 78 degrees and full on sunshine! By the time Dude got home I had been outside and swept all the windfall "stuff" off the deck and we had a little time to putz in the garden before wine o'clock. What started out as a real bummer of a day ended up being one of my favorites so far. How come I'm so old and have never learned these lessons? ha ha ha
Back at my desk today, Goddesses. Had my Morning Mile and am on my first cuppa. God Bless Mrs. Keurig!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 21 2015 : 07:55:27 AM
G, the red iris looks like velvet. I remember the dark purple ones have that same depth, too. Gorgeous.
Holly, it only makes sense to use the lumber you have. Over-engineered greenhouse...who doesn't want one! I hope you get to have your lavender soon.
Marilyn, how nice that your day turned to be just spectacular. I wish I could have been with you at the yarn shop. I love touching.
Today is our last warm and dry day for a bit. I got five out of six tomatoes plants in the ground yesterday. I know we have rain coming...kind of counting on no hail! The cukes and zukes will probably go in next week.I think they can spend another week in their starter pots.
Have a great day everyone.
I have enjoyed my cup of Joe. The old way, drip brew...still, so necessary. Holly, I don't know how you do morning without coffee.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2015 : 3:00:03 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:01:05 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2015 : 3:22:51 PM
Gosh that is SO true. If I say something crummy about my dh, I want support. But, if one of you say it, you'd better duck! There will be exclamation points and capital letters flying towards you! .
It is good to see others point of view. Sometimes it reflects on you in a positive way, other times you realize you may have fallen short in your goddess journey. Ever notice how close goddess is to goodness. ADD at its finest.
Thanks for the haircut"likes". Dh has grown used to me stomping around in my boots. That's my uniform around home. During the summer I have been known to sport shorts with my boots. MIL always tells me to not bother taking off my boots before coming in. I tell her, "Are you kidding?" Those are literally muck boots, not just by brand.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2015 : 3:45:59 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:02:04 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 06:19:16 AM
Oh those fancy-schmancy garage floors are just crying out for a Ferrari!!! Seriously -- looks good from the picture.
I got home yesterday and found that the tiny black ants had bloomed in a new area of the kitchen. This time I knew what to do. Cleaned up what I could find and put another Borax and sugar trap out. They were drawn right to it. We'll see how it works out in the next couple of days. Sure did work on them on the other side of the kitchen -- I never see them over there now. I am NOT a patient person and it's hard for me to "wait and see," but since that's all I can do, I guess I can do it! ha ha ha. I had to put an open bottle of red wine in the fridge to keep it safe -- how gauche. Maybe I should just sit down and drink it tonight to be on the safe side???? Who am I kidding? Maybe I should have brought it here to work with me to sip on throughout the day?????
Guess what silly farmgirl got another merit badge? This one is a beginner in Cleaning Up for Shopping Green. I had to get 6 reusable shopping bags and use them. No sweat -- been doing it for years. I know it might seem silly, but the merit badges are one big reason I joined the Sisterhood -- needed a new focus. Our new downstairs is all painted (no floor yet), so hopefully I will be able to get all my sewing things out pretty soon. I know I have yards and yards of muslin somewhere and I want to do redwork embroidery of my badges on unbleached muslin -- then applique them to some pillow tops for the downstairs. The pillow tops will be made of bright red bandanna print. Which is also stored away in some bin somewhere. Sigh -- moving your stash is a challenge.
Just had a phone call from a salvage yard. The gal on the phone is pretty much "me" in her job, only down across the state line into Maryland. I had never spoken much to her before, but we got to talking about our morning coffee, how we don't really understand all the ins and outs of the cars, but we can take good notes, laughing about how there's always one little bit of information we were "supposed" to get that we didn't...started my work day off on a very nice note. I think the Dude is coming down with the crud, so I wasn't feeling very happy this morning until this phone call. You never never know.....
Get out there and have a fabulous day, everyone!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 09:10:50 AM
Good morning goddess sisters! Not much to report in my world.
Mar, you look maaavoulous dauling... I hate you. Thin and beautiful. Ok, Fine so I don't hate you. But you do look good sporting that hat and muck boots. I'm more of the butterball variety.
Submitting my resume and application to the college this morning. I believe this makes 6 attempts of a job up there.
GG, love the floor! I also like the iris colors.
Holly, your green house will probably last forever! Glad you have some good help.
Cindy, your garden idea sounds wonderful. Hope you can find a way to get it started. Lavender is always my favorite to run my hand along. That and Rosemary.
Marilyn, your road trip sounded nice, all except for the following farm equipment. Goes with the territory I guess. I'm not as good at knitting as I am at sewing. But could have way too much yarn if I was allowed. Nice that you found a kindred spirit in the salvage yard lady.
Time to get ready for work! Later y'all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 12:21:05 PM
Oh Bunny -- I have too much yarn and too much fabric both. Shame shame on me! ha ha ha I just had to check in here for a minute to take a break from the ickiness going on in here. Having some storms and rain this afternoon and saw a semi truck nearly jack knife a few minutes ago trying to keep from hitting the guy who pulled out from our corner without looking. Oh dear -- it was all he could do to get that huge truck stopped! My heart is still in my throat. So a couple of deep breaths and back to cooking the books.
Have any of you tried drinking green smoothies? My mail carrier just swears by them -- says he has reduced his cholesterol by about 20 points. I love smoothies, but have never tried putting greens in them. Just looking for experience here. From real goddesses!!!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 12:37:28 PM
Marilyn, congrats on another merit badge. Maybe you will get the rest of us off our butts. Maybe not, though. It is fun to connect with someone like the Maryland gal. It makes you feel understood and valuable. And who doesn't enjoy a laugh at our counterparts in business and life! I have never been faced with the problem of an unfinished bottle of wine. ;-)
Cindy, I hope you can get that garden going. It is such a great idea.
Bunny, fingers crossed. There are so many people looking for work still. Even though we have news of our economy recovering...a lot of folks aren't there yet.
GG, dh and I want to have that stuff put in our garage, too. He, of course, feels he can do it himself. Probably he can. I don't know if I can live through him doing it himself. It's another know thyself moment in our marriage. I would appreciate knowing how you feel it holds up. I can already hear dh telling me, "Now, don't get in the car and turn the steering wheel back and forth a bunch of times because that will wear a rut in the floor." It will make me want to get in the car and grab that steering wheel.... Well, you know me well enough to know where I'm going.
Yesterday, I jumped in the shower and waited for the water to get just a bit warmer. Which it didn't. So, I really started jumping around. Hit all important bits with soap and cool water. Dunked my head and promised to shampoo next time. It seems our water heater's thermostat gave out. It took a while for dh to diagnose, but he got the part today and it is as good as new. Of course, he rigged something up yesterday to make it work in the meantime. MIL was foretelling a $600 out of pocket expense for us. Does she think we call plumbers for these things? This would be our first electric water heater to replace. I think we have replaced four gas water heaters across the US. Our last replacement was in this small utility closet where we had to remove the washer and dryer first to get to! This repair was a breeze. I wasn't even involved! Usually I get to hold the cookie sheet so we don't set the wall on fire while dh 'sweats" the copper joints with the propane torch. We know how to have fun.
I took MIL to Winco to do the grocery shopping. How is it that she needs more groceries than dh and I? She isn't a large woman, she can't be eating it all. Her garbage is always really full and heavy...hmm. Anyway, that is checked off for this week. Tomorrow I take the car in for its six month check up. It will be all clean when they are done. I really like that part. I am taking my knitting and sitting in their luxury waiting room with their great coffee maker. I'll get a cafe mocha and find a seat by the fireplace. I hope it isn't a hot day. That would ruin the whole plan.
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 12:42:12 PM
Marilyn, do you ever eat steel cut oats? They are supposed to be great for cholesterol... I like them. Ready to fix some for lunch right now. Also, I understand Niacin helps to keep the cholesterol moving out, not "stick." I take slow release niacin because it can cause flushing of your face without the slow release component... mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 12:57:27 PM
 They are chunkier than rolled oats |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 1:43:19 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:02:55 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 2:08:05 PM
Pretty bowl, Mar.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 3:03:45 PM
Goddesses of the Iris,
We had snow yesterday but it wasn't enough to hang around. It is sunny but with a cold, hard wind. I have to get out in the yard and rake the grass. A squirrel tore up a plastic bag for material to line its nest with and threw the rest all over the yard. I need to turn the soil in the garden and grab some compost from the neighbor. Nick, one of the maintenance guy, wants to use part of the garden and he said he would put some manure on it.
Marilyn - I use red yeast rice to control my cholesterol. I didn't want to take statin drugs and my doctor recommended it. I take a pill everyday. It is a supplement and I get it at the coop. I have worked your kind of job. I love receivables. I have done everything from billing to collections. I've been a third-party collector too. Not the best job to have but it made me a better overall collector. In my last company, I had these guys who would pay late on purpose so that they would get a call from me. Sometimes I would use a raspy voice and say stuff like "It would be a shame if something should happen to your server." They thought it was funny. I also have a large amount of yarn. I now buy yarn only on a "as needed" basis. I have been funneling much the of excess to my classes.
Bunny - Wish you luck with the job. I have a sea chest full of fabric yardage and a few boxes of pieces and clothing I want to take apart to use the fabric. I have one whole box of just silk.
I have someone talking to me about their D & D character so I am very distracted right now. Later.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 4:49:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
Cindy you could ask the extension service for seeds or 4H. Sometimes there are garden centers who will give you last year's seeds. That would make your community garden less expensive. I saw a book on vertical gardening for urban gardens that looked interesting. If you want I could see if they still have it. I figured I was not in that category so passed on the purchase.
I was walking around the kitchen before breakfast thinking what do I drink in the morning because I do not do coffee. It was a boring water or milk when we have it. I was chuckling quietly, Mar. I have 6 types of tomato plants started. I will have more plants to go in the garden in June than I have for years. I hope they produce well.
I think the floor makes the room look finished and with purpose. Our garage has a dirt floor. It's job is to gather more dirt. lol
I have a lot of fabric but have restrained myself in recent years by just staying out of the material store. I have used up most of my yarn. I am trying to hard to be good about not dying with the most material.
Boys can not talk to me while I am doing nothing. A running conversation now that I want to read and write.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 4:57:21 PM
Good evening again,
their lights are off.
I was talking to dsC's therapist today. He always asks me what annoying think dsC does. I told him he takes off his pull up and tosses it under his bed instead of walking across the hallway and putting it in the covered trash can. He suggested that I start keeping his underwear in the bathroom so he has to go in there to put on his underwear. I told him dsC rarely wears underwear. Then we had a short memorably painful story telling exchange on zipping penis skin into zippers. I did not have much sympathy. the therapist did. ha ha ha ha. He said I guess my brilliant idea to solve the problem really won't work. I laughed.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 9:00:16 PM
Seriously, if the zipper incident doesn't provide enough reason to wear underwear, I can't think of what might! Good luck with that one, holly. Exciting news about the plants you have started. I am really enjoying the extra growing time I have here.
The bowl is from my mom's set of dishes. She had enough so that both my sister and I have a service for eight. I decided to not save mine for special occasions and I use them as our daily set. The family was really nervous about that at first. So,I have a tyke that we will have a party when ever we break a dish. So far, no breaks. I feel proud that I am enjoying them and not saving them. Saving things for 'later' has always been the way to do things growing up. It can be tough to let go of things.Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2015 : 9:34:05 PM
Just a quick note,it's late and I need to get ready for bed. I just bought some matcha, or Japanese green tea powder, and I add that to my smoothies. I just brewed some chocolate-mint tea and added some matcha. It's in the fridge cause I like cold tea. Hot tea burns my mouth but when I wait for it to cool, it's lukewarm by the time I can drink it. so cold tea for me, no ice. I never use ice. It uses so much energy to make ice, then it just melts and gets tossed out. The matcha energizes you but helps you focus better. and it's healthy. You can mix it with hot water and add milk for a latte. Anyway, it can make any smoothie "green" and can also be used in baking.I planted beet seeds tonight and some basil in the front yard. May get frost tonight-unusual for this time of year. Gotta go, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Apr 23 2015 : 07:48:13 AM
I guess I gave everyone the impression that I have cholesterol issues! ha ha I don't -- I guess that's another item for my gratitude list. :) My mail carrier started the green smoothies in part to lower his cholesterol -- I just think they sound like a really great idea for nutrition.
As for the steel cut oats -- I cook them overnight in a big batch on Sunday night and then I just zap a serving in the microwave each morning. I put 1 cup of the oats in 4 cups of water, bring it to a boil for a minute or so, put on the lid and then let it sit overnight. Cuts way down on that "I'm in too big a hurry in the morning" excuse. I like any kind of oatmeal, so making the jump to steel cut was not hard. Wish I could get the Dude on board, but the closest I have come is getting him to eat Quaker Oatmeal Squares with blueberries and a banana every morning. He never ate any breakfast before -- just his two cups of tea. Then when the doc said his cholesterol was high and wanted him to take meds (which I knew he would never do) I took that opportunity to start making him breakfast every morning. For the first couple of weeks I had it all laid out and ready for him to just pour on the almond milk first thing. A little napkin, a nice spoon, a little pitcher for the milk -- the whole schmeer. After a while, he was looking forward to it every day. In about 6 months, he lost 30 pounds and the only thing we had changed was that he was eating breakfast!!! It changed everything. Now he is worse than a reformed sinner!!! "Don't eat that Amish pretzel, M." "No pasta for me, thank you." Grrrrrr. But I am happy to have him healthier, for sure. And I just now ate an entire huge Amish soft lovely delicious yeasty pretzel right in front of him.
Our weather seems to be a little confused. I thought it was spring. It felt like spring. My plants are growing and blooming like spring. But now we are headed for the 30s tonight and I am not at all on board with that! I told Dude this morning that THIS is why we wait so long to put the more tender seeds and plants in the garden -- you never know.
Had a great 3M this morning (M's Morning Mile). Met the new artist who is moving into her studio space uptown. The moving truck was blocking half of the main street in our little burg. She has done the move backwards from me -- born and raised here and just moved back after living the last 20 years in Seattle. We had a little chat and then I went on my way.
Time to get to work. We have been ferrying cars all morning.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 23 2015 : 09:30:21 AM
The zipper incident made me shudder and cringe. I've gotten a zipper caught in just the tummy skin and thought I'd die from the sheer awfulness of knowing I had to hurt myself again to get out of it.
M, that's good info - I'm going to try the overnight oatmeal too. Problem is my slow cooker on slowest setting is too hot. Over cooks everything.
I did try my first bone broth in my crockpot and it is really tasty. We are going to try to drink a cup of that a day now, added to our daily regimen. It's supposed to heal the gut, where they now tell us is 80 percent of our immune system, and where all diseases start. "Theysay". I'm lucky that this hubby is into trying to live healthy and is very receptive to the things I come up with. I didn't get the impression you had cholesterol issues, my point was to say these healthy smoothies I think will contribute to not getting the problem if you don't have it, and helping if you do.
The weather is fickle here, too. There is always one late freeze as a little "gotcha" trick that Mother Nature likes to play.
Mar, you asked about the garage floor as a do it yourself. They sell everything to do it yourself at The Home Depot. I've never put down epoxy before so I was reluctant to deal with it. I've painted garage floors before, following directions religiously, but they still flaked or peeled. So this time I wanted it done right. Also, I wanted it done timely, not over days and days, which our DIY projects turn in to. But you can save a Lot of money by doing it yourself. They finished up yesterday and it's still a bit tacky because we have lots of humidity right now with cloudy, misty weather. So we will have a minimum of three more days before we will put the stuff back in, maybe longer depending on weather. Humidity definitely slows the drying process.
The thing is that the garage really will act as an extension of the house because the house is so small. We put the washer and dryer out there and turned the laundry room into a "vestibule " / office. M, they just came and hauled off the Honda. B looked a little sad to see it go, but then he got into the new little pick up and put it in the driveway and he's sitting in it with the owners manual. I suppose they are "bonding" as we speak. That's a Mars thing I don't even pretend to understand.
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 23 2015 09:47:44 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2015 : 09:53:19 AM
Ha! Can you hear him making "vroom vroom" noises out there?
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2015 : 09:57:39 AM
Laughing--he made those with the Honda. He loved that %^*+ standard shift. This is automatic so I can drive it.
Cindy, thanks for the tip about the tea. I want to get some of that. You have lots of good info on healthy things and even if I don't always think to say so, I really appreciate your sharing of your info. goddesses of wisdom, we are.
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