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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 15 2015 : 6:35:35 PM
Thanks, Holly. I do need a hug today.
An amusing thing happened today. My sister sent a nasty text about me, in which she told a very large lie and referred to me as sister b****not once but twice. Funny thing is she accidently sent it to me. Then a follow on text when she realized what she had done, which said "I f***ed up, but it's true".
So, as you can imagine, the fur did fly.
I've known she was extremely jealous but I did not realize the extent of her venom. I probably should be afraid. I'm just sad.
When I called mom tonight, I asked if my sister had been to see her today and she said, no, her daughter said she was "not having a good day".
I think jealousy is the most vile of all emotions.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 06:09:29 AM
Oh GG!!!! I can't even imagine what you are going through. I have two older brothers, and when my mom was expecting when I was almost 9, I begged and prayed for a little sister. I was tired of "so many boys" and just wanted a sweet little sister of my own. I got another brother and I cried and cried. That was the last time!! I hear so many awful stories of sisters being not very good friends and I feel so lucky that I have none. ha ha Of course, there are just as many stories out there of all kinds of siblings not getting along well, but when I hear about someone being so mean, it just makes me very grateful for my brothers.
It must have made your blood boil to hear that your sister "said eh was not having a good day." I guess karma is a quick B****, isn't she? We make most of our misery ourselves and I would loved to have seen the look on sissy-poo's face when she realized she had sent you her venomous text.
Ah well, you know who you are and you know what your heart is. I hope you have a lovely and carefree day!!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 08:17:48 AM
I remember my mother saying mean things about her sister. My cousin said that his mom would say mean things about my mom. Neither of us could figure it out. I love my sister and brothers. We may not always agree but we respect each other's lives and choices. I can't imagine not liking my siblings. We have all gone through so much together and I can't think of a single mean thing to say about any of them. I guess I am lucky.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 10:15:48 AM
Well, good for you Marie.
my sister was a late in life baby when my brothers and I were 13, 15, and 17. So she grew up alone, with not an ounce of discipline whatsoever. so she hasn't done well, and I have done very well. She is very spoiled, expecting handouts where ever she can get them. It never occurs to her that some things have to be earned. So she resorts to lies and theft and deception to get what she wants. I'm not likely to approve any of that.
For example, I would be ashamed to sit on my butt, eat and drink everything in sight, take no responsibility for my own health, then let the hardworking taxpayers (aka government) foot the bill for my own lazy stupidity.
We are all different, aren't we?
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 10:53:34 AM
GG, my MIL has a wonderful relationship (in her view) with all her siblings. Her sister is 18 years younger than her and she was delighted when she was born. She hadn't seen her brother in thirty years, but you know...still a wonderful relationship. wink. But, it makes me crazy when she lecture/brags about her siblings in comparison to my sister and I. So, I can imagine Marie's sibling-love would make you feel the same.
I don't have a relationship with my sister. Period. She has turned the few family members we have left against me. She had control of my parent's estate which provided income for the rest of the family and they knew which side their bread was buttered. (Or something like that) It makes me very sad. And when my best friend from high school invited me "home" to stay with her for our upcoming reunion this summer, I declined because I don't want to face any of them. It is a very small town and they would know that I was there. I hope my friend understands. I just can't.
So, I understand your pain, frustration and anger.
Marie, you are lucky. But, GG and I aren't unusual in our family dynamics. And I bet, if you gave it two minutes, you could think of something mean to say! Doesn't mean you wouldn't help family in a crisis... Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 10:57:48 AM
GG - She sounds adorable. Are we sure she is not one of my customers?
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 11:04:50 AM
Well, yeah, I can think of some stuff they all did as kids which wasn't so nice. We spread ourselves out as we became adults but we stayed close. I mourn the pain you and GG feel about your strained family relationships. Even though, I do not understand, I will listen and be kind.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 11:06:55 AM
Not much going on at the shop today. His Dudeness took elder daughter (visiting from Alaska) out to lunch and for another little trip down the river -- boat came out of winter storage yesterday and she won't get another chance to get out before heading home. We got out yesterday and it was the first opening day of the marina that had been nice enough in I don't know how many years. Had a really great time and a nice dinner. She is a lovely, intelligent, well-educated and thoughtful young woman. Really delightful company. I am always ready to head down to the boat, but I told Dude that I thought maybe daughter could use some one-on-one time with Dad right now. My mechanic leaves for his "real" job after lunch, so I am doing some very high-level crocheting while I sit here waiting for the phone to ring. ha! I have a customer or two due in to make payments, but once the guys are gone, the phone really gets quiet. It is a gorgeous day out there and I would love to just go sit outside and soak in the warmth, but I will stay here and listen for the phone. I could take the portable out, but I don't have a chair that would work very well.
Anyway, I am enjoying a nice quiet day to myself. This evening, my two grandsons are both being promoted in ranks at Boy Scouts, so Dude and I will be going over to watch that. My daughter is an assistant Scout Master for their troop, so it will be a family event.
In other words, yawn.......trying to stay awake. Maybe I'll crank up the tunes on Pandora and work on some dish towels. Hope everyone's having as great a day as I am.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 1:41:41 PM
GG, I'm so sorry you have to deal with your sister like that. I have one too. But mine is more the Dr. Jeckle , Mr Hyde type. She Is bipolar and is thankfully in a different state. I have no contact with her if I can help it. Your sister sounds like the typical baby of the family. Everything is about her. Hate to say it, but when your mom is gone and the estate is settled, you will be free of her. I got your package today. Thank you! I'll make sure to take pictures when I come up with how to use it. (Probably in strips for hems and ruffles.)
Holly, looks like the littles are enjoying the mud. Best part about spring for them I bet. My oldest loved mud puddles.
Marilyn, sorry you are stuck at work on such a nice day. At least you have something to keep those hands busy. Your soon to be stepdaughter sounds wonderful.
Marie, you are so lucky to have a great relationship with your siblings. Glad you can enjoy being with them.
Mar, too bad you can't go visit your friend without the family drama.
Not much going on here. Got off work early. My boss just had too much to get done and couldn't get the fabric cut out today for the pants I need to sew for her. I'll be busy tomorrow though. The concert association is having a concert tonight and the yearly membership drive. Being the treasurer, I'll be busy there collecting money. So a little nap is in order.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 2:58:04 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:47:37 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 3:06:17 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:48:07 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 3:20:58 PM
Geesh guys! I am embarrassed......looks like I am the only 'ONLY' child here. I am now confused.....not sure if I should be happy or sad about that! LOL I do have three stepsisters but I only lived with them for about 2 years around 8/9 years old and they are 6, 8, and 10 years, respectively, older than me. So I still don't have a true sense of the sibling thing. I feel really bad for those of you that have such contentious relationships with your sisters.
Marie....I think it's so wonderful that you and your siblings have love and respect for eachother.
Holly....loved the pic of the littles in the mud.......I think mud was created just for kids......with no regards to mothers and laundry, of course! LOL :) Bet the piglets are already growing.
Weather has been delightful and in the 70's/ 80's for the last few days. But looking like rain is on the way. Friend and her mom came by yesterday and picked out some books to take home. I still have a few hundred to try and figure out what to do with them. They didn't really take as many as I had hoped for. I have at least 7 boxes full that I kept and another 6/7 boxes for my son, Kirk. I still have over 100 cookbooks and probably 500 cooking magazines.. This is just nuts! Ha Ha My kiddo was good enough to come over last week and clean off the top of all my bookcases and some shelves. I don't do ladders well anymore. And he also took down all my curtains and the rods. That was 5 windows. I have a corner apartment and therefore I have several windows. Speaking of apartments...I haven't found one yet but I do have another month as of today. GG...I would like to be a know like the one in Jack and the Beanstalk so I could step on your sis and squash her like a bug for you! LOL! OK so that's a bit insane but it gives you an idea how I feel when I hear about her sheer stupidity. :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 5:08:53 PM
Mel, I bet the local library will take your books. Ours always welcomes donations. If you want to deduct for taxes, you can donate them to a place like Salvation Army.
GG, I'm doing ok. Thankfully if I get too worn out I can always ask for a day off or leave early. My boss is so flexible.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 5:26:02 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:49:14 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 5:44:36 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a little cooler but we were still out in our t shirts or sweat shirts. the frost seems to be out of the ground. I was digging a fence post hole and made it two feet down and hit no frozen dirt. The snow is still melting so there is still a lot of mud. The boys took their bikes out today. I repaired the popped tire and raised the seats and pumped up the soft tires and off they went zooming through the mud puddles at a great rate of speed.
I get along with my older sister and younger brother. Our older brother still believes he is an only child. His loss. He does make appearances at family functions and is pleasant. I am glad we do not have back biting it would be too emotionally draining for me.
I brought over two loads of composted manure in the tractor bucket to top off the vegetable beds. the little boys moved the manure in their Easter buckets. We still have more to do but our attention spans were not long enough to do more today.
Look what is new with DsR.

Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 7:03:08 PM
Holly he is a beautiful child. Does the tooth fairy come to your house? It's funny, my kids couldn't be too mad when they found out the truth about tooth fairies because they still wanted the $$.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 9:55:21 PM
I'm waiting on my sweet hubby to get ready for bed and I'm reading back over today's posts. So chalk one lurk up to me.
I thank all of you for your sisterly love and support. I didn't thank Mar on here but I did in a private email earlier today. That's the kind of thing a real sister would do. So I do feel blessed.
I'm probably not going to my reunion either. It's in May this year. We have one every five years.
It looks like mom will fully recover and go home. She is determined to do just that. She is unbelievable. She walked ten feet today in her physical therapy. I got her car registration done for her while I was there and I noticed both rear view mirrors were broken off and taped back in place with duct tape. When I asked her what happened she said the garage was too narrow and she kept hitting the side of the garage when she drives in or out. She did her usual thing, said it was no big deal, they worked just fine. The driver side one was hanging by a thread.
Good night again all you dear friends.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 06:31:00 AM
GG -- I wish my mom would toughen up a little. I think because she was shuffled around so much without her mother living when she was little, she found that being sick was the way for her to get attention. So now she finds every little ache and pain (and at 83, there are plenty) and enjoys them as a great meal. My dad, who never complains, actually has terminal inoperative lung cancer, but just keeps going through the treatments and living his life and never complaining at all!!! Sigh. I try to be more like Daddy and less like Mother.
Oh the description of the customer was so right on! I won't even take checks from most of them. I had one sweetheart of a guy who had some actual mental issues -- he would stand here at my desk and have conversations with the "others" inside his head. He always had the nicest, sweetest things to say and always would say "I love you" when he hung up the phone. It sounds creepy if I think about it, but he was honestly just a very loving and kind person who was rather intelligent but had some serious pathologies going on. He had written us a couple of checks that bounced, so I told him that we needed to get money orders from now on to avoid adding all the fees onto his account. Eventually he moved to Florida, taking his elderly mother and the car he was making payments on. The guy continued to make his payments, even after being so far away that we could never have found him to repossess the car and really had no way to find him. Even after things got so bad that he and his mother were LIVING in the car -- he kept on and kept on sending his money orders. Eventually, he connected with an aid agency through a church down there and they helped him negotiate an early pay-off of the loan (they sent a lump sum and we cut several hundred dollars off the balance so it would be paid off). I have held him up to my more troublesome customers again and again. This guy had serious issues, was pretty much unemployable, and yet he continued to honor his commitments. Some of my customers are just plain lazy and irresponsible. Those are the ones who are hard to deal with. They have everything available to them but they just won't make the effort. Wow! Enough of that rant. ha ha
Holly -- When I was reading through these posts this morning to do a quick catch-up, I thought for just a second that your littles had loved the manure in their Easter baskets! Ha. I have GOT to slow down a little. As soon as the scroll started down the page and I saw that toothless grin, I knew it had to be your post.
Today it is cloudy and rained overnight. Everything smells so clean and fresh! I got a little more than a mile in on my walk uptown this morning -- saw so many people I know -- customers, fellow Rotarians, etc. I LOVE my little adopted hometown.
Have a great day, Iris Goddesses!!!!

Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 08:01:42 AM
Aw! Who couldn't love waking up to toothless grins and mustachioed goddesses!! Make that pen-stachioed goddesses.
Holly, I love those huge holes in his head! Was he brave? Did he pull it out himself or did the other littles have all sorts of ideas about helping him? It sounds like things are really gearing up about the farm on the hill.
Marilyn, that was a great story about the gentleman with the car. It should inspire some of those deadbeats, right??
Bunny, isn't it about time for a pet sitting job? How is the new kitty, still hanging around?
I have gotten a bunch of stuff checked off my to do list so I deserve this chance to check in with you gals. I hope GG gets a stress free day today! Family, what fun. I am going to walk Mom at JoAnn's today. Gosh, that sounds crummy. You know what I mean. I need to get some batting. Two birds, one stone.
I am looking forward to great weather this next week. Time to get the tomatoes into the ground and maybe even the zucchini and cukes! Sorry Holly, I can see that shade of green all the way from the west coast!!
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 08:07:27 AM
marilyn, my folks had the same personality mix your parents do. Mom had a lumpectomy and for the rest of her life told everyone that she "has" breast cancer. I kept telling her, "You know you don't have breast cancer, right?" She fully understood. Dad on the other hand, did his physical therapy to try to regain his strength after the PT department cut him off because he was terminal. He died melanoma after being in remission for three years. He was a fighter. Mom took to her bed. good luck. I know it is very frustrating and you wish you could just find that perfect middle ground. I have no doubt you take after your dad. And it is good that you are patient with your mom. Like my mom, fear is what motivates her. And the fact that being sick worked for her in the past. Either way, it can be difficult to put up with even though you love her. Rant here and you will have a sympathetic audience. mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 08:44:20 AM
Oh Marianne -- You put it so well. My mother is and always has been scared to death of everything. It has really robbed her of enjoying a life that has actually been pretty wonderful. Married for 65 years to her high school sweetheart, healthy kids, healthy grandkids, comfy enough retirement, no horrible legal battles...she just can't seem to see any of it and has always seen the negative side of everything and everyone and has let her fears keep her from just enjoying things. That is one thing I really like about the Farmgirl Sisterhood -- so many people with a can-do attitude and a giving spirit -- makes it easy to keep my outlook bright.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 3:52:19 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:51:31 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 4:06:57 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:52:21 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 4:35:35 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had rain last night the sound was soothing. This morning the sky looked like it was going to pour but it never did. By afternoon the clouds had passed by and the sun was out drying up the snow runoff. I have been hanging the laundry out on the line. A little more work but it smells so nice. I washed all of the snow pants today. I will pack them away and there will be 8 less pieces of winter clothing in the front hall. Yes, each boy has more than one pair. I put mine in as well. I like the open ness of the the front hall but it can get very overcrowded with all of the outside wear trying to hang up.
My mother was sick most of my life. She rarely complained or let her pain interfere with her being a mother. My grandmother lived with us after her retirement to help her only daughter with everything she could. She is a hard role model to live up too. Although I have figured out that her being so stoic taught us to not ask for any help for anything and that complaining about anything meant I was not strong enough or worthy enough. Does that make any sense? it was all subliminal learning it was never spoken out loud. I do not begrudge her way of dealing with her pain. My father said, never forget that your mother loved you very much. My father worked seven days a week for years so he and my mother could have a worry free retirement. He regretted not spending more time with her while she lived after she died because she died so young. (49). He always had hope that she would live a long time. She had polycystic kidney and liver disease. He was told that she would not live long and she lived longer than they initially believed. My father was a worrier. She was his anchor. When she died his world collapsed. He remarried a year and a month later to a woman whom he grew to love but never as much as my mother.
The boys have found the quicksand in the driveway. Ross wore a large pair of sneakers down to it and jumped up and down until they came off and were lost. I did dig them out. So, he showed Gabe and his boots came off. Chris pulled the boots out for him. The joys of boyhood.
DsR wants to know if he calls the green numbers on the one dollar bill if the man in the picture will answer the phone.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Apr 17 2015 : 8:37:02 PM
Holly--if the man on the one dollar bill answers his phone I want to be there to hear it. Kids come up with the darndest ideas. I used to imagine that someday the president would be out "surveying his kingdom" and would drive past our house and stop by for lunch. I think I was five. I never could figure out how the tooth fairy got that money under my pillow. Magic, I guess. It's definitely spring here. the grass is green and the trees are leafing out. There are pretty, sweet fragrant blossoms everywhere. I've seen bumblebees but no honeybees so far. Hang in there--spring will come to Vermont before you know it. Mel--maybe you could create a little free library for your books. You can go on-line and get ideas. GG--I'm lucky in that my siblings are my brothers. I never had to compete with a sister. I have a cousin my same age that I was close to, and we still see each other.I got along good with my brothers most of the time. I was a tomboy cause there was only one other girl who lived nearby and she was a tomboy, too. I think most country girls are. When I was going to college I was closest to my younger brother and he still lives the closest by. I get along OK with both my SIL's even though M's "valley girl" persona often irritates me. But I'm into nature and organic living and my brothers are into cars and home entertainment centers. Both my SIL's love to shop. I do sometimes. But lately, I like grocery stores more than clothing stores. I love searching for unusual ingredients. So I'm the odd one in my family. But that's OK cause I have friends here that understand me. And I'm very hard to understand. I had an extremely difficult adolescence and no one in my family remembers the things that happened except for me. I try to be positive but there's a lot of pain that people can't see. I ignore it and just keep pluggin' away. I have to force myself to go to work each morning but by golly, I do it. I'm strong in a way that neither of my parents has ever been. That's why i feel sorry for them and worry about them. They need someone to protect them. This year is going so much better than last year. I found out the empty lot is owned by the city so I'm going to enlist the aid of the "Community Cultivators" a group that oversees all the small community garden around here. Tomorrow is our Earth Day celebration so I'll make some contacts there. i found out the person I recommended to speak for our Sierra Club chapter will be our guest speaker in May. She talks about local food and is passionate about it. Our local food co-op is hoping to open by June. So I'm feeling energized cause I see that I can make things happen if I try. It's great to be a part of "something bigger than myself" which is how I put it back in 2002 when I first heard about CSA's and the concept behind them. I had just learned about the dangers of GMO's and climate change and I knew I had to do something about it. Maybe in a way it's my vocation. I'll never be a Catholic nun but I can still have a vocation. God has a plan for me, just not sure where it's heading but that's OK. I just know the wave of the future isn't Kim Kardashion excess consumerism. It's about community and sustainability and taking care of this Earth and ALL its inhabitants. About dismantling the corporate power structure and replacing it with local economies. Other countries are so far ahead of us in some areas of conservation and community. Most fair trade jobs are in other countries--while the workers here earn less and less and have fewer benefits. I could rant about this for hours but I won't. I hope everyone has a strong sense of community and I know we all try to live with less. Need to use some friendly persuasion to bring others in. Americans are hyper-individualistic and that's hard to overcome. Hope you all have a good night. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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