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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 3:52:25 PM
GG, why does your fabric in stacks look pretty and intentional and mine looks like a pile of stuff I need to get to as soon as possible????
yes, Betty we want to know how your new relationship is progressing.
Bunny, glad you keep rolling in some money.
Marilyn, I am so glad you are using your apron and enjoying it!
Mel, ya got to seal those boxes up so you can't take anything out! haha. Good luck. Packing is very tiring if you have to sort, too. How many days do you have left?
Our neighbor text messaged me that the goats (all five are "home" now) were in the front so I could drive MIL down to see them without her having to get out of the car. Their property has gravel and uneven walkways, so not easy for mom. Dh came too and we had so much fun watching five baby goats chasing two young girls. I don't know who enjoyed it more. The girls were giggling. MIL was smiling and laughing. The girls' mom had that glint in her eye of a mom who knows these kids are gonna go to bed early. And the goats were spring loaded jumping for the joy of it all. When we got home mom said, "Didn't watching those girls run with their goats make you happy , Marianne?" It did indeed.
Tomorrow I see my pain doctor. She is great and her staff in general is very attentive to the patients. It will be a fairly easy visit. She is always on time. You have to appreciate that.
Holly, missed you yesterday. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 4:35:45 PM
GG, with all the mailing I do, I have learned the ins and outs of the post office. Yes, it can be cheaper to ship priority. But you can use your own box unless have something really heavy and then using their flat rate boxes is the way to go. You can also purchase and print out shipping labels off the I twrnet via their website and it is cheaper. You just need to know the weight. I bought a scale from the post office and use it all the time. I can even have the post office pick up my packages. I know you don't do a lot of mailing, but information for any one that needs it. Just ask. I have it down!
You look great! Makeup or not..classy all the way. Now me; you don't want to see me in the morning. Scary!!
I paid my credit card off today. Great feeling. Put money in my moving to calif savings account. Now to save for new tires for the winter. I think as far as my local fabric sales, I have just about used them up. I really didn't have as good of a turn out as I thought. Not as big as the last time I did this.
Well, I'm pretty tired today. Defiantly used up all my spoons and then some. I'm going to bing watch Firefly for the rest of my day.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 5:19:44 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yesterday, we celebrated Passover. We had thirty guests. With the ten of us we reached the maximum I like to set for any holiday. The company was good and the food was delicious. The horseradish was especially biting this year. So, I spent yesterday cleaning and setting up for holiday. C cooks and has people who help her prepare the food. DdK cleans up with her friends.
The stars and planets were bright and clear last night. We did a little star gazing as the guests were leaving. Some of them live in Montpelier so there were excited to see the stars without city light interference.
Today was an absolutely gorgeous day her in the north country. Temperatures were in the high fifties. The littles were out in their snow pants, winter boots and t shirts. The snow pack is receding. C wanted to start boiling the sap for her syrup but she had a snaffoo with the faucet on the side of her boiling pan so tomorrow she will start. I hope I got the faucet attached to the side of the pan so it will not leak. It is a stainless steel pan and there is a hole in the side for the faucet to drain the almost finished syrup. Because the pan is so thin and stainless steel it is not possible for us to weld on a faucet. We have not found anyone to do it. So, I found some high temperature epoxy for the outside and some silicon for the inside. Tomorrow after the curing time we will see if it leaks. I surely hope not.
I transplanted the herb starts into peat pots. I hope some of them make it. The stems are so delicate they were hard to move. I did not really want to wait longer because some of them were crowded and getting tangled together. I also started the tomatoes, cabbage, brussels sprouts and broccoli seeds and some leeks too.
Baby goats are fun. They boing up in the air and run and run. I guess your neighbors will not eat them in the fall.
I am thinking I might like short hair like some of you have. I had hair down to my waist and now it is shoulder length. When I was a child I had short hair and bangs. It must be so much easier to take care of than hair that is long enough to get in my eyes. My hair is thin and not any sort of body like Mar has. I think if I cut it it would look mostly white blond. hahaha. I tell people I was white blond as a child and am now going back to it.
Mel, I do not envy you having to sort and toss. Here the library has a book sale every now and again and people can donate their books to it. Maybe an adult learning program would like the extras.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
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Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 7:41:01 PM
Reporting in: Betty in Pasco
Visited my sister for her 65th birthday this week and met my beau on the way home at a good halfway point. We had a lunch together and continued our catching up (all 56 years' worth). Somehow, I think Mom made a mistake by not letting us get married all those years ago. But we do have a future now, albeit a short one--not the 50 years he spent with his first wife (the lucky lady).
Betty in Pasco |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 06:15:22 AM
Betty - I didn't know His Dudeness years and years ago, so we didn't have that history to catch up, but sometimes I feel sort of cheated that we didn't get together until we were both "so old." It's a constant exercise in gratitude for me to just be happy that we are together now and not think about all the years that we didn't have.
Actually, if we had met long long ago, I don't think we would have gotten together, anyway. I think we are just the right people for us at this time of our lives.
I am just glad that we are healthy and that we have "us" now. I find myself thinking of my grandmother and trying to imagine her in this kind of relationship - it's too bad that I didn't think of her as a person back then, instead of just as my old grandmother. She had been widowed in her late 30s and raised 5 kids on poor farms...there were always rumors that the doctor in town was sweet on her, but she just poo-poohed anything people said. It never occurred to me that she might have wanted to have someone just for herself, you know? And now I suppose my grandkids think it's sort of weird that their Mamaw has a boyfriend.
Ah well...just do my own thing, I guess, and be happy for what I have.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 06:24:01 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:37:50 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 06:34:04 AM
Zz |
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 13 2015 06:35:28 AM |
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
1406 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 08:25:14 AM
For whatever reason Mom was down on my beau back in 1959, she has been forgiven, but not forgotten. He has turned out to be a very good man and very kind. I'm glad to be given the chance to be part of his life at this age even. Marilyn, I do understand what you said and am taking it one day at a time. I do wish the distance between us wasn't so far, but we will work that out eventually.
Betty in Pasco |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 10:58:53 AM
Oh Betty - after I posted this morning I was afraid it sounded like I was preaching! If I was, I was preaching at MYSELF. I was raised to think that the glass was always nearly empty - actually, I didn't really deserve a glass! Ha ha. Dude is so much better than I am at just enjoying what comes, and I am trying to be more like that.
I think when my mother broke up my brother and his girlfriend, she was just plain jealous. It comes in more colors than green! I think she thought she would lose my brother if he "went off and got married." Wasn't that an odd way to put it?
I wish you and your sweetheart lived closer, but it sounds like you are working things out. I am so glad we are free to do more these days than our mothers and grandmothers would have been. I enjoy sitting in a rocking chair on the porch knitting, but I would rather have my Dude sitting next to me - pouring me a glass of wine from time to time!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
1406 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 11:46:50 AM
Marilyn, I didn't take your post as preaching--just as your opinion and I think that is as it should be. We are all free to voice an opinion now and then. My Mom probably thought she would be losing her first-born, and she did. I joined the Navy out of high school. My then BF (same one now) didn't want me to, but I couldn't live at home any longer. We should have eloped, but that was frowned on in those days. I think we still feel the same way as we did in high school, although he did love his wife of nearly 50 years. I think I would have really liked her too! Funny how those things work themselves out.
Betty in Pasco |
Edited by - Betty J. on Apr 13 2015 11:47:49 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 11:59:27 AM
As my dad always has said to me, "We didn't get an instruction manual when you were born." I was the oldest and much was expected of me. I took the brunt of the physical and verbal punishment meted out. I do not complain about that because my parents were two very human people and made many mistakes. One thing I am sure of is that they always wanted to protect me and keep me safe. I spent 30 years being hesitant to be physically close to my dad because of one very bad night when I was 13. I also spent those same years not trusting my mother for her part in that incident. All that has been forgiven now as I have grown and made my own mistakes and have come to understand the pressures that adults face. For all their faults, parents just want to keep their children safe. That I believe is mostly what I am hearing.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 12:58:54 PM
Yay, Betty, nice to hear from you! I bet you admire your bf for being married for 50 years. I know they were good ones, but we all know there had to have been times when it might have felt easier to just not go home... It seems like you two know each other to your soul. You are still that good person who loves that other good person you loved before. Quite romantic.
Both Betty and Marilyn seem to have guys like I do. I also had an upbringing of pessimism. Dh, although not a huge optimist, has really taught me how to be an adult. I remember VERY early on in our marriage thinking, "I'm not happy." You all know what I mean. I am not waking up with bluebirds waiting to help me button my shirt! My new husband no longer brings me flowers every week (probably because I told him it was too much money to spend like that) and life has turned into a Monday thru Friday grind. Then weekends instead of being spent lounging in bed or on a wildly exciting getaway were spent getting chores and errands done. That was when dh looked at me and said, "That's life, Mar." Another time, I mentioned that we had a "bad" marriage. Without missing a beat, he replied, "I've been in a bad marriage. This isn't one." Shut me right up. And by that, I mean it made me think. And really all I needed was to just think rather than run away. I'm glad I stuck with it. I do love having those years of memories that you gals are talking about having missed out on. And hearing your longing makes me more thankful for what I have had. And I am so happy and proud of you all for being grateful for what you have now. Grabbing it (or him) with both hands and holding tight. You, too, GG. None of us are past having some good times.
And for the "no instruction manual" comment from Marie. I guess we all have to admit that's true. But being a stepmom put me in an unusual place with dh's ex more than a few times since I didn't have a child when we married. My stepson lived with us and visited his mother once or twice a year. She never missed a chance to throw "I'm his mother" in my face although I was the female parenting him. After a year or so of this I finally cracked and told her, "Yea, you are his mom, but it's not like you passed a test and I didn't. You aren't automatically right." Frankly, she rarely knew the right answers. Including how to spell her son's name. I mean, come on.
Well, I am rambling...Surprise!
Bunny, congrats on being free of credit card debt. I am so happy for you. Full speed towards those new tires and relocation plans!
I think most of us came from pretty good people who mistakenly or not tried their best. There certainly are some parents who aren't trying their best and aren't keeping their kids safe. There are some very selfish and weak people out there with kids and then there are some very brave people like Holly and C who are saving them...
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 4:02:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think you should grab happiness whenever it presents itself. Relationships aren't happy all the time. If they are miserable all the time then a person should think about the situation and change it. But, everyone should have moments of joy and remember them. I don't know that I grew up in a pessimistic family but it is sometimes hard to remember the good times and make them prominent in the memory system. My parents valued hard work to get where you wanted to go.
Today was a very lovely day here on the old hill farm. Temperatures were in the sixties. The littles were outside all day. I am sure they will sleep well tonight.

dsG and dsC in the first mud event of the season. DsR had gone inside. He was out in his boxers most of the afternoon.
I fixed one end of the green house. It was interesting to drive there on the tractor because the front tires would not steer in the foot deep snow so I had to go down the hill in the field to turn at the bottom on a bare spot and go straight up the hill. Now to get my chainsaw running.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
1406 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 7:20:33 PM
Mar, regarding those "bad" marriages, I've had 3. I'm not entering this relationship lightly, even though I knew him when he was young and impressionable. I think Mom might change her mind--but then might not. He was a foster child most of his life and landed with a couple of wonderful people.
Time will tell.
Betty in Pasco |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 10:25:05 PM
Well, I leave for a few hours (from my house) and miss all the action. I left about 5:00 this afternoon to meet some people at a restaurant and then attend a meeting. Got home, then had to run to the pharmacy to get a prescription. Put clothes in the wash and sauteed some asparagus. Then I check my computer and find out there was a shoot out several streets over from where I live. It happened shortly after I left. The police shot and killed the suspect. He had apparently shot a woman the day before in Missouri and was trying to get into his ex-wife's house. It's a shock because it happened on a quiet street. Kids play in the street and nobody worries. Then this happens. I called my cousin to see if she'd seen it on the news and she hadn't watched the news, but she told me the town where she used to live is slowly sinking due to the old coal mines that are underneath the entire town. The grade school was lost a couple years ago and now houses and streets are sinking. No one knows for sure exactly where the mines are located, they're old and were never mapped out. Eventually the whole town may be uninhabitable. There's a limestone quarry near my house but limestone is generally pretty solid and they haven't mined in this area for a number of years. So I'm not worried about my house sinking. And as long as I can avoid being shot I guess I'll be OK. Sorry, it's been a long, weird evening. I hope you all live somewhere safe. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 13 2015 : 10:48:19 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:40:39 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2015 : 03:55:49 AM
GG - I will be thinking healing thoughts for your mother today.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2015 : 06:27:59 AM
Holly -- Looks like spring might finally be getting ready to spring up in your neck of the woods! Yay! I love the picture of the kids -- growing up in Western Washington, we were outside as soon as there was any hint that the rain might have stopped. I can remember wearing shorts in February, but bundling into that new school coat in August. Maybe that's where the infamous "sandals with socks" culture was born! ha ha
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2015 : 10:14:19 AM
Calling all Iris Goddesses -- On a completely unrelated topic -- have any of you tried making/using the homemade deodorants? I am really trying to get a little more free of chemical and toxic products, but have not been willing to try homemade deodorant. I tried a "natural" brand years ago and it left me a little too "natural," if you get my drift. (And you would have, if you had been standing anywhere downwind) There are several great recipes from other farmgirl sisters and I am getting my gumption up to try one, but wanted to hear the real low-down. 
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2015 : 1:46:53 PM
M, I haven't tried my hand at deodorant. But I have tried those crystals/rocks that you rub under your arms. It seemed effective enough at the time. I did go back to the nasty stuff. Now you are making me feel guilty... Don't worry, it's not your fault!
Holly, we all laughed at the idea of the neighbors eating the goats! Poor little neighbor would have some sleepless nights over that notion if I mentioned it. She is very soft hearted. Doesn't understand why one of the horses would bite the other. Aren't they friends? "Not when it comes to food."
We have a wet and icky day here today. I did take mom to get her boof-a-do done. She also needed a trim so it was a ninety minute appointment. I did a few errands, stopped by Starbucks and then headed back to wait and knit. She has been very uncomfortable lately. She tripped and fell on the carpeted area and said there was no problems resulting from the fall. And then she decided to elevate her legs and fell asleep that way and woke to a lot of stiffness and hip pain. I took her to a store to walk a bit after her hair appointment. Nice even surface, shopping carts to push rather than her cane that slows her down. I think it helped a lot. She says she has no pain now. Fingers crossed.
Stopped at the grocery store on the way home for some beer for dh and some scratchers for the gambling octogenarian. I decided I needed a lovely peony plant. Everybody's happy.
GG, hope your visit ends up ok and you can get home soon. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2015 : 3:00:19 PM
GG--it's difficult to watch our parents get old. I saw a guy last night who said he'd seen my dad at the senior center recently and he remarked that my dad looked "frail". I think that describes both my parents. I'm going to check and see if they're eligible to have a visiting nurse come check on them regularly but i have a hunch their income is too much to qualify. I know you love your mom no matter how much you rant. I need to drive over to my parents house cause I didn't get to check on them yesterday. I know they're probably worried that I live in a "bad" neighborhood. But it's really pretty good, except for isolated cases. there's an empty lot that I'm trying to find out who owns (I think it belongs to the city) and it would be perfect for a little community garden. I could get the local children involved and I bet they'd love it. One of my friends who used to work for the city is trying to find out who owns the lot. It's a gorgeous spring day. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Visit my blog at |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 14 2015 : 8:55:46 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:41:38 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2015 : 06:08:47 AM
I am thinking -- thinking of stinking! ha ha ha I have the sillies today and I know why -- today's the day our boat comes out of dry storage!!! We will get out for a bit this afternoon, even if it's not summer yet -- may run down the river to the Chesapeake if the water's not too rough. Dude's older daughter is here from Alaska and we didn't get to have her along with us even once last season, so we're looking forward to this afternoon. There's a wonderful place up the Susquehanna a little ways over in Maryland where you can tie up right on their dock, and I know that's where he'd like to go. Depends on how rough the water is though. There's another place back up on "our" river (the North East) that would be a lot more protected. I like it, too. Lots of history. Teddy Roosevelt used to go there on hunting trips. They have a whole presidential dining room with lots of historical "stuff" in it. Whichever -- it means as soon as Rotary is over at lunchtime, we will be locking the doors and heading for the marina!!! Yay. We live for this day all winter.
And as far as stinking goes --- I am going to try the deodorant and I will report back.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2015 : 09:49:10 AM
Big Day, Marilyn! Have fun. Got my fingers crossed for good weather so you can head down to the Chesapeake! Enjoy and report back. I guess being from Alaska, the weather will be mild enough for Dude's daughter!
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2015 : 4:31:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
The sun has been out the last couple of days but it has not been as warm as Monday. The thermometer reads just as warm but the wind is nippy. Today the littles put on their life jackets because they wanted to play by the pond. I figured if they fell in and started to turn to ice cubes we would be able to still find them because they would be bobbing on the surface. The pond is still 3/4 covered with ice. They found some of the minnows that did not make it and were floating dead on the edge of the pond. They carried them around for several hours. DsR (7) still has his. I think he stashed it on the porch because ddK (18) started screeching that it was disgustingly gross otherwise he would still have it in his bedroom.
I have a friend near Annapolis with land along the water. She used to have a dock and a sail boat. She went blind in the '80's so has no need of them anymore but still has the house. What kind of boat do you have?
I am working on dragging rotting logs into the pig pen so they have something to worry and can eat the grubs and other crawlies. I want to get a big pile. Then repair the fence, put up the gate and open the door to their stall so they can run and grow big.
The snow is gone enough that we can work outside and get something done. I set up my chainsaw sharpener I received for winter holiday so I can try it out and get going on the cord wood for next winter. It would be so wonderful to have it all in by June. Dreaming is nice.
I have not tried home made deodorant. DdK brought some home from her massage class. She has sensitive skin and it gave her a rash. It is around here somewhere I could find it and send it along if you would like. Tom"s deodorant is good. I think if you deal with a brand that is a deodorant and not an anti persperant (can't get the spelling right) there are less chemicals in it.
Hugs to you G.
I really like peonies. We have a couple of them. they are so big and cheery. and smell nice too.
the daffodils are up three inches or so. the crocus are in bloom. True signs of spring.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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