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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 11:43:00 AM
Here's what WebMD had to say -----
Q: Can local honey help my allergies?
A: No. The theory that taking in small amounts of pollen by eating local honey to build up immunity is FALSE.
Here's why: It's generally the pollen blowing in the wind (released by non-flowering trees, weeds, and grasses) that triggers springtime allergies, not the pollen in flowers carried by bees. So even local honey won’t have much, if any, of the type of pollen setting off your allergies.
Studies show bees don’t just bring flower pollen back to their honeycomb. They bring "tree and grass pollen, in addition to mold spores, diesel particles, and other contaminants," says Palumbo. The problem is that it’s difficult to make a honey from just one kind of pollen (say, weeds and not grass). So, save your local honey for your tea and toast, not for your allergy medicine cabinet.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 12:04:47 PM
Marilyn, I've heard the same thing. No idea if it helps or not but I do eat only local honey. For one thing, I want to help the local small business as much as possible, for another the imported honey could be anything, mixed from different countries even, and, if honey is heated and processed it's no better than sugar. I buy raw, unheated and unfiltered honey only from Texas. It's expensive but a little goes a long way. I find that since we cut out all processed foods, we can buy the expensive organic stuff and at the end of the month we have not spent any more. Next year we are going to rent a garden spot from the horticultural center here and grow tomatoes and squash at least. An organic zucchini is $2.50. Each. That is outrageous. One zucchini vine will feed a village.
I did my physical therapy here this morning and it's nothing more than exercises I can do easily on my own. She did tell me to get a Mckenzie Slimline pillow for my back and a roll tube to massage the areas myself, said I still had muscle spasms on right side and weak muscle on that side. No big deal. I can fix this. My sister will not exercise but relies on drugs and says she is now taking a morphine pill every night. My years of yoga helped as I still was very flexible even with the weakened area. She said start back at yoga very gently and slowly and work into it. So, all those years did help. I will order those two items from Amazon.
We are having a cool, lovely spring day. The flowers are glorious this year.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 12:15:55 PM
You posted the Web Md thing while I was writing. You can find arguments for and against everything online. So in the end you just have to rely on your own judgement. I have often wondered about honey labeled "organic". They have no way to know where those bees go--they travel miles away from their hive. I took a beekeeping course last year. Interestingly, at my farm where I've used no pesticides, bees are everywhere. Here in this well manicured subdivision with many flowering trees and flowers, I have yet to see a bee.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 12:25:20 PM
Bunny, hope to be hearing good news from you about that job today.
marilyn, your apron is very cute. Tie one on!
Holly, eesh. As the latest with the head injuries, I will tell you I hope the tenderness goes away soon.
Love the news about the ant trap makings. I should write it down right now! SHOULD being the important word there... Congratulations on beating them, Marilyn.
Cindy, I hope your friend is getting some good care. Your visit will be very important to her when she looks back at the episode.
It was a year ago today that we left our home in Spokane! It has been such a busy year for us and this weekend dd and boyfriend move (again) so it isn't over yet. I will be lining her kitchen shelves and dh will help oversee the move. They have young strong backs and very little furniture. Plus, this place has an elevator!! Thank goodness, they will be on the eleventh floor. I'll also be in charge of the pups. Both yellow dog and cheech. I think it will be pretty easy for dh and I because they are loading everything the night before...theoretically.
Loved my mom. She drove me nuts. I complain about anything and everything. Deal with it. :-)
Have a goddessy day!! mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 1:15:33 PM
We all love our moms. I love my mom. She drives me to the brink. She is no longer in her right mind and she is suffering. I love her enough that at 92 and counting, she has suffered enough andthat is all she has to look forward to. More suffering. She is in diapers. She can't eat. It breaks my heart to hear what I hear in her voice while she is trying so hard to be tough. Yet, today she is being released to a rehab facility where they will force her to stand and try to walk in excruciating pain. I wouldn't let my dog go through that. She and I will go to the mats with her telling me she doesn't need me and she can get by without me and she is going home. You know why she does this? Because she doesn't want to be a burden.
Sorry, but I am still furious that anyone would have the audacity to lecture me on this. Furious.
Mar, welcome back. I miss you so much when you are not here.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 1:15:58 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
My dsLeo used to have a face that ran like a faucet every spring. Our homeopath told us to use a tablespoon of honey in his tea or stright up everyday and an 1/8 teaspoon of bee pollen on his toast or where ever every day.but do not heat it up. Both need to be locally sourced. He has hardly any drips or discomfort anymore. I reccommend it. He did not spend his early childhood around here so it is not the he got used to the allergens.
Time to go feed the pigs.
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 1:22:27 PM
Holly, that's what my dad always said to do... What's old is new again. Desensitization in a very sweet way!
GG, the most difficult thing you can do when you love someone is to hope they will leave this life soon, but it is because of your love for your mom that you just want to see her in comfort and our health system has to prove to our insurance system that improvement is being made for them to pay the bill... Thinking of you and your family. Stay strong. Your mom needs your strength to be her advocate.
Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 7:29:00 PM
But that Kardashi-whatsis girl said that only honey from bees with a stinger on the FRONT and wearing Prada makes good honey!!! I know what you mean - been reading up on honey to work on a merit badge - it's all interesting. But you can prove or disprove anything via the web! I am with you - I would rather eat as locally as possible and that includes honey. I am so lucky to live in a very farm-rich area. Quite a few bee keepers nearby as well. I am anxious to try some more local honey just to appreciate the difference. Tomorrow is haircut day. Time to cast off some winter growth!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 9:36:27 PM
Oh, Marilyn...whatever did we do without you! You mean that mindless twit can actually talk and have an opinion? About bees, no less. I thought all she knew was to show off her big fat bum. And here I thought only the devil wears Prada.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 05:28:57 AM
I got another merit badge!!!! This one is beginner level Speaking for the Trees
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 07:08:32 AM
Spring haircut day - here's the "before." .jpg?v 66261722)
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 08:22:13 AM
Well, it looks like I didn't get the job. But I'm ok with that. I have so much flexibility with the one I have now, she knows about my fibro and is sympathetic. I'm sure this is where I'm suppose to. be right now.
I'm having a quilting fabric sale today. Wish me luck.
Marilyn, hope your hair cut turns out good. You don't look like you need much of a cut as it is. Congrats on the new badge.
GG, haha, just because the mindless twit talks and has an opinion, doesn't mean it makes any sense. I'm looking forward to the roses! My favorite is actually peonies.
Got to they come!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 11:08:15 AM
Oh Bunny - glad you've got the good attitude. Hope you sell lots of fabric today"
Here's my "after" picture - a little bit too constructed for me, but once I spend some time outside this afternoon, that will go by the wayside ...
.jpg?v 28467647)
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 1:00:24 PM
Marilyn, we rock the same haircut. You have more dark left in your hair than I do!! You look great the Dude must approve of short (whatever you want honey) hair like my dh. Not that any Iris Goddess would change their hair because someone suggested they do it!!
My dh asked if I wanted to go to JoAnn's today. Random. Why? Well, I could "take" you there and then go kill some time at the Sportsman Warehouse. "You do know I can drive, don't ya?" Anyway, we left and spent some time out and about. Two extra stops yielded two extra holsters... But it was fun to be together. I did pick up some outdoor fabric to recover a settee cushion for the front porch.
Our Women's Adventure Club has five members now. Our first trip is the second week of May. I will keep you posted. I am very happy to have this group to meet new gals.
GG, I am so glad you are posting your beautiful irises. I have missed all my tulips and it helps to see the beauty you have to enjoy. I did put some seeds in two large pots that have struggling bushes in them already. marigolds. I used five packages of seeds between the two pots. That ought to do it!!
My zucchini, crookneck squash and cucumbers are looking pretty cute. Two leaves each. Another few weeks and I will put them in the ground.
Have a great day, Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 1:11:57 PM
Bunny, I'm sorry that you didn't get that job, I guess??? You are in a great place! Hope your sale is stupendous. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 3:11:57 PM
Bunny, I rarely see peonies, even though I read that they will grow here. Maybe the deer like them too much. They are very beautiful flowers.
M, congrats on the new badge. High achiever you are. Mar, I think the reason I love you so much is that you make me feel understood. No easy feat.
We are under severe weather alerts especially today and tomorrow but really through the next week. Hail and all the bad stuff. I talked to mom yesterday and she sounded so bad, was in so much pain said she could not move and her leg hurt so much even with the pain meds. So I immediately called the floor nurse. Seems when there is no family member present, she gets ignored. Which is exactly why she will not be going to a nursing home if she survives this. She also couldn't have a BM. My sister had taken the day off and nobody was there. So I prepared to go, it's about three hours from here, but before I left I called her again. The nurse had taken care of everything and she was happy, feeling no pain said she didn't want me there, she was sick of company, she enjoyed having the day by herself and the nurses were all wonderful. The nurse promised me she would take care of it and she did. So I agreed to wait another day. They keep saying they are going to transfer her "in the morning" but still they haven't. My sister said she would be there this morning and she was. Seems mom tells us what's wrong and tells the nurses and doctors she is fine because she doesn't want to be a bother. Refuses pain meds to prove---what? I told her they were not giving out prizes for bravery and take the 'bleeping meds. I told my sister about it so she went in this morning and threw a fit because they weren't doing anything about her leg that she hurt while trying to stand. So they have ordered an X-ray and additional testing finally, after nearly a week. Now I can expect a lashing from some nurse lurker but don't even think about it. They do ignore old people if no family is there. Every day I am prepared to go and every day they say don't come today because they are moving her to rehab, which is from the inner city hospital where she is now, to a rehab facility near her home, where I will stay. So I could drive all the way downtown only to find she's not there. This is me screaming. (#%^%#%^%#%^%). Thanks, I needed that. Anyway, tomorrow there is 100 percent chance of serious storms, so we will leave Monday no matter what. In the meantime, my sister who lives there promises me she is handling it. I hope so.
I should erase my rant but I don't feel like it. Just don't read it. I feel better.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 3:20:05 PM
P.S. M, you look gorgeous! I am wearing my hair short again too and I found a hairdresser that I just love. Now, If only she won't move.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 3:32:53 PM
GG, the last thing you need right now is a wild goose chase. Plus, moving your mom will put her in a great bit of discomfort. Maybe mention that you want her pain under control before she leaves the hospital. When an elderly person does not move their bowels it will affect their mentation almost immediately. So, keep on top of that pleasant little detail, like you are right now. You are one hundred percent correct in believing that patients without family or friends looking after their needs don't get the same level of care as those who have someone hounding the staff on their behalf. Don't ease up. Let them think, "Here comes that B of a daughter of hers." You'll be mad at yourself if you don't. It's not like you are asking for any favors!
Bunny, waiting for you to check in with your sale update.
And G, when did you go short???? Hair, I mean.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 5:47:22 PM
I'm back. Took a couple days off cause I've been feeling tired again. Don't know why. I mowed some of the yard today and then checked out some new local shops that I hadn't been to yet. I bought a picnic basket and a round wooden bucket. The bucket will come in handy when I harvest tomatoes and what all. I love to browse the antique shops here when I get the chance. I saw an armadillo in one shop and asked what it was made of (it looked like leather). she said it was a real stuffed armadillo. Holy Moses, it freaked me out. Never seen an armadillo up close. Hideous little guys. GG--I hope neither of my parents ever end up in a nursing home. My grandmother withered away for years in one and probably weighed 90 pounds (if that much) when she died. My aunt (now deceased) was able to walk when she went into a home but fell one night when no one would come to help her walk to the bathroom. Before she died she told me her granddaughters and SIL were going to sue the nursing home but I don't know how that went. I hope the nasty weather spares you. i saw video of that tornado in northern Illinois....scary. Marilyn--nice cut. i have long hair myself, the same style i've had for the past thirty years. When you find something that works... Mar--sounds like your women's adventure club is going to be fun. We don't have anything like that around here--i guess the closest we get is the "Woods-woman" weekend they have at a nearby state park each year.I always plan to go then find out about it too late, as space is limited. I'll finish mowing the back yard tomorrow. I got this mower for $75.00 from a co-worker cause i was afraid to spend a lot of money on a new one. I looked at different models and then checked them out I'm afraid to buy any new mower cause ALL of them have problems. Made cheap. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 6:16:54 PM
GG, rant away. Glad you were able to make sure mom was taken care of.
Mar, can't wait to hear about your adventure club activities. Sounds like your vegetable garden will be well underway before long.
My Fabric sale did pretty good. Over $500.00 total with today and a few early shoppers I allowed yesterday. I still have quite a bit. I'm trying to decide what to do with it. EBay is too expensive on the sellers fees. Shipping it anywhere will cost a fortune. I have already donated a ton to the senior center. I'll figure something out. I would still like to convert it into cash somehow.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 11 2015 : 9:57:59 PM
I love local raw unfiltered honey.......use it all the time in lots of stuff. I prefer it to sugar if I can. can rant all you want and anytime you like!! I think this a good place for that....que cera cera to those who don't agree. My Mom died in a nursing home and I'll carry that guilt always....she said one time to me, she did not want to end up like that. Well I was here in Texas and she was in Illinois and I never even saw her in the there. I spoke to her on the phone but never visited her. I shall carry that guilt to eternity.....but I try not to go there because I can not change any of it. I get angry when I think of it.....because my Pop couldn't or wouldn't take care of her at home. Anyway.......your Mom is lucky to have you!!!
Bunny glad you made a little cash on your fabric. And like Mar......'I guess' it's okay that you didn't get the job. I agree, you are right where you need to be with your situation at the moment! Your present employer knows your trials and tribulations and can work with that. Good thing! :)
Marilyn......I laughed 'cause your hair photos merely looked like not brush and brushed, to me! LOL Your look real good either way!! :)
Hey Cindy....glad to see you are back. Sorry you are tired again! Nice that you were able to get a mower from someone you know and not have to make a decision about a new one with bad reviews.
My kiddo brought me boxes yesterday and he got up and cleaned off the top of all my bookcases and entertainment center and high shelves. OMG I am embarrassed to say there was at least a half inch of gooey dust on top of everything. It was pathetic....I am glad he was the only one to have to see it!!! LOL He is such a good boy! :) So I finally started to pack. What a job.......I have so much crap. Living here for 10 years doesn't help.....can't believe all I have accumulated, one person in a two bedroom apartment. You would think I had intentions of being here forever.....Ha! Ha! So..I have enough books to start my own library and I have to pair down and I have a friend coming over on Wednesday to look through the books and see if she wants some. My kid is taking some. I am trying to separate the ones I want......go through a bookcase and then I go back later and think 'well, maybe I can save this one ,Oh and that one'.....geesh this is a bit of a pain in the arse!!! Chuckle! Chuckle!!
Well.....goodnight all.....more moving saga later! Oh ya.......still need to find a new home!! :) Love yous guys!!!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 10:35:55 AM
Oh, Mel, I feel your pain! I'm having such a hard time parting with all my good stuff. Bunny I finally got that big tablecloth in the mail to you. The cost of mailing is outrageous. Now I get to piss off the post office people but $20 to msil a small pkg, then she said well you can send it priority for $15. I said, you mean it's cheaper to mail priority than regular mail??? And I just drove to walmart to buy. 3.00 pkg to put it in. She stuffed it in a priority box and said, well, I guess they like all the shipping boxes to be uniform, maybe that's why it cost more not to use it.. Anyway, I HATE THE POST OFFICE GG
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 13 2015 06:37:32 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 10:56:07 AM
GG - you look wonderful for whatever age you want to tell! And not to worry about the rant - I had a regular weeping meltdown a few minutes ago because I just can't get this house clean with the remodel in progress. Ranting might possibly keep us out of prison.
I got the first planting done in my salad garden this morning. I like to plant every two weeks. Put in the kale, spinach, lettuce, green onions and radishes. Also did another bunch of peas. It is sunny and beautiful out. Dude just ran the push mower. I am inside doing laundry and outside smelling the cut grass.
Our goldfinches are the brightest yellow! I was up extra early and had a couple of cups of coffee with the birds this morning. I could hear woodpeckers in the woods all around - such a haunting sound and so pretty.
Glad you made some cash, Bunny! Sometimes I think I would like to sell some of my stash. I would probably wait until my sewing area is done and then see how I feel. Not even sure where all of it is right now.
I wore my jubilee apron to hold seed packets while working on the garden this morning! I love lots of pockets.
Now I should get back to work. Plenty I should be doing - it just seems so useless with all the drywall dust everywhere. Sigh.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 1:02:21 PM
Thanks, M. I try. These last few weeks have been a little rough. I hear you about the Sheetrock dust. It's awful, and until they are done with it, no need to even try to clean. Just go outside and enjoy the fresh air.
We are watching the Masters today in Augusta. They just did a gorgeous shot of Azeleas. Mar, weren't you going to post some pics of your Azeleas on here?
Mel, are you planning to go into another apartment but a ground floor? How is your knee? Moving is a horrible experience under any circumstances.
Bunny, the fabric sales seem to be working, maybe have a couple more of them when you are up to it physically and slowly work the pile down. I love having stacks of pretty fabrics around my craft room just to look pretty. .jpg?v 37485436)
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 1:14:10 PM
Hey, Betty in Pasco, we need an update. Don't you know we live vicariously through these each other's exciting experiences. Seriously,I'm hope everything is going well with you and your new love. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 12 2015 2:27:32 PM |
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