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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 7:00:39 PM
Oh, I forgot to say, Marianne, thanks for sharing your food allergy info with me. I too have been told that corn is bad news. In fact, I was told no grains whatsoever, and that is what I'm trying to do but it is hard. I love corn. Seems like rice ought to be ok but I'm trying to not have any of it and definitely I am better but some things still cause a little stress. There is a food allergy testing place here in Austin that I will try to get to as soon as possible although I doubt the insurance will cover it. Now that I am paying attention, when I go to a restaurant and they serve the delicious bread, I always get the sniffles and then digestive issues later. It's gotta be the bread.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 7:46:09 PM
DS made fantastic smelling stew for dinner tonight. DH is on his way home. I am tired - again. Wish the cough would just S-T-O-P. Maybe I'll try the elderberry syrup. (Oakhurst is famous for elderberries.) And, or Listerine. That doesn't sound nearly as good. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I really thought I was over it on Friday.
Love you all. Night, Night.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 06:39:43 AM
Gypsy, boondocking is when you are travelling and looking for a place to stay overnight for free, like Walmart parking lots, casino parking lots, etc. They are usually all in well lit places, but I would need to do research on the crime rates in those areas. That would be my fear of it all. We do have a 14 foot camper that we were thinking of keeping and finding some land out west to put it on so we have a middle ground area to go to sometimes. I don't think we will be doing that though, we shall see what takes place as time gets closer. Darlys, hope you get better real soon. Seems everone that is getting sick is lingering on and on this year. I know with all the crazy weather we all have been having is not helping. Kathy, good to hear from you. Bet you are glad you have chickens now. I like hearing all about your gardens. I am getting anxious to plant also. I want to put up a greenhouse, but way too cold out here yet to even go out there. Our planting season does not start until around Father's Day, before that we still get frost. Not a very long growing season here at all, but I still love the fresh veggies we reap from it. Marrianne, I also love your posts. You keep us all interested in your daily life. Mine is boring right now, I need to get out of this funk that I am in, but I cannot get outside for fear of slipping and falling. We have a good 1/2-1 inch of ice everywhere. Thje plows came by and scraped and it did not do much at all. It is supposed to get into the 30s, but it only gets into the teens. The weatherman is a teaser!!!! We may melt by May!!! LOL!!! Holly, be the boys are getting anxious for a new calf to be born. Hope she has it in the warm barn also. Coming very soon!!! Bunny, good luck getting the job!!! I am sure you will do really well working around it. You have a good sense for sceduling your time. Sounds like you will be working during the summer also if you get the job? Good for you!!! Well, need to get dressed and get the day going. I am learning how to make soap. My nnext thing is spinning yarn, then learning how to use my knitting machine. I have 3 of them just waiting for me. One day at a time waiting for some outdoor life. Have a great day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 09:24:17 AM
Janet, you are mostly right about boondocking. It is actually being anywhere without services like water or electric availability hook ups. You can boondock in the forest or the beach. It is being self contained or I guess more off the grid.
It's a bit gloomy today. No sunshine. Maybe some rain we will see. Fibro has been really bad the last few days. Embarrassed myself big time yesterday. I was helping someone from another department carry some stuff to her office and while she was holding the door for me into the building, I misstep and fell. Thankfully it just hurt my pride and a knee. But I was even more achy the rest of the day and embarrassed. I did get a 100% on a big test so that helped. It wasn't hard, my notes had most of the answers I needed. Today I will be working all day on my research paper. It is due next week...yikes!
Anyway, I better get to work. Stay warm and safe ya'll!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 10:23:32 AM
hello everyone, i agree with Janet and Bunny--i am ready for the ice and snow to go away. and the sun to come out for a bit. Temps are hovering just high enough for stuff to start thawing, and then they drop once the sun goes down and it all freezes again. i make DH take the brats outside. Kymo pulled me down the other morning and i landed on my bad knee. Ouch. he just wants to rip and tear. i hate that i can't just let him go. but then he won't come back. saving for a new fence but it is slow going. about half way there. then i won't have to worry about it, i hope. i am ready to play in the dirt, i have almost decided it's okay to look at the seed catalogs almost. and i am counting the days until the Farmer's Markets atart to open. in the meantime trying to stay warm and out of trouble. :-)
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 1:02:10 PM
Hey chickie poos! It is me the biddy hen from Iowa. I am trying to get caught up with posts. I just finished page 30. May be caught up by the weekend. I have been praying for everyone and hoping those along the east coast survived the storms. Out pastor was in New York last week, had good flight connections, but was thankful to arrive home safely. We are having a real open winter this year. Extreme cold temps with little snow. We got rain, ice, and sleet over the weekend which is making it hard to stay upright when trying to get from point A to point B here one the acreage. I want to appolagize for missing everyone's birthdays again. I had great plans to send valentines but that is not going to happen either. The meds I am on are slightly helping my colon, but are doing a number on my brain. Can't seem to get it all together. I guess I can say I'm having troubles on both ends - giggle -
Must go. I am showing the house in town this afternoon. I asked my renter to buy or leave and they have no money so I am playing realator until spring when the housing market usually picks up. I will now have to have the electricity turned back on which will be pricey, but Iowa winters can freeze water pipes quickly if house is not heated. I AM NOT A BUSINESS WOMAN AND I DON'T WANT TO BE ONE! Taa taa my lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay out of trouble |
Edited by - Thelma on Feb 12 2013 1:09:04 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 2:03:58 PM
Thelma it is such a treat to hear from you. I didn't get any valentine's out this year either. Good intentions on our part will have to be enough! I am glad that your meds are helping and hope your dh is feeling well, too. Hope your property is on the market for a very short time before someone makes you an offer of an insane amount of money! (We can dream.) Be careful on the ice.
Jan, do not feel your life is boring. It is difficult to feel very colorful when you are stuck inside for a while. You certainly stay very busy. You, too, need to be careful on that ice! Ours is disappearing slowly, but surely. Our planting season starts June 1st, so I guess I get a two week head start on you.
Bunny, falling can be so embarassing. I fell down our (tile) stairs not too long ago. I bruised by tailbone severely. I rode my butt down two stairs before I could throw myself forward and get off my tail. I actually laid on the floor for a few minutes while dh hovered asking if I was OK. He asked me how I fell and I finally confessed. I was gonna flash him and as I pulled my shirt up I lost my step. Now you are all sworn to secrecy. Dh says he loves my sense of adventure, if not my sense of balance. Good Lord, I probably need to filter more. Anyway, don't feel too bad about your fall. I hope your knee feels better.
Time to walk down to get the mail, throw something for the yellow dog to retrieve and fill my lungs with some fresh cold air.
I hope you are all having a lovely day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 3:32:04 PM
Mar, I think you are one of the coolest chicks on the planet! Don't censor or filter anything. Sorry about the fall, tho. At least it was a creative fall. Well guess what my latest illness is-- the powers that be just will not give me a break. Have had a sore jaw for a few weeks and thought it would go away. Dentist today. Turns out to be TMJ. So I have to be at the dentist at 7:30 in the morning to get a $1500 mouthpiece made which I am supposed to wear 24 hours a day. Has anyone ever heard of this?? I'm really bummed about this.
WOW -----was that my imagination or did we have a Thelma sighting? Next thing ya know everybody will be posting again!! Thelma I sure hope the house sells fast and hope you are feeling good or at least better. I'm gla do finally know what boondocks means, as I have used that word or the expression "out in the boonies" forever without knowing what it meant.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 3:33:23 PM
I have been spending the last days catching up on all these posts. Whew!
Bunny I hope your knee will be alright. I hate falling and feel so foolish when I do. Fortunately, so far I have not hurt myself. I don't want to let my DH find out if I fall when he is not around. He tends to "mother" me and tells me to be careful many times.
Glenda I am so happy that you have found someone that you can share yourself with. I used to worry about the difference in my age and my DH's age but not anymore. I am 10 older than he is and now that he is getting gray and is 60 years old people don't blink an eye. There is someone out there and I say be selective and wait for the right one. Better to be alone than with someone who makes you feel worthless.
Good to hear from you Charlotte and Thelma. I experienced all the cold I want to up in Boston. Ten degrees with my skimpy clothes was a bit much for me. I did have a wool coat and hat and some gloves but that cold just went right to my bones. We were only in Boston to catch the plane home.
Janet I think it is great that you are going to make soap. I bought some homemade soap last week at a little country store. I love using it.
Kathy keep us posted about your planting. I tried to make a big garden last year but here in FL where I live the soil is not liking many veggies. Our peach tree looks like it is going to be great this year and give us plenty of peaches.
Holly, I think it is great that you are giving C and G such wonderful experiences in the snow and with learning to cook. I had to smile about them not ever having seen a whole carrot. I remember when I was teaching we had a special field trip to take kids on the bus down to the beach. So many of them had never seen the ocean even though they lived only a few miles from one.
Darlys, sweet sister, I hope that cough gets better soon. I am so looking forward to May and the hula pie. I still have not lost that weight and went out and bought some bigger clothes. Well, what the heck, I am going to order a big hula pie and enjoy every bit of it. Oh, yummy!
I am waiting for some rain here but it seems to have drifted by without droping one drop on my street. The skies were really black today, too. I saw a sock monkey umbrella in a catalog. I would buy it but it probably wouldn't get used very often.
I am going to go back now and read the pages I need to to catch up.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 4:00:00 PM
Charlotte good to hear from you. Sorry for all you farm chicks dealing with snow and ice. Today the rain stopped ANd this afternoon was about 70 and beautiful springlike weather. Been cold and wet for about 3 days.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 4:23:22 PM
Nancy, snatch up that sock monkey umbrella to keep the sun off your face! Don't wait for a rainy day. It could be your signature piece! Glad to hear from you.
Gypsy, thanks for your support on my crazy filterless posts. My dd sometimes says, "gee, Mom, pump the brakes on the TMI." Still, I tend to share ...
I have heard of TMJ. I know that many people have it to varying degrees. That some dentists make an absolute fortune on it and that there are several treatments. Most people I know who have the mouthpiece only wear it at night. I hope the 24 hour prescription for you doesn't mean that your case is terribly worse than most. You know ... when you first start to wear apparatus in your mouth, you tend to produce quite a bit of excess saliva. I'm thinking that, coupled with the mouthpiece, is gonna be an irresistible combination for your Scottish friend!!! (sorry, I'm evil... hand slap ... bad Mar)
Darlys, how's the cold? Bet the stew helped clear you up a bit! So glad to hear that plans for your ds are sorted out to his liking, too. Are you looking forward to the next phase of your relationship with him or do you think you will miss having him under the same roof something terrible?
I was making a couple of hot pads today. Used an old towel to "fill" them. So, I have a terry cloth mess all over the place now. But, I officially UP cycled! Yay!
Holly, I still vote for Hieronymous if the calf is a boy. I just am infatuated with that name. Wouldn't saddle a child with it, but a cow I would! Did I just say I wanted to saddle a cow?
Catch up with you all later.
Hope you are having a lovely evening, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 4:28:21 PM
Mar, I want some of whatever it is you're smokin tonight. You're wicked, girl, just plain wicked.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 4:29:12 PM
You know ... I do live in WA ...Colorado wasn't the only state to pass that law! |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2013 : 5:49:39 PM
Gypsy - I hope these tests help find out what is causing you to feel ill. I don't want you to give up coffee but----- my Father was having trouble for years with his stomach and finally a Dr. said to him to stop drinking coffee because the oils from it were causing him to be sick. Sure enough, he stopped and it went away immediately. So now it is strictly tea for him. I have never drank coffee. That's one vice I managed to avoid. I'm a terrible Swede!
Speaking of a burn pile, David has the same thing going on outback as you do Darlys. He once thought he'd burn our blueberry field and couldn't wait for me to get out there. Needless to say we had the fire dept here putting out the Norway pines I planted when we first moved here. We used all of the town water and they had to shut down the road because of their hoses trying to reach from the far away hydrant to our backyard. I think he learned his lesson although he is a firebug.
Must log off and come back. My fonts so tiny I can't read anything. I love Holly-Luya as a name for the calf!
Bunny - I don't know how big your school is, but maybe the bookstore will be slow and you can study there. That may be a way to have time to sew then! And never think you can't complain! That's what we're all here for, each others ups and downs!
Darlys - You betcha it's cold enough! Actually today it was in the mid 40's so already the snow is melting. But here is a pic my sister in law took in Bar Harbor. There is no picture I could have taken that says what this one does.

Sorry you hurt your knee Bunny. I have fibro too and I'm never sure if I hurt from it or old age.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2013 : 08:29:29 AM
Wow, Ginny that is a lot of snow!
Funny story about your firebug hubby. We always did burn piles at my old house. They weren't a whole blueberry field thankfully. Always enjoyed sitting outside and keeping warm by it. Makes me miss the mountains so bad. The book store isn't very big but I will be doing bookwork, ordering, online selling. Lots to keep me busy. I will find time for homework. There is always the weekends. Sewing... Maybe not so much. I'll deal. I just may have to wait for summer. I'll only be working 4 days a week and half days at that.
Well, I'm almost completely out of debt. Totally broke of course. My last bill from m y old life was the sales tax payment to the state.(CA. Just sent them all my savings and am down to just a little over $300.00. I will be so happy to have that done. Yesterday was a terrible fibro day. Thankfully today is a bit better.
I'm all day at school until 9pm. It's all I can do to stay conscious in my last class but his lecture is so good I don't have to even read the book to do the homework. So I go no matter what. He is defiantly my best teacher of the year. BTW it is an economics class. He works at a local bank full time so night classes it is. I'll have him again next quarter for the second half.
Marianne, you totally crack me up. Maybe you and hubby could start a new industry, chocolate Mary Jane. Dude....narly.
Daryl's, hang in there with that cough. It will go away eventually. Just don't let it wear you down. My mom is still dealing with it a little.
Anyway, off to feed my kittie charges for the week, I'm pet sitting until next week.
Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2013 : 09:42:16 AM
Ginny that is too much snow,we didn't get anywhere near that much.
Bunny good for you for bein almost out of debt, that day is still quite a ways away for us.
We started going to the Aquatic Center a few weeks ago, and it helps tremendously with the knees an hips. they have a "walking" lap pool wth artificial current that is wonderful exercise, i can walk and not hurt afterwards. they have an exercise area that i have not yet ventured into, but i will. i am going at this exercise stuff slowly, very slowly. never have been one to exercise a lot. but as the body ages it lets you know that you really, really need to get off the couch and get moving.
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2013 : 1:00:20 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I think I like the idea of elderberry juice more than Listerine. I wonder if they have any at the Co op. I think Listerine tastes vile but now that I am thinking about it probably no more than the nasty cough syrup.
I am not sure why the waste treatment plant in Montpelier has one but they have a site to unload the tanks in an RV and to pick up new water. It is in the open and not near any sort of parking lot so I think it must be free.
I am gazing at the seed catalogs. I was wondering if anyone orders from Pinetree Seeds in Maine. I have off and on over the years and find their seed of good quality and reasonable price. Certainly the Burpee catalog is far more colorful but the prices are as well.
Marianne it is good to keep a sense of adventure and romance. Please do not censure.
I had TMJ. I had an appliance for a couple of years I had to wear 24 hours/7. then I had braces....again.....and then jaw surgery to widen my upper jaw so my teeth would meet. Now I just wear a retainer at night. I do not have TMJ symptoms any more. When my jaw hurt I would take a couple of advil and that would take care of it. I did not have it bed like some people. You will talk funny for a few days until your mouth gets used to it. I did not find it awful. But, it was not romantic at all.
Maybe I can get on again tonight to finish reading through.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2013 : 4:36:48 PM
Good evening from Maryland where it's at least 90 degrees in here!! First I started a fire, then Jenny said she wanted to bake heart shaped cookies-which meant she wanted me to make cookies. I was about to say not tonight, when dh said "somebody say cookies?" And since I don't have anything for him other than a card, I said sure. We made about 40 heart shaped cookies. I have 4 hearts that fit inside each other from small 2" to large 4". Top of the stove is now covered with them and I am finally sitting down. Chickens went to bed a long time ago - like right about when it started to rain. I just had to close the door on the coop. Keeps the cats out.
Ginny that is lots of snow alright. Jenny would sure love to have about half that here. Two years ago, the Christmas after 'snowmageddon", Jenny got a snow man kit. It is a foot tall plastic snow man that has several pieces of plastic coal, a plastic carrot, a fringed scarf, and a black felt hat. Everything you need except snow. We haven't had "snow man" snow since. 
I suffer with fibro too, but have kept it fairly under control with drugs. It took several years and two doctors before I even got the diagnosis.
Oh, and what is a "Hula Pie"?? What did I miss?
Janet, what do you grow in your garden? I just came home from Hobby Lobby with several new metal and plastic things to put in my garden. I got a beautiful solar butterfly and some little fairy signs.
And, Holly, I did decide to plant beans, much to Jenny's dismay. I did,however, choose the Disney bean selection. They're for kids mostly. Colorful blossoms and colorful beans. It says they all taste like green beans, but we'll see. And I've also decided to grow them in a unique way. I've been bothering my local Bike Doctor for bent metal wheels. I'm going to put them on a 5' tall pole then run colorful old yarn from the ground up and down for the beans to grow up. Saw it in a magazine and thought I could do that. They will be where my squash was last year. I'll be growing tomatoes and peppers where half the beans grew last year with squashes in the other half. Corn everywhere else - with sunflowers interspersed. I thought it would look cute. I'll have other stuff growing in various pots all over front and back yards. Oh, and I noticed tulips are starting to push up and out of the mulch. I know spring is still weeks away, but I already have all my seeds. I get my seeds from "Heritage Gardens" or from seed swaps. I grew white marigolds last year and saved about a thousand seeds. I've traded about half of them away. Seems a lot of people were like me and didn't know white marigolds existed! Jenny was so happy you sent a Valentines card. The photo of the tree heart was just amazing. Is it on your property? She put it on top of her tv so she sees it a lot. I know it was for me too but I'll let her have it. Thank you. It just tickles her to know that "people" know her. And it means so much to me.
Happy Valentine's Day to the best sisters in the world! Goodnight and later!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 13 2013 : 5:02:24 PM
Wow, Ginny, what a great snow picture. I was in Bar Harbor in September and it sure looked nothing like that, but our guide told us all the boats would be out of the harbor and dry docked for the winter and what was then parking lot full of cars would be full of boats come winter. It was hard to imagine but now you've shown me.
Kathy, I am envious of your garden, hope you will post pictures of your creative ventures, it all sounds wonderful.
Bunny, you amaze me really, with all that you do, with the jobs and school and dealing with your mom, all of it tells me you are a very brave and determined woman who will succeed in a big way.
Holly, how you can be supermom with all those kids and still do better at getting things in the mail than some of us (ahem) who don't really have much to do but make excuses. I need to get better at the keeping up and mailing.
Charlotte, I think that's a really good idea to start out exercise in the pool. I did that a few weeks back when I was still pretty weak, and you can get a better workout than you would think. Now I've gotten so busy with a lot of other stuff that I am missing some of the classes I signed up for. Never fails the doctor appt or whatever, has to be scheduled right when there's a class I want to go to. Am starting to do better with the weights, though, and I know that we have to start off slowly and build up but I am impatient. I do not have fibro and I hope to high heaven it doesn't find me. So many other things have. I am trying to post only one page back so I don't have to get out the notepad. Talk about lazy.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2013 : 09:49:06 AM
Happy Valentine's Day!
I had just written a bit when my computer went black and informed me that it was "updating" something with no warning. Not a happy camper here.
It's going to be a gorgeous day here. Maybe to 70 even.
But now my coffee time is over and laundry beckons - so I'll pop back in later.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2013 : 10:49:24 AM
Happy Valentine's Day!! I'm making heart shaped hamburgers stuffed with cheese for dinner. By the way, what do you think about people who screw up our language? Like "let me ax you this.......or Valentime's Day?" I had an English prof in college who was forever making a mess of the English language. Of course, I never said anything to him.....I did, after all want to pass his course. And, I am not perfect, and I make mistakes too. My oldest daughter lives and works in Baltimore, where never is there any other place on earth where the English language is butchered!! She is a teacher in the city and tells me there are times she can't understand a kid, and come to find out, the child speaks the same way the parent speaks. And she can't understand the parent! She almost needs an interpreter!
Darlys -- no fair. 70 degrees on Valentine's Day? Anybody else jealous?
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2013 : 11:05:09 AM
hi gals! happy valentine's day! Holly, I LOVE the card and thought. yes, this is a hard time of year for me but your card helps a lot. thank you for thinking of me. Penny, so sorry to hear about your loss. will be praying for you and yours. mom is doing better after spending time in hospital with cellulitis caused by edema. bless her heart her legs were raw when she finally told me about them and yes, she was mad at being put into the hospital but she really needed it and it did help her a lot. right now i am going over to her house 3 times a day and it seems to be helping. I put up the dear jane quilt and miss it terribly! thinking of doing just a two color quilt with lots of handpiecing so i can bring it to work...maybe classic red and white. although i love the color aqua/turquois so much more. hmmmmmmm haven't canned anything lately but the itch is getting bad! don't know what to can at this time of year but maybe pickled peaches? or pineapple jam? both can use canned fruits to begin with. oh well, back to work! i miss talking to you all! janie farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2013 : 12:08:32 PM
Happy Valentine's Day from me too! I hope everyone has a nice relaxing, carefree day or evening. I just jumped on to say a big THANK YOU to Holly for the lovely card!!!! I got it yesterday but our internet was down all afternoon and evening. Now, to go rest my back before dinner. Have a Happy Day everyone!
One more thing, I made a card for David and said what I have to say in it and am giving it to him with some candy and dinner out tonight. Basically I said, Time to stop limbo land and talk this weekend. What better day to put it out there than this one. At least I hope that's a good idea!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |