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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 4:25:31 PM
Mar, what a relief for MIL to have a doctor she likes! Yay for everyone. Nice that you were able to help her out. Seeing a new doctor is nerve racking for most of us I think.
Marilyn, hope your day got better. Glad our forum could help. It is a good place to vent and get a pick-me-up at the same time. I love your dwarves list.. funny.
I got some good news too. I came home early from work because I was just too pooped to do any more. I was on my feet all day and I can't hold up for more than a few hours before I'm down for the count. Still love the job though. But I got home to an email from a company I applied for a while ago. I pet sit for the HR manager. She said there was a new position open and was I still interested. Uh... yeah! So I sent an updated resume and cover letter. It is full time with full benefits! I would miss my sewing job, but the pay and benefits are much better. Plus, it will be more of a desk job. So easier on my body. Hope I get an interview this time. I will still work on the sewing classes. My sewing boss has put so much work into advertising them. I can still do it at night and weekends, which would probably work better anyway.
Today was a beautiful sunny day. Just right temps. I wore one of my creations to work.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 5:07:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
Mar you are wonderful. I remember taking my friend ( who died from complications from dementia) to the doctors and trying to get them to talk to her and not to me like she was invisible or had no brain. It made her crazy because she had been a doctor and knew what was going on. It is hard to consciously sit in the back ground and empower the elder. I am glad she is comfortable with her new doctor. That is 3/4 of the battle in elder health care. I am glad you have the horses and the little girl to distract you from the every day responsibility of MIL.
Cindy I am glad you found the lesson of the mud. My herb teacher told us last year that there is a lesson in all the bad or uncomfortable things that happen to us. We just need to find it.
Crossing my fingers for you Bunny.
Today was in the single digits with a very brisk wind. I am glad I did not have to be outside except to do chores.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 18 2015 5:09:50 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 7:26:47 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 5:44:24 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 7:46:20 PM
GG, Penny looks so cute!
Holly, I forgot to tell you what bunco is. It is a mindless dice game played with 12 people, 3 tables, 4 people at each table. You play 6 games. Each game has 6 sections. One for each side of the dice. You team up with partner and play against another team of two. Section one you try to get ones on the dice and you get a point for each one you and your partner get. You win by having the most points. You and your partner go to the next table and switch partners. There is a little more to it, but that's the basics. All chance and lots of hopping up and changing places.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 06:11:18 AM
Bunny -- Interesting that you describe "hopping" up in Bunco! Your name must really suit you!!!
Take it easy, but take it. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 10:24:49 AM
One of the reasons I joined the Farmgirl Sisterhood was that I was really interested in stretching myself a little bit through working on the merit badges. So.....I submitted my first project today!!! Now I hope I did everything okay in the submission process -- but I really thoroughly enjoyed the activity.
I did the Farmgirl Jubilee badge (beginner level) under Each Other. 
Take it easy, but take it. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 12:23:55 PM
Thank you all for your encouragement with Mom. You make me feel good about myself even when I fall short. Marilyn, you fit in like our lost sister.
Bunny, You are doing what you need to do right now and I sure hope the more sedentary job comes through. I am so proud of you for wearing one of your originals yesterday! Best kind of advertisement. Count my fingers as crossed, too!
Holly, I remember when your friend passed. You must have been so important to her because you let her touch her real "self" now and again when she could. I sure hope you have warmed up a bit today. Outside time is pretty important at your house!
GG, I love your snaggle puss, Penny. It makes her look like a kid!!
Bunny, I've wanted to try Bunco, but it has always been at an inconvenient time... Do you get some fun prizes?
My neighbor asked me to help her start a Women's Adventure Club. We have a grand total of three members, hoping for four. We are going to take one day trip a month to a local attraction, taking turns planning it. The other two women are locals and are generously taking the lead, but it will be fun to plan one. I'll keep you posted. I was so happy to have been invited to join!!
Marilyn, congratulations on your merit badge. I never completed any, although that was why I joined, too!! Funny, huh. Proud of you. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 12:57:06 PM
Welcome Marilyn......looks like you fit in just fine around here!! :) I always have good intentions when it comes to getting a few merit badges but I have never gotten around to it. Maybe some day.
GG...Me/Pinterest....ha, ha....I have way too many pins... I was there the other day and added a few new pins, but don't spend as much time as I used to. her snaggle tooth pic!
Mar... I love that you are joining an adventure club.....sounds like fun. You need a diversion from the MIL. Glad she likes the new certainly makes things better when you love your doc. How is your 'lil neighbor doing? How is yet?
Bunny.....hope you get the job....but glad you are liking the present work even though it tires you out.I smiled whe I read you wore your own creation and getting excited to see your promo for the featured artist spot.
Holly.....sure hope your temps warm-up was 82 Tuesday but it has calmed down to the low 60's now and some rain. Bet the littles have cabin fever badly.....I feel for you! :) Holly... I saw that Patty has a maple tree and she has tapped it and it is running sap.....but she seemed to be surprised that it is so much like water. I chuckled.......don't think people understand how many gallons of sap it takes to get 8 ounces of syrup. Although well worth it, sooooooo much work for such a small reserve. More power to C for all her efforts!! When I was a grandparents lived in Central Illinois and we used to pass a beautiful and prolific Maple grove just north of them in Funks Grove Illinois and when they laid Interstate 55 they totally destroyed that wonderful grove...I was so brought tears to my eyes when we would go down home to visit. It was always so cool to see all the buckets on the trees during sap season.
Today would have been my eldest sons 47th birthday.....miss him.
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Mar 19 2015 12:58:09 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 1:15:48 PM
Oh, Mel, what a difficult day. Sending you hugs. I hope you can spend some time telling stories of all the good things you loved about him. We are always here. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 1:16:13 PM
Well, I got my inspection and the car registration and the new plates on.......put the plates on all by myself. LOL The Auto Shop said they would put the plates on when I got them. But I went back and they were too busy at the time and said to come back the next morning but of course, patience is not a virtue that I posess much of so I found it was much easier than I anticipated. It's not that I am helpless, I just though after seven years the screws would be fused to the plates but they were quite easy to remove and replace. LOL
Also turned in my required....60 day notice to vacate..... now to pack and find a new place. Went to Whole(PAYCHECK)Foods. LOL The kids gave me a gift card for my b-day. I love the place and the options are endless but the prices are out of this world.....beyond anything I can normally afford. But I did get a few things that I wouldn't usually purchase....but truth be told Kroger would have been a better choice for me. But I am grateful that they thought so much of me. Still need to go to Petsmart for Mattie.....they got me and Mattie a gift card for there also. That's my exciting life!!! ROTFLOL
Cindy.....sounds like you are have some very good and enlightening days.....good for you, Kiddo! the pics from your parents place.....Lowell figure out how to get his phone?....He certainly keeps your life interesting. I am sure you could do with a bit less drama.....but how bored you would be! Ha,ha!!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Mar 19 2015 5:55:00 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 5:37:34 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 5:45:37 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 5:52:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
I like the picture of Penny. She looks like she has a medial upper diastoma. i can not remember the name of the British comedian who had a huge gap in the front of his mouth. He was on Merv Griffin when I was a young child.
I am sorry for the death of your son, Mel. Keep telling his stories. Spending for pleasure without guilt of ruining a budget is always fun. I hope you bought some nice treats.
I have not done merit badges. Patty has and she has submitted information for three new badges. I hope she has time to start typing again. I do love her stories and adventures. I think about doing the badges but adding one more thing to my day is too much right now.
Thank you for the description of bunco. and here I thought it was a card game. So, you have loose wrists and lucky breath, huh?
It warmed up for two days and is now cold again. 4 F this morning. It is cold but a lot warmer than it has been this winter so I am glad. I do wish for temperatures in the twenties though.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Mar 19 2015 : 10:34:18 PM
Mel--this day is almost over but I'm sending you hugs. Anniversary's of a loved one's important days are never easy. we were talking about it at my group tonight. It takes time. As for Whole (paycheck--I love that) Foods--a store recently opened in this area called Fresh Thyme. It's kinda a large indoor farmer's market. at least that's the atmosphere they aim for. Some of their prices are high but you can get some good bargains. they carry foods that I can't find anywhere else (like garlic naan) and they have beauty products, pet products, some organic and some local foods. They sell a lot of seasonal produce and you can buy large quantities. They have barrels of nuts and other bulk items. It's about a 45 minute drive but I love it so far. Just can't get there very often, maybe once a month, or less. Holly-- I don't know the British comedian to which you refer but there is a British rock star, Ray Davies, who is known for his gap-toothed grin. I used to be a Kinks fan back in the 80's and I got to meet him at the Fox Theater in St.Louis. It was like meeting an old friend I'd never met before. I know that sounds strange but it's true. I only saw him for a few minutes but I know I made a deep impression on him. On the next Kink's album that came out, there was a song called "Lost and Found". I think he wrote it about me. But I've never seen him since so I guess I'll never know for sure. My life changed shortly after that encounter and I had to leave the Kinks and their music behind. But it was a volatile chapter of my life. GG--Penny is a cutie. I've never tried Tai Chi but they offer classes around here. I'm thinking of taking a three session class for home yoga enthusiasts. It's affordable but it's in St. Louis and meets at the instructor's home. Class size is limited so I need to decide soon. Mar--I like the idea of a woman's adventure club. Though i always seem to find (or rather, they find me) enough adventures on my own. I made a conscious decision back in 2002 that changed my life. I was ending a cruddy relationship that was based on deception and lies and I was looking for a new adventure. I may have a mundane job but my personal life is rarely dull. I act like Clark Kent at work--mild-mannered and quiet. But at night I become an eco-warrior, fighting to save the world from those who would destroy it (and us). I sign petitions against GMO's and write letters to congressmen urging them to protect the environment. I advocate for the bees and the birds. The people I work with have no idea of that side of me. Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for them. Bunny--I hope you get the sit down job. I know how hard it is to stand or be moving all day. sometimes I just have to stop and sit for ten minutes or so before I can continue working. What keeps me going are my shoes by Merrell. they're the only type of shoe I can wear at work and not have foot problems. Marilyn--since you survived the 80's, do you remember the ribbons that girls would wear with their oxford shirts? Or the huge bows girls wore in their hair? Or wearing chartreuse and fuschia? And boom boxes (I always think of the movie "Say Anything" where John Cusack's character stands in front of the girl's house holding up a boom box). I never could afford Calvin Klein jeans but all my friends had them. I did buy a pair of Sassoon jeans in college and thought I was so cool. But I wasn't. I've got to get ready for bed. It's supposed to be a nice day and Saturday should be even nicer. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 06:20:28 AM
My daughter LOVED that movie - Say Anything. She was the 80s girl and definitely loved the preppy look. I was glad she chose that over Madonna!
I think the gap-toothed Brit was Terry Thomas. He was a hoot. British dentistry has always been something that even the Brits themselves joke about.
We are having snow for the first day of Spring. I got to town early and got my walk done before opening the shop up. I expect the phone to start ringing soon and the boss is out this morning, so it may get interesting. Glad I got my lungs full of fresh COLD air. I have a little route uptown and back that is just a shade under a mile -- I still need to find another little loop that I can add that will bring it up a little. I especially love getting out and about this little town first thing in the morning. Today I ran into one of the local bankers. He was putting his recycling bin out on the sidewalk. We are also in the Rotary Club together, so we had a little chat. It's very sweet to be part of a small town that works so hard at being liveable and vibrant.
Ahh well, ladies. Time for me to earn my keep, I guess. I hope everyone has the greatest of Spring days!
Take it easy, but take it. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 2:56:25 PM
Happy Spring! We are having overcast weather. Sun peeked through a bit. Sprinkled a bit. True Spring.
Dh and I took down some trees today in our back paddock. We want to open it up more for the horses and to just be able to use the land. Over half of the land isn't being used yet. So we dropped seven trees, burned the unusable portions and stacked the wood that someone can use for firewood. Several of the trees were really tall, not too big around, but tall, so we didn't completely finish the clean up.
Marilyn, I am glad you enjoy your town. Did you grow up there? I grew up in a small town, went to the same high school my parents did... There is some good and some bad to having that deep of roots!
I remember having several different ribbons to tie at my neck with the button up shirts!! I always wanted topsiders, but I just couldn't wear them. My college roommate wore them without socks and was so in style. So fun to remember all those things that were SO important!
Dh and I have discovered The West Wing -- yes, more than a decade after the rest of the nation! We are enjoying it. Just finished the first season. I love Alison Janney. She fits this character so much better than the one she is playing on the sitcom Mom.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 4:30:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad that you have been accepted by some of the women in your area to be in their adventure club. Having friends to do things with and having the time to do it is so important. It will give you time away from MIL and all the stress and manipulation that that entails. Did you yell TIIIIMMMMBBBBBEEEEERRRRRRR when the trees fell? We have a rule about not being alone when felling trees. Earlier this year there were two guys cutting cordwood a couple of miles out past us up a trail that is not plowed or maintained by the town. It is not a designated road by the town although it has a road name. Anyway, he knocked down a tree and it landed on him. It took the town volunteer fire department and EMTs most of the day to extract him and get him down the hill and to the hospital. He lives. I do not know if he is disabled or still recovering. My rule of tree felling is to get it falling and then get the heck away so it can not kick back or swing to the side or anything dangerous to me. Chicken? you bet.
Marilyn. I am glad you have found a niche in Pennsylvania. It must be so different for you from California and the northwest. I read online that your area was going to be the center of the snow storm. We will probably be only lucky enough to get a few inches.
I was not in school in the eighties and do not remember the fashions at all. I was living up here. I do remember thinking I needed a nice dress in my wardrobe so I went to the women's clothing store. They looked at me oddly when I went in dressed in my jeans and LLBean down coat. I found a beautiful pink corduroy dress with a fitted bodice and a full skirt. it was a size twelve. My mother had always made my clothes size twelve so why would I think I would not need a size twelve? I tried it on and the sale clerks all decided it hung on me like a potato sack. I was crushed. I ended up with a size 6 silk shirt dress. I never had opportunity to wear it in public but it hung in my closet for several decades.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 7:23:49 PM
It's good to beware of falling trees. I had a maple in my front yard cut down years ago and when the trunk fell, it rolled and knocked down the dusk to dawn lamppost in my front yard. The tree people had already broken off the crossbar that I would hang baskets on. Anyway, the lamppost was righted and it stood up straight but had a dent in it and it still works. It took a licking but kept on ticking. The hospital where I work apparently doesn't realize it's an in-network hospital covered by our new insurance. I got a bill today for lab work done in January. My dr. had ordered it. I called the number on the bill and asked about it (it was over $800.00) and he said my insurance had denied the claim. I told him the insurance is supposed to cover it 100%. He said I needed to contact the insurance company. Then he asked me, since I was on the phone, do I want to make a payment now? I said, "Hell, no!" He seemed a bit miffed. so I called the new insurance company and the nice lady said the hospital was out-of-network. I told her I worked at this hospital and it was definitely in-network. So she checked and yes, I was right. Then she said the bill was re-submitted a couple days ago and I should get a reply in about two weeks. The crazy thing is, the bill came from my hospital and had our new insurance listed as primary. Don't the people who work in billing realize what our new insurance is? On a positive note, the hospital has decided to stop outsourcing housekeeping and engineering, so all those people will be regular hospital employees again. They'll have better benefits and more holiday/vacation time. The weather today was OK, it didn't get as warm as they predicted but tomorrow is supposed to be very nice. Spring is here and I have my tomato seedlings transplanted into small pots and sitting in the window. My peppers and eggplants are still under the grow light. I'm going to start some marigold seedlings to help keep pests away from the garden. Something about the fragrance of marigolds is said to repel many types of bugs. and people. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 8:06:57 PM
I wasn't in school in the 80's either. I don't remember much about the fashions. I was never very fashion forward anyway.
I was so tired at work today I had to leave early. The last two days have just done me in. Then I got home, took a nap and had to clean up my sewing room. A lady from my mom's church is coming over tomorrow to buy some fabric for the church to make quilts for the seniors. I'm only charging two dollars a yard. Im tired of looking at it. I need the room. I have been collecting things for the thrift store too. So my truck is loaded up. I keep an empty box down there so when I see something I'm willing to part with, I put it in the box right away. When the box is full, I close it up. That way I forget what I put in it and don't take stuff back out.,
I have sold so many dresses, I need to get sewing again. Plus get ready for two art shows. I'm getting too busy! But never too busy to visit with my friends here.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 11:40:31 AM
Okay Dear Mature Sisters - does anyone have a recommendation for a spray-on wipe-off bathroom cleaner that is environmentally friendly and that actually works? I have tried lots of recipes, but the only result was a smug sense of superiority that I was somehow "green." Nothing I have tried has ever produced an actual clean bathroom. I am up for a commercial product if anyone has one they like. I would really like to use something that's safe for all the wee birdies and fishes, but when I clean my bathrooms on Saturday morning, I want them to actually be CLEAN,
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 11:48:10 AM
This stuff really works and it is green, GREen, GREEN. You can only get it here:
Okay, there are cheaper places. I like to buy from the source. Get the concentrate and dilute it down to the strength you need. I have heard of a guy using it to clean his airplane's engine.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 3:23:53 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast all day long. The upside was that the temperature rose into the thirties. So, I booted the littles out the door. I went out for a while as well to make sure they stayed out. So, at supper one of them said that playing outside was better than watching a movie. So, why the heck did it take so long for me to get him to go out the door? lol
I have white vinegar for cleaning. I use comet in the toilet. I do not know how environmentally healthy. Seventh Generation has green products but they probably carry what Marie has recommended.
Bunny I am so glad that you are selling dresses. You creativity is shining through and being recognized.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 4:15:22 PM
Wow, talk about timing! I just got back from grocery shopping and I spent some time going through all the cleaning supplies, reading the labels and walked out without getting anything. Then I put the groceries away and check email, here is Marie's message on the thread about the cleaning product. I just read a few of the testimonials and I'm going to order the concentrate tonight. Thanks Marie and Marilyn! I have been using Simple Green for some things. Also I like Meyers because it smells so good and I know it's not toxic but it's not great with the tough stuff.
Bunny, isn't that a good problem to have?!! Sold so many dresses, so busy with your JOB, two art shows coming up, wow!
Holly, sounds like you are having a heat wave up there--all the way up to the 30's!
Mar, I know you hear Holly telling you to BE CAREFUL cutting those trees. Seems like you do a lot of hard eork for a gal with a steel rod the size of Dallas in your back. Please do be careful, I have a feeling you push yourself too hard.
We are having lovely rain here, which means lots of pretty flowers and happy trees. My red bud tree is starting to drop its buds and leaf out, I took one last picture of it this morning. There are lots of them in the subdivision and I've really loved seeing them. We have lots of bearded iris getting ready to bloom.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 4:18:21 PM
.jpg?v 10829569)
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 4:27:49 PM
Cindy, isn't it fun to wrangle with those insurance companies. I have to do it occasionally and it's always someone's careless/dumb mistake but seems like I'm the one who has to find it and prove it.
We went to see McFarland USA last night. It was a good movie. Holly, your children would all love it, I think. DsT should see it, if he doesn't think he's too cool for Disney. It's a true story about some Mexican kids who didn't have a chance until a good coach came along and showed them how to believe in themselves. I loved it. It's nice to see a good, well done movie that is also clean. No language, nudity or bloodshed. The littles can see it. It could have been sappy, but the director did a great job with the story.
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