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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 6:55:38 PM
Ladies- His Dudeness has begun to speak of marriage.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 9:54:31 PM
I finally have some time to write.
I have had a busy week. My sister Vanessa (Audra Rose) and her husband Jeff came to town - he to go to a Timberwolves game, she to spend time with me.
We went to eat lunch at Tiny Diner. I've been wanting to go here since it opened.
Lowell didn't want to even though they source locally and organically in the garden surrounding the restaurant and at their farm. My sister had a bean and kale soup and I had biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs. The mushroom gravy was amazing. I had an appointment with my diabetes nurse so I took her into the appointment. I told her that Lowell never wants to go. She had such good questions for the nurse and now she understands my condition a better. We then hopped a bus downtown and another going south to get to an antique shop which I have been to before. They have such a good selection of oriental pieces. I saw the most beautiful china pieces and some Communist Chinese propaganda posters. I bought a nut chopper similar to the one my mother has for only $8.

We had to do some walking and I felt too tired to go further so we took the bus to my house. On the way home we stopped at an upscale resale shop
and Glam Doll Donuts.
I was looking forward to a little tea, donut and TV time with my sister but we saw Lowell pass us on the street on his way home so we kept my donut in the bag until a good time came to make the clandestine transfer to the refrigerator. Her husband holds the TV hostage and she never gets to watch what she wants. I, Lowell, my sister and her husband went out for dinner at Christos, a Greek restaurant and one of Lowell's favorite places.
We had such a good time. We always say that we are going to be roommates in the nursing home and call all the nurses Heather, even the male ones, and then giggle because we really do know their real names. We will have scooter races on the outdoor paths. Here's a picture of us.
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I will be going on a field trip with the first graders to the aquarium at the Mall of America next Wednesday. Mrs. Pendleton has told the kids that she will not take anyone she believes cannot be in control and listen to and follow directions because it is a big place with lots of people they do not know and she doesn't want to risk anyone's safety. I can think of two kids whom I am hoping do not go.
That's it for now. It is my birthday tomorrow. I told Lowell I want to go to Saver's, a local thrift store and look for tennis shoes, a pair of jeans, a dressy shirt and a casual skirt. He was surprised that I didn't want to go to a restaurant. I said that I eat too much and that I wanted something I could keep. I might look for a canning pot and some Tupperware also.
The air is still a little cool here. All the snow is gone so now all the garbage is visible. I haven't done a thorough sweep of the backyard for dog poop yet but we had our first fire pit party on Friday. It's looking good for spring.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 9:55:41 PM
Marilyn--do you want to get married? It's honorable that he's talking about it. I'm afraid to get married, due to a man who once asked me to marry him (we weren't even dating) only he said we had to keep it a secret since he hadn't gotten an annulment when he divorced his third wife. His offer was completely unexpected, and impulsive, and when I said no, he wanted to kill me and said he would instead marry the woman that he was currently dating. Whom he conveniently hadn't told me about until that moment. So he did marry her in secret but he never told her that he married her as a reaction to my rejection of him. she eventually found out and now they're no longer married. He now has a "fiance" whom he will never marry cause I don't think the Catholic Church will let him marry again. And he'll never leave the Catholic church. I don't like being threatened for saying no to a man so now I'm very cautious. I would like a friend--someone I can TRUST who would be honest with me. Bunny--I'm glad things are "hopping" in your life. I've been looking at my old shirts and wondering if I could send you one and you could transform it into a romantic/steampunk look. I'd like to have a cute tunic to wear but I can't decide on which shirt. I'll keep you posted. GG--love the pic of the redbud tree. It's still too early for trees to be blossoming here but I think it'll be very soon as we've been having such warm, mild weather. I bought a herbicide (NOT Round-Up) because I have a poisonous weed growing in the dog pen and I want to eradicate it. There's too much of it to dig up. It's Jimson weed and I don't want Jaxon to eat it as he likes to chew on grass. So I'll probably spray the area tomorrow if there's no wind. I don't like using a herbicide but I don't want my dog to get sick. The spray dries in a few hours and it's safe after that. I'll watch Jaxon to make sure he doesn't chew on anything. I've never used a herbicide before so I'm going to be very cautious. I don't know how else to get rid of it. I just know I can't have a poisonous weed growing there. I started some marigolds tonight in a flat. I've been looking at lawn mowers since I can't afford to keep hiring someone (like last year) to mow my yard. The last guy was charging me forty dollars and I don't have that big a yard. Sunshine and warm weather make such a big difference, don't they? Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 10:00:40 PM
Marie--we were posting at the same time. Happy Birthday! Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Nora Springs
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Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 10:01:48 PM
Marie and Audra Rose together!Looks like such a lot of "sister fun"! Love this photo of you two together! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I'm going to say Happy Birthday right now at 12:00 a.m.!!Have a great time shopping...
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2015 : 10:11:11 PM
Cindy, pour some white vinaigrette on the weed. That should kill it.
Marie, I love your story about you and your sister. Sweet picture too. Nice to have a sister you can have fun with. Have a wonderful birthday!
Marilyn, don't do it...its a trap! Just kidding. Do what is in your heart.
I was so tired today. Not much creativity available. I guess I have been over doing it big time. So today was a rest day.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2015 : 05:24:00 AM
Isn't autocorrect infuriating sometimes? Some of the things it comes up with are pretty funny though.
Can't believe some of you all have blossoms and blooms already - we are still below freezing. Brrrr. We hung our first hummingbird feeder yesterday, but I think it's still too cold to make their syrup just yet.
As far as marriage goes - I left a 20+ year one about 5 years ago, and never thought I would even consider it again, but His Dudeness and I have been together for 3 years steadily now and are so stinking happy and compatible. Honestly, we have made our "forever" commitment already, and a formal marriage would be something that would help us as we head into our older years, you know? We will have to wait and see. If we haven't strangled each other over the messy remodel, then it might just be a match made in Heaven!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2015 : 05:37:09 AM
Cindy - sounds like you made the right call!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
488 Posts

488 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2015 : 08:12:52 AM
Happy Spring to everybody! I am finally back from my little trip to warmer weather!! It was lovely, saw my big hunky Marine baby and even spent time on the beach! I got back and caught up our laundry and cleaned up after the fur babies. We were home exactly one day and I had Congestive Heart, don't get excited. I am bouncing back...I feel good, great actually. I am just doing things more carefully these days. I have to catch up on several pages of reading...gosh, you guys have been busy!! Later girlies....
"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find." Source Unknown |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2015 : 2:19:59 PM
Oh for heaven's sake,Pamila! Take care!
Cindy, you dodged a bullet. Perhaps literally. Scary stuff.
Gg, gorgeous blooms.
Holly, hooray for warmer temps. Thank you for your pointers. Dh is very careful. I am half scared to death the whole time the chain saw is I hope that works towards keeping me vigilante. I think you have to be foolish to use a tool like a chain saw by yourself. Wee made jokes about cleaning up such a big do you eat an elephant? We just kept saying it to each other.
Bunny, I hope you got some refreshing rest. I'm so happy for you.
Marie, happy birthday. Your plans sound great. How nice to have your sister with you. Now you have on the hat? And who is the big sis? How was the donut? Mar
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2015 : 2:24:47 PM
Oh, and Marilyn. If you can help yourselves by getting married re: insurance, taxes, medical decisions...then go for it. If you want to be married, then go for it. If you are happiest leaving well enough alone...enjoy. how nice that you have found Mr.Wonderful. Thanks for sharing your news. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2015 : 2:59:57 PM
Pamila, so glad you got to see your baby Marine... but hello!!! Take care of yourself! So scary. But that beach looks wonderful. Is he in Hawaii? My son wanted to go there but ended up in North Carolina.
Mar, I have been taking it so easy, I'm bored. It is cold in my sewing room and I just couldn't get myself to go down there today. Now its raining outside. Gloomy day for sure.
I did get some things done on my list. I'm having a fabric sale next weekend and cleaned up the sewing room enough to have people just come down to the basement to shop instead of hauling it all up to the living room. It really does me in to do all that work. Now I just have to get the ad in the paper.
Gloomy Sunday.....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2015 : 5:33:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
Happy Birthday, Marie. We celebrated DsL's birthday today. His was really on the 20th. He is 31. He had a great time. He always does and he always appreciates what others do for him. I hope that you were able to go to the store and found for a good price the treasures. I am glad you and your sister are great friends and can have a good time together and appreciate each other.
WOW! congestive heart failure. I am glad you survived and are with us. The bveach looks very inviting. Was it warm enough to swim? or wade?
It must be nice to know that his dudeness likes having you around enough to make a formal commitment. Let us know when you decide what you want so we can all but our two cents in to your ceremony. lol We did for GG. She can tell you whether she appreciated our input or not.
It was 2 F with a high of 8F today. I guess I should be grateful that it was + and not - F. The wind has been blowing all day again. I took the littles to the neighbors for an equinox celebration. The snow was 30 inches deep with a thick crust. I had given the hosts three dozen hard boiled eggs the boys had drawn on with permanent markers for them to toss into the snow. They have different levels of difficulties for the different age groups. the children all have a good time even though it is so cold and the snow is so deep. Last year it was not so cold but the snow was just as deep. the food is very good as well. I brought cornmeal muffins. The other food is an eclectic mix of vegan to carcass eaters. They live off grid. In the summer they have water powered electric and they have a solar panel as well.
I was wondering when I read vinegraitte I thought I have never heard of that I wonder in what section of the grocery I would find it. then I read white vinegar and that made sense but did take the adventure out of the discovery. lol
DdK went with her friend to the movies yesterday. They went to a theater they had not been to before. DdK and her friend are both 5' tall maybe a tad more. The seats in the theater recline back and both of them had to kneel on the seat to be able to see the screen. DdK said she would have liked to ask for a booster seat. They had a great time together.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2015 : 12:19:04 PM
Enjoying my Monday off. Spent some quality time with the knitting needles this morning, then some grocery shopping at my favorite market, met my daughter for lunch and then a nice brisk walk in the chilly spring sunshine. Don't get to see enough of my girl. Now there's chicken stewing for chicken and dumplings for tonight's dinner. Mmmmm. Smells so good in my kitchen. I hope everyone else is having as great a day. Now I need to fix a tear in His Dudeness' shirt. Not sure what he does, but he gets this same tear from time to time - upper arm on the right sleeve - shaped like an "L." Couldn't find the iron on denim patches, so it'll have to be needle and thread.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2015 : 3:18:15 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had roasted chicken and broccoli for supper. I do like dumplings and gravy.
Look around for a nail sticking out of a doorway. It might be that his dudeness cuts the corner too close and his shirt catches on it. That would make an L tear.
The sun is out shining brightly and the temperature is in the single digits. After Marie saying that there was no snow in Minneapolis I took a look in beautiful downtown Montpelier and noticed that there are some lawns getting bare spots. Not up here. I think there must be about 30 inches of snow still on the ground.
I forgot to tell you yesterday that the piglets have arrived. They are three months old. So they must be around 40 pounds each. We had to walk them down a hill through the deep snow to get them into the barn. The man who brought them had a piece of sheep fencing circling them to keep them together. We walked them slowly down the hill. None of them were in any way happy to be in so much snow. lucky for them the path was packed enough that they did not disappear in snow over their heads. They finally arrived at the barn and were so relieved to see dry ground, a bucket full of food and a big pile of hay to burrow into. C went down to do chores this morning and could not see any of them. She walked closer to the pile of hay and saw it rising and falling in a nice rhythm. After she had pulled up several buckets of water they came prancing out to say good morning. All seven of them.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2015 : 9:53:17 PM
Holly, how smart you are to think of the nail in the doorway. I'll bet that is exactly what it is.
Growing up on the farm, I loved the baby pigs. We usually had a sow who would give birth in the spring and seems to me like they would always have a large litter of babies. I loved to play with the farm animals and make pets out of them.
We are having lovely spring weather here. I drove to the country house, picked up three weeks of mail, loaded the jeep with a few things and drove back. I have a beautiful little French writing desk and did not think I would have room for it in this house, but I do. So I put it in the back of the jeep along with two lamps and assorted other things. IT was four hours of driving but pleasant because our lovely spring flowers are just starting to crop up. This is my favorite time of year.
Chicken and dumplings was a favorite for me but now with the gluten problem, I've had to give up that too. Can't say that I've missed pasta all that much, but I sure miss chicken and dumplings. Or, as my babies would say long ago, mommy, can we have chickalin and dunkalins. (After FOUR tries, autocorrect finally let me have that word.). Pronounced shick-a-Lin and dun-ka-lins. When they were around two and four. Then they would say, mommy, you are a gooood cooker!
When my son was about three going on four, we made chocolate chip cookies and my inlaws, his grandparents, came over. They ate lots of cookies but never said anything, because they were rude people. . I could see my little one was getting stressed about something, but he waited all the way til they were getting in their car to go home, then he said in a rather exasperated tone, "Well, didn't you bejoy the cookies?! ".
I wish for all of you lovely weather and deep sleeps.
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 25 2015 3:35:04 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2015 : 05:59:07 AM
His Dudeness is such a roughneck -- the nail in the doorway was the first thing I thought of, too. He also is in and out of cars (and underneath them) all day. I wanted to put a patch on the sleeve, but he just wanted it sewed up. I think a nice flat patch looks better. "Never be noticed on a galloping horse," as my mother always said.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2015 : 06:32:37 AM
I would bejoy a chocolate chip cookie right now!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2015 : 10:16:31 AM
Bunny -- Just finished a little cruise through your online store!!!! How many exclamation points will this post hold? Such adorable and creative stuff. I especially liked the tablecloth skirted dress. You are truly an artist. 
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 24 2015 : 12:56:44 PM
Marilyn, We have a lot in common. Bunny's tablecloth item is my favorite, too. I have always had a thing about tablecloths!! She is a talented gal and sees beauty potential everywhere. I also knit. What did you use your valuable knitting time on? I am very good at anything square or rectangular! LOL I am adventuring out and learning new things. Lately, I learned cables.
Just got back from taking Mom to the podiatrist and radiology. Another very successful trip. Her foot feels much better. Bunion issue. Which she decided to not mention. Found out about it when her sister came to visit. Aunt Joyce said, "Have you seen the cotton job she's got going with her foot?" HUH? Problem solved. Can't say "lesson learned" but problem solved. Mom "doesn't like to complain." I tell her to protect her ability to walk because that is what is keeping her so healthy.
Dd and boyfriend found their apartment in downtown Portland. They will be on the eleventh floor in a one bedroom. Poor Sammie won't have as much room. (You do remember Sammie, aka Noodle, aka Yellow Dog?) Sammie will however, be able to enjoy walks along the Willamette River and other neighborhood parks. Since Sammie is nine years old, she doesn't need the room to run that she used to and is very happy to have leash walks. I am excited to see their new place. Dh is very excited about yet another move in the family!
Ahhh. Knitting sounds good and I have earned some quiet time. I have been enjoying our spring flowers, too. GG, I'd love to see how you fix up your french writing desk once you get it all set the way you want. Please post a photo. Loved hearing about you being a good cooker. Aren't you happy your son knew that your hospitality should have been acknowledged? I mean, who doesn't bejoy chocolate cookies?
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2015 : 9:26:40 PM
Bunny--I knew you meant white vinegar. But it doesn't kill all weeds, including this one. If I poured white vinegrette over my yard it would probably taste very good. i could invite the neighbors over for supper. As for autocorrect, I once saw where it had changed "treating grandmother to supper" to "Eating grandmother for supper". There's all kinds of bloopers that you can google. GG--you'll have to post a picture of that French writing desk. I'm glad you found room for it. I also bejoy chocolate chip cookies. As well as chicken & dumplins' . Holly--I shiver thinking about that cold and snow. I found the first jonquil of the season today in my yard. It's raining now but supposed to warm up tomorrow. Then more rain. It IS spring, after all. Wish I could send you some of these warmer temperatures. The piglets would love it, I'm sure. Marilyn--if you marry His Dudeness, would that make you Her Dudetteness? Dudette is a real word used to describe a female dude. I first heard it about twenty years ago. We had to divide into teams at work (when I worked in the kitchen) and our team was the Dudes and Dudettes. I walked for 45 minutes (almost two and a half miles) on the treadmill tonight. I've lost about five pounds and my clothes fit better. Plus I feel better. Maybe it's spring fever, but I feel this restless longing for something I can't quite name. Maybe it has no name. I've felt it for most of my life. I've also been having unusual dreams. I need to write down what I remember from them as I feel they're trying to tell me something. I love the smell of the rain. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2015 : 08:04:03 AM
Cindy -- Your springtime longing makes me think of the old movie "State Fair" with Jeannie Crain from 1945. "I'm as restless as a willow in a windstorm" She's sitting in the windowsill singing -- just a lovely lovely old musical. An awful feeling, isn't it? Maybe a big dinner party -- pour some dressing on that lawn of yours and invite the neighbors over! I'm not making fun -- I have been there and it doesn't feel good. I used to wander from room to room like I had lost something. My mother would say to "go light somewhere -- you're as nervous as a witch!" I always thought I would grow out of it, but I never have. Spring generally makes me feel so restless and "wandery." So glad that it will pop soon (like the ice melting!) and we'll all be so busy and occupied. Hopefully something new and unexpected and GOOD will come your way soon. That's actually one reason I finally joined the Farmgirls -- I needed something to shake me loose. I have been working on merit badges and getting outside my comfortable work-knit-sleep-eat-work-knit-lather-rinse-repeat habit.
As far as being Her Dudetteness????? Not sure -- he just always calls me "M." Melts me every time. I put syrup in the hummingbird feeder on Monday and it froze last night. Sigh. I have the heater running full blast under my desk right now to keep my toes warm.
Time for me to gather up and head to my Rotary meeting. Just not feeling it today. It's dark and grey and cold and dreary and I am ready for spring to spring!
Everyone have some sugar in your coffee today!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2015 : 08:57:07 AM
I finally have some time to write. The 1st graders are going on a field trip today. I cannot go along because I have a therapist appointment so I decided not to go in. I am getting some stuff done before I have to leave home.
My sister (Audra Rose) and I have a great deal of fun. I just wish we lived closer. At a time when I was doing very poorly financially, she offered to have me live with her and work in the maintenance office of a small university. We would do anything for each other.
As far as getting married at a <ahem> advanced age, it is totally up to the individual. Lowell and I are not getting married because we do not have any real property and, as a result, could not benefit from any tax breaks. I did the numbers and I learned that I would get less disability if I were married. Marriage is still a financial transaction even now.
This is Ray.

At the beginning of the year he was angry and he played power games with Mrs. Pendleton and I. I could tell he really wanted to be a better student. I worked with him on his reading. He really liked seeing his progress. After Christmas, I saw that he was calmer, happier and motivated. I understand that he is taking some medication for his mental difficulties. He is now a joy to be around and is so ambitious. He handles social problems so much better and is no longer a behavior problem in the class. He is a good kid. He will be reading at or above grade level by the end of the year.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Mar 25 2015 08:59:35 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 25 2015 : 1:46:17 PM
Dude and Dudettenesses.... those are some fun titles! I love that His Dudeness calls you M. One of my dh's friend's wife's name is Mary Pat and he always called her MPat. He started trying to shorten my name using the same equation, but it just wasn't nearly as successful. Especially written down. So, I stick with Mar. It alarms me when dh uses my whole name. Gets my attention that's for sure!
Our hummingbirds have found the feeder but they aren't making such great use of it yet! I wish they would visit more often.
We are supposed to have a great weekend weather wise and I think I might take a big chance and put the tomatoes in the ground! I have never started my garden outside this early! Scary. But, I don't have that much invested and it would really pay off if they make it ok.
Oh, piglets sound so fun. Any babies! I think my spring fever goes that way. I want something to cuddle. Restlessness helps get us going. And we are supposed to have to do some soul searching to be sure we are heading in the right direction with our efforts. You'll find the right path, Cindy. Congratulations on your strength training. Feeling stronger is wonderful.
Hope everyone is keeping warm, and busy. Mar |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |