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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 4:49:09 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast, in the twenties and snowing today. I think it is better to have snow than rain right now. It will melt a little slower and we will not have flooding. If it melts slow enough we will fill the water table so wells and springs will not go dry this summer.
The tree? flowering dogwood? chinese cherry? I do not know. It sure is pretty. C says that even though you live at the same latitude we do it is not fair that you have flowers and we do not. lol
I had not heard of gluten brain. I understand the frustration the B is having. If only solving the ADHD problem was as easy as changing someone's diet. I remember the Feingold Diet. It was hard to follow and only minimally successful.
Marilyn I do not know what your front yard looks like but have you looked at huglecultur for starting a bed. I think that is how it is spelled. It is built with logs and yard debris and then covered with soil. As it decomposes it provides nutrients for the plants. I am going to put in some new beds this summer and am seriously considering it. I am putting them in a section of one of my hayfields that is in desperate need of having the soil enriched. It is a german word and system. I am not able to go to that site to provide the link so if you are unable to find it I will be more proactive and find the link before I get on here.
Bunny I am glad that you and your mother are secure in the house now. That surely is a sigh of relief. I guess your mother is overwhelmed and just wants to world to go away and leave her alone. I hope she gets out of her bed soon. Do you have a council on aging near you. Around here they help the elderly find things of interest to do so they will not stay in bed. Good luck.
Today we celebrated DsG's ninth birthday. He started ripping through his presents without regard to anything. I told him he had to slow down and look at each one and announce to everyone what each gift was and say thank you. I told him that his birthday only came once each year and if he ripped through his gifts in 12 seconds that would be how long his birthday would last. He did slow down some. Now he is itching to complete all of the science experiments and kits in one night. Ahhhh the impatience of children.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 5:08:27 PM
Holly, we did the feingold diet with our son. Getting him away from the artificial colors and milk and corn were helpful. I think Dr. Feingold was onto something saying it was in our diet. It was difficult and to a lot of time and note keeping to ascertain what the culprits were. And we still need additional help to aid his concentration. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 5:56:05 PM
GG--I haven't seen it yet but there is a movie, "The Trouble with Bread" that you may be interested in. It's about the filmmaker's quest to find gluten-free bread and what he discovered about bread in the process. Mar--I'm sorry about your friend. But I'm glad you had the chance to know her. Older people can tell you things about their childhood that they had to deal with that folks today would freak out over. Holly--I can't believe you're still dealing with all that cold and snow. This past week has been very springlike. I was wearing a t-shirt today and took down the very old bluebird nest box I'd made that was only used by sparrows. I cleaned up some of the brush pile around my oak tree in the backyard. I talked to Patty recently and her sister had what is hopefully her final surgery and then has to go to a nursing home for rehab. Her BIL is returning to work part-time very soon. Bunny-- I love the candy skull dress. I can understand your mom staying in bed due to stress. I've done that before. I don't handle stress well, though I'm getting much better since I've been doing my yoga. Yoga teaches you how to breathe, and you can practically de-stress yourself just by breathing properly. The retreat was great. It rained on the drive there but Saturday was nice. I stopped by to see a friend who lives in the area that I hadn't seen in a while on the way back. That part of Missouri is very hilly and the roads are twisting and winding. One road has a sign warning people about "Blood Alley", Missouri's most dangerous highway. I don't mind driving those roads during the day but I don't think I'd like driving them at night. I told my friend Carol that everything was so far away--I'm used to stores and restaurants being close by. But there you have to drive almost a half hour to get to anywhere. Her husband showed me where he was building two raised garden beds and they looked nice. I gave him some gardening advice since he hasn't grown vegetables before. I stopped by Tractor Supply today and got the latest issue of MJF. I liked the articles about getting kids involved with nature and farming and crafting. So many kids today have no idea... Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 6:02:40 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:39:54 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 6:03:44 PM
Thanks Cindy. We were posting at the same time
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 6:08:05 PM
One more thing...mar, take elderberry syrup for that cold.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 8:46:53 PM
Lowell and I had a good time at my parents' place. We got there around the middle of the afternoon and Saturday. After we settled in the guest room Dad took Lowell and I out for a walk in the woods. Mitzi found some deer droppings in the woods and made a snack of them. I don't blame her. She can't get them at home. LOL YUK This is a picture of their back-up wood pile.

This is my Dad pouring us some wine he made.

This is my Mom playing solitaire with a very old deck of cards. She says that they are well-trained and she wins more often with these than she does playing it on the computer.

This is a picture of Maggie. Duchess wouldn't stay still long enough for me to take a picture.

I had a little too much to drink on Saturday night. I was dizzy and my head hurt and Lowell insisted that I lay on my left side which didn't keep my head from spinning. After he got up to use the bathroom for the 3rd time in 45 minutes, I turned on my right side and was able to sleep. Lowell left his cell phone which he needs for work there and he didn't want to go back to get it. He asked me what he should do. I said that I was not going to climb that decision tree but told him to analyze his options. He had more questions for me but I paid him no mind. His problem -- not mine.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 11:07:56 AM
I wish you all could hear what's going on downstairs! The Mexican worker and the Amish worker are laughing and carrying on while hanging the gyp-rock and I can hardly understand either one of them! They have been working together for quite a while and I think they've developed their own lingo. Such a good lesson for all of us. I am enjoying my first FULL Monday off. Ran up to the yarn shop and am knitting away on a little dishcloth for an Easter dishcloth exchange. Feels good to knit for someone else for a change.
Take it easy, but take it. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 11:36:45 AM
Holly - His Dudeness has been reading up on different styles of composting - we've been "bin" composters all along - and he has mentioned something like what you're typing about - especially to claim new spots for gardening without tearing out the sod completely. Sounds like a great idea.
Take it easy, but take it. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 1:40:44 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:41:12 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 3:57:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
Marie I am glad you had a good time at your parents house. YOur parents look like they have lived life well and are true characters. Poor Lowell. (please note the degree of sarcasm that does not translate well over the internet. Maybe he should try the B's diet. and a little sunshine.
DsG and DsC are doing better now that they are not living on so much prepackaged food. DsG does not have intellectual issues. He still has emotional ones and diet probably will not fix those although slowing his brain some does make it easier for him to process stimuli. DsC is not all over the place like he was when he first came. He does have focusing issues and is still very immature socially.
I thought the Feingold diet was hard to implement as well. I used to have the book burt may have given it to the book swap a couple of years ago.
I am sure your swap will turn out nicely and very pretty. I am glad you are having a good day.
We had a lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperature rose into the thirties, the sun was shining full tilt by the afternoon. The eaves were dripping and the remaining snow thundered off the roof so it is now clear. We went over to the other barn to see about making it ready for the arrival of the piglets this weekend. C was out there yesterday and said the doors were snowed shut. On the back side where the snow does not come thundering off the roof to make the piles 5 feet deep the snow was about 30 inches deep. It was light in weight and not compacted so it was easy to move with the ice chisel and the snow shovel. The littles brought down some hay for their bedding but we need to go back tomorrow because their attention spans are not so long.
DdK took the littles to the Flynn theater for a show this morning. It was called LaMaleta. I think it was about a little girl from Central America whose parents sent her to Canada to be adopted so she would be away from the violence. The man in Canada helped her contact her parents. DsR said there was a lot of singing and dancing. They had a good time.
I made fish chowder for supper. It was tasty. Even the pickiest of the little boys asked for seconds.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 16 2015 4:02:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 5:23:57 PM
Marylyn, have you ever tried strawbale gardening? I tried it a few years ago. It would have worked better if I had followed the instructions better. But I got so much squash, I didn't know what to do with it all. I too love the term " his dudeness " .
GG, I don't seem to have any issues with food. However, if I can just stop eating bread and cheese, I would lose some weight. I just hate to cook.
Marie, love the pictures of mom and dad. Although mom doesn't look too happy about having her picture taken.
Holly, I have a feeling the immaturity thing will take a while. I can think of a few grown men that are still immature. Hope it gets better as he goes along.
I got all my dresses done! I had another top I needed to shorten the sleeves on for a customer. Got that done and everything packaged up for the mail man tomorrow. I also got the cat to the vet for her yearly checkup for her antibiotics. She has a herpies virus that makes her wheeze and an infection with sneezes.
I'm so tired! But glad it is all done. Now to deal with everything for the two art shows. Worst thing is a picture of me. I take the worst pictures! I don't want to do it. I'm due for a dye job and my friend will do it for me. I just have to figure out how to get a good picture.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 6:16:45 PM
Oh, Bunny, just have someone photoshop it. Or, just smile!! I seriously doubt the pictures are bad. Trust me, ten years from now you will look back and think how great you looked! Wear some of your own specialty clothing, some great jewelry, arch one eyebrow, take a three quarter pose, be doing something other than looking into the camera. Wear a little more makeup for the camera than you normally would. . Think about something interesting. Interesting trumps beauty every time. Be sure to include orange cat in the pose. I wish I could be there, I could take shots you would love. How bout this: hold orange cat and be looking at him, turned toward him. Then glance up over your shoulder and have the picture snapped at that moment. Maybe even be wearing some funky readers, you glance over them. Sometimes it takes ten shots to get one you like.
You will ace this just like you do everything else. You just are a worry wart.
Gluten free might help the fibro. Definitely would make you lose weight.
Marie, I'm glad you had a good time. Hope the booze was worth the aftermath.
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 16 2015 6:20:31 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 8:44:50 PM
I know that anyone can be overwhelmed when in the presence of more than one Listopad. Lowell handled it as well as he does anything. When he gets drunk, he gets talkative.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 9:07:07 PM
GG, you crack me up. I wish you were here to help. You are so classy it would be nice if some of it would rub off on this mountain girl. I'll probably set my tripod up at my sewing machine and try some pictures of me sewing. Hopefully curious orange cat will become the pest that he is and join in.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2015 : 9:15:52 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:42:44 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2015 : 05:50:49 AM
Doll -- I loved all your pointers for better photos! I never like photos of myself (except for the ones my daughter takes) -- maybe it's the love????
Back at work today. We are trying out having me take all day Monday off instead of two half days. I LOVED my day!!!!
Take it easy, but take it. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2015 : 07:09:57 AM
Okay, my Fabulous Fifties Farmgirl Friends -- One of the reasons that I finally joined the Sisterhood was that I felt that I needed to shake things up in my life a little bit. About five years ago I left a sad marriage and moved from the Seattle area to SE Pennsylvania, and that was a very successful shake-up. I don't need anything so drastic this time, but just a little something to make me step outside my regular comfy routine. The whole merit badge idea was appealing to me, since there would be some activities that were new to me and a structure that would make me step out and be a little more creative.
So...I have embarked upon my first merit badge project. I was so tempted to just choose something from the knit/crochet/sew/quilt area, as I do that daily. But brave brave me -- I opted for the Outpost. I am going to "Speak For The Trees" for my first merit badge project. Since it's so new to me, I can start as a beginner and work my way up. I love the trees in this area and they are very different from the ones I grew up with in the Pacific Northwest, so this ought to be a good learning experience for me.
Deep breath.....
Take it easy, but take it. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2015 : 07:49:02 AM
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2015 : 10:37:59 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:43:24 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2015 : 8:44:44 PM
I too am shaking things up a bit in my life. In recent months I've bought some new clothes, most of them sporty yoga-type clothing. I chose bright colors and wild prints. The amazing thing is, when I put these clothes on, I become a different person. I've been going to Nautilus in the evening and walking on the treadmill. When I do my yoga, it now seems second nature.When I put on my yoga clothes, I become a yogi; I become an athlete. I've also been eating mostly vegetarian and though I haven't lost any weight yet, my clothes are fitting better. I have more energy. I feel like I'm leaving that part of me that was feeling so depressed behind and now I can move forward. Change your clothes, change your life? I think I'm onto something. Marilyn--I'm proud that you are "speaking for the trees". The retreat I went on was a spiritual-ecological retreat and one of the activities was to go for a walk in nature and let something in nature speak to you. As I walked, I kept sinking in the mud. It was getting annoying, and then I realized the mud was speaking to me. Yes, it did! It reminded me that there wouldn't be any spring without mud. Then I didn't mind sloshing through it. One of the men on the retreat spent fifteen minutes hugging a tree and then told us how it felt. Another man on the retreat made the decision that he was going to become a Catholic brother. He had been hesitant due to memory impairment from a head injury but he said he felt God was definitely calling him to a monastic vocation. Seems like the Spirit is at work in people's lives and is shaking them up. GG--you're right about leaving that **** behind. Holly--piglets are so cute when they're little. Not as cute when they grow up. I love the way they wag their corkscrew tails. But if I had a pig I couldn't eat it. I always think of Wilbur from Charlotte's Web. Hope everyone had at least some cabbage or corned beef. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 17 2015 : 11:02:28 PM
Cindy, I am so proud of you for the way you have been able to get your life back on the right path for you. I know it is not easy, it's so much easier to settle for the misery and take a pill for it, rather than just do the work. You are sounding better than you have since I've known you. You are creating the life you want and deserve. I admire that so much
And you're right about the clothes. Getting a new haircut/style is also a mood elevator.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 06:42:22 AM
Aren't clothes powerful? They can mean absolutely nothing (which is actually true, I suppose), but they can make us feel more beautiful, more powerful, stronger -- even smarter, I guess (remember those preppy 80s?)! ha ha I am so glad that you are finding a new way to express yourself and that something as simple as slipping on new duds is giving you so much confidence. I am also hearing that the change in apparel is helping you make some changes in activities and behavior -- WIN WIN WIN!!!
I am glad that I clicked on this chat group this morning. I had a lovely drive into town and then as soon as I got to the office, the whole day seemed to be sliding into the outhouse. I deal with a very demanding sector of the public, and sometimes the lying and pushiness gets to me. Had a customer in my face demanding information I had already told him I did not have -- even before I had the computers up and running. Beginning to feel my mood heading for Sourpuss City, and then I opened this page. Thanks for the mood boost, Ladies!!!
Take it easy, but take it. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 10:40:27 AM
Oh, you have all had such good news since I last posted. I am so happy to hear of all the positive steps we gals are taking. And it seems to infect us when we hear of others making great strides towards the pursuit of better health and happiness. Clothes are powerful, as well as a good haircut, even knowing you have some makeup on correctly. And then it feels so good to toss all that aside and just be at home with ourselves and comfortable, too.
I remember the preppy clothes and the label conscious eighties. I was in college and at that time my sister was in her first well paying job. She treated me to a pair of Calvin Klein jeans. It was a very generous gift. Of course, now I see those jeans at Costco!! Back then, everyone wanted Ralph Lauren shirts and their grandmothers pearls.
Cindy, loved hearing about your mud experience. That takes a bit to turn a muddy hike around to something good! Great job.
Marilyn, good luck on keeping your good mood for the rest of your workday. Some days are just more difficult, right?
I am hoping to see the tail end of this head cold very soon. I am at the pressure headache, constant runny nose. Pretty stuff. Dh is doing the shopping with MIL today as well as turning in her handicap parking application. She is 88, uses a's valid. But, her biggest concern is that the rain will ruin her hairdo. Ehh, that's valid, too.
Yesterday, we took mom to her first doctor's appointment in this area. Mom was beyond stressed. She just knew she was going to have a multitude of tests, have her medication changed and suffer through a number of side effects, none of them pleasant. We assured her that we would not let a change of medication take place. (There is no need. She is doing really well.) We told her not to fast because her appointment was in the afternoon and that just wasn't reasonable. She wanted to get the blood work over with and wanted to fast. NO.
It didn't matter how many times both dh and I told her that one of us would come in with her for the appointment (her choice) and leave for any examination portion to insure her privacy. This woman has been seeing to her own health care all her life. We weren't going to just take over and treat her like a four year old. I went in with her (she didn't want her son to see her lady parts... uh, what?) and I had all the medical records from her previous doctor along with a synopsis of her health record that he provided, her meds, a list of questions and referrals we wanted. The doctor was female, young, compassionate, personable, knowledgeable, calm, not prone to medicating and over testing at this point of mom's life and such a great fit that Mom interrupted her midsentence to tell her how much she liked her and how comfortable she was with her. Homerun.
We caught up with dh in the waiting room. Mom was beaming. She was delighted with her new physician, the complex, the fact that all her other doctors were in the same building and that she didn't have to come back for six months!! Dh couldn't stop thanking me for going in with her, finding this doctor, setting it up, etc. When we got there and were handed the sheets of info to fill out, I handed it to Mom. Dh hung over her shoulder to see that she was filling it out correctly. She did a pretty good job. He kept saying, "We aren't gonna get this done in time." And looking at me. Then, "Mom, do you want Marianne to fill that out for you?" And looking at me. I was just shaking my head. Mom is capable of filling these forms out fairly well, with us watching. I didn't want to take that from her. She was nervous. This kept her busy. I finished the forms in the examination room. Came to the question of "last cycle" and threw my hands up...does it really matter at this point? The nurse just shook her head.
I was pretty wiped out after that visit. It does take a bit to keep mom on track and keep all her gizmos corralled: cane, purse stock full of who knows what, plastic bonnet to protect the hairdo or umbrella... Since a big purse bothers my back, I generally carry ID, debit/credit card and lip gloss in my pocket. But, now I carry Mom's purse... She wants to have it. But, she can't really carry it while using her cane. It's a process getting her to give up some of these things.
mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 10:57:28 AM
Mar -- Blessings blessings blessing upon you, Girl. I live about 2800 miles from my mother (with whom I have ALWAYS had a close but contentious relationship) and I give thanks for my wonderful sister-in-law who deals with Mother and her "stuff" on a nearly daily basis. A daughter-in-law like you is worth more than pearls and diamonds. My dad has cancer and is doing daily chemo/radiation treatments which he tolerates very very well (knock wood, formica -- whatever), but my mother is needy, greedy, bossy, weepy and fussy (and whichever other dwarves you can think of) to the point of wanting my dad to take care of every little detail of her life, no matter how worn out he is feeling from his treatments. He tries his best to keep her occupied and satisfied, but sometimes he gets too tired and has to fall back on my brother and his wife to carry some of the load. I know it must feel like a thankless job, but I can tell you that I really appreciate what you and my sissy-in-law are doing. I especially love that you didn't try to take everything away from her and treat her like a toddler. It has to be so hard to make that transition from being the lady in charge of a household, managing everything and everybody, to not having control over the most basic parts of your life. Scary. Glad that your MIL is happy with her new doctor and all. You helped give her a sunny day! Here's a little sunshine for you...
Take it easy, but take it. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |