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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 11 2015 :  1:43:31 PM  Show Profile
The days here are warm enough to wear shorts. I do not expose my baloney sausage legs in public. The ground is soggy on the top and still frozen below. I have to start my plants.

This weekend Lowell and I are going to my parents' place in rural Wisconsin. Mitzi is going to love running around there. I am going to enjoy drinking my dad's home brew beer.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 11 2015 :  6:08:05 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Bunny I am glad to hear from you. I am glad you still like your job. I am glad you are tired and not incapacitated from the fibro. I was a little worried that my diatribe about the military would upset you. It sounds like we are on the same page. I have been reading for months or perhaps several years that you go to Bunco. What is Bunco?

Susan I am glad you would like to type with us. I have no experience with Alabama. What is it like where you live?

Thank you Mar for the kind thoughts about my son DsJ. He has a kind heart and until his hormones kicked in and his birth mother told him she wished he had never contacted her he was a sweet compassionate young man. Yes, there is always hope.

Marie I am chomping at the bit to start my plants indoors. If weather patterns hold true for this area it is really not safe to transplant until June first. Some years it is a lot earlier than that but who knows? The weather guessers are no help. I do not want the plants to be too big and leggy when they go out. I might just try to plant the herb seeds I bought from Wild seed Farms down in GG's old stomping grounds. You are in mud season. I guess living on a paved road makes it easier.

Our mud season seems to have started today. The top couple of inches of the dirt roads are soft and treacherous. The underneath is solid. It makes driving interesting. If you get caught in a rut it takes your car in any direction it wants and you have to be very alert to not get thrown off the road. Later we will be gunning it through the ruts to not bury the car up to the axles. Ahhh the wonderful fifth season of the year.

C put out her buckets for sap today. Hopefully we will get a good enough run for a couple of gallons of syrup this year.

I found in the Brushy Mountain Bee catalog that I could buy a five gallon bucket of honey for $165. It seems like a lot but it is less than paying wholesale in the store. So, we have one coming to tide us over until fall.

Temperatures were in the high thirties today. Tonight it is supposed to get down into the twenties. Low enough for sugaring.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2015 :  1:18:59 PM  Show Profile
We have sunshine here at long last. I slept well last night and slept in until 10:00 am this morning. So today I feel like a new person. WE can not figure out what is different from when I do sleep and when I don't .... must be something in the stars.......DH said he slept deeply last night as well.

Holly we are paying $12 for a pint of local honey at the farmers market here. We are using it in place of sugar so it is very expensive. We are trying to get to NO sugar, but its really hard.

Today DH is at the golf course, since its finally dry enough to play. Im enjoying a day working in what will be my craft/studio room, and doing laundry at the same time. I bought a fresh leg of lamb, very small one, for $20, and didn't get around to cooking it yesterday, which was 2 days since I bought it. Today, it has gone bad. So now I don't have anything for supper, think we will just go out. I don't think this fridge is keeping things cold enough. It is old and should be replaced.

I didn't think our conversation was about our military so much as it was about the pros and cons of war, which no mother wants her son to be in. So it didn't occur to me that Bunny, or any mother whose son joins the military, might take offense. I realize that we must be prepared to defend ourselves if necessary, that wasn't the point I was making, but realize now it could have been implied. As long as we have a world mentality that war is the answer, of course we have to have a strong military and people like your son have my highest respect. Holly, I'm glad you brought that out so I could correct any misunderstanding that might have occurred from my comments.

I hope all you gals are having a lovely day.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 12 2015 :  5:18:16 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I thought the conversation was about war too.

Today was one of those fool you days with the weather. The sun was shining and the thermometer read 18 F but the wind was flying at a furious rate and made it bitter to be out. If you didn't notice the wind you would have thought it was warm and pleasant.

The big event of the day was DsT had a dentist appointment to fill two teeth. He has a stainless steel crown on one of his teeth that came in poorly formed and she is suggesting a gold crown now that he is grown. We shall see.

DdK has told me that she is done with the last boyfriend. I am glad. At 18 she is too young to be committing to anyone and he was in his 30's and has served time for a felony when he was a teen. She likes the strong, rough looking guys. It would be nice if she could find one that could hold a passport and a well paying job. She said she told him they could still be friends but they were not at the same place in their lives so it was a go no where relationship. So, this is an event as well.

Sorry for the loss of the leg of lamb. I wonder if it was old when you bought it. I am not fond of lamb but I do not like waste.

Last year we bought piglets for $50 each on February 1st. We hear this year there is a shortage of piglets so the price is higher. So, we have found 7 piglets for $100 each. They are 3 to 4 months old. Last years piglets were 8 weeks old. The man will deliver them next weekend.

C set her taps for maple sap gathering last evening. She had tried to set them the day before but the drill bit would not go more than a 1/2 inch into the tree. She was very frustrated. So, I took the drill bit to the hardware store to see if we needed a replacement bit. the nice man looked at the bit and cleaned off the screw piece of the bit and said it was important to clean it or the bit would not bite into the wood. He said sometimes people forget to check the direction the drill will travel on the side of the drill and if it is set to go backwards it will not work. I told C all of this when I came home Tuesday evening. She went out Wednesday evening and set most of her taps. When she came in she said, I think I had it on reverse when I was out there last night. It was my fault, she acknowledged not the drill. She does not see the humor of the story yet. She will after she gets over being embarrassed for herself.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2015 :  7:26:16 PM  Show Profile
GG and holly, you did not offend me at all regarding the military and war comments. I think the military has lots of advantages for many kids, but I hate the violence side of it. I can tell you one thing... My son has learned how to clean a bathroom! ..but it takes quite a bit to upset me.

Holly, how cool is it to get maple syrup the way you do. I love how self sufficient your family is. But I also see how much work it is. Glad your weather is turning around a bit.

GG, bummer about the lamb. I like lamb if it is cooked correctly. I love it in Indian food. So glad you are getting to work some in your craft room. Hopefully we will soon see your wonderful creations.

I have been busy with my etsy store. I have two custom dresses to make this weekend and a top to shorten the sleeves. I also sold a dress to a lady in New Zealand. I'm also going to be in two art shows. One in April and a creatures artist in one in May. I'm getting too busy for my own good. I still have the treasurers job for the concert association to learn.
My mom signed the papers today for the reverse mortgage. So it's offical. I won't have to worry about being homeless. Now I'm just going to work to pay off my credit card, put new tires on my truck and start saving money.
Omg, I just got another sale while I was typing this.

Yes, things are looking up. It is nice to see. Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 12 2015 :  7:27:33 PM  Show Profile
I meant featured artist not creatures ...haha.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 12 2015 :  8:24:06 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:34:34 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2015 :  9:09:28 PM  Show Profile
Just a short post. I'm leaving after I get home from work tomorrow to attend a day of retreat. Since it's a rather long drive, I'm leaving Friday and staying overnight. the retreat is all day Saturday. It's supposed to rain but I'm hoping they're wrong (aren't they usually?).The weather today was beautiful. I still need to take a bath and wash my hair before I go to bed. I'm not a morning person. I overslept this morning and woke up at 7:05. I managed to get to work exactly at 7:30. One minute late and I would have been tardy. I feel so much better since the dr. reduced my medication. I have more energy and my head feels clearer. I saw my dr. today and he said that as we age, we sometimes need less of a certain drug cause our liver and kidneys handle drugs differently due to the aging process. I'm bringing my sturdy hiking boots for the retreat in case I get a chance to hike the trails, which will probably be muddy. My neighbor will check on Jaxon for me. He can stay outside, with the back garage door open so he can come in the garage for shelter. It's supposed to be mild so he'll be OK. So I might not post again till sunday. I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2015 :  5:34:51 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, hope your retreat is wonderful.

Marie, enjoy your trip home. Will you see other family members besides your parents?

Holly, let us know how the syrup is flowing. Do you leave the traps in a very long time?

GG, don't get too stuck on projects that you've lost interest in. Finish the UFOs that you want to finish. Let the others go. (My opinion.)

Looking forward to a rainy weekend.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 13 2015 :  5:54:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Ahhh, Bunny I thought creature artist was a new adventure for you and I wanted the details. I am glad you will be a featured artist you sure are talented and creative. I hope the sales keep coming is steadily.

Cindy I hope you have a great time at the retreat and that you are rested and revitalized when you are done.

Marie enjoy mum and dad and the siblings you will see. I hope that when you are there you are treated as the fine adult you are. I know when some people go home their family treats them like the age they left home and the person has a hard time escaping that trap.

The taps will stay in the maple trees until the nights are about 32 F then the trees will bud out and the sap goes sour. Then the taps are pulled and the tree heals over the hole. I saw down in a little village on the way home from town that someone is boiling sap there. Ours is still frozen in the trees. I saw a couple of frozen drips when I was replacing the covers on the buckets but nothing of any volume.

G this herbal remedy that the B and you have tried is it available at a coop or on the web or is it a concoction from a naturopath.

Has anyone heard from Patty? C has found quail chicks to raise and I want to pick her brain a little. I also want to hear that she is ok and life has settled down a bit for her.

Where's Jan?

I succumbed to my need to plant today. The little boys planted the herbs that are perennials. We have 8 containers. I put wire shelving over the top so the cat can not dig and poop in them. I hope it works.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 13 2015 :  6:22:15 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:35:30 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 13 2015 :  6:31:24 PM  Show Profile
That's Amy Myers, The Autoimmune Solution. It is an extreme protocol but we think we will brace ourselves and try it.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 13 2015 :  6:35:28 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:36:25 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2015 :  10:11:02 PM  Show Profile
The only "siblings" I will be seeing are Maggie and Duchess, a Corgi-Australian shepherd mix and a Welsh Corgi. My parents treat me quite like an adult. Now I can tell them all the questionable stuff I did in college and after and we all laugh about it. I am lucky.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  1:02:50 PM  Show Profile
Oh I don't think my parents would have ever laughed at many of the things I did that they never knew about. Frankly, they didn't laugh about many of the things I did that they did know about... Enjoy that laughter, Marie.

Bunny, where will you be the featured artist??? Anywhere close to me?

GG, I love those shoes. I will be looking into them. I have to have a strap on my shoes. Love the look of a slip on, but have never been able to wear one. The Mary Jane is as close as I get. Those just make me happy.

I have a sore throat and runny nose. Not enough to complain about, but that won't stop me. Dh decided that today is tax doing day. He just switched from coffee to wine. I am both glad and a bit scared about that. Glad at the change in attitude the wine will bring. Scared about the change in attitude the wine will bring... Since I am a bit under the weather, I went to the freezer to get some homemade soup and found that I had given it all to dd for all the many colds/flu she has suffered through this year. Luckily, it doesn't take too long to make it. It is simmering now and I have another twenty to thirty minutes to wait. I made it extra salty. It always feels so good on a sore throat. And makes you drink more the rest of the afternoon.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  3:01:43 PM  Show Profile
Oh my soup was good. I understand why dd always would text me a photo of her cup of soup and a message that said, "I feel loved," when she took it to work for lunch.

So the taxes are done and submitted and I have received cheerful replies via text message from the IRS saying they have been accepted. Dh does ours, MIL and dd's. Considering we sold a house and MIL sold a house and I had losses on my parents' estate, it was a bit involved this year. But it is over!! So glad.

We have been watching the latest season of House of Cards. About half way through. Loving it.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  5:20:31 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

DsT went into town last night about 9 PM. He was supposed to get a ride home from someone when the joint he was at closed at 2 AM. DsT got impatient about his ride at 1:40 AM and called home. So, we laid awake in bed waiting for the call that he and his ride connected. He did not call us back to let us know so we were awake until he arrived home. Neither of us were happy with his thoughtlessness.

It has been overcast all day long. Around supper time it started to rain. The warmer temperatures have caused the snow to compact down 15 inches or so. I think we have not lost much snow there his just not as much air in it as there was. Most of the snow fell when the temperatures were below zero. The snow cover now has a solid crust on the top.

Marie I am glad you are an adult when you visit your parents. I think my parents were happy to not know what we did in college. I think they were both relieved that we survived alive.

Today is PI day. 3-14-15. This day will not happen again until 2115.

We had roast pork and baked potatoes for supper. It was very tasty.

We hire out our taxes to a tax attorney. The IRS has a hard time keeping all of the social security numbers of the children in order. They do not understand adoption at all. We have been harrassed several years and then they backed off. One year we had one of our State Senators intervene it was so nasty. I am glad the chocolate man can do your taxes and save you that headache. You are brave to stay in the house while he is doing them.
I hope you feel better.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  5:48:28 PM  Show Profile
Holly, that sounds like a rough night. No one is happy when the phone rings at that time of night.

We celebrated Pi day with peanut butter cookies. Actually, I thought they would be helpful to live through tax day, too! Our local news anchors were really confused about the meaning of Pi day. I was embarrassed for them...

I admIre that you and C get your representatives involved in your IRS annoyances.

My one hundred year old friend, whom I told you I wrote to, passed today. Her daughter called and told MIL. Since I am contagious I didn't go into mom's area to visit today. She seems ok. I, however, am so sad. But I feel happy to have known her. Her secret to long life was a shot of scotch every night. Unless she had had a bad day. Then she had two. When her doctor was asked if it was ok for her to be drinking at her advanced age ( she was in her eighties at the time). Her doctor said, "Are you kidding? I'm thinking of picking up some scotch on the way home! Let her have her scotch."

Thanks for listening. If always helps to talk about the loved ones we lose.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  6:17:32 PM  Show Profile
Mar- hugs to you for the loss of your friend.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Mar 14 2015 :  9:14:42 PM  Show Profile sorry about your dear friend.....sending prayers that you will be comforted in your wonderful memories of her.

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 15 2015 :  06:01:28 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:37:55 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Mar 15 2015 :  06:53:38 AM  Show Profile
So glad to see there's a place on here for us chronologically-enhanced ladies! I just joined the Sisterhood a few days ago (#6318) after thinking about it for about 5 years. I live with my sweetheart out in the country in SE PA. We are still working in town at the family business and I go in about 4 days a week to do the books and make sure the paper doesn't get away from him. We have been doing a pretty major remodel of our home, so there's a new garden place out front that we are EXCITED to begin on this spring. I love to knit, crochet, weave, quilt, embroider - just not enough hours in the day sometimes. Our kids are all grown (some mine, some his), but we get to see some of them often, and enjoy traveling to see the others from time to time. Nice to meet you all.

Take it easy, but take it.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 15 2015 :  08:37:18 AM  Show Profile
Mar, so sorry about your friend. But happy she lived such a long and wonderful life.
You must make some pretty awesome soup!
I'm one of ten featured artists here in The Dalles in May. I have to have a picture, artist resume, show card and publicity material. I have no idea what a show card is and I take the worst pictures. Have no idea what to do for publicity material. This is all so new.

Holly, oh those long nights staying awake worried. Been there done that! Once my first husband did that to me. When he got home I had his work benefits file on my lap to see what his death benefits would be. He didn't stress me out like that again.

GG, sorry you have had to eliminate all those fun foods. But at least you are getting somewhere.

Marilyn, welcome! Don't be a stranger! We are an opinionated bunch but really care about each other.

I was so busy in the sewing room yesterday. Kind of over did it, but I feel pretty good today so will get back to it.
I packaged up three orders, swept the floor. Did my laundry and put clean sheets on my bed. Then got my first custom dress all pinned up and took pictures for my customer. She loved it!
Here is a really bad picture of what I'm doing for her. It is all just pinned and I'm going to cut the pockets down so they arnt so bulky.

She had a t-shirt and some hats that were her son's. She wanted the monster from the t-shirt appliquéd on the back and the hats as pockets.

Thankfully she loved what I did.

My second custom dress looks something like this. Only it will be longer and in a size 18.

My mom officially signed the papers for her reverse mortgage. So we will not be homeless. Sigh... So glad that is over. We were suppose to celebrate and go out to dinner Friday night but I came home to a dark house. She was in bed with the covers over her head. I asked what was wrong and she handed me a letter from social security that looked like it was saying she owed $4000.00 and they were going to take it from her checks.
So I stead of trying to call them and figure out what happened, she went to bed as usual. I gave her a kick in the pants and told her to get on the $&);ing phone and call them. She did get a hold of someone and found out she didn't owe that money. They had just worded something very wrong. So all is right with the world but she still couldn't get herself out of bed this morning to go to church. Sigh. Thank god for my sewing room.
Rant over.....

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 15 2015 :  11:38:25 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, I know how you feel about finding your mom in bed. When my dad died, my sister and I came back from making all the arrangements. We sat at the kitchen table to tell my mom about our choices. After, mom stood up and announced that she was going to bed because that was the only place for her now. Whatever that meant. I thought, fine.

I could never stand not knowing exactly what was going on. I would have been on that phone liked you, . Bunny.

Live your candy skull dress. I think your customer had a very cute idea with her son's cast offs. Your execution is spot on.

Instead of a photography studio portrait of you, how about trying a few action shots of you in your creative studio with your cats... You might feel more at ease and enjoy not being forced to smile or look directly at a camera.

Marilyn, we welcome you with open arms. Your life sounds like you are one of us already. To many interests and not enough time! I hope you post often.

GG, I hope you both learn to love toting your own food. dh and I had to start that due to my funky restrictions and in some ways it is very convenient. Sometimes we laugh at how early we break into lunch in the car. "Should we wait until we are out of the driveway?"

I also hope that you can wholeheartedly embrace the blessing it is to know what to eat and not spend too much energy with regrets.

Thank you for your acknowledgement of my loss. I was lucky to know such a great role model.

I am waiting to see how the big warm up turns out for our states that have had so much snow. Wee got some rain, heavy at times, and have some standing water in our paddocks. Dh and I decided that Tahoe and Sunny could just chill out in the clubhouse. The clubhouse is what Audrey calls their run in shed...a three sided structure for shelter. They won't be as happy as they would be if they could roam the acres, but they have plenty of room to pace, chase and irritate one another. But, we did cancel horse time with Audrey today... it's just too icky and I still have my cold.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 15 2015 :  11:43:46 AM  Show Profile

I don't know what kind of tree/bush this is, but I love the blossoms!
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