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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 09 2013 : 03:58:47 AM
Jan, your fish meal sounds wonderful. It is nice to find some place new, isn't it? I remember the Fish Frys in the Midwest. The best anywhere! Such a nice end to a hard day's work.
I agree that as I get older, I feel the cold more each year, too. Just part of aging, I suppose. Funny how your idea of cold is so relative - my MIL is very bothered by the cold in San Diego right now and we all know it "ain't" cold in San Diego right now. I am looking forward to getting through the spring clean up. The repair of the gravel drive ... filling in ruts, etc. The eventual drying out of the winter melt. I know I am way ahead of myself, but you start to get anxious for the change!
Well, check on you gals later ... behave! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 09 2013 : 12:42:28 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
We had fried fish last night as well. It was grey sole. I do not know that much about fish. The man at the fish counter said it was good for frying and it was. Jan, yours sounds delicious. I do like fried fish I do not like the bones. And you did not need to clean up just wipe the plate clean.
We received about 15 inches of new snow. It is about 4 degrees today. Sun shines brightly. A friend called to say Vermont made national news. Some one was interviewed and said just another winter storm. it did not bother us like some of the other New England states.
We live at the end of a half mile dirt road. it is a town road plowed and maintained. The town does a pretty good job of keeping out the ruts and pot holes. We do have a dip that comes in the winter and grows as the winter progresses. It disappears in the warm weather. The town crew has dug up that area trying to fix it because it is jolting to the plow drivers when they hit it. Cars also bottom out when they hit it unexpectedly and do not slow down. Unfortunately, the road commisioner has not figured out how to make the upper edge of the road not rise.
Have a good day.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 09 2013 : 1:44:18 PM
Howdy ho Ladies!
Well I am sitting in my bed, under my comforter with socks, fleecy pants, and sweatshirt on and I'm still cold! The house is about 70 and there's a big roaring fire in the fire place, but I'm still cold! Unlike Nancy I didn't get out of the way of this storm and it's still snowing at my house while most of the East Coast is shoveling out. The wind here is about 30 - 40 mph and temp about 18, although every night for the last few weeks it gets down to about 5 or less. According to our digital thermometer the lowest it has gotten this winter here is -8.6 below. Anyway, back to today. With wind and temp, it probably feels like -20 below and it feels like it's coming in through the walls of my house although I know it isn't. To get to our attic, you just open a door in our bedroom and our bed is about 18 inches from that door. BRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! I have no idea how much snow we have yet, I'm guessing about 30 inches, but it's blowing around and making drifts so until tomorrow I won't know. It's starting to get dark now so we won't go out until tomorrow. David did manage to shovel out the doorway from the garage side door in case we "have to flee". But that's about 1/100th of what we will have to shovel. The plow guy has been here twice but it just drifts back into the driveway. But because of my job with the EMA and D's running the jail, we have to be able to get out if called. Poor Fred our rooster, I can hear him now and again but of course we aren't letting him out of his small coop but he's grown so big, the small coop is now to small for him.
Haven't lost power yet. At least we have a woodstove and can cook on it and we have a hand pump for our well if we need to hook it up. Before the storm I went to the store and bought things I normally don't buy like deli ham, deli cheese, chips, potato salad made by the deli, Progressive soups in cans that don't need water or milk, so we have food that doesn't need to be cooked.
So what do I do today? I got up and made Banana Nut Muffins and scrambled eggs from my girls for breakfast and then had a Cutie for my fruit (and David's). Last night David brought in the eggs and asked me what comes after Jumbo. One of the girls laid an egg so huge it doesn't fit in an egg carton!
This past week I cleaned our garage and basement really well because the co-op I belong to decided to now have our order delivered here and then my friend Nicole and I will seperate it all into orders. It had been delivered to the University but the U said they had to stop. So, my house is easy directions Marianne - It's the house with the toy tank in the front yard.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Holly. Sometimes it's worse losing a friend as they become our hand chosen family. I'll send good thoughts to her partner and children and hope they get through all stages of grief. Having lost my real father at the age of 9, I know all to well what kids go through.
Bunny, once you're done with school I'm sure life will get better for you. Hang in there girl! Besides, maybe you should be looking for a "Nurse with a purse"! They do have male nurses you know! ;-)
Gypsy, I didn't get to see whatever picture they were all talking about, but I'd love to see the hat too. I'm glad you had a great time with this new Scottsman in your life and I hope it works well with him visiting you for 8 weeks.
Penny, I do hope you don't have the flu, but I'd rather you weren't eating because of the flu then the grief. I can't imagine losing my siblings. My father died of colon cancer and my aunt who lived here in Maine with us for 9 years I'm pretty sure died of cancer. We didn't have an autopsy done, she was 87, but in years prior to that I was her sole support while she went through gall bladder cancer and breast cancer so I'm sure she probably died of cancer.
Nancy - when we aren't having frigid weather or a Nor'easter like this one, I often wear shorts and a sweatshirt in the house. I never go out to the stores like that, but if I'm cleaning the house or working, I start to sweat and want to peel all my clothes off. So, I put on shorts and a shirt and inevitably I cool down and put on a sweatshirt. My legs seldom get cold.
Enjoy your nice weather ladies! Ginny
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 09 2013 : 2:45:10 PM
.. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:39:46 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 09 2013 : 3:32:45 PM
I had completely forgotten about the vinegar part of the fish and chips!! How could I have forgotten about that??
Gypsy, I think you are doing great ... onward ... figure this out. Whichever way it works out will be fine, there is no other choice. So good that you are both being flexible and working together towards a solution. Two months sounds like enough time to get through the "honeymoon" period and really get to know one another.
I have been wondering if the thread is dying off, too. I sure hope not. I really love having you gals to check up with and to throw my ideas out to for feedback, etc.
Ginny, it sounds like you are really in the midst of it. The photos of the storm online are pretty awesome. Three feet of snow is a load of snow! And the floodwaters in Boston are scary! What a great landmark you have for directions to your house ... how large is the toy tank? I guess now wouldn't be the best time to ask you to take a photo, but maybe once the snow is gone? And where did the tank come from?
Holly, it seems as though some dips in the road just never go away, doesn't it? Between the heave and the melt, no matter how much you try to fix an area, it just dips in again. Fifteen inches of snow is certainly noticeable ... did everything look fresh and new again?
We have the smallest bit of blue sky. It has been a while since we have enjoyed that sight. Funny how some winters are especially dreary. This was - is - one of those!
Well, since Gypsy has decided it isn't our deodorant that is chasing gals away, let's see if I can bore the few of you left with yet another dog tale! Sammie, the young yellow lab, has an ice rash on her left hind paw. She was licking it, which drives Dh to distraction and also makes a small rash into a large wound. So, I fixed an epsom salt soak for her. We do this fairly often because Sammie is a diehard retriever. It is as though her brain short-circuits if she is denied her daily retrieving time. She is plain and simply hard-wired to dash back and forth between her owner and some small object that has been thrown. This brings her great joy, but tends to chew up her paws this time of year. So, as I said, I fixed the soak. I called her over to the throw rug, lifted her paw and set it down into the plastic container with the water. She is usually pretty well behaved, will leave her paw in until I lift it, doesn't try to walk away. And today was no different, she behaved just as I described. Well, I guess there was one difference. She decided to sit down. It wouldn't have posed any kind of challenge except, as I mentioned before, I was soaking her back foot. Which ended up at an unusual angle once she sat. And I may have lost a bit of the epsom salt water as a result. It really made me wonder why she would decide to sit down... I'll never figure this particular dog out, but she keeps me busy.
Hope you all have a lovely evening! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 09 2013 : 8:17:18 PM
I'm still here. Don't want you guys to give up on this group...please!
I applied for a permanent position in the book store at the college. It is only 20 hours a week but will be enough to help my mom with her mortgage when my stepdad passes on. I should still be able to work my school schedule in. Gypsy I hope you don't get so comfy with your new friend that you don't need us anymore.
I would miss everyone terribly. So if any one is out there lurking that we haven't heard from lately, sound off for us. We miss you.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 09 2013 : 8:25:53 PM
Heck no Bunny. You are stuck with me.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 08:13:51 AM
Bunny, I am with you about hating fish. The smell!! I wasn't raised with fresh fish, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about. My husband loves fish and thought he had changed my mind when one night early in our marriage I said, "Know what sounds good ... fish and chips." I repeated the request the next night, too. I didn't realize I was pregnant at the time and this weird craving never returned. But, for the next two decades of marriage, I could make my husband break into a cold sweat by mentioning that fish and chips sounded good! (Have I mentioned I have a mean streak?) Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 08:37:22 AM
Fresh fish should never smell like anything but the ocean. There are however strong fish to some very mild white fish. Getting good fresh halibut would probably change your minds, but don't try salmon. Now, who likes okra? I like fried but not the slimy stuff.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 08:40:30 AM
Mar, a mean streak? You? Nah....... But if you do, maybe the MIL is who we should be feeling sorry for.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 10:03:50 AM
Good morning everyone. Woke up to a beautiful blue sky...totally loving it and am so thankful. Thinking about you eastern girls with the big storm. I was so good yesterday. I did almost two weeks worth of homework for one class and then headed to the basement to sew as a reward. Almost finished with my next project. I got the skirt all done and then decided it needs a zipper. It is a really free form tattered kind of skirt and I have seen similar skirts with the zipper just sewn on top willy nilly. So no special effort to be done. I was almost finished when my old kitty Twinkle decided I was done for the day. She crawled up in front of my sewing machine and would not budge. It was cuddle time. Not sure if I will be able to finish today. But if I'm a good girl and get everything done I might get to sew again on Tuesday. It is never an issue of time to sew, more an issue of energy. By 4pm I'm spent and ready for a nap. I'll show pictures of the skirt when I'm done. It really just looks like a bunch of rags sewn together (and kinda is) but that's the big thing right now.
Anyway, enjoy your Sunday.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
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Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 1:29:56 PM
Jan, Love most fish and chips! (don't do the vinegar thing but love tartar sauce.) Also love Petrale sole sauted in butter and lemon (not so much the Dover sole though). And enjoy baked or grilled salmon. When fish is done properly it can be wonderful. There are some that I don't care for. Mostly those that are dry and (I think) rubbery.
Also, it looks like you have some pretty icy weather in your part of Michigan?
But, Marianne, oh shame on you! Your poor DH! I'll wager he is very agreeable - especially when terrified of your mentioning fish & chips! BTW - DH & I have also discovered "Elementary" We have been recording it here so we will have something to snuggle down to and watch when the evening gets long. We also like "Castle" - it is fun and camp. Then there are the wonderful BBC shows "As Time Goes By" (Judi Dench) and "Keeping Up Appearances" (Patricia Routledge). We have watched all of them and are currently watching them again. We are big Poirot fans, too, so we watch Mystery Theatre often.
Ginny ... your description of your weather and coping with it makes me shiver. Shades of the old days in Minnesota! I recall a wind chill of -55. Being on the edge of Lake Superior was bone chilling and I am ever more grateful to be here in California. We are calling it icy-cold now when the thermometer dips into the 20s in the middle of the night. (That's in Oakhurst, not Cupertino.) You might remember that most Minnesotans will say that when hell freezes over, Minnesota schools open 2 hours late.
On Friday I finally got a surge of energy - after that awful cold/bug that got me - and deep cleaned the kitchen in Cupertino. The bug has dwindled to an annoying dry, hacking cough. I packed a few more boxes of "stuff" to lug up here, too. We hit the road at 7:30 and stopped at In-N-Out Burger for nourishment. Usually we stop at Mimi's Cafe for dinner but didn't want to spend the extra time. We did manage to get ahead of the fog and there was very little traffic for a change. While we usually arrive in Oakhurst around midnight - we got here at 11 and were able to unwind and still get to bed at a more reasonable hour. Although it was in the low-30s when we arrived, a friend had come over and turned up the heat so it was toasty inside the house.
We finally got a couple of burn days here this weekend so DH and I spent most of yesterday burning the brush and twigs, etc. that he has been piling up all year. Now we have a nice clean yard area that previously was impassable - and a very large pile of ashes. The ash pile was still warm when we checked it this morning.
Oh, Holly! I am also sorry you have lost a friend. I echo many of the more eloquent expressions of sympathy I read. So glad you fared reasonably well with the storm passing through. Vermont seems to be just a romantic winter getaway spot! Everything about it seems to be some sort of poetic perfect ... snow, woods, animals, kids, syrup, America's Test Kitchen, and even with a bump or two, the roads. And then there are you and Cheri and your care for others. Yes, some kind of perfect for certain. Vermonters do seem to take things in stride more than some in other parts of the country. Rugged and competent individuals.
Gypsy, m'love - I predict that you are on a lifelong adventure of love and everlasting happiness. Some frog DO carry the magic to produce a prince ... okay, so yours brought a Knight --- (almost as good )
Nancy, sweetie - glad you got back to home base before flights were cancelled. I found a wonderful, campy paperdoll book that you will love and are going to be getting for your birthday.
Well, I know I wrote a bit more that what I see here. But I am going to say Honey Bunny, please forgive me - for I had almost a whole paragraph written to you and now it's gone! I'll be looking forward to seeing the skirt, too. It sounds flirty and young!
I'm sure I've missed more ... but my brain burped and I can't recall ... I guess it's time to sign off for now.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 1:48:01 PM
Darling Darlys thanks for posting. We need all hands on deck here to keep this thread alive. I tried to take a pic of the frog but it came out too dark Girls it is covered with purple stones. Eventually I'll get someone to snap a pic Our Darlys has good taste and excellent judgment and apparently very special powers So far she has been right. I predict you and sweet hubby are going to be so happy when the retirement is final and Cupertino is just a pleasant memory. And the weekend commutes are a thing of the past. In one year where will you be? Everyone? Mar and Darlys will be in retirement heaven, I will finally have a last name that I love. Holly and Cheri might have couple more kids bunny will be on her way to a great job and financial independence--anybody else want to jump in?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 3:10:10 PM
It is sleeting here, and looks like it is very icy out there right now. I don't think I will be going anywhere for a day or 2. Hubby is home tomorrow so that means notmuch going on here. He retires in 13 months, then in the fall of 2014 we will be on the road to wherever it is warm!!!! We had 3 days of -11 degrees and one -9 this past week, now rain, then more snow. Is it spring yet? We may not have one this year, which happens alot in this part of the country. Out winter sports here are ice fishing with ice shacks on the lake, and outhouse races!!!!! I hibernate as much as possible!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 4:26:24 PM
Howdy Ho Ladies!
My toy tank came from an old children's carnival ride. This is a very small picture of it but Marianne's right, I can't get a better one now!

Holly - here's an easy name for the calf - Hay. Or Holstein, Hathor or Hesar which both mean Eygptian Godess
Darlys - GET WELL! It sounds like it is hanging on. Not good, so you get some more rest, drink lots of tea, and relax. I remember those MN days. Nothing stopped in MN weather! I'm sure it was really cold if you lived by Lake Superior. I lived all over, St. Cloud, Milaca, Fargo ND, Crystal, and Richfield as a child. WEnt down to Mankato for one semester of college. MN is very much like Maine except we rarely have tornados, which I don't miss at all. And we have the Atlantic Ocean which is much like Lake Superior. I do miss the toboggan chute though.
I love to go fishing, I hate to eat fish. I do love seafood though. Once my folks were visiting and we went fishing in a local lake and caught 60 white perch within a 20 minute period. My Father (step Father), bless his heart, came home and filleted every last one of them for us so I could batter them up and make fish sticks. I don't mind eating them as fish sticks with tarter sauce. In his working days he was Chief of the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service so we learned a lot about being outdoors. Every weekend was a family outing and it always seemed to be outdoors. Probably because it was free! Until we moved them this summer, he would go to a local lake in VA, go to the end of the public dock with his walker that has a seat, and fish!
Today we did what everyone else is doing, we shoveled. I'm guessing we got 18 - 24 inches at our house. I had to get up on our garage roof (not difficult, the eaves are about 2 feet from the ground) which has a very slight point and shovel off snow. It had drifted onto the roof. The living room is above the garage and looking out the window, the snow was as high as the lampshade inside. When I stepped into the highest point it went over my knee. I'm exhausted! Getting off the roof I felt like a kid. I jumped off and fell into the snow and trying to get up I kept putting my hand in the snow as though I could pull myself up. David got a good laugh over it and I came in the house, stripped in the basement and put everything in the dryer I was so wet! My fingers were numb yet I was wearing my ice fishing gloves that are waterproof.
I spent the rest of the day going through my garden seeds to see what I have that I can use this spring and what I need to order. It was a lot more fun then out in the snow! I did take pics but left the camera in the garage and I'm to lazy to go get it right now. I guess we get a day before the next storm hits us. I think it's suppose to be rain or freezing rain which actually will make all this snow heavy, YUCK!
We had Calico Beans for supper. I had them leftover from that dinner and froze them. Good day for them.
I'm off to make a 94th Birthday card for my Dad and get it in the mail.
Later Ladies,
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 4:44:21 PM
Good evening everyone,
Ginny I think you win the prize for the most snow. How lucky you are. I sometimes think that if I lived in an old farmhouse I would make quilts to hang on the walls so every bit was covered. I used to put one inch styrofoam boards in the sliding glass doors to keep the heat in. I covered them with pretty cloth so the cats would not shred them.
Gypsy I am glad your health is good enough now that you can have an adventure and enjoy it. Here I am with a little nuisance of a cold and trying so hard not to cough when I read about it can't be our deodorant and start to laugh and start to cough. Gypsy you are wicked. I think you are visiting with Darlys too much and are catching on to her way with words. Bite your tongue about more children. These two plus Ross are a handful. they are very much boys and all over the place. but, you are a great predictor of the future as a Gypsy should be.
Marianne None of my dogs would have considered sitting in an epsom salt bath never mind standing for one. You are so patient with the dogs. I know what you mean about the gray skies. I am so glad that January is over. Here in Vermont the cloudiest month is November and then maybe December or January. I am so much happier with the sun out and a blue sky. Is the big morning when you do not have to get up to get dh off to work this week?
Bunny good luck with the part time job. I bet the library will give you a good reference.
Darlys I love hearing from you. What will your ds do when you move? Will he live in the house until it is sold? The internet connection is on and off in rapid succession this evening so I am going to try to post and be done.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 5:33:01 PM
Yes, Holly, you are right on!! Darlys is a very bad influence on me!
Jan, I'll add you to the list of the happily ever after retired group. You can almost start counting the months, soon you will be counting the days! I think living in the harsh winters is hard on you and I'll be so happy to hear from you from South Florida, or maybe even South Texas. There are a lot of warm states to choose from but probably in January south florida would be my pick. I hope when you come through Texas I will get to meet you. Has anybody heard from Patty? She's been gone a while now. I'll bet she's making coffee in her sleep. Speaking of health, have any of you been tested for food allergies? I'm about to go do that. In spite of all the stuff I've been through, my stomach still would not behave, so I was told to stop all grains. I've pretty much done that and there is a huge difference. I might be repeating myself here. anyway, if you've had experience with food allergies I'd be interested in hearing your story. Someday I will stop drinking strong coffee but not today.
Bunny, you go girl. I wish I had your motivation to sew. Remember all that fabric I bought from you? Well it still looks pretty in the stack--but soon I am going to get up off this couch and do something with it.
Ginny, you definitely win the prize for being the most positive and ambitious and strong--shoveling all that snow! I don't know if I could do if, but if I did, I'd at least be P----d off about it! That is a very cool little toy tank. Nice shot of color in the landscape this time of year. good night all.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 07:18:09 AM
Ginny, Your toy tank is the best thing ever! How cool to have that and to have it in your front yard. It is the best landmark I have heard of! What fun. You did get a lot of snow! Stripping in the basement sounds like a cold venture. I can see why you needed some time going through seeds to cheer you up after all that shoveling! Will you see your dad for his 94th birthday? That is such a big deal.
Darlys, Glad to see you are getting the upper hand on the cold. I have heard so many people talk about these things just handing on for weeks. And you are correct in assuming that my dh is very agreeable. He is also very patient. It must feel so good to have the brush all burned and everything all neatened up. I am always a bit nervous when someone is burning brush ...
Bunny, Two weeks ahead on one class is a huge accomplishment! That should buy you some play time ... The library sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you. I hope it works out and you get to start very soon. The exposed zipper sounds like it would fit in perfectly with the style of your skirt and it certainly is very popular right now. Look forward to seeing the finished product. And I am very lucky if I hit 4 pm with some "down" time. You are doing good, sister. Keep up your hard work.
Holly, I do have patience with the animals or maybe I have just turned my focus on them after the kids grew up. Either way, I can't stand to leave something or someone alone if I think I can make them more comfortable. Even if it means they will be uncomfortable in the short run ... Also, it drives my agreeable dh to distraction to have the pups lick at their paws and a epsom salt soak seems to take all the itch away. So they stop licking and dh stops telling them, "NO!" And I am much happier. How close to you think you are to having a calf?
Gypsy, we did allergy testing on our son. We did a very stringent elimination diet and I kept a notebook on when his behavior made us think he had ingested something that bothered him. His triggers were milk, corn, and Yellow #5, Red 40 and that led us to get away from almost all packaged food which eliminated a lot of preservatives that were probably also culprits. He lost the postnasal drip, dark circles under his eyes, bad breath and generally felt calmer and less "itchy." He was just more comfortable. From what I understood at the time, the prick tests are a good place to start. I hope you can find some answers and comfort. I really recommend keeping a notebook of everything you eat. It was surprising to be able to go back and the answer would be staring at you. I would have never figured corn as a problem without my notes.
Today, I think I am going to have time and energy to work on an apron. I should be cleaning...
Hope you are having a lovely day, Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 07:19:29 AM
Jan, I forgot that I wanted to mention how excited I am that you are in countdown mode to retirement! Next March? Your plans sound exciting, too. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 08:13:02 AM
Tornadoes are scary! Hope everyone in their path is ok. Another friend of mine had a friend that lost her house in this go around. So much stress!
Marianne, I have a really long research paper to write so I worked ahead so I could have some time to do it. If I get the job at the bookstore, I will have almost no time to sew this next quarter. Waaaaaaa! I'll have the same basic schedule I do now only trying to fit in 20 hours of work too. I will probably have to give up the library. I'll miss that big time. I wanted the experience for the whole 9 months. Unless I want to work from 8a to 10am plus adding another 5 hours in the book store and then do my classes and somehow find time to do homework... I'm a bit overwhelmed. I know truly I can't do it all. So the library will have to go. I just hope I don't have to work on weekends so I can get my homework done. I do all this worrying and then it never turns out as bad as I think. Silly me. I don't even have the job yet.
Anyway, long day at school today. Kinda like an 8 hour work day. Not too bad. Wednesday's kill me. My class from 6pm to 9pm, my mind just doesn't work anymore and he has all these calculations for us to do. Thankfully some of it sinks in. I got 100 percent on my homework and test this week. I have a big test this morning in my information technology class. She hasn't covered anything in the book all quarter.
Sorry I just needed to vent. Trust me I left stuff out! Oh I can't wait for summer. If I'm working at least it will be part time and I can sew my little heart out! Marianne, see what you started! You got me all worked up.
later all.... sorry to be such a complainer today. Tomorrow will be MUCH better.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 10:45:32 AM
Honey Bunny, I don't think you are a complainer at all. Has any of us not grumbled about something or someone? That's human nature. You may be a bit of a worrier - but that's perfectly okay - worriers are usually the problem solvers. A bookstore job sounds like a slice of heaven to me. DH & I often went to bookstores on "date night." We would wander and wonder and usually spend far too much. Now we have our Nooks and I miss our times in the B&N aisles. Will have to mention that to him.
Oh Marianne. I can understand being nervous when someone is burning brush. Believe me, we did not just set a match to it and watch it burn. We have an area just a bit bigger around than a campfire would be. It is surrounded by sand - and where there are no trees close enough to be remotely hazardous. We haul the brush and such to the fire, cut up anything longer than a few feet long (our burning is a lot of work) and we also have the hose hooked up and pulled up right beside the fire. We only burn on "burn days" (which means things aren't dry and the wind is not a factor), we have a permit and always call to be sure it's a burn day. We are huge on safety first and don't leave it unattended.
Gypsy, darlin' - You are such a brat! I'm a very GOOD influence on you! All I do is urge you to do what you really want to do anyhow. And just look at how it's turning out! So you are headed for Scottsdale when? You see, being our genuine self is the whisper of the goddess in each of us.
Holly, homes in the Bay Area are selling fast - sometimes within hours of being listed with multiple offers. Seems there's money here. We have a good deal of equity in this house as the appreciation was only very mildly affected by the crisis. We know we will be pleased with whatever we manage to realize. and are about $100K apart on their guesstimates - so we will probably meet somewhere in the middle for listing. DS will likely stay in the Bay Area - perhaps find a roommate - as he is committed to the Music for Minors program and loves teaching the first graders music at his old elementary school. He is now exploring employment options and he will be okay. Oakhurst is too rural for him to consider being there full time. "A great place to visit .... etc." He is boning up on software applications (Linex,etc.) and physics on Udacity. Just finished learning how to build an internet search engine. He has a couple of months to set himself up. His value to us here has been tremendous. Aside from cooking, cleaning and yard work, the house is never unoccupied. I can only imagine what a house sitter would cost for as much as DH & I are gone.
Oh, I almost forgot! Had another "inspiration" regarding the soon-to-be-new-baby's name: Adding to the silly-sort-of names: Holly-Luya! -- or -- Har-Ray! Every time someone mentions, or calls to the calf, it would be a cheer. Okay, I'm being totally frivolous now! Has to put a smile on your face just saying either of them though! 
Jan - are you planning on staying in Michigan and travelling when your DH retires? Or are you going to pack up the farm and head for milder climes. Vacationing in Florida sounds so exotic and fun ... but my hubby has no tolerance for what he "believes" the humidity would be. Maui is his vacation spot of choice and I guess we could do worse.
Ginny - you DO get the trooper of the year award for your snow experience! Keep those stories coming. Interesting family tidbits...your (step)dad was Chief of the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service -- my grandpa was a Game Warden in MN ... he was also a state legislator and a chiropractor. I really never got to know him. He died before I was born so I only heard lots of stories. Speaking of MN ... 10 below zero ... Girl Scouts are selling cookies - door to door. 40 below zero ... people in Minnesota start saying "Cold enough fer ya?"
Where's Thelma.
I owe Patty a phone call.
We will probably be in the low 60s here today - and we are due for some warming toward the end of the week. Maybe even 70.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Edited by - darlystippie on Feb 11 2013 12:15:04 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 11:13:29 AM
Morning - no --good afternoon sisters. Been busy healing. Trying to sew and crochet now and then. Slow but sure. Stuff I can't do but learning how to get around my disability. Works but much slower.
I've been going through my seeds and will be starting some broccoli and cauliflower and carrots soon. I got a couple of those 'self watering' patio pots to try planting these early veggies. That way, if there's going to be a freeze,I can just roll them into the greenhouse.
We'll be planting mostly corn and squash and peppers and a couple of tomatoes in the garden this year, since we sort of over planted beans last year. I can't wait to start getting my hands back into the dirt!!
The chickens are happily digging through my garden space, turning and fertilizing the whole place. Of course they are also eating every scrap of food garbage too. Every time I open the back door, they run toward the gate to see if I'm bringing them anything and they cluck loudly if I don't!
I'm watching reruns of Criminal Law these days. But my favorite show has got to be Hardcore Pawn. That family is just a hoot to watch. They are a reality show on TruTV. I never thought I'd be so nuts over this stupid show, but I just have to see it every week! It's horrible, but fascinating. Like watching a train wreck. You just can't turn away from it!
I hope all you girls in the upper northeast are doing ok. Down here in Maryland, we have had hardly any snow at all and what we did get melted quickly. Jenny sure wishes we would have gotten more, but, oh well.
Bunny - great going on all your class work. You know, we're all right there in all your classes with you. And, you find time to sew those beautiful skirts!
Marianne - love reading all your posts. Keep them coming!
Janet - stay warm sister. Sounds cold.
That's enough from me. Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 4:11:10 PM
Good evening everyone,
Gypsy much older sisters are supposed to be bad influences on their much younger sisters. we all know that. My sister would deny any responsibility for who I am. lol
The hydraulics on our tractor are not working right so our handy man is coming tomorrow to check it out. Talie will be happy to have them working again. He does not like to shovel by hand.
Bunny you are a trooper. All of the pieces will fall into place. Congrats on the good grades.
You all are great with names for the calf. I think it will arrive in a week or so. Cheri is looking anxiously/hopefully everyday.
Kathy you could do bean poles and make dried beans. Just plant them and forget them until the pods are dry. The beans come in so many pretty colors. Scarlet runner beans are pretty from blossom to picking. You could make Jenny crazy with the thought of more beans.
Today was overcast with drizzle in the twenties. C and I went to the theater to see Medicine Bear. It was put on by the First Nations of Canada the Iroquois/ Mohawk people. It was a story of how the creator gave the knowledge of the medicine plants to the Bear Clan. It was for 6 to 8 year olds. The dancing was wonderful. C was great through the whole show.
Ross wants me to put him to bed so I will close.
Sweet dreams everyone.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 6:28:42 PM
It rained and snowed today, now it turned colder, so everything is cie out there now. I hope it all melts tomorrow. Hubby retires a year from March, 13 months from now, then we plan on travelling and living in a motorhome. We will start looking for a motorhome this summer. We do not want a big one, just a small one that is not so hard to travel with. I am sure we will be doing alot of boondocking also. We will follow the warmth!!! Maybe come back this way during the summer to visit the kids. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
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