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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 27 2015 : 12:04:31 PM
DH sister wrote it. .
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 28 2015 7:29:15 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 27 2015 : 1:25:59 PM
It may sound mean, but the stove is disabled when we leave mom home alone... I don't know if she knows it.
Bunny, glad the big order came through. I hope that you will adjust to your new job. You won't feel so nervous and that uses A LOT of energy. Then maybe you will have some energy for your creations. I know you won't be giving those up.
I love B's sister's poem. Such a great way to look at it all.
I think it is funny how we are saying the men are stuck in their ways... I'm not pointing any fingers that aren't pointing right at myself, too! And really, all relationships are tough whether they are between siblings, males and females, offspring. You name it. All in all, we are surrounded by idiots. Seems so somedays, doesn't it? And no one who we don't care deeply about can disappoint us very much. It is very telling when you get VERY upset. Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin is an interesting phrase.
Kids grow up so fast. After a long weekend away from the classroom, you can notice a difference!
Dh's friend gets here tomorrow. So I made two frittatas this morning. Bacon, mushroom, red bell pepper, onion and potato. I hope there isn't anything in there that Bob doesn't like. He has a pretty good appetite, but doesn't like Mexican, dh's favorite. Then I am fixing ribs for when we get home from the bars... dd and I have decided to hang out at her apartment so that I can help her go through her wardrobe, ruthlessly. She needs to get rid of some of the shtuff she has. She and boyfriend are going to be downsizing to a one bedroom in the city and space will be even more of a premium.
Costco has a packet of twenty different seeds - ORGANIC - for nineteen dollars!! I got mine and I am excited! I have my little greenhouse on rollers that I think I will get my seeds all cozy in after Bob's visit is over. That is the last of our company for this month. Dh has a conference for hearing specialists next weekend, but I will just have extra duties at home and he doesn't have to travel. So, Yay!
Dd is lots better. Still snotty. her nose, I mean. wink, wink,
mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 27 2015 : 1:32:16 PM
.jpg?v 2245572)
Thank you, Holly. A few of the bulbs are producing flowers. This is the first one to bloom. It feels like a smile from you every time I walk by.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 27 2015 : 4:32:34 PM
Good evening everyone,
Now I wanted to make comments on the posts on the last page and now I can not think what they would be.
I think there is something to be said for being single. It reminds me of reading the obituaries and seeing people who are 84 and were married for twenty years and their partner died and they never remarried. My grandmother was married for three or four years. Her husband died and she never remarried. I like the poem. I guess the only way to delete is now is to go to edit and erase it there.
i hope Vonisha is alright.
The daffodil looks happy. As soon as the bulb is strong enough it will multiply and in a few years you will be dividing the clumps. I am glad they are doing so well. NO it is not terrible to disable the stove when you leave. I hope she does not try to fix it.
The sun was out all day today. the temperature had risen 18 degrees by 10:00 to 10F. lol The sun made it bearable. I think the sun sitting out all day is going to lift the frost out of the ground There are some estimates that the frost is down 8 feet. The city of Montpelier has asked people to keep an upstairs faucet dripping because their pipes are buried to 5 feet or more and they want to avoid the city pipes freezing.
DsT's bff Z's dad told him he had pancreatic cancer a week or so ago and only had two or three months to live. Today C asked Z about it and he said no, his dad did not have cancer his dad was just trying to scare Z. C told bffZ that he could stay here and we could get guardianship of him if his dad was sick.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 28 2015 : 08:56:23 AM
It's 30 degrees and freezing drizzle here today. Bet it's even worse where Mel is, she is further (or is it farther) north.
Mar, it's not mean to protect mil from danger. Not at all. The daffodils look pretty. Soon will be a shower of color I'll bet.
Bunny I hope you are getting the weekend to rest.
Holly, that sounds like a mean thing Z's dad did. Talk about passive aggressive. You and C have the biggest hearts of anybody I know. If it's true that children learn by example, your children will all be kind and compassionate people.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 28 2015 : 09:01:57 AM
Mar, I'm glad you are thinking of mil's safety and the house of course. Sounds like you got it covered.
GG, I'm doing computer work today so I can rest. I'm working on a brochure and my website for my sewing classes. Naps will be included in the equation. I do have to do some sewing tomorrow. I miss sewing my things. I do have to go across the river to let sit my favorite kittie for a time. I can't say enough how much I love this job! Just hope I can figure out a way to make enough money to put enough in savings for my future plans.
Mar, love the daffodils! Mine are still just shoots.
Have a nice weekend! The sun is shining today!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 28 2015 : 11:34:42 AM
Bunny, I am so,so HAPPY for you!! Hugs!
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 28 2015 : 2:10:10 PM
Gg, keep your butt in the house with that freezing drizzle. Dangerous driving conditions! Hope Mel is doing the same!
Holly, some parents are idiots. Doesn't it make you proud when your children know they can make these wildly compassionate offers for others to join your family because they know what kind of people their parents are. You and C are the kind to never turn someone away in their time of need. I just don't understand needing to see your child in pain at the idea of losing their parent. What a selfish thing to do. Power trip. Can't get over it.
Bunny, guard your energy. Keep those naps penciled in!! I am so happy to "hear" the lilt in your voice. And it is always nice to pet sit a favorite!
It is a really pretty day here. Audrey will be down within the hour. It is nice when she comes earlier, I generally have more energy to spend some time with her early in the day. I have been cleaning up a bit, not much. Let's face it, Bob isn't gonna notice much if all the windows aren't clean! Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be just as nice, so they should have a great day for being downtown. And tomorrow Saturday Market opens. No, I'm not confused. Saturday Market does run on Sunday. I think it is part of the "Keep Portland Weird" campaign. It is only closed for January and February, so it is the grand reopening after a brief hiatus. I look forward to visiting it again this year, but maybe not on opening day! I don't like crowds...
Thinking of all you special ladies. Have a great weekend. Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Feb 28 2015 2:12:18 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 28 2015 : 5:45:42 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yes, I too think Z's dad was very mean. Especially since that would leave Z and his brother virtually orphans. Their birth mother is in and out of the slammer on drug charges. They do not see her often and when she says she is coming she often doesn't. Z is a nice young man. His dad tries sometimes.
I think my children have been raised with compassion for the most part. I hope that they have learned it along the way. I guess that is why it hurts when they are so mean, I wonder what or where they learned it and why it is alright.
If you in the south are having freezing rain, stay home. There is no need for anyone to risk their lives. As my brother says, it is not yourself you have to worry about but all of the other a**holes who think they know how to drive and really don't.
We had guests over all day today. They are the kind of guests who do not require entertaining. they have children who play with my children. The dad took the snow shoes and stomped a path in the other field for them to sled on. After it was packed by a few runs the boys said it was fast. It is nice to have guests who have an interest in their children.
the day was sunny all day long. It was so nice. The temperatures rose up into the teens. the day was gorgeous.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Feb 28 2015 : 6:29:29 PM
I liked the poem. And so true. I don't want to get married--would just like a companion once in a while. I got bitten by a Shark today--the vacuum cleaner kind. I bought a Shark guaranteed to pick up pet hair. My old Hoover just doesn't pick up all of Jaxon's hair. SO I used it on the living room carpet and within fifteen minutes the canister was completely full of dog hair. Yikes! It feels good to have a hairless carpet cause I do yoga in my living room (that's where the DVD player is) and I don't like it when my mat gets covered with dog hair. I don't understand why some parents are cruel to their children. Or why some men would kill their girlfriends. That'd what recently happened to the granddaughter of a woman my mom knows. I think this woman had a restraining order against him but it didn't do much good, did it? If my mom or dad were living with me I would probably disable the stove, too. There's been a number of times I've gone to their house and the first thing I smell when I walk in the house is gas. Usually a burner is partially turned on, not enough to produce a flame but just enough to produce gas. they can't smell it. They also barricade themselves in the house in a way that would make it somewhat difficult to get out in a hurry. Or for me to get in if there was an emergency. I wish spring would get here. It's snowing right now, we're supposed to get about seven or eight inches. March comes in like a polar bear and goes out like a gerbil. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 08:35:05 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:23:43 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 10:04:58 AM
GG, I'm glad you are finding information that helps. It really helps to know there is a label for what is wrong. Too bad it has taken so long for someone to take the time to help him.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 12:41:30 PM
The weather is sunny and cold. At least we don't have piles of snow and slick icy roads.
Lowell is currently out to breakfast. Is everyone ready for the latest chapter of Dumb Things My DH Has Done This Week? You're going to like this. First, the back story: Last week we did not have enough money for a full grocery shopping trip. I told him to just go and get what he wants. I told him to get me some dish soap. It was the only thing I ABSOLUTELY needed. I knew I had enough food to last me a week [frozen vegies, 3 boxes of pasta, bread making ingredients]so I knew I would be fine. He got laundry soap instead of dish soap and he felt bad. I told him that I had a backup and he didn't have to worry. He went back anyway. Lowell knows that he disappoints me at times and he tries to make up for it. So this week, we went to the grocery store and purchased our groceries. When we got to the check out, Lowell discovered that he didn't have his debit card. He had left it at the restaurant where he had breakfast! I stayed calm and told him to find out what options we had and to take care of it himself. As I was packing the groceries in bags, he tried to process his options. He finally decided to let them hold the groceries and he would come back with an alternate form of payment. Poor Lowell. He always feels as if he is letting me down. So many times he is in his other world and I am his anchor in this world. It is difficult work.
Gypsy, I feel the pain you and B have in your relationship. Men are supposed to be strong and capable. They feel so defeated when they cannot be that and ashamed when they have to admit it and ask for help. A strong man will ask help from his strong woman. I am glad he is able to do that with you. Thom Hartmann is a radio talk show host who has written extensively on his own ADD and has some excellent advice online and in print. B is still a good guy worth sticking with and, for all his faults, so is Lowell.
Cindy, I am so glad I have wood floors. They are so much easier to clean. At our last place, I just couldn't keep the carpet clean and every vacuum I bought broke down under the strain.
I guess that's why I don't have anyone over to my house. I always feel as if I have to stop whatever I am doing to "entertain" them. Holly, I believe guests such as yours are the best. I can remember when I was a kid when going over to my parent's friends places the adults always had a project to do while all the children played our home made games running around the yard or farm and just having a thoroughly great time. Our times are so different now. <sigh>
Marianne, I believe that making your home safe for your MIL is a good thing. I also believe that letting your MIL do the things she likes to do is good for her mental health. I know that my parents are slowing down. They are not able to make trips to Minneapolis as often as in the past to visit and enjoy the unique restaurants we have here. I just wish I could afford a car and could go to visit them more often.
The sewing job sounds great Bunny. I wish I could find a job like that. I really appreciate a supportive atmosphere and the ability to work at my own pace to get the job done.
The first graders built a city for their unit on community.

Lowell is recording the vocals for his new song "Behind Prison Walls". The chorus is as follows:
Behind prison walls are those who have trespassed against us. Behind prison walls are those we have trespassed against. Hear the prosecutor say so sorry we locked you away so long when you did no wrong -- whose life was locked away behind prison walls.
It is a very political song. I'll have to find a way to get it out to someone who can produce it and maybe sell it.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 4:03:40 PM
Oh just spent the day working on my blog adding my sewing classes information. So much work! I have linked each page to other pages and back and forth. I hope I didn't miss anything. I got tired of looking. I'm going to have my boss check it out tomorrow. Fresh eyes will help. I also had to make two brochures. One for the upcycled clothing classes and one for the other sewing classes. My college classes are showing their value.
Marie, it seems like women are more like parents to most men they live with. I'm afraid I am so over that! You and GG are better people than me.
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend! Holly, I hope your company had fun and didn't overstay.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 4:40:22 PM
Bunny - Gypsy and I are not better people. We are just different people.
Lowell's new songs can now be heard at
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Mar 01 2015 4:48:05 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 4:59:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a bit overcast and the temperatures went up into the low twenties.

oldest DsR (36) and youngest dsR (7) going over the jump and getting airborne.

landed safe and happy
We had guests for breakfast. Then in the afternoon the boys went sledding. The oldest DsR is a great trooper. he carries that sled up the hill and goes back down right away with whichever little boy wants to go. If the sled goes off the track down into woods he will walk through the knee deep snow to get it.
DdK went to see her friends for the weekend. She had a bff whose parents separated and she chose to go to NJ with her dad. DdK felt very abandoned. Now the mother has metastisized ovarian cancer. DdK and her bff had not been doing well over the last few years. Last week the bff's twin brother came to see DdK and invited her down for the weekend. I am so glad she went. DdK did a lot of healing and maybe bff did too. Now they are talking again.
I am glad GG that you and the B have not given up. He seems like a good man. I am glad that you are both willing to figure it out and move forward. Who else would you dance with and make the other women jealous? We are with you.
You have so much patience, Marie. I like the city. I will look forward to hearing the recording of lowell singing the prison song.
I have only done a little bit of yoga. Maybe some day I will try again, I am glad Cindy that it is an activity to give you joy.
I told C about the daffodils and she agreed that next year when the bulbs are a little stronger you will have a yard ful of color. The narcissus flowers later than the yellow daffodils.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 5:40:11 PM
GG--I'll have to look up that website you mentioned. I know someone with ADD or ADHD, not sure which. It's hard when you have a disability and no one understands you. Been there many times. Marie--the city is really neat. Too bad our real cities aren't that neat and clean. I hope Lowell's song is a success. It's not enough just to be recorded, people have to HEAR your song. Just like people have to read an author's writing. Holly--it's great that your oldest takes an interest in your youngest. I used to play with my nieces when they were younger, now all they want to do is play with their phones. It's also good that DdK is getting together with her bff. I've been making a real effort to keep in touch with a friend I've known since college but she rarely responds anymore. I just stay in touch and let her know I'm there if she needs me. Here is the recipe I used for making a smoothie--it lends itself to many variations. 3/4 cup coconut milk (though almond milk will also work) 2 small to medium bananas, cut up agave to taste (I just pour a little in) Blend. Drink. Enjoy. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 01 2015 : 8:37:18 PM
Holly, your pictures are awesome! Love the faces. It is obvious they are having a load of fun.
Cindy, my nighttime smoothy is Greek yogurt, pineapple chunks, banana, ice and some pineapple juice. I'm terrible at measurements. Just a little of this and that. It is suppose to help heartburn. It's ok with that. But it is nice as my night time treat.
Just got my first order of the month. Yay! Guess I'll be packaging that up after work tomorrow.
Marie, hope Lowell's song does well.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 02 2015 : 06:04:26 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:24:50 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Mar 02 2015 : 07:01:33 AM
Injured animals in the wild hide their hurts as long as they can so they do not look vulnerable. It is the same with people. In time B may be able to accept his condition and work with you on control. For now, all you can do is love him.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 02 2015 : 08:13:04 AM
GG, I believe there is a difference. ADHD has a hyper active element. I have a nephew with this. He never ever slows down. ADD is without the hyperactivity. I have ADD. There are times of hyper focusing and someone with this can be calm. ADHD people simply cannot be still. B seriously needs to find a self help group in town. There has to be one in a town as large as Austin. It sounds like you are doing all the work. He needs to do the work too. There are people out there who can help and take some of the load off you.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 02 2015 : 10:43:34 AM
bunny I think you are right.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Mar 02 2015 : 2:21:20 PM
Bunny and GG, my understanding of the H is the same. I believe with the hyperactivity component Ritalin is considered very effective because the amphetamine part of the drug works oppositely in a true hyperactive person... Ds was diagnosed with ADHD and I am sure Dh has it too, but without the H. Dd has also been diagnosed with it. HMMMM. Dd and Dh have the hyperconcentration type, Ds may have outgrown some of the excess energy by now.
Holly, I love the photo where they are catching air! What a lot of fun. Having a willing adult to supervise is such a great way to let the boys spend some time in the snow. I look forward to the narcissus poking up in due time.
Dh's buddy left this afternoon. It was busy, but they seemed to enjoy themselves, so that's what counts. Dd got rid of two bags of clothing she should have gotten rid of years ago while I was overseeing her purge.
Now I am facing the laundry...
It's good to know that Shark is a good brand for vacuums. I have an oreck, which is just fine... mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 02 2015 : 4:22:35 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think it is not unusual for an adult to not be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Especially those of us who are older. It was not done when we were in school. In girls we were told we day dreamed and if we would just focus we could do soooo much better. In boys they were just boys and would grow out of it. I know that to read anything technical is a real chore. Following the thought process of the author is difficult. Ask the B if he wants you to give him a summary. I guess if you all are not getting along as well as you have he is feeling pretty defeated like he has failed again. I heard an article on NPR about this man who said that reading was easier for him on his telephone because there were far less words to have to deal with than on a book page.
When our first son who is not the oldest came to live with us we had to keep a journal of the good things he had done because he believed he couldn't do anything right. I know the B has given you many hours of pleasure and brings you great joy and comfort.
I called my appliance repair man today. We have been discussing for the last few months that I need a new dryer. He actually gets me used dryers because the ones from an earlier decade are far more sturdy than the current models. He called back and said if I were really desperate he would bring me one this week but if it were at all possible could we do next Monday because he had a fire at his house. I told him I could wait.
It is great you have a new order on the first of the month. I hope this begins a chain of sales.
It is kind of you to believe that oldest DsR is a responsible adult. He is less impulsive than the boys and is compulsively responsible when he understands what it is that needs to be done. However, when he starts a sentence with "I thought" we know there is faulty reasoning and we need to go into alert mode. He is not dangerous or anything he just has problems following a sequence all the way through to the end to see the consequences of his actions. He is great with rote is has real difficulties with gray areas. He would come and tell us if the littles were doing something they shouldn't. He would even tell them himself if they would listen. He is a great guy.
Today was overcast and the temperatures were in the high teens. The littles went out to play for an hour. It was so nice to have them outside. In the late afternoon the wind picked up and the snow was blowing sideways. The wind was blowing so hard that it blew across the top of the chimney and made it whistle.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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