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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 02 2015 :  5:55:08 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:26:21 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 02 2015 :  7:00:51 PM  Show Profile
When my oldest was in school I wanted him labelled ADD because even when he was sitting absolutely still he was someplace else and could not attend to class. The school would not label him because he had no out of seat behavior.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 03 2015 :  4:06:15 PM  Show Profile
Where is everybody, once again? We are still wet and cold. Another cold front on the way. This is not normal for this time of year. It feels so dreary. I could not survive in the cold northern climates. The days seem to be so short and I'm getting nothing done. How about you?

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 03 2015 :  6:01:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Temperatures were in the low twenties most of the day. In the afternoon it started to snow.

Today was Town Meeting Day. C went to ours because she is on the select board and it is part of her job. There were some people who smart and some people who like to ask questions to see if they can trip up the select board members. C does not like that type of questioning at all. The meeting was a success over all.

Tomorrow is the end of school vacation. DsT has to go back. He has not been too bad to be with this vacation. He has tried to be kind to the littles this week. I hope that he continues to try to be kind and that the nastiness of school does not come home.

The littles are growing mold in a cover inside a plastic bag and are drawing pictures of it each day. They think it is the coolest thing going.

I hope GG that the cold wet weather you are having helps to alleviate the drought conditions you all have had for the last several years. The flowers should be gorgeous.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 03 2015 :  6:40:55 PM  Show Profile
Today was 26 degrees and it snowed. I looked out after I woke up and saw that it was coming almost straight down. We didn't get the 4 inches that was predicted. The wind came up in the afternoon after the snow stopped coming down and blew it into white crystal clouds that shown in the sun.

Here's a picture of Mitzi the Snow Dog after her morning walk.

Lowell wants to move again. Every time Lowell wants to do some recording with his electric guitar, the people upstairs stomp on the floor. Because he cannot run the amp's output through a wire, he needs to mike the guitar so it puts the sound in the air where it can be heard and not through the wire where it can't. I told him if he could find an apartment in this price range that had a backyard and garden in this neighborhood, I would move. I am not helping him find another apartment this time. He will be on his own. Ha! He has been told.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 03 2015 :  7:18:04 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:27:19 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 03 2015 :  7:28:57 PM  Show Profile
GG, I'm glad B is making an effort. I'm all talk. If the right guy comes along I'm game. I would be a fool not to try.

Work is good. Got my first paycheck. That is a nice feeling. She pays once a month. I like that. One big check all at once. I'll probably lose my food stamps but I'm ok with that. I should be ok with my medical though. I have to make more money than this to lose that.,

The weather has been nice. It rained a little yesterday but the sun was out and it is suppose to warm up close to 60degrees.

My son is calling to you later.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Mar 03 2015 :  8:18:38 PM  Show Profile
Grrr...I've been off work the past two days because of complications with my medicines. I finally got hold of my dr. today and he called in a new prescription this evening. I went to the pharmacy and they are out of stock. They MIGHT have it by tomorrow afternoon, but possibly not till thursday. If I don't work tomorrow, I'll have to wait till Monday when I see my dr. and get his approval before I can go back.
So I'm debating whether I should go in tomorrow or not. I've been sleeping up to 14 hours a day for several days then I'll go for a while without any sleep. I just feel exhausted all the time. This has been going on for quite a while. I even called today about an investigational drug study to see if I qualify but I didn't. So I feel like crap. It got up to almost fifty today but tonight is more sleet and freezing rain, maybe some snow. If I didn't feel bad already, this weather isn't helping. Oh well, that's my gripe for tonight,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  07:40:47 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, I'm sort of in the same boat, except I'd give anything to sleep for 8 hours, much less 15 or more. No matter how tired I am, I just can't sleep. So, I feel like crap all day. Today is one of those days. Meds don't help. Nothing helps. Then, out of the blue, I will get s solid nights sleep, maybe 2 or 3 times a year! The rest of the time I wake up every hour or two. Sometimes I can go back to sleep, sometimes not. I've tried everything. B is the opposite, he can sleep 12 hours a night and still take naps. Also my pharmacy is always out of stock and I have to go without anything for several days. So I feel your pain. Sometimes I get up and sleep on the couch with meditation music running in the background. That helps. But if the dogs hear me stirring they start whining and won't stop until I get up. Sleep deprivation is the worse kind of misery.

It is warmer and drizzling. Later today it is going back to freezing drizzle. I want to go get on a plane and find some sunshine.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  07:42:55 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, I'm glad about the paycheck. Treat yourself in some way to celebrate it. Hugs to you. Good job!

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  10:42:29 AM  Show Profile
Oh, how I wish I could grant a good night's sleep to everyone. There is nothing that restores us like a deep sleep. I hope a decent amount of rest finds you both tonight!!

There is talk that our first 70 degree day will be this weekend. Almost a record, but two or maybe three days late to break the record. Records are being set all over the place. Boston is hurting with all those mountains of snow. Freezing rain is still the worst, in my opinion.

So, Mom's stylist was ill on Monday and another gal did her 'do. Mom was thrilled because this lady ratted the beegeebers out of it. So, now Marianne gets to call and drop the old stylist and sign up for a weekly appointment with the new improved teaser! Her hair was as hard as a helmet when she got in the car and she was ecstatic. It looked the same the next morning, BTW. So, MIL was Sold! That's the stylist for her. "She knows how to really tease, Marianne." Yay! ugh.

I took Mom grocery shopping yesterday. And you all know that isn't my strong suit. But, I was ok until we got to the check out. At Winco Foods, the prices are very low, but you bag it yourself. At check out, Mom just won't move aside and let me do things in a timely fashion so that everyone gets to move on with their day. I know she wants to help, but it is always, "Here, let me. I don't have a bad back." Really? 'Cause I can lift five pounds of flour...can you? Anyway, she did finally decide to go collect her lottery winnings while I paid. The woman behind us in line came up to me and said, "I wish my mom was here with me." Stopped me in my tracks. I thanked her for telling me that and told her it was the reality check I needed right now. I also mentioned she was my husband's mother and that my husband was at home cleaning/sanitizing Mom's living quarters. She asked if Mom was in a home and I told her she had her own place on our property. She looked appalled and said, "Oh! I'd NEVER want that." Hmmmm .... How much do you miss your mom? Anyway, the exchange snapped me out of my grumps. And we laughed and pointed out blossoming trees all the way home. Mom has never really lived where there was a change of seasons, so Spring is the prettiest thing she has ever seen. She reminds me to look for the beauty and savor it.

I hope you all find some beauty to savor today.
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  11:09:22 AM  Show Profile
I an so SICK of this FREAKIN" weather!!!!!!!!!!! As GG said we are having rain and sleet. The latest! Winter Storm Watch....3pm this afternoon to 12pm tomorrow. Rain to Sleet/Snow....1/4" ice and up to 3" of snow/sleet. And down to 25 degrees again. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! Sunshine would be a pleasure. GG, I'm with you about this being so out of the ordinary!! Who pushed the button?? LOL

Cindy.... sounds like you have been miserable for days. Sorry about that. Have you considered changing pharmacies to one that has your meds in stock? I have been annoyed with my pharmacy the last couple months because I have had to travel an extra 15 miles to get an associate pharmacy that have had my blood pressure meds. Not so sure I am willing to do it again. Hope you get your situation resolved. Hope you are feeling better very soon.

Marie.....checked out Lowells' music on the link you provided. Must say I was pleasantly surprised. Moving is such a pain. I have been in this apartment for 10 years and don't look forward to moving. But my lease is up in May and I can't do the stairs well any longer and I have to walk Mattie several times a day so it is a necessity. Looking as big a pain as the actual move. Love the pic of Mitzi. :)

Bunny...Woo! Woo! nice. My hubby used to get paid once a month.....annoying.....great for mortgage and utilities, though. Glad things are looking up for you.

You guys have been talking about dating and having men in your lives or not. I have been a widower since 50...17 years in June. I haven't had a date or a fellow in my life. I am not the most social person so never met anyone. I live fine with that....but like Cindy said on occasion it would be nice to have someone to meet for dinner or go to a movie. And I don't usually do things because I don't care to eat alone at a restaurant or go to a movie or a exhibition by myself. Now I sound pathetic, LOL ....but I am OK with it. :) :)

Mar....glad you were able to help Dd purge her things....sometimes it just needs someone to give a gentle shove. Great that Dh had a good time with his buddy! And I think you are wise to disable the stove for your MIL's safety. How's your lil' neighbor doing?

We have a state inspection for our vehicles in Texas, as of March 1, we have to get our inspection and present it to the state before we can get our vehicle registration. sooo you say....what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Well, I 'was' supposed to register my car in February....usually do it on line but put it off a few weeks and then noticed I have to get NEW's been 7 I need to go to a location to get them. Well I was too sick to get out the last weeks and just found out on Monday (on the news) about this new requirement.
So now the weather is crappy and I have to get the inspection first. Moral of this story?.........Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today!! LOL :) glad that you and B are working on the ADHD situation....hope you can conquer this trial. Don't think that you should have to spend the last third of the adventure of life tired and frustrated......give him a good kick in the a$$.....Yes, I know it won't help him any but maybe the explosion will relieve some of your pressure. the pics of the kiddos having fun.....don't know how you are withstanding this constant and family have certainly become troopers through all this.

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Mar 04 2015 11:18:36 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  11:27:06 AM  Show Profile
Oh and I seemed to be posting at the same time! It sounds like your small epiphany made your drive home most pleasant. Good for you! I chuckled at the hairdresser story, I remember back in the day.....I used to do my MIL's hair when she didn't want to go to the stylist. The tease was the key.....and the half can of AquaNet was the topper......she too looked the same for a week of sleeping on her new 'do'. LOL :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  3:35:18 PM  Show Profile
So Mel, email me and describe your pleasant surprises you had from Lowell's music. I know he would like to know. Thank you so much for listening.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  4:04:43 PM  Show Profile
Marie, forgot to tell you how cute Mitzi is in her snow look. I hope the moving issue just fades away.

Mel, I don't envy you having to move. And being on the bottom floor can be annoying with some neighbors above you. Good luck. The vehicle inspection process is a thorn in our sides here, too. I don't know why they feel you have to get and pay for new plates all the time?! Good luck getting that off your To Do List.

Cindy, I have to let my physician know which pharmacy I am going to use. You probably do, too. I just don't understand why the pharmacy can't figure out that a monthly prescription might be filled monthly and anticipate that you will be filling it! I used to have a lot of trouble like you have been having when we lived in Spokane, but here, Rite Aid is doing a good job and it is such a relief. I would just walk into the pharmacy in Spokane already irritated because I knew they wouldn't have the entire amount they needed to dispense to me.

So, I am playing telephone tag with a hairdresser now. The fun never ends.

Dh took off today and looked at sporting goods, etc. He had some good luck in bringing home stuff he wanted by trading. I had a great time out in the sunshine with the grouchy little dog, Gracie. I also got a letter off to that older lady (100) that I write to. I figure when the thought to write Bea a letter crosses my mind, I better just write Bea a letter rather than put it off. I would hate to have her pass when I had intended to write.

Bunny, did you treat yourself to a goodie out of your paycheck? How are your boys? You mentioned that one was calling a couple days ago while you were posting.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  6:34:33 PM  Show Profile
My pharmacy usually has meds. in stock--just this new one is a lower dosage than one I'd been taking and they didn't have it in the lower dosage since it's new. It's the same med, just a lower dosage. My dr. called it in after 6:00 pm yesterday so it didn't get ordered on time so I have to wait till tomorrow. On a positive note, my knee is feeling much better.
Mar--I can picture your MIL and her "do". I've never been able to understand getting hair teased cause I like it natural--I don't even use hairspray on it. I hardly ever blow dry it. And I always trim my own bangs--no one else can touch them. I guess I'm low maintenance--you'd think some guy would appreciate that, wouldn't you? And not some guy who collects beer cans and lives with his mom. I'd want him to take me out for a night on the town, just not THIS town.
Mel--the whole car inspection thing is just a way for the state to make money. They fine single moms with old cars and let the semis roll down the highway. I almost get sick when I breathe the fumes from a semi or other big truck. We have to buy a sticker for our license plates each year and I usually get a notice to have my car inspected every two years. I've always passed but I feel sorry for the people who don't and who also don't have the money to fix up their cars.
GG--with me, it seems like I sleep excessively or can't sleep at all. I've gone three days without sleep before and that messes me up. I'm just worried about the excessive sleeping cause I have no energy to do anything. I go to work and feel like I'm going to fall asleep at work. My doctor thinks it's one of the meds. I'm taking. I also feel depressed cause I don't have any energy. I'm taking a vitamin D supplement as well but haven't noticed a difference so far. I decided to cheer myself up with a little retail therapy. I found a t-shirt that says "Namaste"and has the OM symbol on it. I bought a new purse in a print that features brightly colored birds and and has words like "peace" and "nature" printed on it. It brings out the hippie in me. My "amulet" is a keychain of a Barbie doll from the hippie era. She's wearing a flowered jumpsuit, heels, and a headband. She even has a little leather fringe on her sleeves and belt. She's about three inches tall. I always wanted to be a fashionable hippie, LOL.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2015 :  8:38:41 PM  Show Profile
Marie and Mel, hope the moving issue is easier than you think. I hate to move but love living in a new (different) house. I usually have everything unpacked and put away in a couple of days.

I did not do anything fun with my first paycheck. Gave my mom some money for rent. We still don't know about the reverse mortgage. The underwriters are really being picky about everything. It is just too stressful to even think about. My mom just spends all day in bed. Most of the time I come home and she is asleep or just laying there not doing anything. She doesn't do stress well. I usually find something to do to take my mind off of it. She wallows in it.

Work is good, but I come home so tired. I don't sleep well either. I sleep in 2 hour increments. I don't know how we do it. But I make it through.

Marie, sweet picture of Mitzi.

Mel, nothing wrong with being happy by yourself. If I had done that, I would not have married my second husband and I would be so much better off than I am.

Cindy, hope you can get your meds figured out. Nothing like feeling sick from pills that are suppose to make you feel better. I learned that the hard way.

I use the pharmacy at Fred Meyers. They text me when I have a refill. I am on an automatic refill program. It is wonderful.

Weather here was so nice today. Like Mel, we are suppose to get into the high 60's. This is one of my favorite times of the year. Not too hot and not too cold.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  08:34:05 AM  Show Profile
I could not hold the iPad steady. Consider it an abstract. Still cold and windy, but the sun is out. ! Yay!

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  11:51:53 AM  Show Profile

Out blossoms are white. This is a cherry plum tree. The fruit is delicious but small.
Thanks for inspiring me to take a photo, gg. I'm out enjoying the fit dh is tending. I helped for one hour and two minutes, so two minutes over my alotted time and now I only get to watch...
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  11:54:10 AM  Show Profile

I enjoy the view
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  11:55:06 AM  Show Profile
Burning the dreaded blackberries

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Mar 05 2015 11:59:18 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  11:57:31 AM  Show Profile
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True Blue Farmgirl

488 Posts

williamstown wv
488 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  12:08:09 PM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address
OMGosh Girls! The pictures are lovely! I have been reading along and enjoying all of your chats!

I am knee deep in snow today...yay! It is Purdy...when I was being all envious of Holly with her snow, I didn't know it would come to bite March! lol I will just take it as it comes, this is a heavy wet snow and our electricity has been flickering all day. I just hope it stays on, as tonight it will be freezing.

Bunny, I love your new line on etsy...very nice. I was so happy to read of your new job...exciting. Sorry to hear it tires you out. the work you've done on your new place love the floors and paint choices. Sorry to read about your love and his problems. I am glad you are getting all the information about it...that is a the best way to tackle a problem such as this...isn't the internet wonderful?

Holly I loved the pictures of your boys. They looked like they were having a blast. I love sledding!!

Mar, I loved the story of the hairdresser...hee hee. Reminded me of my momma, she always had her hair teased into submission and sprayed until it wouldn't move till her next weeks appointment. She was always so disappointed if her regular dresser wasn't working "cause Bette didn't do it tight enough". Enjoy all of these trips because someday you will want to tell her something and she won't be there...

Mel, I hate moving too. I just don't like the packing and unpacking and finding a place for every little

Cindy, love the amulet...that sounds right up my alley. Hope you get your meds figured out...that can be frustrating.

I have so much more to contribute. Let me just say everyone here is healthy...and happy. DH and I are dusting off lola and heading south for a few days...I am sure I will have a funny story or two that I can share when we get back. Warmer weather is calling my name and I am answering...haha.

You lovely ladies take care of yourself and remember spring is just around the corner...ttyl..:)

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."
Source Unknown
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  12:34:39 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:28:57 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 05 2015 :  12:37:52 PM  Show Profile
Mel, I love that there is someone else on here that remembers Aquanet. And I love that you are posting more.

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