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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 24 2015 :  6:11:25 PM  Show Profile
Darn! I had a post ready to go and then realized I'd forgotten to type my password. So I typed it but it wouldn't let me post what I'd just written. That's happened before.
GG--you be careful.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 24 2015 :  6:26:27 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have a friend in Maryland and we were discussing the road conditions there which were not bad compared to here but we know how to handle it and they do not. I guess the same is in Texas. I hope you all stay safe. I tell the people up here I would take a snowstorm over a tornado any day of the week. If I were in Texas I think I would just hunker down and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Here people walk around with a ski pole when they take their dogs out for a walk or go for the mail. Just and added bit of balance. Saves the knees and the arse.

I really like the peacefulness and the joy in the coloring of your decorations. Even men without ADD can not put things together. I think it has to do with the weak Y chromosome.

When I deal with my children and talking about them and their issues I need to remember what is stupid boy and what is related to their abuse or learning differences. Sometimes just being boys or children causes them to not be able to do something in a manner that I think they should. Oh, being male sure makes life hard. Speaking of course from the perspective of the superior gender. lol

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  4:56:37 PM  Show Profile
Thanks, Holly,
I decided to take a day off and stop hogging the forum, but I come back and nobody has posted today! What th?

Our warm sunshine is back. Mel, how was your weather today?

Wondering if we've lost Jan for good and will Bunny be next? Mar is quiet---what's up you gals?


Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 25 2015 4:59:17 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  5:02:16 PM  Show Profile
HI everyone.

Mel, Happy Belated Birthday!! Sorry I missed it.

I Can't believe the weather you ladies have had to put up with.

Holly, Coco is adorable. You are always the one we look to for advice and you are always careful how you word it. Don't worry, you are kind.

Gg, your house looks wonderful. I love the floor, the colors on the wall and your yard. The vignette that you have finished decorating for your peace of mind is beautiful. It will soon be a place that will soothe you when you enter. I just got our bedroom closet fixed the way it should be and we have been here eight months. You are far ahead of me!!

I don't think Splenda is xylitol... And I have forgotten to mention in caps that xylitol is LETHAL to dogs. Even a very small amount. I can't figure that the other sugar substitutes are much better for them, but I don't know.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  5:37:25 PM  Show Profile
I think I will throw out the xylitol.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  5:39:37 PM  Show Profile
Thanx Mar.....:) was just sort of wet this morning because it was above freezing, 34 degrees and got up to 48 this afternoon. Supposed to be 50 tomorrow and then an arctic blast tomorrow night (27)

Went to the orthopedic doc today. Looks like the cartilage is non existent on the left side of the right knee, so have bone on bone that's why the pain and the burn. Going to go with some anti-inflammatory first. Then if that doesn't work, injection and then possibly what they call a partial replacement...where they take a small(the size of a quarter) piece of cushiony material and insert it between the bones like the cartilage. Doc says only takes about 15 minutes. But that is a future possibility. Anyway.......that's good news!! It looks so much better than I anticipated. Need to give it a few months.....I'll call if it's not working. :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  6:29:11 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad you all have posted in the last couple of hours. I looked on here and the last post was me. I was a little lonely.

Mel, I am glad that your knee is not so damaged that you need an immediate total replacement. C has had both knees done and is so glad she did but I could not ever wish that pain on anyone even for the relatively short time that it is happening.

GG I do not think of you hogging the board. I am glad to read you and know you are there.

So, now I wonder if this is a safe place being open and all to any one who reads here. So, this morning we wake up and DsT and his bff Z are not in the house. They were last night when we went to sleep. We were going through the morning routine and a man who owns the cabin down the hill was at our door. It seems that the road commissioner called him because there was someone in his cabin. DsT, Z and two young women were there and the place was trashed( he said). The four came up to the house. It seems another young man brought the two young women over, trashed the place and left. The two young women were told that DsT was having a party and there were a lot of people. DsT told them the cabin was ours. DDK took them back down to clean the cabin, they did. She drove the young women to their houses and stood there while they told their mothers what had happened. DdK is so good. She also spoke to the owner of the cabin and he was glad the place was cleaned up and said we can let this all become our pasts now. I raged at the four of them about being irresponsible. DsT said don't look at Z it is not his fault. I said to the two of them, Z is your best friend I expect that he will take your arm and say to you this is not a good idea and take you away when you are not making good choices. I said to Z, T is your best friend and I expect that when you are not making good choices he will take you by the arm and lead you away to where it is safe. That is the job of a friend.

I understand that teens make poor choices and learn to live through them. But, geez when is he going to become the old T that was so kind, compassionate and caring that he once was. He did not rage when he came home so maybe we are making progress. Several months ago even last month he would have raged and blamed and not taken any responsibility so maybe he is growing past the nasty rebellious young man he has been for the last two years. There is hope, he is not dead. and neither am I.

Thanks for listening.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  6:58:29 PM  Show Profile
Sorry for being MIA the last few days. Yes, I have been pretty tired when I get home. I fell asleep last night at 6:30pm and woke up at 8:30. Went back to sleep at 10:30. Thankfully, my boss poops out around 5pm too. She is so easy to work for. Doesn't care how long I work. I could go home early any time I want. I just need to earn as much money as possible. She is very happy with my work and is thinking about taking on more contract sewing. She is also a very smart business woman. I know I will learn so much from her. I was also invited to be in a wearable art show. The art director for the local art center came in the store yesterday and I showed her my things on etsy. She was very excited and told me that was just the kind of things she was looking for. Then sent me another email for another art show inviting me to be a featured artist. I'm getting sucked into the local art society. I guess I need to make myself some artsy fartsy outfits to wear. Thankfully I have a good friend that does hair. I'll be able to make a good showing. So much going on!

Talking to my son, I'll have get back to you guys later....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  7:58:32 PM  Show Profile
Ok, I'm back. I was talking to one son on the phone and the other was on messenger and I was trying to type on here too.

Holly, I feel your pain with DsT. It is hard having a teenage boy. My youngest one was no trouble. My oldest,.... grey hairs. But he got in big trouble one night, handcuffed and guns drawn by the local sheriffs. Scared the living daylights out of him and his friend. Thankfully the officer was a good guy and they only ended up with community service. They had broken into an abandoned golf clubhouse.
DsT needs to understand that he is at an age where he will pay the consequences of his actions. He can go to jail, he can be arrested. Unfortunately at his age, you and C can be sued for his misadventures. Not all neighbors are that understanding. I hope he can figure this all out before he gets into real trouble.
Maybe he needs a better outlet for his free time. Like, maybe not having any for a while. Raising teenagers is not for the faint of heart. Hang in there. Hopefully it will get better. At least he has calmed down for you. The raging might have just been major frustration and he didn't know of a better way to let it all out.

Mel, hope you can get that knee working again. It's so hard when we start falling apart at the seams.

GG, your house is coming along great. I too love the floors. It's amazing what they can do with that stuff to make them look like real wood. Your babies look pretty comfy on that couch. I bet they are a great help with all the work you have been doing. Sidewalk supervisors.

Well, I'm done in. This working everyday is going to take some getting use to.

Nite all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  8:01:51 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I hope I didn't sound too harsh. I just have been where you are and know how hard and at times scary it is. My oldest was able to direct his energy into the local volunteer fire department and stayed out of trouble after that. DsT, just needs a place to focus his energy in a positive place. It sounds like his basketball coach isn't helping in that department.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  8:11:03 PM  Show Profile

It is late and I am tried so this will be short.

There was some meltage yesterday. That caused ice to cover sidewalks in some spots when the temperatures dropped. After a dusting of snow these spots became invisible and very slippery. So I fell on one of those spots this morning. I didn't hurt myself because I fell on my padding. I really wish people would take the time to handle drainage on the sidewalks.

Once again, we have very little money at the end of the month. I cannot afford some prescriptions -- again -- and we have no toilet paper . I told Lowell to just grocery shop for himself. I can survive and what is in the freezer and pantry. It's a good thing I froze stuff during the summer. I spend more time cooking but that is just fine.

Busy as usual. Have to clean up some stuff.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  8:26:17 PM  Show Profile
Holly--I don't envy you raising teenagers. I never had any kids cause frankly, I think it's the greatest responsibility a person can take on in this world and it scares me to think about it. I think you are doing a good job--kids are going to push the rules until someone lays down the law to them. It doesn't mean they're not good kids--they just have this irresistible urge to test authority. The culture we live in, with all kinds of songs advocating anarchy, doesn't help. I don't know what the answer is.
Mel--I'll have to tell my mom about the partial replacement knee surgery. Her cartilage is breaking down and she's afraid to see a doctor cause they might tell her to get a knee replacement. She says she can't be out of commission that long with my dad being the way he is.
GG--wait until I tell you what I had for supper tonight: roasted veggie bacon and brussels sprouts with maple syrup. Then I made a smoothie with coconut milk, banana, and agave. They were both simple to make and tasted delicious. I get so out of sorts when I eat any processed food.
My knee is much better. I've done some stretching and balancing exercises and that helps a lot. We're supposed to get a light dusting of snow tonight. This weather, with it being somewhat warm one day and cold the next, is not good for my health. Last year at this time I came down with pneumonia. So I'm trying hard to avoid the cold air. Will be glad when it warms up for good.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  08:08:10 AM  Show Profile
Well, I just got an email from PayPal that the money for the 8 dress sale did not go through. I'm so bummed. I really needed that money. I sent an email to the lady asking her what she would like to do. Hopefully it was an oversight. But with her using her checking account instead of a card, it takes 6 to 8 days for the money to come through. Thankfully I didn't send the order.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  2:49:40 PM  Show Profile
Oh Bunny, I hope the paypal snafu straightens itself out. Maybe she just thought she had enough in her account. Your advice for Holly was sound. Holly knows she is going to get all sorts of advice here!!

Holly, It must be nice to have ddK to ride shotgun when you need her. I know you are so disappointed. Why don't these young men realize that they need to help each other out rather than raise the stakes? Good luck.

Mel, I think you have a fantastic plan for getting your knee to a more comfortable state. I hope you can avoid the surgery, but it does give you a good feeling to know there is a helpful procedure if you need it. Fifteen minutes? That's crazy!

Dh and I did some running around today. It wasn't a lot of fun, but I did enjoy being able to sit in the front seat and have him to myself. He is still my favorite guy. This morning we got the farrier out for a trimming. The horses' hooves hadn't been trimmed in four months and they have never gone that long before. I couldn't convince myself that they shouldn't need a trim just because their hooves weren't that long yet. The calendar convinced me I needed to get the farrier out here. Well, they certainly could have waited, but I sure feel better knowing that I am not mistreating the poor babies. Of course, it was pouring rain and we don't have an animal barn here. Just a wood/auto working type barn. The floor is smooth so the horses couldn't even come in for a few minutes, they would slip. We had them under cover in their run-in shed - a three sided building. They were fine, very well mannered. All went well. Glad it's done for a while.

Cindy, you are a very adventurous cook. Glad your knees are feeling better, too. Hope you get a nice long bout of warmth soon!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  2:59:08 PM  Show Profile
Yea! Posts to read!

Mel, I'm glad you got a pretty good prognosis on the knee. That was good Information for me because I'm doing what Cindy's mom is doing-- don't want to hear what the doctor might say because I do not want a knee replacement! Now I think I will go and see what they can do for my left knee.

Oh, Holly, raising kids is such hard work, mentally and physically! I think your sweet boy will return--all teenage kids do really dumb things. Mine did things I never thought he would do. One year after he had left home and was in college he called me a few days after my birthday and said sorry mom I didn't call on your birthday but I was in jail. Some minor thing like unpaid parking tickets, so he said. He's a fine man now, getting to go through this with his three sons. Somehow we do all live through it. I do believe in letting people live with the consequences though, rather than bail them out. My mom bailed my sis out time after time and to this day she does bad things.

Mar, we are working on the closet today., too. We started just putting stuff in there "for now" and you know how that goes. I still have a mess everywhere but a little progress is made each day.

Cindy, you should share some of those recipes. I'm so tired of trying to think what to cook. Your descriptions make my mouth water!

Now,Bunny, don't panic yet--I'm betting the lady will fix the glitch and the order will go through. I hope you are not working too hard. Be kind to yourself.


Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 22 2015 4:59:26 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  3:58:32 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:19:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  4:00:08 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:20:14 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  5:17:06 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I told DsT that he had to write a letter of apology and he squawked a bit but did it.

Dear Mr R. ,

I'm sorry for sleeping in your cabin. I did not realize that it was yours. What I did was wrong. I hope that you can forgive me. I would like to work for you this summer so I can make up for what I did. T.

When My brother was young, early teens, he worked at an egg farm as did most of the neighborhood boys. They had an egg fight. The owner was not happy.

A year or two ago DsJ went to an underage drinking party that was advertised on Facebook and the party was raided. We were called to come get him and to drive his car home.

I know that teens do stupid things and all things being relative DsT's poor choice was minor. Today I spoke with the mother of the boy who drove the girls out to the cabin, trashed the place and left. I guess the story he had told her was not the same one I told her. She was not happy with her son. DsT spoke with the boy and decided that maybe his mother was more angry with him for lying than with the cabin incident. DsT was really angry with me for calling the boy's mother. He said, the mother I had ten years ago would not have called her. I said, the son I had ten years ago would not have dreamed of making the poor choice. He calmed down and eventually did both of the jobs on his list. It took he and Z more than two hours to clean the 40 inches of snow and ice off the back porch. If there were not hope for fine adults after teenage hood the race would have died out a long time ago or all of the mothers would be in prison for murder.

Bunny, I hope the paypal comes through. I am glad you like the woman you work for. I did not think you were too rough.

Marie, Short month short money. How are the children?

Mar I am glad the horses behaved with the farrier. I remember doing that. One of the twins would not stand unless his mama and sister were near him. We made the mistake of trying to do his hooves by himself only once. He was wonderful if they were with him. How nice for you to have a hot date with dh. lol

I am glad you shared about the sears catalog. A friend talks about dropping firecrackers in through the back while his cousin was on the chair.
I do not have a lot of experience with grown men. sorry for not being able to decide if it is genetic or environmental. I do think some of us are compulsive caretakers and believe we can fix it or rationalize that some behavior is so minor we can live with it. or we believe the good outweighs the annoying. waving my hand.

Cindy you have the best food. I am glad your knee does not hurt all of the time. I am glad there is hope for not being in pain all the time. I had my medial meniscus removed when I was 17. My knee hurt for a while but I am in a reprieve for now.

DsG (8) announced today that you should not talk while you are chewing because the food could go down the wrong pipe and get coughed out through your nose. He knows he did it with ramen noodles.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Feb 26 2015 5:18:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  5:20:57 PM  Show Profile

I didn't grow up really poor but I knew that we could not afford to waste stuff. We also lived in many rural communities far from a big city and we had to do without stuff or find a substitute. I used to unravel old sweaters for yarn and take apart old clothes for fabric. I used to do macramé and would save every scrap and splice them together to use them. This "time of want" is not so bad for me because of the stuff I have in the cupboard and freezer. I really like having to make more of an effort for every meal.

I believe that we ladies tend to be attracted to men who are similar to our fathers and men to women similar to their mothers. My dad had issues and so does Lowell just not the same ones. I tend to go for artists and have gotten used to being ignored when he is concentrating on his art. I have developed art of my own and can be successfully independent. Lowell and I are very close and we know each other pretty well. I now have a better understanding of his medical problems than I did 8 years ago. Lowell still doesn't understand why I get depressed or what to do about it. That's okay because I have a support system totally outside of our relationship. That is so good to have.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  5:42:06 PM  Show Profile
The kids look more grown up than they did at the beginning of the school year. They almost change before the eyes. Many of them are behaving better. Yesterday, all were quiet in the circle for the morning meeting. So wonderful! There are still problem children. Vonisha hasn't been at school all week. It's too bad. I have been playing Draw The Talk with them. They get a piece of paper and some crayons. I tell them what to draw. I draw it too. We then compare our drawings to see how well everyone did. One little boy got behind with the instructions and got freaked out. He wanted to catch up or for me to repeat the instructions. I just told him to move on to the next instruction. He is very competitive and wants to win even if there really isn't a contest. He will play this game again. Thank you for that book Holly. It is fabulous.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  6:14:23 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:21:11 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  9:26:22 PM  Show Profile
I have a question:do we attract certain people to us or is just dumb luck (or not). I can think of three different men who were attracted to me at first meeting and they all suffered from some type of religious delusion. One thought he was Jesus, one thought (maybe still thinks) he's an it something about me or is it them? Maybe they all saw me as being easy to pull into their fantasy worlds. Now I tend to be wary of any guy who wants to go out with me. As for guys I'm attracted to...I liked all three of these men for years till I realized how damaging their delusions were, not only to them, but to me as well. I haven't had a date in years cause I've been trying to get my head back on straight after what these guys did to me. I didn't want to be pulled down into the same pit they eventually ended up in. I'm glad to say I'm free....but kind of lonely.
All I can say is I'm glad I have a dog. They don't mess you up, instead they heal you. You know Dog is God spelled backwards.
We got more than a dusting of snow. Not a lot but more than they predicted. Now it's cold again. I don't think it would help to post the recipes I use cause I modify them by substituting what I have for ingredients that are too expensive or hard to find. I also sometimes don't measure....I just go by what looks right. That's what real chefs do, they just do it better than me.
I'm glad the horses got their hooves trimmed, I think they must feel better afterwards even if they didn't need it. I've seen horses with overgrown hooves and it looked very painful.
Bunny, I sure hope you get that sale. It's good that you didn't send it yet.
I have heard about the Sears&Roebuck catalog being used in outhouses. My grandparents had an outhouse on their property but by the time I came along my dad and his brothers had installed indoor plumbing and a bathroom to their house. They had a pump on a covered porch right outside the kitchen. They also had a dirt root cellar. And my grandma had a big garden and canned everything. They were poor but the meals we had there were always the best. Usually roast beef or chicken and dumplings. Gee, how am I going to lose weight if I keep thinking about food? I want to exercise more but I have to limit my walking right now cause of my knee. I know I won't lose weight if I don't get out and move it.
I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  9:40:47 PM  Show Profile


Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 28 2015 7:27:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 27 2015 :  07:31:50 AM  Show Profile
Ha! Ha! Ha! That is funny. If I had more time right now, I would say more.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 27 2015 :  08:25:32 AM  Show Profile
Oh GG, that poem is right on. Love it.

I'm rather happy at the moment being single. Took a long time to get there.
It looks like the sale is going to be ok. She said she didn't account for US dollars. Her smaller order came through today and she paid the invoice I sent. I just have to wait 6 days for the money to be released because she used a checking account instead of a card.
Work has been good but I come home so tired I can't do much of anything afterwards. I'm suppose to go to dinner tonight with a friend. Hopefully I'll be able to get through it.

Personally, I think older men are a pain. They are set in their ways and don't want to adapt at all. Everything has to be their way. I found that true with my second husband. It was all about him. I figure if I'm suppose to be in a relationship, it will happen. My sister always has a boyfriend on the string and within months they are going to get married. Then it falls through. I think they figure out how scary she is. Very bipolar.

It's gloomy outside today. I'll have to bundle up. I just hope it doesn't snow.

Mar, glad the horses got new shoes. So important for them. I had a friend that would put it off too long and her poor horse suffered for it. Along with living in a mud puddle most of the time. I know you take the best care of yours.
How is Dd doing? Hopefully feeling better? Did she get the job she was going to interview for?
You mentioned you and DH out on your own. Is it safe for mil to be home along? Doesn't burn the house down with her great cooking?

Anyway, I need to get ready for work.

Until later......


Farmgirl number 3738
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