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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 2:40:09 PM
Penny please forgive me for not adding my condolences earlier on. I haven't been reading every post but trying to catch up. I came so close to losing my own brother and still most likely will and I know your grief. My heart goes out to you Remember we are all here for you to share your grief as much as you can or want to. Losing anyone you love is hard but a child or sibling is the hardest of all. Remember we love you and we are here for you. Give your self permission to grieve as you need to.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 2:54:22 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:35:01 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 5:18:57 PM
Good evening everyone,
The weather guessers say that tomorrow night the temperatures should be 0 to -5 so I guess that is a gift from Michigan. -5 is a lot warmer than it could be. Today the temperatures were in the teens and then in the afternoon the wind was gusting.
The boys and I went for a walk up the stream. They all love to smash the ice sheets with their feet. Sometimes the water is shallow underneath and well the last smash was the last smash because the water was knee deep. So, we hustled home. Can't stay out when your boots are filled with water and the temperatures are too cold. They are learning. It did take about 45 minutes for them to get wet this time. C and G actually stopped forward progress when I called to them because Ross was having too good a time climbing the small waterfall and sliding back down. We turned for home on a path we had created yesterday and G followed the footprints and led us home. He loved being called the leader.
Gypsy - I hope this new romance works out for you and brings you joy.
Penny - I can imagine your pain at losing your younger brother. Your brother has a great smile and wonderful strawberry blond hair. Little brothers are special.
I did not watch the Super Bowl although the teens did. I do not understand the fascination with football.
We had spaghetti and meat sauce for supper.
Yes, Marianne I do appreciate the teens helping with the new littles. You know they all used to complain about Ross and how hard he was. Now, they think he is a joy and so easy. Ross is a high maintenance child.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 8:15:24 PM
Holly so wonderful you can show your new charges the wonders of the outdoors. I'm sure spring will be just as fun. You will make great naturalists of them in no time.
Gypsy, I guess when I have a place of my own and a real job things will be online to think about someone else in my life. Right now I just can't even imagine letting anyone in. I've grown so accustom to being on my own and getting my way! I guess time will tell. What is the thing with the frog from Daryls? Does she have some special mojo that will help?
Penny, what a wonderful picture of your brother. I hope you feel better soon. You will always miss him but we all get to be with each other again. Just keep remembering that. This is not all there is.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 9:20:32 PM
I don't know what I would do without ya'll...thank you so much. Just want to share another pic...this was taken in 2011, hard to believe that he looked even thinner when he died. No hair left. Skin and bones. 
Thanks for letting me share pics and my grief with ya' is a better day than yesterday was and I know that tomorrow will be even better. His name is Arthur but he has been called Scooter since right after his birth...cute story of how that came to be.....This is Scooter and his GD Payton..JPG)
One more pic and I will quit. This one is of all of us...I think the ONLY pic I have of all of us and Momma. Wish this was a larger pic...can't seem to find the original on my computer...dang where did I put that
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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Edited by - Acelady02 on Feb 04 2013 9:38:05 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 9:36:05 PM
Sorry about the stain,it got wet during the move a few years ago....I hope this shows up larger than the one above.
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2013 : 05:57:49 AM
That's a good looking family,Penny. Your mother must have been in heaven to have you all together!! So nice to have these happy memories, isn't it? Grief is very difficult. No one does it the same way or in the same timeframe. Love seeing your photos. It is a lovely tribute to your brother and family. I pray your pain eases a bit each day.
Bunny, your life is busy. I can understand that the complication of another individual might not be welcomed at this time. There's no hurry. You may never want to deal with the "nuisance" of someone fulltime. You will know, as you have already indicated, if and when the time is right for that pursuit. Meanwhile, you are fiercly pursuing an education from those substandard teachers that I am well aware of. They exist at every level of education, but then so do the great teachers. Hope you run across a great one soon.
Holly, what little boy doesn't want to be the "leader?" What great fun. When will you stop dipping into the single digits regularly? We have started regularly hitting about freezing. It is happening slowly, thank goodness, not too much puddling! So funny to hear that the teens think Ross is low-maintenance at this point. Everything is relative, isn't it!
Kathy, your greenhouse produce sounds wonderful. How did the dentist trip go? At least, it is over! My problem is receding gums. I guess I brushed them away. Too much of a good thing? It didn't help that some of the techniques we were shown in the seventies were just plain ol' BAD for our oral health! I"ll try to hang on to the teeth I have. Dentures do not appeal to me...but, neither does a toothless grin.
Tomorrow is an appt. with my doctor. Med check. Every three months. Sigh. Yes, I look the same. Yes, I feel the same. Yes, my BP is the same. Yes, my temp. is normal. Yes, I weigh the same. And surprise! I haven't grown. He is a nice man. We visit for a bit. He has had some health problems in the past year and frankly, I feel like maybe I know more about his problems than I need to???
Today, I am going to enjoy not having to go anywhere. Know what I mean? No errands ... nada. (I hope.) I have really made a lot of headway organizing everything. Crafts, pictures, closets. I am on a roll. (I should lose steam here very shortly.) But, I want to do it before the weather gets nice. Seems I have a bit more time! I have some mending to do, too. I just get irritated about having to change thread on my machine to match the small repairs. I hate having to wind a bobbin for four inches of stitching. And then change to the next color. Repeat. But, the pile is annoying me, so I will get it done.
Hope you all have a lovely day, Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 05 2013 : 1:26:56 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
It is so wonderful having the sunshine for so long each day. It is only twilight when I take Talie in for basketball and it is light when I get up in the morning.
Penny- I read a story recently probably on line it talked about a mother whose son died at twenty. Her Dad told her to keep talking about him and telling his stories and he will live on in everyone's minds and heart. So, I would be glad to listen. Cancer is a nasty, nasty disease. An acquaintance of mine died night before last and we did not even know she was sick. Left her partner and their sons 15 and 11. She had breast cancer they thought is was gone she went to the doctor last week they told her it had shown up in her spinal fluid and her brain. She died night before last. I do not mean to co opt Penny's space but we are reeling from the death of this kind woman.
Marianne I too have receding gums. why can't the dentists figure out a way to grind up bone and paint it on the teeth so the bone will grow back? The dentist is never happy with how I clean my teeth I brush too hard or I brush too soft. Now I have a sonacare battery brush and the hygenists are happy now.
I think we will not have below zero temperatures many more nights. This morning it was about-8 but now it is sunny and 10. the sun made it feel like it could be sweatshirt weather.
Today was a good day with the boys. Maybe the rules we have always lived with are finally sinking in but I am in no way thinking that life will be smooth from now on. The liners of their boots were still wet this morning so we spent the day in side. There was some bickering and nastiness but generally it was a much calmer day that any of the previous ones. Cheri was cooking supper with C and G the other night and was cutting a carrot. Neither of them had ever seen a whole carrot before. We are mind boggled by what they do not know.
Gypsy- your beau if I may be so forward- does he have a lovely Scottish accent?
I think it is important to learn to live by yourself and alone. I think as women we are so conditioned to being told we are only complete if we care for a family that often we do not learn who we are and what we need to be happy for ourselves until we are older.
I have Tai Chi tonight and Kethry starts back to her massage school classes. She is very excited and a little scared too.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2013 : 2:52:08 PM
Thank you everyone...And oh Holly I am so sorry for your loss...It's tough loosing anyone you care about...
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2013 : 3:35:54 PM
Good afternoon everyone, Penny, I hope you are having a better day today, dear sister. Please know you are in our hearts and prayers. Holly, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend--yes, cancer is a horrible, horrible thing and I don't know why we have no clue what triggers it or who is going to be next. I have still a few months to go before my 5 years is up, I guess they think that a cancer cell could have gotten loose in the body and if 5 years goes by most likely it did not. I don't really know what they think. About 25 years ago I lived in an area of Georgia where they grew lots of pecans and it was reported that the farmers thought if a little was good, a lot was better and they were over doing the pesticides in a big way. Coincidentally, many many people in that area, as young as 20s and 30s were dying of cancer. I would not ever use the water there, as I suspected that is where it was. I also had second thoughts about eating pecans. When I lived in Florida, I saw them spraying the strawberries with pesticides all the time and read that strawberries and apples are the most poisoned fruits we have, to always go organic if you can.
Marianne, good for you, organizing and cleaning. I would be lazy and reading a book, I'm afraid.
I am two episodes behind with Downton Abbey and I hear that something startling has happened. My daughter has taped it and we won't get to watch until tomorrow night, so she is telling me not to talk to anybody about it. I will be very upset if John Bates does not get out alive so hope that isn't it.
We are also having longer days and warmer weather but here it is so unpredictable because we get fronts up from the gulf and down from canada so when they both decide to hit us at once we don't know what to expect. It is not unusual to run the air conditioner one day and the heater the next. a few years ago all the gardens and landscapes were out in full bloom in early March and then we had a snow/ice storm. I was putting out as many feeders as I could to try to save the little hummingbirds as they had already arrived from Mexico and were freezing. And then we get the spring storms that are so violent. So I have a love/hate relationship with the springtime here. Good night all, stay warm and dry.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:36:40 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 05 2013 : 6:30:47 PM
Holly, so sad about your friend. The pain her partner and children are going through must be terrible. So sad there wasn't any warning. So much pain lately. My other thread has quite a few people dealing with funerals of loved ones.
Gypsy, I agree with you on the being alone as opposed to being with the wrong person. I married my second husband out of loneliness and settling because I didn't think I could do better. I had been divorced for over 5 years with no interest from anyone. I was feeling (and still do) pretty unattractive. With most men looking for younger women it really does a number on your self-esteem. I think that is the main reason I have pulled back. I just don't need anything else to mess with my feeling of failure. Get divorced, lose your business and house move in with your abusive mom at 55 tends to do a number on you. I'm pretty much in limbo and try not to think about the negative anymore. Meditation helps a lot!
Anyway, enough of the Debbie Downer stuff! I got about a third of my research paper written. Or at least the rough draft. I only have 14 pages left to go! Lots of BS in there.
Off to watch my favorite programs. I record them so I can watch them when I'm free. Love technology!
Later everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 05 2013 : 6:41:30 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 7:24:50 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 06 2013 : 09:27:57 AM
Absolutely! Older women RULE! (And they can get the very best men - if one is wanted - because they are ready for them.) And, Honey Bunny, I went 18 years before marrying again.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2013 : 09:29:04 AM
Holly, thinking of you at this sad time.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 06 2013 : 1:09:15 PM
I think, like a lot of you have already mentioned, that it is important to be by yourself and understand that you are entirely capable of taking care of yourself. You give up a lot deciding to give partnership a try. You have to be sure you even think it is a good deal for you and then decide if the other person is a good deal, too!!
I like being married. I see the benefits and necessity in our society. But, as things are changing, mostly ability to get healthcare and also society's acceptance of couples living outside of marriage, I think it is less necessary. People often don't think of their inability to make medical decisions for their loved ones without the benefit of marriage. And how dually held assets will be tied up if one of them is incapacitated. I look at marriage as a legal document that should not be denied anyone because it then denies them their legal rights. I didn't feel "more" married when we were blessed by the church than when we walked out of the courthouse in Reno. The Catholic ceremony was more about family and uniting in faith. I still kept my maiden name after that marriage, too. But, then on the other hand, I do think it is kind of romantic to call Dh "my husband" even after all these years. And I get a kick out of seeing his wedding band on his finger. And I didn't need anyone's permission for either of those!
----- stepping down from soap box ------
Holly, what devastating news about the return of your friend's cancer. It is such a fast and furious disease at times... So sorry for your loss.
Bunny, keep us posted on when you get those skirts added to your shop. Heading towards the weekend ... warm up that sewing machine! Don't you feel ripped off when you get a class that is NO challenge at all? Especially, if you are bored enough in class to sit there and figure out how much per hour it is costing you. I have walked in your shoes.
Went to visit my doctor today. He is fine ... so am I. I told him I felt surprisingly well for the time of year it is. He was surprised because it has been a very wet winter. But, I have always been a bit contrary. He is a nice guy, gets my sense of humor.
We got some sunshine today. Walked around a bit with the pups. Then made some salad and noticed the horses had wandered close , so I took out the carrot peelings, etc for them. They appreciated it and it made me smile! I did notice that the mare, Tahoe, is getting fat. So, I cut her grain back. She won't be so happy at dinner tonight. Sunny, the male, can eat almost three times as much grain as she can and not gain, just maintain. Sound familiar? It is just a cruel joke of nature!
Didn't really do any organizing today. But, I am going through some craft magazines I had saved for one reason or another to see if I now think, "What was I thinking?"
Hope you are having a lovely day, Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 06 2013 : 6:43:08 PM
Good evening everyone,
We have survived another day at the old homestead. Each day is a little easier with the boys. They are less rebellious. Maybe they know that when they misbehave we will give consequences that are not enjoyable. Have I told you the worse punishment for fighting is holding hands? They hate time out. They especially hate having to read out loud to me while they are in time out. All three boys are playing together more. They are boys and the house is noisy and the play is rough.
We had hot dogs and mac and cheese for supper. We celebrated Karen's birthday tonight. She is our oldest special needs foster daughter. She turned 53 yesterday. She loves jewelry and painting. Sometimes she has so many jewels she can hardly walk for looking at her hands. She has lived with me since she was 24. Karen loves the biggest, gawdiest gems around. she was very happy to have her birthday. she is fun to have a party for because she is always happy with her presents.
Kethry made her cake. She looked on her phone for an organic cake recipe. She made it in a 9 X11 pan. I think it was supposed to be in an 8" square pan. I looked at it and it was about a half an inch thick. I laughed. Kethry is a good cook so I wondered what had happened. I put a can of apple pie filling on top and then lemon pudding on top of it. It was very tasty not at all dry.
I do miss feeding the horses and seeing them run through the snow.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 06 2013 : 11:23:36 PM
Holly, Kethry is a cook after my own heart. For my son's tenth birthday, I made frosting for his cake that never thickened. The party was close to starting. So, I poured the still liquid frosting over the cake and shoved it in the freezer. The kids loved it and my son still asks for that cake for his birthday! (I was never able to duplicate it!)
I love to see someone just enjoy the things that catch their eye. Like jewels! Some is good, more is better. Happy Birthday to Karen. Bet she enjoys glitter, too.
Dh and I watched the new program "The Americans". It stars Keri Russell and an actor who used to star in Brothers & Sisters as Soviet spies in the '80s living in America as Americans. I found it interesting and loved the music. Another tv show we just discovered we enjoy is "Elementary." It is a modern day Sherlock Holmes. It is nice to have a couple series to look forward to each week this time of year.
What a relief it is to have the days getting longer. At 7 pm it is no longer pitch dark. I always thought it difficult for people to leave for work and return home in the dark. If you work inside without the benefit of windows or an outdoor escape, you just don't see daylight during the work week. SAD would have a good chance of grabbing hold of anyone in that circumstance.
Hope everyone finds time to pop on and say hi soon. Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 07 2013 : 4:16:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
A short note tonight. I need to go pick up Talie at basketball. He had practice and then wanted to stay and watch the girl's varsity game. The timing was better for me so I let him.
Bonnie and I had our boobs squished today. she did a great job and so we stopped for candy bars on the way home. I hope that we do not have to go back because there is a shadow. I have done that before and it is nerve wracking.
I have not watched TV in a long time. The teens watch the TV at night and like to watch scary shows. I do not like to watch scary shows. I used to enjoy the British comedies.
Coco's udder is getting bigger each day. She should be due sometime after the twelfth of the month. I hope she does not have her baby in the woods like last year. The snow was knee deep with a crust on top. The baby could not walk out so we had to carry her. she weighed about 60 pounds I think. I am hoping for an in the barn warm birth.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 07 2013 : 8:50:48 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:38:45 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 07 2013 : 10:55:03 PM
Oh, Holly, I remember last year's trek back to the barn with the calf. The crusted snow is the worst to walk in carrying your own weight, let alone an extra 60 pounds! fingers-crossed for the warm indoor birth! I just love it when a child's request suits you so you can be magnamonious (right word? close spelling?) and grant the wish ... And please add my wishes that neither of you are called back for a second look mammogram. Good for you for having the squeeze!
Gypsy, I am so curious about the hat! I already have the frog pin all sized up in my head, but I am wondering about the hat that you fashioned. I'd love to see it... An extended stay sounds like jumping in with both feet. And how do you jump in while leaving a foot behind? Good for you. I suppose we will not hear much from you for the time :-( It is a great compliment to you to have someone wish to share your company for such a length of time. I hope the time is more pleasant than you expect. The butterflies must be active in your stomach.
I finally got my mending pile all finished. I have been threatening to take care of that chore for some time and finally carried through on it. It was a fairly low key day for me. I paid some bills, paid my MIL's bills. We have a couple's baby shower to attend on Sunday so I called a friend to find out where this particular "Grange" building was. I hope I can follow the directions that included, "when you get to the bottom of that second hill, the big one, by the crick, the road turns and the grange is sitting out there by itself ..." No street names, I've never noticed a creek along the road at this particular juncture. Hmmm. MapQuest just shrugged its shoulders when I tried that service.
Hope you are all having a lovely night, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
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Posted - Feb 08 2013 : 05:53:26 AM
Hello to all you great ladies, I just got back last evening from MA. We escaped the big storm but we had a little snow while I was there. I was in the area near New Bedford at the south part of MA. When we left the weather was 10 degrees. Now you all know that I am a warm weather person and I want to tell you that I was very, very cold even with all those clothes on.
My DH was brought up there and he was wearing a short sleeve shirt and short pants most of the time. If it got cold he would just put on his sweat shirt. Ugh! I don't know how he stood it. We celebrated his mother's 95th birthday last Monday. She got lots of cards from friends and of course her 5 kids.
I am glad to be home. Our animals were so happy to see us especially Snuggles, the dog, who couldn't stop giving us kisses. Now to catch up with all the posts you lovelies have been writing.
Gypsy, I too would like to see the hat you made. Sounds like it is really great. Darlys told me about the frog pin and it sounds really special.
Marianne I know what you mean about following directions to places. The one I had to the rent a car place was so bad that I had to stop at a gas station to get better ones. The bad directions came off the computer.
Holly I do hope your cow will comply and decide to stay home to have the baby. It must have been really hard carrying that calf through the snow. 60 pounds?? whew!
So today I will be washing clothes and unpacking stuff. I found some old pictures and my DH's Coast Guard Uniform while we were up in MA. The Coast Guard shirt is really cute and I am going to make a jacket with it by cutting down the front and then heming the edges. I am too booby to wear it the regular way and DH doesn't want it. Some of the old pictures are really treasures.
Have a great day everyone. I am now going to go back and catch up on what you all have been posting.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 08 2013 : 12:13:04 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
We have about a foot of powder snow. It is dry and no good for sledding. the house was getting really loud so I had the boys get their snow suits on and we went outside. We could not make the sled go down the hill. I pulled them the first time to make the track but after that it just would not go. So, we walked across the pond. C and G walked up the hill on the side of the pond and down the field to the dam. Ross' had lost his hat and had gone into the house by then. C and G laughed and laughed as they climbed through the snow. they are resilient and I am glad of that.
Nancy there are some people who wear shorts all winter long. I think they are crazy. I was picking up Talie last night. the temperature was in the single digits and out of the school comes a man in shorts and a sweatshirt. I don't get it.
I would like to see the hat. what is it made of?
Gypsy as a sometimes pessimist. Do you have a plan in case he wears on you the wrong way during this visit? I love romance and have gotten my lovers from out of state but now I am a bit jaded when I watch others. I do know of people who have found their soul mates on line. I wish you luck my friend.
Last year I had Jarrett come out and carry the calf. He had been doing weights so, I knew the weight would not bother him. He did not like the cow tongue slime that was on her coat. Coco had done an admirable job of cleaning her up and drying her off after the birth but still there is left over amniotic fluid.
Have a good afternoon.
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 08 2013 : 3:01:43 PM
Nancy, I love your idea about the CG shirt. I think that will be adorable! Old photos can indeed be a treasure. So glad you were able to find some to bring home. I bet it feels SO nice to be back where you belong. You just missed that huge storm, what luck, or planning. It sounds as though Snuggles gave you an appropriate greeting. So glad it was a successful trip for you.
Holly, it sounds like C & G are working up their appetites outside. And expelling some of that extra energy. Have the boys gained weight and how is the breathing? It can be astonishing how fast some of these changes can happen. Lucky you to have a weight-lifting young man in your household. That would come in handy so often.
Oh, Gypsy, the pressure is on to show the hat! How was the trip to the gym today? I didn't exercise today because we left fairly early to get some shopping and running around done. If I work out at least four days a week, I'm happy. Dh only takes Saturdays off. (Usually)
So our countdown to Dh's retirement is down to one week from today or five more work days!!! It seems too good to be true...
Hope you all have a lovely evening, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 08 2013 : 5:18:19 PM
I have been MIA long enough!!! By the time I read everything, I am tired out!!! I worked today, and it was so slow, that makes the day long. My son took Bob and I out for a fish fry to a place none of us have been to. It was the best fish fry I think I ever had. The food was so good, and it looked so good on the plate when we recieved it. Definitely will go there again!!! Holly, I too hope the calf will be born in the stable. Let's hope for the best. Gypsy, we all need to see that hat!!!! Who know, you may get lots of orders and then you will need to start a hat shop!!!! Marrianne, I am so glad you are happy about your hubby retiring. Mine will be next year, and we will be travelling then. We both can't wait either. Nancy, Glad you got home before the storm. I lived here all my life, and it feels colder each year. I am ready to turn into a southern gal!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
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