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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 11 2015 :  6:38:19 PM  Show Profile
I mostly stayed home this weekend and did nothing. Didn't get out today cause it's been raining and been near freezing so don't know what the roads are like. I've been reading a book I downloaded on my Nook, "Wild" about a woman who treks solo on the Pacific Crest Trail. It's a true story. I like to hike but I've never hiked all day, day after day. and I can't handle too hot temperatures. So far, she's endured rattlesnakes, a bear, and lots of blisters and sores. And the pack she's carrying is too heavy. I know that most backpackers carry no more than forty pounds total. My brother and SIL backpacked in Yellowstone and they practiced for weeks carrying their backpacks around their subdivision. And she's also hiking without a treking pole. I almost always carry a treking pole when I hike--it's useful for alerting snakes to where you are.
I need to make some pumpkin bread tonight for tomorrow night's Sierra Club meeting. I signed up for refreshments. One of our members is giving a presentation on his recent trip to Africa.
GG--don't worry if you have to buy GMO to get food that isn't spoiled. You have to eat, starving is not an option. I eat things like Fritos (not the dog) and potato chips and I drink soda. I'd say my diet is about fifty percent healthy and fifty percent junk.
Holly--borrow a friend's goose and let your Brittany go after it. He'll never mess with a fowl again.
I still need to wash clothes so down to the dungeon (basement) I go.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 11 2015 :  8:11:06 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:20:56 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 11 2015 :  8:12:48 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:20:30 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Shawnee Oklahoma
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Posted - Jan 12 2015 :  11:50:12 AM  Show Profile
hello gals,
gg we would never laugh at you...
just had to share a miracle with you all...yesterday my sister was driving back from dallas, texas to shawnee, ok when she sneezed and went off the road. flipped the car twice, hit a tree 8 feet up and then fell down(the car). she was able to get out of the car and get help. she has no broken bones and no internal damage. she is however, very very sore and says it hurts to breathe and she cannot bend her neck at all. the air bag did not go off because she did not hit anything (to start it off) and the seat belt held her in. she is probably very sore and bruised but very thankful for being alive. my brother and i are very thankful that she is still alive.
now, back to gg, i would love to have either one of the rooms! hehehehehe mine looks a lot worse girlfriend, i had to throw out the love seat recently so my house is a mess.
cannot go backwards and read any of the others w/o losing this so i will write more later.
farmgirl #390
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 12 2015 :  1:56:03 PM  Show Profile
Janie, It is good to hear that all is well, but sore with your sister. That sounds like a miracle, as you said. So glad for her.

Gg, You need an IKEA and a QVC account. IKEA for the built in shelving look and QVC for the fake fireplace that you can order in your choice of colors. I like the little shiny "wood stoves" Then you would have instant custom looks. I don't like to wait, but I don't know if I could live with fake everything. I love the built ins we have in our sun room. The tv hangs and it is nice to get away from need an entire piece of furniture for all that . Plus the tv components have plugs that are hidden with the wires disappearing behind the cabinetry. It is an improvement over what we have had in the past.

Took Mom for the weekly hair do appointment. My stylist was there (the owner) so she took thinning shears to my head for free. I just have too much hair. Three weeks and it is bushy.

Dh did his usual going over of Mom's areas so that we can keep it to a low roar without embarrassing her. He uses a lot of disinfecting wipes, etc. He is a good guy. I am glad to sit in a salon waiting and talking while he does the dirty work.

Dd and her boyfriend had the chore/appreciation/my weekend, too fight that every couple has repeatedly. I told her if she found the solution, there would be millions in line for her book. Men are with out a clue. We take care of them in a dozen small ways everyday and then the light goes on they want to reciprocate with some grand gesture. Like a weekend get away that we get to pack for ...

We have had bouts of sunshine. Not enough though. It was a beautiful morning. Couldn't see Mt Hood which is magical, but maybe tomorrow. I have lived in sight of many mountains through all these moves, but Mt Hood is so majestic. It just takes my breath away.

Hope everyone is feeling well. I took yesterday off my PT because I was sore, so excuses.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 12 2015 :  3:55:52 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

DsT stayed home from school today. He says he is sick. Last night he did have a nasty cough but today I have not heard him. He says he feels dehydrated, I told him to drink. I made him a half gallon of tea with colt's foot, mullein and spearmint for his cough. He would not drink it. He was nasty this morning and would not leave public space to give the rest of us a break from his nastiness. I was doing the little boy's school work so we were stuck. DsG was outside already. I told dsC and dsR to go out side. They gave me l ip and went up and down the stairs being nosey but also given the situation making everyone unsafe. I called DCf but they will not take any one as old as him into custody. They told me to call the police if he was threatening either physically or verbally. The woman said I should make an appointment at the police barracks and go and Tell them about the situation so if he is violent again either verbally or physically they will know what they are getting into. After the phone call I went up to his room and told him I had called DCF and what I was told to do. He has been good the rest of the day. Which does not mean he has been kind but he. Has had the absence of meanness. This auto correct is making me crazy.

Janiee I am so glad your sister is safe and only sore. What a relief for you and your brother and her as well I would guess.

G have you thought of a propane stove that looks like a wood stove. It would look pretty and add warmth on those cold nights. We have one in the back of our house and like it well enough.

Mar, I am glad you and dh can tag team MIL. I am glad the chocolate man plays an active roll in her care. How lucky you are to have thick hair with body. Mine is straight and smooth. I do have hair though. I see some women whose hair is thinning and am glad mine is not. The good part of my hair is that it does not show the white as starkly as some. I tell people I was a white blond as a child and soon I will be a white blond again. Lol

Sometimes I think I have told you all sOmething already and then think it does not matter because sometimes we have new women and they would not know what I have said. I rationalize not being as bad off as some people's mothers. #128521;

Today was overcast and in the twenties. The heat is working In all zones of the house now. It is a relief.

Tomorrow our dear contractor will start to put in the new floor. He is having the lumber yard bring a boom truck so they can put the flooring and the subflooring right on the porch so we do not have to bring it up a flight of stairs.

Tomorrow is supposed to be in the minus twenties again and then we are to have a break from the cold.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 12 2015 :  4:41:23 PM  Show Profile
GG, I agree on the ikea if you have one. It would be the cheapest way to go. However IKEA is notorious for you have to put it together yourself. Keeps the price down though. My son is a cabinet maker. You would pay quite a bit of money to have a shop build you something. But then, it would look awesome.

Holly, so sorry about the angry teen boy. I went through that myself. My older son decided he was the man of the house and thought he could tell me what to do.
He did get I to some major trouble when he was 14. He and a friend broke into an abandoned golf clubhouse. (Bar). The police came and handcuffed them to the ground with weapons drawn. Scared the you know what out of him. He was so afraid he was going to a juvenile hall filled with black and Mexican gang members. That was his biggest scare. But it didn't happen. Did scare him straight though. He joined the volunteer fire department via the explorer scouts. Best thing that ever happened to him. The guys took him under wing and gave him some good guidance. And yes, he was smoking weed at that time too.
I hope you can find something that clicks with him. Basketball doesn't seem to be working. Not if he isn't playing and getting that anger used up.

Janiee, wow! So glad your sister is ok. Her Angels were working some serious overtime there. I hope she heals up soon and there aren't any lasting issues. Sometimes things show up later after the body is out of shock mode.

Mar, it's a wonder women even bother with men. They are really only good for one thing, and sometimes not even that. Why does it have to be so difficult.
I think I want to have a relationship and then think about all the stuff I'll have to deal with and realize I'm ok on my own. Just wish money wasn't such an issue.
But I think you have a good one. Only drives you crazy part of the time.

Went to breakfast this morning with a friend. But came home feeling terrible and just went to bed. I slept all day! Reminiscent of my bipolar days. I'll be back to normal tomorrow. I'm wondering if it is what I ate. Eggs and French toast. French toast probably did me in.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 12 2015 :  6:43:00 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:22:08 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 12 2015 :  9:05:03 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:22:59 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 14 2015 :  3:00:27 PM  Show Profile
Where is everyone?? Crickets here on the forum.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 14 2015 :  3:19:47 PM  Show Profile
I will be leaving for Fergus Falls tomorrow and won't be back until Saturday evening. Mitzi and Bob will be taken care of by a neighbour. We will staying in Lowell's dad's new apartment. Lowell's dad and I made up so that's all good.

I gave a talk today at the school on my mom's immigrant experience. I brought along three artifacts which my grandmother bundled into a blanket at the last minute - a cook pot, a small Latvian flag and an amber necklace. The kids all had good questions. All the rest of the people came to the US after 1960. My mom got to the US in August of 1949.

I am at the game store right now waiting to punch goblins. I have to design another character to play on Saturday night.

Got to go.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 14 2015 :  4:12:57 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Last night the stars Erie brilliant. I could see them without my glasses on when I got up to go pee at 2:30. Temperatures at our house were -18 F. Th e weather guessers said that in the colder hollows it would be -30 F. We live on the side of a hill. I have been thinking that if we use the Fahrenheit scale -18 F does not seem as cold as 50 degrees below freezing.

Our dear contractor has started laying the floor and it is looking pretty good. It does look like a vinyl floor covering but if it holds up the lack of natural ness will be ok. My ideal would be an oak or maple floor but even that I would need to have sanded and varnished every couple of years and tht in itself is prohibitive. So, let us hop this lasts for the duration of childhood.

On the phone need to pause.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 14 2015 :  8:49:35 PM  Show Profile
Holly--I think there is a meteor shower going on right now. I drove to St. Louis last night and as I was driving down the interstate, I glanced at the sky and saw a shooting star. I saw on the news today that a man tried to run down a cop on the very street I traveled on last night--and that's a pretty good area, lots of businesses and some of them high end. It's like the criminals in St. Louis think they can get away with anything since everyone is so paranoid about violating someone's constitutional rights, even if that person has a gun pointed at you. Crime has gone up since the Ferguson episode. I feel sorry for the police. Yeah, criminals have rights, but we the people have the right to be protected from the criminals. and in some poor communities, it's not happening.
I sure hope your DsT gets his head straightened out soon.My cousin had to call the cops to get their oldest son out of the house when he was drinking and using drugs. they run a daycare and wedding chapel. He's doing much better now. A couple nights of being homeless convinced him to straighten up.
Marie--how old was your mom when she came here? St. Louis has a large Bosnian population and the woman who used to be our connection to the linen company we use at work came from Albania. She spoke perfect English. My ancestors have been in this region (southern Illinois) since the late 1700's. My dad was born in the oldest European settlement in the state. A little town called Prairie Du Rocher, or Rock of the Prairie.
Janiee--so glad your sister is OK. The angels were doing their job.
Bunny--what kind of French toast did you have? Was it stuffed? I can't eat fatty foods cause I don't have a gall bladder and it's harder for my body to digest the fat. I experience sugar shock the other morning when I ate bagel with blueberry jam, then gulped down a large soda cause I couldn't take it back to my work area cause Joint commission was there. Too much sugar makes my shoulders hurt, then I get sick. after that, I'm fine.
I've been asked to serve on the board of directors for our soon to be food co-op. We still need to raise about $17,000.00. I think we should have some meeting and invite the community to explain WHY eating and buying local is so good for our local economy. When you buy from the big box store, the money goes out of state, maybe to an international corporation.Buying local keeps that money in the community and it gets reinvested and multiplies and the community prospers. I know some people may have reservation about me due to that big fiasco years ago, which people blamed me for but I was just the messenger. Oh well, that's in the past and it needs to stay there.
I will be getting the money from my settlement on Tuesday of next week. Not sure how much I'll actually get.
It's been cold here but is supposed to warm up tomorrow to the forties. The eagle count is on Saturday and it's suppose to be up to fifty so we probably won't see too many eagles. They go up the river where it's colder.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 15 2015 :  07:38:40 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:24:08 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 15 2015 :  08:56:02 AM  Show Profile

I will be off the net for a couple days when I am at Lowell's dad's place. I don't want to use the computer there after what happened last time.

Cindy - My mother was 4 when she left Latvia and 9 when she got to the US. They were sponsored by Lutheran Social Services. The first place they lived was on a turkey farm in Little Falls, WS. While my mom's family lived in Minneapolis before he was licensed as a physician in the US, he treated an artist named Vold Gutmanis for syphilis. The artist gave my grandfather a painting which is worth a little bit of money now.

Bunny - I found a good man when I stopped looking so hard for one. It will just happen. The nice thing is that, at our age, we can eschew the traditional roles of a permanent relationship and design it in a way that suits us. I don't mind that Lowell has a daughter. She was 18 when Lowell and I got together so I never had to be her "mother" and I told her I wouldn't and didn't want to be. It's too bad your artist dropped the ball before you got to know him. It is probably for the best.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 15 2015 :  10:39:24 AM  Show Profile
GG, I guess one of the reasons I'm not in a hurry to have a relationship is because right now, I can't pay my own way. I think that needs to be dealt with first. The rest will hopefully happen in its own good time.

I too don't have a gallbladder. I think my problem was an overdose of carbs and sugar. I'm just not use to it anymore.

Not much going on here. Been sewing up a storm. Today is grocery day though. I have bunco tonight so probably won't get I to the sewing room.
It has been pretty gloomy here lately. No sun for days and it's raining today.
I applied for two more jobs at the hospital. A purchasing job and an administrative assistant position. I'm up to 4 applications up there. Hopefully they will interview me for one at least.

Marie, hope your time at Lowells father's house goes well.

Cindy, crossing my fingers you get your settlement soon and it is a good one.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 15 2015 :  5:36:15 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Two phone calls last night from friends. I hit the jackpot whe it came to being social. The second friend who called lives down the road and she calls me from work at night because when she comes over we hardly have a chance to talk because her children and mine monopolize the time.

Today the temperatures were in the teens. It was odd this morning the temperature was 4 F and this cloud of mist came into the yard like ithe air was warm and then it passed.

Your ancestors sound like hardy stock having over into the area so early in the country's history. A friend and I were discussing the hardships the early settlers lived with and we noted that histories do not mention how people went to the bathroom in the winter time or how they endured frostbite I n the clothes they wore.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 16 2015 :  08:36:30 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:25:01 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 16 2015 :  3:04:37 PM  Show Profile
You gals are funny. I can't imagine having to depend on public restrooms let alone unheated, non flushing, outdoor privies. Yikes.I know. I need to toughen up.

In this house, dh and I have our own...separate... bathrooms. Now, that is nice. My commode is tall with a round seat. His is a bit lower with an oval bowl. Apparently that is preferred by men. I like the round. Just one more thing that just makes being married easier.

Our final season of The Good Wife is not available on Amazon Prime. Actually, what I mean is it isn't included. So, we started watching The Unit.with the Allstate Insurance guy. Enjoyable. Lots of shot em up for dh and plenty of poor personal decision making by the characters to satisfy me.

So,I excitedly mailed a pretty infinity scarf I mailed dd on Tuesday. Told her to check her mail on Thursday. It didn't arrive. I was surprised until dh brought in our mail and the envelope was there. Returned. No notations. Don't know why. Told dd she could stop watching her mail... The postal employee could have stamped something on it so I had a clue how to correct it without a trip to the PO

Bunny, keep putting those applications in. One of those positions might be the right one. Hope bunco was fun.

We got some sunshine today! And it was strong enough to feel its warmth. So nice.

On my phone and kindle, I Swype instead of typing. Does everyone know what I mean? So when auto correct fixes it, we call it a swypo. The other day I was telling dd that her grandmother had ordered a stuffed meatloaf pan from qvc. Dd texts back, God I hope that was a swypo. I laughed out loud. It arrived today. Mom thinks it would be a great way for dh to get his vegetables. Dh loves veggies. Guess who has trouble eating enough vegetables. I think MIL prefers meat flavoured vegetables...

And so we continue continuing.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 16 2015 :  4:50:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I used to own a union suit with a slit in the back that had buttons to close it. I am familiar with the trap door closer as well, but what did the women wear? The books just do not do justice to the hardships they endured. Imagine living in a time when you didn't know that if you went south it would get warmer. Or that the days would get longer and warmer again. Imagine living in a time when being thirty was elderly.

Maybe you did not put on enough postage on the package. It annoys me to no end when a package is returned and they have already canceled the stamps so you need to pay up again.

I have not heard of a stuffed meatloaf pan. What will they think of next.? All the wonders of the world are open to her exploration via qvc. Geez don't let the marketing scams get hold of her. I hope she does not send money to a prince in Africa. I hope when she is home alone that no one calls and tells her she needs to send money to bail her son out of jail in Mexico ASAP. A man in the next town who is savvy got caught in that one and felt so vulnerable.

Do any of you. Texans live near Fredericksburg? I have a flower seed catalog from there.

Today was 4 F. I thought it was warmer because the sun was finally shining and I was going to make the boys go out to play but then I looked at the thermometer and the weather vane spinning madly and decided against it. I will be so glad when the weather warms up so we can spend some time outside.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 16 2015 4:53:34 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 16 2015 :  6:41:53 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:26:24 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 16 2015 :  9:04:06 PM  Show Profile
What interesting discussions you are all having for today. I think ladies had long underwire with an opening down the middle for going potty. Still would have been difficult with all the undergarments I'm sure.

Mar, at least you got the package back. Could have been worse. And we get to see???

GG,I'm like lamb if it is cooked right. Not sure about the rare part, but other than that, sounds delish!

We also got some sun today. I was actually woken up by a crescent moon shining in my eyes. Of course with my eyesight, there were three moons. I hadn't seen it in so long, I wasn't sure what was out there until I put my glasses on. It was nice to see blue skies.

I won most wins at bunco last night. $6.00! I can almost afford to go to the movies.

I have been really enjoying my sewing time. A friend bought one of my dresses tonight. She is a 3x and it looked really cute on her. She was so happy, she is going to have me make her a few more things. Plus she ordered three aprons. She is a hair dresser and loves to wear my aprons. I gave her one for her birthday and another for Christmas.

My mother is at it again. I'm still trying to calm down over it. She told me she wants to stay here for two years at least and then sell the house and move to Utah with my sister. But now my sister is getting married and wants my mom to come live with her sooner. Now that they have someone to pay all the bills, my mom says I need to be out by October. They are both such gold diggers. I feel sorry for this guy. He has no idea what he is in for. But now, there is added stress on me...again. I still have no where else to go. My mom says she will sell the house and give me $10,000 to find a place to go. I just hope my son has a place to live by himself by then and I could move in with him. $10,000 won't last very long. But he isn't making enough money right now. This is so frustrating. I try not to let it get to me because she changes her mind so often. Funny thing is, her and my sister really don't get along when they are together for too long.

Mar, I use to hide veggies in spaghetti with my kids. They never knew all the wonderful things I hid in there.

Nite all.....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 17 2015 :  12:18:23 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, your mom is going to jerk you around for the rest of her life. All you can control is how you react, so good for you for calming yourself down. What will be will be with that one. Continue making your way and squirrel away money when you get a chance. When the day comes that she leaves that house, you can make the best decision for yourself then. She doesn't to make that decision. Her actions may impact the decision you make, but don't even think she is in the drivers' seat of your life story. You may leave that house before she does. Take care of you. Do your best to be kind to yourself and soothe your soul with your art. We love ya.

Gg, I saw all the seeds displays out today at the stores. I have to educate myself about when to plant here!! I would like a few more colorful flowers about the yard... Maybe I should get a catalog from Wildseed? That is a great name. I think it is good of you to be able to see your father as a man who may have been trying his best. We are all scarred by one thing or another. So many people never grow up enough to see that their parents are really just reacting to what they lived. Of course, there are some crummy people in this world too and some of us are related to them!

Holly, I am so excited to tell you that the bulbs have shot up some shoots that are beginning to poke out. I intended them to be a surprise for MIL and I think I will show them to her on her birthday (Valentines Day). I look forward to the bunch I planted straight out my kitchen window. That is the most important view in my opinion! Thank you again for sharing those. I will think of you often when I see them and they have made me smile so many times already!

We are supposed to have a "soaker" this weekend. Two inches of rain is expected in 48 hours. Yikes. I fed the horses in their clubhouse rather than out in the paddock. It isn't cold, but I just hate to see them get too wet. Oh, and we scored more candy canes for them at 9cents for 12 candy canes. They can have two a day now!! MIL asked if that wasn't a lot of sweets for them. I mentioned they weighed about 1200 lbs. In the big scheme, not too much sugar for them.

Miss you all, now that I have been posting semi-regularly, everyone else has gotten busy again!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2015 :  3:01:41 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:27:32 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2015 :  3:05:39 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:27:01 PM
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