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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 17 2015 : 6:21:16 PM
good evening everyone,
We are back on the internet again. I had been typing on C's Ipad which has some sort of 4g connection. Now the spelling errors are all mine. No more auto correct for me. C told Fair point that she was not paying the bill anymore as of yesterday. Today a very nice repair woman came and dealt with whatever the issue was. I am relieved. Our teenagers were having serious withdrawal issues. Now my life is a little more easy because they have one less thing to complain about.
WOW GG, you read about hardships in novels but know about them first hand is different. Loveless marriages with no alternative but trying to survive was too common. Your grandmother might as well have been born into slavery for all the choices she was not given.
I am amazed that the bulbs are coming up already. We have so much snow and cold we do not expect to see any of our bulbs until May. I hope the bulbs are strong enough to put up flowers this year. I was concerned that they were so small that it might take a year or so for them to grow big enough to put up a flower. The bulbs I dug for you were growing in a tight bunch so now that they each have room to grow they should do great. I am glad to give you joy. if there is anyone else who would like some bulbs I can send you some as well. I will not be able to dig them until the greens have died back this summer.
Bunny, you sure are on an emotional roller coaster. one day at a time. If your mother moves to Utah it will be a while before the house sells so that may even give you time to yourself in the house. I am glad your friend bought the dress and made an order for a couple more. It is always nice to see some one you care about enjoy your art.
When we were children we had a family friend who always said when she died she was going to come back as a cat in my mother's house. Unfortunately for her my mother died before she did. Returning as a horse in Mar's house sure does have its advantages and then if she knew it was you she could tease you with chocolate everyday.
We used to raise lamb but sheep are so stupid we stopped. I am not all that fond of lamb either. I remember liking leg of lamb some but the little lamb chops were about a bite a piece and tasted like lamb smelled. I do not remember if I told you that my father's mother was from Kentucky and lived in West Virginia. The last time she came to visit us when I was a child my mother served leg of lamb. My grandmother told her they fed lamb to the dogs in WVA. My father never paid for her to visit again. Now after all of the unsavory things I have said about lamb, lol, I am glad you enjoyed your cut and that it turned out like a picture on a cookbook page.
The Wild seed catalog sure does have pretty pictures the descriptions of the growing needs are very helpful as well. I need to get myself together and make seed orders soon. I remember the Ginny was a good seed orderer. Maybe she will pop on sometime soon. Patty as well is a great grower.
The sun was out all day today. A lovely winter blue sky. However the temperature barely rose above 0. I was told tomorrow will bring rain so we shall see and then we will have ice on the roads. So, maybe the temperatures will only be in the twenties.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Jan 17 2015 : 7:13:19 PM
I've had a long day so this will be brief. Bunny, I understand the money situation. I was still living at home when I was thirty cause I had such a hard time finding a suitable job. I needed a low stress job and those are hard to find. I started getting SSD when my dad retired and I got a job at the hospital about six months later, and I had moved out by the end of the year. But until then I was stuck there. If I went anywhere my parents always wanted to know where I was going. I had no privacy and very little money. I still have very little money and am paying back some credit card debt each month so it's never enough and I've had to borrow from my parents during the past year cause of all the crap that happened. I do things for them of course, but I still don't like asking them for money. Keep doing what you love and things will come together and work out for you. Have faith, even if faith is just knowing that spring follows winter. I spent most of the day riding in a car and stopping along various sites along the river to count eagles for the Audubon census. It was a warm day for this time of year and most of the eagles had gone north. There was a lot of ice on the river and it was cold standing there with the wind blowing over all that ice. We didn't see very many eagles, as expected. Last year, there were hundreds. It was also a lot colder. It lasted most of the day and I had to rise early this morning to get started. So now I'm plumb tuckered out. Good night, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 17 2015 : 9:08:45 PM
I am back from Fergus Falls. We had an okay time there. Lowell's dad had just moved into a new apartment. It isn't designed for an elderly person with a walker. He has an apartment next to the front door with a sliding glass door on that side. He goes into the sliding door instead of the front because the foyer has steps to get up to the floor. The glass door works fine except that if you completely shut from the outside, you can't get in that way so he leaves it not completely closed so he can use it to more easily get inside. Crazy, I know, but it is a small town. He kept the apartment at 80 degrees. I know this because he had a thermometer on the wall. It was also very dry inside. We had to sleep on the fold out couch which hurt my back. Like many elderly people in this part of the country, he has way too much food in the refrigerator and cupboards and he kept offering us food. I ate stuff that was almost out so it wouldn't spoil and cause problems. Lowell bought his own food before we left and ate that. We went out to dinner both nights we were there. Everyone in town knows who he is and accommodates his hearing problem. Lowell kept commenting on the poor physical shape his dad is in. I see that he gets around quite well and has his faculties intact. He is worried that he doesn't think as fast or as well as he once did. I know he misses Marion his second wife. He is not alone by any means. He has extended family in the area who check on him frequently and has contact with Marion's family in Florida. Sometime this year, he will be hosted on a free trip to Washington DC. It is a special program to honor World War II vets. He didn't see any action because he enlisted close to the end and he was still being trained in the Navy. He is looking forward to that. I believe his life is better than any of us guess.
Holly - Isn't it amazing how fast you get serviced if you threaten to quit using their company? I have done that to get lower rates on some services myself. I looked it up: Women did wear union suits in cold weather under their dresses and petticoats in the 1800's. Family debt was a big reason many women were married off by their fathers. Women were not allowed to own property and only a very few were allowed to start businesses.
Bunny - Mar is correct. Take care of yourself and everything will fall into place. It is so nice that someone likes your designs and wants to buy more. That must be the most satisfying feeling one can have about one's creations. I have experienced this myself and it is all I can do not to say "Oh, it was nothing."
Marianne - How lucky you are! Separate bathrooms for you and your DH! What a luxury never having to wait for him to get off the pot or to finally pee. There have been times (try not to be grossed out) that I had to use the kitchen sink when urgently needing to pee because Lowell had trouble getting his out. I know, TMI.
It is so good to be back home. Both Mitzi and Bob were so happy to see us. They were well taken care of by the neighbors. We will be taking them out to dinner.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2015 : 06:50:07 AM
It is warming up nicely today, supposed to get to 70, so in the pool I will be in a few minutes. We had so much rain and wind all week, was stuck in the RV for 3 straight days. Good to see clouds? Am hoping the sun does come out. I got my hands dirty and planted some herbs in pots, need to get more. So far I have lettuce, spearmint, sage parsley and oregano growing. People that walk by stop to see what I am growing. It is so nice to see green around. Need to get some more herbs and a couple of tomato plants. Then I will be satisfied with having a small garden. our grounds here are terrible, but I am only here for a few more months, so I am not going to do any landscaping. Marie, always good to go places, but good to be back home, heh? Glad it worked out okay for you. Mar, I am sure your horses are loving their candy cane treats. GG, You would make a fine horse in another life, I am sure. Ha Ha!!! Are you staying in the new place for good now? Holly, I can imagine the kids are happy to have internet back on. Nowadays that is a big inconvenience to most households. Glad yours is back on. Hope you are staying warm and dry. I do not miss that bitter cold. Do not know if I could survive another winter back home. Cindy, Hope your settlement is satisfying and you get a big check to get you back on track. It must be amazing to see that many bald eagles in one area. That is one of my favorite birds to watch in the air. We see one flying here almost daily. A beautiful sight to see soaring in the air. Probably keeping an I on Olivia, she is small enough for an eagle or hawk to scoop up. Well, gonna make some breakfast, then check to see if the pool is uncovered. Have a great day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2015 : 5:49:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Temperatures rose above freezing today. We went out for a walk. DsG, DsC and I tried to release some of the branches from the snow pack that have been bent over since the ice storm in December. There are so many tree branches broken it will take a long time to clean up. DsR went sledding. He had a great time trying to get on his sled because he parked it at the top of the hill created by shoveling off the porch. Sometimes he slid down the hill without the sled. We were going stir crazy in the house today.
GG it is now the road conditions that you have dreaded. It is raining out now. After midnight it is supposed to snow. The state police have issued travel advisories and warnings not to go out unless absolutely necessary. I am glad tomorrow is a holiday so there will be less traffic on the road. Most of the schools were closed anyway. The one that was open in the area has already posted that it will be closed as well tomorrow.
Marie, glad your trip went well and you are back safe with Mitzi and Bob.
Jan, I hope you got to swim today. I am glad you have realized your retirement dream and it is still going well.
We have bird counts around here too. I have not participated in one. I am not that good at seeing little birds in trees. I can see them at the feeders but that is not where the count is supposed to happen. We don not have many large predatory birds around here. I know we have a few species of owls and hawks but most of them migrate before the cold weather.
There is a program for children through Cornell University that is called Bird Sleuth.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2015 : 6:39:24 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:28:28 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2015 : 6:52:36 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:29:01 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2015 : 8:58:12 PM
Holly--the secret to spotting birds is a really good pair of binoculars. They can be pricey but you can get a good pair for under $100.00. With the ones I have I can spot an eagle in a tree from half a mile away. Most of the eagles we saw were on the other side of the river so I need good binoculars. It also helps that eagles are BIG and the mature ones have white heads making them easy to spot. I can't see distance without glasses so the binoculars make all the difference. I heard about the roads being bad in New England and the police telling people not to drive unless it's an emergency. Jan--I hope you enjoy your herb garden. A few green plants brighten up a place. Enjoy your swimming. Marie--sounds like Lowell's dad is doing alright. I know he will enjoy the trip to D.C. My uncle went on one of those honor flights and loved it. My dad is a veteran but he was stationed in Montana during the Korean War. I'm going to talk to a man at the Senior Services center about benefits for veterans. I think they can get free in-home nursing care if needed. My dad will need it in the future. I am getting a new cell phone when I get my settlement. I have a Jitterbug phone that is just a phone--no texting, no pictures, nothing fancy. I 've had it for about five or six years and the battery is so weak I have to charge it every night. The new one I want to get is also a Jitterbug but it has modern technology. And the monthly plan cost is the same as what I'm paying now. I may drop my landline phone and get wireless. Charter keeps raising my rates and wireless is cheaper. The weather here is mild, warm for january. It will get cold again, I know. The settlers used a chamber pot when it was cold and freezing so they didn't have to go outside. My mom grew up during the Depression and she said the walls of their house were so thin that you could hear the neighbors next door when they tinkled in their chamber pot. She was in high school when they bought a house with a bathroom. She also said when she was young, a policeman came and shot their dog cause it was foaming at the mouth. I'm glad things have changed. Cindy |
5 acre Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
1007 Posts
1007 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 06:41:10 AM
Farmgirls...This whole chat room sounds fun...Im 57 and back after a few years off, with hubby dying and all that that entails...I have a new blog and wanted to share it...its in my signature... THANKS !!
Farmgirl Sister #368 ~~*Terri*~~ Life is too short, it is just a vapor, live it like you wont have another minute with the ones you love...... |
5 acre Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
1007 Posts
1007 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 06:42:35 AM
oh brother to figure out all this technical stuff is a brainfogger....sorry posted the same thing 2 times...LOL!!!     |
Edited by - 5 acre Farmgirl on Jan 19 2015 06:43:58 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 09:43:27 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:13:12 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 3:20:29 PM
Yes, welcome, Terri, I hope you are staying and not just passing through.
Cindy, we switched to all cellular when we moved and it is significantly cheaper. Not as clear... But, these days, everyone just takes it in stride, don't you think? I have a smart phone and have learned to use a number of the apps that are available. I love depositing checks by taking a photo and always having a GPS adviser in hand. I hope you will be happy with your new gadget when you get it.
I miss seeing all the eagles we used to have off the canyon where we used to live. But, I don't miss worrying about having to watch the small dog so that she isn't snatched. I don't think I probably could have prevented it, to tell the truth... The birds of prey are magnificent. Today, I saw what I think is just a yellow finch in our holly tree out the sunroom window. I have never had those in my yard before and it was cool. We have such blue bluejays here. And very fat breasted robins. We are enjoying the sunshine today. It took a bit to appear out of the fog, but here it is!
Dh is waiting for our young neighbor who adores the horses. Dh is willing and able to keep up the get togethers through the winter more than I am. I do visit often during the almost daily horse time. The two hooved beasts are very gentle with her. They get hugs good night everytime she is here. She is so slight, I don't think they notice! Actually, since they can be irritated by a fly on their back, I guess they must feel the love coming their way. Dd is so happy that her special animals can carry on their special duty of making another little girl's dreams come true.
I am gearing up to make lasagna. I have a few more things to pick up and then I will make several casseroles full at once. Once I am into it, I just want enough to not have to do it again for a while. But, frankly, I feel like that about all cooking. You just have to keep doing it over and over...
Alright, I should go exercise... Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 3:56:06 PM
GG, we plan on going out west to see as many states as we can, then go back to Michigan just for a couple of weeks, then head back south, probably around Arizona somewhere. We are not sure yet, we will follow the sun and take one day at a time. We never know where we will end up. The weather here is just so crazy. One day it is hot, then we will get a few days of rain, wind and cold. It seems to go from one extreme to the other. Not sure if I like that, I know my bones and breathing don't. I did go swimming today, after we took our bikes to Walmart for a few things. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to wash and wax one side of the motorhome and awning. One side at a time is a lot easier than trying to do it all at once. Welcome Terri, hope you do stay with us. This is what helps me keep up with everything. We are all different people with a great support group here. Bunny, I hope you can leave there soon. I remember my dad doing that to me once. I lost my house with 4 young kids, moved upstairs from him, 3 months later, he tells me he is going to close the upstairs off for the winter. I just got the kids enrolled in new schools. I was so upset, I found a house right away and moved within 2 weeks. Then he said he did not mean right away, but it was too late by that time, I was out of there. Glad you have a friend that is buying from you. Hopefully she will find more customers for you by word of mouth. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 4:22:31 PM
Good evening everyone,
The trees were beautiful to look at this morning and well all day really. They were/still are draped in ruffles of snow. I thought the wind had picked up and all of the snow would be blown off the trees but only a few were undressed.
Terri we have had several women on here whose dh's have died. Maybe some of them will pop on again and you can support each other. I am glad you stopped by and hope you make us a regular visiting time.
The house is still in chaos because the floors are still being worked on. The furniture from one space is all crammed into another. I still have to clean out what we consider the laundry room and I am not looking forward to moving the washers and dryer.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 5:30:39 PM
Terri, welcome. Love having new friends on our forum. Hope you can visit often.
I had another refund request today for a dress I made for a customer. Kinda bummed. But I don't think she is very realistic about what upcycled means. I think she expects everything to be made from new clothing. Anyway, I have changed my policies to no refunds. Exchanges or store credit only. Her first dress didn't fit. The second one, she didn't like the feel of the knit top. She is a size 3x. So I'm done with her.
But...I did get a custom order today. So it kind of makes up for it.
I also got back my items from the San francisco store. She forgot to take her tags off and I could see she raised my prices higher than I had them. No wonder she didn't sell anything. Buts at least I have everything back and it is in good condition.
The sun was out today and it was soooo nice. I drove through town with my window down. It was nice.
My mom won't move until she has sold her house. I don't think it will sell as fast as she thinks. It is very dated with old stained carpets and it needs the walls painted badly. The yard is boring and the grass dies off because she won't water it. I tried to keep it up one year. At least she will give me some money and I hope by that time, my son can arrange for something. I just have to keep positive. I can't rent a room anywhere because I have no income right now. Just a few dollars I make from selling my clothing and that just pays my basic expenses like phone and car insurance.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 8:55:14 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:16:07 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2015 : 9:28:59 PM
GG, welfare is only for people with children. Unless I am terribly disabled I don't qualify for anything. Even then it can take years to get approved. That's why people end up living in their cars.
I'm glad you and B are able to do the work yourselves. Those guys probably think they can take advantage of retired folks. Getter done!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 07:36:12 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:16:48 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 08:30:46 AM
In Minnesota, a single person can get food stamps and $100 cash every month if they qualify. I did because I had no income and was living with Lowell so he paid the rent. When a person applies here they have to fill out an application form telling where you live, who lives with you, what kind of financial accounts you have, what kind of property if any and so forth. Proofs of identity and bank accounts must accompany the application. If a person is homeless, they have emergency housing available in Minnesota at least. The office in Minneapolis is always crowded and it is a bit intimadating but the people there know what they are doing and get a person processed quickly. If you don't want to go to the county office, your clinic may have a financial counselor who can help you with the process. These people REALLY know what they are doing and can fill out the application for you. The $25 per month rent deal sounds as if that is a Section 8 housing voucher. Those are difficult to get.
Bottom line, Bunny, just see what you can get so when you need it you will know what is available.
Check this out:

Mitzi and Lowell playing with dinosaurs.

Tyrano Rex playing with Mitzi.

All the Sleepies in bed.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 12:13:29 PM
I would imagine it would be very hard in a big city, but I wonder if people realize most small towns have subsidized housing as well. In my town and the next town over they are neat clean little duplexes with a small yard and very safe. Not slums. A lot of the seniors who ended up with no savings or pensions live in them. Or sweet little old ladies whose husbands died and left them nothing. There also is a rural clinic that treats patients without insurance. Small towns are often a better choice for older folks. The churches are always anxious to help, there is always a food pantry, a senior center, bus services to grocery stores, etc. and meals on wheels. Not sure what the age requirement is but it used to be 55.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 6:01:46 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:18:19 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 6:54:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
The sun shone brightly to day. All day long. The temperatures were in the single digits. the sunrises behind the house so it reflects on the mountains and clouds in front of the house. This morning they were pink. My camera does not do justice to what my eyeballs see. Then I took pictures of the brilliant blue sky behind the tall white pine trees. I hope they come out as i see them.
Congratulations on going to Scotland. That should be a great time. Have you ever had haggis? I wonder if the B likes it. Someone I used to type on another board with described it and it sounded vile. What about marmite or is it vegemite in the British Isles. Another taste one needs to grow up with to appreciate.
DsT played basketball tonight . His team won. He played maybe half the game. He was happy and far more relaxed than he has been in a while. He had some good blocks and only two fouls.
Hooking up a gas stove is not that hard. I thought buying one would be expensive because there is not a big call for them in your area. But the cost of installation someone quoted you is outrageous. the other quotes for getting rid of the floor tiles and carpeting is way high but I do not know what your land fill prices are. Ours are getting higher each year. We used to be able to get rid of a pickup load of trash for $17 and now it is $48. They want us to do more recycling. Would you be able to advertise the intact pieces of tile on craig's list for someone to reuse? is the carpet nasty. Around here someone would take it for their hunting camp. then we could avoid the land fill costs.
I agree with G and Marie about looking into assistance. But, maybe you have already and the whole process is just too frustrating.
Sweet dreams everyone.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 7:43:13 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:19:30 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2015 : 9:27:27 PM
GG, Scotland sounds like a wonderful trip.
Holly, glad DsT got to play. Sounds like it helped his disposition. I agree on the meditation and martial arts.
I am on the list for section 8. Without kids, I have to prove I'm disabled. I think my letter from my Dr. Regarding my fibromyalgia will do the trick. But the list is still two years long. Emergency housing is for families in my county. I'm ok for now. My oldest son and I had a good talk about my situation. He just isn't in a position to help yet.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2015 : 11:23:17 AM
Holly, your countryside sounds gorgeous. I am often disappointed that I can't capture the view on film, too. Your words tell the story too though! It sounds like T had some dopamine and endorphins going when he was done with his game. Get that energy focused and good attention, who doesn't feel like they are on the top of the world. It is just so difficult to hold on to the feeling and young men have a terrible time being able to recall these feelings when other feelings are crowding in on them. I know you are offering him many options to release his energy properly. Good luck. G, what a chance to have a trip of a lifetime. I do hope you can stomach the food, that is gonna be the worst part. But what a small price to pay. Is this the sister you have spoken of fondly? What type of weather will you expect? Keep us posted. So happy you have this opportunity.
Bunny, we are all pulling for ya!
We have sunshine this morning.I am sitting in our front room with the chair turned so I can capture it all. I got for casseroles of lasagne in the freezer. Feels like money in the bank! Tomorrow I'll Work on casimiento, which is beans and rice from scratch, for dh's beloved burritos. I haven't made it since wee moved so he will really enjoy it.
February will be a busy month for us.MIL's sister from San Diego is coming to visit for mom's birthday. And then dh's best friend from Pittsburgh will visit for a long weekend. Then dh has a convention for hearing specialists the following week. We are lucky that the convention is being held right here in Vancouver. Consequently, I think wee may have a visitor for the convention, too. Certainly we will have guests for dinner a night or two. I better start planning.
Hope you all take holly seriously and find moments of joy today. Mar |
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