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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 07:44:19 AM
I should be okay. I'll wear the long johns, wool socks, lined boots, turtle neck, wool sweater, long coat, my warmest scarf, gloves and mittens. It might take me 30 minutes to unwrap. I have to go out anyway to pick up some medication.
It is 9 AM and Lowell is still in bed. Just the thought of cold weather on his skinny body keeps him in bed. I actually don't blame him because he is in his car or outside all day. Poor guy. He won't get out to bed until the office calls him with a delivery that needs a cargo van.
On this, the coldest week of winter, Lowell wants to go to Fergus Falls to help his dad move into a new place. Fergus Falls is half way to the Canadian border in the western prairie that has no trees so the wind howls. We are still waiting to learn if we can bring Mitzi along. He wants to leave on Thursday so, if we don't find out soon, I'm not certain we can find someone to take care of the kat and, possibly, Mitzi at the last minute. Another case of poor planning. 
Gypsy - Your new little house sounds delightful. Remember, you are never too old to become a Stepford wife. Watch your B and don't let him go to any "secret" meetings.
Cindy - I witnessed a very interesting to deal with people with dementia. What the younger people did was to go along with whatever past space the elderly person was in and responded as if they were the person the elderly person thought they were. It is much better than trying to correct the afflicted person making them feel badly and you feel frustrated.
Pam - Love your doggies. They look so comfortable on that couch. Mitzi always insists on laying in Lowell's spot on the couch. He has to move her when he wants to sit and she growls at him. It'a a game with them. 
Mar - Your MIL just wants to be useful. She's done everything for herself all her life. I believe that she just cannot shift gears and work less hard. Maybe you can give her a job to do that will keep her happy and won't frustrate you. As for reading last Sunday, I laid on the bed which is where I usually do my reading. Bob the Kat wanted to sit on my chest, then he wanted to get under the blanket and then he wanted to like my lips and nose. I gave up trying to read and curled up with him and eventually, took a nap. Last night I sat in a nice hot tub with Epsom salt in the water and read for about an hour. Now that was nice. 
Don't worry about me in the cold Ladies. I have lived in this part of the country all my life and know how to be safe. The really important thing is that I get out of the house, away from Lowell and in the company of my friends doing something I love.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
488 Posts

488 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 10:55:09 AM

Let me introduce you all to Miss Stella Grace...2 days old... her brother and I are playing cars and trucks. DH was going to take him sledding but it is very cold...not sure if that is going to happen today.
Marie, that advise is spot on about dementia/ alzheimer is just easier to go along with whatever time period they are in. I have been meaning to mention that anyone who is dealing with this disease to remember Music! It sounds a little crazy but music helps keep them calm and relaxed. I dealt with alzheimers for years with my mom (RIP) always helped her.
GG sounds like the new community is great! Good luck with the remodel.
hope everyone is staying warm and cozy...I will have to catch up here next week. I will be at DD's home for a few days while they get into their routine. Have a great week gals.
"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find." Source Unknown |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 2:49:32 PM
GORGEOUS! Congratulations, Pam. What a beautiful photo. Thank you for posting it. I am green with jealousy. I hope you have a wonderful time with the two of them this week. Take a good long inhale of baby goodness for me, would ya?
Marie, I'm sure you are well outfitted for the weather. Hope Lowell manages, too.
We are keeping mom busy with cooking projects as well as sweeping and such chores. We have to do a look of clean up while/after she cooks to keep everyone safe food wise. Yesterday, she was going to roast veggies: eggplant, sweet potatoes, peppers, onions... They are supposed to cook in about forty five minutes, maybe an hour. Four and a half hours later, mom has checked and flipped them so often that neither the veggies or the oven can keep the 425 degree temp. The house, however, was four degrees higher than the thermostat was set. I understand that she wants to be useful, but she also wants to take over. She gets to fix the Wednesday dinner. That has expanded to Thursday and she has stated she is fixing Friday's dinner this week, too. Dh has my back and what I say pretty much goes. I'm having trouble not being a door mat and spending all my time wooing, washing and disinfecting... Growing pains, getting used to our new reality...
G, I had a grieve dining room. The light made it look different at different times of the day. It was incredibly flexible to work with. I hope you enjoy decorating around this color as much as I did. Everyone said they would have never picked that color, but liked it.
I'm at my daughter's. She well be home from work in an hour or so...can't wait. Dh and I had such a great drive down here.It is a pretty day. Bright and Sunny except when we crossed the river, that was foggy.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 3:44:04 PM
It is supposed to get down to 37 here in Florida tonight. And only up to 57 tomorrow with high winds. Thank goodness it is only for a few days. No swimming for a few days. Mar, glad you have a getaway to your dd. You deserve a break like that. Have a fun time. GG, I am sure that once you get done with the little house, you and B will settle in and love it there. Marie, I am glad I am not in that cold weather anymore. I am not sue if I could survive there much longer. Cindy, be careful with the coughing at work. It is so hard to stay away from sick people in a hospital, much less you co workers being sick. Bunny, bet you are glad you are done with school now and can spend more time in the sewing room. Pam, what a beautiful new baby!!! Congratulations!!!! Glad you are close to the grandchildren and able to enjoy being with them. They grow up too fast. Holly, hope you do not get as cold as Marie and where I came from, it was -18 with wind chills to -33. They did close the schools for the day. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 5:04:20 PM
Good evening,
So, I do not know how yesterday's post was reposted today with today's date.
Yesterday while the furnace was off the back zone of the house froze. We were worried that ther pipes would crack. The furnace repair man did not bring his pipe thawing equipment with him and I was not willing to pay the travel time for him to go back to the office and get it last night. So, this morning we put the hearts on the pipe where we thought it s frozen. Yahoo! It thawed and there were no cracks or holes.
I hate to rip out any of my sewing. I have to take off my glasses to see the stitches and my hands shake so it is difficult. You are far better than me Bunny to redo your dress. I think I would have put it in the UFO pile.
Well, as our elders repeat their conversations more we can just create excitement for them all over each time. Makes our lives a little easier.
Glad MIL has found an old friend. Take lots of pictures for her so she has some thing recent to join her past.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 5:52:56 PM
Good evening everybody,
Here it is again the last post reposted with today's date and time.
I love babies and little Stella looks yummy. I love to feel the babies breathe and snuggle. Pam re so lucky.
Today was 2 degrees all day long. It rose to there from -6 this morning. Tonight the wind is going to pick up and the wind chill will be in the minus double digits. I am so glad I do not live in a log cabin with a raw hide door as I have read the early settlers did. I have spent the day inside near the wood stove. A couple of the little boys went out for less than ten minutes to throw snow balls . They were disappointed because the snow is too cold to stick together.
We. Have replacement value in our homeowners policy so our old flooring will be replaced at their expense. We pulled up a section of it today and boy did it smell like mold. The policy will also cover the visit by the furnace repair man on Saturday. Today our contractor came. He has been scheduled to visit us to replace the sill behind the gas tanks on the side of the house and to build a roof over the gas tanks so the snow and rain will not rot that area out anymore. So, he moved the heating pipe from in front of the cat door so it will not freeze anymore. It was something we have wanted to do for a while but forgot each time he was here in the past. He also put antifreeze in the pipes so it will have less of a chance to freeze up.
GG it sounds like the new place will never have a dull moment. I hope the country house sells as quickly as you would like.
Anyone heard from Patty?
Mar a little vacation at your daughter's sounds like it is in order. Have a good time and send us a picture.
Cindy I think talking about the past is a good idea. Do you have old picture albums to reminisce with?
Janiee I am glad to hear from you. I hope work settles down and people can heal soon.
Jan, I am glad you and you r dh are happy with yr choice to move south. Not having the stress of winter must improve your health with out doing anything else at all. I would be with you swimming if I were there.
Bunny I have heard of people being allergic to the particulates in the wood smoke. Is our mom going to visit your sister soon? Then you could have afire. Hope sales pick up soon.
Mel, you sure do have a cute pup. I love puppies . Some year when the children are grown maybe we will have a little dog. Now I would just like one that would like to sleep outside in the summer to keep the wild things ah from the chickens.
Marie, you have lake effect that we do not. I think that might make the wind colder. The schools put out today that children should wait in their house for the bus. They should put a back pack by the road so the bus driver knows to stop.
I hope I have included everyone.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 08 2015 6:42:28 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 6:09:13 PM
Pamila--she is so CUTE! I bet you're in grandbaby heaven. Mar--it would appear MIL hasn't driven you crazy yet so that's good. She may drive you to distraction, but not crazy. We talked at the support group last night about not letting parents or other loved ones drive you crazy. I brought up the idea of Meals on Wheels with my mom and she said she'd think about it. I've also noticed that she doesn't walk normally. It's sort of between a shuffle and a walk. She's said before that if she falls she doesn't know if my dad would know who to call for help. I just gotta pray that she doesn't fall. GG--exactly what color is greige? Gray + beige. I guess I can't quite picture it. It would appear gremlins have taken over Holly's tablet. Today is the coldest day of winter we've had so far. It's bitterly cold. Bad for people, but the eagles love it. We have hundreds of bald eagles in the winter and they love catching fish in the cold, icy river. It draws lots of tourists. People drive from hundreds of miles to see an eagle. We just shrug and say,"Oh. An eagle". Jan, I'd give anything for that "warm" thirty degree weather right now. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I find that I have to keep my mouth covered when I go out or I'll cough. I did some yoga last night that focused on breathing and that helped a lot. I was actually able to relax enough that I could hear my heart beating. It felt good. I need to relax more often instead of being tense. Especially at work. I don't know why some employers think stressed out, anxious workers are good for the bottom line. But that seems to be the way it is anymore. Stay warm. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 6:52:06 PM
Holly - We do not live near one of the city's lakes. Those lakes are too small for create significant temperature changes. Duluth, which is located on Lake Superior, definitely suffers from lake effects - frigid cold in the winter and tropical humidity in the summer.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 8:37:54 PM
Cindy, I don't know where you live, but I'm sorry you are dealing with the dreadful cold. Wish work eould lighten up for you. We, too, are trying to stay out of the cold wind we are having now and trying to avoid as many people as we can because the flu season is in full swing right now and they say the flu shots are not going to be effective this year.
Jan, good to hear from you. Hope your beautiful weather returns soon.
That's the cutest little baby I ve seen. what a little doll! I am envious too. An extra cuddle for me, please!
Marie, did you go out to dungeons and dragons? At our dance class tonight there was a woman named Judy from Minneapolis. She was sure glad to be here not there. They just chose this place as their winter home and we did the new resident orientation with them. A very nice couple. Tonight we took two hours of dance classes and an hour of Tai Chi. holly I think it might be the same thing you take, he said 24 moves. I am tired by the third hour and wish it were a different night so I could enjoy it more. My feet were hurting but I made it through all three classes. Tomorrow. We have the yoga class. We are doing 5 classes a week and then using the gym or pool twice, so we should get back in better shape within weeks. My back and neck and knees are hurting. A massage is in order.
Mar, I'm starting to get annoyed at your MIL. Any woman knows not to take over another woman's kitchen. That is basic mother in law 101. We just know better. So it looks like she is going to keep pushing until you are forced into a scene. I'm glad you can have some good times with DD and just get away from it all for a bit.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2015 : 8:54:57 PM
Of course I went to Dungeons and Dragons. I wouldn't miss it. The weather was much worse for much longer last year. We are a hardy folk here. I was born in Minnesota so this is my natural habitat. I wouldn't have Minnesota be any different. The cold weather keeps the riff raff out.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2015 : 5:29:29 PM
Cindy, I need that support group to keep my mom from driving me crazy, lol. At least it's still from a distance. My first MIL made it clear that she expected me to take care of her when the time came, but I divorced her long before that. She ended up living with the older brother and his poor wife for years. Finally when it looked like she would live forever, they wanted to travel so they put her in a nursing home and she died from pure spite within three weeks. I frankly hated the woman. The stories I could tell........
Marie, you tough bird, you! Make Lowell go help his dad while you stay home with the critters. I hear you about the lack of planning. I'm beginning to make my point here on that one. Slowly but surely we are getting into a harmonious relationship. Some of it has been painful. . The last day of this month will be our one year anniversary.
Holly, are you trying to do home repairs/renovations while it's so cold there, or will you wait til it warms up? It is very cold here and may be snow/ice by Saturday. Last time they predicted that, it did not happen so I hope it does not happen this time.
We had our yoga class this afternoon and it was wonderful. Yoga stretching is the only thing that gets deep in to my joints and relieves pain. Bunny, I'm sorry it was not a good experience for you. The room was cold and there were some noisy ladies talking right outside the door the whole time, but other than that we really thought it was a great class.
The wall is almost down from the living room and it is going to make a huge difference. What we have is the equivalent of the kitchen, breakfast area and family room area which is the only part of a big house that gets used anyway. (Unless you are Holly with a bunch of kids). So we just don't have all those extra rooms. I have four days now with nothing planned except to paint until it is done. Yes, Greige is gray + beige. There are lots of samples of it on Pinterest. It seems to go with everything and change colors with the light.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2015 : 6:57:37 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a brisk -26 F when we woke up. It rose to a balmy -10 by lunch time. Lol. The boys have not been able to play outside for days. I am glad we have a big house.
Our contractor is here now. He repaired the sill on the west side of the house today. He said, he has worked outside all winter so he is used to it. He had on his long skivvies under his flannel lined jeans and his fireman boots to keep warm. He aid the house felt hot when he came in. I know it was cool in the house.
The insurance adjuster came today and said the company will replace the floor and give enough money to replace the insulation under 60 per cent of the floor. That is fair because not that much of the insulation was ruined. It will be nice to have floors that look good for a while.
Tomorrow will be warmer .
Cindy, If I lived closer I would be one of those tourists taking pictures of the Eagles. We had one soring over our house this summer. It is the first I have seen around here ever.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 09 2015 : 3:01:18 PM
Oh, Bunny, I know what you mean about the yoga. It seemed so easy yesterday but today,.....I'm hurtin!! Anybody who thinks yoga isn't exercise does not know yoga. None of the other classes made me very sore, the weights only a little sore, but OMG today I'm hurting all over. But I'm going back for more. I walked the dogs but it was a short walk. Did not want to go to the store so made soup from whatever I could find in the freezer and pantry. Frozen leftover turkey, mixed veggies, rice and Quinoa and a handful of kale. Onions and celery, and organic chicken broth as the liquid. No idea what it will taste like but that's going to be it for supper. It's cold here. Getting colder. Hope everyone is warm and safe.
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 09 2015 3:06:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2015 : 3:15:11 PM
GG, I am sure eventually your muscles will get used to the moves in yoga. It is surprising how many muscles you normally don't use, then when you do, you feel them. We walked 5 miles the other day, which most of it was on rough ground. I still feel it 3 days later. It has only warmed up to 53 degrees today, but will start to warm up again with rain coming the end of the weekend. I will still take this over the below zero days at home. A few weeks after we got here, DH decided that my swimsuit was just a bit too revealing. He does not go to the pool at all because he does not like water, or sun, but he claims that there are men looking. So, I ended up buying another suit that was also too revealing, then another one, ended up being too small, so got another won that fit just right but it is all black. It is very hard to find swimsuits in Florida this time of year. Do you believe that? Lots of winter clothes and sweaters out right now. I joined water aerobics every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It has really been helping me doing exercises in the water. I stay in the pool as much as I can and have been doing roughly 27 hours a week in the pool. My 3 wheel bike has also been helping my hips. Getting a lot of exercise here, for sure. Holly, I do hope it warms up there for you soon. Winters are long enough without the harsh temps and wind chills. Going to close before I lose this post. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Jan 09 2015 : 4:12:19 PM
Go to One Hanes Place.
They now have a sale on swimwear. I like the swim dresses.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jan 09 2015 4:15:07 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2015 : 5:49:58 PM
Good evening everyone,
today was 12 F so much warmer than yesterday and the house was that much easier to keep warm.
the little boys and i made an Egyptian garden in a kleenex box. we made pillars to hold up the roof and put in a pool and trees. the Egyptians live in a very hot climate and liked to sit around a pool in the shade. these were supposed to replicate the houses several thousand years ago. the boys had a good time.
we had salmon and rice for supper. it was tasty.
I hope everyone is well. I am sitting on the hallway floor of the local high school using their WIFI. DsT and his bf Z are at basketball practice.
sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 09 2015 : 6:05:23 PM
Holly how do you people even stay on the roads when it is that cold! There must be ice everywhere. How is dsT doing in basketball this season? You know back when I first started to post here you told us a lot about your little guy, then you got the two new boys and we haven't heard much about your little one.
Jan, that's ok-- make that hubby jealous, lol. You can go to Coolibar online and they have swim shorts and shirts. Easier to exercise when you don't have to worry about something showing that you don't want to show. I hate the old geezers that stare. I want to slap them silly.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 09 2015 : 6:52:47 PM
GG, I hope you can keep up with the yoga class. I went every week for a month and just couldn't do it anymore. Sounds like you have the right idea opening up the house. I think it makes a small house feel more cozy and useable. My log home had one big great room.
Jan, funny your hubby is having issues with your skimpy swim suit. Maybe he needs to stick by your side to fend off all the pool boys! Sounds like you are going to be in great shape! Southern living seems to suit you. Jealous of the nice weather. But it will get unbearable in the summer. I'm assuming you have plans to head somewhere a little less humid?
Holly, your contractor sounds like a hardy guy. Good news about the insurance company covering the floors. Now just hope they don't cancel you.
Mar, glad you were able to have some down time with DD. I agree with GG except I imagine she doesn't realize she is annoying you. She probably thinks she is helping. At least she likes you. Both my MIL's did not like me. Funny thing is I have had so few people in my life not like me. What is it about MILs.
I applied for two more jobs today. Both at the local hospital. One is an admin assistant and the other is a buyer. I don't have the minimum two years medical office experience but I have seen the job listed for a while now. On the application process it asked me to put in my own words why I would be a good fit for the job. It was nice to actually out something down over than basic facts.
I had a lady buy a dress from me only to return it because it didn't fit her. She was nice enough to ask for store credit instead dof a refund. I was able to make something else she really liked. Felt good to have that obligation done. I hate owing anyone. I'm also working on a new element to my creations. There is a clothing company called Alabama Chanin (I think I spelled it right). Anyway their clothes are very expensive but the technique they use is not hard. Just time consuming. I made a dress today using their style in a very simple pattern and it looks really cute. I'm going to do more. It is all hand stitching but very lazy and free form. Just my style.
I'll try to post the dress soon.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jan 10 2015 : 4:18:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
It is cold but we have njot had any warm weather to melt the snow to turn it to ice. The road crews do not plow the dirt roads all the way down in the winter. They do pow the paved roads down to the pavement. The they put a lot of sand in the roads so it is like they are dirt roads without the bumps.
DsT 's basketball season is frustrating. He does not get a lot of playing time in the games. It seems he is not working hard enough to understand the plays, he does niot do his paperwork that the coach asks all of the players to do. If dsT was a lackluster athlete who just went to basketball because he loved basketball that would be one thing but he is an excellent athlete who is such a pot head now that he doesn't give a rat 's patootie about anything any more. Remember it is not his doing it is all of the coach's because............we'll pick a convenient excuse.
C asked when she called in to inquire about making a claim if they would now raise our rates. The agent said no, we did not make enough claims to cause any issues. They are the only company that will cover us because we live in a barn with animals underneath.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
488 Posts

488 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2015 : 5:05:58 PM

I have finally got some snow!!! As you all can see my oldest GD loves it as much as I do...haha. It looks like she is sticking her tongue out but she was actually eating it. Yes, I checked to make sure it was the fluffy white stuff, not the soggy yellow...hee hee.
Hubs and I went to Rural King this morning to get dog food and somehow ended up buying the most strange things-I told him maybe next time we should just go to grocery store and buy it. It is a great deal cheaper there...but, NOT when you buy birch beer, sweatshirts, snacks, and all sorts of needless items...oh well, what's done is done.
Thanks to all for the compliments on little Stella. She is a doll baby...I have a beautiful picture of her but, can't locate it on my computer this evening.
It sounds as if everyone is keeping busy.
Jan- I am with Marie and swim dresses are comfortable. Although, swim shorts and tanks would make exercising a breeze. GG-I have always wanted to give yoga a whirl. It is suppose to be very good for you. Marie-Love the comment about the "Riff Raff" funny. Holly-That is what they use on the roads here. The only roads that get plowed are paved. Out by the farm it got the sand and cinders...the teen agers from "town" would always come out and try and slip and slide on our road...made hubs so angry-as they often fling the covering off the road and we would be back to squat.
Well, I have rambled on...again. Have a great evening and stay warm...
"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find." Source Unknown |
True Blue Farmgirl
488 Posts

488 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2015 : 5:08:17 PM
OOOPS! I wanted to wish Bunny good luck on the hospital jobs you applied for. I hope you get an interview and that leads to a job!
"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find." Source Unknown |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 10 2015 : 9:51:47 PM
Pam, another gorgeous gd!
Holly, I'm sending you patience for dealing with dsT. It is so frustrating to watch someone smoke away their sense of purpose. Hope it curtailed soon, but I am sure you aren't expecting a miracle. Good news that you have such great insurance. I don't envy your having to live thru it.
I love the open floor plan, too. Oh and ice isn't slippery when it is as cooks add it is at Hollys right now. I remember it squeaking when it was really cold.
Dh got a new elliptical. He has missed working out daily terribly. I've been back to doing the planks and bird dogs and can really feel the soreness.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2015 : 5:05:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
Mar I hope dh uses the elliptical and it does not end up a clothes rack . Lol. DdK had to have a treadmill and she used it once and decided it was. Not fun and too scary tht she might fall off the end. So it sits in the library.
So, I heard and a friend did it that if you have a chicken eating dog you should tie the remains of the chicken around its neck and let it stay there for four days. It is so truly disgusting that when Beecher our Brittany spaniel continued into his second winter of chasing the birds into the snow and stepping on them to eat them I tried it today. It s so gross and I am afraid that it back fired. I go down now and he has eaten the one tht as hanging around his neck and there are feathers all over the floor. He is fourteen years old this month and terribly overweight. He is supposed to be on a diet but each winter he significantly ups his caloric intake by eating raw chicken. We may have to resort to him only going out on a leash. In h summer the chickens are safe from him because they can run and fly away.
Is Patty around I would like to quiz her on where she gets her quail eggs to hatchi and raise. The ones from Murray McMurray are around two dollars a piece.
I have been trying to get Ross to write h is name in the snow but he can only get the first two letters. Lol. Snow is so much fun.
The fronts that have been moving through the area have been weird. Usually the temperatures rise. During the day. Recently they have been staying the same all day long. Today the temperature was 12 F all day. It was overcast and I surround like to see some sunshine .
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 11 2015 : 6:03:34 PM
I see the autocorrect has had its way with both Mar and Holly. It's fun to figure out what you meant to say. I hate the thing and wish there was a way to turn it off. My spelling errors are not as bad as the nonsense autocorrect decides to correct it to.
I feel for you trying to break that dog from killing chickens. I had a border collie who did that and I never did break her. Didn't try that trick, though. It makes sense that the dog would go ahead and eat the remains since that's what it planned to do in the first place.
We had about five minutes of sunshine today. I'm getting crazy (er) from lack of sunshine. About three days is all I can take without feeling postal. I had to call mom because it has been a week and I was feeling guilty. She started telling me about Christmas, thinking it had been a long time since we talked. I told her we talked last week but I don't think she believed me. So we got to say it all again. She is just another degree towards totally senile every time we talk. It would be sad if it were not so madding. So I vented at B for a while until my blood pressure came back down. He is cutting holes in Sheetrock and putting light switches in the wrong place.
Bunny I'm looking forward to pics of your new creations.
The pics of the little ones are precious.
Marie, are you frozen yet? Jan, it's true that January in Florida can be a bit on the cool side. Good that you are getting to bike and swim a lot anyway.
Mar, I hope you had a good visit with DD. The elliptical machine is my favorite one as well. It doesn't hurt my knees like the bike does. Holly, I had a treadmill that I never used so I gave it to my daughter. Three guesses what she has done with it. Yep, somehow she mistook it for a closet, or else she ran out of hangers.
Cindy, what are you up to? I know you try to eat healthy too. Yesterday I bought organic potatoes and organic oranges, both bagged, and if they had been perfect they would still have been too expensive, but when I got them home, both were damaged and rotten. So back to the store I went. So today we had GMO potatoes and no oranges. We try.
These short, cold days make it hard to think of anything new to write about. The wall is completely out and the space feels and looks twice as big. At least that was not a mistake. The fireplace guy never called us back with a quote so I guess he does not want the job. I'm tired of the mess. B loves the paint color and I'm still deciding.
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 11 2015 6:06:27 PM |
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