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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  9:54:15 PM  Show Profile
Hello gals. Glad so many of you had good holidays. Mine was
Very dismal. No family to visit and most of my friends decided not to celebrate. My brother asked me last night if I received any present s and I had to tell him no. Usually does not bother me but it did this year. I told my sis who lives in oklahoma that next year we were going to have a blast and to start getting into the mindset.(she is a slow learner)(lol). Lola looks precious and so does mattie. My brother got a pit bull yesterday so he is learning how to deal with a puppy again. Bunny I wish I was smaller so I could buy some of your clothes. I think you do a wonderful job with them.holly your holiday sounded very nice love hearing your stories. Well better get to sleep........hugs to all

farmgirl #390
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  08:45:44 AM  Show Profile

I am so sorry that you didn't get any gifts. It doesn't help that I am so late with your Stuffed Stocking. I can tell you now that it will be sent out on Monday. Here is a picture of what I am sending.

Dang, this picture is dark. I loved looking for everything I'm sending. The laces were particularly wonderful to select for you as I kept you in mind while I was looking through them.

The second guitar player/composer quit the band and we are not certain where the bass player is. We have sent him many messages and he has not answered. If he doesn't show up to rehearsal today, they will look for another bass player. What a bother!

I am looking forward to an afternoon of reading today. I just borrowed a copy of The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs from the library. I want to read that before I start Knit Two which I got from a free bookshelf. I will return it when I am done. The third book is called Knit the Seasons which I plan to read also. I like to follow through by reading all the books in a series. I also plan to read the neighborhood newspaper, Southwest Journal, and a bunch of book reviews I have saved up.

Mitzi does some cute things. Everytime one of us comes home, she runs around looking for something to bring to us. Sometimes it is a chew bone or her sock toy or one of my slippers. We praise her and she is so happy. She is funny outside also. When I take her out, she strikes the heroic hunter pose and starts looking for rabbits. In the summer she runs out the back door and chases birds out of the garden then looks very satisfied. I so love that dog.

Have a good day everyone.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  10:08:45 AM  Show Profile
Well it is so nice to see all of you on the forum today!! Happy New Year.... OK so I am a few days late......guess 'better late than never' will be my New Year mantra!! Ha Ha!! Spent the 'Eve' curled up on the sofa with Mattie and a good glass of wine! Made black-eyed peas for New Years......means good luck in the South.....can't do guess I'll have more LUCK than MONEY in the new year. Chuckle, chuckle I'm OK with that!!:)

So very glad to hear that Ginny and her family are on the upswing!

Bunny....I hate when I have to re-work something I have already finished. But I'll bet it will be even better.
It's just annoying to have wasted the time. Have you gotten you things back from San Fran yet? And as far as guys are so much more deserving of a great guy than a 'dirty hippie' as your son described your latest experience! :) 2015 is going to be your year!!

Oh Mar.....The celery thing would have made me nuts! Your MIL would lose her mind in my kitchen! So Gracie has the right to be smug!! It is her space first....but I do love to hear about the adventures.

The kids that live upstairs from me lost their lil' Shih Tzu, Wrigley, last night! BUT just when they thought all was lost there was a text on the apartment complex community chat...Said found dog and that they would wait for a response and check in morning. Well this morning.....Wrigley is home and grounded for a month!! LOL Thank goodness! Mattie is snuggled up to me.

Cindy....glad you will be able to get back into an exercise routine.......I definitely need to follow your lead!

Marie.....kitty looks very sweet of you to makeshift a cozy spot!

GG...glad to see you finally have internet......Lola looks so sad.....I'm sure you give her lotsa lovin' to help her feel secure. Love the Koi! It's cold up here today.....27.

Holly....sorry to hear about the pipe break, but sounds like the repairman came to the rescue quickly. Now that's not the way to start the year, you know. Glad all the kids were able to help with the greenhouse. We need to see pics

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  10:15:51 AM  Show Profile
Oh Janie.....sorry you had a dismal holiday! But good to see you here, Comeback more often! This is going to be a great year for all!! :)

Marie...such a lovely stocking for she won't have to say she received no gifts!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  10:27:44 AM  Show Profile
I love to read about the good luck charms for the new year. Mel, why no greens? I would have done that to the hilt.

I'm glad to see us all back on the forum. I'm terrible at writing so love to read what everyone else is up to.

Janiee, I too had a lousy holiday. I'm so sorry yours was not so great. I feel ya there. I'm thankful it's over and done with and hopefully we can move on to better things.

Marie, love the stocking! I'm sure Janiee will love it.

I do miss my dogs. I love my kitties but dogs are different. I'm always trying to figure out what my cats are trying to tell me. They look at me and talk to me, but I just don't understand. Dogs, so different and so much easier. Food, and lots of love. That's all it takes.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  12:11:37 PM  Show Profile
Oh guys thanks for the sympathy. I was just having a pity party last night. My brother who did not want me at his house on christmas told me he went to a party that day and it just hit me wrong. That and the situation at work that I cannot discuss due to legal constraints. Let me say that someone we sll thought of as a friend and family
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  12:18:08 PM  Show Profile
Well that posted before I was ready! Hahaha
he went to the administration and filed a complaint (racial) against all of us and it really upset all at work. No basis for it but they still had to investigate and make a ruling.which we will find out tomorrow. Marie. That looks like a wonderful stocking. Will be so glad to get it. Thank you and mitzi sounds adorable. Thank you all for letting me vent.
farmgirl #390
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  2:16:10 PM  Show Profile
Janie, glad we can be here for you. I think Marie did a dandy job of stuffing that stocking. Lovely handiwork, Marie. janie, it hurts so much more to be accused by someone you felt close to. I hope it works out for you and that you can put it behind you and start fresh. And my feelings would have been hurt by your brother, too. Sometimes it just helps to know that your feelings are valid, which of course, they always are!

Marie, you are a reading tornado today. I hope you get your fill. Are you going to hang out at the coffee house or at home?

Gg, OK, you have internet and have posted some great photos. Lola gets a hug from me, pronto! So, fill us in on the latest. Are you painting rooms?

I did a bunch of laundry today and I am all set for a while. I will look forward to visiting dd at the end of the week. I can announce that because our house will still be occupied so any lurking thieves are still out of luck! We don't have any gift shopping to do now that Christmas is over, so we will catch up on Downton Abby. She is recording the season that starts tonight for us to watch when we catch up.

Gg, we are still enjoying The Good Wife. We are at the point where the Fourth Years leave and the start up firm is fighting with the old firm. Pretty exciting. Let's say enough to keep us awake which is what we are looking for in entertainment.

We got a new printer. I can print from my phone, kindle and laptop now. Wirelessly. No glitches. We always had some problem or other with one device or another with the old printer/scanner. It is so slick when technology actually works the way it is intended.

Last night while dh and I were visiting with Mom, she asked if we could search for an old friend of hers. Dh tried a few searches while we were sitting together and Mom mentions that she has her friend's "computer numbers and such." Huh? I asked, "Her email address?" She didn't know but she had copied down the "encryption." Dh sent an email which was answered this morning and these two 88 year olds who were best friends throughout grade school and high school until the age of 16 when Mom's friend's family moved from San Diego to Salt Lake City. Mom visited "Nita" once in 1943 and they haven't seen one another since. They live just a bit over an hour away from one another now. Each lives in close proximity to their offspring for help. We will be taking a trip to West Salem, OR very soon so these two girls can catch up. Cool, huh.

I told dd that today would be a good day for her weekly call to her grandma because Grandma has something to say today! Dd called after talking with Mom. She was as excited for her as dh and I are, but she felt she needed to let me know that Grandma led with that story, talked about a few other things - my trip, cooking Mac and Cheese, and then asked if she had a minute because Grandma wanted to tell dd about getting back in touch with her friend. Dd said, "Mom, she had no recollection that she had just told me this not five minutes ago." I reassured dd that her dad and I knew this was happening, that it was very age appropriate behavior and that her grandma was doing really well. So, after the "Tag! You're it!" game of here's a problem that I don't know what to do about conversation with dd, she felt better since we already knew that grandma's mental changes were not going unnoticed.

So, today I have my sarcasm under control. No celery to fuss over. Gracie is even quietly taking a nap. Mom does have her own kitchen, but after a grocery shopping excursion there is a bit of divvying up of the spoils that occurs in my kitchen first. That is when the celery debate occurred again.

I certainly felt my exercise spurt of yesterday this morning. dh helped me with morning feeding. I just needed some time to stretch the kinks out before I headed out to feed, so we did it together after having coffee. Sunny didn't mind, Tahoe was ready to eat!


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True Blue Farmgirl

488 Posts

williamstown wv
488 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  2:42:44 PM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address

Just thought we would come on an offer a little pure joy to all of you lovely ladies this evening! This is Matilda and I call her Mattie girl...she is a rescued Bassett hound and as you can all see, she is very happy here...haha.

I have so enjoyed reading from everyone and just adore the pictures!!

Have a great week...I'm going to become a grandma again this week!
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True Blue Farmgirl

488 Posts

williamstown wv
488 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  3:11:26 PM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address

Now I am hitting the post button too soon!! Haha This is how the "babies" bunk beds only the end of the sectional...oh dear!

Marianne, that is a terrific story about your Mom and her friend! What a great reunion that will be!

I want to hug Lola as well.

Mel, I love black eyed peas!!! Yum...

Bunny, I feel for you, having to rework your outfit. All the hard's just a shame.

I am thinking of all of you...take care of yourselves...Pam
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  3:51:56 PM  Show Profile
Pam, love the photos, Who is Mattie's buddy? Lots of limbs on that doggy! So, so, so cute. Dogs are so special. Congrats on becoming a grandma again. How many does this make for you? I can't keep track very well, so please excuse the question if you very recently reminded us of this. I hope you are close enough to get a good hug in soon after a healthy birth!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  4:04:01 PM  Show Profile
Pam, love the pictures! What a silly girl!

Marianne, kinda cool that MIL's friend is so close. She will have something to talk about for a long time. Glad you are maintaining better today.

Janiee, that's sad your brother didn't have you over for Christmas. Big hurt there. Hope everything at work ends up ok.

I'm reading Game Of Thrones. I don't have HBO a so had to find out what all the hullabaloo was about. It's ok so far. Nothing amazing. I think most of it is just setting up the story and characters.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  4:36:00 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Mar, I'm glad you are feeling better. You, too, Janiee. Pamela, that pic is PRICELESS!!! That is one happy pup! Nobody could look at that pic and not smile.
Marie, I'm glad you are back reporting on the band. I had gotten used to hearing about it and now feel the need to know -- it's always entertaining. You have a great way with words. Janiee is going to love the stocking. You are a sweetheart.

Mar, I'm trying to take a pic of the living room but can't get it from the IPad to paste. We have everything taped off and ready to demolish the wall, and I got a paint sample today and put a little on the wall and we still like it. It is from Home Depot and is one of the new "greige" colors. We are braced for living in a construction zone for a few weeks.

Cool story about the old dolls getting together again after all this time. My mom will tell me exactly the same thing several times over in the same conversation, and when I call three days later, we get to do it all over again. If I say, yes, you already told me that, it doesn't matter, she is going to tell me again. And again.

Mel,I'm so glad you are all settled in with your new fur baby. My Lola must have been mistreated in her former life. Penny is the lead dog and hogs more attention. Lola is afraid of her own shadow. She gets lots of lap time, don't worry. Penny prefers B so Lola doesn't have to share my attention like she did. She is afraid of everybody, men in particular. She won't even pee until after penny does, then she goes in exactly the same place.

Bunny, I got your newsletter. That is a good idea.
Holly, I'm glad the furnace story had a happy ending. That could have been disastrous. A man I had dated for a few years told me a story of his oil furnace catching on fire in the middle of the night. He went through the burning oil to shut off a valve to save his wife and four small children. His legs were badly burned and he was in hospital for several months.

We are still on season 2 of The Good Wife. Glad you mentioned Downton Abby starting tonight--we would have missed it.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  5:07:42 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad you can find humor in the dog's antics to help counter the annoyances of the dear MIL. That poor woman. I remember my grandmother doing things tht would annoy my mother to no end. She was well meaning and would have made so much more sense during the times of minimal refrigeration and wood stove cooking. Hang i there. I do like cut oats. We bought them for a while and I should think about making a bulk order of them from the Coop. We usually get rolled oats. The texture is surely different in cut oats. How do you like them dressed?

I like Indian food but can only get it when we go to the city.

This afternoon one of our heating pipes sprung a leak and flooded the downstairs. I turned off the valves down in the f,urn ace room and flicked the switch on the red box to shut off the furnace. We had received a wet dry shop vac for winter holiday and put it to good use. I called the oil company a dot the answering service. The woman asked of it iwas an emergency. I explained that there was a hole the size of a quarter in one of my pipes and thAt the furnace smelled like melting plastic and she agreed to connect me to a technician. The nice man finally arrived and fixed the furnace. The pressure valve leaked around it's fitting and dripped fluid onto the switch box for the thermostat. The pressure valve was rusted shut so it did not blow like it should have. The pressure tanks this are supposed to absorb extra pressure did but the tanks were distorted because of the pressure. The technician said in his 19 years of working for the company he had not seen such a fine Mess from the pressure in the furnace. He said if we had had all copper pipe and not had sections of pex pipe the furnace so update have brokenj in half and someone would have gotten hurt.

Tomorrow the temperatures are supposed to rise to 45 degrees. That will be a great relief from the present close to zero temperatures we are experiencing.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  5:34:47 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

So, I do not know how yesterday's post was reposted today with today's date.

Yesterday while the furnace was off the back zone of the house froze. We were worried that ther pipes would crack. The furnace repair man did not bring his pipe thawing equipment with him and I was not willing to pay the travel time for him to go back to the office and get it last night. So, this morning we put the hearts on the pipe where we thought it s frozen. Yahoo! It thawed and there were no cracks or holes.

I hate to rip out any of my sewing. I have to take off my glasses to see the stitches and my hands shake so it is difficult. You are far better than me Bunny to redo your dress. I think I would have put it in the UFO pile.

Well, as our elders repeat their conversations more we can just create excitement for them all over each time. Makes our lives a little easier.

Glad MIL has found an old friend. Take lots of pictures for her so she has some thing recent to join her past.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  5:54:08 PM  Show Profile
I love everyone's pictures. Tell Lola that Jaxon sends her a big sloppy kiss. He kisses everyone--human and other dogs. Love the picture of Mattie and her friend. I'm glad that Janiee is getting something for Christmas even if it's late. I think I'd be very hurt if one of my brother's did something like that. I'm glad Holly's problems with the furnace weren't any worse. I've been sleeping with my sleeping bag unzipped and used like a comforter on my bed due to the cold. Sorry that Bunny had to redo her sewing--that must be frustrating. Mar, I know that MIL will enjoy meeting up with her old friend. My mom has been friends with N and her sisters for many years and when they all get together, they act like teenagers. My dad constantly asks the same questions and doesn't remember it. At Christmas he asked my SIL how her parents were doing--they've been gone for a number of years. He doesn't remember who has died and who is still here. I drove over to their house this afternoon and a young boy had ran his truck off the road by their house. He slid on the ice. He looked to be about seventeen. I asked him if he needed help and he said he had called his dad. By the time I left the truck was gone so I guess it wasn't damaged. It's cold tonight. Supposed to get down to 11 degrees. And even colder in the days to come. It's been a year since that guy hit me and I'm still waiting for the settlement. I signed a release form in December and haven't heard anything since. He put me in a deep financial hole by wrecking my car and I had trouble paying my bills the entire year. So this year has to be better. It just has to be. I find that doing yoga helps me to deal with everything better. So no matter what this year brings, I'm going to deal with it by remaining calm and balanced. And centered. I'm going to read more, write more, and have a bigger and better garden. And I send good thoughts out to everyone so they have a good year, too. And stay warm--right now it would be so nice to have a fireplace. Brrr.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  7:23:08 PM  Show Profile
Holly, frozen pipes are no fun. I can remember crawling under another house I owned in the mountains one year with frozen pipes. I used a hand torch to thaw the pipes and had a few ruptures I had to put brackets around. Glad you were able to get the water flowing again without extra cost.

Cindy, I hope you get your settlement! What a pain to wait for that. I hope this year is easier for you.

I tried yoga. Bout died. It was a 90 minute class and I ended up in bed for two days. That's when I started to really figure out the fibro stuff. I can do a little here and there. But I can't get through classes anymore. I have a short routine I do at night that helps me sleep.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  7:24:23 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I'm with you on the fireplace. I miss mine so much. My mom has one but says she is allergic to the smoke so won't let me have a fire.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 04 2015 :  9:08:37 PM  Show Profile
Bunny--I could never do a 90-minute yoga class. I have a DVD, Five Day Fit Yoga, that has a different twenty-minute workout each day. they're for beginners. I used to be able to do some of the harder stuff but got out of shape when I couldn't work out cause I couldn't breathe. And having fibro would make it very difficult, I imagine. Maybe you could find a DVD workout especially for fibro sufferers. They have all kinds of DVD's out there. I'm just grateful I'm not coughing anymore. It feels good just to be able to work out and not get winded.Don't give up, keep searching and maybe you'll find something right for you.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 05 2015 :  8:11:28 PM  Show Profile
Good evening all.

I guess tomorrow I will know what a 75 minute yoga class feels like. B signed us up for one that says "all levels". We will see. Then later we have a meditation class. Then on Wed we will do classes in Texas two step, fox trot and tai chi, in that order, one after the other. I hope we make it. Three hours.

We started work on the house today. I've been painting and he has the wall between the living area and kitchen almost demolished. Hope it's not a mistake but we thought we needed to open the place up a bit. I will lose a much needed pantry.

It is very cold but clear here today. Supposed to go to the 20's tomorrow night. Hope we don't get any colder than that. So far it hasn't been wet when it's freezing, so we've avoided the snow and ice mess. We just do not go out when it is icy.

Stay warm and safe, everybody.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 06 2015 :  3:52:22 PM  Show Profile
Well, it wasn't the yoga class, it was beginner Zumba. Fun and not very difficult.

Marie, I'm looking at the news and looks like you are going to be cold tonight, girlfriend. Wow, I'll bet Jan is thrilled to be down in Florida right now, not Michigan.
Holly, how's th weather at your house?

We had a glorious day, mid 60's and bright sunshine.

The house is a wreck, we will be so glad to be done with the renovation. We have calls out to three companies to bid on installing a small gas fireplace for us. It won't be the same as a big wood burning fireplace but it will not be messy, either. There is a blower option for warmth and an option to have it back lit in the summer so it isn't a black hole when not in use. Once that is done we will get the wood floors installed and that's it. By then we can start landscaping the yard. Already we are glad we decided on a little house.

The neighbors are so sweet and friendly. We feel we made the right decision. One sweet little neighbor whose husband has passed said it might be Gods waiting room but it sure was a helleva good one. They all ride around in colorful little golf carts and their biggest worry is a stray leaf on the perfect little lawn. It has overtones of the geriatric version of Wisteria Lane and it has crossed my mind that the Stepford Wives didn't die, they got old and moved to Sun City.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jan 06 2015 :  4:25:39 PM  Show Profile
yes, GG, we are very thankful to be here in sunny Florida. I have been swimming almost daily, doing water aerobics classes, biking, walking, craft classes, music night. Life is good, but we did have a few weeks of snobs and bosses here, which most of them left on the 1st. Will post more tomorrow. I have a hard time sending my posts without going off line.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 06 2015 :  4:42:43 PM  Show Profile
School has been called off for tomorrow because the wind chills are expected to be at -35. I'll probably still go out for Dungeons & Dragons though. That has to go on.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jan 06 2015 :  5:16:29 PM  Show Profile
Marie, please don't go. Stay home and cuddle with Mitzi and Lowell. Make L cook something yummy and stay by the fire. That kind of cold is insane. I worry about the poor animals and the homeless and the not homeless but too poor to have heat. My heart breaks for those.

Jan, good for you! So happy for you. Ignore the snobs, they are just acting out their insecurities.

Holly, I sure hope your furnace is behaving and your family is safe and warm.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 06 2015 :  8:09:58 PM  Show Profile
I agree, Marie, don't go out into that cold. It's supposed to get down to a wind chill of 20 below tomorrow night here and that's plenty cold to keep me in. Even Jaxon runs out to potty and comes right back in. He's got a thick coat and enjoys the cold. But not like this. Dungeons and Dragons will always be there.
Jan--I bet you're glad you're not in Michigan! I can't imagine a windchill of 40 below. Especially if it's near a large lake. I've been to Chicago in the summer and the chill from Lake Michigan made me shiver. Enjoy that Florida sunshine and pity us cold folks.
GG--So that's where the Stepford wives retired to? He he. Since they were robots they had to have outlived their husbands so I guess they're getting the last laugh. Maybe you'll run into Katherine Ross. Uh-oh, I'm dating myself. I'd give anything to re-watch some of those old 70's movies. Remember Trilogy of Terror with the little voodoo doll going berserk?
I went to the caregiver's support group tonight that my cousin is helping to facilitate. I got some good information. I'm going to see if my parents are interested in the Meals on Wheels program. I worry that they're not eating nutritious meals. I also found out that my dad may be eligible for free home health care since he's a veteran.
Joint Commission came to the hospital today and will be there the next few days so everyone is uptight. After they leave we can all go back to normal. They only come every three years. They'll grade us on cleanliness, proper documentation, proper storage of medicine and other equipment, etc. It doesn't affect me too much cause I'm not involved in direct patient care. I feel sorry for the people who work on the patient floors. Charts are checked and re-checked. They ask questions and make everyone nervous. But it has to be done.
I'm starting to cough a little so I think I'll turn up the furnace. I was out in the cold a little tonight, not very long, but it doesn't take much when you have asthma. Our manager at work has a horrible cough, sounds like pneumonia. If I get that, I'm doomed. I've been trying to avoid her. Glad I work mostly by myself. No one can cough their germs on me. There's a flu epidemic going around. Lots of sick patients. I feel like I need a force field around me to protect me. Take care and don't get sick, ya hear?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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