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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 28 2014 :  09:32:12 AM  Show Profile
Oh, and how about all that fabric you bought from me a long time ago to make hats with!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2014 :  11:20:51 AM  Show Profile

I have joined the Complete Your UFOs in 2015 in the Stitching and Crafting Room. As all of you know, I have an enormous amount of objects I want to finish. I can see that thread will be part confessional, part encouragement and part reality check. This will be my year to finish stuff. Because of this, I have decided NOT to join any swaps this year. I know this is a sacrifice but I have to be realistic.

Lowell and I went to a party last night at Joanne's. She plays keyboard and sings. She has a big apartment with lovely original kitchen cabinetry. So many places in Minneapolis have that. Attending the party were a bunch of her electrician's union friends, their spouses, a neighbor and Joe the bass player. There were many good discussions going on. I talked to a lady who is an ESL teacher and told her which schools NOT to apply to. She is currently working in a charter school and says that the teachers aren't very good and they have extremely low pay. I don't drink at parties because I can get a little slutty. I was also very tired and knew that if I had some wine, I would most likely fall asleep. I brought some crochet, had diet pop and sat by the food. I had good conversations with a lady who had bipolar disorder and another who was a fiber artist. Then Joe the bass player got drunk. Oh Boy! He was attempting to be the life of the party. He was being very friendly with some of the ladies. He was touching me by putting his leg up against mine and patting me. Lowell said that he was touching him by patting him on the shoulder and it got kind of uncomfortable. He kissed me on the cheek twice. I told him he was drunk and to cut it out. We left and slept in this morning very late. I took the dog out and they were ticketing cars for parking on the wrong side of the street during a snow emergency. Our whole street was parked up. At $42 a ticket, the city really cleaned up. Joann called to tell us that after we left Joe tried to kiss her and her artist neighbor. He was trying to be the last one there presumably to get lucky with Joann or her neighbor. Joann called him a cab and the biggest guy there walked him out. He is only about as tall as I am and he apparently got beligerant. I guess he won't be getting any free band beers at bar gigs. I have been asked to talk to him. I think I will suggest that he drink at home. Joe is a lonely, nerdy, short guy. I know he probably drinks to compensate for some perceived personal deficiancy. We all hope he doesn't feel so ashamed that he leaves the band. He is a good bass player and has a lovely voice.

That, I guess, is the highlight of our holiday season. We do not plan to do anything for New Years Eve. My sister and her husband are in New York City. She has a drop box at

if you want to see her pictures.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2014 :  12:43:12 PM  Show Profile
Sounds like everyone (except Bunny) got through the worst part of Christmas--the relatives. I like Christmas but I'm glad when it's over. No one in my family drank at all so no debauchery there. My SIL's brother (the one with the head injury) remembered me even though it's been three years since he's seen me. I was surprised. He has a head injury but I think he's a lot more aware than most people realize; sadly, he can't express it. he avoids people a lot cause they look at him funny when he talks. He still likes me, after three years. I think he must get very lonely since he doesn't get out much. It was good to see my brother and his family. I have to admit, I'm rather proud of my nephews. They just turned fifteen and they're two of the best behaved kids I've ever seen. They do well in school and are heavily involved in swimming (for E) and band (for A). My SIL who had the surgery will return to work in January.
Bunny--just because she's a physicist doesn't mean she doesn't recognize a good man when she meets one. My SIL has a Master's degree and my brother has a two-year degree and their marriage is good. She sounds like a smart woman. I hope it works out well for both of them. And Johnny can take a hike.
Mel--Mattie is such a cutie.
Holly--Happy birthday! I bet your granny liked wearing pants. I read about an elderly (octogenarian) woman in a nearby town who lived all by herself and still did everything around the homestead by herself--chopping wood, caring for her chickens,etc., and she always wore leggings. She even had a pump outside and had to haul water inside and she did it herself. A truly independent spirit.
GG--I'm glad you liked the flowers. The B is really trying to please you.
Mar--I'm glad you see the humor in MIL issues. I've been having dad issues. He can't remember when he ate so he eats a lot more than he should, especially sweets. So he couldn't fit into the jeans he was going to wear for Christmas dinner. Of course, he believes that someone came to the house and stole his jeans and replaced them with a smaller pair. "I don't know who" is a common guest at my parents' house. I made some vegetarian chili last night and brought some over to their house today. I hope they like it.
Marie--that basket is beautiful. Sorry that Joe got drunk and came on to you.
Star--I've heard of "Plant a row for the hungry". I'm going to see if I can donate my extra garden produce to the new co-op that's going to open. I plan on joining soon. I want to have a bigger garden this year.
Pamela--I like the name Lola for a GPS. Does it stand for something?
Hope I didn't miss anyone. I got some money for Christmas and I bought some yoga clothes, a new pair of shoes for work, and one of those facial scrubber thingies that cost too much. I didn't buy the products they recommended for it (cleanser, toner, and moisturizer). That would have been an extra sixty dollars. Besides, I like Burt's Bees products and don't intend to switch.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2014 :  3:37:28 PM  Show Profile
I really didn't mind Joe flirting with me. I did mind when I realized he was drunk and he wouldn't stop. He didn't show up to rehearsal today. He had lost his keys and left his bag at Joann's place and wanted to go there to look for his keys and get his bag. Joann told him that she would look for his keys and bring his bag to rehearsal. She does not want to be alone with him and I do not blame her. I don't either so when I arrange to return his bag and employee key card to him, I will do it in public. The band is considering what his future is with the band. They could get another bass player but that one doesn't sing. Joann said that if he appologized and it doesn't happend again, she would be comfortable having him back.

Anyway, his bag is here so I'm going through it right now. Let's see what's in here:

Side pocket - men's toiletries (Axe bodyspray and antiperspirant, Tresemme hair gel and hair spray, disposable razer), mini headphones, device charger, flask (don't know what's in it; he had lime juice in it last time he was here), Macroni Grill gift card, a notice from a finance company showing an amount of $235 ninety days past due, a tangerine, a dime

Other side pocket - can of guitar string lubricant, small bag of Cheetos, an empty zip lock bag

Main bag area - a pair of black shoes, three pairs of socks, wait staff apron, winter gloves and ski mask, bottle of fabric freshner, copy of City Pages (own local free indy arts newspaper), a receipt for $64 of electronic gear from Brookstone, a bottle of Rikaloff Vodka in a paper bag (unopened; price $3.95)

The bag is a PING and it looks new. At least there is nothing sleazy in here. He is a waiter so I can understand why most of this stuff is in it. I feel so incredibly sad for him.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2014 :  9:03:59 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, the fabric was for aprons. My dd and I were going to do a booth at the monthly flea market. She got too busy to help me, I met B and forgot all about everything else, then I inherited from my brother so I don't need to make things to sell. But those pretty fabrics are all washed and ironed sitting in a tote and hopefully the money helped you out.

Marie, so much for the guy's privacy, lol. Well, I'm interrupted so will finish this later.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 29 2014 :  09:36:52 AM  Show Profile
GG, you are right, I forgot they were for aprons. You could just put a pretty ribbon around them and put them on a shelf. I have a stack of fabric, I will never use because it is too pretty that way. Always makes me feel good when I see it.

I got two dresses pinned up yesterday. I'm trying to have something to work on, on all five dress forms. That way when I'm done I have five new items to put in my store. I'll probably work on the other three today and then have a day of sewing.
It's gloomy outside. No rain or sun just blaw. No sales in the last week...stress! I spent money for Christmas I don't usually spend. Last year at this time I had a lot more sales. I'm even offering a discount. Hope it improves.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 29 2014 :  4:21:11 PM  Show Profile
good evening everyone,

We have been having cold but lovely eat her. The sky has been mostly clear so the sun is brilliant.

I have been working on my green house. I have two more levels to put up and then the timbres to tie the front to the back. It is made like a log cabin but the front is not there because thtat is where the glass will go and the east side is ope for now because that is where the door and a window will go. The south east corner has short timbers like Lincoln logs to make the corner. It is free standing for now. After the back and west side are up I will put a long piece across the south side and then tie the south side to the north with short pieces across the top. Make any sense . I do wish I could figure out how to post pictures using this tablet.

I am glad to read everyone's stories.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 29 2014 :  6:06:45 PM  Show Profile
Holly, your green house sounds nice. I love the log cabin look.
Tablets are hard. I take pictures with mine and try to post them and they end up upside down.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

488 Posts

williamstown wv
488 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2014 :  12:55:14 PM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address
Here's wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!! We have no major plans for this NYE but I may try and actually stay up to welcome it in...depends on how I feel at bedtime. My aunt (she is 93) asked me if I had my walnut and penny handy. She told me I am suppose to hold the walnut in one hand and penny in the other for good health and prosperity next year...I have never heard of this strange custom but I have both here in the house and may give it a try. Heehee!
Tomorrow I will fix the sauerkraut and pork...I love kraut over mashed potatoes. My daddy loved kraut and that is where I get it from. DH and children think it is so gross. I only fix it the one time.
LOLA came about from "lost once, lost again"...we sure have a lot of fun with her...
Well ladies, we are going out for Mexican tonight, so I had better go get ready. Hope everyone has a safe and happy NYE!!!

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."
Source Unknown
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 31 2014 :  1:53:40 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A very cold day here on the old hill farm. We had a high of 17. We had some sun in the morning. I had hope but tht was all it was, hope for more sun.

We are having lobster for a treat after the children go to bed. I doubt I will stay up for the clicking of the clock.

Yesterday I was outside for two hours when it was twenty degrees, I am so tired today. I was not tired yesterday while I was outside. I really dislike taking so long to recover. Well, it is far better than the alternative.

I hope you all have a peaceful evening.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2014 :  3:02:03 PM  Show Profile
Pamela, I never heard about the penny and the walnut. Sounds very old folklore to me. Hope it works. I don't have a walnut. But I do have some shelled walnuts. Maybe a handful of those will work. Lol.

Holly, it's cold here too. Got down to 11 degrees last night. It's around 29 degrees now. But it will warm up to the 30's tomorrow.
I love lobster!! Dinner at your house tonight.
It gets really loud here New Years and the forth of July. Lots of fireworks. Except on New Years eve, they last until way past midnight. Maybe about 2am they will stop. My kitties get so scared and I can't sleep. I borrowed "game of thrones" from a friend. ( the book). I'll be reading that until the racket stops.

Hope everyone has a wonderful new year!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 01 2015 :  3:51:31 PM  Show Profile
I have never heard of the penny and the walnut either. My mom used to say that whatever you spent your day doing today, it is what you would spend the year doing. As a kid, I really hated hearing that because my dad monopolized the tv for football and we always had a lot of loud company.

We had a bit of racket, firecrackers about 10 pm. And then the idiots with the gunshots at midnight. Thankfully, it was cold enough that it was short lived. The horses survived the festivities much better than the Fourth.

I really like how cleverly named Lola was!

We had two nights of freeze, but of course we were checking how our old neighborhood was faring (the single digits!) and were just fine with having a hard freeze.

We got our year's worth of candy canes today for the horses. Audrey and her cousin came down a bit ago and helped with the unloading of the carfull of candy canes. Audrey was so cute. She was so excited to be the "expert" on the horses, etc. She had very good manners and engaged really well. It was so nice to see her proud of herself and showing off just a little bit. It made me very happy.

Dd loved her cowl. Darn it I forgot the photo...I will get it. And I have started a new project. I have been enjoying just mindlessly knitting without having to pay much attention to a pattern after doing cables!

A few days ago we took a trip to IKEA. It is a huge store that will provide MIL with plenty of walking on an even surface with the aid of a basket to push. While we were waiting for the elevator, a woman who was seated on the bench next to the doors asked me if MIL was my mom. I explained that she was my husband's mother. To which she replied, "She is so darn cute." I agreed, but added the caveat that she was cute in small doses. Wasn't the mean of me? But, yet, I felt just a little easing of the sarcasm that just boils up in me...

A habit of my MIL's that has started to become more and more noticeable to me (read: annoys the living daylights out of me.) Is that she talks with her hand a lot (something that as an Italian I can forgive, except) she does this will holding her pinkies straight up and wiggling the three remaining fingers. It doesn't matter whether she is talking about typing - where this mannerism could be excused - or butchering a steer. It is always the fluttering fingers with pinkies erect.

Since I am now delegated to the back seat when we go anywhere by car so that she can more easily get in and out, I have a pretty good view of this affectation every trip. Today, as a sarcasm outlet, I text messaged Dd about it. MIL claims that her pinkie fingers don't bend. I wagered a bet with Dd that I could bend them. No one will collect on the bet since Dd wouldn't take the bet and talked (texted) me down from the edge...

Wow, doesn't sound like my new year is off to such a great start. Hope to hear good news from all the rest of you soon.

Happy New Year!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 01 2015 :  4:28:21 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The finger waving sounds like a toodle ooo. Sign. It could get really annoying. I think you should start to draw a "Living with the MIL cartoon. " A set of frames every day. It could fund your retirement. LOL. Maybe this is some Goddess' perverse sense of humor as a substitution for "the Neighbor".

I am glad Audrey was a joy. And had joy.

We did not hear any fireworks. The ones in Montpelier were at 7:30. It is dark enough to see them and early enough for children to enjoy them.

Today was cold.tempertures were in the high teens and the wind was brisk. DsR came to visit so he could help me with the green house. He cleared all of the crusty snow and ice off the timbers so I could measure and cut the notches. Then DdK, DsT and his friend Z came out and we all lifted them into place. The first section to the flat part where the front is joined to the back is now on. We lifted the 24' timbers over our heads to put them on the wall. DdK was good at bossing the young men. she is only 5' tall so pressing the timbers up six feet to set them on was not in her repertoire. The young men are all over six feet tall. I am so glad that this part is done. Now I need to figure out how I am going to make the front taller so when I put the roof on it will slant so the snow will fall off. Don't want a flat roof in this climate.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2015 :  5:24:26 PM  Show Profile

Today was nice and sunny. It was not so icy cold as yesterday.

We went out to Vlad the drummer's place with Mitzi. Both he and his wife are from Russia and are very hospitable. They served us tea and these wonderful little sweet cakes. I guess I will stop eating sweets tomorrow. They had a Russian channel on and we watched a movie they always show in Russia this time of year. It is about a guy who has plans to propose to his girlfriend at midnight but he spends the day at the sauna with his friends drinking. As a result of them all being drunk, forgetful and confused, they put him the plane to Lenningrad instead of another guy. The joke is that in the 1980's, the large cities all had the same street names and the same style of apartments. He gets off the plane from Moscow and goes to his address and ends up in someone else's apartment. It is played like a comedy but it is actually very sad. I'm going to try to find a copy of it and the sequel on youtube.

Marianne - Sometimes people who take a lot of different meds have unconscious, uncontrolable movements called tardive dyskensia. I get tested for it every year because of the psyche med I am on. Maybe your mom needs this test.

Holly - Gee! I wouldn't do anything that strenuous in the outdoors in the winter. Good thing you had all those tall, healty young men for the labor and DdK as the supervisor.

We could, I should say "I" could hear the fireworks from downtown Minneapolis. They let them off on an island in the Mississippi River. People line the two bridges and watch them go up and reflect in the water. The pyros set some lights up to shine on the river so I imagine it is very pretty. I do not go out at night for this kind of entertainment so I do not know. I do know that I could have gotten a free ride on the bus on New Years Eve. They do that for all the buses and trains so people don't drive home drunk.

Happy New Year everyone.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2015 :  5:44:45 PM  Show Profile
Mar, your stories about MIL crack me up. I'm there with my mom one a daily bases too. Glad hubby is there to talk you down from the ledge.
I love IKEA but got so lost and turned around the first time. (I didn't follow the lines). My favorite are the little lhouses.

Holly, so glad you had some good help with the timbers. DdK will make a good project manager.

Marie, sounds like you had a nice visit with your Russian friends. The movie does sound sad.

It is still cold here. I think my alternator is gong out in my truck. I'm getting low on cash so I'm a bit stressed. Last year at this time I had more sales. I haven't had one in a few weeks. I did get an email from a state job I applied for saying I qualified for the job. Now I just have to hope I get an interview.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 02 2015 :  6:33:21 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was very cold plus a wind chill.

C and I went to see Into The Woods tonight. She really Iikes musicals. I like musicals as well. This movie was odd. We went out to eat before hand. C had her usual chicken Parmesan which she scrapes most of the tomato sauce off. I had a harvest salad which was a lot of romaine lettuce with bacon, squash a vinegraitte and some black spots that were not pepper. It was tasty but required a lot of chewing. I also had oysters with creamy spinach which were also tasty but there were only three and I could have eaten many more.

I heard from Ginny today. It was a yearly newsletter with a New Year's picture. She and her family have survived 2014 and are hoping for an easier 2015. David is healthier and her daughter 's husband is back home from the service and life is looking up. I hope she pops in here sometime.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  3:31:22 PM  Show Profile
Holly, thank you for sharing Ginny's news. So happy to hear that things may be eases up for her and her loved ones.

I would have been disappointed in so few shrimp,too. Loved hearing about C's preferred Chicken Parmesan dining habits! We all do like our food the way we like our food, don't we? I can't imagine eating one of those Oreo-type sandwich cookies without unscrewing them and sucking the frosting out first. That has to be the way the inventor intended it to be enjoyed, No?

We have a pretty dismal day. Overcast, maybe a bit foggy, misty, maybe some sprinkles... Seems very chilly although it is the mid 40s....

I made ham and smoked cheddar omelets for lunch which was MIL and dh's main meal. I always have steel cut oats for lunch because that is high enough in fiber to satisfy my needs. They enjoyed the omelets, which I am pretty good at, if I say so myself. I was alone with the two little dogs while dh and MIL went for a quick trip to the grocery store - if there is such a thing. Fritto - not Frito, as you may remember ( but, to tell the truth, Gracie, the Chihuahua, who has QUITE the attitude, has taken to derisively calling the other dog "Corn Chip" - makes me giggle because with her Spanish accent, it sounds so funny.) Any way, Fritto made an unexpected dash under our driveway gate last week for some unknown reason. As soon as she was called, Fritto ducked right back under and came back into the yard. Since I was the only one home, and Gracie of course knew it would be the most inopportune time to have to potty, I had to put a harness and leash on Fritto in case dh and MIL arrived home at that time. Fritto had her very tender feelings destroyed by having to sport the harness/leash rig. She has forgiven me, but it took a while. Gracie, of course, did what she wanted to do and scooted back into the warm house while I waited for Fritto to crab walk on the leash back to the warmth. They give us such joy and companionship.

When dh and MIL got home, I got to engage in the wash or don't wash the celery that I don't want. I asked her to not wash it (AGAIN). She presented her reasons for always bringing all produce home from the store and washing everything so as to immediately start the rotting process as soon as possible. The end result, as usual, was my saying, "I don't care. Do whatever you want." We have squeaky clean celery trimmed and washed and dried and handled and handled and handled as much as possible and then put into ziploc bags with paper towels, if anyone wants some.

I have started on my usual exercise program more normally again. You know how the holidays throw everything off. So, that will help my patience and mood. I think.

All right everyone. Start posting. The break is over. It is gloomy. Winter seems endless. We need one another.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  5:03:19 PM  Show Profile
We just got our internet about ten minutes ago. This was my second stop, right after checking 63 emails. I've only had my ATT phone and we used up all the data about three days ago. So we have actually been reading for a change. Real books, made from paper. First I read Maya Angelou's " I know why the caged bird sings". If anyone thinks they have had a hard life, read that book. Then read "Barefoot Heart" by Elva Trevino Hart. I remember well the migrant workers as I was a child growing up on a cotton farm. Her story is exactly as it was.

Today I started my exercise program again as well. I hope I gain back what I have lost due to inactivity within a few weeks.

Hope everyone had a good holiday break.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  5:08:59 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I thought MIL was to have her own living quarters, including her own kitchen. Seems this arrangement is not wearing well at all. I hate to see you so stressed out. I could not have lived with my first MIL at all. My second one was a sweetheart but in her last days she got so cranky and made life miserable for all of us. now my own mother does not want to live with me. It's good to be a cranky [bleep]. Try it, and she might retreat to her own wee house in the back yard.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  5:28:18 PM  Show Profile
Mar--maybe Gracie and Fritto could star in a movie--sort of the canine version of Cheech and Chong. Dogs crack me up with their antics. I took Jaxon to the park on New Year's Day and since the window by the back seat wouldn't stay up (it's fixed now) Jaxon kept sticking his head out the window. Then I noticed that he had his paw out the window. I yelled at him to get back in and he ducked back into the car. Right now he's laying on the floor licking the rug. He has an oral fetish. He always has to have something in his mouth or be licking something. I call him "Goofball".
GG--I bet it felt good to disconnect for a while and enjoy a book or two. Sometimes I just want to avoid my computer altogether but then I end up checking for e-mail. I do have a Nook so I have some books on that that I'm reading.
I went to a fair trade store this evening to look for a Tree of Life wall hanging. They didn't have what I wanted (the ones they had were too big or too expensive or both) so the girl working there said she could try to get a smallish metal wall hanging for me. I left her my number.Then I went to an Indian restaurant and had mushroom mutter with garlic naan. Their portions are big so I brought some home. I love the spices used in Indian cuisine. I can't eat spicy Mexican food or even spicy Chinese food but the the Indian spices agree with me. They use lot of turmeric, which some scientists believe helps prevent Alzheimer's. All the spices they use also boost the immune system.
Tomorrow is a full moon so I may go on the full moon hike. If it's not cold. Today was foggy but mild. Supposed to get very cold next week. It IS January, after all. I need to start going back to Nautilus. I stopped going when I had bronchitis and couldn't breathe. It took forever for the cough to go away. Now that I have DVD player I can watch yoga DVD's and do yoga in my living room.
Hope everyone's year is off to a good start.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  6:08:25 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad you can find humor in the dog's antics to help counter the annoyances of the dear MIL. That poor woman. I remember my grandmother doing things tht would annoy my mother to no end. She was well meaning and would have made so much more sense during the times of minimal refrigeration and wood stove cooking. Hang i there. I do like cut oats. We bought them for a while and I should think about making a bulk order of them from the Coop. We usually get rolled oats. The texture is surely different in cut oats. How do you like them dressed?

I like Indian food but can only get it when we go to the city.

This afternoon one of our heating pipes sprung a leak and flooded the downstairs. I turned off the valves down in the f,urn ace room and flicked the switch on the red box to shut off the furnace. We had received a wet dry shop vac for winter holiday and put it to good use. I called the oil company a dot the answering service. The woman asked of it iwas an emergency. I explained that there was a hole the size of a quarter in one of my pipes and thAt the furnace smelled like melting plastic and she agreed to connect me to a technician. The nice man finally arrived and fixed the furnace. The pressure valve leaked around it's fitting and dripped fluid onto the switch box for the thermostat. The pressure valve was rusted shut so it did not blow like it should have. The pressure tanks this are supposed to absorb extra pressure did but the tanks were distorted because of the pressure. The technician said in his 19 years of working for the company he had not seen such a fine Mess from the pressure in the furnace. He said if we had had all copper pipe and not had sections of pex pipe the furnace so update have brokenj in half and someone would have gotten hurt.

Tomorrow the temperatures are supposed to rise to 45 degrees. That will be a great relief from the present close to zero temperatures we are experiencing.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  7:18:07 PM  Show Profile
Here is my poor little Lola, who suffers from low self esteem.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  7:21:28 PM  Show Profile

Here are the beautiful koi in the pond near the house. They survive our mild winters.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  9:10:53 PM  Show Profile
Here's Kitty Kat curled up in a bed I formed for him.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 03 2015 :  9:17:42 PM  Show Profile
Oh GG, your picture of Lola is so sad. She needs a snuggle!

Glad to see everyone here again. It has been way too quiet.

Mar, I can just hear Gracie talking away about the corn chip. Such attitude. I so get the "whatever, I don't care" . I'm afraid I do that with my mom too. Sometimes you just can't make them see reason. Just walk away.

Holly, sounds like quite a mess. Good thing no one was hurt. At least you got someone to fix it quick!

Cindy, I LOVE Indian food. Has always been my favorite. There aren't any places here. Too out in the boonies for any real culture. Although we do have a good tai place. Good luck with the yoga.

Worked in my sewing room today. I had some dresses pinned up but then after it was all sewn, I layed it out on my table and the underarms were stained. Not bad, but enough that I just couldn't use it. So I had to cut it all apart and look for a new top. So much time wasted.


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