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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Dec 25 2014 :  6:37:09 PM  Show Profile
Merry Christmas all!!!!!

Mattie and I went to my son Kirk's and Michelle's home and we stayed last night for Christmas was nice and then today Michelle had made Julia's Beouf Bourginion (sp?) It was incredible! I got to bring home leftovers. And I made Pistachio Nut Cheesecake for dessert. It was a terrific time to be had by all!!!! including their 2 dogs and 6 cats! And Mattie had a great time with everyone and the animals. The kids bought me a red Kitchen Aid mixer! Needless to say I was in tears.

I am sorry Bunny.....and not that it is a substitute for a Happy have to know we are all sending our love to you for better days to come!! :)

Bet Jan is having quite a Christmas down there in Florida for her first warm weather holiday!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 25 2014 :  7:04:45 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 9:45:15 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 25 2014 :  7:17:11 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Mel, I had to go back and see if I missed a post from you-- didn't find one, so, who is Mattie? I'm guessing it's a new little companion dog?

Your Christmas sounds delightful, I have the blue mixer and have always wished I had chosen the red. We need a new toaster and I'm going to look for a bright colored one. It will stay on the counter so it should be pretty.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 25 2014 :  9:39:02 PM  Show Profile
GG, I have not kept in contact with Johnny. He blew off two lunch dates. I do need to get away from my mom. She disappoints me all the time.

Glad you and B agree on the house. You need a car with a built in GPS. He can just do what it tells him.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 26 2014 :  08:26:53 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, he has one. He calls it "Miss Kitty". She routes him to the interstates. Long way around every time, in traffic which scares him. we also have it on our phones. But he won't follow what he is told by me or Miss Kitty. We've ended up in some strange places. We both hope that as we get used to our new surroundings, he will over time memorize every place he has to go. Everything is handy there, and hopefully he will eventually remember the routes. This is a guy who can quote every line from every movie he has ever seen, every line of every song he has ever heard, and can tell you the play by play accounting of the entire civil war, Abraham Lincoln, every movie star, poet, writer, or world history event. I just do not get it.

Good riddance to Johnny. You dodged a bullet. Be thankful.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 26 2014 :  09:25:50 AM  Show Profile
Haha, maybe miss kitty needs to be replaced. My son has one that routes him out of traffic and tells him how much time he can save with the reroute.

Yeah, I feel good about not continuing with Johnny. He was very artistic but very backwoods and disorganized. I'm looking for a balance. Artistic, healthy, but clean with a little class.

My priority is still moving.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Dec 26 2014 :  10:18:12 AM  Show Profile
This is Matlock aka Mattie! He is my new guy!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 26 2014 :  10:41:24 AM  Show Profile

Our Christmas celebration went very well all because of ME. ME! ME! ME!

I have a lot of basic stuff on hand in the pantry so it was a cinch. I got all the presents wrapped before we went to The Hobbit. I liked The Hobbit. One could see the various people in the movie who made bad choices based on their emotions. For example the King of the Wood Elves who mourned the death of his wife and as a result, never talked about her to his son Legolas and was overly cruel to everyone else. However, he had the best message at the end of the film to the female elf who fell in love with Thorin's youngest son. THAT was not in the book. Dwarves and Elves cannot reproduce with each other. At the end the conversation between Thorin and Bilbo was very poinant. Thorin forgave Bilbo for what he had done and understood that only a true friend would do something like that. Bard, the archer, was all about his family and, by extension, the community and worker hard to rally and protect them. I liked the movie.

We got home and I stared to put the chicken together. I had everything set up and ready to go. I cooked the rice in the bottom of the chicken pan. I rubbed the spices on the chicken then poured my liquids over the chicken for the rice to cook in. I wanted the juices from the chicken to infuse the rice. I put the baked potatoes in with the chicken. I had some time to relax with Lowell and Hayley. She had brought cheese, crackers, baked salmon and some pickled vegetables. She told us that she called her mom and told her what had happened with her plans and her mom laughed. Hayley sent and emergency email to her grandma about her lack of cooking gear. Her mom and grandma went out and got her pots, pans, knives, serving bowls and other kitchen gadgets. During this time we exchanged gifts. Lowell really came through! He bought both of us a fair trade handwoven basket - with an additional gift inside. Hayley got and owl hat and I got a small bamboo cutting board (something I can really use).

Hayley gave me a hat and a bar of homemade soap. She gave her dad the book Unbroken. I gave Lowell six pairs of boxer shorts (it was an awesome deal) and a new bed pillow. I got a second one for myself also. Along with the small food processor, which I bought for myself, I had a good Christmas. After dinner I did some clean up, Lowell played chess and Hayley picked out the Muppets Christmas Carol. Mitzi and Bob were not left out. They were liberally fed from the table and received all kinds of affection. Here is Mitzi chilling out afterwards:

Next year for sure Hayley said that she will fix Christmas dinner at her place.

Hayley is suffering some effects of stress. She had a panic attack in which she couldn't breathe and her heart was racing. She told me that she had to coach herself to breate -- breathe in counting to 7, breathe out counting to 5. She bought a blood pressure monitor and after using it, felt better. She is horrified that she yelled at her mom and her mom's husband and then didn't talk to them for a few days because she was so ashamed. She says she has been angry and short with her students also. She doesn't like this about herself so she will quit her job at the school and start to eat better. Eventhough she is Lowell's daughter, she tends to eat junky food. Hayley is also very like her father in that meditation doesn't work for her and she tends become obsessed with stuff. I told her about a women's group I attend which used DPT. She is going to try yoga again. She has a good head on her shoulders and has a definite plan for her life.

I will be taking a hot bath with Epson salts soon and will basically won't do a lot for the next two days.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 26 2014 :  10:47:23 AM  Show Profile
Mel, Mattie is adorable. Congrats on the new furbaby.

Marie, sounds like Christmas worked out great for you. So glad. Love the basket! I have a bunch of them. All filled with stuff. They make great market baskets.

Rest up!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Middletown Indiana
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Posted - Dec 26 2014 :  4:18:55 PM  Show Profile
So glad to take a moment to visit with you ladies - like you all, our Christmas celebration was mostly a success but I'm glad to be past the day itself - I always enjoy the 12 days after Christmas to the much less stress! I was away from the computer for the past couple of days but now I'm catching up.

I received my seed packets from and am happily sipping tea and planning my 2015 garden. This year, I will do the Plant a Row for the Hungry program to donate fresh produce to our local food pantry. I remember what it was like to have a pantry at home that was sometimes sparse and it will make me really happy to be able to give back.

Anyone else dreaming over seed catalogs today?

I made this little picture, it makes me smile too....

If you can't feed one hundred people, then just feed one. -Mother Teresa

Star - farmgirl sister #1927

Estle Schipp Farm: Celebrate the Hobby Farm Lifestyle

Master Food Preserver

Edited by - star-schipp on Dec 26 2014 4:20:20 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 26 2014 :  5:16:00 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone

I do not have a lot of experience with a GPS but the two times I used one I was able to choose highway, secondary roads or a mix. When I was in dc
With the children. I wanted to get somewhere fast and chose highway but I could not get out of the left hand lane and there was an exit I needed to avoid but had to take it twice. I pulled off into some company drive and reprogrammed the bleeping thing and got to where I needed to be I. Twenty minutes. I was a mess trying to go the highway. Look at Miss Kitty and she may be able to choose new routes.

I am glad your holiday went well,, Marie and that Lowell made good choices for your presents.

I too have tried to rid my life of toxic people. I have no patience for people who are irresponsible or self centered. Especially people who want to be treated like an adult. With all of those unspoken privileges .

C will graduate from her master's program in June. I think I told y all before hat her father and sister have said they will not come. My sister and her husband have said they will come from Missourri and my older brother who behaves as if he is an only child has said he will come as well. She teared up when she read his card. Several years ago now whe my sister came to visit and my oldest brother came as well he brought a kitchen aid mixer as a gift. He gave it to neither my sister or myself but gave it to C. So, now my sister and I tell C tht older brother likes her best and we laugh.

Matlock is. Adorable. I hope he has a great personality to wrm your heart.

We donate turkey to the community lunch every year. My friend down the road does a piece of her garden as well.

I hope Jan is having a great time. And that she and her dh are healthy and warm.

Sweet dreams

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Dec 27 2014 5:48:19 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  07:30:44 AM  Show Profile
Mattie is the cutest! What a face. Bet he is good company, too.
Marie, your basket is gorgeous. As is the cutting board. It feels so good to receive thoughtful gifts.
Holly, sounds like your holiday was as lively as usual.
Bunny, sorry that yours was the usual disappointment with your mom. Johnny can find a lake to jump into, btw.
Our holiday was so nice. Being together after so many years of traveling to be together before our after the actual holiday was really special. Dh gave me several very sentimental and romantic gifts. One was a pleasure plaque that reads, "you are my happily everafter". I adore it.

Dinner went well enough. You know me and cooking... oh, everyone thought the scalloped potatoes were only ok. Too salty for one. My good old mashed potatoes were a big hit, though. My desserts always come out well. Dr did the other sides and dips, etc. dh took care of the ham.

We spent the day playing blokus. And eating.

I was wondering how Jan s holiday was, too!

Gg, your bouquet sounds so pretty. How cool that you and b are on the same page with choices for the house.

Yesterday, I picked up wrapping paper and outdoor lights for next year. And a few boxes of candy canes. They were still fifty cents a box. By new years they should hit ten cents a box and we can get a bunch for Tahoe and Sunny.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  12:21:48 PM  Show Profile
Holly, it is funny how your brother and C have forged a kinship. It must make you very happy that your siblings are supporting C and planning on attending her graduation. Like you have said, family by choice.

Since MIL moved in, we have tried to outfit her for the Pacific northwest. Eighth eight years of living in San Diego is hard to undo. We found a very nice coat that can be worn three ways. As a nice warm coat with the liner zipped in, as a hooded rain jacket without the liner, or as a fleece jacket (just three liner itself.)

Today it is in the forties, a little windy, and it is sprinkling. MIL attacks the day in her jacket, worn as a rain jacket, except she has removed the hood. Instead of the hood, she has a plastic rain bonnet tied under her chin. To protect her hairstyle. It exhausts me.

Then she informs me that she has ordered some pants like mine from qvc. I ask which pants she means and ascertain that my round, short, elderly mother in law has ordered her first pair of leggings. Okay. Who will be helping her into those? Sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

A few days ago she told me that she had noticed one of our gates in back was open while dh and I were in town. She told me she kept her eye on the horses to make sure they didn't head towards that open gate. (There was no way the horses could get to that gate to come out that gate.) I asked her what she was going to do if they headed that way. She told me her plan. And I made her promise that if she ever saw the horses out of their paddocks that she would just let them go. God knows those two would be back for dinner anyway!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  1:10:19 PM  Show Profile
Mar, Oh I feel for you and your MIL. I deal with my mother's issues on a daily basis too. I think the leggings will be funny. She will wonder why they are so tight.

My mother has a tablet. She wanted to be able to print to my wireless printer. So I checked it out briefly and told her she needed an app. I didn't think much else.
But almost every day I keep hearing her say she wishes she could print out the manual for the tablet. I told her she just needed the app. (she has a million of them on her tablet). She said she looked it up and learned she couldn't print to my wireless printer because I print from my ipad. ??? I loaded the app and had her up and running in about 15 minutes. Then looked at the manual she wanted to print. 113 pages. I don't think so. I told her it was too many pages and I wasn't willing to lose the ink to it. She figured out how to hook it up to her PC and print to her printer. Sigh....

I bought a new nonstick frying pan. She burnt our other one to hell and back. I put some butter in because I like the taste with my scramble eggs. It is nonstick after all. She said you aren't suppose to use butter in those frying pans. It ruins them. Not like burning stuff like she did in the old one. She tires me out with her stupidity. It wears me out.

My gripe for the day.

My oldest son is on a second date with a girl he met online. Fingers crossed. He is very stressed. She is very smart and he is a bit intimidated. She is a physicist. I told him just because he didn't go to college, doesn't mean he isn't smart enough.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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williamstown wv
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  1:50:04 PM  Show Profile  Click to see AuntPammy's MSN Messenger address
Hi All!
It sounds as if everyone has been keeping busy!
Marie- I adore that basket, I have always wanted something that was fair trade. Lucky you!
GG- pink roses are my favorite. I bet they are lovely.
Mel-Matlock is so sweet!
Holly-Sounds as though you had a busy day! They are the best kinds of days though aren't they?
Starletta-I think it is nice that you can plant an extra row for the hungry.
Bunny-I am so sad to hear about your mom problems. I miss my mother so much, there are days that I would just love to talk to her or hold her hand. But you must do what is right for one else knows you better than yourself.
Marianne-Haha about the leggings...too funny!
Now for a funny true story that happened yesterday. hubs and I took my son to catch his plane in Columbus, Ohio. It is about a 2 hour drive. We made very good time and arrived without incident. On the way home, however, there was a "little" incident...before we left the airport I asked hubs if he needed "LOLA" which is what we call our GPS...he said no and so off we went. We had been driving for about twenty minutes and I said something to the effect that I didn't think we were on the right road.
I have the WORST sense of direction, so hubs tells me to just sit back and enjoy the ride...I did!!! A LONG few minutes later, he tells me to turn on LOLA...we had managed to go completely the wrong way...heading to Cincinatti! We both had a good turned around and made it home at the same time sons plane landed...his flight was three and one half hours and he thought it funny that we all arrived home at the exact same time. We don't put too much faith in LOLA as she sent us up a private drive this past summer...the owners of the ummm mansion, didn't find the humor in us appearing at their doorstep, we both think they thought we had come to rob them or, it was just LOLA playing games with us...haha.

Hope this gave you a chuckle...

"We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."
Source Unknown
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  3:04:42 PM  Show Profile
Marie....I love, love, love your new is just beautiful. How thoughtful of Lowell to purchase a Fair Trade item. Looks like Mitzi was having a relaxing moment! :)It was nice that you came through with dinner.

Mar....your MIL experiences are quite amusing for us but I would imagine a bit trying sometimes for you. You are a trooper! :)

GG.....yes, Mattie is my new buddy. So great that B got flowers and not chochkeys you don't need!

Holly....I think it is so nice that some of your family have embraced C and her achievements.

Pam.....your LOLA story was quite amusing! :) Glad you could all laugh about it!

Bunny......your kiddo shouldn't feel so stressed....if it's a second date obviously she is not concerned with his education....which is not necessarily the main determining factor of how intelligent someone is, anyway!! :)

Mattie thanx all of you for your most pleasant observations........he is truly as adorable in personality as he is in looks! :)
Sweet, snuggly, loving.....thinks he's part cat....loves to rub up against you like a kitty! Walks so superbly on leash....housetrained......just has to learn not so much barking at everything and everyone! Ha Ha!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  4:14:29 PM  Show Profile
Star, I love that you plant for the food pantry. I had a friend that got food from a local pantry and it wasn't always the most healthy. If I ever have a home of my own and actually can get something to grow, that would be a wonderful idea. Thank you!

Pamela, love your GPS story. You just took the scenic route.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  5:05:32 PM  Show Profile
Pamela, I can't wait to assign a name to my Google maps app...thAt's the equivalent of my GPS. Lola sounds so sophisticated. Your dh must appreciate your good nature. Sometimes it is very nice to just ride and at least gas has gone down in prices.

Bunny, tell your son that I met some of the dumbest people I know in college!

Mel, it sounds like having to put up with a bit of barking is ok with all of matlock's attributes.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  6:22:58 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I met the husband of an OB GYN at the track one morning several summers ago. He is a janitor at the elementary school. They love and compliment each other very well. You ds just needs to believe he is a person with a good heart and life will work out.

I remember when my Granny wore her first set of pants. Elastic waist that my mother had made for her. She was born in 1898 and women did not wear trousers when she was growing up. Now MIL. Will be amazed at how well the leggings fit and how warm she will be. I remember my mother becoming very frustrated with some of my granny's purchases. She'd say, but Ma this stuff is junk. My Gran would just smile and go on buying. It is good we did not have QVC back then my mother would have been out of her mind.

I think Mar that the wonderful jacket you bought for MIL may be too complicated for her put together again. That may be the end of your wits.
'MIL has not remember that she is old and chasing the horses is no longer in her repertoire . Good luck and hugs for you.

Several weeks ago I was coming out of the coop and a man rolled down HS car window and asked how would he get to Dunkin donuts for a coffee. I said if you look across the river you will see it. His GPS could not negotiate the river. He had spent twenty minutes not finding it. We all laughed and gave him the directionus. Our friend Keith has programmed a male voice into his GPS.

Today is my birthday. I am now 58. I was the first c section scheduled that day. The doctor wanted me born on Christmas , my mother said, no, I have two children already I need a day to clean up. So , out I came. I put two more levels up on my green house. One set of timbers is 24 feet long and 6" x 6". Those were particularly heavy. I used the tractor to lift them up. The other side timbers are only 12 feet long. The wood is drier so they are not so heavy.

We had many people come for. The party tonight. c made red lasagna and a white seafood lasagna. She also made a delicious coconut cake. My friend K gave me the vicar of Dibley DVD set. I will laugh a long time.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  7:08:11 PM  Show Profile
Mar, she went to Cornell, Harvard and MIT.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  9:26:15 PM  Show Profile
Criminy. She spent a load of money.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  9:29:57 PM  Show Profile
Happy birthday holly. I was sure your birthday was the 28th. Is the coconut cake a yearly treat? I seem to remember salivating over that description last year, too. I am glad the people in your life celebrate knowing you on your special day. Lasagna is some extra effort!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 27 2014 :  9:44:56 PM  Show Profile
Holly, sounds like you had a good birthday. I'll be 58 this year. Nice that your mom could decide on your birthday.
I love the GPS stores. I guess they aren't as helpful as I thought. I live in a small town so don't need one.

I finished a really nice dress today. A larger version of a really popular dress that I can't sell because it is too small. I'll be getting it back from San Francisco. I'm going to tear the small one apart and remake it into something larger.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 28 2014 :  07:11:12 AM  Show Profile
Good morning all,

I have enjoyed reading about all your Holiday experiences. Mel, that is one adorable little guy you have there! I'm so glad you went right out and found him. He needed you and you needed him!

It is cold and raining here but supposed to warm up with sunshine the next three days, then cold with possible snow flurries for the three days after that. Often these fronts don't make it this far south but when they do, it gets pretty miserable. I'm glad I do not have to go out in it.

I think we will be here most of this month so we can go to one of the activity centers and not get cabin fever or get out in the nasty weather.

Have a lovely day everyone.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 28 2014 :  09:31:20 AM  Show Profile
GG, You are smart to stay in town for a while. I bet you would get very grumpy stuck out in the country with bad weather. I hope you can get back to some of your crafts. I'm waiting to see you go back to some of your dolls. You really are talented. I know from experience it will make you feel wonderful. Maybe you could even do some teaching at one of the community centers. I see all your pins about the wire art. I'm waiting to see what you create once you feel able to settle down.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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