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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 05:57:40 AM
I got a call from my SIL at 5:30 this morning...She left a message for me to call her back but I knew when I heard her voice that it meant my baby brother had died. He passed away in his sleep. I know this was to be expected but it sure doesn't make it any easier. Now I've lost both my brothers in a little over 2 years. It's me and my sister Melanie now. Only thing my brother told me was he wanted to make it through Christmas so his GD would have a good Christmas, she is 3. He made it....I will miss him but am so glad he is no longer in pain. He fought a good fight...but cancer won....please keep his wife, sons and grand daughter in your prayers. thank you
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 08:42:30 AM
Penny, so sad about your brothers. Prayers to you all. So glad he got to spend his last Christmas the way he wanted.
Nancy, sorry your surgery did not correct your eyes the way you had hoped. Interesting about your site issues. I think it is amazing how we learn to adapt. Not being able to drive would be difficult to live with. I have always lived in very rural areas and I would have never been able to do that without the ability to drive. Funny now we take some things for granted.
Too much sad news today. Another thread I'm on one of the members has had way too many family losses in a short time. Another good friend of mine was related to the American pilot that went down in the sea around Italy. Unfortunately he did not survive and left a wife with baby on the way.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 3:07:53 PM
Nancy, I hope your trip to MA goes well. It does sound like a lot of veggies in a short period of time, but I can understand not wanting to waste them.
Penny, there are no words ... prayers sent your way.
Gypsy, so glad to hear the new diet is making a difference. Have a wonderful weekend.
Holly, time one-on-one is so precious to a child. You are smart to make time in your busy schedule. I started homeschooling my daughter in sixth grade. The many moves had made for some lapses in her education. And frankly, I had had it with the schools. The added benefit of her being able to enjoy her horse, which would have been impossible otherwise, sealed the decision for us. She excelled and "graduated" at 16. Earned her GED, went to community college for two years, transferred to State university for two years, earned a bachelors in Business. Became the youngest person accepted to the MBA program at Gonzaga University. And earned her MBA two months after turning 22. She thought she was going to be 21 with an MBA, but didn't make it. Went out to get a job and everyone said she was too young...But, she is doing fine now. She was very much a self-starter and I never had to nag her to get her work done. We tailored the curriculum to her interests ... probability was linked to horse genetics...she did all the research about types of barns pro/con when we built a barn ...stuff like that.
Have a lovely evening, marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 5:03:41 PM
Good Evening Ladies!
Penny - I have your family in my prayers too. I am so sorry to hear about your brother. There are never words to help when one has lost a loved one.
Marianne - I have laughed a few times tonight catching up, thank you! Birthday suit was a doozie! Regarding religion and kids, I allowed my daughter to learn about all of them on her own terms. Last I knew she decided she is an atheist. I remember when she called the number on the TV and had the guy bring her the book of Mormon. When he got here I think he was floored to find out he had to deal with a 9 year old while her parents went to the next room. Hey, she called him, not me! She also learned about Wicca, Islam, and the Jewish religion on her own. I started her out at the Congregational Church and then the Baptist Church for Awanas, only because I was raised a rather strict Baptist. But these days, I am very spiritual but do not make it to a specific church on any regular basis.
Darlys - GET WELL!
Gypsy - Have fun in AZ!
I had the pot luck supper last Saturday and the next three days I basically slept other than going to work. 10 hours on a concrete floor wore me out & left my back in a lot of pain. We didn't do as well as I had hoped but there were four dinners that night so I guess I picked the wrong week end.
Our weather today has been a nightmare! Winds 35-40 and gusting to 60 with about 1/2 inch of rain. At least it warmed up from the single digits, all the way to about 53! Melted most of our snow but tonight it will get to the mid 20's they say. Anyway, the wind took down three trees which in turn took down my new clothes line David had put up last summer. Better it then my house which they would have fallen into if the wind was blowing a different direction! And the noise at work was not the fun noise of children, but the radios were constantly busy with power lines down and accidents. I was glad I wasn't a fireman or the electric companies line men!
Other than that, getting my taxes ready to do, going through seed catalogs to order, and about to start scanning the 4 totes of pictures I have in my office into my computer and on to a flash drive so I can get rid of many of them! I decided to catch up to technology and am also recording cassette tapes onto my IPhone and computer. Thought about doing my old records too but boy do they sound horrible!
Have a great weekend ladies!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 6:38:14 PM
Penny -- I am so very sorry you have lost your brother. Words are inadequate. God bless you and your family and bring you comfort.
Dearhearts, I am still miserable ... tired, sneezy, achy ... but the cough is beginning to subside. I am such a lousy sick person. I took over DH's recliner (it has massage & heat)- calling it "sick bay." He is being such a sweetheart I almost, not quite, but almost - feel guilty. (I almost forgot to say thank you for get well wishes! Thank you. It is nice to be thought of. Thank you.)
I do check in each evening to read. I've been too worn out to write. Hopefully I'll be back in the saddle with some energy next week.
Marianne, I do have a Rowenta iron - it says "high precision" on it's nose. (You know I just got up and went over to look!)
Ginny - been there those 10 hours on that cement floor! Suffering for you. I wish your fundraiser had been more fruitful - but you did a wonderful thing and you never know how an act of kindness is going to "evolve." Something good has happened because of you.
I suppose Gypsy is out kissing a Frog. We'll learn more of her holiday when she floats back and shares whatever she will.
Nancy, safe travel.
Holly, watching for you to check in with your day and "Sweet Dreams." I'll be back looking for your post, too.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Edited by - darlystippie on Jan 31 2013 6:45:58 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 6:44:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
Penny I am sorry your brother died. I am glad he is not in pain anymore. I am glad he lived long enough to see his children grow up.
Gypsy there is a website and a magazine out there called Living Without that writes about living with food allergies.
Ginny too funny about your daughter and the religions. I am glad she made up her own mind and did not follow blindly. You were good to let her find her own way,
Marianne It is nice to hear that someone's child chose their own path through homeschooling. I keep hoping that one of mine will take the initiative to find their path. Kethry is now taking some initiative in her learning with going to Healing Arts School. The boys have not done it yet.
I took C and G for a walk today through the snow for an hour and fifteen minutes. I was hoping to wear them out a bit. They laughed a good share of the way. we threw snowballs and then snow balls filled with deer poop. Lucky for me they could only hit me if they were close enough to touch me. At one point they were playing and wrestling and I got tired of waiting for them to come on so I went a ways further and sat down on a ledge. They thought I had left them in the middle of the woods. I yelled to them to follow the footprints. It is interesting what they do not know because they have not experienced anything like it before.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Nora Springs
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Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 7:18:05 PM
Penny, hugs all around you. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2013 : 2:39:00 PM
I have had a delightful week. Purchased some floor paint for the basement as it is time to finish up down there or nail the door shut and stop stressing over it. Took Darwin out the lunch one day. Yesterday we went to the twin cities with our travel group for lunch and to see a play. It was nice sitting down to nice table linens instead of foil wrapped food. We saw a play about people getting married. It was funny! Our two boys were joined at the hip when they were kids. Something happened in their relationship and the past few years they didn't even want to be in the same room together. It was very hard for this mom to stay out of their business, but I gave the situation to God and tried not to take it back. Well last Sunday the boys and their families came home. They had planned a fish fry and all the trimmings. I will never forget their banter and laughter as they took over my kitchen and fed us all. God loves us and helps us when we ask. I am not talking about the weather - I am not talking about the weather - I am not talking about the weather.
Taa taa sister chicks. Have a great weekend. I post again on Monday as 10 year old grandson is coming for a weekend visit. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 01 2013 : 3:01:18 PM
Holly, my hat is off to you for spending an hour (more!) outdoors with two snowball-and-more-throwing little boys. You are a warrior! I do good to make it to the mailbox and back. It is almost a half mile each way, but still, it has never taken me an hour for heaven's sake!
Thelma, your news about your boys is wonderful. I know your joy at seeing your family together and happy. It is truly what "it" is all about. I know you will relive that time again and again. The rest of your week sounds like it was full of fun. Good for you.
Dh and I are "killing time" waiting for the farrier to arrive. So far,he is almost one hour late. He has been up to four hours late and one time he didn't show up at all - said we didn't have an appt. Our little reminder card said differently. It would be lovely if he shows up soon...
Dd sent me an email at 3:07 this morning. Of course, I answered it at 3:08! We laughed about how connected we are to have both been checking our emails in the middle of the night. So often I will pick up my cell phone to have it ding an incoming text from her the second it is in my hand. But, of course, I am thinking of her often so the odds are good that I would be thinking of her when she thinks of me.
We have a bit of sunshine today. So far almost an hour. I thought, "I know what that is! I remember it from October." It has been a very dark winter. Lots of fog.
I haven't seen the turkeys all week. I hope they have found some good food source. I have some bread to throw out for them tomorrow. I don't want to always feed them in the same place because I don't want predators to know they are always eating there. Look at me, trying to outthink nature. Ha!
Check up with you gals later!
Have a lovely evening, Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 01 2013 : 10:49:48 PM
Hello, Gypsy! You look fabulous and your companion looks happy, too. thanks for sharing the great photo ... details? Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2013 : 10:18:38 AM
Nancy is in Massachusetts. Glenda is in Sedona. I'm in Oakhurst. Where's Waldo?
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2013 : 4:42:24 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yesterday, I went out sledding with the boys. I wanted J to go but he was grumpy so I went. The hill is fast. It is not steep but we got going faster than I could run. It is interesting what we take for granted in the learning curve. Who would think that when a sled is zooming through pricker bushes that a boy would not cover his face so he would not get gouged by the prickers. Both C and G's faces look like a large cat took its claws and raked their faces. The boys are not upset about it. G ran into a tree and banged his nose so it bled a little. He was only upset after some one told him he was bleeding. BOYS I also forgot to tell you week before last G licked the grill outside. He ripped his tongue off of the metal.
Today I took C with me grocery shopping. I will not do that again any time soon. Anything he saw with a recognizable logo or picture like angry birds or transformers, he wanted. There are many items in a grocery store marketed like that. I prefer the name, Mama. C has taken to calling me Mommmmmeeeeeeeeee with a fine whine attached especially when he wants something. Aside from the wanting he behaved well and took no for an answer without a tantrum.
Today the teens took the boys out sledding. If I could only get them to wear winter jackets instead of hoodies I would feel so much better. Kethry comes in from her outside excursions and cuddles up to the woodstove. Yesterday, she complained to me that it was not cooking hot enough to warm her.
Gypsy you are looking great as always. I hope the gentleman is fulfilling your expectations admirably.
Darlys that nasty cold has had two of my teens in its clutches for two weeks now. They are not often sick and are not good sick people. You deserve a good back massage.
Talie and I were going into basketball practice yesterday evening and there was a turkey in the road. He said, you better stop there is never just one turkey. sure enough a flock of maybe twenty birds then walked across the road.
Temperatures were in the twenties today with a cloud cover. Cold but not brutal.
We had pinwheels for supper with home made oatmeal rolls. The pinwheels are like strips of flank steak with mozzarella cheese and spinach rolled up in it.
Waldo is in the garage hiding in the summer tires.
Sometimes these posts are interesting. I put mine up and there are none I haven't read. Then the next day I read and there are several I have not read before the one I posted..
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2013 : 5:33:39 PM
It is still bitterly cold here, belwo zero with worse wind chills. One more month of this, then it should start warming up, I hope!!!!! January and February are usually our cold months. I must remind myself not to complain too much about the heat in the summer. I have a hard time in the heat too, but the cold seems to be the worst.When I get cold, I cannot warm up for nothing!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 02 2013 : 5:58:17 PM
Sorry for all you cold farmgirls. When I'm cold and just can't warm up, I head for a hot bath. It always does the trick.
Holly, every time you post, I think to myself, you have your hands full big time. I just could not do what you and Cheri do. I'm thankful you are willing to take these kids in and give them a good home. I though it was cool that Talie knows the area so well he understands the wild life. Those are the things that will remind him of home someday when he is off on his own. Sounds like the little ones will have silly stories of their own. Wonder what goes on in their heads sometimes. Hope G heals up soon.
It was a beautiful day with decent temps and a blue sky finally. I had homework of course but the kitties loved sleeping in the warm spots in the sun.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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467 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2013 : 4:01:31 PM
Waldo has been hiding under the chicken coop, where one of my girls thought it would be great place to lay her eggs instead of in the nesting area!
So, we're not football fans around here -- :-O...what??-- and there is nothing on TV but Super Bowl stuff. I told dh there must not have been any shootings in Baltimore, or wreaks on the beltways, or home invasions, or any fires anywhere in the city.....because the news was nothing but RAVENS & football. Oh, and the weather. 1/2 inch of snow last night. Another dusting expected tonight. Not enough to make a snowman. Jenny is so unhappy.
I've been following the forum, just didn't think I had much to share. Same old, same old. Body aches, hair grows, stuff happens.......bla bla bla.
Happy February.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2013 : 4:05:26 PM
Good evening everyone,
Jan you scare me. Here I thought we might be past the below zero and you are telling me another blast is on its way.
Today was a lovely day. It was in the low twenties and sunny. Finally, sun. We went for a walk in the afternoon. C and G took off through the woods. I would have let them go and be scared but it is too dangerous and the woods too large to allow that when they have no woods sense. So, Ross and I raced after them and got them turned around. C and G went out by themselves in the late afternoon. I kept watch on them from the window. I would like them to develop some sense of independence, adventure and safety. I think they need to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. G told me he fell on the ice and banged his head. He does have a good knot on the side of his head. I told him next time to use his hands to stop him self. This concept seemed foreign to him with his verbal responses. I hope they learn soon. They are both bright boys. I think they have not had chances to depend on themselves or it seems than way.
We had beef stew for supper . It was very tasty.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2013 : 5:25:42 PM
Holly, so sorry to scare you, but it is now -3 degrees and I am sure will get colder before morning. I hope this is the last real cold spell. Bunny, I do not have a bathtub to soak in, or that would be where I would be when I can't warm up either. How are your classes going for you? Kathy, glad all seems well with you. Hope the rest of you are doing well and staying warm. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 03 2013 : 6:17:36 PM
Waldo must be hanging with the turkeys. I haven't seen him either!
Jan and Holly ... bundle up!
Kathy, it was nice to hear from you. I bet you are going to hear a bit more about the Ravens in the next few days!!
Holly, it is a tough row to hoe trying to teach common sense. But, I agree that living through some of these circumstances on your own is a good start to developing some sense about safety and nature. How nice for you to have the teens take a turn at wearing the boys out the other day! Any way to keep that going ... you know, by bribing them?
We are watching the "big" game. Almost out of a sense of duty. Dh is working on his weekly report. His work week starts with a 6:30 am conference call each Monday. We will not miss that! Tomorrow will be his last one!
My MIL is going to have a spot on her face removed. It is squamous cell skin cancer and they will treat it with radiation. She feels fine about it and has had a few spots treated before. Both with incision and radiation. Wear your sunscreen! She still refuses to wear sunscreen unless she is in direct sunlight. She says she will just be in the shade or will turn her back so that there is no sun on her face. In San Diego. Why would you not wear sunscreen once you start having parts of your face burned off? Her first spot was removed maybe twenty years ago. She also says, "I am not for hats." What? Like you are going to vote against them? My father died of melanoma. He fought like heck. And, as soon as he first found out about having sun damage on his arms, he never wore short sleeves again. And he was a farmer in the Sacramento Delta where it is regularly over 100 degrees in the summer. He NEVER let his arms be exposed again. He always wore a hat and sunscreen. And it killed him. My MIL is thumbing her nose at all the warnings and has been for twenty years ... When we visit, she encourages us to sit out and get some color.
Do any of you get surprised by where your posts take you sometimes? I am always surprising myself.
Hope you are having a lovely evening. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2013 : 7:45:08 PM
.. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:33:46 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 06:00:16 AM
How nice it is to hear that your weekend was so nice, Gypsy. Now, we will have some really exciting things to hear about! It is all so fresh and fun when it is a new relationship. Hearing about it makes those of us in longer relationships remember "when." And gives those of us looking for a relationship reassurance that it can happen.
I agree that Kathy needs to post about her everyday life! That's what is the meat and potatoes of our visits. What is "daily" to Kathy - hunting for eggs, sometimes under the coop - is an adventure for me! And so few of us have children still with us, that we all appreciate Holly's adventures. Thelma takes her trips into the city for plays and dinner. Jan keeps us up-to-date with the antiques trade. Nancy makes us all jealous with her weather and growing season. Bunny gives us a taste of the academic life. We are a varied bunch. Hope everyone continues to share! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 06:03:43 AM
Well, I'm not a football fan and didn't watch the big game. I did, however, record it so I could watch the commercials! I am glad I added an extra hour to the recording, because of the power outage, the game was held up for half an hour.
Jenny & I are going o the dentist this morning. Not looking forward to that. It's not just my bones that are wearing out. I've been getting some pains and tenderness issues in my mouth. I brush and floss daily. I use a sonic toothbrush and good toothpaste. Still, as I age, things just seem to fall apart.
Loving my greenhouse right now! We've been able to keep fresh salad greens growing all winter. I would love to save some seeds, but just can't seem to let any of them go to seed. I just eat them all up!! Good thing I have lots of seed. Yes, organic and mostly heritage. Doing my best to stay healthy.
Gotta' run. Dentist calling.
Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 08:59:17 AM
Gypsy, so glad you had a good time with your new friend. You look happy. I so hope it works out for you! I have pretty much given up on the whole thing. Being out of money, job, home. I'm not much of a catch for anyone. Most men I met were looking for someone to take care of them. The saying goes..."a nurse with a purse". So I'm happy to just be on my own.
Kathy, how cool to have salad greens all winter. My mom had a funky little cheaply green house we put up last year but the wind tore it down. I think we need something a little more sturdy. I don't think you should worry about them not getting a chance to go to seed. Seeds are cheap next to the benefits of fresh salads from your garden. Good luck at the dentist. I think we all share your feelings about the visits.
I'm afraid I didn't watch the game either. I caught up on homework from on of my easier classes. I got an email this morning from on of my teachers. She was suppose to email our homework assignment last week and "forgot". She wants it done by this Wednesday. I'm really starting to have issues with the quality of teachers here. A teacher should not forget to send you your homework assignment. If she had it together, we would have gotten a homework list the first day of class. But that was more than she could pull off. I know I will most likely get an A in the class but I don't feel like I worked for it. I hate easy A classes. You don't really learn anything.
Enough of my ranting. I did get to sew last week a little. I'm working on a new skirt. It is very free form with strips of fabric hanging all around. It is quite the in thing right now. I'm also going to make some more traditional jean skirts. Oh to just be able to sew all day instead of dealing with second rate teachers.
Well, that's all of my rantings for today. Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
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Posted - Feb 04 2013 : 2:13:55 PM
Hey all, just checking in...I've read all the post but really not feeling up to responding....I'm sorry....I never do well with death even though I know where he is. I have been having trouble holding anything on my tummy. Since Thursday I have eaten a cracker and a french fry...nope didn't stay down....but today hubby made my favorite meal, spaghetti. I ate about 6 mouth far so good. Ok that's enough whining. Hope everyone has a great is a pic of my baby brother when he was still well. He hated to have his pic taken so when we could get him to let us was always a surprise. 
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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