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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 5:41:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yes, Gypsy it is the Omega 3 oils that are in the gummy fish. I tried adding some fish oil capsules with the gummy fish but it did not double the amount of relief. I do not mind the taste of the fish oil maybe that is because the cod liver oil I buy for Ross when he is a little down is orange flavored and that is what I know not fish oil straight up that would be more than nasty. and burping it up afterward is double nasty.
Jan I am so glad to hear that you did so well on your sales. Jan it is very frustrating for me when there are able bodies in the house who are so helpless. It would make me crazy to have prepared the whole meal and then had to do all of the clean up by myself. growling softly at the inequity of the situation. Anytime you are fed up you can come here.
Marianne sometimes the dumb blond routine works well in humiliating people who treat us like idiots. Honey did you plug in the lights to check them. well duh I do not know people who short out electrical systems like my partner can not wear a watch because they die in a short amount of time and can cause boom boxes to stop working if she stays close enough to them. Our neighbor does the same.
Annika there is a satisfaction in a job well done. Good for you.
I for one have been wondering where you have been Kathy. I am glad you are well. You are right about talking to the girls. They are good listeners and do not tell tales. My cow Coco is a very good listener.
I have to sign off for now. sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 6:10:01 PM
Kathy, I missed you too. There are a few farmgirls gone missing. Didn't hear from Bunny today. Annika, I can tell already you are going to get in trouble right along with the rest of us. Along with our aches and pains we love to laugh and make fun. Holly I take Nordic Naturals Omega-3 fish oil. My dermatologist put me on it several years ago after having several skin cancers, one of which was melanoma. It took about 2 months to tell the difference but it really does help with dry skin and other skin issues. No aftertaste that I have noticed, and some of them are really nasty like you said. If I run out of it, within a couple weeks my skin is dry and bumpy again. Good to know it helps arthritis. Jan, stay in out of the cold, girlfriend, you are tired from all that work and you are more likely to get sick. I am not really crazy about where I live but in the winter I guess if you can't be in Florida or an island somewhere, this isn't too bad. The sun sets about 5:30 during the shortest days, which are about now I guess. We get some wind which I really hate, but not too much cold. Wind is blowing tonight. I will be on here tomorrow and then I go to Austin to doctor appts, have surgery scheduled for Monday the 3rd. Then I will be at my daughter's for at least 2 weeks and don't know if I will be able to get online, so if I disappear for a while that's where I am. I bought fabric from Bunny and hope to get a few aprons cut out tomorrow to sew while I'm taking it easy.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1023 Posts
St. Cloud
1023 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 6:18:34 PM
Oh Bunny I know how you feel also. My youngest moved out this past year with his fiance. I had 6 deaths in my family this year. Plus my oldest son is sitting in jail right now which I have not mentioned until now. I will be glad when 2012 is over. I am hoping to have a better year coming up in 2013. I am just going through the motions for the holidays. The only reason I am even putting up a tree is for my grand son who is flying in Dec. 5th thru Dec. 15th. I can't wait to see him. Just a hug from him will lift my spirits. My sweet DH has not let me out of his sight lately. He knows I am struggling thru this holiday. I keep telling my self that God will never give me more than I can handle. I will be getting a new grand child in May and I am so looking forward to that. A new life to love for all the ones I lost this year.
Seize The Day! Dorinda |
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 6:22:23 PM
Well, I'm new to this thread. I watched the other thread for awhile, but could not keep up. Maybe I'll do better here.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
1023 Posts
St. Cloud
1023 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 6:33:19 PM
Phyllis I am going to try and keep up this time also. Oh I forgot to mention I am 51.
Seize The Day! Dorinda |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 11:08:20 PM
Dorinda, You have had one heck of a year. No need to wait until 2013 for better times, let's just hope they arrive in December with your grandson. Just being able to have your heart next to his in a great big hug will be very healing. And how wonderful to have a new grand coming in May. Your Dh sounds like a keeper. They can surprise us sometimes, can't they? When they realize that we need them close even before we realize we need them close...
Sounds like you need this forum and I can tell you right now, we need you. We can never have too many women with which to share our stories, hints, thrills and spills. So, I hope you stick around ...
You, too, phyllis! Bunny is from Oregon and I'm in Eastern WA. Practically around the corner.
Gypsy, it does sound like TX has some middle of the road, not too hard to take weather. I once read that wind is the one weather aspect that no one likes. I guess that makes sense, I don't know anyone who doesn't hate when it is windy. I didn't know fish oil was effective for skin health. I really couldn't tolerate those fish oil capsules, gummy fish all the way for me! I am such a weenie that I take gummy vitamins, too. We will miss your posts in the coming weeks. Good thoughts for a quick recovery headed your way. marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 01:12:07 AM
Ahhh yes ... Bubba Gumps for lunch ... so relaxing. Wandered up Front Street peeking in the art galleries where our plastic shivered in fear as we looked in the windows. It cooled into the low 70s later in the day. Then we went to Barnes and Noble where Larry bought me a Nook. (Our 12 anniversary is 12/2 - and BTW, Nancy's is 12/3.)
Then to Safeway where we stocked up on stuff like ice cream and wine, etc.
Gypsy has pool boys vying for position in our luggage home already. I showed a snapshot I have of her and you would think she was the only gorgeous broad on the planet. The only reason she did not snuggle herself into my carry-on is because of her upcoming surgery, 12/3. Got your back in prayer, girlfried.
Only one pool boy - mind you - only one ... ... said "Ocean/Maui - Texas/Plains - Ocean/Maui/Beach, hmmmmm. Well, I'd have to compete with a dozen or more other dudes so I'll stick with the ocean." THEN I understood ... there was Penny - sans suit as usual, sunning on the beach (and the sun was behind a very thick overcast). But did she care? Nooooo! Lordy, that babe has no shame! Well, I don't have to worry about getting her crammed back into the suitcase for 2 weeks. Thank goodness! (I still remember dragging her out from under the bed kicking and fussin', not wanting to leave, last time we were here.) Hey, don't mess with Texas, sweetheart.
Well off to bed now ... tomorrow is supposed to be fabulous. I plan on doing absolutely nothing. The craziness will start again soon enough.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
643 Posts
643 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 05:16:12 AM
Good Morning Farmgirls, I am enjoying this "renewed" thread. For a newby, it is difficult to keep up with, but at least for me that is a good thing. I don't have anyone to talk to on a regular basis, so you lovely farmgirls are sometimes my only ones to chat with for days and I am a chatter. I am trying to get out more. Dorinda, I am so sorry for all you have gone thru this year. Immerse yourself in those wonderful grandchildren. We are getting our first snow here for the season. I find it amazing that it still lifts my spirits. Even my 8yo cockapoo is acting like a pup again. We don't get the amount of snow here that a lot of others do. Altho some years we don't see the grass for a month or more. Have a wonderful day. Jenne
"Follow your bliss"
Farmgirl sister #4616 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1023 Posts
St. Cloud
1023 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 06:17:27 AM
Thanks girls for your condolences and inspiration to carry on. My mother passed away last month. I went out to the Cemetery yesterday and put a little Christmas tree on her and my Dads grave site. First time I have been back out there. It seemed to help. It reminded me that she is with Jesus and would want me to move on and enjoy my life. I will be sticking around Marianne. Thanks for your kind words. Today is a beautiful day here again. Fixing to head on in to the kitchen and find something to eat. Have a great day girls.
Seize The Day! Dorinda |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 07:02:11 AM
Big hugs to you Dorinda, I know how hard it is to lose your mama, I was so lost after mine passed away.Some days you just need to put one foot in front of the other and soldier on. Always take the moments in the day to let your eyes fall on the little quiet beautiful things in life. It helps.
I've had a busy morning so far already and am at long last sitting down to a cup of coffee.
Huggles to all of ya Be back later!
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 09:38:48 AM
So nice to see some new friends here. Seems we all have our need of some good ole farmgirl friendship. I'm maintaining. I have to take my truck in to see what is wrong with the transmission. So wish they would take payment in fabric. I have about 200 bolts left. Gypsy, your purchase went to a new battery. Thank you.
Daryl's, I could so use a trip in one of your suitcases. The only thing that would get me back here is my kitties and my sons.
Gypsy, your story is precisely why I'll skip wishing I was in a relationship or married. I just don't care for men in my life anymore. I wouldn't be in this situation if I had not married my second husband.
Well, I better get going. Lots of homework to do and a trip to town.
So glad to see new faces, hope you stick around and let us know how you are doing from time to time. We are here to left everyone up.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 10:52:10 AM
Dorinda, and others who have lost loved ones, a book I highly recommend is "Proof of Heaven" a Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, by Eben Alexander, M.D. I downloaded it to my Nook but amazon has it too.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1023 Posts
St. Cloud
1023 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 1:13:08 PM
Oh Gypsy, I have already ordered it and read it. It did help. I am so sorry for everything you have suffered and went through. But yes we must continue on. I have no plans in sitting down and wallowing in my sorrows. I have to say that's what my Mom did when her Mother passed away. She did not get off the couch for 10 years. She stayed in such a deep depression. I think some times that is what made her sicker. She never drove so I always had to drive her and my handicapped sister that lived with her every where. I did finally start getting my older sister who drinks a lot to start helping out about the past 5 years. We are taking turns with my sister that lived with my Mom. So far she is doing fine. Have a good evening.
Seize The Day! Dorinda |
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 8:08:00 PM
Oh my. There is so much sorrow here. I'm sorry that you all are going through tough times. My Mama always says when the going gets tough, the tough get going. My heart goes out to all of you.
I am very young 61 years old. I have a few health issues, one being post-polio syndrome, one being spinal stenosis and the last one is that I was in an auto accident six months ago. I am healing from the last one, but my doctor just told me yesterday that I am his poster child. He did not expect me to recover from it, but I'm getting better all the time. I can't recover from the others, and I'm sometimes too tired for words.
I still have my mother with me, so I am blessed. I don't know how much longer she will be around, so we just take it a day at a time.
I will come to check in as often as I can. It's good to know that I have neighbors.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2012 : 8:42:32 PM
Pinokeeo, it isn't so much sorrow as it is is all I was trying to say--we all go through it, every person over 50 has had some tough times, including health issues, and we also go through happy times as well. I actually believe I have a wonderful life--it all goes together--I guess the point of this thread is that there is a place to lay your sorrow down and your sisters will wrap their arms around you, and it is also a place to laugh, kid each other, and share the fun and exciting times as well. Its okay to share the good and the bad here. It helps to be able to talk about it in a supportive environment, and it helps to know others go through the same thing, you are not alone. It is remarkable that most of us have never met face to face, yet we grow so close by sharing our lives with each other. I am sitting here tonight wondering what mischief our sister Darlys is up to. I don't know why this entire post isn't green, I'm so jealous. Now Darlys is a good example. In the past year she has gone through major surgery herself, and helped her daughter get through major surgery. Now she is out kicking up her heels in Hawaii--she deals with life as it comes and finds time to play and appreciate the good things too. Love ya, big sis, hope you are having a blast. We didn't hear from Holly or Jan tonight. I will be reading the posts on my iphone starting tomorrow but its just too hard to write on it.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 27 2012 8:53:28 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 04:59:41 AM
I'm here at last. I have to go back and read the past pages. I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I had a quiet and delicious meal with my DH.
Thank you so much, Marianne. You are a jewel for getting this page up for us.
Darlys, I am glad you are enjoying yourself eating at Bubba's and Dukes. My mouth waters at the thought of Bubba's as I haven't been there in years. I am excited to get out of the suitcase and going around with you.
Gypsy, so glad you are on here more often now. Your spirit seems to be happy and I am glad.
Thelma I hope things are better for you health wise. I haven't read all the posts yet so I don't know if you have been here yet.
Kathy so glad to see your post. I pray for you.
Bunny I know how hard it is when the kids leave. I always have that empty feeling when they are gone and then after a couple of days or so I begin to get back int my routine and things get better.
Kind of cloudy this morning. Maybe I can get something done today. I have my to-do list and will look on there to see if there is anything easy. I feel kind of lazy after going through my bookcases yesterday to see if I can give away any of the "zillions" of books I have.
We had a little skink visitor in the house by the front door yesterday. He was there on the wall and DH picked him up gently and put him out in the bushes. Thank goodness it wasn't a spider.
My tree is up and the decorations are on it and all about the house. I don't have too many decorations and they are mostly sentimental things like stuffed dolls, candles and some things of my mother's.
Well I am off to drink my morning tea and get dressed. I am going back to page 1 so I can read all the posts.
Hugs and prayers for you all.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 05:06:20 AM
ok Dorinda and Phyllis, I am going to keep my special little eye out for your posts. We love having you ladies with us.
Annika I still miss my mom even though it has been nearly 10 years since she has been gone. Rmembering the good times helps me a lot. She was always so funny and I think of her unconditional love.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
643 Posts
643 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 05:14:22 AM
I am finding that this is a place to share. (Sorry, I am new here.) Sometimes I find it hard to put on my "Happy" face and make like I never hurt. Of course, putting down my hurts for awhile is good too, but seeing I am not the only one helps too. Gypsy, I have a special place in my heart for our Veterans, especially the Vietnam Vets. I worked as an LPN at our local V.A. Hospital, and I was married to the most wonderful man and Vietnam Veteran until he passed away almost 5 years ago. We were true soulmates and we knew it. I never knew something could hurt so much. These vets often have mental issues from the War and cannot deal with life now. I am not able to work today because I was hit and punched by a Vet at work. I have no memory of the attack, but it left me with anxiety, depression and PDSD, 3 weeks after the attack, my husband passed away. I miss him so much. Well, that's my story for the last 5 years. However, I was fortunate to find MJF and have so many lovely farmgirls to laugh and cry with. ~Blessings~ Jenne
"Follow your bliss"
Farmgirl sister #4616 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 05:28:08 AM
Today is my daughter's birthday....I always feel like it is my "birth"day, though. Know what I mean? Once I had a child, I thought, sheesh mom's are the ones who should be celebrated on this day, it is so important to us, a day we will never forget, etc. I don't mean, oh we work so hard and are unappreciated. I mean, this was such a great day in my life!
Losing your mom changes a woman no matter what age she is. You are never the same, slightly changed. Lost my mom about seven years ago. My daughter dreams of her often. They had a close connection. I don't dream of her, but I take some medication that probably contributes to the content of my dreams...any who...
Gypsy, we will miss your posts. Good to know you will be with us in spirit.
Darlys, how do you like your anniversary present? Was it a nook or a kindle? I have forgotten. I saw an advertisement for a free one month trial of a service called nextissue. ( It gives you current issues of 60 magazines. That sounds like heaven! Thought you might want to give it a try.
Nancy, it is nice to hear from you. I am glad to have our new friends, too. I do hope they stick around. I will help you "guilt" them into staying with us! And what is a skink? At first, I thought it was a typo for skunk until you said Dh picked it up!!
Phyllis it sounds like you have the same spirit the rest of us do. "Just keep going." We have stood by one another through lots of doctor's appt. this year. We are all busy keeping Thelma in our prayers right now. She is taking a trial drug and the jury is still out on how effective it is. She has a wonderful strength and rarely talks about her struggles although we all ask her to share how she is doing.
So who is not done with the holiday decorating? I know Holly waits until Christmas eve to hold down the excitement in their household. I sure hope we didn't hear from Holly yesterday because she is busy making the new boys feel at home ...
We are looking at five days of rain. Very unusual for us at this time of year. Actually, five days of rain is unusual for us at any time of the year. But, the fact that it is rain and not snow, weird! Yesterday I made nine swags of evergreen with red bows. I put them up at our gate and at on either side of the garage door. Looks cheerful. Wait, did I already tell you this?
Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
1023 Posts
St. Cloud
1023 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 06:04:01 AM
Gypsy, I am assuming you make dolls. What kind of dolls do you make? I am looking at getting into some different kind of crafting that will keep my attention. I have done crocheting, My favorite embroidery, A little sewing. How hard is it to make a doll? If that's what you do.
Seize The Day! Dorinda |
True Blue Farmgirl
1023 Posts
St. Cloud
1023 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 06:17:41 AM
Hey Marianne I am not done with my decorating yet. I am going to decorate my tree today. I do have my Christmas village up. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Have fun celebrating. Welcome Jenne !! Nancy I am glad to hear your Thanksgiving was a good one. I had a nice quiet Thanksgiving this year. Just my son and his fiancee was here. My husband got his old jeep out and started. It was tucked away behind all his tractors in the barn. We have not taken a ride on it in a couple of years. So after we ate we all climbed aboard and took a ride thru the property behind our house. It was an enjoyable day. Love reading all your girls post. Have a fantastic day. I am headed to the vegetable stand to look for ruby red grape fruit.
Seize The Day! Dorinda |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 07:38:54 AM
Good morning! Sipping a lovely cup of Earl Grey and getting ready for a good day. I was just out feeding sheep and horses and there are few sounds as contented as the munching of farm animals in a pile of hay.
The sorrow thing, I think, haunts all of us at times. As you get older, you've lived through more tragedy and lost more family and friend and it starts to weigh on you. It seems like most of us have health issues here too. I'll be straight with all of you, I suffer from bi-polar disorder (thankfully meds make me almost normal ) have arthritis in both hands, right knee and walk with a cane, have worsening eyesight, and Reynaud's disease which messes with my circulation. I think that the greatest gifts that you can give your self are patience, forgiveness for not living up to your own expectations, humor and a positive attitude even if you have to force it when you feel down.
My DH describes me in the morning as annoyingly chirpy It took me many years to come to the understanding that you are the captain of your own ship, the seas my get rough and you may get blown off course, but you're still the captain.
I'm SO happy to have gotten into this thread before it became a zillion pages long. I'm a ditz and can't keep straight who is doing what or has said what here, so be ready to be called by the wrong name and asked question about things that don't pertain to you.
Today, beside the usual upkeep and cleaning that a house on a mucky farm needs, I need to come up with some living room curtains, the ones that are hanging are really not doing it for me any more. I'm changing the theme to a more old fashioned and primmy look this year for Christmas and have a lot to do to carry the theme, so I'm a busy girl since I only really decided to do it a week or so ago. I'm hoping that we can find a fir that we like and can afford this year, I love the scent, it fills the whole house and really makes it smell like Christmas. ( I'm a nut for Christmas, can you tell ? ) I'm at the stage of making a lot of lists for cards to send, recipes to use, gifts to be sent and baking/holiday goods to buy. I'm a major list maker because I'm forgetful and will toodle along and forget half of what needs doing otherwise.
I hope that all of you have a happy day Warm hugs 
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 2:19:35 PM
You new gals should relax about trying to keep everyone's name straight. We old gals still mess it up. When a mistake is made, we generally read right through it and continue on. No worries.
Dorinda, a jeep ride through your property sounds like a pasttime my dh and I would enjoy. Having a bit of property and animals to watch is our favorite hobby. The fencing, mucking and vet visits are the drawbacks!
And Annika, feeding is a very satisfying time of day. No matter how much you don't feel like doing it, the welcoming sounds and excitement always perks you up! Morning is my best time, too. I feel like my brain is at it's best (carefully worded there since my brain is never "great") and after the initial warming up and getting through the creakies, my body is at it's best, too.
I have been so fortunate to have been able to not have to look for gainful employment since my children were born. There were times when I missed not being embroiled in the career I envisioned (my degree is in architecture), but with my physical challenges, how lucky I am to have been able to always set my own pace. I admire so many of you women who have worked with physical challenges that are much bigger than mine. Bunny has the courage to start an entire new career!! You all inspire me and help me to keep a civil tongue in my mouth about how I feel! Thank you again and again.
My dh texted me a message this morning that said, "Happy Katie's Birthday, Katie's Mom!" He knows it is a big day for me!
Had a long phone visit with another farmgirl yesterday. She was also putting up decorations. I finished my tree while we visited, but I don't think she was multi-tasking because she said she was going to blame me for not having the house finished when her dh got home! She has energy to spare and is very crafty so I am sure she has everything all cute by now.
Dorinda is right, it is time to get to the Christmas cards if you are going to send them. I always think you should write a little something in them, although I don't feel a need for a newsletter (either sending one or receiving one.) But, I think I mentioned last year how much I hate just getting a Christmas card with just a signature and no news. Worse than that is a "personalized" one that isn't even personally signed.
Today was the first day for a local tradition. Trees are decorated in themes and displayed in a beautiful hotel downtown. You "vote" for your favorite by buying tickets and putting your ticket in the box in front of the tree you are voting for. The themes are actual prizes: trips to dude ranches, sailing adventures, visiting Hawaii. All carried out in the choice of ornaments. It is a fun afternoon. I have missed it for the last three years. I think I must make an effort to see it this year. It all benefits charity.
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2012 : 6:02:17 PM
Good evening everyone,
I was out last night at Tai Chi class. Talie (15) had basketball tryouts Monday and Tuesday evening. He is on the JV A team. He is very excited to be on the A team. He is almost 6 feet tall now and close to two hundred pounds. He has big shoulders. This morning he tells me his size 14 converse hi tops are getting short and tight on his feet.
I did talk to the new boys on the phone yesterday. The social worker called and was on one of her visits to them. They are 6 and 7 years old. I am really hoping they will be here by Christmas. The social worker's child is going to her father's for the holiday so the SW may fly them up just before the holiday. keeping my fingers crossed. I need to go to Texas to sign the paper work and meet the boys sometime between now and then. We are waiting to here that our paperwork has passed Interstate Compact for the Protection of Children otherwise known as ICPC. I know it has passed in Texas and it was in Vermont the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. It is not an approval of us it is to make sure the paperwork is in order so there will be no kidnapping charge and it follows the rules of both states.
I too am jealous that Darlys is in Hawaii. When I win the 550 million dollars on Powerball we can all take a cruise together to some place warm. lol
Good luck Gypsy with the surgery. I hope it makes you feel so much better. Did you ever work on that clay and gourd doll of the black woman you started so long ago?
Marianne you are a wonderful writer and describe how we relate and feel on the board so well.
I am glad the new women are starting to type. I find you so interesting and I will remember your names soon. Penny is the keeper of the birthday list. If you want to be on it send your info to her.
My birthday is this month. I received my first present already. Nancy made me a lovely apron. I do wonder where she found the material. I will post a picture soon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Nov 29 2012 : 05:19:05 AM
Hi Jenne, welcome to the best of the best ladies you will ever meet. We are here for you and know you will love being with us. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Stay with us and enjoy our comforting, caring, joy and lots of laughs.
Marianne, a skink is a kind of lizard. It has stripes down its back. We have other lizards here but the skinks are the tamest. They don't always run away so fast. I still have dreams sometimes of my mom. I think you are right about losing a mother making a person a bit changed. Happy Birthday to your daughter. My DD and I usually share a birthday since she was born 2 days before my birthday. What a great B'day gift that was. Also, I have a GD born on my birthday. So it has always been kind of funny that we celebrate together but have always had 2 cakes. One for my DD and myself and a seperate one of the GD.
Annika, you sound like a "morning" person. I am a morning person who has lived most of my like with people who sleep late when they can. I am so able to get things done in the morning but come afternoon, when my DH comes alive, I am wanting a nap. I do nap if I can due to my bout with Hepatitis C. I am cured but I seem to get tired in the afternoons. You have a great attitude and more than your share of problems. I really believe in living everyday to the fullest and being as happy as one can because time on this earth is short.
Dorinda what fun that ride must have been. I love tractors and have not had the pleasure of riding on one.
Darlys, I miss talking with you and I know you are having a wonderful time. I am dreaming of the white sands and that beautiful blue ocean. Ooooh! It is all so grand.
Nuts, I didn't win the Powerball. Hey, I didn't even have a ticket! Oh well, maybe next time it reaches a huge amount I will get one. Since I don't buy lottery tickets I figure I save $365 a year. Even if I won it would probably only be a dollar
My FIL used to buy lottery tickets all the time. Once he won $625 but after he figured how much he had spent buying tickets that didn't win he came up with only $9 winnings. Hahaha!
My to-do list is getting longer and longer. I have drapes to hang, shelves to clean, dolls to make and 3 throw quilts to sew. I think I will sit and have some tea. Sometimes I wish I had some elves to do the cleaning and de-cluttering. Just dreaming.
Have a great day.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
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