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Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 24 2012 : 11:56:01 PM
This is the new home of the Over 50 Farmgirls. This thread originated on the Welcome Wagon Forum. Anyone over the age of 50 is welcome to join in. Feel free to read the older posts for some "history" or just jump in! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 02:47:35 AM
Marianne, I'm here. My son just left. My heart is breaking. It is so hard to be left behind. I just keep thinking, I want to go home. But it isn't my home anymore. Feeling terribly alone right now. It's almost 3am and I can't go back to sleep. Sorry to be such a downer. Just thankful there is somewhere to go.
I'll check both sites until I can see we all get here. Bummer my sad post will be one of the first everyone will see. I'll be ok. I have lots of homework to catch up on to keep my mind off being sad.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
643 Posts
643 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 04:09:41 AM
Good Morning Marianne and Bunny, I am happy to join the wonderful ladies over 50. Bunny, don't feel bad about everything you are going thru. Children leaving home is a common experience at our age. I am also going thru it. I was fortunate to have my children home for the holiday, and I was in my glory! But today that all ends as I drop the last one off at college. I will also be alone this evening and feeling the pain of an empty nest. We will get thru it together. And anything else that comes our way. AND, we will also shares the joys we have. Everyone I know tells me, I will still have plenty of them! Marianne, Thank you for restarting this thread. I was intimidated by the size of the previous thread. Farmgirl Hugggs, Jenne
"Follow your bliss"
Farmgirl sister #4616 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 06:03:18 AM
Yay--Marianne, I knew you were the right gal for the moving job. Bunny, we all go through that same thing, all I can say is it does get a little easier but there is always that terrible letdown right after they leave and the house is suddenly so quiet. It is somewhat comforting to know that we all go through it, and at least here on this thread we can go through it together. Love you, girlfriend, and I absolutely know how you feel. Those of us living alone feel it all the worse, I think.
Now that Thanksgiving is a pleasant memory, we can start the countdown for Christmas.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 07:49:20 AM
Good morning ladies. i am here. enjoying the sunshine this morning. you are so right, the holidays can be bittersweet. i has so much to be grateful for this year though, it might them special for me. DH is doing good after his stroke, and he it really trying to make some lifestyle changes so it doesn't happen again. and with his help, i am trying to take better care of myslef as well. this is such a wonderful site for encouragement, and help, and a place to vent and whine. there are people here who understand. thanks to all
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 08:43:34 AM
Good morning from frosty Moscow Idaho! Thank you Marianne, for taking the reins of this thread. I had missed so much time that I was hopelessly lost. I've been up a lot of the night with arthritis pain but perking up with some hot tea. The arthritis is here for the long haul, so I try to not let it bully me and not get into a funk about it like I did in the beginning. So much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving (and everyday)not the least of which if all of my MJF sisters
Bunny, it's just a very natural thing to feel. My younger sister is going through the same thing. Charlotte, I've come more and more, belatedly, that your health really is everything. Taking care of your self is the best gift that you can give your loved ones. I'm glad to hear that your DH is improving.
I'm in a good mood after a superb Thanksgiving with my one-and-only and happily starting the countdown til Christmas. I am crossing my fingers for Christmas snow this year, I'm 52 and still such a kid. My home is smaller now so I'm downsizing from the huge trees of my past to a slimmer more dainty tree and I'm having fun already with decorating ideas for the house and porches. Can't wait!
Hugs and happy Sunday to all
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 4:58:26 PM
Bunny, I think I know how you were feeling. That awful This-doesn't-feel-like-home-but-that-is-no-longer-home upsetting feeling of where do I really belong? You are fast coming to a time in your life where you can take your future in your own hands. There will be the perfect job waiting for you after all your hard work. The choices will open up the world for you and then you will decide where you should be. In the meantime, I am so sorry you had such a long, tough night. I hope you are feeling better.
Gypsy, thanks for your kind words ... this was the easiest "move" I've made!!
Jenne, glad you took the plunge. Starting to post can be intimidating. But, it feels natural very quickly.
Annika, I am an arthritis sufferer, too. Osteo, not rhumatoid, and I live in the Spokane area. I will turn 51 in a few weeks. So we have a lot in common.
dinner time! More later Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 5:02:56 PM
we have to go get Thelma, she just posted to the old thread. I'll email her.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 5:08:56 PM
she does not have her email set up - left a messg on the old thread, hope she sees it.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
1266 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 5:24:35 PM
I have Thelma's email, I just sent her a message of where the group has moved...hugs
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 5:49:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
My brother, the younger one, was married for a while maybe fifteen years or so. He has three children. I think he does not want to have to not do what he wants to do because someone else is having a fit. He does not want to have to live up to someone else's expectations and fail no matter how hard he tries.
My older brother is a confirmed bachelor. He has had no live ins that I know of.
We do not set up our tree until Christmas eve usually. In our house if the tree is up the ho ho man is due to arrive and there is no arguing with the members of our family who believe this.
Thelma I am glad to hear from you. I hope your health issues resolve themselves for the better. Are you and Santa going to make the rounds this year?
(((((((((((((( Bunny )))))))))))))))) it is sad to be left behind. soon you will have options. soon.
My chiropractor gave me some high faluting fish oil candies that look and smell like gummy fish. they were great for the achy bones. I thought they were not doing anything and then I ran out, got up in the morning and geez were my feet stiff. I need to get some more and then I can be more specific in the offer of a help.
Penny I am glad you have some time to post. I miss you when you stay away too long.
It was cloudy when we woke this morning but the clouds cleared over the course of the day. Temperatures in the low thirties and high twenties. Ross (5) and I tried to sled but the snow is not quite deep enough yet. So, we went for a walk. He was not thrilled to do it until we started to look for animal tracks and found rabbit tracks. We could only follow them a little ways but then he was hooked. He slid down the hills in the woods on his bottom and laughed and laughed. Then he asked for my pocket knife and cut off old weeds in the field. He did not want to go in but I was cold. This morning he went onto the porch in his pajamas and gathered snow. He put some in bowls for each person and poured Aunt Jemima on top. He loved the idea of the treat.
Tomorrow are basketball tryouts for the high school. Talie will try out for the JV team. He is not yet old enough for varsity. I am not sure I like the coaches or the way the teams are chosen but he wants to do it.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 6:13:13 PM
I had a very busy weekend. Thanksgiving dinner went well, lots to eat. There were just my son and daughter, Bob and I. I made a 22 lb. bird, so we still have some left over. Of course, I am the only cook and cleaner. Wednesday we set up for the craft show, Friday and Saturday was the show. I sold twice as much as my goal was, so I was so pleased with that. Sold well over a hundred hats, lots of scarves, mittens and slippers, etc. Came home with a few empty crates. I had a big space, so everything was spread out and easier to see. I think that helped with the sales. Also, there were more buyers than lookers this year. We got about an inch of snow on the ground. It has been in the teens at night and 20s during the day. Winter is here to stay now. I am hoping to get my decorations indoors and out done by the end of the week. t is so cold out to work and windy. It is so hard to get Bob to help with domestic stuff around here. The yard never did get raked completely, and I cannot do it all myself. Oh well, more work in the spring. I will try to catch up tomorrow, have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 6:18:11 PM
Holly. do you think it was Omega-3 fish oil? I take that for my skin and maybe it is helping the arthritis too. I love hearing of Ross and his adventures. when you are 5 the world still seems magical. I kind of agree with your brother regarding relationships. Once you get in the habit of doing things your own way I think it is hard to change back again. Thanks,Penny .......but you did not stay long enough to tell us how your Thanksgiving was. Inquiring minds want to know.... ...Darlys is off to Maui today. I hope more farm sisters will find us here and post.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 6:23:33 PM
Jan you posted at the same time I did. so glad your craft sale was a big success-you work so hard--let the yard and house go and get some rest.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 8:00:39 PM
Jan, sounds like you really made bank at the craft sale! Good for you. Gypsy is right, take some time to put your feet up!! Congratulations.
Count me in on the fish oil supplements. Been taking them for a few years. Found some gummy ones. Much better than the capsules.
Best of luck to Talie in the tryouts. That will certainly make your weeks busier during the season, Holly. But, you did it with softball.
That was the briefest Penny sighting. But, still nice to know she is checking in now and again.
Thelma sounds in good spirits especially considering all the testing and changes in medicine, etc. she is undergoing. So inspiring that she can keep her smile firmly in place throughout her many trips to the clinic.
Today we put the lights on the tree. We cut the tree down about a week ago. Dh and took a hike down the canyon, picked out the tree, cut it and took another deer highway back up the canyon. It is just a mass of trails up and down. So, back to the lights. Dh was downstairs on the exercise machine and I got started. (He always exercises longer than I do.) I laid out the strands and tested to make sure all the lights worked. Then hung the strands one by one. Dh was upstairs by the time I was ready for the Ta-Da. I plugged the end strand into the outlet and one entire strand didn't light along with half of another. Dh mentioned that I should have tested the strands before I put them on. (the genius) Of course, I set him straight and promised I had tested them all. I didn't have the time to deal with fixing the problem right then. It was bugging Dh so much that he heaved a big sigh and started pushing each bulb in to make sure there was a good connection. No change. So he got a bulb that he knew worked and took each bulb out one by one and replaced it with the working bulb. No change. Then he took the strand off the tree. Tested another strand and set it out for me to restring between the other working strands. So, I stopped what I was doing. I picked up the strand, draped it around my shoulders and plugged it into the strands on the tree. Only half of it lit. Dh swears it is me! End of story is Dh fixed that strand, I hung it and the tree is lit. Sheesh what a lot of work.
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2012 : 10:10:41 PM
Busy busy day! I cooked down two turkey carcasses and made two huge shepherd's pies in my big paella pan and have a lot of turkey and gravy left over in the freezer for more.Then I cleaned and cleaned. I love Thanksgiving but afterwards I can't wait to deep clean the house and particularly the kitchen in preparation for Christmas baking and cooking. I can't stand to work in a messy workspace, which you would never believe if you could see my computer desk right now 
Even though I'm stiff and my knee is killing me, there is a blissful sort of honest tired that comes from working your tootie off all day that I love.
Jan, pat yourself on the back and give your self a cookie! It seems like people are tending to feel in a lighter mood for shopping this year. I'm happy for your good sales going into the holiday time 
Marianne, sorry to hear of the arthritis. But here's to our fabulous 50's! Wishing you an early Happy Birthday I'll have to add the omega-3 to the mix and see if it helps.
Holly, Ross sounds like what my grandma would have called a little pistol, he sound like a cutie! I love all of the excitement of the little one's at the world and all of its wonder.
Night all, a cup of mint tea for me and then pillow time
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 06:52:03 AM
Sorry to have been MIA but between hand not doing so well & family coming to visit and all that cooking and cleaning and cook and cleaning!!! Add to the mix a 4 month old with colic & a 2 year old with a huge case of the "no's" who won't eat and isn't potty trained and screams whenever she doesn't get what she wants whose father is connected to a computer constantly and whose mom is apparently deaf. Ah family and holidays. Good thing they only come a couple of times a year!!
I was checking in to read, that's how I knew how to find you. Figured you might miss me.
Thanksgiving really was great. Great food, some of my extended family, some of my close family, some friends. I know it gets crazy and the older I get the less I seem to be able to handle it. Thank goodness nobody but me would go out to hide in the chicken coop!!! The chickens loved it--I always took them leftovers and scraps--and they had no problem listening and agreeing with me. At least they nodded a lot!!
Jenny is busy cleaning the front room so she can put up the tree. Every year we decorate a different color. This year Jenny got to pick. Seems we're going to have a very merry pink Christmas. I'll post pics later.
Well, gotta go.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 12:09:15 PM
Aloha girlfriends ... we arrived very, very tired yesterday - balmy, warm and sunshine as we picked up the rental car. Went to a very early dinner at Dukes - about 15 minute hike down the beach - came back to the villa, watched the news and went to bed at about 7:30 p.m. Maui time - got up at 7:45 a.m. 12 hours! Now sitting around in robe thinking of getting dressed and going out to buy some groceries and such. It is overcast - we had rain last night - and the trade winds are whipping up a storm. But it's all good and we are unnwinding - s-l-o-w-l-y.
Honey Bunny - here's a Maui hug to hold you for a bit.
Just scanned over the bunch of us who posted here already. Also checked out the "other" over 50 pages briefly. Marianne, you are the best. Thank you. (And thank you, Gypsy! who is making sure we are all rounded up. You get an extra pool boy for that. The redheaded one with the freckles and silly smile.)
Holly, when do your new children arrive? Any word yet? Before Christmas? Ross has many "aunties" here - and enough love that he can share it and never miss a kiss.
Dearest Thelma ... you are in my heart especially as you journey through December. Your posts during the Christmas season last year put smiles on my face many times over. You and Santa take good care and remember we all adore you.
Fancy Nancy - you have to stay in the suitcase just a little longer. I'll unpack you later this afternoon. No, we didn't have the Hulu pie at Duke's last night. We will have it next time when you are in my pocket - (to all: Nancy LOVES Duke's Hulu pie. We split a piece when we met at Duke's in Huntington Beach last May.)
I have to just post a little and try to keep up best I can for now. If this weather keeps this up - I'll be back sooner than later.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 1:01:20 PM
Notice how Darlys always gets in a good mood when she is over there with the pool boys and we are all stuck over here in the cold. Eating leftovers.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 26 2012 2:48:15 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 3:10:26 PM
Yea, Gypsy. I hear ya. Here in the cold. I don't even have leftovers ... Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 3:31:21 PM
Mar, would you believe she just sent me a text saying the sun is shinning and she is at Bubba Gump's. she's gonna pay for this. want me to fax you some turkey?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 3:50:49 PM
Oh nice ... up here in the inland NW, the sun is setting at the ungodly hour of 3:50 pm...
Sure, Gypsy, fax me some turkey, after all I do like it thinly sliced! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 4:59:54 PM
I went out this morning, 17 degrees and windy, came home and have been coughing up gunk ever since. I cannot breath that cold air, it burns my lungs and then fluids build up. Hope with tea and honey, I wake up all better tomorrow.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 5:00:57 PM
This time of year is tough here in the inland NW, isn't it Annika? I know we make up for it summer when our daylight seems to last forever, but it can be hard to remember at the beginning of the winter.
It would help if the labradors would stop barking at the blinking wreath at our front gate. seriously, how many nights does it take to get used to it? Of course, they still bark at the horses and we have always had the horses...these are the things I ponder in the dark!
Annika, I have enough challenges with fax machine without shepherd's pie!
marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 5:03:08 PM
Jan, good luck with your tea remedy. 17 degrees is getting down there. Hope you get some good rest and your lungs clear. Mar |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |