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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 29 2012 : 11:04:33 AM
Oh my -- I just read 3 pages of "us" and I will have to do my responding later as I am playing with my new NOok and a drawback is. that I can't see what I'm typing as the. Keyboard covers the. Msg window. you are all. In my. Heart annd those of of you who went shopping. With me in Paia yesterday has a tad tooo much funn. Christmas decoratioons are going up around Maui. We are going to hop on thhe shuttle Friday eveninng to go into LaHaina for the festivities around the lightinng of the Banyan tree. It's hard to not be able to seee what I've written so more later - after we have fired up the laptop. Alohayou wild, wonderful wacky, wise women. I loove you
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 29 2012 : 1:36:13 PM
I have been MIA for a few days. Monday I went out to run errands when it was only 6 degrees outside and breezy. I only got half done what I wanted, and knew I had better get home. I cannot breath the cold air in, it burns my lungs. Sure enough, by afternoon I was coughing up a storm, and coughed all night. Tuesday, I was getting a fever that was not going away, ended up 101.8, so went to the ER. They wanted to admit me into the hospital, but I told them no, not unless it does not get better in a couple of days. Yesterday, my fever was still high. I am on nebulizer, pain meds and antibiotic. They cannot put me on any steriods because that is what caused me to have that bone disease that made me have the hip and shoulder replacements. It the middle of las night, my fever finally broke. Today I was able to get up for a few minutes at a time. Now I have been up for an hour and feel alot better. Got some food in my tummy, have not eaten since Monday!!! I will live!!!! I have been put in the hospital 6 times a year for this before, but have never had a fever. I have stayed well, except for my replacements for 6 years, now this. I need to move but cannot do that until hubby retires in less that 2 years. Darlys, I should have hid in your suitcase!!!!! I will try to post more later,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 29 2012 : 3:41:16 PM
Jan, that sounds like some serious stuff you are dealing with! So glad that you could recuperate at home. It always feels best. And who needs to be around all the extra germs in a hospital! My dad always said he got sick from breathing cold air. He used to always tell me to breathe through my nose and not bring any air in through my mouth. And he always wanted me to wrap my scarf around my mouth to pre-warm the air that I breathed. And this was in California!!! I sure hope you can remain healthy for the rest of the winter. That really hit you fast and furious. Please take a good rest before you try to head out into the weather again.
Nancy, if your elves ever appear, please send them my way when you are done with them. I could use some extra hands for any chore they might want to do! Do you ever get annoyed with your dh for wanting to start the day later than you do? I have wondered how couples who are a lark and an owl work out their natural clock rhythms. Both dh and I are larks. But we do have owls in the pines outside our bedroom ...
Holly, I have every digit crossed that the boys will be able to celebrate Christmas with you. It sounds as though you SW will do her best to make that happen, too. How lucky will they be to have a 6 foot, 200 lb. older brother who is a basketball star!! Of the other children, who is most excited, well, besides Ross, of course. He must be having trouble even sleeping at night waiting for your boys to arrive.
Dh got home today. He actually got home early! Was offered a seat on an earlier flight! That has never happened before! Such a welcomed surprise. He had a bit of a panic yesterday. When he arrived at the security checkpoint at the airport, he realized he had left his computer in the hotel. The staff retrieved it, wrapped it and Fed Exed it home for him. In fact, it arrived at seven this morning! I was surprised to see a car coming down the drive while I was feeding the horses. He is so grateful he is sending some chocolate to them all.
Darlys, you are doing just fine typing without seeing what you are typing! Lighting the banyan tree sounds very fun. Glad you are enjoying yourself.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Nov 29 2012 : 4:27:51 PM
It's been a long day so far! The alarm clock died and I woke up 45 minutes later than I should've and had to hustle Drew out of bed and get him fed and ready to go double quick so he'd not be late to work. I've got a silly head cold and I'm tired as can be but no rest for the wicked. My 18 year old fridge is starting to act like its about to turn up it's toes on me, so I've been cooking up a bunch of things and making a bunch of plum butter from frozen plums that I stuffed in there in August. With the stew and the plums cooking the house smells warm and homey today.
I've been shopping around online for a new/newer refrigerator. I've got a pro-series stainless ceramic top range and I've found a stainless double door bottom freezer fridge that we may be able to afford in a month or so (praying that the poor old one that I've got holds on through Christmas) I've meant to do more today but with chores and cooking there hasn't been time, and my tail end is dragging from the cold.
Jan, I am so sorry to hear that you've been so ill and I hope that you have a bit of time to rest and please try to stay out of the cold as much as possible! I wish that I could send you some of this golden potato and chicken stew that I've made. Poor girl!
Holly, I so hope that it all comes together! I love kids and its so nice to have them and all of their excitement and noise for Christmas. I'm keeping all of my fingers and toes crossed!
LOL! Nancy, I'm almost always up before the alarm and have coffee brewing. My family are all late sleepers and I'm the odd duck of the bunch.
Darlys, we got my dad a Nook and it took him a bit to get the hang of I'm getting the clutter off the front porch here to put up a little potted tree and hang the outside lights! Your Banyan festival sounds like a delight!
Hugs and cookies to all of you!
p.s. Who EVER wins the powerball, gets to buy the private jet so that all of us can go lollygag on the beach in Hawaii 
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 29 2012 : 5:26:12 PM
Janet, so glad you are feeling better. Too much crud going around. Sounds like everyone is getting into the Christmas rhythm. Me... Not so much. I try, but my mom isn't very festive.
Holly, I so hope you get your new boys for Christmas. What a gift for everyone.
Well, took my truck to the shop. They said it needs a new or rebuilt transmission. About $3000.00. But they did a few things that would limp it along as long as I'm easy on it. No long trips or pulling anything and I should be able to have wheels until I can get real work and start putting money away. I'm just thankful I can stilly drive it. I don't go anywhere other than 2 miles into town anyway.
Have to get ready for night class. I have a test tonight.
Later for now.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Nov 30 2012 : 11:11:47 AM
I haven't got my decorations up yet in the house. We got lights up outside, so far. This next week is going to be for fixing up the house on the inside. I have already started receiving Christmas cards and haven't even got mine mailed yet.
Jan, I feel for you. When I go out in cold weather, I wrap a scarf around my mouth and nose. The polio made my lungs weak, so I have to be careful to not get pneumonia.
I always want to be cheerful in the morning. I decided years ago that I would get up and get dressed, no matter how bad I felt. It seems to keep me going. I figure that once I'm dressed I can do anything.
Annika, I hope your old fridge hangs in there until you can find another one. It's tough being without.
I will learn all of your names in time. Sometimes I'm real slow with names, but I'll get the hang of it soon.
Y'all have a great day.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 30 2012 : 11:56:07 AM
Well, I am assuming I have the flu, as today was the day for vomiting. I am so weak. I did manage to eat some toast and keep it down, so far. Am hoping for the best to start feeling better very soon.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Nov 30 2012 : 12:28:40 PM
Holly I am so glad you got the apron. I bought the fabric a long time ago and have just had time to make the apron. I hope you will get the boys soon. Hopefully for Christmas. What a gift from God to have the boys as addition to your family.
Darlys you are going to have a big laugh when you read your post. I was smiling the whole time I was reading it. Lucky you with that beautiful ocean to look at and all the fun you are having.
Jan I hope you will be feeling better soon. It is awful to be ill and this time of year makes it harder if you have things that need to be done. I am shivering just thinking of that cold weather you are experiencing. Brrrrrr!
Annika I too, hope your frige last until you can get a new one.
Bunny wow, what a price for you car to get fixed. Just run it until it dies as long as you don't have to go far in it. Good luck on your test. My GDs are having their finals now and are studying like crazy.
Phyllis, just keep a posting, girl. It took me a while to learn all the names, too. Send your name and birthdate to Penny and she will put you on the birthday list. It is really fun getting all the cards and good wishes from us ladies. I like to send the cards, too.
Gypsy, I am praying for you and your surgery Mon. Email me where you will be staying during your recovery. I know everything will go well for you.
I am making my turkey carcass soup today. I put in some celery, carrots and onions along with some spices. I can smell it now and even the dog and cat are twitching their noses. :))
Take care and have a good weekend.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Nov 30 2012 : 3:36:32 PM
Me too, Gypsy....prayers I mean. I know I always 'feel' the prayers whenever they are sent my way. I hope you'll be feeling ours.
My surgery will be Dec 14th. Dr will try to relive pressure on my elbow nerve. So hopefully I'll have feeling back in my hand soon. I hate not being able to sew. Maybe I'll teach myself to sew left handed!!
Jenny decorated the tree with pink twinkling lights and tons of pink and red ornaments. I'll get a picture posted soon.
The chickens are settling into the colder weather. I put a light inside their coop that goes on at 5 am every morning and it seems to be working. We were only getting an egg about every 2-3 days. Now, we're getting one egg a day. Got two yesterday! Plus, the one younger chickie that was moulting, has finally starting putting back on some new feathers. Good thing too. Hubby was beginning to think she was plucking herself in preparation for Sunday dinner!
I've decided to begin my 'second childhood' now. Why wait till I'm too old to remember why I'm acting like a child. I'm looking forward to Christmas like a child. Even though we won't be giving as many gifts as usual, I can't wait.
Jenny has been helping me bake cookies like crazy!! I usually do what my family calls "the 12 days of goodies" meaning I do 12 cookies and candies. Each has their favorites and remind me to make theirs first. Freezer is already holding about half the goodies and we'll have the rest done before the 14th.
Well, it's movie night. Time to go make the popcorn and get into "Men in Black 3"!!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 02:53:26 AM
Yea, Bunny, that is quite a price tag for getting your truck fixed. I don't know that it isn't a fair price, just that it is a lot of money. I have my fingers crossed that being super nice to it will keep it happy for now. I hope you did well on your test.
Phyllis I really admire your effort to be cheerful and always dressed early in the day. It does make a difference when you feel you are dressed for the job. I think I will put a bit more effort into my appearance and see if your way helps me get more done.
Jan, I hope the vomiting has stopped. It sounds as though you are on the mend, but what a terrible course you have been on!
Kathy, twelve days of goodies sounds wonderful. Only you could get that all done before you go in for surgery! You are amazing. Jenny is a great right hand woman. Glad that your chickies seem happier and are laying more regularly. Did you enjoy Men in Black? I thought is was pretty entertaining.
Today I need to get serious about just getting things picked up around the house. Too many items just sitting on the handiest horizontal service. This house has some serious need for closets. So, I give myself a break about things not being properly put away. But, it is time to get everything back down to a low roar. Maybe I can even get some holiday baking done like Kathy!
later! marianne |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 06:36:00 AM
Good am ladies! Have read just a couple threads? This is like a fresh start to catch up and begin! ; )
Thank you!
Have my gkids this weekend so I will continue as I'm able to read and enjoy what everyone is up to?
Have a great am!
Farmgirl hugs, Linda |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 08:22:28 AM
Ouch Bunny! I'm glad that you can still drive it, those things cost a bucket load to fix. We've got a VW "Bug" and it need some work that we've been trying to sock away money for, so I feel for ya!
Gypsy ~ I am sending my best healing wishes to you. Take care!
Kathy, I am so sorry that you are having nerve problems. Not being able to sew is just awful. I hope that the doctor can fix the problem and you'll have your hand back to normal soon! I've got a bit of arthritis in my hands and some days I have a rough time holding a needle. Machine sewing is somewhat easier but it does take practice
I've decided that growing up is a bunch of bother too and am happily skipping to my second child hood. My DH just hopes that I don't revert to chucking rocks at boys lol! I'm hoping for a little Christmas snow here. Deep enough to look pretty and make a snowman, not enough to have to dig our way through the drifts.
I'm going shopping for baking goods today to start the holiday baking. I'm sending my kid sis a bunch of chocolate-caramel drizzled popcorn and a bunch of rolls of freezer cookie dough of various sorts, because she like them warm from the oven so much . Christmas just isn't Christmas with out a freezer full of goodies is it?
Marianne I'm doing the same this weekend. My house needs a good solid day of reorganizing and putting into shape. We have a bad habit of just tossing things wherever is handy and it quickly becomes a mess. Good luck with your house taming. Its always a feel good moment to have your home looking good before you start the decorating =}
Jan I hope that you are doing better! You seem to have had the worst luck lately and need to catch a break! Take care and get better ((hugs))
Linda, it's good to see that you've joined us, I like reading your posts =}
Well, drinking more tea and making my to-do lists. The Celtic concert last night was wonderful! Three beautiful sisters from Seattle singing and playing and doing a fantastic Irish step dancing show! If you enjoy that sort of thing, please go check out the Gothard Sisters! The youngest is just 17 and she is just so talented and amazing!!!! My mom was from Ireland, so I suppose it's in the blood, but I love fiddle playing and Irish dancing. We had fun and are still talking about it this morning!
Hugs n' cookies =}
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 4:56:35 PM
Sounds like quite a few of you are in a winter cleaning mode. I did have to clean up after my Thanksgiving crew left. I'm afraid I did terrible on my Investments test. I just got all the formula's mixed up. I'll be luck to get a C. I'm really bummed. I have to do really well on my final report and hopefully that will at least get me a C in the class. The teacher is TERRIBLE. I could teach that class better without knowing much about investing. I had him last year for a tax class and got a C in that class too. What does it say when an A student gets C's in the same teacher's class. I know everyone else is frustrated too. I can only hope when the class evaluation comes out, everyone will be honest and say what they really feel. Well, my two weeks of being on my own are done. I pick mom up at the airport tomorrow night. Sigh... I was just getting use to this.
Gypsy, I'll be saying prayers for your surgery. Kathy, I hope the doctor can fix your arm too. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't sew. It is my passion and the only thing that keeps me sane. Jenny's tree sounds very colorful. I hope you can post a picture for us.
Holly, I sure hope you get your boys in time for Christmas. What a full house you must have!
Well, hope all you sickies get better soon. Wrap up and stay warm!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 6:49:09 PM
Bunny,there is no shortage of bad teachers out there. Many college instructors just use the same curriculum year in and year out. And when you are taking a class that is time sensitive like investments or tax law, they just pass out the same syllabus semester after semester. I really don't think they should allow them to have tenure because they just stop trying. i totally understand your frustration. Take your C and get away from the instructor. What is the other choice? And fill out the teacher evaluation, of course!
So, I didn't get to the straightening that I hoped to do today. But, I did round out my Christmas list. I could be done,but you know, I might find something else interesting ...
Gypsy, hope you are getting some good rest before you have your procedure. It is always best to be well rested. Now, Kathy, it sounds as though you are going to go full throttle until they put you under, but at least a good night's sleep would be good!! Best wishes, Gypsy. Please have Darlys or someone post about how you are feeling.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 6:49:12 PM
I'm also hoping that everybody gets better real soon. It's a time for getting in the mood for holidays.
I will also be cleaning up, gathering up and soon I'll be baking up. I went to the grocery store today to stock up on baking supplies.
Wish I could have seen that Celtic concert. I'm sure there was a lot of toe-tapping music there.
Linda, Have fun with your little ones. They are such a joy.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 6:49:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
It has been overcast and hovering around twenty degrees all day. We had some snow. But then we often have snow when everyone else has drizzle or nothing. I took Talie to the Winter Ball tonight. He is meeting Tyona (sp?). He has been after me to allow him to date. I have told him he that at the ripe old age of 15 he can group date but he can not be exclusive. So, tonight is that group date. She asked him to go and he is so excited to have been asked.
Ross got a new sled today. He picked it out himself. It is a one seater and has little plastic handles on each side to use as brakes. We went out for a half hour and he sped down the drive and the little hill laughing and laughing.
I am working on some grain bag bags. Trying to finish up some so my work room will not be piled so high.
I am reducing the amount of grain Coco the cow gets each morning and evening so she will produce less milk so drying her off will be easy. However, I do miss all of that creamy milk.
I hope that everyone is feeling better soon. We have had annoying colds here. Nothing to set any of us back just annoying. I sent some chicken soup to a friend down the road who has been hit hard like Jan. The symptoms sound the same. Jan I would send you some soup as well.
Soon Bunny this semester will be over and as long as you do not flunk the investments class you will have done well and you will not have to take it again. A class like that taught well could have been fun.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 02 2012 : 12:41:57 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
WOW! I am the last one to have written on Gather Up since yesterday, not just our board.
I hope that everyone is absent because they are doing something enjoyable.
What have I done today besides milking and gathering eggs? Made breakfast and lunch, finished putting together the bleeping bunkbeds. They have bolts that go into nuts that are embedded in the wood. If the hole is right the bolt goes right in. If the hole is a little off or a little deep the bleeping bolt will not go into the bleeping nut. We eventually put in correctly 29 of the 32 bolts. Bunk beds plus rails so the child will not fall of the top bunk. I am so glad it is done.
I hung up the new fire alarm and the two new fire extinguishers. I had to replace on fire alarm because when Kethry was cooking bacon and not even burning it the alarm sounded. and sounded again and again. I put it on the counter thinking it might not go off if smoke rises and it were lower. It sounded again and it would not stop so Kethry threw it on the ground. It stopped. It would not test again so I bought a new one. Those babies are expensive if they have CO alarms as well.
Talie had a great time at the Winter Ball last night. Kethry went with one of her friends and her friend's sister. They had a good time at the dance. After the dance was over a car near them backed up and took off the bumper of the car next to them and then drove to a different part of the parking lot. The girls saw him. The police came out and questioned and tried to blame them for the damage. The older girl said to Kethry and her friend, we are Asian and Black we can not act like bi*****. The damaged car was driven by two Asian girls. The car that drove away were a white boy and man. Kethry said the police kept them there for more than an hour. He kept asking the older girl to drive around to see if anything fell off. I do not know if the situation was resolved or not. Kethry and her friends were not impressed with the behavior of the police.
It is raining now. why can't it be snow? whining a little.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Dec 02 2012 : 4:42:16 PM
Holly, Thanks for posting and keeping it going! Sounds like you are in full 'get ready' mode for the boys. The fire alarms, extinguishers, bunk beds, are on top of things. I know what you mean about putting together these pieces of furniture with those predrilled holes that are wonky. Frustration comes in many packages. Almost all that you purchase at either Lowes or Home Depot. It is unusual to get something from those stores home with all the pieces intact or even in the box. And we never live really close to those stores. You are probably even further away from something like that.
I remember a text I got from dd when she and her boyfriend first moved into their apt. They had been searching for a desk for his "office." They found one and the text I got from the parking structure attached to the store said, "Seems IKEA sells everything you can imagine needing except a vehicle large enough to get your purchase home in."
The house seems so cozy tonight. Dh is home. The Christmas lights are on. The doggies are snug on their beds. I feel so fortunate. I am so looking forward to Dd's trip home for the holidays. We are going to have our holiday favorites for dinner. Just so much to look forward to.
By the way, Holly, the fact that the girls were delayed for an hour by the authorities is so upsetting. To have the young lady drive her car around to see if anything falls off! Ridiculous. My hat is off to those young ladies for behaving the way they did in a circumstance during which they were not given the benefit of the doubt or believed at any level. It is difficult, especially when you are young, to keep a civil tongue in your head when you are being treated unfairly.
The Winter Ball sounds like a big deal. I bet Talie will remember this big date forever. How nice that you don't have to be paired up to attended and Kethry had a nice time with her friends.
I got gifts wrapped and packaged up to ship out tomorrow. Also, collected all the recycling to drop off while we are in that part of town. Other than those two chores, I don't think I did much out of the ordinary. Which suits me just fine most days!
Annika, do you have Celtic recordings to listen to so you can relive the concert?
Phyllis what is the status of your holiday baking?
Linda, don't worry about catching up on the posts, just tell us what you did today or plan on doing this coming week ....
Gypsy, thinking of you.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 02 2012 : 4:57:52 PM
Thanks Marianne and all you wonderful sisters. Tomorrow is the big day and I am ready to get it over with. I went to store and bought enough food to hibernate for at least two weeks. We are decorating the tree tonight at DD's. my little trailer is all cozy next door. See you in a couple of days
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 02 2012 : 6:56:47 PM
Prayers and well wishes sent your way, gypsy. Hope you have a real speedy recovery. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow. I am finally feeling better, still coughing, but able to move around more now. Yesterday I could stay up all day and eat small bits at a time. Today I did get out and pick up a few groceries. Came home and got the decorations out on the lawn done. It was warmer with little wind. Yesterday it rained and melted all the snow that we did have. I have not started on the indoor decor yet, but it will wait for me. A little at a time. Holly, You are going to be so ready for the new boys arrival. I bet the whole family is anxiously waiting. How exciting!!!! Marianne, That is great that you were able to lay back today and be so cozy with DH home. Can't get any better than that!!!! Bunny, I had an instructor like that when I was going to college way back when I was 35. He was a couple years older than I and married, but would run around in the bars and pick up women. He was a big flirt, and in business class, all he would talk about was his experiences and his printing business and the dirty things he put on hats and shirts. He tried picking me up one night during summer break, big mistake. I told him that if he was teaching a class that I was taking in the fall, I would drop it. He asked why, and I told him that he was not a good teacher and I would not learn a thing from him. He quit teaching and I never had to worry about him again. I know you are looking forward to getting a break and sew. Hope you can sew to your heart's content!!!! Well, now that I wrote a book, it feels good to be back in the saddle again. Have a wonderful evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Dec 02 2012 : 10:06:22 PM
Sorry for not posting today Ladies. I'm not feeling well. I slept poorly last night and woke up very tired this morning. I've just been lying around today. No baking yet. I think it will be Tuesday before I can get started on the cookies.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Dec 02 2012 : 10:12:55 PM
Hey chickie poos - I am so glad I was able to find you again. Now if I can book mark this site I'll have it made. I had a pretty good week this past week. I was able to get my tree put up (all 8 feet of it), finished sewing an apron for Mrs. Claus and I even went with Santa for a 2 hour visit with some children in a town 10 miles from us. I am so tired of "taking it easy" I just want to scream! More Mayo testing this Wednesday, and the on Jan. 14th we will get the results of theis round of tests.
How are you chicks coming with your Christmas shopping? We are not doing a whole lot.Darwin helped me with gifts for the guys, and I'm attempting to sew gifts for the ladies, and the grands are getting gift cards. Just need to get a gift for each of the 3 grands as a 6 year old needs a fun item to play with when everyone gets to grandma and papa's house.
Our 14 year old grand daughter and her dad will be going to the cities next weekend. She will be having back surgery at Shriners hospital on December 10th. Please keep her in your prayers and also pray for her surgen and medical team. We are asking God for their steady hands and clear thinking. thank you so very much.
Well chickie poos, it is time for this old sitting hen to hit the roost. It has been a good day, but a long day and i need my beauty sleep. Taa taa my dear friends. I do hope Santa brings all of you some wonderful Christmas gifts. |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 03 2012 : 2:49:53 PM
Am in prayer for Gypsy as she is probably coming out of surgery (or in recovery) right now. Time change between Maui & Texas has me a bit screwed up - but have been thinking of her and expecting that she will come through this better than new. She has her daughter & family (where she is staying in her new mobile "gypsy" digs) -- and I know they will take good care of her. Love you, girlfriend!
And sweet Nancy ... Happy Anniversary to you and Leon. I hope you are doing something fun today/tonight.
Larry and I celebrated 12 years yesterday by eating too much. We went to Duke's (outdoor restaurant just a bit down the beach) for lunch and we each had a big mango chicken salad. Really, really yummy. We had a coupon for free Hulu Pie - so we split it. (That's a big wedge of macadamia nut ice cream on a dark chocolate cookie crust topped with hot fudge, more macadamia nuts and whipped cream.)
Then we went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Lahaina for dinner. (We understand it is famous.) We had a coupon for a free appetizer & so we had very "substantial" and tangy, tasty crab stuffed mushrooms. Then we had absolutely the best steak (melt in your mouth and delicious), baked potato and a glass of wine. They brought us a tray of chocolate dipped strawberries after dinner as an anniversary treat. It was fun - and filling. We were tired though - so we came back to the villa and watched the news, went to bed and read for a bit and nodded off.
I just finished Anne LaMott's newest book - Help Thanks Wow. It's a book on prayer. She is such a talented author - doesn't come off as that sticky-pious. I've read several of her books over the years. There was only one I truly didn't care for and didn't finish (Joe Jones).
We've been having a good time here (again). Mostly relaxing. We did drive over to Paia and shopped a bit - and, of course ate. Also went over to Keihi (Maui Quilt Shop is there!) and, naturally, ate .... fantastic pulled pork sandwiches at a place called Fat Daddy's. (I would probably weigh 200 plus pounds if we didn't walk so much!)
I know, I know. My past post from my new Nook looked like I was drunk. But I was trying to let you all know that those "seasoned" farmgirls who traveled here in my suitcase were acting bit giddy. They kept trying to sabotage my post - and I see they did a darn good job of it.
Bunny, in particular, has been a bit frisky. She was cutting loose. Loud applause for her spirited rendition of the hula on the beach! Making your own grass skirt and coconut bra was quite an achievement, Honey Bunny. A little more grass in the skirt might have been in order though.
Nancy was clipping everyone's coupons for free Hula Pie. That girl does love her ice cream. Believe it. And somehow she stays so tiny.
Marianne and Thelma were doing that thing where you stand up and paddle on what looks like a surfboard (after drinking a couple of Lava Flows) and had everyone cheering them on. Good show!
Gypsy, as you all know, hogs all the pool boys - and since she couldn't be here this trip had several sent to her .... v-e-r-y special delivery!
Holly had everyone in stitches after she downed (I lost count) several Tropical Monkeys (that's a rum, Bailey's, vodka, banana liquore, ice cream and chocolate drink) by standing on an outdoor bar and singing "Let Me Entertain You ... and we'll have a reeeeeal goooood time ... OH YEAH" My, my, Holly. Who knew?
Some of us just donned our darkest sunglasses, big hats and sipped Mai Tais lounging around the pool as we took it all in. Aloha, sweet things.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |