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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  4:31:27 PM  Show Profile
Just noticing how my post rambled back and forth. Just like I talk. Gettin old........ It's harder than it looks.....

Now Marie has a post ahead of mine, and before mine was right after Holly's. This thread definitely has a mind of it's own!

It looks like the ability to trash a message is gone for good.

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 06 2014 4:36:36 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  5:42:49 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Holly, I hope you get a few minutes of complete rest. turn that mind off! Running around in the snow is a great exhaustion producer. Hope it produced some great exhaustion in those young ones. DsT is just struggling, isn't he. You hope they will get it soon, but you just never know until they get there. And then those turkeys can lose their common sense in a split second. sigh. good luck dear friend. I really like the fact that the agency was no longer taking complaints. I guess they just figure you aren't going to come up with anything new to say?

Marie, I LOVE that purse. I remember my mom had one like that and I just always wanted to hold it and turn the locking mechanism. Enjoy it. You will be quite stylish when you craft. I am having some major trouble with prescription/insurance, too. good luck to you, I think their first instinct is to deny and hope you just go away.

GG, don't worry about MIL. She is happy as a clam. And, yes, Holly, she is the reason I haven't been able to post as often as I would like. It is busier with her in the household. Which just makes sense. Today, she wanted to know what she could cook for Christmas. I'm thinking, can I get back to you about the 22nd???? The fixation on food/cooking/shopping for food is such a nuisance to me.

I finally started my one Christmas project today. I am making some really cute gift tags, which could also be ornaments. so far, so good. Maybe I will post a photo of them. Imagine! Me posting a photo that isn't an animal!

Have a nice evening,
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  5:43:43 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, great new items in your store!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  6:17:38 PM  Show Profile
Just checking to see if anyone has posted

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  6:39:30 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

I do like scrambled egg sandwiches with the bread toasted and buttered, the eggs lightly scrambled and a thin slice of cheese that will melt from the heat of the egg.

The chickens have been molting so we have not had many eggs for a couple of weeks. Yesterday and today the production has been up to more than twelve a day so we are good. Now we can have quiche for supper or a frittata which I had never made until Mar told us she ate them. For supper. They are so much quicker to make than quiche.

DsT had been reasonable for about six days. He is back to being grumpy and controlling. I was going to send his basketball coach a note to congratulate him. On turning Mr. T around but I will not be doing that quite yet.

C will graduate from her master's degree program in June. She asked her father today if he would come to the graduation and he said no. He is not up to traveling much anymore. He has never been here to visit but he goes to her brother's house in North Carolina twice a year and has every year since he moved there from Ohio. She is hurt. She is hurt every time. She tries so hard to be good to make him proud and it is never good enough. I want to smack the sh&& out f him most times and then know that he has never been worth it.

Mar, maybe you could get MIL to make cookies or cakes for the homeless shelter or something. Would that. Mean that you would have another responsibility ?
You are a trooper to be as kind as you are as you all settle in.

Marie, why does the pharmacy care how many test strips you have gone through? It is not like you can smoke them or sell them on the street corner for a profit. What if a pile had fallen into the toilet would they make an allowance for that?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  10:08:27 PM  Show Profile
Mar, you can come on here and vent all you want to. I don't know if I could do what you are doing. I get tired of any company after 2 or 3 days. You've got no way to get away from her. I thought she would be staying in her own little plAce.

Holly, I'm sorry for C and even sorrier for her parents that they've allowed their prejudice to prevent them from sharing their child's life. What a pity.
I make my scrambled egg sandwiches by frying onions first and then scrambling the eggs with them.

Marie I like the purse too. I also am going to run out if meds early this month because I took a little extra due to extra stress and trouble sleeping. I find some pharmacies are so strict and others are not but they a always blame it on the insurance co. It really gripes me because I think my meds ought to be between my doctor and me, not them.
Time to say good night. I can't proof read this so I hope it sounds ok.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 07 2014 :  12:20:17 PM  Show Profile
Yeah, so much for organization. Part of the problem is that I have to get this supply (it's not a medication) from another pharmacy because the clinic pharmacy does not have a contract for medical urplies from my Medicare (or something like that). So I will backtrack through this labyrnhine series of organizations which pay to keep me alive. Some may say that because this is a supply and not an actual pill, I could buy it over-the-counter. I would except that the price is $150 for 100 test strips. This is all pretty disgusting.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 07 2014 :  4:36:26 PM  Show Profile
Marie--that really sucks about the test strips costing so much. I know someone with diabetes and I think he gets some of his supplies from Canada. He even said once he got medicine from Australia. Apparently it's cheaper that way. I wouldn't know how to even go about finding how to get medicine/supplies internationally.
Holly--it's sad that C's father acts that way. I think she should just be proud of herself for getting a Master's degree and not worry about him. I know that's easier said than done.
GG--I've never been a fan of those Swiss Mess packets. I used organic cocoa in making mine and I think that made a big difference.
I was just looking through the latest issue of Yoga Journal and figuring how to motivate myself to practice yoga everyday. I can't afford to attend classes. There are free classes offered by Nautilus courtesy of my employer, but most of those people have been attending for several years and it's hard to keep up with them. I think I'm finally over the bronchitis that I came down with almost three months ago. I can breathe well again but vigorous physical activity makes me cough. So I workout at home when I'm motivated and I try to change the routine up so it doesn't get boring. I've been working more on holding a pose for twenty or thirty breaths and then moving on to another pose. So I don't move quickly but I'm building up endurance.
My brother and his family in Texas will be here for Christmas. My SIL is driving again and doing a lot better since her surgery. Her co-workers and neighbors made so much food for them right after the surgery that they couldn't eat it all. they didn't have to cook for weeks.
Since this is the Advent season, I've been thinking about the journey of the three wise men. (I know that no one really knows if there were three of them). I find it ironic that the first Jesus worshipers were astrologers from the East. But most churches regard astrology as "New Age". despite the fact that it predates Christianity. Go figure.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 07 2014 :  4:53:28 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A slow day here on the hill farm. We had bacon and pancakes for breakfast. When I thought I would be a vegetarian bacon was my undoing. I was living inh city and who knows where the meat came from. I also did vegetarian in college because that food line in the cafeteria was always shorter and the food was prepared for a smaller group of students so it was warmer when it hit the plate. They also had yogurt and honey I if tubs and it was my favorite.

DsR came to visit again. He just hung out all day and tht was fine. He did do the dishes after supper without being asked.

Son by choice L took some of hate children to the gospel choir performance this afternoon so the house was quiet for a while.

I went out and took pictures in the bright sun and snow. Last week I took pictures of and overcast day and they looked black and white except for the little windmill or the road grAder in the yard or the rust colored oak leaves on the tree. Today I tMook pictures of the same scenes and the sun made the tree bark have c Olof and depth to them that the black and white appearance did not.

We have looked into other internet providers but they are dish interfaces and you must buy television access as well and I don it want 220 stations for the child re to peruse at their leisure . So, we are still no where.

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Dec 07 2014 5:03:05 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 08 2014 :  11:26:58 AM  Show Profile
Holly I will be glad when you can post your pictures again. I post them from my iPad.

Cable has controls where you can limit what the children can watch. PBS has good content, as does national geographic. There is one channel that shows old Lone Ranger and that era TV shows. Guess who in my household likes to watch that. The little boys might like those, (although Tonto would be politically incorrect today. I've griped enough about Fox News that it's not worth it to him any more. We both like golf and figure skating. Ice hockey and HGTV. History channel used to be good but now it's all about ancient aliens I know, Bunny.......

The sunshine is back and it's a delightful day.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 08 2014 :  3:18:52 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I think bacon would be the undoing of most vegetarians. What is it about bacon? We use to buy maple flavored bacon. I know it wasn't real maple but it did a good job of smelling up the whole house for days. I can't find it anymore. When my family came to my house for holidays, tradition was to have waffles with bacon in the batter. (bacon was cooked up first.) My dad use to make it when I was a kid and my kids love it. I think they love that it has become a family tradition. They never knew my dad(s). ( I was adopted.)

Cindy and GG, I agree about the Swiss Miss crap. I was raised on it. I make my morning mocha with milk, nestles and instant starbucks coffee. I call it my white trash mocha. So much cheaper than heading into town.

Marie, love the little purse! What a fun find. Hope you have the medical stuff all worked out. What a pain!

Mar, I would love to see your tags! I commend you for dealing with MIL so well. I can't wait to get away from my mother! She is the laziest person I have ever met. Maybe that isn't such a bad deal. I don't have to deal with what ever she has gotten in to. BTW, she is the worst cook!

Yesterday I was so sleepy all day. I had an order to get packaged up and then I went back to bed. It was so nice! Today I'm spazzing out in the sewing room with three projects all going at the same time. I just flit from one to the other. My attention span isn't doing so well today. I even wrote a blog post for today and one scheduled for tomorrow. I'm suppose to be sewing...

Here are the two garments I sent to Altered Couture.

I know... not the best pictures. I just take a few to remind me what they look like. The magazine might not publish them for months and I would have forgotten what they looked like. I eventually have to write directions on how to make them.

Well, lunch is over... I better get back to work.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 08 2014 :  8:02:36 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, those pieces are gorgeous ! Love the skirt! Wow!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 08 2014 :  8:20:44 PM  Show Profile
Bunny--that skirt is beautiful! So farmgirl! The top would be perfect for a spring day. And I agree--it has been hard for me to give up bacon since going back to vegetarian.
I glued a board to my thumb last night. I had a drawer in the kitchen and the back came off. So I took the drawer out and tried to glue the back onto it. Didn't work--I couldn't get it aligned right and then I had to pry my thumb off the board. Finally i used duct tape to hold the back on. It works. Now I wonder if I have a thumbprint left.
I put the lights on my parents' Christmas tree today. They act like everything is such an ordeal. My mom kept saying that I couldn't get behind the tree. She was afraid I'd trip over the extension cord. I told her, "Look, I can do this." She acts like I'm helpless. when in reality, they're the ones who are helpless. My cousin has started a support group for care-givers. I think I'll try to attend a session and maybe find out what others are dealing with and how they handle parents who have become, in many ways, like children.
If you have the chance, check out my GMO alert in the Across the Fence forum.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  01:35:58 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, the photos look fine. I agree with g and Cindy, the skirt is the attention getter. The shirt is very Pretty and will probably sell quickly, the skirt really catches your eye! I hope they are both published.

Cindy, putting the lights on is always the worst part of few decorating. But,I bet your parents will really enjoy having the tree up and you made it happen! It has to make you smile that your mom is trying to protect you. Those nasty extension cords.

Took mom to have her hair done. Then grocery shopping. I find that I have no patience in the grocery store. I just want to follow a list and throw everything in the basket and go. This trip mom at least had made a list AND brought the list after many reminders.I really have to work on my patience for these trips. Dh takes turns with me, of course, but when he takes her, too many extra items come home with them.

Mom has had some slightly higher blood sugar readings. She can't seem to stay away from food like potato chips -left over from thanksgiving.

Not much else to gripe about. Oh, feed the leftover cranberries to the horses. The lipstick look made our horse helPer giggle. An authentic chuckle from her makes our heart sing. She laughs often when it is socially appropriate, but a true giggle is priceless.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bluffton Ohio
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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  06:32:35 AM  Show Profile
all I can say is .... WOW !
That skirt and top are lovely!
Amazing job :)


Live to leave a legacy

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  07:53:08 AM  Show Profile
AH HAH! We caught a lurker! Tammy, now you will have to post once in a while. I got ya by the collar and I'm hauling you in to the Over 50 Farmgirl Posse.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  09:47:29 AM  Show Profile
Marie......hahahaha!! Caught a lurker. Glad I had the right bait.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  10:50:43 AM  Show Profile
I lurk on the "porch" thread. Once in a while. I don't feel like part of that group and don't really think I could become a regular. I see Bunny's posts on there. A couple of posters on there used to be on here and they left not long after I joined, so just in case it was me, I'm not posting there. There is a writer on there named Chermine that I really like. Sometimes I go to the different blogs. Some very interesting people on the different threads. I used to read Grace Gerber's posts and loved her blog. I was a huge fan but didn't feel I had anything to contribute to the conversations, but I admired her so much and still go look at her amazing yarns. She is incredible

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  11:26:05 AM  Show Profile
GG, I post on the porch every once in a while. I too don't really feel like I belong anymore. But I still visit from time to time.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  4:06:14 PM  Show Profile
Good evening evone,

All of the evening activites have been cancelled tonight because of the weather. We have about four inches of snow accumulated but the temperature have raised just enough for there to be misting rain and enough snow melt to create a nice sheet of ice on the roads. I am happy to be home. The snow is thundering off the roof periodically.

Here is a saying I found I the catalog.

It came to me that everytime I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them and every new dog that comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all of the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as genero us and loving as they are. Anonymous

We have a spelling game called Vowell Play. The board is set up like a baseball game and other are little wooden pieces tht move around the bases. The are cards in four areas of difficulty. On the cards are four words speelled out on one side. On other side are the words spelled out with out the vowels. The is a little egg timer. The boys really like to play it. It is a more fun way to practice spelling than rote words. That was part of our afternoon.

Now to see what others have written.

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  4:34:57 PM  Show Profile
Been there done that. Glued my finger or thumb to some thing. Then the glue sits on my finger for several day an and makes it feel stiff.

I think the chocolate man either needs to be a little sneakier about returning items to the shelves when he goes shopping or a little mor aware of what M is putting into the cart. I remember we I used to go shopping with my elderly neighbor who was losing her mind and it was just easier to let her buy more cat food each week than argue with her about it in the store. Eventually the cat did eat it all up. I guess you could just clean the cupboards and take the food you/she will not use to the food shelf. Might be easier.

It is so hard to let people help us when we get older. Your mom can not say or admit that she used to be able to do it herself but now can not. So, she gripes at you. Maybe when she is griping next time you should say, I remember mom when you. ......................... For me. Now I am happy to do .................. For you.

Bunny that is a very pretty top and skirt. If I had a job or went to church I could wear them. They look happy. You set a good trap. II hope Tammy sticks around .

I do not lurk anywhere on a regular basis. Sometimes I go over to the parenting boards. Geez G and here I thought I might have sent some of the posters away from here. Now I. Can share the brief and superficial feelings of guilt.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  4:57:01 PM  Show Profile
Laughing really hard right now, Holly. Who else among us has those brief and superficial feelings of guilt!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 09 2014 :  8:45:58 PM  Show Profile
It's 10:00 pm and I'm just now settling down to read everyone's posts and have some down time. I got home from work today and called my mom, then after I had talked to her, my cousin called. Seems she fell and blood was gushing from her nose so an ambulance took her to the ER. Her nose isn't broken, but scraped up and bruised, and her knees and shoulder are also sore. But at least nothing's broken. She needed a ride from the hospital back to the credit union where her car was parked (where she fell). She didn't want to call her parents cause she knew they'd be worried sick, and besides, she's officially their care-giver. So I picked up her and her daughter and drove them back to the credit union. Then I returned home and changed clothes and then drove over to St. Louis to attend a presentation by a wildlife photographer. It was very good and the pictures were stunning. There were lots and lots of avian photos, and of course, I love birds. So it's been a busy evening, with lots of driving. I don't mind driving when the weather's good, like tonight, but I don't like driving in heavy rain. I'd rather drive in snow than rain any day. Though, Holly, like you I don't drive on ice unless it's absolutely necessary.
My basement is a little smelly right now. The sewer backed up, not very much, but still...I moved the cover over the drain and there were tiny roots in it. I took a stick and got some of it out but not all. Called the sewer guy and he will be here on thursday. Another bill to pay--it never ends, does it? we will be getting a small bonus with our next paychecks. Not enough to pay the sewer guy but every little bit helps. they've raised the minimum wage in Chicago to $13.00 an hour. Wish the rest of the state would do that.
I haven't had supper yet so I plan to cook some butternut squash chunks I got at the store and make a cranberry sauce to go over it. Gotta eat my colors. I got my seed catalog from Baker Creek heirloom seeds the other day so I've been dreaming about my garden for next year. I think I'll try growing more flowers for the bees. I'd like to plant something under the walnut tree in my backyard but I know walnuts contain toxins that kill some plants. I wonder if ferns would grow there? It's shady and ferns are so pretty.
I'm glad we caught a lurker. Hopefully she'll come back and stay. I'm so glad I picked up that copy of MJF so many years ago. After reading it, I knew there were others like me. It's hard to find others in this town---most of the people are too poor to afford organic so they just eat junk. The new co-op is planning to open soon and I think that will be a blessing. It's located in a "food desert" area of town so I hope it can really make a difference. They designed a mural on the side of the building and it will be dedicated this Saturday. Changing lives, one organic bite at a time.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 10 2014 :  12:09:38 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everynone,

We have lights again. The power went out last night about eight thirty and came on this afternoon around one. I called the woman at the electric company and thanked her for having the power earned and in such a timely manner. I had spoken to a friend across town and her power company told her maybe Friday. She got hers back about an hour before us. She lives about three miles as the crow flies from me.

We had about eight inches of snow last night and the it began to rain early in the morning. Schools are all closed because of the power outages and bad travel. Now it is raining and hailing. I went out to take pictures and the hail hurt when it hit.

We are lucky to have a wood stove and a tank to hold water in h downstairs and the gas stove that will light with a match to cook on. So, we were not too hard up.

The branches on the trees are all sagging down. H deciduous as well as the coniferous. I hope the big oak tree survives intact. It has some large branches near the bottom that are all touching the ground now in a painful looking manner.

It is interesting to see the snow slammed onto the sides of the trees with a fine line separating the white and the color of the bark.

Have a good rest of the afternoon.

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 10 2014 :  5:12:07 PM  Show Profile
Just checking

farmgirl #2499

Oh,well everyone must be busy. I hope you are all snugged in tight.

Edited by - Tall Holly on Dec 10 2014 5:13:27 PM
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