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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 10 2014 :  7:18:56 PM  Show Profile
Me too. Where is everybody?

Today was a cool, overcast day and we are both getting depressed. Needing a city fix. I discovered a TV show I like called " fixer upper". I love everything she does. So I have watched 6 of her shows last night and today. Wish I could get her to do my house.

So glad we are not in the snow country. Glad Jan is out of it. It gets harder to deal with as we get older. You will see, Holly.

Good night all.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 10 2014 :  10:27:16 PM  Show Profile
Holly, when I lived in the mountains I always made sure my house has propane and a wood stove. That way I knew I could cook and stay warm and get a shower. I will never live in an all electric house in the snow. I did get caught with my log house though. We had a well, and when the electricity went water.

Nothing going on here. Boring weather. Mom driving me crazy as usual. Did get three dresses done though.
I went to my friends bunco group Christmas party. Everyone was so loud I could hardly hear. The food was good but conversation was difficult. Why do people have to be so loud.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  06:25:00 AM  Show Profile
Just checking for a friendly read before I do the dishes and the boys school work.

farmgirl #2499

Bunny good to read you. People of our age can not hear so well and so if they can not h ear what the other person. Is saying we talk louder so they can hear. Us. So many periods in. The sentence .
I bet the dresses are lovely.

Edited by - Tall Holly on Dec 11 2014 06:27:33 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  10:43:04 AM  Show Profile

Today I have the last after school class of the year. WOO HOO! Most of the kids have had a long day and by the time I get them they are tired, crabby and want to jump around. I wish I could find someone to teach knitting. We had so much donated yarn here. I wish they could crochet well enough to make simple scarves for themselves and for charity. But then, I have to remember how I myself when young had pursuits other than knitting and crochet.

I have been busy writing Christmas cards, doing Christmas crafts and trying to keep this place from looking like a junk house. Lowell is the same. He has made a promise to take me to and pick me up from a Fix-It clinic this weekend only to forget that he had invited the band over for rehearsal. He said that he could take me there but that would mean I would have to go out to breakfast with him. I guess that's okay but expensive. I shall have to find a ride back. I definitely need a new driver.

If I don't post again for a while, I am either crafting, cleaning or sleeping.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  3:13:21 PM  Show Profile
Marie, clutter is a never ending battle. I love these houses on tv where everything is so perfect. But where do you relax and have your pile of reading materials, glasses, kleenex and coffee cup? Stuff just happens!

It was a cool and very dreary day here today. did not rain but the clouds are so heavy and it is so dark. I will be glad when the days start to get longer again.

Holly, looks like everyone is busy or depressed so nobody is posting much. Too many days out here in the middle of nowhere makes me depressed in in a [bleep]y mood. E

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 9:28:32 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  3:17:24 PM  Show Profile
Oh dear, I met someone online. We seem to be hitting it off rather nicely. Very scary. Then we meet and I'm not what they are looking for. I'm afraid to do the face to face. I guess I'll have to get it over with eventually. But he is very interesting. We have been emailing back and forth for an hour now.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  4:08:39 PM  Show Profile
Oh, goody!! We need some excitement around here! Give it up bunny--we want every detail!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  4:59:21 PM  Show Profile
GG, you are so funny. I met him on plenty of fish. He is very artistic. He makes beautiful gold and silver jewelry, paints and had a pottery studio for many years. Looks like a back to nature kind of guy. Grows a lot of his own food. Grew up with 5 sisters and mentioned he use to make dresses for them. He sews, crochets and was a refridgeration technition for many years. ( in other words..mechanical). He has long hair, short and is 66 years old. Very nice smile and kind eyes. Not fat or skinny. We emailed back and forth for over an hour. He lives north of me. Not too far away but not right in town. I told him I was open to a meet up. We will see.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  5:00:26 PM  Show Profile
Good evening I am glad to hear from everyone,

G keep talking one or the other of us may come into a similar situation in the future and need to learn from your experiences or at least commiserate that one of our siblings was not as big an ass as yours or eve a bigger one. I hope that the B has somewhere to escape your no directed rath.

Keep talking Bunny. I want the details too. Is he close or in No. Cal.? Good luck, someone is out there who will recognize that you are a treasure and he will be someone of worth.

Marie you are so kind and compassionate to all around you . I hope the children are happy with their projects. Have a good breakfast. I still need to member the fix ti workshop and tell my friend Colleen so we can start one here.

Well, the power went out last night while we were sleeping. It is still out. We are only inconvenienced not in any way desperate. Doing the laundry would be a bonus but that will wait as well. We had candles at supper. The boys thought they were fabulous, just like living in a castle. None of them burned themselves Either and they are all in bed. I am so relieved . Tomorrow is another day.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  5:15:34 PM  Show Profile
Holly, he lives just over the Washington border. I'm right on the Columbia River and he is about 40 minutes on the other side. He use to live in California. In Angels Camp which is right next to where I use to live. I did tell him I want to go back. That may put a damper on things, but I wanted to be honest about it. Who knows, maybe if this works, he will be up for going with me. He has an online business and looks to be able to earn money where ever. He may own his property though. I haven't gotten that far yet.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  5:16:12 PM  Show Profile
Sometimes those days with no electricity make the most memorable memories.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  5:22:01 PM  Show Profile
Sometimes just chatting with someone who is kind for a while makes it a joyful evening . Enjoy the conversation Bunny

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  6:03:50 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 6:30:14 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  6:23:04 PM  Show Profile
Oh, and Bunny, make sure he likes to cook. I overlooked the importance of that.

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True Blue Farmgirl

942 Posts

Middletown Indiana
942 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  6:37:27 PM  Show Profile
Hello ladies - I'm newer to the over 50 group but have been part of the farmgirls for a few years. Mind if I join the conversation? I'm over in Central Indiana and work full time and am trying to add more self-sufficiency to my life all the time. I've got 5 grown daughters - 2 teenage boys still at home and my DH, Bob at home too. 5 granddaughters and 1 grandson have been added to the mix over the years so we are a busy family. I'm looking forward to sharing conversation with you all, if you all don't mind. :)

If you can't feed one hundred people, then just feed one. -Mother Teresa

Star - farmgirl sister #1927

Estle Schipp Farm: Celebrate the Hobby Farm Lifestyle

Master Food Preserver
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  6:37:44 PM  Show Profile
I did get the impression that he did. I made it very clear, I do not. The only negitive thing he admitted to was being messy. No big deal. I don't mind cleaning up. I have always had a clean house even with two boys.

Your dogs are fickle it seems. The cats here are fickle too. Lately I'm the favorite. But then I feed everyone and clean the cat box. I also give the best head rubs. My mom calls me the cat whisperer.
Yes, the frog will get his kiss tonight.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  6:40:42 PM  Show Profile
Star, welcome. Of course we would love to have you. If you have been lurking, you might find us a bit opinionated. But we are a diverse group and I can speak for everyone saying, we love new farmgirls.

Sounds like you have quite a crew in your home.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  6:49:04 PM  Show Profile
Welcome Starletta! Of course you may add your 25 cents to the thread. We like good conversation and virtual hugs. I like to play "What Is The Dumbest Thing Your Man Did This Week". My DH, Lowell, is frequently featured. We are all at different places in the over 50 category so we help each other along.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  10:35:56 PM  Show Profile
Gee, I leave you guys alone for a minute and miss all the excitement. I've had a little excitement of my own, not so good. The sewer guy came tonight and had to run the eel through at least three times. All those roots. and he said my pipes were rusty (well, I could have told him that--he he). Then I drove across the river to my support group. I decided the other members needed me too much for me to just quit. The leader apologized to me for his dumb actions. so all's well, but as I was leaving I realized I had a flat tire. SO I called roadside emergency and they said a guy would be there in forty minutes. I was still in the hospital parking lot. Turns out they can pinpoint exactly where you are from the GPS in your cell phone. So I waited. About five minutes before the emergency guy was due to arrive, a security officer noticed me. Really? I'd been sitting there forty five minutes. It's bigger than the hospital where I work, but that's lousy security. Anyway, the donut tire got me home. today is payday and I need new front tires anyway--my brother said I should get some before the end of this year. I plan to take the bus to work tomorrow cause I don't like driving on the donut. And yes, I have a tire pump in my car but I didn't want to try pumping up the flat cause the treads were so worn.
Bunny--I'm rooting for you and this guy. He sounds artistic. Just make sure he bathes regularly--don't know why, but I've known some artists who lack good hygiene. Both male and female. Maybe they're so into the creative process that they forget what a shower is. they say Mozart was like that.
GG--sometimes I think my dog loves me only cause I feed him. Actually, he loves everyone. He's the friendliest dog I've ever known. Just a big, sweet goofball.
Star--where in central Indiana are you? My brother lives in Anderson. I almost went to college there in 1981.I live in Illinois, way over on the western side close to St. Louis.
I received a package in the mail today from a farmgirl in Canada. I sent her a long skirt that I had that was too small for me. I wonder if she's gotten it yet? It's a teal with gold paisley print skirt.
I need to get to bed. I'll probably be late to work tomorrow if I take the bus but oh well.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  02:18:22 AM  Show Profile

I am awake so late because I have a low blood sugar and am taking care of it by eating some chocolate covered cranberries I received in a swap. So good! I awoke at my usual time to take a pee and Lowell mentioned that I felt sweaty. I offered to check my blood glucose since I had to get up anyway. It is a good thing I did. I had a blood glucose of 35. I am amazed that I am not acting strangely -- okay, more strangely than I usually do (lol) at this level. I am having a little trouble typing but my vision is not blurry so I believe the effects haven't hit my brain yet.

Cindy - I guess things do work themselves out in time. I would still continue to keep an eye on that guy and maybe gently remind him if he does a similiar action again.

Gypsy - When we first got Mitzi, she was attaching herself to Lowell because he picked her out and I was holding back affection until I knew what kind of dog she was. After a few days, she realized that it was I who remembered to feed her, fill her water dish, take her out for regularly scheduled walks and gave her appropriate discipline. She runs up to people and is all friendly so she can get scratches. If she doesn't come away when she is called, we just say "Okay, Mitzi you have a new home. Bye-bye." She always comes running back to us/me. Mitzi knows that when Lowell comes home from work, he has some bread crust from his lunch that he gives her. It is a daily ritual. As for your dogs, when the treats stop coming, they will go back to Mom.

Bunny - I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes for you and this gentleman. Meet him when you are comfortable and have set some ground rules and boundaries first. Definitely google his name to see what is out there about him. If all that checks out, ask him to bring a copy of his resume, credit report and criminal history with him to your first date. (Just kidding of course but I'd love to try this once.) Good luck. Enjoy the feeling of being desireable.

Holly - Thank you for the kind words. I wonder sometimes whether I am being too strict or not strict enough when the kids are mildly misbehaving. I just don't want to look incompetent when dealing with discipline. I was talking to Jeff the head of the after school program aboout it and he feels the same way. He said he wonders when they are acting up and excitable if it is even worth it and whether they get anything out of what he is trying to do. He takes some kids rock-climbing once a week to a place in the neighborhood called Vertical Endeavors. Jeff told me that he can see how the advanced crochet students have advanced in their ideas about design and engineering. It is too bad they can't pay me. Here is a link for the Hennepin County Fix-It Clinic:

There is a facebook page also. Have your friend call Nancy Lo and refer to me by name. She is really nice and passionate about this program.

The weather here has been rather mild compared to last year. We haven't had really strong, cold winds or prolonged sub-zero temperatures yet. The snow is minor compared to last year. I can wear a poncho over a wool sweater with a hat and gloves and be perfectly comfortable. I like this.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  10:35:16 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, I laughed at the hygene comment. I described him to my son and he said " oh great mom, he sounds like a dirty hippy. " I sure hope not.
But we are going for a phone call today. Trying to figure out an interesting way to meet. He suggested a thrift store because of my sewing and lunch afterwards. That might be interesting. We will see. There is so little to do in the winter. No farmers markets or outdoor craft fairs to go to.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  4:17:35 PM  Show Profile
Way to go, Bunny! It's good to meet as soon as possible so there is not such a big let down if it does not work out. B and I started corresponding on either Dec 25 or 26 and we met on Jan 31, then married exactly one year later. Soon will be two years and I still don't know him.

Even if you turn out to be just friends, that's good too.

Welcome Star, we are glad you decided to join us. Right away you and Holly have a lot in common--a lot of kids! I wish my life had been different - I would have liked to have had four children.

Holly I'm so glad you've figured out a way to post.
Marie you crack me up every time. Totally love your humor! Yes it is a bummer that they aren't paying you! I'm not sure I'd be as generous as you are about it. Plus donating the materials in addition to your labor. Holly is right you are a good soul.

Cindy, I don't envy you with the plumbing problems and then a flat! At night, no less! I would not be in such good humor over that.
I'm glad the dude had the decency to apologise for his bad behavior. Hope he isn't just trying to get back in good graces with you for any un-noble reason.

Mar, where are you?

Bunny, if that frog does his job for you, I think Janiee is next on the list.
Has anybody heard from Ginny? She hasn't been on for ages.

I'm typing in the little box so will post and then try to correct the errors.


Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 12 2014 4:22:28 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  4:27:13 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I wonder if blood sugar is the culprit for my waking up sweating at night. Hadn't thought about that being the cause. Guess I need to figure out how to check mine. I get up and eat something sweet and I'm able to go back to sleep, otherwise I toss and turn. Sometimes I stick a chopstick in marshmallows and toast them over the gas burner. Three or four and I'm good to go except I have to brush my teeth again

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  5:08:30 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, You may have hypoglycemia, the opposite of diabetes type I in which your body produces too much insulin. I believe there is a test for that. Low blood sugar can be just as debilitating as high blood sugar. I knew a guy in college who suddenly became tired and getting headaches. We were in choir together and the practice was just before lunch. I told him to go to the health service and see what was wrong. He was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and said that it made sense from his experience. Many people get a low blood sugar in the early morning hours. That when I get most of mine. Definitely get yourself checked out.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  6:15:55 PM  Show Profile
Well, I had my first phone call. He sounded like a nice man. Very creative and mechanical. He doesn't sound like a very good housekeeper though. I saw picture of him in his kitchen and it was very cluttered with stuff. Not dirty, just lots of pots and pans and things stored on counters. He said his living room is very cluttered because he has so many interests. Everything ends up in the living room. I think he has a very small house. But I said I was up for lunch in town sometime. I left it up to him and gave him my phone number. We will see.

I have hypoglycemia. I have vision problems when I don't eat well. If it continues, I turn into a raving you know what with horns. Just feed me. Don't ask what I want, just feed me. NOW. .... My last husband just couldn't get it. It's a wonder he is still breathing. I have learned to eat little things all day. A handful of almonds, a cheese stick, bowl of grapes. I am losing weight again. If I don't eat well at night, a glass of chocolate milk does it for me.

Anyway, got a xmas gift sewn up today. I made an apron for a friend that does so many things for me. I think I will make a few fabric grocery bags for her as well. My mom wants some pillow cases. I started to make them and was so stressed about the phone call, I cut the fabric all wrong. So mad at myself. The fabric was perfect for her. Now I have to improvise.

Time for food... Later all.

GG, I think me and the frog are just getting started, but will defiantly pass it on when it's time.


Farmgirl number 3738
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