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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2014 :  2:36:04 PM  Show Profile
Marie, glad you are back on tract. I have a phobia about having to take pills but take my blood pressure medicine for my kids.
If women were paid a decent wage they wouldn't have to rely on men so much. That's all I will say on the matter or I'll go postal.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 02 2014 :  4:16:40 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I'm glad you are ok.


Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 03 2014 1:33:12 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  12:49:51 PM  Show Profile
Prayers to all who have recently lost a loved one.....thankful for all the good times! :)

RIP Sweet Baby Jake, Dec. 3, 2014

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  1:31:09 PM  Show Profile
Oh, God, Mel. He looks just like my Penny. I'm so sorry. Words fail at a time like this.

Hugs to you.

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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

1406 Posts

Pasco WA
1406 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  2:01:56 PM  Show Profile
So very sad to lose a beloved pet. I miss my Penny so very much. She was my constant companion for nearly 15 years. She will be forever in my heart. She is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  2:55:03 PM  Show Profile
Mel--I wish I could give you a hug. Losing a beloved pet is difficult, but as has been said, Jake is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  3:08:15 PM  Show Profile
Mel, what a sweet face. So sorry for your loss. We have all been there. I do believe we will see them again. Tears and hugs for you.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  4:58:54 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today it snowed until it rained. Pretty funny, huh? It snowed all night and then about 6 am it started to rain. Sprinkled off and on all day made for slow driving.

Yesterday, I put one more level on my greenhouse. I have six timbers high on it now. Each timber is 6 inches thick. It seems taller than 36 inches because the foundation posts stick out of the ground right now. So the top of the wall is up to my shoulders. When I put stone under the timbers to make the wall and then fill in with dirt it will be the right height. I am hoping to make it 72 inches tall so I can stand up in all parts of it.

We had enough snow and rain to make the hill slick. I bought the boys sleds today and the people at the store said that none had been returned broken yet this year. The paper on the sled said it was good for children and adults. DsJ slid once and cracked dsR's sled. He did not go over any rocks or stand on it. Very frustrating .

We had chili for supper. It was tasty if I do say so myself.

Now to read other posts.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  5:24:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening again,

I think we should remember the past so we will not make the same mistakes over again. Since Vermont was the first state to prohibit slavery in our constitution all our children learn it in school. However, there were slaves in Vermont that were brought here from other states and they were not treated well nor were they freed without considerable trouble. There are tales of a woman who lived her life until old age as a slave and then the owner freed her when she was old with no income. The town sued to have the owner pay for her to live so she would not be a burden to the town.
It is odd that even though slavery was prohibited there was not a large black population . It seems they were all escorted over the border to Canada . I know about the law that allowed slave owners ot reclaim their property anywhere so maybe that had something to do with it.

GG the soup sounds quite yummy. Roasting it open side up in different from how I usually cook mine but maybe it is to dry out the pulp some.

Cindy keep up the holiday cheer maybe the curmudgeons will come around.

Mel I am sorry that your Jake has passed . Keep telling stories about him. So he will continue to live. He was a cutie .

Marie I am glad you see able to fill your prescriptions. It is so hard this time of year with the day's being so short and overcast must just exasperate depression. Hugs to you .

Bunny, I have the table runner on the dining room table. It is admired by everyone who sees it. DdK thins it is beautiful . Odd how the price tags were messed with. II hope it works out some how.

Betty. Hugs to you for missing Penny.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  6:30:46 PM  Show Profile
We had our Christmas potluck at work today. It was just our department, which is pretty small but we had lots of food. I made a dip from sweet potatoes and lime juice and miso--I thought it was pretty good--the lime gave it a tropical taste--but hardly anyone else touched it. I had rice crackers, radish slices, and cauliflower to dip in it and I ended up eating most of them. The good news is, I stopped by my parents' house and they tried it and liked it--so much that my mom decided not to fix that flat-tasting frozen pizza she always gets--and they ate dip and fixins' instead. So at least they ate something more healthy than that pizza.
I found out I have to go to the Social Security office downtown and inform them that I need a letter stating that I'm not a Medicare recipient. and haven't been since 1998. It always involves picking a number and then waiting till they call you. You can't just call them on the phone and get it straightened out, you have to do it in person. Love the way our government works. I have to get off work early to get there cause they close at 4:00 pm and that's when I normally get off work. They open at 9:00 am so I'm already at work when they open. and they're only open Monday through Friday--when I'm at work. I guess they figure everyone who goes there is either retired or disabled and doesn't have a job, therefore they have all the time in the world to wait. But I need the letter before I can get the settlement so it looks like I have no other choice than to wait...
Holly--I wish we could learn from the past. Sometimes it seems like children realize the mistakes we've made but by the time they're adults, they've either forgotten or think that making the needed changes are unrealistic.
Mel--that picture of Jake is so sweet. I'm going to try to get a picture of Jaxon with Santa Claus this weekend. Jaxon has only been to Petco once so I don't know how he'll behave. He wants to greet and play with every dog he meets, even when they don't want to be bothered. I wish I could find a trainer I have confidence in. There was a wonderful lady who lived here and trained/showed dogs but she passed away from cancer. She started a group that takes their dogs to the library once a month and kids read to the dogs. It helps shy kids to open up cause they know the dog isn't judging them.
They just love you unconditionally.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2014 :  8:29:11 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, your dip sounds delicious. I know I would like it.

Here in Texas we are able to make an appointment with the SS office. You still have to sign in and take a number but you get called at your appointment time regardless of who is waiting.

We are living in troubling times. We just turned the TV off tonight.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2014 :  3:06:57 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, your dip sounds interesting. I'm not a sweet potato fan but I would have tried it.

I had to reapply for my food stamps. You can't just go in and hand them your renewal application at the counter. You have to take a number, sit forever, and when they call your number you go and hand it to the lady at the counter. She of course has been doing nothing for the last 15 minutes. I have gotten reprimanded a few times trying to just and them things they have asked for. Plus, they have a drop box, but you can't use it for new or renewal applications. It is always a pain to go in there. At least I had some income to report this time. I had to print out income statements for each month of the year. I also had to reapply for my medicaid insurance. Oregon is really messed up with the whole program, so I'm not going to keep any dr appointments until I know my insurance is still there. Thankfully, I'm doing really well with my fibromyalgia. I still get really tired, but no pain for a long time now. I think it is the cooler weather.

Not much else going on. Still applying for jobs. No takers yet. My mom insisted I apply for a bank teller job. I tried to tell her that once they do a credit check and see my bankruptcy and credit score, they won't keep me. She doesn't get it at all.

Stay warm everyone!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2014 :  4:31:08 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone,

Today has been a frustrating day. B is trying to get his car registered. in this country. If you really want to see a screwed up system where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, try that. whole day wasted.

Wow, I sure have the winter blahs, and its not even January yet.

Hope someone comes on and posts something cheerful, insightful, or funny. I got nothin'

Love you gals! Thinking of you, Mel. I know you are having a tough time and I'm so sorry.

Bunny, good news at least about the fibro. You started some vitamins as I recall. Maybe that is what helped. Those people at the SS offices are people with a little power and they abuse it. Having said that, I really like the ones where we go. They are courteous and kind and helpful. But that's a small town for you. B is dealing with a lot of stuff, registering with SS, registering his car, getting a drivers license, insurance, the list is long. He is discouraged today. I have realized that filling out forms and doing paperwork is not easy for him. To put it mildly.

It warmed up here today. Thats one good thing.


Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 05 2014 2:31:57 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2014 :  10:08:42 PM  Show Profile
GG, it is sad how much red tape B is having to deal,with. No wonder people just sneak into the U.S. and try to lay low and blend in. I have formaphobia. Filling out any kind of form stresses me out terribly. I feel for B. Hope it all gets done and over with soon.

I'm afraid the winter blaws have me too. I couldn't even remember what day it was. But I did get some of my creations photographed and ready to put into my store. I have been getting a lot of action on a dress I made with a sugar skull t-shirt. Very dark and goth styled. Unfortunately it is a small so it most likely won't sell. None of my other small dresses have sold. But it was fun to make and it gets people to my store.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  2:46:28 PM  Show Profile
Hello all who are looking in but not posting. I know who you are!

Today is hot! Sweaters came off, then long sleeves came off, and still it is so hot in the sun. We are working away as usual. Hoping the car fiasco will be done on Monday, then B can get his drivers license and as far as we know that will be the end of this string of red tape.

We will soon begin painting the interior of the house but it's still warm enough to work outside so we need to do that while we can.
I do not have so much energy nowadays. We rented a truck and are filling it with stuff from the house and sheds to take to a warehouse in town to have a big garage sale.
Worked at that until I'm so tired but still have to bathe the dogs and fix supper. Every time I have to figure out what to cook, then go cook it and clean up, I think about how nice it was to not have to do that any more. Then I remember the loneliness.

Bunny, I don't know if I could even wear the small items now. Seems my clothes are getting tighter every day. In the wrong places. But you are right to keep them up to bring traffic into your store. I'm hoping you get some good Christmas sales.

Wondering what all of you are up to, so please check in soon. Mel, hope you are doing ok.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  4:34:58 PM  Show Profile
Hi all!! I've missed you. Things are busy here with mom. The house closed yesterday so we had a lot of last minute paperwork to deal with and today I had to close utilities and such. Today was supposed to be my and dh's day together, but it sort of got interrupted...

Mom loves cooking for her baby boy. One of her most unusual creations so far was a patty made from ground chicken (turkey?) with lots of minced onions and bell peppers that was then covered with a tomato sauce that had splenda in it. She tried to "sell" it to me by telling me that it tasted like a veggie patty. Now there's an untapped market. Meat eaters who are looking for a patty that tastes like vegetables.... No thanks. Even dh blanched at the description. The freezer is so full on portion-sized "shtuff" that tonight I just blindly grabbed something out of the freezer for dh. He asked what I defrosting and I answered truthfully, "I have no idea. Bon apetite!" He needs to speak up if he doesn't want his mother to "feed" him.

Bunny, what great news that your fibro feels better. I don't know what to say about those tags. I'm gonna go check out your sugar skull shirt!!

Cindy, I would have lined up for your dip. Good for you for trying something new and breaking out of that rut that your co-workers are in!

Mel, sending you hugs cuz what else can I say? he was adorable.

GG, good luck with all the out door work. I bet you are ready for a bit of a change of weather. I know I always kind of breathe a sigh of relief when I get to tuck in the garden for fall. I hope the end to the paperwork is in sight. I do ALL the paperwork here. Even dh can't read his writing.

Holly, are you going to return the sled? Maybe you can interest a toy company in using your crew for testing durability of play items!

My cowl with the cables is knitting up nicely. I am pleased that I have mastered holding the stitches on the cable needle and knitting in front or back to create the cable effect.

Dh and I are still enjoying The Good Wife. Can you believe we are only on the second season? The first season had 22 episodes. I don't think they make seasons that long anymore!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  5:14:12 PM  Show Profile
GG, I'm envious of your weather. It is a bit cold around here but not too bad. My hot flashes offset any issues with the cold weather.
I had a very productive day in the sewing room. I have been racking my brain for a formula to make scrappy fairy skirts. They are very popular on Etsy and if I could make them in a decent amount of time and different sizes, I would probably sell them. Well, I finally figured it out. I see all my scars onto a long strip of muslin and then onto a thrift store skirt. It worked out really nice. Altered Couture emailed me for submissions so I'm going to send it to them along with a sweater upcycle I did. I hope they like them. I never know what will work.

Mar, funny about MIL's cooking. Hope you can maneuver around her somehow for something edible. I'm sure DH doesn't want to hurt her feelings. At least she is trying to help out.

Holly, I love Mar's suggestion of your group being a great test group for toys. Hope you can get a sled replacement that can hold up.

Marie, how are you doing? Thinking about you.

Mel, here is a hug for today. Hope you are feeling better. Although I know it takes a while. I still miss my little Twinkle.

Time for dinner...later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  5:15:29 PM  Show Profile
Ok....spell checker you and me!!!! I sewed my scraps!!!not scars!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  5:38:22 PM  Show Profile
I'm still around!! Adjusting to no Jake. I keep checking to see if he is laying at my feet when I get up so I don't step on him........guess that ain't a problem! Well, I just received an invitation to visit with my son and his bunch on Sunday. The bunch includes two doggies and six kitties.....and a girlfriend. Actually she invited unusual happening other than holidays.

Thanx to all of you for the sweet thoughts and caring for me and my loss of Jake! All y'all are the ya bunches!!!

Mar.......glad your horse is doing well.......animals, so like members of the family! Sounds like your MIL is settling in a bit too well....what with all the cooking! Sounds like the DH needs to step up and let her know......ain't no way he's eatin' that stuff!! :) Glad to hear the knitting is going well........I have just about finished the baby blanket I am crocheting for the kids that used to live next door. Baby is due this month!

GG....glad B got through the paperwork. I can't imagine having to cook on someone elses time. It has been 16 years since my guy died and I have been on my own time ever since......I don't have to cook if I don't want to and I can eat whenever or whatever I choose. It's a glorious deal! I don't really have a problem with loneliness, just would be nice to have someone to go places with on occasion.

Of course....I always had Jake to take up the slack may change a bit. Have been looking on Petfinder.......going to check out an adoption event tomorrow at a place called Three Dog Bakery for TzuZooRescue.....they have adorable lil' faces on their website. Mostly Shih Tzu's like Jake!

Cindy.....too bad your coworkers don't have discerning palates! Their loss! Hope Jaxon does well so he can get his picture taken with Santa. Good luck with the SS office.....why is it so difficult for people to just do their jobs and cover the right bases and make life so much easier for all ..... even themselves!

Bunny......drop the SF store 'broad'. She obviously doesn't appreciate your quirky style....and I think she is playing you! Your better than that!! I am pissed off for ya !!!!!! :) Glad to hear you are feeling better as far as your pain is concerned!!!! Checked out the sugar skull!

It was 77 degrees here today.......supposed to be down to 55 tomorrow......go figure!

Have a great evening!!!!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  7:12:36 PM  Show Profile
Mel, you sound good! I'm so glad -- i hope you will get a new pet soon. Both my fur babies are rescues and I love them. Neither is purebred. they still get traumatized easily. That means they pee on the floor when and only when they are stressed. My other pets always came as new p up pies and never had any trauma, so they would hold it for three days before they would pee on the floor, once they were trained, but I try to cut these little guys some slack because they have had a lot to deal with. They were terrified for a long time after I got them. I remember they even went into the bathroom with me so as to not let me out of their sight. We still have our cuddle time every morning. I admit they are kinda spoiled.

Mar, let mom do the supper, you go put your feet up and let them work it out. Do you sometimes wonder how these guys managed to hold down a job without us to help them with their papers? Jeez!

Bunny, don't worry about auto correct. We figure it out. Sometimes it's my only laugh of the day.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2014 :  7:16:15 PM  Show Profile
Mmmm...I'm sitting here drinking my "dessert"--hot peanut butter chocolate. This stuff is so good it should be illegal. Wish one of ya lived nearby and I'd invite you over to share it.I think I just gained five pounds:0
Mel--I've gone to the Three Dog Bakery in St. Louis. I know what you mean about seeing all those adorable faces. I found Jaxon on-line. He just looked like such an interesting character that I had to see him. They brought him out and he jumped up and gave me a kiss. Then he proceeded to ignore me for the next 45 minutes while he played with his toys. It's hard to adjust to them not being there--after my Boxer died, I kept "hearing" him in the other room. I know other people who have "heard" the click-click of toenails on the floor after their beloved dog is gone.
Mar--those sound like some interesting creations MIL comes up with. I couldn't (wouldn't) eat a ground chicken patty, and not just because I've gone back to being a vegetarian. Though I did acquiesce and have some chicken livers tonight. I could tell my iron levels were low. Chicken livers are a better source of iron than plants. When my iron is low I have absolutely no energy. Though working forty hours a week at a job where I'm constantly moving wears me down, too. I do feel better physically since I've practically eliminated meat. My joints seem to move more easily (I have creaky knees).
Bunny--I'm glad you had a good sewing day. The fairy skirts sound cute. I saw a neat t-shirt on the Victorian Trading Co. website--at first, it looks like a skull, but when you look closely, you can see three women. Pretty cool.
GG--glad you are having warm weather. It's been like London here--rainy, cool, and rather foggy. I hope it's sunny tomorrow.
I discovered that Patty Duke and George Takei (Can't spell it, but he played Sulu on Star Trek) are promoting Social Security. There was a big poster of them wearing Star Trek uniforms. It looked really silly. And can they really be that old?
I couldn't finish all my hot chocolate--too rich. But I feel good inside--all warm and fuzzy.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  12:59:20 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

We are having a quiet day as the snow blankets the earth to keep it warm. We have received about six inches since last night. It is falling slowly and not too set. DsR has made a little snow man on the porch. It has carrot stubs for eyes and sticks with his mittens on the ends. DsG and dsC are out sledding now.
DdK has gone to help shovel out a friend of hers who lives with her grandmother. DsT has finally gotten off his rump to plow the driveway. He wants to go to the winter ball tonight and has done nothing to earn the fifteen dollars he needs to gain entrance. If his behavior this past year had been more positive than it was his earning the money would not be any sort of issue.

I have been needing the concept of winning Powerball and thinking how nice it would be to go on a cruise to a warm place that had child care. Lol

Hope you are all well.

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  1:28:30 PM  Show Profile
Good evening again,

Here I thought eh spellcheck er had not put the f on the end of scar. For Bunny. Here it is putting in extra periods so there are too many capitals.

GG would it be easier for the B if he sold you the car and you registered it in your name? I do not understand all of the governmental BS . I bet the B's distract ability is no help in doing the forms. No hyper focus for him on this task. Lol

Creative cooking. DsR does that but n o one is expected to eat it. Lol. I thought maybe you were not posting south because dear MIL was requiring a lot of attention. I hope the chocolate man is not doing any conventions for a long while.

I like sweet potatoes. I am not fond of cauliflower, however. Maybe people think that holiday party food should not be good for you. lol

Mel I am glad that Jake loved you so much that you can entertain the idea of another foot rug so soon. Good for you.

I hope we get out Internet back sometime this century. This IPad is convenient but is limited in what I can post and how I can post.

The Public Service Board is investigating Fairpoint because they have had too many complaints about the service or lack there of that they provide. C called to make a complaint and was told that there were too many complaints already logged so they are not accepting any new complaints.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  3:54:25 PM  Show Profile

I am so tired right now and it isn't even 6 PM yet. This morning I took the bus to Lake St (4 blocks away but a formidable walk) to go to my pharmacy to pick up my blood glucose test strips. They said they cannot give them to me for another 17 days because the system is telling them it is too early for me to get them. I just counted my remaining strips and found that I have only 11 days left if I test three times per day. (I am supposed to test 4 times.) The pharmacist asked if I get these filled at another pharmacy. I said that I would except that pharmacy, where I get everything else I need, can cover them with Medicare. He said that there is some confusion about when I where I get this filled. I suppose I will have to go there and raise some kind of ruckus about it. When I first got health insurance, the policy did not cover syringes which I needed to take insulin at that time. So I guess I could get the drug but not the drug delivery system. Time to be an activist again. <sigh>

I was shopping for stuff for a couple farmgirl packages but found nothing there. I then went to a local thrift, Savers, who is being investigated for not turning over as much money as they could to local charities and for co-mingling money from another financial entity. I really did find anything I wanted for the farmgirl packages either. I did, however, find a clip-on light which I needed, a nice wool cardigan and a cute little rattan purse which I had to have.

I want to use it for a traveling crafts bag.

I came home and Lowell wanted to get the rest of the chores done for the week. I wanted to go to a quilt shop to get some fat quarter layer cakes for the farmgirl packages. They let Mitzi come into the shop and she thoroughly enjoyed being petted. Then we went grocery shopping. Lowell had to pay for it so I snuck one item in the basket for a farmgirl. I really dislike climbing in and out of that van and putting the dog on my lap where bruises are created. I may not even be able to stay awake through dinner. LOL

I hit submit before I was ready and now I cannot review past posts so I cannot comment on them. Maybe next time. YYYYYYYAAAAAAAWWWWWWWNNN!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Dec 06 2014 4:00:52 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Dec 06 2014 :  4:23:45 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I hope the Internet issue is solved soon. We all depend on it so much these days. You and C need some time away from all the challenges for a time. You could go on a Carnival Cruise. They are geared toward kids, you could turn them loose in the morning and not see them til bedtime. Lots of places for them to get food on the ship. I won't go on another Carnival cruise because of so many kids. Loose on the ship. But at this time in your life it would be a good way to go. Food isn't great but it's good enough and you don't have to cook it. Don't go to Jamaica though. It is not safe there. But the Bahamas are really nice this time of year.

B can't do anything with the car without all these forms filled out. He's only had a year to deal with it. You can bring a car for personal use for one year but then you have to take it back or register it here. So he's already waited too long and runs the risk of getting fined. You are right, holly, when he can't hyper focus with plenty of time, he either panics or completely shuts down. I've seen him actually pass out from stress. Still, I'm refusing to do for him what he can do for himself. That's the real reason he was attached to the exSIL. She liked to take over and run his life and he had no idea how to not let that happen and it was just easier to let some else take responsibility. . He's learning now. I'm not into controlling anyone but myself.

Cindy you sure do have a way with words. I could almost taste that hot chocolate ! It reminded me of having hot chocolate in Italy. My first real European hot chocolate was at a hotel on the grand canal in Venice. It ruined me for hot chocolate as I know it here, with the little packets of dry mix that you add to hot water.

Holly, try breaking the cauliflower into small florets and drizzle with olive oil and salt, roast in the oven at about 400 until it starts to turn brown and crisp around the edges. Flip them over midway. 'm betting you would like it that way. Oven roasted veggies are so good and easy I don't know why I make them any other way.
Last night I did not feel like cooking so I made scrambled egg sandwiches and thought about Mar and her Mil,lol! Did oven fried potatoes with them. B is the only other human who likes my scrambled egg sandwiches.
The snow is so beautiful and I love the quiet that goes with it. But today was a balmy 70 degrees here on my hilltop with lovely winter sun. I'm happy with that.

Bunny I'm looking forward to seeing your scrappy skirts. They do sound fun to make.

Mar, do you eat MIL's food? Soon she will not have the energy to cook any more. I'm kind of sympathizing with her as I forget how to cook. My gourmet kitchen and my 200+ cookbook collection are a thing of the past. Gathering dust.

We are watching poor Tiger Woods struggling in a golf tournament today. I think he's about 18th. Not a good day for him. I liked him so much until it came out about the other women. What is wrong with these people who have it all and manage to throw it all away. I'm sorry for him and hope he makes it back. And maybe he won't have to repeat that lesson.

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