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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 28 2014 : 11:34:53 AM
It is only 60 degrees here right now, but is expected to warm up again, starting tomorrow. I m really turning into a wimp, but loving it!!! LOL!!!! It is only 18 degrees and snowing at home. Just got done riding my bike all through the RV park. I am really enjoying riding. I used to ride 25 miles a day before I had all of my surgeries. I am so truly thankful for all the blessings I have now, good friends, riding bike, walking, swimming, warm weather. Now I need to start decorating outdoors for the holiday season. Both my son and daughter called me yesterday, and my other son wished me Happy Thanksgiving on FB. Life is good all around. Holly, I remember those teenage years all too well. You must remember, teens know everything. LOL!!!! My daughter was so bad going through her stages, I swear she hated me. You would never think she was the same person today. My sons gave me enough grief too, but they all turned out to be fine young humans. Like they say, patience is a virtue!!!! GG, Is your daughter there for the weekend, or is she gone already? Glad you had family there to enjoy your last Thanksgiving there. This is the first year in about 40 or so years that I did not make Thanksgiving dinner. My daughter missed it, she had a tv dinner yesterday!!! LOL!!! Will post more later, going out to take in some sunshine and cool air. Love it here!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 28 2014 : 4:01:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a quiet day here on the old hill farm. It was in the twenties all day. The little boys went out to play in the snow this morning. Usually later in the winter we have big piles of snow off the edge of the second story porch. Then they like to jump off the railing and land in the piles. Today there is hardly any sow over the side if the porch and the the bright sparks jumped off of it. They are both lucky to have not cracked their ankles. I guess when someone is that young they bend and bounce.
We had leftovers for supper.
It sure gets dark early. Five o'clock feels like nine th Irtysh in the night.
I have not known anything for years and it is an interesting to deal with the teens and young adults recognizing that and creating situations where they have to really know more than me and take responsibility for it. Lol
I am sad for the loss of your young daughter , Jan. I have friends who also have a child that died young. The dad always makes sure that where ever they live there is a candle in the window. Well, it is a winter holiday bAttery candle.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Nov 28 2014 4:10:13 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 28 2014 : 6:22:31 PM
We should have had leftovers, there are lots of them, but I made a slow roasted brisket and Mashed potatoes and roasted carrots. I'm done now with cooking. Lots of frozen things to heat up for the foreseeable future. Too much work!
Isn't someone on here a nurse? I have a problem with my glands swelling every night under my tongue and my ears feel stopped up. No pain so I hate to go to the doctor. But if it doesn't go away soon I guess I'll have to get antibiotics. Wondering if anyone has a home remedy or alternative. This has been going on for weeks now. Only at night.
Jan it is really good to hear you so happy! Hopefully the warm weather will ease any aches and pains. Holly, sounds like you needed the nice quiet day today. Where is everybody else? We had a warm day with bright sunshine and a beautiful sunset. Good night all.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 28 2014 : 11:15:11 PM
Hello everyone. Sounds like thanksgiving went well for one and all. I went to a friends house in town. My mom was suppose to go too but at the last minute said she was sick. Of course this is par for her. I took it in stride. She would have just sat on the couch and said nothing to anyone. But it was an ok thanksgiving. Miss my kids of course.
Haven't felt much like sewing. The SFO store wants Christmas ornaments. I tried but after her sending back my dresses I'm not to keen on sending her anything else. My feelings are a bit hurt and I really don't need the confidence downer. Although The magazine editor emailed me again asking for submissions. I would rather put my energy into that.
Jan, I'm so glad you are enjoying your new life. It is so nice to see the happiness in your posts. Reading about your daughter was heart breaking. Such a painful experience and I'm sorry you had to go through it.
Holly, teens are hard. Sounds like you do a pretty good job of working through it though. Hopefully someday they will come to appreciate all you and C do for them. They have a very unique life and some pretty unique experiences most people don't have.
GG, dinner sounds wonderful! I hope things slow down for you and B soon.
Mar, did you get to have thanksgiving dinner with DD yet? I couldn't remember when you said you were having it. But remember it was later.
Not much else going on. Weather is gloomy and wet.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 29 2014 : 3:46:54 PM
Today it finally warmed up and not too windy. We decorated the outside a bit, and put up our canopy for a "garage" for our bikes. t looks pretty nice out there now. we will not put up a tree, just not enough room for one. Bunny, hopefully you will be able to move soon. Any news of the job yet? Holly, I saw on the news where there were so many without electricity there. Hope it gets better soon for all concerned. It is too cold there to be without heat. Bet the boys are enjoying the white stuff. GG, It is a lot of work to cook big meals like that. I still do more than I really need to. I went swimming today, but only rode my bike to Walmart and back, which is just a few blocks. It is nice to have the basket on the back to carry the groceries home. We do not have a car with us here. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Nov 29 2014 : 5:38:12 PM
Jan--you must have sent some of your weather our way--it got into the lower 60's today. I decorated a little outside. I took my tabletop Christmas tree and gave it to Goodwill. I've had it twenty years--time for it to bring Christmas cheer to someone else. Holly--when I was a teenager I knew everything--funny how in twenty years or so, my parents had suddenly got a lot smarter, LOL. Though it is difficult being a kid in today's world. I never worried about someone bringing a gun to school or some of the violence that has become a reality for today's teens. But the other ladies are right, your kids are getting an upbringing that will help them to become good human beings. The kind the world needs more of. Bunny--too bad your mother couldn't enjoy herself. I would focus on the magazine and forget about the lady in SF. GG--sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving dinner. I've been eating leftovers, too. My family has been invited to my SIL's parents' house for Christmas. Still don't know if my brother and his family in Texas will make it here. It's been quiet this side of the river. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Nov 29 2014 : 7:00:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
My biggest claim to fame for the day is tht I did the grocery shopping all by myself ! DdK is yay for the weekend and I got out of the house without any of the little boys . DsT had basketball practice so I went during that time. He has practice six or seven days a week now for the duration of the season.
A neighbor of sorts gave us eleven bags of shavings from his wood working for us to use as bedding for the cow. It SI nice to age. Little money from the kindness of people. I give him manure some time so it was. Nice he thought of me when he had some thing wi could use as well.
It was cold, cold cold out today. The temperTures were in the twenties but it was bone chilling. Jan be so very happy you are in the balmy south. Someone said to me today when I remarked t Hat y online friend and her husband had moved to sunny warm Florida that it wa not so warm down there these days. I told her that it was significantly warmer that the iron ranges of Michigan. And that my online friend was thoroughly enjoying the pools when it was open.
Now to post this so the system will refresh and I can see what others have written.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Nov 29 2014 : 8:44:28 PM
We had a quiet Thanksgiving. Lowell's daughter had to be at her mom's place for Thanksgiving lunch. She bought some food at a grocery store that we could heat up. The smallest package she could get served 4 - 6 people and she was embarrassed by the abundance of food. I shooed Lowell out of the kitchen because he was getting in the way and distracting me from the warming up process. Both of them went to the living room and played some music. We had half a large turkey, 18 x 11 tins of mashed potatoes and dressing, a smaller tin of yams, a container of green beans with almonds, a pint of cranberry sauce, a dozen rolls and a pumpkin pie. I ate too much and the air exiting my body smelled . . . interesting. I am not used to having so much protein in one sitting. We now have a multitude of leftovers. I may put some of the turkey into my next batch of soup.
The temperature here has been above zero but still below freezing. We had some warmth which melted away much of the snow and left some lovely ground fog. We had another dusting of snow but the outside weather has not been unbearable.
Jan - My sister Vanessa (Audra Rose) lives in West Palm Beach and told me it had been a little cool where she was. I would have trouble living in a place where Christmas was warm. It just doesn't seem right to me.
Holly - I remember only one time when I disliked my mom and dad as a teenager. I had caught the fancy of a guy who came in with the carnival the fall of my senior year. They did not want me to hang out with him. My friends called me from a local pizza place and told me he was in town and one of them came to pick me up. I spent some innocent time with him and he brought me home. The brakes on the car he was driving didn't engage as he was turning into the driveway and he tapped our car. My mom came out and glared at him. My dad was watching a movie and didn't want to bother with it. I came in the house and my mother started lecturing me. I stood my ground and said that I was everso lonely and I just wanted to be with someone who liked me. I remember saying "How could you deny me that?!" My dad didn't say anything and my mom looked crestfallen. I learned that later this guy had been given a place to stay in the penitentiary in Sioux Falls. I didn't see him again until around Christmas. He had lost his car and everything else. I didn't see him again. <sigh> I feel a little sad thinking about this.
Gypsy - Wow, that sounds awful and like it SHOULD hurt. Are you at least able to breath without difficulty? Maybe you are reacting to something that you are not used to eating. How you get better.
Bunny - I believe that the San Francisco store lady should be told about your disappointment in her association with you. It certainly in bothering you and telling her might be a wake up call for her. Let her know that you cannot work on ornaments because of the magazine's request. I believe that this kind of open and honest communication would clear the air and let her know what you want out of this relationship.
Cindy - Thank goodness for the quiet where you are.
Lowell's band is going through another significant change. Mike the bass player had said that he want to concentrate on singing and song writing so Lowell has been looking for another bass player. He had planned to fire Mike's daughter Meryl because she was already in two other bands playing guitar and she kept ducking out of rehearsals to go to music festivals. Both of them quit which is a good thing because they were just dead weights. Lowell is angry that he had wasted so much time on them. Our neighbor Elliot is getting an $1100 amp and is excited about that. He plays with a bass player who is exceptionally good. The guy plays the bass as if it is a guitar. The two of them have trouble finding a drummer who will play with them. Lowell told Elliot that they should combine forces and become the band they want to be. The saga continues.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Nov 30 2014 : 4:27:09 PM
Jan, thank you for sharing the story of how special the bond was for your daughter and the old man. You are a very strong woman and I am so happy you are having such an enjoyable time right now. Yay, no cooking on Thanksgiving! Well, at least, not like you used to! Swim and bike a lap for me!
Holly, you are right that those young bones just kind of bend rather than snap. I can imagine their reasoning for jumping off the balcony..."Well, there was snow!" Happy for you being able to grocery shop on your own. I remember when that would feel like a vacation! With MIL, I am back to feeling like I have a youngster to keep an eye on, but no complaints, just an observation. Bet those shavings smelled good. It is nice to have a good deed remembered.
Bunny, create for the people who make you feel the best. Otherwise, you are going to rob yourself of all the joy in creating.
Marie, how nice of Lowell's daughter to stop by to see you first and to bring so much food. The turkey will be a great addition to your soup.
G, that is weird. Is it painful?
Dd and Boyfriend left a couple hours ago. They got here last night and we enjoyed ribs, Lipton Onion Oven potatoes and salad and then a tiny birthday cake. Dd opened her presents and the guys took off for a movie. Dd, MIL and I sat and talked until about 8 pm and MIL went to her quarters. Dd and I had two hours together uninterrupted and that is our favorite thing. It was great.
This morning we had cinnamon rolls - I will be paying for the one I ate for days... - and mimosas. Dh got our tree out of storage and it was the first year we had used it because in Spokane we always cut a tree off our land. So, this one we got at the end of the season for about $30. We were really pleased when we got it out of the box. Although, dd thought it had been returned because of the packaging. I didn't really care it was much nicer than I remembered thinking it would be when we bought it. We made a trip out to the storage shed together, dd, dh and I. Dd also stores her seasonal things here because of the lack of room in her apt. So, she asked her father to get their Christmas tree down. She and Boyfriend have a fake tree that they picked up three years ago. That was when we realized that Dh had brought in their tree rather than our tree. Hence, the returned look and my delight at the quality of the really cheap tree we had picked up. At this point, dd and Boyfriend decide, they will just put our tree up in their apt. Which really upset me because I knew the tree would be smaller, etc. So at the end of the discussion, the kids decided... Heck, We don't feel like going home and putting up another tree.... And put "our" tree back in storage. They put their ornaments on the tree here and took their wreath and stockings, those sorts of decorations to spruce up their home for the holidays. Still love my dh, but how hard is it to bring in the smaller Christmas tree box when you are asked to?
This is the first year that dh has set up the LGB train that he got that was my dad's. It really looks fun around the bottom of the tree. He was excited to see the different cars, many that we had given my dad over the years. One was a "Nestle" car. It has all the Nestle brands painted on it. I did enjoy seeing the train again and seeing my husband enjoy himself. We had a large box of handmade ornaments from MIL that she was proud to see adorn the tree. The tree looks very pretty and I love having the tree lights on at night. It was a very nice weekend.
I think dd is coming here again about the eleventh so we can celebrate my birthday. We have a "crazy Santa" puzzle to do for that visit. Looking forward to it! mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 30 2014 : 4:37:21 PM
.jpg) We had a visit from "Sammie Claus"
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 30 2014 : 4:39:10 PM
.jpg) And her friend "Fritto, the Terrified Reindeer!'
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Nov 30 2014 : 4:42:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
Our son by choice has come to stay a while. His most recent girlfriend had a major hissed and threw him out. She is a nice woman. He has brought her to visit several times. Now he says she was a rebound relationship. Aand it is over. He is a nice man and helpful when he is here. He is 46years old. I have known him since he was 15. His own mother. Is great at saving the world but really had no interest in being a mother so he has joined our family. All of the children really like him so that is a bonus.
Now to post so I can look and see what others have written. It is odd to have to do that . Some day maybe we will have our WIFI back. Not holding my breath.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 30 2014 : 4:59:57 PM
Marie the saga of the band does continue. I think I would be totally frustrated by now and have put the whole idea away. I do not have much patience to deal with the stupidity or maybe it is the selfishness of others.
Mar that is a simply awful picture of Fritto. LoL. Oh well for the tree. I guess writing dd name on the box when you put it away will save the chocolate man the confusion for next year. Step by step. LOL. How is "the neighbor" doing without you there to father her animals or listen to her complain. Is she a forbidden subject from dd's beau?
Glad you are all well.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 3:00:30 PM
Mar, love the funny doggie pics! Cute little guys.
Mar, the level of stupidity of the average male continues to astound me. Speaking from my own experience not yours. Maybe I just have an uncanny knack for finding them. But, just sayin, why oh why do they not seem to engage their own brain if woman is anywhere in vicinity. Are they afraid of using it all up, or what?
My DD says it's because they know no matter what they do, it will be wrong.
Holly I'm glad you are back. We have Internet out here but we pay $120 a month for 25 GbS. In the city it's unlimited for half that.
It is in the 30s here with a cold wind. Supposed to warm up again by the weekend I think. Hope so.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 8:11:53 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 4:38:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a quiet overcast day. Temperatures were in the forties with a brisk wind. Most of the snow has disappeared again. I took the little's on a walk in the woods to get out some of their energy so I could survive the day. DsR was a little nervous that we would get lost in the woods so we reviewed the what to do if you thin you are lost in the woods. Tht seemed to ease his mind some. All three of them thought rolling snowballs I the woods was great fun then crashing in a brother's head was hilarious.
Cindy II read c your post about living in a free state whereas Missouri was a slave state. It was interesting to us tht after so many years that is still a concept that people think about when describing behavior.
DsT has his first basketball scrimmage tonight. He had to wear a dress shirt and tie to school. He loves to dress up so that was not a big deal to him.
Now to post this so I can see if anyone else has posted. Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Dec 01 2014 4:40:40 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 4:39:56 PM
Two more things.
The raccoons are back. In the attic. Last night they held a bowling tournament up there. B swears there is no way they can get in, yet there they are. Again.
Mel, how are you and little Jake? I sure hope he is better.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 4:49:51 PM
We don not have our internet back. This is C's IPad and some how it works even if the WIFI is not. We did get our Fairpoint Bill and C was very unhappy that they are charging us for Internet service tht we do not have and she has told them on many occasions that we still do not have.
Some towns have provided internet service for the whole town. I do not know how it is billed to the community members. If we were two miles east we would have thtat service.
I am drying Coco off in preparation for having her baby in early February. She is to have two months rest from milking. I think this is more crucial if she were required to produce huge quantities each day. I am getting just a gallon and a half once a day. But, it will give me two months of not having to milk. It does mean that we will have to go without or buy store bought milk which is so very expensive.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 5:01:27 PM
Holly, you jumped in there between posts. I see autocorrect is having its way with you too. I assume you know exactly how long it would take EMS to get to your house. Just in case those boys do damage to each other. Maybe your older DS who is staying with you can take them off your hands some of the time.
I made butternut squash soup. It was so good. I might as well throw all the recipe books away because I go to the Internet for recipes now.
This one you didn't have to peel the squash so I chose it. Just cut the squash in half lengthwise and scrape out the seeds, then brush it with melted butter, salt and pepper, roast flesh side up about an hour at 425. Meantime, sauté a tart apple and half a yellow onion with 8 sage leaves, salt and pepper. then just scoop out the squash, add to the sautéed veggs, add a can of chicken broth, blend it, add some cream to taste. That's it. So easy and really good. And you don't have to peel that squash.
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 6:35:03 PM
Holly--an interesting fact about the town I live in:it was an important stop on the Underground Railroad. Back in the 1830's, there was a minister, Elijah P. Lovejoy, who advocated for freedom for all. He had a printing press and would publish pamphlets and some of the townspeople destroyed his printing press. So he got another. A mob attacked him and killed him while he was defending his printing press---sort of the internet of that time. He became the first person in this country to die for freedom of the press--there is a monument to him in the middle of town. So yes, even in this day and age there are reminders of people who fought for freedom. There is one mansion here that has a secret tunnel going to the Mississippi--it was used to help people escape the tyranny of slavery. The boats would dock at night so no one could catch them. I wouldn't say that living in a certain state predisposes a person to behave a certain way--but traces of the past live on, whether we like it or not. All I know is, all schoolkids in this town have heard the story of Lovejoy and yes, I believe it makes some sort of difference in their perception of how people fought and died so everyone could be free. I can understand the anger of the protesters--though I can't condone the actions of the rioters. I just know that people have said it goes back to three hundred years ago and then some... GG--don't you hate filling out government paperwork? I have to contact Medicare cause they somehow think I'm a recipient and it's holding up my settlement. I had Medicare for a few years back in the 1990's when I was on disability, but gee, that's been over fifteen years ago. And I haven't had it in fifteen plus years--don't they ever update their files? Mar--I think the picture of Fritto is adorable. I was walking Jaxon on Saturday and noticed that my neighbor's chihuahua was out. I wondered if they knew and walked a little further and saw a big, red-tailed hawk flying low, about six feet above the ground. I turned around and walked to their house, where Pancho was shivering on the doorstep. I knocked on the door--they'd forgotten he was out.I'm glad the hawk didn't see him. I brought some Christmas decorations to work to help bring some holiday cheer--there are a couple grinches in our dept. and I wanted to counter their negativity. I don't have a Christmas tree this year so I'm decorating a Christmas ladder. It's an old barn ladder leaning against the wall and I put a string of lights on it and some rustic looking ornaments. Tomorrow night I have to make some goodies for our departmental potluck on Wednesday. It's cold here. What happened to our sixty degree weather? Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 7:53:46 PM
I am not feeling well. I have run out of my antidepressant. It has been several days now and I am just trying to hold on. Lowell has no money really but he told me I can take $50 to tide me over until I get SSI on the 3rd. Actually he owes me this money so it is not a gift. He is fretting about his dad not getting his monthly $1000 to him soon and he doesn't leave a voice message when he calls him. Lowell never leaves voice mail messages. I just don't get it. Meanwhile, I do not feel very well. Right now I feel as if Lowell does not care about me. To be fair I am yelling at him more than I would if I was on the meds. I just wish he wouldn't yell at me. I am having such a difficult time holding it together. I actually thought about sitting out in the snow this evening after I took the dog out for a walk and just falling asleep in one of the lawn chairs. I'm sorry I'm telling you this. No one here will listen to me.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 8:45:45 PM
Marie--is there any way you can get a free sample from a doctor until you get your meds? I'm worried about you--don't know what you take, but I know if I don't take clonapin, it can cause seizures. I've never experienced a seizure but I have gone for three days without once and I couldn't even work cause I was so strung out. Lowell needs to realize that not getting your medication can be life-threatening.Is there a counseling center you can go to? Sometimes they have a doctor on staff who can handle emergencies. Or even go to the ER and tell them you HAVE to have your medication. I've done that before and they gave me something. Please take care of yourself and shame on Lowell. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 9:00:40 PM
Please don't blame Lowell although he is to blame for not being able to handle his money. I have enough now to cover my co-pays so I will get what I need tomorrow. I just wish he would care about me just a little. He seems certain that he is dying when I am the one who is in the most danger. He is such an arrogant SOB. Sometimes I wish I could handle everything without him.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 11:45:50 PM
Marie, I hope you can get your meds tomorrow. It isn't good to go so long without them. You will get very sick. I hope you feel like your old self soon. I hate that so many women have to rely on men that arn't good for them. Hang in there. We are here for you.
It makes me wonder how men and women have made it this far. There are so few good ones out there.
Mar, your doggy pictures are pretty sweet. Even Fritto.
I'm getting a bit concerned regarding the store in San Francisco. I sold one of the dresses she sent back today. I notices she had torn off my price tag. Which was strange because my contract says I'm suppose to put price tags on everything. So I checked all the other dresses she sent back and they all had the price tags torn off and a little plastic tag holder from one of those guns. I think she had put her own price tags on. But I don't understand why she went to all that effort and then sent everything back. I Asked my friend to check the prices for me. She is a bit flaky and so I'm not sure if she will do it. But I asked anyway and sent her an invoice with my retail prices so she could check and see if the owner changes my prices. Worst case, I'll get any unsold items back in two months. I hate dishonest people!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 02 2014 : 12:51:56 PM
Thank you Ladies,
I am better and I do have my medications. I dislike relying on Lowell sometimes. He just has a different idea about how to handle money. He called his dad who said he was transferring the money today so that it will be here by tomorrow. He isn't working today because he doesn't have money for gas BUT he has taken himself out for lunch and is writing a check for it. I believe it is just plain silly to spent money before you actually have it.
Lowell has a theory about why women put up with men and their foibles. It is because they amuse us.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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